urdubooks24 · 3 months
Sufinama: A Journey Through the World of Sufism
Sufinama: A Journey Through the World of Sufism
Sufism, an ancient mystical tradition, transcends boundaries of time and space, encompassing poets, saints, and seekers of divine love. In this comprehensive guide, we embark on a journey through the rich tapestry of Sufinama, exploring its diverse facets, from poetry and music to spiritual teachings and stories. Let us delve deep into the essence of Sufism and unravel its timeless wisdom.
Poetic Gems of Sufism: Sufi poetry, with its sublime beauty and profound symbolism, serves as a beacon of light for seekers on the path of love and devotion. From the ecstatic verses of Rumi and Hafiz to the soul-stirring couplets of Kabir and Bulleh Shah, explore the transcendent power of words that echo the longing of the human soul for union with the Divine.
1. Sufis/Sants:  The luminous souls known as Sufis or Sants exemplify the highest ideals of love, compassion, and humility. Through their exemplary lives and teachings, they illuminate the path of spiritual awakening and inspire countless seekers to tread the path of inner transformation.
2. Sant Vani: Sant Vani, the divine utterances of saints, resonates with the eternal truths of existence. Immerse yourself in the timeless wisdom of Sant Kabir, Sant Tukaram, and other revered saints as they impart profound insights into the nature of reality and the essence of divine love.
3. Sufi Qawwali: Sufi Qawwali, the soul-stirring devotional music, transports listeners to realms beyond the mundane, awakening the heart to the ecstasy of divine love. Experience the mesmerizing melodies and ecstatic rhythms that characterize this rich musical tradition, celebrating the union of lover and Beloved.
4. Sufi Kalam: Sufi Kalam, the mystical poetry set to music, serves as a vehicle for spiritual transformation and transcendence. Delve into the depths of Sufi Kalam as it weaves together themes of love, longing, and surrender, inviting listeners to embark on a journey of inner awakening and self-discovery.
5. Sufi Prose: Sufi Prose, imbued with wisdom and insight, offers invaluable guidance on the path of self-realization and spiritual enlightenment. Explore the profound teachings of Sufi masters through their timeless writings, which illuminate the mysteries of existence and the journey of the soul.
6. Persian Dictionary: A comprehensive Persian dictionary serves as a valuable resource for students and enthusiasts seeking to deepen their understanding of Sufi literature and language. Discover the richness of Persian vocabulary and delve into the nuances of mystical terminology used by Sufi poets and scholars.
7. Sufi Stories: Sufi Stories, with their allegorical wisdom and timeless moral lessons, inspire and enlighten readers of all ages. Journey through enchanting tales of love, compassion, and spiritual awakening, as recounted by Sufi masters such as Jalaluddin Rumi, Attar, and Fariduddin Attar.
8. Sufi Music: Sufi Music, with its enchanting melodies and devotional lyrics, transcends cultural boundaries and touches the depths of the human soul. Experience the transformative power of Sufi music as it evokes states of ecstasy, reverence, and divine communion, inviting listeners to immerse themselves in the ocean of divine love.
9. Conclusion: Sufinama, a tapestry woven with threads of poetry, music, and spiritual wisdom, offers a glimpse into the mystical realm of Sufism. As we conclude our journey through the world of Sufism, may we carry with us the timeless teachings and blessings of the Sufi masters, guiding us on the path of love, light, and inner peace.
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dil-e-be-ikhtiyaar · 1 year
Shah ast Husain va bādshāh ast Husain
diin ast Husain o dīn-e-panāh ast Husain
sar dādan-o-na-dād dast dar dast-e-yazīd
vallāh ke bīna-e-Lā-ilāh ast Husain
-Khaja Ghareeb Nawaz
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islamicjankariblog · 1 month
How does Sufi Kalam differ from other forms of poetry?
Sufi Kalam is a unique form of poetry that differs from other forms in several ways:
1. Spiritual focus: Sufi Kalam is deeply rooted in Islamic mysticism and spirituality, focusing on themes of love, devotion, and union with the Divine.
2. Symbolism and metaphors: It employs rich symbolism, metaphors, and allegories to convey spiritual concepts and emotions.
3. Use of Persian and Arabic: Sufi Kalam often incorporates Persian and Arabic words, phrases, and poetic structures, reflecting the cultural and linguistic heritage of Sufism.
4. Musical quality: Sufi Kalam is often composed to be sung or recited with musical accompaniment, creating a hypnotic and meditative atmosphere.
5. Emphasis on emotion: Sufi Kalam prioritizes emotional expression and intensity over intellectual or rational discourse.
6. Non-dualistic perspective: It often transcends binary oppositions, embracing a non-dualistic view of reality and the self.
7. Mystical themes: Sufi Kalam explores themes like love, longing, separation, union, and spiritual transformation.
8. Use of repetition: Repetition of words, phrases, or lines is common, creating a sense of rhythm and emphasizing key spiritual concepts.
Sufi Kalam's unique blend of spirituality, symbolism, and musicality sets it apart from other forms of poetry, making it a distinctive and powerful expression of Islamic mysticism.
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fibyginan · 2 years
Udah umur berapa kamu? Udah berapa lama kamu hidup di dunia? Masih betah kah hidup di dunia? Kapan matimu? Dimana matimu? Dalam keadaan yg seperti apa nanti kamu mati?
Di era orang" hny sibuk mempertanyakan kapan kamu nikah, usiamu sudah hampir berkepala 3 bukan? Kapan kamu hamil ,bknnya kamu sdh lama menikah? Kapan kamu punya rumah ? Kerja bertahun-tahun ko gak terlihat hasilnya? Saya lebih takut ketika ada org yg memberikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bagian bait atas, krn menurutku selain dari pertanyaan duniawi tidak ada yg lebih penting dari pertanyaan kpn, dmn dan seperti apa matimu nanti~
Yaa Allah bi husnil khotimah yaa Allah bi husnil khotimah.
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zainab123 · 1 year
Sultan Bahoo TV proudly presents the Part 24 of Sharah Abyat-e-Bahoo. Founder and Patron in Chief of Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr and spiritual leader of Sarwari Qadri order Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is delivering a series of special lectures on the interpretation of ‘‘Abyat-e-Bahoo’’ from his Urdu book "Abyat-e-Bahoo Kamil." In this session, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen has beautifully explained the exegesis of stanza number 115 to 119. He has explained the true meanings of Sufism poetry of Sultan Bahoo as he is the superior spiritual successor of Sultan Bahoo and 31st spiritual leader of his Sarwari Qadri order. #sultanulashiqeen #sultanbahoo #exegesis #kalamebahoo #kalam #sufism #sufi #sufikalam #speech #manqabat #saints #murshid #urdu #hindi #english #subtitles #poetry #whatsappstatus #مرشد #enlightenment #gnosis #poetrycommunity #tasawuf #shairy
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tabileaks · 6 months
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fseeproduction · 1 year
Best Sufi Kalam 2023 Soi Kismat Jagana Tera Kam Hai | Urdu Sufi 2023 | S...
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thesufidotcom · 2 years
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"The Divine is present in all things, both great and small. Seek the Divine in every moment of your life, and you will find it." Hazrat Baba Farid Masood Gunj Shakar R.A was a 12th century Sufi saint and poet who is revered in the Sikh & Islamic world for his teachings on spirituality, compassion, and social justice. Listen Dum Dum Karo Farid – Kalam Baba Farid – Wadali Brothers golden voice https://ift.tt/N5bUFQC https://ift.tt/XSIsp9K
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tawakkull · 2 years
Why tasawuf?
Part 2
Apart from the debate on the origins of the Schools of thought in Sufism, tasawuf, and Sufism has been able to catch the biggest part of Muslims’ attention. In history, indeed, we can see that Islam was introduced to Indonesia through religious proselytizing conducted by Sufi leaders. The spreading of tariqat movements, the orthodox as well as the heterodox ones was evidence that tasawuf movement had been able to call attention to most people. Sufi leaders did not satisfied with religious understanding which is intellectual in nature intrinsic to theologians and philosophers, and religious understanding which is too much legalistic as well as formalistic.
Several terms in al-Qur’an which are full of inside religious spirit (bathiniyah) have been compiled by sufi figures such as Taubât, Syukr, Shabr, Tawakal, Ridhâ, Ikhlâs, Wara’, Qanâ’ah, Raja’, Hubb, and Khauf. These terms in turn become an indication for someone to be able to become a sufi, then one is suggested to be capable of being close to Allah (Taqârub ila Allah).
Unfortunately, tasawuf has broken off for a long time on individual attitudes without giving any ideas of the possible implication of such attitudes as zuhd, ‘uzlah, or qanâ’ah to social problems. Furthermore, tasawuf, unexpectedly had been a pit into the unhealthy rivalry between groups of tarikat for gaining adherents. If such is the case, tasawuf then does not differ from the two other modes of thinking namely Islam theology (kalam) and Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh), whereas it is like the hidden wealth which always to is hunted or is like a magnet hidden under the surface but has extraordinary power. This power or potency may be used for everything. Within the modern style of life which is materialistic for instance, tasawuf can be developed towards establishing individual as well as social life to be meaningful. To this end, the writer proposes to re-actualize tasawuf and to make it an alternative to solve our national crisis based on its basic characteristic namely emphasizing the inside aspect of religion with the concept Ihsân in everyday practices of social and religious life.
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sumpix · 2 years
Tere Ishiq Nachaya Kalam Hazrat Baba Bully Shah Sung By Sufi  Abida Parveen
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urdubooks24 · 3 months
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gmqazi19739 · 9 days
Jumo Bheel - Bio, Top 10 Best Sindhi Folk Music
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The name of Jumo Bheel largely captures the world of Sindhi classical music. His contribution to the arts has not only left a lasting legacy but also plays a vital role in preserving and promoting Sindhi culture. Jumo Bheel`s music is more than just entertainment. It is a fascinating presentation of Sindh's rich heritage, woven with threads of Sufi poetry, mythology, and deep cultural meaning.
Best Jumo Bheel Sindhi Dastan Music Download
Biography and Life Style Born in the multicultural province of Sindh, Jumo Bheel was destined to be a beacon of Sindhi classical music. From an early age, he immersed himself in the traditions and stories of his people, which later formed the basis of his musical journey. Sindhi classical music, known for its soulful melodies and expressions of deep emotions, became the canvas on which Jumo Bheel painted his artworks. Musical style and contributions Jumo Bheel’s style of music is a blend of traditional Sindhi music with contemporary touches. His compositions stand out with Sindhi Kafi and Arfana Kalam, poetic expressions of spiritual longing and devotion in the soul. He has the unique ability to breathe new life into age-old traditions, and make them relevant for a modern audience while staying true to his roots. Popular works Jumo Bheel's best-known works include translations of Sindhi Kafis and Arfana Kalam. These pieces are deeply rooted in Sufi mysticism and are performed by Jumo Bir in a spiritual and audience-friendly manner. Particularly noteworthy are songs like "Sindhi Lok Dastaan" and "Sindhi Sufi Sangeet" that showcase his expertise in storytelling through music. Sufi influences The music of Jumo Bheel is heavily influenced by the works of Sindhi Sufi poets like Hazrat Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai and Hazrat Sachal Saramast. These poets have left an indelible mark on Sindhi culture, and Jumo Bheel’s translations of their poems have enriched their legacy. Through his folk music, he was able to convey the profound spiritual message of Sufi poetry, making it accessible to a wider audience. The Sindhi Lok Dastan One of the most impressive aspects of Jumo Bheel’s career is his ability to narrate Sindhi Dastan Music and folk gloves through songs. Traditional dastans or folk tales are an integral part of Sindhi culture, and Jumo Bheel has mastered the art of musical telling of these stories. "Imam Muhammad Hanif," "Dastan Kerbala," and "Yusuf Zulekhan Dastan" are known for their emotional depth and narrative clarity. The location of the performance These settings are an integral part of his musical experience, as they allow for a communal and immersive experience. Cultural influences The cultural impact of Jumo Bheel's music is profound. His songs went from city to city and spread the essence of Sindhi culture throughout the region. Performing at local events and events, Jumo Bheel plays an important role in keeping alive the tradition of Sindhi folk music. Legacy and recognition Jumo Bheel’s legacy is one of timeless music that continues to inspire and influence. Even after his death, his music remains a cornerstone of Sindhi classical songs. Contemporary musicians have recognized his contributions and honored him in a variety of ways, from awards to tributes. A summary of life The life of Jumo Bheel is a testament to the power of music as a cultural force. From his beginnings in Sindh to becoming a prominent figure in Sindhi folk songs, his journey has been one of passion, devotion, and art. His ability to blend traditional music with contemporary sensibilities has made him a beloved figure in the music world. Individual thoughts He was more than a musician; He was a storyteller, cultural ambassador, and custodian of Sindhi heritage. His music has touched the lives of many, leaving a lasting impression on all who have had the privilege of hearing it. Jumo Bheel’s Musical Style Jumo Bheel’s musical style is a blend of classical and folk elements, characterized by its emotional depth and narrative power. His music is a reflection of his cultural roots and an expression of his artistic vision. Its influence on modern musicians Jumo Bheel’s influence extends beyond his generation. Many contemporary Sindhi musicians look up to him as an inspiration and use his techniques and interpretations in their work. It is these artists who carry forward its legacy, continuing to explore and expand the boundaries of Sindhi classical music. The challenges they faced From financial difficulties to the challenge of staying true to his art in a rapidly changing world, obstacles often stand in the way of a classical musician`s journey. Conclusion Jumo Bheel’s contribution to Sindhi songs and classical music is immeasurable. His music continues to inspire and touch listeners, and the rich heritage of Sindh is preserved and celebrated. Jumo Bheel’s legacy is passion, dedication, and unwavering commitment to the art of music. FAQs Why is Jumo Bheel famous? Jumo Bheel is known for his contributions to Sindhi classical music and Arfana Kalams. How did Jumo Bheel contribute to Sindhi Sufi music? Through his soul music, Jumo Bheel contributed to Sindhi Sufi music. What are some of the famous Jumo Bheel songs? Jumo Bheel's popular songs include his "Sindhi Lok Dastaan", "Sindhi Sufi Music", various Sindhi Kafis, and Arfana Kalam. How did Jumo Bheel influence modern Sindhi music? Jumo Bheel influenced contemporary Sindhi music by inspiring contemporary musicians with his unique style. Read the full article
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lyricsssdotin · 3 months
Tu Mun Shudi Lyrics
Singer:Rabbi Shergill, AR RahmanAlbum:Raanjhanaa Hey… Say…Tu mun shudi, tu mun shudiMun tu shudam, tu mun shudi (x2)These are Persian lines from Hazrat Amir Khusro’s Sufi Love Kalam, lines mean:“You’ve become me, You’ve become me”I’ve become you, you’ve become me. Rang le rangeele ne ladke bade, haan!Rehnde hawawan di ghodi te chadheHai nidar dil da safarHo nidar dil de humsafarRajj ke…Humse…
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jasmeetsufiana · 3 months
New Superhit Kalam 2024 |Sufi Kalam Bulleh Shah |New Jmsufi Punjabi Poet...
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zainab123 · 2 years
Sultan Bahoo TV proudly presents the Part 23 of Sharah Abyat-e-Bahoo. Founder and Patron in Chief of Tehreek Dawat-e-Faqr and spiritual leader of Sarwari Qadri order Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is delivering a series of special lectures on the interpretation of ‘‘Abyat-e-Bahoo’’ from his Urdu book "Abyat-e-Bahoo Kamil." In this session, Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen has beautifully explained the exegesis of stanza number 110 to 114. He has explained the true meanings of Sufism poetry of Sultan Bahoo as he is the superior spiritual successor of Sultan Bahoo and 31st spiritual leader of his Sarwari Qadri order. #sultanulashiqeen #sultanbahoo #exegesis #kalamebahoo #kalam #sufism #sufi #sufikalam #speech #manqabat #saints #murshid #urdu #hindi #english #subtitles #poetry #whatsappstatus #مرشد #enlightenment #gnosis #poetrycommunity #tasawuf #shairy
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rah-e-saluk · 5 months
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