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wanderlustinwonderland18 · 3 years ago
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Alexandra Stepanova & Ivan Bukin
2022 European Championships - Free Dance
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tutuandscoot · 3 years ago
🙏🏻 please, can you talk more about PYC practice? I found T&S only from a few months and I’d like to know more about them ❤️ also I love how you are always so sweet and kind (other blog are evil 🙈🙈🙈)
Ok so I have this post here and also this one that talk extensively about the PCY practices (specifically 2/17 and their final practice before the FD) but I’d be happy to continue on with all my fave bits I haven’t previously mentioned:
(Heads up it’s very likely this will be part one of many posts)
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Going in chronological order..
They start by just warming up a little bit on their own before their partnered warm up. I’ve always thought Tessa had such a beautiful ease of movement on the ice. Like the contact of her blade with the ice and that lovely pliable, soft flow as she changes edges. She doesn’t simply skate like (I think) most skaters do, it’s really like she’s dancing. It’s like when you watch the very best contemporary dancers and watching them move in and out of the floor with no jerking, sudden movements. They just melt and rise and fall with so much ease. That’s how I feel Tessa skates- such softness and grounded contact with the ice- not just skimming the surface. There’s that beautiful grounded ness but incredibly light on the top so she looks like she’s flying. Watching this little bit here I feel you can really see it. I would also recommend watching all their Vancouver dances (CD, Farrucas and Mahler) and watch her foot work- especially in the intricate parts there were lots of single twizzles mixed in and just the way she turns in the ice I find so stunning to watch. (again I know next to nothing about skating). The general consensus I’ve read is Scott was the more technically gifted and proficient skater. He is spectacular and if the camera had been focused on him warming up I’d be gushing about him but since it’s not I’m talking about T. She had her challenges with injuries and such and had to relearn everything so the fact that we are talking about her as one of the best skaters ever and not just on the technical stuff but (imo) that she has her own unique style that really makes it look like she’s dancing on the ice as if she were on the floor is amazing. It’s so obvious how much she worked to refine her technique given the cause behind her injuries and as a result is so strong in her legs and core.
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When they’ve finished their own warm up Scott waits for T to take her sweater off and just skates around nearby and when she’s ready she looks for him and is smiling so huge, then when they meet up they join hands so enthusiastically and kinda swing a bit like little kids about to go skipping down the street… it’s so freaking precious 🥹
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The way she looks at him as they finish their partnered warm up. He gives her a little ‘good job kiddo’ + pat on the back. It’s just so sweet how he always encourages her like this with what I hear and feel as ‘good girl’ and ‘you’re ok’. I feel like it’s so difficult to word it like that coz it inevitably comes off as/sounds controlling and male dominant but it doesn’t need to be- especially in their case. It’s no different to talking about how he cradles her or lifts her off podiums. She is a girl and she’s younger than him and they’ve always (from the outside view) had this very protective relationship and having grown up so close I imagine that’s what it was always like. And she in her own way encourages and protects him. But these ones that stem from their love and care and how beautifully he always leads her- you never feel like he’s gonna drop her or miss something. ANYWAY… then there’s a little arm caress as they finish and go to turn around. It’s also just so lovely that they encourage each other for the smallest things- not just after a big tricky move or the end of performance- it’s just their warm up but they do it so well and have so much fun they always want to acknowledge that. Ughhhhh such precious bbys.
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Next they practice their diagonal step sequence and finish with one of ✨these✨moments..
There’s the obvious tropes in figure skating but especially ice dance of, creating a sense of relationship. Making it believable, creating chemistry (even when there often isn’t any, at least none that the audience can get invested in). It’s not to say that any of these ‘special moments’ TS have in practices + warm up haven’t ever been, (for the relationship image) but I just don’t believe on any level that’s “why” they do it. They don’t need to create or put on chemistry because they just have it. These moments are for them and they wouldn’t waste time doing it if they didn’t enjoy it and get anything out of it. It’s like with the practice outfits as opposed to practicing in costumes- they do what makes them comfortable.
This little moment made an appearance a few times- specifically every time they ‘break’ after the diagonal. It’s so intimate and yes makes it seem like there’s “more” going on. It’s not like they even do these things as a joke/game between them I guess it’s just maybe… idk just one of their little physical things because they do love having contact and touching each other in a way that makes each other feel special.. there’s probably not a lot to it but it’s very pretty and they always have such love in their eyes 🥰.
The second one after they ‘finish’ is really cute coz Scott kinda gets all shy and drops his head and the way he’s holding her hand is so cute and they skate around like that for a bit and don’t bother to fix it.
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Next they practice their twizzles and I just think it’s so cute the way he holds onto her hand till the very last second. It’s so delicate. He does this thing sometimes when they are getting onto the top step of the podium where he almost always holds her hand to help her up but also sometimes unnecessarily lightly lifts her elbow up as well and this kinda reminded me of that. I’m obsessed with the choreography of all of MR going into the twizzles (I’ve already talked about that) but I especially love the way he holds her arm and here it’s like until they get into position he holds it so gently then once they start he gets a hard grip on her.
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They had to abort during the 2nd set of twizzles coz they were too close to the team currently practicing, and no surprise I Iove how he tells her to stop. This is all standard stuff which doesn’t surprise me at all but since it’s them and everything they do is precious of course I’m gonna spend my evening talking about it. They just have such safe ways of getting out of things and I love that he seemingly didn’t even tell her to stop, just that hand to let her no to not continue. They probably didn’t really need to stop- there would’ve been enough space and seeing that Tessa was upstage she probably wouldn’t be effected but none the less to make sure they just have those simple, worldless signals. They are so part of each other and can read each others minds that she probably knew on some level or saw out the back of her head that he had stopped- but again it’s just to be certain.
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They have a quick moment on their own then meet up again just to circle the ice till it’s their turn to practice. The whole time they just looked so happy and relaxed and pretty obviously not spending the whole time even talking about their program. Idk wtf was going on here but it’s just so precious to see them fooling around because for everything they portray on the ice, especially in these Olympic programs and they make it seem so convincing there’s some secret romantic relationship, this is who they really are with each other and will continue to be forever: just bestest best friends who find each other hilarious and have so much fun being dumb and talking about god knows what other that skating. That’s one of the things I love the very most about them-that they have this beautiful friendship and then can go and do what they do on the ice- being such phenomenal actors and dancers and they’re as good as they are and have such a connection because of their friendship- it’s not only the seriousness of their profession that binds them- they get along so well outside of that- and that they can have that amazing friendship and bring that onto the ice in their training environment, in the most high pressure of environments I might add, while still being so professional and being such role models for everyone in their sport and others is just one of the most amazing things about them.
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I feel like once you notice that the majority of the time (especially in the comeback) that they don’t hold hands in dance hold, they hold hands like this ⬆️ (and even have their own special ‘pinky’ hold) you can’t un-see it. It’s burned onto your brain for all eternity and you think about it on a daily basis and think of it as one of the most intimate things ever coz THEY told you it was and literally danced a program to ‘I want to hold you hand’ 😵😭
Like it’s just habit that teams hold hands (99% of them in dance hold) on the ice. It’s expected in ice dance- far more than in pairs (coz there not as much pressure to create a sense of ‘relationship’) but I truly never get over the way TS do it. Like this little bit here: They are skating so close together and having a light hearted conversation and they are holding hands like THAT. Why? (I’m assuming here:) coz they want to. Coz they like it. Coz they can’t get around holding hands like this outside their ‘work’ environment because god forbid people have an open mind and accept a boy and girl can be best friends and want to hold each others hands but not want to fuck each other. Coz they want to feel close. Coz they really like holding each other hands and Scott’s biggest dream was just to hold Tessa’s hand for as long as he could.
Ok that concludes part one of ??? (I’m not even up to the start of their program- this is about 5/6 minutes into the practice video🫤). Stay tuned for more parts to come ❤️
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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sanjithesimp · 3 years ago
Hi!! For the Christmas event, can i request shanks with going ice skating?? Thx in advance 🥺❤️
Thank you so much for requesting!!! I hope you love it, as much as I did. It was so cute to write, and it was my first time writing for Shanks so I hope it is good lol. Enjoy <33 btw I wrote this as gn reader because lol i forgot to include that part in the event, to specify the gender of the reader. I hope it is okay, if not feel free to request again :))
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Shanks x GN reader
🎄Ice skating🎄
The day was beautiful, a bit chilly but there were not many clouds and the sun was shining, just enough to feel warmth on your face as you waited for Shanks, as he was still learning how to use the ice skates, he looked so adorable trying to walk and slipping.
You laughed a little as he walked holding sometimes the walls.
"What's so funny, huh?" The red haired said as he approached to you, step by step.
"Oh, it's nothing, don't worry my love" You said trying not to laugh at the way he walked.
You reached out to help him get closer to you. And just as he took his hand he pulled you closer to him, making you lose balance, but somehow didn't fall. He was now holding you with both arms tight around your waist while small snowflakes caressed your faces and your hair.
Shanks leaned closer and kissed your nose, causing you to blush. You cupped his face with both of your hands and kissed him, his lips were cold but soft and he tasted like the hot cocoa you had been drinking earlier.
Christmas songs were playing on the speakers that were close to the ice rink, people walking on the park and around the ice rink, while they drank something hot to reduce the cold of their bodies. Christmas season was your favorite, all the people coming together, the music, the love, and the cheerful energy. It was all so beautiful.
You snapped out of your small trance, Shanks still holding you and looking at you with soft eyes. "Let's continue babe" You said and held his hand as you tried moving slowly with him, trying not to lose balance.
After a few falls and slips, Shanks finally got the hang of it. He was so excited as he could now move on his own without your help. He even tried doing a whole lap without holding your hand. "Omg you did it!!" You celebrated as he was approaching to you, a big smile drawn on his face.
You stayed some more, but decided to walk a bit more around the park, watching some kids sing christmas carols, some people dancing, and the big christmas tree that was on the center of the park. It was the best Christmas, something in the air felt different, maybe it was the love that you felt for Shanks or mainly because you were enjoying your favorite season with him. Everything seemed better when he was with you.
As it was getting dark it was time to go back home. Walking back you saw all the houses decorated with lights, santas, snowmen, etc. It was spectacular. Shanks had an arm wrapped around your shoulder, as you walked through the streets.
"You really love christmas don't you?" Shanks said laughing, saying you looked cute as you got all excited for the decorations of that house, or how cool does the reindeers on certain house looked.
"I do, it is the best" You said as you embraced him with both arms.
As you were arriving to your home you saw some decorations were added to your small garden and the porch. You hadn't had time to finish the whole thing as work was taking all of your time, even more on this season.
"Babe, how did you do this?" You said surprised.
"I had a little help, if you don't mind" Then all of a sudden someone came out of your house, it was Luffy jumping around, saying that he had decorated the whole place all by himself.
You smiled and thanked him for helping you.
"I love it, it is beautiful, thank you" You said to your boyfriend peppering him with kisses all over his face.
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