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edsheeranong · 9 months ago
sweet pea x fem oc
A/N- i've never written before and idk if anyone will even see this but pls be nice. i've also not really watched riverdale in many years so i'm trying to piece things together but it won't follow the plot very well.
-archie andrews twin sister, delilah, is fed up with him being overprotective. so when a cute serpent offers her an opportunity, she can't turn it down
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"andrews," an unfamiliar voice called out. delilah hummed in response, not bothering to look who it was and instead continued piling notebooks out of her locker. "i hear your brother doesn't like you dating, he goes around and tells everyone not to go near you, 'or else'" the boy said.
"can i help you with something or...?" delilah said, closing her locker and looking at the boy.
"sweet pea," he extended his hand out to her. she readjusted the stack of book in her hands to shake his. "i've got a proposition for you," he stated.
"look, you wouldn't be the first boy to think he can get with me without my brother finding out," she started walking and followed her. "it never ends well."
"i think i can handle him," he stated. she turned to look at him and realized he had a point. he was incredibly tall and muscular. "but anyway that's not what i'm suggesting," he pulled her into an alcove. "i hate your brother, he thinks he's the shit and he keeps messing with southsiders."
"why are you telling me this?" she cut him off.
"i think we can help each other out," he said, resulting in a raised eyebrow from the girl. "you hate him for controlling you, i just hate him."
"okay, i don't hate my brother," she said.
"but you're fed up with him telling everyone not to go out with you?" he asked, and she sighed and murmured in agreement. "i'm suggesting a little revenge."
"why me?" she asked, he was getting annoyed at how she kept interrupting him.
"i'm probably the person your brother hates most, at least at this school. and i hate your brother so much, being with his sister would just kill him," he explained.
"'with' as in..." she said.
"dating," he clarified.
"let me get this straight, you want me to fake date you so you can get back at my brother for being a dick and i can get back at him for controlling my love life?"
"yep, pretty much," he shrugged.
"i'm still confused," she admitted. "if we're not actually together, you're not really getting back at him."
"if he believes we're together, then it's like i took something from him. he tries so hard to keep you away from guys, and his number one enemy being the one you defy him for. it'll make him go crazy."
"it'll make things worse, he's only gonna harass you more," delilah pointed out.
"once again, i can deal with him," he said. "just think about it," he walked away, leaving her to think.
she walked home alone and really thought about his proposal. she was fully on board with showing archie he couldn't control her, but she was scared of what he would do to sweet pea. it was all she thought about that entire night and she decided she just needed to sleep on it.
the entire next day she kept trying to find a time to talk to him but he was always with someone.
she was about to take it as a sign but as she was leaving school, she turned the corner and ran right into him. he grabbed her arm to stabilize her and raised his eyebrows at her.
"so?" he asked.
"i'm down," she told him. he smirked at her and they started walking. he led her to the back of the school where his bike was. he handed her his helmet and she hesitated before taking it.
"well it would be bad manners not to drive my girl home," he said, noticing her confused expression.
"okay hold up," she said as he mounted the bike. "i think we need to have a conversation about this."
"what is there to talk about?"
"uh, i don't know. how long are we gonna do this for?" she sat down on the ledge in front of him.
"until we decide we've had enough," he said.
"okay... how is this... gonna work?" she asked and he pondered for a moment.
"well, we should make sure archie sees us together, obviously. but we gotta keep this act up around other people too," he pulled his leg off his bike and stepped closer to her, putting his hands on her knees and spreading them so he could stand between them.
Sweet pea took the moment of silence to take a good look at her. he had seen her around school, of course, but it was always from a distance. her hair was usually messy, due to the loose curls in it.
but looking at her up close was different. her eyes were bright green and her skin was almost sickly pale. she had freckles littered about her face. she was a lot to take in.
it shocked him how different she looked from her twin brother. he had bright red hair and dark eyes but her hair was pitch black and piercing green eyes.
"okay," she managed to finally get out. "i have some rules though."
"rules?" he threw his head back. "i don't really do rules."
"we get it, you're a bad boy," she rolled her eyes at him. "and yes i have rules. number one, we keep my dad out of this. he's been through a lot recently and i don't want to stress him out more," she waited for a sign be understood and when he nodded his head she continued. "number two, nothing too physical. i've never had a boyfriend before and i don't want all my firsts to be wasted on a boy-"
"like me?" he cut her off. "a serpent? a southsider?"
"who isn't actually my boyfriend," she finished, clearly annoyed.
"fine, but nobodies going to believe we're dating if i can't kiss you," he pointed out.
"you can kiss me, but i'm not doing anything more," she told him. "number three, you can't tell anyone this isn't real. if it got back to archie, neither of us would live to see another day."
"my lips are sealed," he said. "now if that's all..." he picked her up by her waist and gently placed her on the ground. "i think it's time we set the plan in motion," he gestured toward his bike.
"sure, but archie won't be home," she said as he placed the helmet on her head and messed with the straps.
"where will he be?" he got back on his bike and patted the space behind him.
"him and veronica go to pops every friday after school," she explained, carefully climbing on the bike. he grabbed her arms and placed them around his torso.
"then i guess i know where we're going," he started his bike. "hold on tight."
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fanfics4all · 4 months ago
Summer Fling
Request: Yes / No  Hi, I'm a new follower so I don't know if you accept requests, but I've been OBSESSED with Sweet pea. Unfortunately my Riverdale phase came back, since then I've been creating imagine scenarios with Sweet Pea, well, more specifically, Sweet Pea having a "summer fling" with a reader who has the appearance and personality of Liv Rooney and was super friends with Betty or Cheryl (and it would be as if Josie didn't exist or had never been involved with Sweet Pea but the reader) Anon
Don’t be shy, request things! <3 Have a nice day/night
Sweet Pea x Fem!Reader 
Word count: 776
Warnings: Nothing really, sad ending I suppose?
Y/N: Your Name 
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
If you enjoy my work, you could also show support by buying me a coffee! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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The summer in Riverdale was supposed to be ordinary. Lazy afternoons with Betty, trips to Pop’s, and avoiding the Southside drama that always seemed to creep into the picture. I hadn’t expected it to be anything more than just a short break before heading back to my life in the city, but then I met Sweet Pea. 
It started at one of Cheryl’s infamous bonfires. Betty had convinced me to come, saying it would be ‘fun and totally safe.’. I wasn’t so sure about the safe part, especially when I spotted the Serpents hanging around the edges of the firelight, their leather jackets catching the glow like something out of a movie. Sweet Pea was with them, leaning casually against his bike, arms crossed, and smile tugging at his lips. I saw him around before, mostly in the background of Betty’s stories about Riverdale’s chaos, but we never talked. That night though, he noticed me. When our eyes met, this spark, a flicker of curiosity in his dark gaze, made my heart skip a beat. 
“You don’t look like you’re from around here.” He said when he finally approached me. His voice was low and teasing. I raised a brow, trying not to let his intense stare throw me off. 
“And you don’t look like you talk to girls who aren’t from around here.” I shot back, folding my arms. To my surprise, he laughed, a genuine sound that made the butterflies in my stomach stir. 
“Fair enough.” He said, holding his hand out. 
“Names Sweet Pea.” 
“Y/N.” I replied, shaking his hand and feeling the warmth of his touch linger a little longer than it should have. 
That was the beginning of it all. Sweet Pea wasn’t like the guys I usually hung around. He was bold, a little rough around the edges, and completely different from what I expected. But there was also a softness to him, hidden beneath his Sperpent persona and the smirks, I couldn’t help but be drawn to it. Our ‘fling’ started with stolen moments, late-night drives on his bike, secret meetings at Sweetwater River, and whispered conversations under the stars. He showed me a side of Riverdale I’ve never seen before, the hidden beauty in the chaos, and I showed him that there was more to life than just surviving. 
One night, we snuck into the movie theater after hours and shared a thing of popcorn he had somehow managed to swipe from the concession stand. 
“So, what’s a girl like you doing in a town like this?” He asked, his tone playful. 
“Visiting my Grandma.” I smiled. 
“And maybe having the time of my life with a guy who’s way cooler than he lets on.” Sweets raised an eyebrow, leaning in closer. 
“Cooler than I let on? You sure about that?” I laughed, pushing him lightly. 
“Don’t let it go to your head.” He smiled, a soft genuine smile that made my heart race. 
“You’re different, Y/N, in a good way.” 
“Good different?” I teased, though my voice was soft. 
“The best kind.” He whispered, his gaze locking with mine. 
As much as I tried to keep things light, I couldn’t help but feel something deeper growing between us. But we both knew it couldn’t last. I was only in Riverdale for the summer and Sweet Pea’s world was here, tangled up in the Sperpents and everything that came with that. 
The night before I left, we met by the river, sitting on a blanket as the water glimmered under the moonlight. Neither of us said much, the weight of the inevitable hanging between us. Finally, Sweet Pea turned to me, his expression serious. 
“I wish you didn’t have to go…” He said, his voice barely above a whisper. I swallowed hard, trying to keep the tears at bay. 
“Me too, but we knew this wasn’t forever.” 
“Doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck.” He muttered, his jaw clenching. I reached out, taking his hand in mine. 
“This summer… it meant everything to me, Sweets. You mean everything to me.” He looked at me, his eyes filled with something I couldn’t quite place. Sadness, hope, maybe even love? 
“You’re not going to forget me, are you?” 
“Never.” I promised, leaning in and pressing my forehead against his. 
“And you better not forget me either.” He pulled me into a kiss, slow and lingering. It was like he was trying to hold onto the moment as long as he could. When we finally pulled apart, he rested his forehead against mine, his hand cradling my face. 
“Goodbye, Y/N.” He whispered. 
“Goodbye, Sweet Pea.” I said, my voice breaking.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @lover-of-books-and-tea @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches28 @kmc1989 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @ready-4-fanfiction @madammarvellous-blog1  @emo-godess-loves-you @hiya-imthatgirl @mindsetjupiter @averysinclaire @mittelerde1999 @sweetest-peas @rousewriter @camiconfessions-blog @thecaptainsgingersnap @cenyddtheunicorn @jacksxsouthsideserpents @lover2448 @mamacobie13  @staygoldsquatchling02 @wanderlust-and-poetry @hiighdeex3 @ayeitsjaz @skeletalwolfcat @scarrasco1325 @reblogserpent @darkestbeforethedawn16 @fandom-princess-forevermore @will-noble-owns-my-ass @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e @madebyleftovermuses @liz-owl
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yourjughead · 1 year ago
Attack Dog pt.2
Sweet Pea X Reader enemies to lovers
Hey wait up Brass Knuckles” Sweet Pea easily reached you in a light jog. You gritted your teeth to push down the pain of the spasm in your leg at the end of its contractions. You pulled your hood up before returning an arm to your thigh. 
“So I'm not even gonna get a thank you Princess?” You stopped dead, if even to just give your leg a break from your weight. 
“What do you want a fucking medal?” you shot. 
“Listen, from where I'm stood, you need me a lot than I need you right now, so you wanna maybe try another tone? Let me help you home” You just rolled your eyes at him and began to limp along again. Sweet Pea went to put an arm around you to support your weight only to be met with the palms of your hands into his chest pushing him away. 
“Do. Not. Touch. Me.” You snapped. 
“Okay fine, hobble along, maybe I should go back and tell them where you've gone to or who you are?” You stopped again, your leg sending a shot of warning pain down to your toes. You exhaled loudly before stretching out an arm allowing Sweet Pea to pass beneath it and support your weight with his shoulders. 
“What are you even doing out this far this late?” He didn't leave the silence between you stay that long. 
“Trying to sort through my thoughts”
“Yes I hear punching the leaders of gangs is very good for that” you glanced worriedly at him. 
“What do you mean by that?”
“I mean what I said, or is that rain jacket cutting the blood flow to your ears” he threw your early words back at you. 
“I didn't know that's who he was, a weird man grabbed me, it was instinct”
“It's a real shame you hate Serpents so much, that was a very Serpent thing to do” you scoffed at him. 
“Why'd you even help me anyways?” 
“I was in between shifts selling drugs to children” he gave a small laugh and you fought away a smile. You both carried on along the road for awhile without speaking.
“This changes nothing”
“Whatever you say Princess”
“Stop calling me that” 
“Fine, I'll go back to attack dog, seems more fitting now anyways” you didn't care about the pain in your leg, you snatched your arm back from over him and tucked it into your side. Your surroundings started to become more familiar to you as you got closer to the Northside once again. Sweet Pea slowed behind you and you turned, surprised he didn't badger you about not letting him help.
“Nothing I just… I just don't like being over there without my friends” Sweet Pea nodded in the direction of where you grew up and you couldn't help but laugh.
“Afraid of the little Northsiders? Very surprising” you teased but he didn't quip back. 
“If anyone asks, you weren't on the Southside alone, I wasn't on the Northside alone, everyone stayed where they're supposed to” you nodded in agreement, happy to forget this night. Your cadence evened as your leg finally relaxed after being electrified. 
“Well….I got it from here, thanks I guess”
“Wow who knew Northsiders had manners?”
“Who knew Serpents even knew the word manners?” He scoffed at you before gesturing for you to keep walking without him.
Sweet Pea POV 
Monday morning came around, the junior Serpents were alive with discussions of last Friday night.
“I heard a Ghoulie girl came up and clocked him”
“I heard it was a girl from New York”
“I heard it was his long lost daughter” I buried a smile at my friends and their theories. Thank god no one got a good look at her. Why do I even care? She's so nasty to us. It kept me awake all night. Why did I help her? Why am I still thinking about it? I looked out from my locker to ask Jughead a question to find him staring longingly at YN. I tried not to roll my eyes. Our friends lost in their theories.
“What's up Jones?” 
“Nah, you're looking at your attack dog more like she's a cuddly Pomeranian” I closed the locker and leaned on it alongside him. 
“She's not like that normally, she just has a lot on her plate” 
“And do you also wanna be on that plate?” Couldn't help myself, he pushed me sideways along the locker smiling.
“Maybe I did once but the way she looks at me now….she hates me”
“No no, she looks at me like she hates me, she looks at you like she's trying to figure out her next move with you. Just give her the time and space to figure it out” his head shot in my direction.
“And you know this because why? You look at her a lot?” If I was being honest I did find my eyes on YN a lot, every class we shared, she was more interesting that whatever the teachers were droning on about. 
“No no, just an observation I made, part of my job to be….. observant” he looked at me like he didn't believe me. I didn't believe me. Lucky for me he didn't speak whatever he was thinking. I took a stolen glance at YN laughing down the hall with her friends. I wish I could make her laugh like that. 
“Right I've had enough, I'm gonna talk to her today, I can't keep going on pretending I don't miss her” 
“Careful Jones, that's not very Serpent of you”
“Yeah…but maybe I don't want to be a Ser-” I cut him off, my temper taking me as I caught his shirt.
“Don't finish that sentence unless you mean it. You're either with us or against us” our friends stopped gossiping and stared at us. I released my grip before pushing off the locker and heading down the hall. I don't like when people use me and my friends. Was he just using us until he got back to here? I met YNs eyes, she saw everything. Good job Sweet Pea I'm sure that'll help the situation. 
I sat on the end of bleachers of the football pitch during lunch, the only place I could have a cigarette without a teacher freaking out at me. 
“Yanno that'll kill you?” I turned to find YN sat a little distance from me. 
“Funny, Jones said the same thing about you to me” I hear her give a half-suppressed laugh at me. Not quite the hearty laugh I heard from her this morning but I'll take what I can get.
“What was that with Jughead this morning? Tell him what happened with us on Friday?” 
“Us? Oh no no Princess, you get all the credit for your right hook, all the blame too” I crushed the cigarette into the bleacher before chewing on some gum. 
“You know what I meant” she kept her gaze on the field of football players doing their lunch time training as she spoke. 
“Don't worry I didn't say anything. I was just giving him advice on what you need-”
“-And how the hell would you know what I need!”
“Well I think you need a good fuck cause that's the only thing I think that'll get you to stop being so up tight-” her head shot to me, no longer concerned with who saw us talking.
“-but I settled for the old reliable give her time and space” I watched her chest release the full capacity of air from her lungs before taking another deep breath. She shuffled slightly before zipping up her sweatshirt. Oh shit I was just staring at her chest.
“I didn't…I didn't mean that I want to be the one to….fuck you…I meant …” I didn't know what I meant so I shut myself up and waited for the bleachers to swallow me whole. She scoffed before returning her eyes to the field, watching Archie passing the ball around. 
“I'm not normally like this, I'm just finding it hard to find my feet back here again. So much change here and when I was out moving house every few months the only thing that kept me sane was knowing this place would stay my constant. Now that's changed too” her head dropped down slightly with her lowered tone. 
“I umm I don't know why I just told you that”
“The Serpents are my constant, I know you don't like us but they were the only ones to care about me growing up. I don't like when that's disrespected, that's what the thing with Jughead and I was about this morning” 
“Careful there snake brain, your human side is showing” I grinned at her comment. The lunch bell rang out across the school, sending YN and me our separate ways for the day, the whole interaction not leaving my thoughts for the rest of the week
Part 3
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supercap2319 · 1 year ago
"Nice slut you got there, Andrews. Feel like sharing him?" A member of the Serpents grinned. Imagine their surprise when the son of Fred Andrews, King of the Southside Serpents, brought a pretty boy for the north side of Riverdale.
All eyes were on them as things like: drinks, pool, and arm wrestling were put on a temporary hold as they waited for Archie to respond. He gave them a mischievous smile. "Any other time, I'd happily share my slut with all the Serpents. Let them service everybody in Whyte Wyrm, but this one... he belongs to me."
They disappeared through another room, as Archie pushed Y/N into his dad's office in the back and made out with him on the desk.
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delusionalwritingsofagay · 7 months ago
Can you write something which jughead x male and the serpents too please?? Maybe jughead introduces his boyfriend to the serpents??
Serpents and Sweethearts
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pairing : JugHead Jones x MReader Tags: Established Relationship, fluff Word count : 807 Y/n: Your name L/n: your last name
It was a cool autumn evening in Riverdale, the kind where the leaves crunched beneath your feet and the air was cold and crisp. The sun had dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and deep purple. At Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe, the usual buzz was replaced by an air of anticipation as Jughead prepared to introduce his boyfriend, Y/N, to his friends from the south side.
Jughead had always been protective of the people he cared about, and introducing Y/N to the serpents was a big step. They had been dating for a few months, and although Y/N had been living in Riverdale for months now and was settling in with ease  He was still nervous about meeting Jughead’s friends. Jughead was determined to ease Y/N’s nerves.
“Are you ready?” Jughead asked, glancing sideways at Y/N. They were sipping on milkshakes, the sweet vanilla flavour doing little to mask Y/N anxiety.
“I guess so,” Y/N replied, His voice wavering slightly. “What if they don’t like me?”
Jughead reached across the table, taking hold of Y/N’s hand. “Trust me. They will, besides, you’re Great.”
Y/N couldn’t help but smile at Jughead’s encouragement. After a moment of quiet, He  nodded. “Okay, I’m ready.”
The bell above the door jingled as the serpents entered the diner making their way over to Jughead's table and sitting down joining them with ease “Hey guys, I want you all to meet Y/N.”Jughead said 
The Trio  turned their heads, and a moment of silence fell as they took in Jughead’s significant other. Y/N felt a little on edge  under the weight of scrutiny, but Jughead squeezed his hand reassuringly.
“Y/N, this is Toni,” Jughead gestured to a pretty girl with dark brown hair with a stand-out light pink highlight  “and this is Sweet Pea,” he continued, pointing to a tall guy with a double-headed serpent tattooed on the left side of his neck. “ and finally Fangs” he said  gesturing to guy with a laid-back demeanour.
“Hey!” Y/N nodded, trying to mask his nerves with a small smile.
Toni grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief.“Nice to meet you, Y/N. Jughead’s told us a lot about you. We’ve been looking forward to this.”
“Yeah, man,” Sweet Pea chimed in, crossing his arms over his chest. “If Jughead’s into you, you must be pretty cool”
“Exactly,” Fangs added with a grin, his laid-back demeanour putting Y/N a bit more at ease. “You must have some serious charm to get him to open up.”
Sweet Pea leaned back in his chair, arms crossed with a friendly smirk. “ and you're hot”
Y/N snorted a laugh at the unexpected compliments. “Thanks, I guess,” his voice steadier now. “I’m just trying to keep up with Jug”
Jughead chuckled, a hint of pride in his eyes. “You’re doing great.”
The conversation flowed more easily as they settled into a rhythm. Toni asked Y/N about his interests, and he found himself sharing stories about his life before he moved to riverdale. Sweet Pea and Fangs chimed in with their own anecdotes, and soon the initial tension began to dissipate.
Fangs grinned “ Jughead finally found someone who can put up with his brooding” 
Y/N laughed, the sound brightening the tension in the air. “I wouldn’t call it brooding. More like intense contemplation, right?” He shot Jughead a playful wink, and he couldn’t help but roll his eyes, a smile creeping onto his face.
“Yeah, let’s go with that,” he said, relieved to see Y/N relaxing. The Serpents were accepting Y/N will ease, He was fitting in well. 
At one point, Sweet Pea leaned across the table. “So, what’s it like dating our brooding leader over here?”
Y/N smirked. “It's a lot of intense contemplation followed by snack marathons. Pretty solid gig if you ask me.”
The table erupted in laughter, and Jughead felt the warmth of acceptance wash over him. 
As the night wore on, Jughead and Y/N went over to the counter to order another 
round of milkshakes “See? They liked you,” Jughead said, grinning. “I told you they would.”
Y/N chuckled softly, still feeling the adrenaline of meeting Jughead's gang friends . “I wasn’t sure how they would react..”
“They seem protective of you,” Y/N noted, glancing back at the group laughing and engaged in conversation. “Like they’d do anything for you.”
“Yeah, they would. And so would I,” Jughead replied, his expression suddenly serious. He leaned closer to Y/N. “You mean a lot to me. I want you to know that.”
Y/N leaned in, their lips brushing against Jughead's in a brief yet tender kiss. It was soft and sweet, a promise of something more, something real. As he pulled away, Y/N smiled, his initial nerves completely fading away. 
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yourgothgirldowntown · 4 months ago
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Still in love with my South Side Serpents jacket~
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t00yvgn · 11 months ago
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mercerharlan · 6 months ago
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Englewood neighborhood of Chicago
August 2024
Nikon D780
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hannahsphotographie · 10 months ago
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a cooler day as it gets warmer
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spaceshipsandpurpledrank · 5 months ago
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yearningforunity · 10 months ago
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Kenneth “Supreme” McGriff, Kurtis Blow, & Wall “Ghost” Corley. South Jamaica, Queens. 1984.
$100 Million flowed in the Southside by The Corley Brothers, Feurtado Brothers, Fat Cat, & Supreme Team. Wall is allegedly an inspiration for the character Ghost on Power. Rarely seen.
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edsheeranong · 9 months ago
Sweet Pea x Fem OC
Pt. 2
archie andrews twin sister, delilah, is fed up with him being overprotective. so when a cute serpent offers her an opportunity, she can't turn it down
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Delilah hung onto him for dear life, terrified as they raced through the streets of riverdale. when they finally arrived at pops, delilah didn't think she had it in her to step off the bike. he pried her hands off him and helped her off. with her whole body trembling in fear she couldn't get the helmet strap undone. he once again helped her and took it off her head.
"i'm never doing that again," she said, flattening out her hair. he fixed a piece of her hair and gestured for her to follow him.
they walked through the doors and delilah surveyed the room for archie. he wasn't there.
"i'm gonna go wash my hands," she said excused herself. when she came back out, she came face to face with archie, veronica, jughead, and betty.
"hey girl," veronica said. "we were just about to sit down, do you wanna join us?"
"oh, no thanks V. i'm here with someone," delilah explained. "thank you for the offer though."
"o la la, does delilah andrews finally have a boy?" veronica asked.
"no," archie shot in. "no she does not."
"just between us girls," she whispered to veronica and betty. "kinda."
the girls all squealed at her admission.
"i don't wanna move to fast, and put labels on it, but i really like him," she lied through her teeth.
"well we won't keep you any longer," betty winked at her and started walking toward a booth.
"who?" archie demanded.
"none of your business," she walked away from him and towards sweet pea who was seated at the counter. when she took the seat next to him, archie sprinted across the room to them.
he ripped sweet pea out of his seat and they started yelling.
"what the fuck are you doing?" archie said.
"i'm here on a date," sweet pea responded.
"get away from my sister," archie shoved him and sweet pea shoved him back.
"you're being ridiculous," delilah said, stepping in front of sweet pea right as archie tried to push him again. she lost her balance and fell back into sweet pea hard. he caught her and rested his hand on her hip.
"don't touch her," archie said.
"i think i'll do what i want."
archie lunged at sweet pea but jughead held him back.
"sit down," veronica demanded. "leave her alone, archie."
"this isn't over," archie threatened before walking back to a booth.
sweet pea turned her around and leaned her back against the counter.
"not so bad, right?" he whispered. she shrugged lightly and he pulled her in for a hug. "is he watching?"
"mhm," delilah hummed into his chest. after a few seconds he pulled away slightly, their hips still pressed together. he looked at her carefully before raising his hand to her chin and gently kissing her.
"why him?" archie sat at his booth, fuming as he watched his sister.
"he's not without charm, archiekins," veronica said. "why are you so opposed to her dating anyway?"
"every boy in this town is an asshole," archie said.
"you live in this town," betty pointed out.
"i know."
"you're mainly upset because he's a serpent," jughead scoffed.
"yeah, jug. and he tried to hurt me. he showed up at my house and tried to fight me," archie complained. "why does he like her anyway? he hates northsiders."
"well, for starters, delilah is drop dead gorgeous. like even i've had thoughts about her," veronica admitted, resulting in a disgusted look from archie. "but, also, she's kind. she doesn't judge the southsiders, at least not outwardly."
"i think it's sweet," betty said.
"how? how is that sweet?" archie asked, slamming his fork down.
"he's willing to fight for her. he must know she doesn't date because you don't let her. just be happy for her, arch," betty explained.
"it just doesn't feel right," archie shook his head. "i can't shake the feeling he's using her to get back at me."
"not all serpents are the horrible people you make them out to be," jughead chimed in.
"can you blame me for thinking that?" archie practically yelled.
"i guess not. i'll talk to him," jughead told him.
"thanks jug."
archie watched as they left the diner and the only thing stopping him from following them was veronica sitting on the outside. but when he saw sweet pea hand the helmet to her he practically shoved her out and raced outside, his friends not far behind.
"absolutely not," he yelled. "she is not getting on that."
"calm down," veronica said.
"no, ronnie. a date is one thing but she can't get on that. she'll get hurt," he said. "i bet that's what you want though."
"excuse me," sweet pea stepped close to him.
"you heard me. i bet you're just itching to hurt her to get back at me."
"there's something wrong with you," sweet pea bit back.
"come on," she pulled sweet pea back. "he's not worth it."
"let's go," he mounted his bike and delilah followed him.
archie watched in anger as they rode away. he stormed back into pops, slammed money down on the table, and started running back home. when he got home, he went straight to delilah's room, but she wasn't there. he ran back down the stairs and found his dad in the kitchen.
"has 'lilah come back home?"
"no, i don't remember seeing her come in," fred responded. archie went back upstairs and called delilah. she didn't respond.
"god, he's annoying," delilah whined, putting her phone back in her pocket.
"i know," sweet pea said. they were sat on the edge of sweet water river, completely alone. "why doesn't he let you date?"
"i'm not really sure," delilah admitted. "something about all the boys being awful, i think. but i don't believe that."
"that's weird."
"i think he's trying to protect me, i mean he wouldn't ever leave my side growing up. but ever since he started dating veronica, he's been leaving me alone more, thank god."
"it still doesn't make sense though. you'd think he'd want you to have a boyfriend so he could protect you," sweet pea pointed out.
"i gave up on trying to understand my brothers mind a long time ago," she put a hand on his shoulder and sighed.
they sat there in silence, watching the river flow, for what felt like eternity before delilah spoke.
"it's getting late," she whispered. "it's dark and i'm cold."
"take my jacket," he took off his serpent jacket and handed it to her. "i'm sure your brother would love that."
"take me home," she said, snatching the jacket from him and pulling it over herself. she was practically drowning in it.
hé drove her back home and walked her up to her door. it wasn't that late but delilah didn't want to risk waking anyone up. she slowly crept up the stairs and entered her room. she found archie sitting on her bed.
"why him?"
"he asked me out," delilah said, crossing her arms.
"and you thought i would be okay with this?"
"archie, i have had enough with you thinking you can control my life. he likes me, and i like him. i'm not gonna let you ruin yet another relationship for me, i just won't," she was trying to be stern with him, but not be too loud. "now get out of my room," she pointed to the door.
"im not done with this," he said, heading for the door.
"yes, you are, archie. seriously leave me alone, you've done enough to hurt this family, dont add this to the list of things you'll be apologizing for for the rest of your life."
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pkside · 7 months ago
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OG chinatown
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yourjughead · 1 year ago
Sweet Pea X Reader
Synopsis: You visited Riverdale intermittently throughout your young life, captivating and definitely influencing a certain serpent
Sweet Pea POV 
Age 9
“I don't know yn” our toes hung over the edge of the inlet with river water running below. I was never a good swimmer, YN attempted to teach me when I was 7 during her family visit with Toni. I never made it past the dog paddle, wasn't sure I ever would. She always influenced me to do these things, wasn't sure how it happened. Before I could object again, she pulled me by the hand off the edge and into the depths below. 
Age 12
I was never going to be ready for this new school. YN dragged the yellow spray can along the wall, its paint splattering everywhere.
“Are you sure this is okay YN?” She just laughed at me continuing on with her masterpiece.
“Why not, it's just a shed?” 
“Hey you kids!” The voice of a burly man screaming from his car shook the both of us. 
“Run!” YN dropped the tin, caught me by the hand and hauled me off through the streets of the Southside. She was hysterically laughing when we finally stopped running, huddled up behind a disused bus stop. 
“You’re crazy YN” that was so close my god
“Oh well” she beamed at me. Is this what love feels like? The sound of her phone interrupted my thought process.
“Hi Dad - Yeah - okay I'm coming home now - bye” she hung up the phone before standing back up and pulling me back to my feet.  
“I gotta go Sweet Pea, dad's waiting to drive me back….nice to see you” it was so quick it was like it didn't happen, she kissed my lips so fast and then ran off back into the streets. I couldn't move my feet from the spot as I watched her disappear into the evening. My first kiss.
Age 15
“Who are you taking to the dance?”
“I'm not sure Fangs, maybe YN, she's visiting isn't she?”
“Oh you loooove her”
“I do not shut up” I shoved him off the path on our way walking home. Yn was like my best friend….my long distance best friend, I don't think I like her like that. 
“He loves who?” She joined our side with Toni in tow. I gave Fangs’ smirking face a warning glance. I'm gonna deck him when they're gone. 
“Sweet Pea loves dancing is all” she cocked an eyebrow to Fangs as Toni rolled her eyes at all of us. 
“I've never seen him dance”
“Well why not see it on Saturday at the Southside High dance” oh he's dead dead, I glare towards his goofy face, a dead man.
“Sure why not” my head whipped back around to her, no way no way no way.
“Keen Sweet Pea?” my glare returned to Tonis smug voice. I tried to nod as little as I could and play it off cool, not very successfully. 
That Saturday I waited outside the High School for her. I waited. I waited. I waited. She never showed. I waited. I waited. I waited. 
Age 18
3rd person POV
You lounge across the sofa, the room spinning with drunk and wild teenagers attempting to escape the plagues of senior year. Cheryl's birthday party engulfed the entire manor as you sipped cool gold liquid from a crystal flute until it was empty. 
“Don't sulk cousin” Toni replaced the glass in your hand. You gave a half there smile before drinking deeply again. Toni swayed as she walked towards Cheryl, hugging her tightly and raising a glass to her, their laughs swallowed by the loud music. Your envious gaze left them and landed back on your glass. You had broken up with your long term boyfriend two weeks ago before fleeing to Riverdale to gain some distance from the heart break. Your glance lifted from the crystal again and onto the tall Serpent sinking pints in the doorway. His body shook with laughter at his friends antics before meeting your eyes across the room. You adjusted yourself slightly, trying to not look like the fallen bird you felt like. The Serpent pushed from the doorway, exiting his conversation to land himself next to you.
“Long time no see YN” he gave a genuine smile to you, leaning further back into the sofa as you sank your drink, grabbing another from a passing waiter's tray. You hadn't been back in almost 4 years, things had settled a lot at home and the yearly pilgrimage for peace to Riverdale wasn't as desperately required.
“Makes me laugh that even at a rager, Cheryl's got white glove service” you nod to the waiter in thanks as he fights a roll of the eyes.
“Are you going to talk to me or should I leave you to make googly eyes at your alcohol?” you turned your torso to face him, his arm across the back of the chair behind you. You clink your glass off of his and take a deep sip. The golden liquid causes your head to swirl slightly, a crutch to ease your aching heart. 
“I'm just passing through” you offer.
“Hmm yeah I heard about…yeah I heard” he tried his best to stop the pity from painting his face, failing massively, gaining a scoff from you. 
“Id rather not talk about that”
“Rather talk about standing me up 3 years ago instead” you sighed, dropping your face into your hand in almost disgrace. He nudged you laughing.
“Relax YN, water under the bridge, I'm just teasing”
“I'm sorry regardless, I'm sure Toni explained but I had to go-”
“-YN please I'm only teasing it's okay, teenage Sweet Pea is probably still pissed but I've grown” you couldn't hide your laugh at his joking tone. 
“And how do I make it up to teenage Sweet Pea?” 
“Okay Sweet Pea if you leave a mark then Toni will know” you almost giggle separating the Serpent from your neck.
“Maybe I want her to know” he grins before biting down again in sweet pressure, laughing as you slip from his grip slightly, your head gently knocking off the brick of the wine sellar wall behind you. 
“She wouldn't like it very much” you grinned as he met your lips with an equal smile. His hands slipped down your sides to grip you from behind, your own hands across his shoulders. Sweet Pea lifted you from the ground allowing you to wrap your legs around his waist, your back flush against the brick all without breaking apart his lips from yours. Your ringtone cut through the air of the wine cellar loudly, giving you both a fright. Your ex's name illuminating the brick as you pull it from your pocket. Sweet Pea slowly dropped you gently back to your feet, his face falling too. He stepped back away from you to look anywhere but at the glowing screen as you answered it
“Hello - hi - Riverdale why? - maybe - really? How sorry? - maybe I could come back - I just -” the phone was snatched out of your hand so quickly you didn't have time to react. 
“Hey she's busy!” he hung up the phone to your confused ex.
“Pea why'd you do that!?”
“Why'd you answer the phone in the first place!?” His sharp tone matched your own as your face contorted in confusion.
“I don't understand”
“YN Ive waited 6 years to kiss you again and you -”
“Again?....oh my god yeah” you rubbed your hand down your face and almost half laughed at the cringe of a 12 year old you.
“Yeah, man I was so surprised” he followed your laugh, cringing at his own reaction. Silence fell between you both again, the chill in the air cutting at you both. 
“Remember that time when we were like 7 or something and I taught you how to swim-”
“-Remember? I nearly drowned and got pneumonia” he laughed with his chest at the memory and you smiled.
“Or that time we climbed the tree by the Wyrm-”
“-You mean the time I broke my elbow?” 
“God Pea, I'm a bad influence” Sweet Pea closed the gap between you both, his hands finding their way to your hips again. 
“I never mind being influenced by you” you bit your lip at his quiet words before kissing passionately again. 
“How long are you going to stay this time YN?”
“Well actually….I was thinking of transferring for senior year” in one smooth motion Sweet Pea picked you up from the ground and back against the wall. 
“Yeah, just thinking about it” you ran a hand down his chest.
“Well YN….allow me to influence you” he reattached himself to your neck as you laughed, wrapping your arms around him again
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tha-wrecka-stow · 2 months ago
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3utopia3 · 10 months ago
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