#SW is a recovering genocidal fascist who was kinda brainwashed
altraviolet · 1 year
Do you think Soundwave would be a good parent? Like- if a sparkling somehow or some reason grew attached to him, would he raise up to the task?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok I gotta admit, I'm INCREDIBLY sparkling/child averse. It's not something I enjoy irl or in fiction. You won't see Soundwave being a parent in my fiction.
Do I think the SW I've written could be a good parent? I think he'd be very impatient with a child. I think he would logically understand that it couldn't do much for itself, but he wouldn't want to be burdened with its care. Maybe he would take care of it (ie make sure it didn't straight up die) for the absolute minimum amount of time he was required to, but he'd hand that sucker off so fast. He hungers for knowledge, not nurturing others with infinite patience xD
I think a sparkling would very much benefit from not having SW as a parent xD He still has so much he needs to work on for himself.
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