aberooski · 5 months
ok wait do we know how many students went missing in the abandoned dorm?
skimming episode 22, it looks like 5-6 students, including atticus… maybe it’s because i haven’t watched gx in a full year but i don’t know i don’t remember getting a resolution on what happened to the rest of them
yusuke gave atticus the dragon mask for his sake, so i’m guessing they all had to go through the gravekeeper’s duel and only atticus made it? or are they just… gone??
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From what I remember they really don't actually resolve it beyond what we know about Fujiwara's involvement and him giving Atticus the mask.
But from what I understand of what happened, and a quick google skim to fact check a few details, Fujiwara's ritual that pulled him into darkness that Atticus interrupted essentially infected the dorm with darkness and the students started disappearing, so on the subject of how many... it might've been more than what we see in the files, but it's not something we're explicitly told. But because Atticus had the mask, he was chosen by Kagemaru to become a Shadow Rider, thus Banner luring him down into the basement the day he disappeared. And as we know, Atticus put on the mask and envoked the power of Darkness and became Nightshroud so that he could actually survive.
So from what I can piece together from what little actual information we have, I think the others students are either trapped in the world of darkness..... or they're just dead.
I really don't know for sure, it's so frustrating that we don’t have any concrete answers or any actual resolution to the abandoned dorm plot line. Because it's literally so important????? Like it's the actual plot of the show???????
But yeah, that's my understanding at least?
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