#SSB SF2021
steves-on-a-plane · 4 years
Character Study
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Written for: @star-spangled-bingo​​ 2021!  (& All Caps Flash Bingo!)     Words: 835  All Caps Flash Square Filled: Hologram Pairing: None, general fic   Warnings: none Summary: With all the Avengers officially moved into the Compound, the old Tower is being turned into a museum. Reader is a Stark Industries employee tasked with creating holograms of each Avenger. That’s when she meet’s Captain America for the first time.
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“S’cuse me, Ma’am?” You smiled when you saw Steve Rogers looming by your lab door. “I hope ‘m not interrupting anything…”
“Not at all.” You assured him with a smile. “You’re my next victim. C’mon in.” You waved him inside the lab. “Captain Rogers, my name is [Y/N] [Y/L/N]. I obviously know you’re name, and I work for Mr. Stark indirectly at Stark Industries. We all have a bit of free range to work on what we want within reason. My area of expertise is artificial intelligences.”
“Artificial? Like F.R.I.D.A.Y. and Vision?” Steve asked.
“Exactly. Did anyone explain to you why you’re here?” You questioned.
“Not exactly no.” Steve frowned. “I know it has something to do with the museum.”
“Yes.” You nodded. “As you know Mr. Stark has decided the former Avengers’ Tower will now be turned into a museum. It was really important to him that we find a way for it to feel like the Avengers are there at the museum interacting with guests without you actually having to be there every day.”
“I’m guessing that’s where the artificial intelligence comes into play.” Steve surmised.
“You got it.” You agreed. “Mr. Stark said you’d require a lot of explanation but I think I got more questions from Dr. Banner.”
“I’ve learned when it comes to modern technology, I rarely understand most of it so there’s no point in asking.” He shrugged.
“Well, if you do have any questions, I’m happy to explain anything.” You clapped your hands together to get down to business. “So, this should be a quick and easy afternoon for you. The first thing we’re going to do is two full body scans. One of you in your uniform and one without. Maybe three? One with the shield? People love the shield. Lastly I’ll have you record a few lines and that’ll be it.”
“How does taking pictures help with feeling like the Avengers are really there?” Steve wondered.
“How familiar are you with holograms, Captain?” You asked him.
“Holograms? They’re those kinds of blue three-dimensional things, right? Like when Tony uses his computer without the computer?” Steve explained it the best way that he could.
“That’s usually how they look in movies and TV shows.” You agreed. “But think of it like the Iron Legion compared to The Vision. The Iron Legion had artificial intelligences sure, but Vision is a more refined high functioning AI.”
“So, your holograms are going to be more refined than what people are used to seeing?” Steve wanted to make sure it was following along.
“That’s right.” You nodded again. “That’s why the body scans are so important. I want my holograms to be so realistic that someone coming to the museum wouldn’t feel like they’re talking to the real Captain Rogers. Are you ready?”
“Absolutely, Ma’am. You just tell me where you need me.” Steve put his cowl on and picked up his shield.
“Right into the scanner.” You gestured to a raised platform in the center of the lab. “It shouldn’t take more than a few minutes, but I have to ask you to stay completely still until I give you the okay to move again.”
Steve stepped up to the platform. You instructed him to up straight and reminded him once again to stand completely still. The Captain barely moved an inch while your high-definition cameras began circling around him. After two minutes you gave him all clear.  He handed his shield down to you and you repeated the process again without his shield. When the second set of photos was complete, the Captain stepped down from platform taking a break. He heaved a great sigh, allowing his muscles to relax.
“That was good.” You told him. “Just one more times and we move onto voice recording.”
“Can I see what it looks like?” He asked.
“Sorry Cap, if I showed it to you now, it would just be a bunch of photos.” You apologized. “But I have been working on the others. I can show you Mr. Stark’s hologram. He can’t talk to you just yet, but at least you’ll get a good idea of what I’m aiming for.”
You tapped a few buttons on your keyboard and suddenly Tony Stark appeared in the room, standing next to Steve. Of course, it wasn’t the real Tony but his hologram. Hologram Tony stared blankly ahead, with his arms at his sides.
“All of this is from pictures?” Steve remarked. He studied the hologram closely. “This is incredible! It’s like he’s standing here with us.”
“Imagine how impressive he’ll be when he can speak for himself.” You tapped the keys again and hologram Tony disappeared.
“I’m not sure I want him too.” Steve chuckled.  “Okay, you need one more set of photos from me right?”
“Right.” You nodded. “This time with no clothes on, for science of course.” You insisted.
“I’ve done worse things for science than undress in front of a nice girl.” Steve smiled as he began to undress.
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