#STOP making girls feel filthy it's killing them jpg
alias-b · 5 years
I stan 003 and Camille. They're so engaging in the way they interact and I want more! 003 showing herself as we go has me thrilled. It feels like she's stronger each time using Cam? The powerful connection between them is being built so gradual, it's got me on edge. Camille noticing how unafraid of 003 she is=intriguing+rattling. I get your Silent Hill feels with a pinch of It and Elm Street. Your refs slaughter. The way you tied in the backstory of the Upside Down and MF thus far is fantastic!
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GAH. Okie. Okie. Yes and Thank You!!!!!
Three is just a little different every time she manifests :))) I do love writing her, it’s this switch between “is she going to help or hurt in this scene?” “Does she even know the difference herself?” “Are the monster in the upside down evil or just feeding on the evil humans create?” Meta. Camille recognizes they’re on equal footing in a way, mystery aside. Each party has answers, those pieces just haven't come together which was something I loved about ST. These two see this shared feral woman rage in each other tbh also. Always a bonding thing. Three isn’t just a shadow anymore, I see her as the center line tightrope all the characters are walking along. Acrobats and fleas alike. ;)
But, I digress, maybe she just likes Camille cause she’s a Pretty Girl. Maybe the Harper girl has the existence/abilities she covets tragedy aside. She’s plucking strings and ready for a symphony. Billy notes when she shows herself to him that she’s “culling song or death rattle come to witness the end.” There are a lot of ways she can go, but all roads point in Camille’s direction even still and tbh our girl is 100% reciprocating it despite the obvious danger. I’m thrilled to be the person building this bc the direction gets clearer the further I go. It’s a fun arc! Thank you for letting me ramble on, I need to stop myself! 🖤🖤🖤
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