princepsumbra · 4 months
[Water ] - The liquid of life, the quencher of thirst. Served in crystalline glasses. And what’s more dramatic than throwing water at someone’s face!
"Here... Are you alright darling?" Camilla looks him over with concern as she hands him the glass of water. She can't help but fret over him. "You look quite upset, is some slimy worm in a terrible top hat bothering you? Just say the word and I'll tear him apart for you."
A puff of air escapes his nostrils. Leo accepts the water glass, reluctant to tear his gaze away from aforementioned slimy worm.
"Do I?" The fur of his cape shifts along with his arm as he lifts the drink to his lips. He's suddenly reminded of a tactic he'd heard caretakers use on children throwing a tantrum: for the truly inconsolable, a glass of water (or some other drink) can help them regulate their emotions.
He swallows carefully, lowering the glass. "You always could read my emotions with alarming clarity. I appreciate the offer, Sister, but I'd rather have the pleasure of finishing him off for good myself."
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laslow · 4 months
[ Cue the Music ] - Dancing’s what tonight’s all about, is it not? Grab a friend or a stranger and get to twirling (or whatever it is the kids call it nowadays).
"Alright, I'll indulge you with one dance."
A dramatic hand flies across his heart. "Don't sound so disheartened about it, Lady Camilla! I've much improved since you last spied--ahem, that is--watched me dance."
Dropping his hand, he bows to her, flicking aside his cape with a satisfying flourish as he once more stands upright. "Hurry, they're starting the next foxtrot!"
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stalwaria · 2 months
Even on a beach island vacation, Camilla would find a way to keep her title of “juice lady.” Where she found the supplies, for both non alcoholic and alcoholic drinks, or the cart she managed to hitch to Barbie to drag everything along with her was unimportant. It was juice time. 
“Oh you are so adorable! Here! Something to help keep you cool!”🍹
Etie is thrown by the sudden compliment, but not unwelcoming of it. It wasn't often that her looks were praised so openly and earnestly, least of all by someone far more beautiful than her. She laughs, trying to will away the warmth rising to her cheeks. Fortunately she could explain it away as being flushed by the heat. Yes.
"...Sure, I'll take a drink. Today's a scorcher..." She takes the fruity beverage and wastes no time in taking a long sip, thankful for how it covers the lower half of her face. "...Phew! Now that's refreshing. Thanks for that, Miss. You're really sweet. Gotta run!"
She places the emptied glass back on the cart and breaks off into a sprint across the sand, hoping to run off the lingering embarrassment tugging at her thoughts.
...There was something familiar about the woman, but she casts the thought aside. No thinking, just running.
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nohrslittleflower · 4 months
[Water ] - The liquid of life, the quencher of thirst. Served in crystalline glasses. And what’s more dramatic than throwing water at someone’s face!
"Don't forget to drink some water while you're having fun!" She gave her littlest sister a warm smile.
Elise beams back at her sister as she’s handed a cold glass of water. She has to hold herself back from launching herself into a hug, but she doesn’t wanna spill water on the both of them. It would ruin her sister’s pretty outfit, she can’t do that! Though Camilla’s outfits are always pretty, in her opinion. Camilla’s just pretty in general. She’s lucky she loves her too much to be jealous. 
Their moms had enough jealousy for about a hundred of them anyway.
The cool drink is exactly what she needs after all her running around, dancing, and yelling. She hadn’t even realized her throat had been starting to feel dry until the feeling was already gone. Along with the water. “Hehe, thank you! That feels a LOT better, seriously. You’re the best big sister ever, Camilla!”
…How does Camilla always seem to know when she needs something anyway? And how does she always know exactly what she needs?? Huh. Spooky.
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godofclosure · 2 months
Even on a beach island vacation, Camilla would find a way to keep her title of “juice lady.” Where she found the supplies, for both non alcoholic and alcoholic drinks, or the cart she managed to hitch to Barbie to drag everything along with her was unimportant. It was juice time. 
“Here darling! Do let me know if you want it stronger.” 🍹
���Stronger’? How can a drink be strong? Or weak, for that matter?
Embla takes the drink, not bothering to hide the way she eyes it in obvious suspicion. Poison? She’s heard mortals refer to poison as strong. Is this an assassination attempt?? In broad daylight???
Lone eye remains fixated on her drink (if it isn’t already poisoned, she’s not about to give ‘juice lady’ over here the opportunity to change that), but her observation focuses instead on those in her peripheral. Many drinks, similar glasses, all in a trail from where the purple-haired woman had approached from… Surely one would’ve fallen by now were it poison. It’s probably fine. 
Hesitantly, she sips it. Only to jerk her head back away from the straw moments later. Oh. That is what she meant by ‘strong’. It can be stronger than this?? And the mortals like that???
…She’d be lying if she said she didn’t see the appeal. Though she is nothing if not a liar.
She brings her free hand up to her mouth as she clears her throat, recovering from the shock. “N-No— ahem! No. No. This is fine as it is. You may go.”
Though perhaps she should make a mental note of this woman and her cart so that she may try another later…
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onigirisamurai · 6 months
🧃 “Oh dear did they gang up on you? You’ll just have to get faster I guess… Or take some classes on blocking.”
Kagetsu smiles, a little confused as this person he doesn’t know approaches him while offering a strange box, but he still takes it. It seems as though everyone else was receiving one. It must be a Fodlan tradition. Refusing would be rude.
“Yes, I suppose you are right.” He sighs as she reminds him of his defeat, still a little disappointed to have been taken down so swiftly, even if it had been an impressive display of skill from his opponents. Though he quickly shakes it off. No point in being upset over something that already happened. Nothing to be done about it. “I will train myself later. This misfortune will not be repeated.”
He then turns his attention back to the box, turning it over in his hands a little. It says ‘juice’. It probably is ‘juice’. But… Why is it in a box? And how does he get it out of the box?? “Uhm… apologies, but, um, before you go… …What is this? I fear I do not understand.”
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anankelotus · 2 years
Whoops! All Fates! (And Two Knights)
event minigame starter for @maligknightsthorns
Anankos stares to the sky as they begin to climb, her eyes catching the tower that stretches endlessly into the skies above. Are they truly meant to climb that far up this mountain? With the blizzard that still blows around them? She snuggles into the furred coat this dream has given her, skin freezing down to the very bone. She had never liked the cold, as it blistered right through her.
Anankos takes 1 damage from the blizzard! | Anankos HP: 7/10
She turns to Camilla, her recognisable companion for this journey, opening her mouth, but she just as quickly closes it. She thinks back to the conversation they’d had in the sewers, flustering. What is she supposed to say after all of that? Was there anything else to say?
“... You know... I intend to speak to Corrin once all of this over... I won’t leave her in the dark any longer...” Her voice is quiet, trembling, as she begins to speak. Eyes shift rapidly around the enviroment, trying to distract herself. And such distraction proves fruitful, as she spots some small green plants sprouting from the snow. So herbs could grow up somewhere this high... how interesting, what nature would put itself through to survive. How the smallest of plants could fight so hard to live in the harshest enviroments. She kneels beside the little buds, plucking them carefully from the ground.
And it seems the knights have seen the plants as well, as they kneel beside her, plucking their own small bundles of herbs. Florianne turns to Camilla, a smile on her face as she holds up the plants to show the other woman.
“Hey! Lady Camilla, there are some plants here! Why don’t we all gather some up? Think they’ll be useful for our journey.”
Anankos is grateful that she does the speaking for her, mostly terrified to confront the Nohrian princess. Is she still angry with her? None of it was... it wasn’t her fault.
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goldoanheart · 1 year
"Pull yourself together professor." Camilla's voice was gentle as she spoke, shielding the young dragon prince from prying eyes. She handed him a handkerchief. "There are students watching, won't you put on a brave face for them?"
Kurthnaga sniffles slightly as he takes the handkerchief from Camilla. Her words are somewhat harsh, but her actions are kind. And he can't help but be reminded of his own sister once again. Of course, Almedha probably would have fretted much more over him, but the feeling is there nevertheless.
"Thank you Lady Camilla... I will certainly try..."
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ignifilis · 2 years
🧃"Here you go dear! Take a break, you were working hard out there."
Terms of endearment have rarely been given with him in mind; what an odd thing for this stranger to say. Azelle cautiously accepts the proffered juice box. "Thank you," he replies softly, bandages rustling as he settles back against his cot.
He takes a small sip, letting the drink linger before he swallows. It's sweet, like something that should be reserved for a special occasion. Earning such a treat for losing a false battle feels wrong. He sets the juice aside in favor of savoring it while he recovers.
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melusinezephyr · 2 years
🧃"Here you go dear! Oh you're a new face aren't you? I look forward to working together with such a beautiful woman. Word of advice, ignore Laslow."
Zephia feels her face heat slightly at being called 'beautiful'. Not often was she offered such compliments without an ulterior motive behind them. And Lord Sombron cared not to spare a second eye to his servants' beauty, as long as they were loyal to him nothing else mattered. That was often enough for Zephia, her loyalty to her Lord meant everything to her after all.
But sometimes, a woman just needed a truly heartful compliment from someone who meant it? Was that really too much to ask for?
"Likewise to you, darling. Thank you for your... kindness." The smile that lights upon her lips is softer than it usually is, more geninue even as she tries to hide her true feelings from anyone else around them in the tent. How easy it was for her to falter with one true smile from another. How trite indeed, this whole thing was.
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higaneion · 2 years
🧃"Hm... It's entertaining when students beat the professors. But it's not very fair having the professors fighting students."
The fight was finished quickly and she made her way to the medical tent. In some way, she was a little relieved that she may now rest and cheer on her allies and she was spared from facing her dearest friends. But she would have liked to have lasted a little longer. This was just her fate.
Lilina takes the juice box with a small thanks while waiting for the medics to make their rounds. Blue-eyed gaze scans over the woman for a moment. Though initially, she would have been perceived as intimidating to Lilina, her considerate words bring a small smile to her face. "If anything, it is a learning experience, I suppose."
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princepsumbra · 10 months
"Hello Leo." Camilla gives him a warm smile and a tight hug. "Care to tell me why Sigurd thinks we're all so dour?" She whispers conspiratorially. It's merely a joke now, gossip to pass the time. But once upon a time these "jokes" were terribly common for them to survive amongst Nohr's cutthroat court.
Baldr's Bounty!
"Hello, Camilla."
Her hug comes as a surprise. Leo remains stiff a moment, then returns her gesture. She'd always kept a hands-off approach with him; a fact he both appreciated and resented in equal measure, especially in his youth.
They were trying to make up for lost time, now, and he could hardly begrudge her for doing as he'd asked.
His lips twitch. Pulling back to see her properly, he regards her with a flat look. "I cannot fathom why he'd say such a thing. Perhaps it's our tendency to favor darker colored clothing?" He neatly slips out of her embrace, shifting so he's standing next to her. Their shoulders brush; it's his particular way of showing support.
"If you and I are dour, how do you think he'd describe Xander?"
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laslow · 2 months
Even on a beach island vacation, Camilla would find a way to keep her title of “juice lady.” Where she found the supplies, for both non alcoholic and alcoholic drinks, or the cart she managed to hitch to Barbie to drag everything along with her was unimportant. It was juice time. 
“Oh how daring showing your collar bone like that.” Camilla teased. “Here, a little something to help you keep cool. Let me know if you want something stronger mixed in.”🍹
Laslow raises on wary eyebrow. Whenever a woman approaches him with a drink in hand, there's a fifty percent chance she's about to throw it in his face.
Thankfully, Camilla simply hands him his drink, which he happily accepts. "What, this?" He glances down at the shirt, free hand tugging self consciously at the collar. The open neckline is no worse than what he wore in Ylisse!
Ah. Understanding washes over him. He'd had to wear that annoying metal brooch that utterly ruined his image of a carefree rake during his time in Nohr. Made him more respectable, or something. (He wore it with honor, knowing it marked him as retainer to the Crown Prince.)
"Heh, Lady Camilla, I assure you, my normal attire is far more casual than what was required during my stay in Nohr. Who wants to be trapped in something stuffy at the beach, by the by?" With his drink, he gestures to their surroundings.
"I don't supposed I could ask you to enjoy our drinks together?"
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adalrikr · 6 months
🧃 “Here dear! Great job out there!”
Erk flusters at the visage of the woman who hands him yet another juice box, taking it with a bashful bow of his head. He really didn't need anymore, but she seemed nice enough.
"Thank you... milady..." He gets the feeling that he doesn't want to stick around for too long as his cheeks burn slightly though. She seemed like she would be the coddling type, and Erk certainly didn't feel like being coddled right now.
"I... I did my best..."
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nohrslittleflower · 6 months
🧃"Oh Elise you aren't too hurt are you!? Do you need me to take care of you? Is there anything you need? I'm always here to kiss your boo boos! You're never too old for that, despite what Leo pretends."
“I’m okay, don’t worry! Sakura healed me earlier. Oh yay apple-” Elise smiles up at her sister, but being okay doesn’t stop her from taking a juice box. Adults can have juice boxes too. Juice boxes are for everyone.
She swings her legs a little as she stabs the straw into the juice box, taking a quick sip before she returns her attention to her sister. “Did you see me out there? It was SOOOO super close! We almost won!” 
She hopes that if Camilla saw any of it, it was the nearly successful parts that stuck out more than her own failures, at least.
“Oh! And Selena was really strong! She took out this HUGE armored guy, all by herself! It was amazing! She’s the real reason we made it as far as we did.”
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icedflora · 9 months
"A very happy holiday!" Camilla handed the icy maid a blue cashmere scarf. "I realize you may not need one but I thought you would enjoy it regardless. Even if you don't wear it you could use it as a table runner or something."
"Lady Camilla!" Flora takes the gift with a stunned expression, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. The material is so soft and delicate in her hands, and the fact that one of her former charges is even giving her a gift, to begin with, has Flora's throat tightening and grey eyes stinging with the threat of tears. She quickly swallows it all back and smiles brightly at Camilla. "I will treasure it, Lady Camilla. I couldn't possibly imagine using it for anything besides its intended purpose, and it will keep me nice and warm, especially if I am to go visit home again. The ice tribe is... well, you know how it is." She chuckles and immediately wraps the scarf around her neck, then curtsies politely. "I apologize for not having anything in return for you, but please, let us get tea together soon. We ought to catch up, and it would delight me to have your company."
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