news4u95 · 2 years
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annujalan · 2 years
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Life Cycle of Software testing
Software testing : Software testing is the process of ensuring that the software product meets expected requirements and that it is defect-free. An evaluation involves executing software/system components using automated or manual tools to assess a property. Testing software aims to identify errors, gaps, and missing requirements in contrast to actual requirements.
Software testing life cycle : Software testing life cycles, or STLCs, are a series of tests performed in serial order on a software application system in order to verify and validate its correctness against the business requirements.
The software testing life cycle is divided into the following phases:
Requirements analysis
Test planning
Test case development
Test Environment setup
Test execution
Test cycle closure
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perfectiongeeks · 1 year
The Top 7 Stages of the Testing Life Cycle
The software testing life cycle is a series of tasks designed to help understand the current state of a software system and provide recommendations for improvements. The STLC includes strategizing, planning, executing, and completing test cycles.QA testing has been done to ensure digital products are free of defects that could negatively impact their core functionality. The STLC evolved as digital systems grew more complex and companies released more software and apps. As a result, testing is no longer expected until many organizations fully develop the product. Effective STLC produces more valid and comprehensive results than traditional testing after the development stage. This helps organizations make changes that ultimately lead to increased customer satisfaction and, therefore, revenue. Therefore, STLC should not be viewed as a pre-release requirement but rather as an attempt to uncover key insights that will benefit the company in the short and long term.
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5wyuzi · 2 months
Amgs do Tumblr, queria dizer que sai no imc 30!!!!! stlc finalmente os refrescos, os resultados. Agora a luta é com o imc 20
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hotwaterandmilk · 1 year
You were right, the soundtracks for Kaledio Star are very irregular. You once said you had all of them except the special 2 disk one. Could you make a list of which ones to get to have all the music? Figuring out which album has which song is a challenge. Is there a master list or a cheat sheet somewhere? 🤔
Hi, actually I have the 2 disc "Kyuukyoku no Sugoi" one now and I highly recommend it as it is a comprehensive collection (thus it's easy to have everything in one purchase and there's no need to go to the bother of getting all the individual ones, which have the same tracks, unless you really want to).
The issue with the other soundtracks is that they were bundled with DVD box sets rather than sold individually, so they don't come in standard cases and they're far more painful to track down.
Here is a list of all the music soundtracks from the series in the order they were released + catalogue ID for easy searching.
Kaleido Star Omatase! Sugoi Soundtrack (12/2003) OKCJ-3001
Kaleido Star Matamata Sugoi Soundtrack (03/2004) OKCJ-3002
Kaleido Star Aratanaru Sugoi Soundtrack (05/2004) OKCJ-3003
Kaleido Star Tenshi no Sugoi Soundtrack (07/2004) OKCJ-3004
Kaleido Star Totteoki no Sugoi Soundtrack (06/2014) HMCH-2041~4
Kaleido Star Kyuukyoku no Sugoi Soundtrack (03/2015) STLC-017~8
For the exact tracks for each CD, I'd recommend looking up Kaleido Star on VGMDB. Hope that is helpful and you find what you're looking for. :)
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manoharnaresh-it · 11 days
Selenium Online Training Overview
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Selenium Online Training is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of Selenium. Learn Selenium Online Training skills with real experts, either in live classes with videos or without videos, whichever suits you best. Selenium an open-source framework for automated testing of web applications. Selenium supports various programming languages and browsers, making it a versatile tool for testing web-based applications across different environments. This course covers the key concepts, techniques, and best practices for automated testing using Selenium.
This Selenium Online Training begins with an introduction to automated testing and the importance of Selenium in the software development lifecycle. Participants will learn about Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Grid, and the Selenium IDE. The course covers topics such as locating web elements, performing actions, handling dynamic content, and creating robust test scripts. Practical examples, hands-on projects, and real-world scenarios will be used to reinforce theoretical concepts. Learn Selenium Online Training skills with real experts
Course Objectives
The primary objectives of the Selenium Online Training course are as follows:
Introduction to Automated Testing: Provide an overview of automated testing and its significance in ensuring software quality.
Introduction to Selenium: Understand the role of Selenium in automating the testing of web applications.
Selenium WebDriver: Explore Selenium WebDriver, the core component for browser automation in Selenium.
Locating Web Elements: Learn techniques for identifying and locating HTML elements on web pages for interaction.
Performing Actions: Understand how to perform various actions on web elements, such as clicks, inputs, and selections.
Handling Dynamic Content: Explore strategies for handling dynamic content and asynchronous operations in Selenium.
Selenium Grid: Introduce Selenium Grid for parallel execution of test scripts across multiple browsers and environments.
Testing Framework Integration: Learn how to integrate Selenium with testing frameworks like TestNG or JUnit.
Page Object Model (POM): Understand the concept of the Page Object Model for creating maintainable and scalable test scripts.
Cross-Browser Testing: Explore techniques for conducting cross-browser testing to ensure compatibility across different browsers.
Selenium Online Training Pre-Requisites:
Basic understanding of software testing concepts.
Familiarity with at least one programming language (e.g., Java, Python).
Knowledge of HTML and CSS.
Understanding of web browsers and their developer tools.
Awareness of test automation principles and frameworks.
Experience with using and navigating integrated development environments (IDEs).
Course Curriculum
Manual Testing
Introduction of Manual Testing
Testing Methods / Techniques
Level of Testing
What is SDLC
Water fall Model
Prototype Model
Evolutionary Model or Incremental Model
Spiral Model
Agile Methodology
Difference QA and QC
What is the role of the QA
What is the role of the QC
Test Planning
Test Development
Test Execution
Result Analysis
Bug tracking
Closed Out
Test Scenarios
Entry and Exit Criteria
What is mean by Test Scenarios
How to Design Test Scenarios
Design Guidelines To write Test Scenarios
Test Cases
Entry and Exit Criteria
What is mean by Test Cases
How to Design Test Cases
Design Guidelines To write Test Cases
Test Execution – Bug Reporting
Guide lines of Test Execution
Steps to execute test cases
Bug Life Cycle
How to log the defect
How to Verify the Defect Status
How to Close the Defect
Difference between Defect ,Bug, Error, failure
Severity and Priority
How we are consider Severity
Types of Severity
Types of Priority
How to Install the Jira
How to Create Sprint
How to Release Sprint in agile process
How to log the Defect to Particular Developer
Zephyr Scale
How to install Zephyr scale for Jira
How to create the test cases in zephyr scale
How to execute the test cases in zephyr scale
Additional Concepts
Entry Criteria and Exit Criteria
Test plan vs Test Strategy
Test Design Techniques
What is Exhaustive testing
Bug Leakage vs Bug Release
Manual testing Terminology
Testing Principal
Types of Testing
Build Acceptance testing
Re Testing
Regression Testing
Smoke Testing
Sanitary Testing
Static Testing
Dynamic Testing
Compatibility Testing
Usability Testing
Integration Testing
Alpha Testing
Beta Testing
Security Based Testing
Installation Testing
Privilege Testing or fire wall testing
Port Testing
Monkey testing
Gorilla testing
Spike testing
Load testing
Exploratory testing
Ad hoc Testing
End- End Testing
Core Java
Platform Dependency
Download and Install
Path Settings
Manual Execution
Programming Elements
Introduction to Variables and Methods
First Application
Contexts (Static and Instance)
Naming Conventions
API Documentation
Main Method (Object Class Methods to Be Discussed Later On)
Data Types
Primitive Types
Reference Types
Type Casting
Compound Assignment
Control Statements
Conditional Control Statements with Flowcharts and Programs
Loop Control Statements with Flowcharts and Programs
Branching Statements
Access Modifiers
Wrapper Classes
String Conversions
Boxing, Unboxing
Auto Boxing, Auto Unboxing
Fields of Wrapper Classes
Pre-defined Packages
Custom Package Creation
Manual Compilation of Package Files
util Package
Random Class
Scanner Class
Custom Subpackage Creation
Class Loader Subsystem
Fully Qualified Name
Duplicate Classes
'this' Keyword
'this()' Method
POJO Class
IS-A Relation
Types of Inheritance
Object Creation in Inheritance
'super' Keyword
'super()' Method
Object Initialization in Inheritance
'this' vs 'super'
Final Class
Final Method
Final Variables
Final Constructor
Abstraction Classes
Abstract Methods
Abstract Classes
Object Creation of Abstract Class
Object Initialization
Static and Abstract
Abstract and Final
'implements' Keyword
Relations among Classes, Interfaces, and Abstract Classes
Method Overloading
Method Overriding
Exception Handling
Errors and Exceptions
Handling Exception
'try', 'catch', 'multi catch'
'throw', 'throws'
Custom Exceptions
String Handling
Mutability, Immutability
String Methods
String Classes
String Buffer, String Builder
String Tokenizer
Reflection API
Dynamic Loading
Class Information
Methods Information
One-Dimensional Arrays
Arrays Class
Two-Dimensional Arrays
Multi-Dimensional Arrays
Collection Framework
For Each Loop
Collections Hierarchy
List Interface
Linked List
Queue Interface
Set Interface
Map Interface
Introductions of Selenium
What is Mean by automation testing
Difference between Selenium and UFT
What is Selenium RC and GRID
What is the Web Driver
How to download Selenium Jar files
How to download Selenium Drivers
How to Organize the drivers
How to Configure the Selenium project
Selenium Working Mechanism
List of HTML Elements
Locators In Selenium – Eight Locators
Launching Browsers in Selenium
How to execute test cases in chrome and firefox and Edge browsers
Methods in Selenium
How to use Scanner Class in Selenium
How to use Conditions in Selenium
How to use Abstract class in Selenium
How to use Constructor in selenium real time
How to Automate Google Search box
Negative testing and positive testing
Automate login using four Sets
Parallel Execution in Selenium in different ways
Multi Browser Testing
Execute the Test case in user’s in our favorite browser
How Take the Screen Shot in Selenium
Handling Drop Down
Methods in Select Class
Browser Navigation Commands
Handling Alerts
Handling Frame
How to handle the Multi windows in selenium
Synchronization in Selenium
How to handle the webpage by using Actions
Actions in Selenium
How to search By using Action
How send the data by using Actions
How to Click on Any Element By using Actions
How to do Mouse over Action
How to Click on expected element in Search bar
How to Right click
How to Drag and drop
How to Double Click
How to do Multiple Selector
How to handle the Window popup
How to handle the web page by using JSE
JavaScript Executor in selenium Web Driver
How to Get the title By using JSE
How to Scroll Top to Bottom and Bottom to Top By Using JSE
How to Refresh By using JSE
How to Send the Data by Using JSE
How to Click Hiding Element
How to Click the Element By using JSE
Types of Exceptions in Selenium
Introduction of TestNG
How to Download TestNG
How to create testing class
How to execute TextNg Class without main Method
How to Execute Multiple Test cases
How to Execute Testcases Based on priority
How to excute Group Testcases
Order of Annotations
How to Execute Parell execution
How to Do the Cross browsing
How Write the Real Time Scripts By using TestNG
How to create .xml
How to create parameter
What is the Data provider with examples
How to find passed Test cases in TestNG
How to provide Enable false
How to provide Description
What is the diff between @Test and @beforetest
Clear explanation about all Annotations
How to find failed test cases In TestNG
What is the Maven
How to Create the Maven Project
What is use of Maven in Real time
What is the folder structure in Maven
How to add the dependencies in maven
What is the POM
How to execute maven and how to resolve the maven errors
What is the GIt Lab uses of Git
How to Install Node JS
How to Install npm
How to Install Git
How to create git Account
How to store the Frame works or any application information
How to pull the frame work
How to update any data in git
How to update data in central Repository
What is the Jenkins and use of the Jenkins
How to Install Jenkins
What is the CICD
How to Create the Jenkin Project
How to Create the Jobs
How to Execute the Jobs
What is role of the DevOps in Jenkins
What is Log4j
Advantages of Log4j
Steps to implement Log4j
CUCUMBER (BDD) Framework
What is the Cucumber
How to create cucumber project
How to add the dependencies
How to validate the All Dependencies
What is the Feature file
How to create and where we need to create future file
What is Scenario and Scenario outline
What is the Feature and Background Key
What is the Step definition
How to map feature file in Step Definition
What is Gherkin Language
What is Dryrun and Monochrome
What is JSON format and how to print that format
What is the Test Runner and how to create the Test Runner
What is the Cucumber option’s
How to Execute the Cucumber project in Test Runner
How to Install Naturls for cucumber
How to install cucumber Plugin
API - Testing
What is the API
How to install Postman
How to Create workspace and collections
What is the collections and Requests
Types of API method
What is the difference between REST and SOAP
How to create the variable in global
Types of HTTPS status codes
What is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS
What is the Web Services and API
What is the URI
What is the difference between URL and URN
What is the Domain path and path parameters Query path
How to validate the API in real time
How to execute API’s in command promote
How to execute Collection level API’s
How to create token
How to use the token in API
How to create the token in collection level
API-Rest Assured
Rest assured installation
Examples Of Rest assured Program
Database Testing
What is the Database testing
How to install the MySQL and configuration
How to create the table and insert and delete and update
How to get the Single column values
What is the Primary key forenkey
How to connect the Data base through Eclipse
How to get the Data base information from in Eclipse
Data Driven Frame Work
How to create the Data Driven framework
How to download Apach poi jar files
How to install the POI
What is the sxml and xml
How to read the data from Excel sheet
How to write the data from excel
Who can learn this course
Selenium Online Training Course is suitable for a diverse range of individuals, including:
Quality Assurance (QA) Engineers: Professionals in QA or testing roles looking to enhance their skills in automated web testing.
Software Testers: Individuals responsible for testing web applications seeking to automate repetitive testing tasks.
Developers: Programmers interested in incorporating automated testing into their software development process.
Automation Test Engineers: Those specializing in test automation and wanting to learn Selenium for web application testing.
DevOps Professionals: Individuals involved in the DevOps pipeline interested in automated testing for continuous integration.
Students and Graduates: Individuals pursuing degrees in computer science or related fields with an interest in software testing.
Anyone Interested in Automated Testing: Enthusiasts and professionals curious about leveraging Selenium for automated testing.
The Selenium Online Trainingis designed to cater to both beginners and individuals. Selenium Training by Experts
selenium online training : https://nareshit.com/courses/selenium-online-training
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dicecamp · 2 months
8 winning qualities of a Quality Assurance Lead | Become a QA expert
Quality assurance and software testing has become important more than ever. 
In the fast paced environment of today’s software development industry, the high speed delivery of any software requires a roundly efficient and effective quality assurance workflow. Thus the role of a QA engineer has now evolved to some thing that works hand-in-hand with all stakeholders and develops new processes that support quality testing, in parallel to software development.
Maintaining such a graceful process is a challenge. A QA lead is that remarkable personality who uses a set of core skills to make it possible.
These skills are presented as 8 qualities of great QA leads which makes them create a reliable quality assurance mechanism in today’s agile development environment. 
Table of contents
QA Engineer vs. Software Tester
QA engineer roles and responsibilities
8 Qualities of great QA lead
How to become a QA engineer?
Career paths for QA engineer
Career transition to quality assurance
Who is a QA Engineer? And how do they differ from a Software Tester?
A QA engineer is a vibrant personality in the quality management department who plays an active role across the whole testing life cycle– from requirement analysis to forming testing strategies and managing change. As a core requirement of this process, a QA specialist is responsible for improving a company’s current testing life cycle through new process establishment, and evaluation. 
Software testers, on the other hand, play just part of the whole quality assurance role. These personalities mainly work at the end of the testing life cycle– perform test case execution and report findings, although not always necessary. What differentiates quality testers from QA engineers is that a quality tester implements a process while a QA specialist establishes and improves thereof.
Job Description of a QA Engineer
A software company requires QA engineers to establish and maintain a quality and reliable testing mechanism for its products/projects. 
A QA engineer uses their skills to enable a cost friendly quality control mechanism for a company. These skills include sound knowledge and hands-on ability in the software testing life cycle– STLC, agile testing methodology, and project management.
Generally, a software company seeking an expert QA engineer envisions fulfillment of the following job responsibilities. 
Gain first-hand knowledge via meetings with all business and nonbusiness teams starting at the earliest stage of the SDLC.
Evaluate existing processes and establish agile testing practices to improve test productivity.
Set quality standards and metrics that reflect the company’s values and fulfill client’s requirements.
Inform and inspire the development team to fulfill the minimum quality standards during software development.
Cover an extra mile by collaborating with clients and ask for critical details on user and software requirements.
Manage and take on change requests at any stage during the software development.
Evaluate the bug severity and urgency and create simplicity in communication to the development team. 
Involve and encourage all QA engineers and software testers in quality assurance workflows through distribution of work based on talent.
8 Qualities of a Great QA Lead
A great QA lead has a set of core skills that help them establish an adaptive quality assurance mechanism that guarantees cost and time saving for the company.
Following are 8 winning qualities of a great QA lead:
1. To them, Quality Assurance is nothing without 3 things
Testing Methodology
Project Management Phases
To briefly state the above, a QA lead applies knowledge from these three core areas to manage the software testing life cycle. Here’s how it helps them: 
STLC + Project Management: To enable a reliable testing life cycle, a QA lead builds an STLC workflow based on project management principles. This is achieved using the 5 commonly known project management phases: 
Understanding: A QA lead interacts with the teams dedicated at every phase of the development cycle (SDLC) to truly understand business requirements
Planning: A quality assurance plan is developed as per business requirements.  
Execution: The QA plan is executed at this stage.
Feedback: Feedback from client is collected and incorporated in another round of testing. 
Windup: The QA efforts are considered done after the delivery of quality assured software to the client.
However, to comply with the fast paced development environment we have these days, project management driven STLC is still not enough.
… + Testing Methodology: Testing methodologies guide a QA lead to adopt an adaptive project management approach (one that welcomes changes to effectively meet the requirements of the business stakeholders). For clarity, an example of this could be a QA lead regularly reflecting on the current practices to identify improvement needs. 
About Testing Methodology: A testing methodology refers to either the waterfall or agile (also termed as scrum) method of software development. At its core, it defines a set of behaviors for SDLC teams to effectively meet development goals. For this, the testing methodology reflects if the phases in a software development life cycle run in series or in parallel. 
In the waterfall model, for example, a phase once completed is bound for no revisits. This is just like the manner of how water falls in a spring. But, as customer requirements started to change frequently in the 1990s, developers found the waterfall approach ineffective in managing change. Thus, as a result of combined efforts from developers, the Agile concept was established. 
Briefly stating, the Agile concept focuses on customer and cross-team collaboration on a daily basis. Alongside, it establishes a mechanism to adjust the resulting feedback by breaking big tasks into smaller ones and enabling continuous delivery of changes in the software. 
2. Prioritizes bugs on severity
A great QA lead evaluates and prioritizes bugs on the basis of severity with the aim of taking the development and testing to an ultimate level of productivity. 
The QA lead uses a system called a bug triage to identify and evaluate bugs. A bug triage takes a proactive approach and considers shortlisting bugs based on severity. At its minimum, a bug triage takes three subsequent stages. It starts with identifying how problematic the bugs are. Each bug is then prioritized for fixing along with finding the processes that fix them. 
The frequency of bug occurrence is also taken into account so that the team knows how the discovered processes should be used to avoid recurrence of bugs.
3. Won’t skip Unit & Integration testing before System testing
Ideally, any software testing starts with the smallest feature or a ‘unit’ and gradually moves to the system level features. Finding and fixing bugs at the micro level of a software eases the testing pressure on QA team at the later stages.
A great QA lead thus prioritizes unit and integration testing before jumping to the system level testing. They also understand the impact of unit features on customer experience and dedicate resources for unit and integration testing.
A wrong approach for QA teams is to jump straight to the system testing and taking on the pressure of untouched features at the unit and integration levels.     
4. Places collaboration at the heart of QA 
A great QA lead autonomously gets involved with all stakeholders (including business teams and customers). 
As per the Agile testing philosophy, the QA specialists are to engage with business and development teams starting right at the beginning of the software development life cycle.
The QA lead thus builds an autonomous team, one that independently collaborates with all other teams and takes a first hand knowledge of the quality requirements. The QA specialist knows the fruits which are brought as a result of software testers being aware not only of the client and business expectations but also the thought process of the intended users. 
In other words, It’s only through an extensive collaboration that a QA lead becomes able to deliver remarkable quality standards as perceived by the business, the client and the users.   
With the idea of autonomous quality assurance teams, the QA lead is also encouraged to independently divide work among resources and plan and estimate time for the test life cycle. 
5. Distributes work based on talent
A great QA lead understands every QA resource has to play a pivotal role across the whole testing lifecycle. They have the eye that sees what each member is best capable of and divide responsibilities accordingly. 
For example, a testing engineer well-versed in written communication could be assigned the documentation work. Another member who’s excellent in strategy formation might be assigned with formulating the test cases. Similarly, a testing engineer with strong analytical ability might be dedicated to perform user requirement analysis.    
6. Understands that Testing is not a phase (Agile testing principles)
Software testing has become an integral part of the complete software development process instead of being an isolated phase. This new paradigm of quality assurance is called agile testing and is part of the agile development methodology.
So, working as part of the agile testing environment a QA lead changes conventional testing principles to adopt the following agile principles:
Testing is not just for designated testers: A QA lead understands that testing is no more confined to software testers only. They involve all teams across the development lifecycle to adhere to the minimum quality standards.
Test driven development: Testing runs in parallel with each development sprint instead of in the last.
Test early: The QA lead establishes efficient testing processes that ensure bug detection and resolution before the sprint is completed.
Further, a QA lead nourishes the testing environment with automation testing; an agile practice. They utilize the capability of automation to shorten a sprint period and accomplish maximum testing within that sprint. At the minimum, a QA lead automates unit and integration tests.
7. Knows the art of Change Management
A great QA lead knows the art of effective change management and successfully adapts their testing strategy to adjust for new software changes.
While working in an agile environment, there’s always the possibility of change requests even at a later stage in development. The sources of change could include for example, detected bugs and errors, changes in market dynamics or customer interests, or business reorganization. 
As change requests occur, the QA lead gears-up the testing team and uses change management principles to establish processes that perform testing under time and cost constraints. Once the new changes have been tested, the QA lead communicates these changes to developers and the cycle continues.
8. Avoids failure cost of Quality
A great QA uses effective test planning and execution to avoid the failure cost of quality. They save the company’s spending on expensive quality assurance that might occur after the production stage. 
To minimize failure cost of quality, the QA lead ensures adequate spend before arrival of the production stage and believes to bring greater good to the company 
First cost which the QA lead puts focus on is the prevention cost. It’s the cost that is incurred during the planning stage of the software testing life cycle. The amount is spent on establishing quality assurance processes such as user and software requirement analysis, prioritizing bug fixes, and developing testing processes. This can also include hiring of specialists and team upskilling.
Second is the appraisal cost that is incurred on the software before it is shipped to the customer. It’s the amount a company spends to ensure an effective test execution and reporting.
Setting a quality testing cycle like such, the QA lead is able to save the company from failure costs and the reputational damages that it brings with it.
Become an expert Quality Assurance lead: Online Course 
Dicecamp brings a complete course on quality assurance and software testing led by a leading industry expert. Find more about the course. 
Why take this course: Individuals can learn the ability to become a qualified Quality Assurance lead who confidently takes forward an organization’s quality assurance initiatives. 
What will you learn: This course covers all the core theory, tools and techniques used in the area of software testing and quality assurance. You will learn: software testing techniques, software testing planning & strategies, software testing management, agile testing, and software testing automation.
View the detailed course outline.
What are possible Career Paths for a QA lead?
As a QA engineer you are open to more charming opportunities such as QA developer in test, QA in DevOps and DevOps engineer.
DevOps is the glorious role in current technology scape that offers handsome salary along with remarkable tributes. The demand for DevOps skills has severely increased worldwide with supply remaining at dire levels.
Taking this opportunity, a QA specialist can easily build on top of their quality assurance profile and learn DevOps skills.
Here’s how to do this step by step.
Learn and practice automation testing: The first step for you is to learn and practice automation testing. You would need following skills: 
Knowledge of Python or Javascript for writing automation tests.
API automation testing
SQL query writing and Shell Scripting
CI/CD pipeline testing/Integration testing using Jenkins and/or Gitlab
Development (Fix a group of bugs): Companies leverage the proximity between software testing and development by offering the job role of a ‘QA Software Developer in Test’. Testers at this job role manage testing and development in consecutive phases. You would need following skills:
Programming knowledge and hands-on skills on high level languages.
By this stage, an individual has 3 core skills of a DevOps engineer: quality testing skills, automation testing hands-on and programming language proficiency.
With little more effort, a software quality testing specialist can adopt a full DevOps engineer role. 
Learn configuration management: 
CLI of Unix/Linux or Windows OS. 
Configuration automation tools (Puppet, Chef, Ansible)
Container run time (Docker, rkt, cri-o)
Container orchestration tools (Kubernetics) 
Knowledge of any one cloud platform: AWS, Azure etc
Start your QA journey today! Watch the webinar.
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webomates · 3 months
Understanding the Software Testing Life Cycle
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Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) is a framework that outlines the various stages of testing in software development. It starts with needs analysis, where people try to analyze and understand what needs to be done. Next comes testing, which defines ideas and goals. Next comes the development of the case, which involves creating tests and tests. Test environment configuration ensures that the test environment is ready. A successful test is a test that is actually done and shows the defect. Finally, in the last stage of testing, the test tasks are concluded and the results are analyzed to ensure a good result. Each stage in STLC is important to deliver a good product without defects, making it reliable and efficient.
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linguistlist-blog · 5 months
Books: Cognitive Semantics: Glebkin (2024)
The book presents two fundamental theories that characterize the cultural-historical perspective in cognitive semantics: the Four-Level Theory of Cognitive Development (FLTCD) and the Sociocultural Theory of Lexical Complexes (STLC) as well as their application to the analysis of specific material. In particular, the book analyzes the sociocultural history of the MACHINE metaphor, specifically its use in the texts of René Descartes and Francis Bacon. The practical embodiment of STLC is demonstra http://dlvr.it/T5dxmj
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interestingqaposts · 9 months
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ice1000 · 10 months
Curry Howard correspondence is too hard to understand. Propositional logic has exchange for free, but exchange in STLC is explicit! Even worse if you think about dependent types.
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shivtechinstitute · 10 months
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Are you looking for the best IT training center in Ahmedabad? Shiv Tech Institute is the right choice for you. We provide the best Quality Assurance course by leading industry experts. The course covers the following functionalities:
Testing Process - STLC & SDLC
Level of Testing (Functional & Non-functional)
Different types of Models
Test Case Presentaion
Types of testing and bug life cycle
Enroll today with us to become a successful QA Analyst!
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keployio · 11 months
4 Ways to Accelerate Your Software Testing Life Cycle
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As a software developer, I understand that testing can often become a bottleneck in the software development life cycle, causing delays in the overall process, and It is crucial to find ways to optimize and speed up testing to maintain efficiency
The software testing life cycle is a critical phase in software development that ensures the quality and reliability of a product. In today's fast-paced digital world, businesses are constantly striving to deliver software faster while maintaining high standards. Accelerating the software testing life cycle can help us achieve this goal. In this blog, we will explore 4 ways to effectively speed up our testing process without compromising on quality.
What is Software Testing Life Cycle?
Software Testing Life Cycle or also known as STLC is a systematic approach to testing a software application to ensure that it meets the requirements and is free of defects. It is a process that follows a series of steps or phases, and each phase has specific objectives and deliverables.
The main goal of the STLC is to identify and document any defects or issues in the software application as early as possible in the development process. This allows for issues to be addressed and resolved before the software is released to the public.
Type of STLC phases
Test Planning: This phase involves defining the scope of testing, identifying the test cases, and creating a test plan.
Test Analysis: This phase involves understanding the software requirements and identifying the specific areas that need to be tested.
Test Design: This phase involves creating the test cases that will be used to verify the software requirements.
Test Environment Setup: This phase involves setting up the environment in which the software will be tested.
Test Execution: This phase involves executing the test cases and recording the results.
Test Closure: This phase involves analyzing the test results, documenting the defects, and closing the test cases.
Ways to speed up software testing life cycle
1. Test automation
It is a powerful technique that can significantly speed up the software testing life cycle. By automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, testers can focus on more complex scenarios and critical areas. There are various tools and frameworks available in the market to facilitate test automation, such as Cypress, Selenium, Appium, Keploy and JUnit.
Automated tests can be executed quickly and repeatedly, enabling faster feedback on software changes. Regression testing, which involves retesting previously validated functionalities, can be particularly time-consuming. By automating regression tests, you can ensure that new updates do not introduce unexpected bugs and save valuable time during each release cycle.
It is crucial to identify the right test cases for automation. Tests that are stable, repeatable, and require minimal manual intervention are ideal candidates. However, it is important to strike a balance and avoid over-automating tests that are prone to frequent changes, as maintaining such tests can become cumbersome.
2. Parallel testing
It is a technique that involves running multiple tests simultaneously on different environments or devices. This approach can significantly reduce the overall testing time by distributing the workload across multiple resources.
One way to implement parallel testing is by leveraging cloud-based testing platforms. These platforms offer a vast array of virtual environments and devices that can be easily provisioned and scaled up or down based on testing needs. By running tests in parallel, you can increase test coverage, identify defects faster, and expedite the feedback loop.
Parallel testing is particularly useful when performing compatibility testing across different operating systems, browsers, or mobile devices. It allows testers to validate software functionality across a wide range of configurations efficiently, ultimately reducing time to market.
3. Shift-Left testing
Shift-left testing is an approach that involves adding testing activities earlier in the software development life cycle. Traditionally, testing is performed towards the end of the development process, leading to delays and rework if defects are identified. By shifting testing activities left, organizations can detect and address issues early, preventing them from becoming more significant problems downstream.
One way to implement shift-left testing is by involving testers in the requirements gathering and design phases. This collaboration allows testers to provide valuable insights and identify potential pitfalls or ambiguities in the requirements.
In addition, integrating automated unit tests into the developers' workflow can help catch defects early. Developers can run these tests locally to ensure that their code changes do not break existing functionalities. This approach not only accelerates the identification of issues but also fosters a culture of quality throughout the development process.
4. Continuous Integration and Continuous Testing
Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Testing (CT) are practices that enable software teams to deliver changes more frequently and with higher confidence. CI involves regularly integrating code changes from multiple developers into a shared repo. With each integration, an automated build and test process is triggered to catch integration issues early.
Continuous Testing complements CI by automating the execution of various tests, including unit tests, integration tests, and functional tests, as part of the CI pipeline. This ensures that each code change is thoroughly tested, and any issues are identified promptly.
By implementing CI/CT practices, teams can achieve faster feedback cycles, allowing them to identify and fix defects early. This approach reduces the risk of introducing bugs into the main codebase and accelerates the overall software testing life cycle.
In Conclusion, accelerating the software testing life cycle is crucial for organizations aiming to deliver high-quality software faster. Test automation, parallel testing, shift-left testing, and continuous integration and continuous testing are four effective ways to expedite the testing process without compromising on quality. By implementing these strategies, developers can gain a competitive edge, improve customer satisfaction, and increase their speed to market in today's rapidly evolving digital landscape.
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manoharnaresh-it · 20 days
Selenium Online Training Overview
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Selenium Online Training is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of Selenium. Learn Selenium Online Training skills with real expearts, either in live classes with videos or without videos, whichever suits you best. Selenium an open-source framework for automated testing of web applications. Selenium supports various programming languages and browsers, making it a versatile tool for testing web-based applications across different environments. This course covers the key concepts, techniques, and best practices for automated testing using Selenium.
This Selenium Online Training begins with an introduction to automated testing and the importance of Selenium in the software development lifecycle. Participants will learn about Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Grid, and the Selenium IDE. The course covers topics such as locating web elements, performing actions, handling dynamic content, and creating robust test scripts. Practical examples, hands-on projects, and real-world scenarios will be used to reinforce theoretical concepts. Learn Selenium Online Training skills with real experts
Course Objectives
The primary objectives of the Selenium Online Training course are as follows:
Introduction to Automated Testing: Provide an overview of automated testing and its significance in ensuring software quality.
Introduction to Selenium: Understand the role of Selenium in automating the testing of web applications.
Selenium WebDriver: Explore Selenium WebDriver, the core component for browser automation in Selenium.
Locating Web Elements: Learn techniques for identifying and locating HTML elements on web pages for interaction.
Performing Actions: Understand how to perform various actions on web elements, such as clicks, inputs, and selections.
Handling Dynamic Content: Explore strategies for handling dynamic content and asynchronous operations in Selenium.
Selenium Grid: Introduce Selenium Grid for parallel execution of test scripts across multiple browsers and environments.
Testing Framework Integration: Learn how to integrate Selenium with testing frameworks like TestNG or JUnit.
Page Object Model (POM): Understand the concept of the Page Object Model for creating maintainable and scalable test scripts.
Cross-Browser Testing: Explore techniques for conducting cross-browser testing to ensure compatibility across different browsers.
Selenium Online Training Pre-Requisites:
Basic understanding of software testing concepts.
Familiarity with at least one programming language (e.g., Java, Python).
Knowledge of HTML and CSS.
Understanding of web browsers and their developer tools.
Awareness of test automation principles and frameworks.
Experience with using and navigating integrated development environments (IDEs).
Course Curriculum
Manual Testing
Introduction of Manual Testing
Testing Methods / Techniques
Level of Testing
What is SDLC
Water fall Model
Prototype Model
Evolutionary Model or Incremental Model
Spiral Model
Agile Methodology
Difference QA and QC
What is the role of the QA
What is the role of the QC
Test Planning
Test Development
Test Execution
Result Analysis
Bug tracking
Closed Out
Test Scenarios
Entry and Exit Criteria
What is mean by Test Scenarios
How to Design Test Scenarios
Design Guidelines To write Test Scenarios
Test Cases
Entry and Exit Criteria
What is mean by Test Cases
How to Design Test Cases
Design Guidelines To write Test Cases
Test Execution – Bug Reporting
Guide lines of Test Execution
Steps to execute test cases
Bug Life Cycle
How to log the defect
How to Verify the Defect Status
How to Close the Defect
Difference between Defect ,Bug, Error, failure
Severity and Priority
How we are consider Severity
Types of Severity
Types of Priority
How to Install the Jira
How to Create Sprint
How to Release Sprint in agile process
How to log the Defect to Particular Developer
Zephyr Scale
How to install Zephyr scale for Jira
How to create the test cases in zephyr scale
How to execute the test cases in zephyr scale
Additional Concepts
Entry Criteria and Exit Criteria
Test plan vs Test Strategy
Test Design Techniques
What is Exhaustive testing
Bug Leakage vs Bug Release
Manual testing Terminology
Testing Principal
Types of Testing
Build Acceptance testing
Re Testing
Regression Testing
Smoke Testing
Sanitary Testing
Static Testing
Dynamic Testing
Compatibility Testing
Usability Testing
Integration Testing
Alpha Testing
Beta Testing
Security Based Testing
Installation Testing
Privilege Testing or fire wall testing
Port Testing
Monkey testing
Gorilla testing
Spike testing
Load testing
Exploratory testing
Ad hoc Testing
End- End Testing
Core Java
Platform Dependency
Download and Install
Path Settings
Manual Execution
Programming Elements
Introduction to Variables and Methods
First Application
Contexts (Static and Instance)
Naming Conventions
API Documentation
Main Method (Object Class Methods to Be Discussed Later On)
Data Types
Primitive Types
Reference Types
Type Casting
Compound Assignment
Control Statements
Conditional Control Statements with Flowcharts and Programs
Loop Control Statements with Flowcharts and Programs
Branching Statements
Access Modifiers
Wrapper Classes
String Conversions
Boxing, Unboxing
Auto Boxing, Auto Unboxing
Fields of Wrapper Classes
Pre-defined Packages
Custom Package Creation
Manual Compilation of Package Files
util Package
Random Class
Scanner Class
Custom Subpackage Creation
Class Loader Subsystem
Fully Qualified Name
Duplicate Classes
'this' Keyword
'this()' Method
POJO Class
IS-A Relation
Types of Inheritance
Object Creation in Inheritance
'super' Keyword
'super()' Method
Object Initialization in Inheritance
'this' vs 'super'
Final Class
Final Method
Final Variables
Final Constructor
Abstraction Classes
Abstract Methods
Abstract Classes
Object Creation of Abstract Class
Object Initialization
Static and Abstract
Abstract and Final
'implements' Keyword
Relations among Classes, Interfaces, and Abstract Classes
Method Overloading
Method Overriding
Exception Handling
Errors and Exceptions
Handling Exception
'try', 'catch', 'multi catch'
'throw', 'throws'
Custom Exceptions
String Handling
Mutability, Immutability
String Methods
String Classes
String Buffer, String Builder
String Tokenizer
Reflection API
Dynamic Loading
Class Information
Methods Information
One-Dimensional Arrays
Arrays Class
Two-Dimensional Arrays
Multi-Dimensional Arrays
Collection Framework
For Each Loop
Collections Hierarchy
List Interface
Linked List
Queue Interface
Set Interface
Map Interface
Introductions of Selenium
What is Mean by automation testing
Difference between Selenium and UFT
What is Selenium RC and GRID
What is the Web Driver
How to download Selenium Jar files
How to download Selenium Drivers
How to Organize the drivers
How to Configure the Selenium project
Selenium Working Mechanism
List of HTML Elements
Locators In Selenium – Eight Locators
Launching Browsers in Selenium
How to execute test cases in chrome and firefox and Edge browsers
Methods in Selenium
How to use Scanner Class in Selenium
How to use Conditions in Selenium
How to use Abstract class in Selenium
How to use Constructor in selenium real time
How to Automate Google Search box
Negative testing and positive testing
Automate login using four Sets
Parallel Execution in Selenium in different ways
Multi Browser Testing
Execute the Test case in user’s in our favorite browser
How Take the Screen Shot in Selenium
Handling Drop Down
Methods in Select Class
Browser Navigation Commands
Handling Alerts
Handling Frame
How to handle the Multi windows in selenium
Synchronization in Selenium
How to handle the webpage by using Actions
Actions in Selenium
How to search By using Action
How send the data by using Actions
How to Click on Any Element By using Actions
How to do Mouse over Action
How to Click on expected element in Search bar
How to Right click
How to Drag and drop
How to Double Click
How to do Multiple Selector
How to handle the Window popup
How to handle the web page by using JSE
JavaScript Executor in selenium Web Driver
How to Get the title By using JSE
How to Scroll Top to Bottom and Bottom to Top By Using JSE
How to Refresh By using JSE
How to Send the Data by Using JSE
How to Click Hiding Element
How to Click the Element By using JSE
Types of Exceptions in Selenium
Introduction of TestNG
How to Download TestNG
How to create testing class
How to execute TextNg Class without main Method
How to Execute Multiple Test cases
How to Execute Testcases Based on priority
How to excute Group Testcases
Order of Annotations
How to Execute Parell execution
How to Do the Cross browsing
How Write the Real Time Scripts By using TestNG
How to create .xml
How to create parameter
What is the Data provider with examples
How to find passed Test cases in TestNG
How to provide Enable false
How to provide Description
What is the diff between @Test and @beforetest
Clear explanation about all Annotations
How to find failed test cases In TestNG
What is the Maven
How to Create the Maven Project
What is use of Maven in Real time
What is the folder structure in Maven
How to add the dependencies in maven
What is the POM
How to execute maven and how to resolve the maven errors
What is the GIt Lab uses of Git
How to Install Node JS
How to Install npm
How to Install Git
How to create git Account
How to store the Frame works or any application information
How to pull the frame work
How to update any data in git
How to update data in central Repository
What is the Jenkins and use of the Jenkins
How to Install Jenkins
What is the CICD
How to Create the Jenkin Project
How to Create the Jobs
How to Execute the Jobs
What is role of the DevOps in Jenkins
What is Log4j
Advantages of Log4j
Steps to implement Log4j
CUCUMBER (BDD) Framework
What is the Cucumber
How to create cucumber project
How to add the dependencies
How to validate the All Dependencies
What is the Feature file
How to create and where we need to create future file
What is Scenario and Scenario outline
What is the Feature and Background Key
What is the Step definition
How to map feature file in Step Definition
What is Gherkin Language
What is Dryrun and Monochrome
What is JSON format and how to print that format
What is the Test Runner and how to create the Test Runner
What is the Cucumber option’s
How to Execute the Cucumber project in Test Runner
How to Install Naturls for cucumber
How to install cucumber Plugin
API - Testing
What is the API
How to install Postman
How to Create workspace and collections
What is the collections and Requests
Types of API method
What is the difference between REST and SOAP
How to create the variable in global
Types of HTTPS status codes
What is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS
What is the Web Services and API
What is the URI
What is the difference between URL and URN
What is the Domain path and path parameters Query path
How to validate the API in real time
How to execute API’s in command promote
How to execute Collection level API’s
How to create token
How to use the token in API
How to create the token in collection level
API-Rest Assured
Rest assured installation
Examples Of Rest assured Program
Database Testing
What is the Database testing
How to install the MySQL and configuration
How to create the table and insert and delete and update
How to get the Single column values
What is the Primary key forenkey
How to connect the Data base through Eclipse
How to get the Data base information from in Eclipse
Data Driven Frame Work
How to create the Data Driven framework
How to download Apach poi jar files
How to install the POI
What is the sxml and xml
How to read the data from Excel sheet
How to write the data from excel
Who can learn this course
Selenium Online Training Course is suitable for a diverse range of individuals, including:
Quality Assurance (QA) Engineers: Professionals in QA or testing roles looking to enhance their skills in automated web testing.
Software Testers: Individuals responsible for testing web applications seeking to automate repetitive testing tasks.
Developers: Programmers interested in incorporating automated testing into their software development process.
Automation Test Engineers: Those specializing in test automation and wanting to learn Selenium for web application testing.
DevOps Professionals: Individuals involved in the DevOps pipeline interested in automated testing for continuous integration.
Students and Graduates: Individuals pursuing degrees in computer science or related fields with an interest in software testing.
Anyone Interested in Automated Testing: Enthusiasts and professionals curious about leveraging Selenium for automated testing.
The Selenium Online Trainingis designed to cater to both beginners and individuals. Selenium Training by Experts
selenium online training : https://nareshit.com/courses/selenium-online-training
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