regine-javier · 2 years
1st Entry - Preparing for Exams
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January 10, 2023
Most students have a fear of failure and/or being left behind by their classmates and friends. This is a fear I have since elementary school. As a consistent honor student, being left behind and failing exams are one of my biggest fear. So with less than a week to prepare for my finals, I started to gathering all of my learning materials such as PowerPoints and Handouts and compiled them based on their subjects. All of them are organised by name in my laptop for easy access and downloaded them to ensure that it is accessible even with the absence of wifi.
Although I may have started a bit late in making my reviewers, I have plenty of time to do them in school as I have a lot of free time recently. Most of my teachers allowed us to do anything in their period so long as we do not make a lot of noise and cause a ruckus.
One of the ways I spend my time as a break from studying is reading. There is only so much knowledge I can retain before I get tired and overwhelmed by the information. To avoid burn out, reading fantasy books or essays helps me to destress and enables me to take a break whilst doing something productive that isn't school related. Another form of relaxing and one of my motivation is through journaling. Journaling people that inspires me, whether they are fictional characters or real people, never fails to remind me what I want to achieve in the future. It always reminds me to embody their character for motivation, "(this character) will do this. They will be working on this right now."
I started my day early, but to say that I have had a productive day, I need to at least start writing a reviewer for one subject. So when I close my eyes and lay on my bed, I will feel successful in doing that minuscule detail and the fact that at least I have started working on my reviewers for the exams ahead of me
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naeirm · 2 years
Friday the 13th
Today was a cold day for me, although I don't know why. I feel sad and weak and I don't know why. Maybe it's because I've been thinking a lot lately and our school stuff goes along with it, which also adds up because I've been feeling empty lately and don't feel like doing anything. I'm not motivated by what I can't understand, I feel like I'm in a game where I'm the only one who has to act and help myself... I don't know. I've been feeling so drained lately that I'm losing my appetite for everything, hay! Wish me luck!
I'm not okay. I didn't do anything but sit aside to rest because I had nothing else to do today. I have already compiled everything I will pass this week. That's why I just came in to do nothing today. Although, we only had a discussion today on one of our subjects which is the DRR and after that no one taught us again.
It's a chilly and cloudy day, so even though I'm not feeling very good, I'm still happy because I know that a lot of people are worried about me. I'm grateful to them for being there for me, even though I'm not feeling well today. I'll just rest and not worry about things too much because I have a lot to do tomorrow. I'm looking forward to our final exam this semester on Monday.
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marvinjohnmercado · 2 years
January 12, 2023
Good day everyone!! Welcome to my blog this is my first blog about my biggest problem i have encountered as a students related to my studies and how i overcome it but this is written blog so come and read my story.
My problems related to my studies is that I tend to forget the tasks that my teachers are doing, so the grades I get in their subjects are low because that's when I lose confidence in myself because I can no longer do the things the things I need to do, I tell myself that I reviewed properly about that subject, that's the case, even if you review, destiny will not really give you the score you want to get, activities, quizzes, etc.
that I realize that when my scores are low or I don't report, I can ask for things I can do so that I don't fail, so that's what I do, I talk to my teachers about what can be done, so that's how they give of difficult tasks so that I can pass because I have no other choice either I will fail or I will accept the chance given by my teachers and because of that I have achieved the marks that I want and that's all and thank you very much to those who read I hope you learned something from the story, God bless us!!
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erincua · 2 years
A chill day in the life of a Grade 12 Humanista
Tuesday, 1:30 pm
Every Tuesday, my school life starts at 1:30 in the afternoon having Filipino sa Piling Larang as our first subject. Since we are done discussing all the topics for the second quarter, our teacher usually lets us do anything we want, but today was different since some students from STEM presented their task in personal development. As the STEM students present their personal journey, some of us are cramming to finish the given tasks for our next subject which is English for Academic and Professional Purposes or simply EAPP. Did I mention that multitasking is one of the many talents of my section? We are masters of doing multiple things at the same time since we like to cram most of our work.
During our time at EAPP, since we were also done with discussions, we were free to do anything but it did not become our free time since we need to revise and let our teacher approve our concept paper for our digital magazine. Most of the groups were stressed out since today was also the deadline for our concept paper, revisions after revisions, and after how many paper was used, our concept paper was finally approved and passed. Others might be wondering why a chill day in the life of a gr 12 student is the title of this blog, but it became a routine for us to cram our work so I consider this a chill day since we are not that loaded compared to other days. After our subjects, me and some of my friends ended our day by rewarding ourselves with a nice cup of coffee from cuppy.
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cherlyndsss · 2 years
 Good day students! For your final task, you will be writing entries of everyday routine through blog. 
These entries can discuss the following: a. Preparation for your final examination, b. Journey towards to your thesis, might be about the several revisions you made or even the final defense itself, c. Completion of tasks to certain subject, or d. Biggest problem you have encountered, so far, as a students related to your studies and how you overcome it.
About the format or structure, you can freely choose what particular types of creative nonfiction you want to use, poetry, prose or etc. Authenticity is a plus points since this is all about your journey as a SHS student.
Do not forget to tag me and use the hashtags:
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January 13
- This day was at least pressuring, we did manage to regroup the members for our performance video and  finish our acting. We did some editing and manage to pass it throughly, after that I went back to the coffee shop to cool my pressure. In conclusion this is the first time I was pressured from education, but it was worth the challenge.
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theejpsdm · 2 years
January 13
- it was long day but we didn't really do much so it was quite dull there were some moments that weren't quite dull but it wasn't interesting enough to talk about we just finished some school works and went home after the day.
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brianneeeee11 · 2 years
Preparing for my final examination
Preparing for my upcoming exam has been challenging for me, I am concerned about my exam performance. I have trouble comprehending the material that I've studying. I don't feel ready or don't have time to study. For an exam, I must understand and recollect a considerable amount of information and it's making me anxious that arise during test-taking circumstances but in fact a little bit of stress can push/encourage me to work more.
I prepare for my exam in a number of ways, including by giving my self enough time to study/review to help me determine what i know and what i still need to work on.
Relaxing, prior to an exam, it is essential to keep my calm and stress-free state because tension simply serves to hinder memory and inhibit me throughout the exam. Spending time with my fam, friends, or by myself, sunset gazing or listening to peaceful music are all effective ways to unwind for me.
Above all, God, pray/ ask for a guidance before and after of the exam and for a success result.
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zlxbo · 2 years
January 13, a fun friday friday. friday is what the students look forward to the most in the weekdays because tomorrow is the weekend and we can rest, maybe? anyways, this friday all we did at school was sleep, eat and wander around because we were getting the most out of it before the exam on monday.
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watertubig · 2 years
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In these day we dint have any lesson and this is the end of our class because next week we have exam so we just reviewing all the lesson that our teacher discuss to us. We preparing also for the practical research defense so I'm quit nervous but I keep reviewing it to pass it
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regine-javier · 2 years
3rd Day - Dreaded Test
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January 12, 2023
A normal and typical days when there is a test in my class, you will see one of the many things all together: students sleeping 30 minutes before the test, eating in the cafeteria with notes that wasn't touched during the meal, students in the classroom playing video games on the phone, asking another student if they have notes, and students who are furiously scribbling on a paper writing down notes at the last minute in the library.
Simply put it; test days = chaotic days. More chaotic than it usually is. However, there is some sort of unity happening within those days. Everyone is willing to help each other study and lend a helping hand (lend notes). We seldom take tests seriously as it is not as serious as the teachers let us take them. Although when the big tests take place, everyone in school will know. These are one of the few days the air is tense within the classroom and nervous chills and jitters run down within the students' body in anticipation.
I was one of the students writing furiously on papers the last minute. I know it is not healthy, so one of my resolutions this year is that I will do better. Unfortunately, I failed within the beginning of the year. But that's okay, I still have the rest of the year to improve.
And I plan to do my very best to make sure it happens.
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marvinjohnmercado · 2 years
JANUARY 14, 2023
Today we talked about my completion of my task to certain subjects the things that i will do in this day is doing my missing activities that i cant pass in the said due, so even though I knew it was weekends, I still did them so that someone could calculate my grades and after that I did my work at home and my brother watched me because mom was cooking our food until here thank you very much because you didn't leave me this is my 3rd blog my next blog is about my preparation in my final examination on monday.
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January 12
- I was pressured from all fronts, Getting an updated RAF, get the exam permit, discussion on our video for MIL, Long test from Physical Science. I was assure that this pressure made my life more tiring, but I did at least drink some coffee to let go from the pressure.
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theejpsdm · 2 years
January 12
- the day was early and long it was also dull we didn't really do much but It went from dull to interesting because in the afternoon we had an long test that I wasn't prepared for so when I was answering I felt that my answers were inadequate but after that I felt tired and stressed.
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samandreiborbon · 2 years
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January 13
Today is the last day of the week, There's really nothing that happened today and we didn't do anything in school since some of the teachers aren’t present and some are done discussing but I and my classmates just played and laughing together.
after school hours,We are trying to make a survey question for the research,We are in a hurry to finish the research since the defense is next next week
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zlxbo · 2 years
January 12, A stressful Thursday, we have reporting and quiz in physical science. About the reporting, we cram the presentation but we presented well. However, the quiz is a little dissapointed with myself because I have some questions that I didn’t answered, especially in solving problems. I ended the day disappointed with myself because I forgot the formula in physical science.
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