#SUB FOLDER: verse five. arc tba
unitleada · 2 months
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 Pen tapped absently against the edge of the clipboard. Fifth interview of the morning and well, she'd been off to an interesting start. References from everyone from the Queen of Denmark to the, what was that again? Oh right, the new Princess of Padrivole Regency nine. She wasn't entirely sure if that last one was an alien or just completely mad. Either way, she'd never be able to verify that contact, so it wasn't a terribly urgent concern. Kate sighed, flicking over to the next page on the clipboard. On to the next one.
❝ Let's see, ❞ Ushered him in with the wave of a hand, scanning the first page with a slight frown. She'd seen this file before. Application sent in before he'd even been discharged from a hospital bed. At the time she'd received it, she'd been slightly impressed at the initiative.Staring at the man before her now, she was more concerned than anything. Terrible incident. She'd read the file. Seemed he was still recovering from the worst of it. Nevertheless, tenacity she appreciated. A brief smile, setting down the clipboard to offer him a hand.
. ❝ Lieutenant Southgate, was it? Kate Stewart.chief scientific officer. ❞
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unitleada · 2 months
❝ No. nothing like that. ❞ Never again. UNIT will not be run by the military nor would she allow their influence to taint their technologies. Science leads. Because it must. Because it was time for change. A better way of doing things. ❝ We will never have anything like that-that key at UNIT again, not under my watch. You have my full assurance. ❞
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She knew that words alone would make little difference, to someone so obviously traumatised. The Osterhagen key. Nasty business..... There was also the matter that Martha hardly knew her. How could Kate expect her to take at her at that word? Would she, in her place? ❝ You should pay us a visit sometime. See the difference for yourself before you've made up your mind. ❞ Don't write us off just yet.
@yoakkemae / accepting.
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