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着てるほうが涼しい。という服が時々あって、 風通しのよい服は重ねても涼しさを増してくれる。 リネンシルクのサマーニットは程よい保温性もあって…と書くと、 逆のことを言っているようだけど、シルクは乾いていると保温性が高く、 湿度を含むとしっとりとする。 紫外線から身を守る効果もあるから、きっとそういうことだと思う。 <写真1枚目> ニットカーディガン ¥46,200 ノースリーブインナー¥30,800 <写真2枚目> ニットプルオーバー ¥37,400 パンツ       ¥46,200 ※パンツは4月下旬頃の入荷予定です。 Photograph by Kei Hompo Hair and Make up by Yoko Sasaura
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gallerynamba · 1 month ago
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◆sarah pacini(サラ パチーニ)◆2025年春夏新作パーカーが入荷しました。 定価:104,500円(税込) 弊社通販サイト商品ページ⇒http://www.gallery-jpg.com/item/405-116-023/ 2025年SPRING&SUMMER MADE IN ITALY 素材:レーヨン70%、ポリエステル30% カラー:ブラック×ホワイト サイズ:00 身丈約53cm、ゆき丈約29cm、バスト約98cm、ウエスト約95cm (平置きの状態で測っています。) 密度の高いサマーニットのジャカード織りでジオメトリック柄を表現しています。 柄の出方に寸分の狂いのもなく非常に完成度が高いです。 フード付きの半袖ニットパーカー。 超手触りの良いモチモチニット生地です。 フロント部分はダブルファスナーなので、お好きな位置で開閉可能です。 ※ご覧頂いている��体により、色の見え方が多少変わる場��がございます。 ※店頭でも同商品を販売しておりますので、通販サイトの在庫反映が遅れる場合があり商品をご用意出来ない場合がございます。予めご了承頂きますようお願い致します。 ━━━━━━━━━■アクセス□━━━━━━━━━         なんばCITY本館の1階     大阪難波郵便局側から入って1軒目        靴のダイアナ(DIANA)の隣 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Gallery なんばCITY本館1階店 〒542-0076 大阪府大阪市中央区難波5-1-60 なんばCITY本館1階 【営業時間】11:00~21:00 【休館日】2月19(��)&20(木)休館 【PHONE】06-6644-2526 【e-mail】[email protected]
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bdsmsub67 · 2 years ago
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Brunello Cucinelli
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cookiescrumb · 8 months ago
official summer project
working on a #wip rn and.... it's been a journey. TRULY
this is a project i've been working on since pre-finals, continuing into the second month of my summer break. I mostly wanted to knit something for myself, because i rarely knit (and i enjoy the hand movements it involves). anywhoooo, originally i wanted a fold over skirt, but that didn't work out, so its a tube top!!! woo yass, love it.
i'll make an inspo collage soonish, but ur left with this post for now!
all love, ttyl.
-aubre :D
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professorpski · 2 years ago
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Interweave Knits: Summer 2023
Summer knitting is here which means lighter yarns and shorter sleeves. There are 9 tops and a cardigan in this issue along with an intriguing article by Karen Frisa which has broken me forever from not swatching. She knitted then blocked and also hung four yarns used in this issue; some of them grew in width or length and if you then multiplied out the 2 extra stitches in the 4 inch swatch to determine the effect across an entire garment, you realize how far off your sizing could become. Better to spend some time in the beginning, I now think, than to despair over time wasted in the end.
But on to the patterns. On the cover is the Branchport Cottage Top by Laura Barker which is a top-down circular construction with short rows over the yoke and a shaped waist. its is a full 4 out of 4 for difficulty because of the complexity of the lace stitch yolk. It is made of Elsebeth Lavold Hepathy a blend of cotton hemp and modal, which is a kind of rayon.
I give you a close-up of the front shoulders of the Orlaya Shell in a pale pink by Elena Dimchevska. It is worked in the round from the bottom up with a more solid stitch pattern across the shoulders. It has a very simple shape and then a charted lace stitch. It is 3 out of 4 for difficulty and is made of Drops Cotton Merino which is just what it sounds like.  
Far simpler to complete, but needing care for its eyelet argyle motifs is the Serene Summer Pullover in minty color by Fiona Munro. It is a 2 out of 4 for difficulty and is a bottom up, circular needle project made in Quince & Co Wren another wool and cotton blend.
The pale blue green tee is done with wrapped stitches and called Patio Nights Tee by Debi Maige. It is a 2 out of 4 for difficulty despite having shaped shoulders. The yarn is Shibui Knits Pebble in Crete, a blend of silk, merino and cashmere. 
Cables and a lace stitch that looks like wheat appear in the V-neck Abundant Tee by Blazenka Simic-Boro a 3 out of 4 for difficulty made of Hikoo Rylie in Pearl which is a alpaca, silk, linen blend. While cables always strike me as a cold weather feature, I want to try the lace stitch on something else.
The cover garments is the only pattern here that has waist shaping, the rest are rectangles, so you may want to add your own shaping if you swim in rectangles as I tend to do.
You can find this at your local yarn store, or online here: https://www.interweave.com/product-category/knitting/knitting-magazines/
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ms-sasa · 2 years ago
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So my next Marco the Phoenix inspired garment.. this time its a knitted sommer sweater
I used vegan tencel made out of wood..dont ask me how i just saw it an was like ohh shiny 😅 it has a shimmer like silk but a less soft feel..its what i call a "cold yarn"
The colors light blue, gray and orange with this new shell pattern remindes me of feathers.. maybe i have to re knitt the colar because its a little to lose...
what do you think?
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vardhmanyarns · 11 months ago
Cool Knit Summer Knitting Yarn
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🌞☀️ Embrace the sunny vibes with our latest collaboration featuring Vardhman Yarns! 🌸
Don't miss out on our upcoming tester call – subscribe now to stay in the loop!
Our fabulous Tee pattern is available in sizes 2 to 12 years old, ensuring every little one can rock their summer style.
Crafted in collaboration with the luxurious Cool Knit Summer Knitting yarn from @vardhmanknittingyarn to elevate your seasonal projects.
You can use any other yarn of similar weight, including Cotone, Dreamz/Cotton Crush or Twones from Vardhman knitting yarns.
Can't wait to see your creative twists on this summer essential!
Yarn - Cool Knit Summer Knitting Yarn 100g/430m, light DK
Needles - 3,5 / 4 mm
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knitlikegranny · 1 year ago
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This color spoke to me and so did the pattern I'm going to knit next! "Flow" by Trin-Annelle. I'm knitting the short sleeve version. https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/flow-15
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yarntogarment · 2 years ago
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The Test Knit (Nandi Top)
There’s still enough time to knit this beauty will be released on the 25th of July. It’s quick, with clear instruction, great support from Noma and a wonderful fit!
I choose ecru coloured jeans to compliment my vibrant lime version. 💚🤍
Test Knit: #nanditop
Designer: @biggerthanlife_knits
Yarn: @paintboxyarns cotton DK
Colourway: Lime Green
#testknit #ilovetestknitting #testknittersarethebestknitters
#summertee #summerknits #summerknitwear
#knit #knitter #knitting #knittinglove #knitspo #knittinginspiration #neverstopknitting #laceknitting #lacepattern #yarnlove #yarnaddiction #yarnporn #ilovecotton #paintboxyarns #cottonyarn #dk #limegreen #flatwhitecoffee #cinnamonswirl #yarntogarment2023 #biggerthanlifeknits
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wildatlanticyarns · 2 years ago
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Neon splashes 💖🧶: “Let’s Have A Picnic” on Oonagh 4ply. Shop link in bio ✨
#wildatlanticyarns #knittersofig #yarn #knittersoftheworld #knitted #knitknitknit #handdyedyarn #slowfashion #strikkedilla #makersgonnamake #strikking #knittingpattern #handmade #tricot #tricoter #πλέξιμο #strikke #strik #breien #iloveknitting #knittersofinstagram #ニット #strickenmachtgl #wool #plywithcolour #yarnlove #knittinginspiration #springknits #summerknitting #summeryarn
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knitmoregirls · 2 years ago
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How many poison green tops can a person have, really? 🧪 MORE. 🧪 (Pattern: Morellet Top by @LanaJois, Yarn:Oink Pigments Linen/Silk DK "Guild") 🧪 You can hear all about this project, and all the others on The Knitmore Girls Podcast, available on all of your favorite audio platforms. 🧪 #BIPOCKnitters #knitting #Knit #KnittersOfInstagram #HanddyedYarn #KnitmoregirlsPodcast #ProjectSweaterChest #HandKnit #IndieDyersOfInstagram #IndieDyedYarn #BIPOCMaker #OinkPigments #SummerKnits #SlowFashion #SubvertFastFashion #Linen #Silk #Bespoke #Couture https://instagr.am/p/CuujBinJn6a/
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gallerynamba · 8 months ago
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TWINSET(ツインセット)◇サマーニットが入荷しました。 定価:67,100円(税込) 弊社通販サイト商品ページ⇒http://www.gallery-jpg.com/item/643-117-466/ 素材: (本体)コットン100% (刺繍)ポリエステル100% カラー:ホワイト サイズ:XS 総丈約59.5cm、肩幅約43cm、袖丈約61cm、バスト約102cm、ウエスト約94cm (平置きの状態で測っています。) ニットと同色のカットビーズを手刺繍で縫い付けたケーブル編みのサマーニット。 素材はコットン。 数種類の編み地を組み合わせたデザイン。 広めのラウンドネック。 ドロップショルダー。 カットビーズが光を反射しキラリと光る、ロマンティックなサマーニットです。 ※ご覧頂いている媒体により、色の見え方が多少変わる場合がございます。 ※店頭でも同商品を販売しておりますので、通販サイトの在庫反映が遅れる場合があり商品をご用意出来ない場合がございます。予めご了承頂きますようお願い致します。 ⠀⠀// 🗣 いいね・保存・コメント大歓迎!ご来店お待ちしております! \\ ━━━━━━━━━■アクセス□━━━━━━━━━         なんばCITY本館の1階     大阪難波郵便局側から入って1軒目        靴のダイアナ(DIANA)の隣 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Gallery なんばCITY本館1階店 〒542-0076 大阪府大阪市中央区難波5-1-60 なんばCITY本館1階 【営業時間】11:00~21:00 【休館日】7月無休 【PHONE】06-6644-2526 【e-mail】[email protected]
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toropiski · 9 months ago
652. Poetic Pearl 🍒
#652poeticpearl #valerie❤️ #pampula🩷 #summerknit #linen #lace #pink #imagination #summerheat☀️
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cavane · 3 years ago
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NATIVE VILLAGE Knit wide pullニットワイドプルオーバー/ na-22014 made in Japan ラフにざっくりと着用のできるワイドプルオーバーニット 透かし柄の箇所は花柄のモチーフデザイン。 ヴィンテージファブリックのような 涼しげな和紙とレーヨン素材のブレンドによるオリジナルファブリック。 素材も扱いやすいです。 詳細は下記よりオンラインストアをご利用下さいませ。 Please the contact below for more information https://cavane.stores ・ ・ ・ NATIVE VILLAGE NO : na-22014 ITEM : Knit wide pullニットワイドプルオーバー TYPE : women SIZE : F COLOR : BLACK STOCK:1 素材:レーヨン(rayon)60% 和紙(washi)40% NATIVE VILLAGE ネイティブヴィレッジ 「Native」は変えれない事であり変わらない事、「village」は小さな古里を意味する。 「変わらぬ1枚、繋がる1枚」時が経ってもその人にとってのネイティブな1枚、そんな1着を作る事がコンセプト。 Designer:Masaaki Matsuya Managed GASA* with Mie Igarashi as a designer from 1994-2005. Start up a brand QUE? (later known as NATIVE VILLAGE) soon after. From 2013 SS collection, started NATIVE VILLAGE based on the new concept. Opened a shop on January, 2014. Started to present NATIVE VILLAGE 2017AW collection in Paris ※着用モデル158cm ・ ・ ・ こちらよりお問い合わせください。 TEL: 06-6449-8588 or MAIL: [email protected] . またはonline shopの(お問い合わせ)、インスタグラムのDMよりご連絡をお願い致します。 . . . #nativevillage #gasa #vintagestyle #womenstyle #womenfashion #textile #knit #FRANCE #summerknit #ヴィンテージ #ガサ #ネイティブヴィレッジ #ワイドニット #サマーニット #クラシックスタイル #靭公園 #春夏 #22ss (Cavane) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcEZzoAvk5j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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herbgardenknitwear · 4 years ago
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For todays #throwbackknitsday by @ponystrickt I wanted to share another picture of my #thartanktop that I made last year and that got a lot of wear recently. 😊 The THAR tank top is totally customisable. It has a lace section on the bottom which can either be worked with a straight or a tapered edge. Also you can choose from two different necklines: a round neckline and a v-neck. In this picture you can see me wearing the tapered edge and the v-neck in the back. It is made holding two strands of a linen and cotton blend yarn and is super comfortable to wear. Have a lovely day everyone! 💕 #lacetop #laceknittingpattern #laceknitting #herbgardenknitwear #tynnlinesandnesgarn #tynnline #sandnesgarn #knitsummertop #knitsforsummer #knitsummer #summerknit #summerknits #summerknitting #knitvest #ravelrydesigner #ravelrypattern #knittingpattern #knitlover #knitlove #cottonknit #cottonknitting #cottonknits #knittingcotton #linenknit #linenknitting #linenknits #knittinglinen #knittinglife https://www.instagram.com/p/COzcvW3pomp/?igshid=14qd9t9b0q36x
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knitlikegranny · 2 years ago
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Not long now until I've finished my Tara Top having completed one sleeve. I've modified the sleeve length to be shorter as I have done for the body. I love the garter stitch raglan feature and the 1x1 twisted rib. 😍 #knitting #knit #taratop #cottonyarn #summerknits
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