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xmen-more-like-sexwithmen · 9 months ago
opinion: jeff x abed being canon in the community movie would actually sort of make narrative sense?
agree - okay so I LOVE jabed I love it an insane amount and honestly I think it would make sense. I really liked them especially in the last episode where they kinda came full circle.
Abed finally being able to ease off using TV and media as a coping mechanism like he has his whole life because he's moving on from Greendale, but Jeff reverting back to using TV as a coping mechanism because he spent his whole life with no comfort, and now that he's found some he's clinging to Greendale and Abed's "gimmick" because he's afraid of letting go.
I genuinely think it could make sense but I don't think it would be done correctly. they aren't trobed, they aren't meant to be wholesome and childish, if they were together it would be messy and hard and probably sometimes toxic because of how similar they are but how Abed's instinct was always to embrace his "nerdy" side and use it to hide his true feelings but Jeff created a blank canvas of a personality to hide the fact that he's not as cool as he wishes he was.
they're just two insecure teenage boys, but one became the victim and the other became the bully.
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saiilorstars · 5 years ago
Next Stop Everywhere
Chapter 3: The End and Start of Something New
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Female OC x 10th Doctor (but we’re starting with the 9th Doctor)
OC face claim is the actress Victoria Camacho!
No real warnings for now!
// Story Masterlist // 
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"You said this was a spaceship." I said, watching the Doctor work the controls, "So you're an alien, then?"
He looked up with a big grin,"Uh, yeah. Is that a problem?"
I looked him over, taking in his appearance which really looked like he couldn't even harm a fly, "...No."
Rose smiled, "This is actually real."
"Tell me about it," I laughed excitedly.
"Right then, Rose Tyler, Joy..." the Doctor paused, "Do you have another name?"
"Souza," I answered fast, "S-o-u-z-a, pronounced, SO-ZAH!"
He laughed, probably thinking I was crazy but I was just so excited! "Alright then, Joy Souza, where so you want to go? Backwards or forwards in time? What's it going to be?"
"Forwards," Rose and I answered together; we glanced at each other and smiled.
"How far?"
"One hundred years," Rose blurted.
But I knew exactly where I wanted to go. If this was a time traveling box then I'd put it to the test. "Five billion years into the future."
They looked up, shocked. "Really?" the Doctor asked.
"Yes. Take us," I ordered lightly.
"Right then," he shrugged, pulling down a lever.
The box shook in its violent ways that seemed usual for the Doctor as he just awaited for its halt.
When we did stop, I rushed to the doors. "Are we here?"
"Why don't you look outside?" the Doctor replied.
I bit my lip and flung the doors open. It was a wooden room with a glass window in front. I rushed down the small steps and towards the wall. "I'm looking at the earth," I whispered, "My earth."
"You lot spend all your time thinking about dying. Like you're going to get killed by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids," the Doctor said from behind, "But you never take time to imagine the impossible. Maybe you survive. This is 5 billion years in your future. This is the day...hold on...This is the day the sun expands." "Welcome to the end of the world."
I was looking with such intrigue through the window when he said that; my eyes widened and looked back with shock. He nodded, reasserting what he had just said. I looked back to my planet. My dear Earth. "The end of the world..." I stroked the wall.
Now, I truly believed the Doctor's box of wonders was a time traveling box; it had brought us to the end of the world.
"So when it says, 'guests' does that mean people?" Rose was asking the Doctor as we walked down a corridor.
"Depends what you mean by people." the Doctor shrugged.
"I mean people. What do you mean?"
"Aliens." I smiled, capturing the term quite fast.
The Doctor smiled back, nodding. "This is an observation deck. The great and the good are gathering to watch the planet burn."
"For fun?"
"My, you are clever." he nodded.
"Believe me, I've had to be..." I muttered, looking away.
"I'm sorry?"
"Nothing," I quickly said, "So do we get to meet them?" We entered an observation gallery. "The rich aliens?"
"Hold on," Rose stopped, "They did this once on 'Newsround Extra' the sun expanding, I mean...that takes hundreds of years."
"Millions." the Doctor corrected, "But the planet's now property of the National Trust. They've been keeping it preserved. See down there?" He pointed to glints of light that orbited the planet, "Gravity satellite. That's holding back the sun."
"It still looks the same..." I observed, "Continents didn't change."
"They did.' he nodded, "The trust shifted them back. But now the money's run out...nature takes over!"
"So how long does it have?"
"About half an hour." the Doctor took a look at his watch, "Yeah."
"And then it burns..." I whispered.
"So you're going to save it." Rose nodded, so sure of it.
"I'm not saving it. Time's up." The Doctor said, bluntly.
I glanced back, surprised. "You're..."
"It's empty! The people are all gone!"
"Who the hell are you?" someone demanded, "How did you get in? All the guests have already disembarked!"
"But that's us," the Doctor took out a leather wallet and held it out, "Guests plus two."
"Well...obviously," the blue man, as I'll be calling him that, quickly gestured us further inside the room, "Apologies. If you're on board we'd better start! Enjoy!"
I glanced at the wallet and snatched it, the blue man walking off, "This is completely blank."
"Let me see," Rose snatched it from me, "Hey...it is."
The Doctor rolled his eyes, "Psychic paper? It shows them whatever I want them to see. Saves a lot of time."
"He's blue..." Rose looked on, just now realizing the blue man's appearance.
"Yeah," the Doctor nodded, "Aha."
The blue man spoke through a microphone for us all to hear, "All staff to their positions please! Hurry now! Thank you! And now, I might introduce the next honored guest, representing the forest of Cheem, we have Tress. Namely, Jabe, Lute and Coffa." Three tree looking people walked in through a door. "There'll be an exchange of gits representing peace. If you can see the room circulating, thank you. Next, from the solicitors Jolco and Jolco, the Moxx of Balhoon."
Rose and I stared at the 'people' walking in through the doors. Definitely not humans.
"The gift of peace." the lady 'tree' walked up to us holding a plant tray in hand. "I bring you a cutting of my grandfather."
"Thank you!" the Doctor exclaimed, taking it from her and handing it to me, "And gifts...um...I give you in return, air from my lungs," he blew a large amount of air to her face.
"How...intimate." the lady said afterwards, smiling.
"More were that came from." the Doctor smirked.
"Is he flirting with a tree?" I whispered to Rose, making her snicker.
"Sponser of the main event, please welcome the Face of Bo."
A head in a jar, with a might large size, was wheeled in through the doors.
"The Moxx of Balhoon," the Doctor announced to the next guests.
"My felicitation on this historical happenstance. I give you the gift of bodily saliva."
I frowned, "Wait, that-"
And that thing...
...spit on my face.
The Doctor laughed, 'Thank you very much."
I glared, 'Actually, I don't quite agree-"
"Shut up," he covered my mouth, 'Not invited so no complaints." I sighed and crossed my arms. "Ah! The Adherents of the Repeated Meme. I bring you air from my lungs," he blew air to new guests.
'A gift of peace in all good faith." it held out a large silver egg which the Doctor took and handed it to me again.
I passed it onto Rose like I had done with the planet.
"And last but not least, our very special guest." the blue man announced, "Consider the Earth below. In memory of this dying world, we call forth the Last Human."
Immediately, I looked over. The doors opened and in was wheeled a vertical trampoline which held up a sort of...scrap? Although, this scrap had eyes and a stained red mouth.
"The Lady Cassandra O'Brien Dot Delta Seventeen."
"Oh now, don't stare," Cassandra said, "I know, I know it's shocking, isn't it? I've had my chin completely taken away and look at the difference! Look how thin I am!"
I was...disappointed. This was the last human? The last of my species that practically represented us...was a scrap?
"I don't look a day over two thousand," She continued, "Moisturize me, moisturize me," she muttered to the men beside her trampoline set. She was sprayed with a canister. "Truly, I am the Last Human."
I frowned, "Fat chance."
"My father was a Texan. My mother was from the Arctic Desert. They were born on the Earth and were the last to be buried in the soil."
Rose and I walked around, both curious at this scrap called Cassandra. She was completely flat...
"I have come to honor them an..." Cassandra sniffed, 'Say goodbye. Oh no, no tears." one her men wiped her eyes. "I'm sorry. But behold! I bring gifts! From earth itself: the last remaining ostrich egg." An egg was displayed to the room. "Legend says it had a wingspan of 50 feet and blew fire from its nostrils."
I rolled my eyes, "This woman's a nut job."
"Or was that my third husband?" Cassandra suddenly questioned.
"Oh brother..." I rolled my eyes as I returned next to the Doctor.
A jukebox was wheeled inside next.
"And another rarity." she continued, "According to the archives this was called an iPod. It stores classical music from humanity's greatest composers."
I shook my head. Music was started from the jukebox and played "Tainted Love'' by Soft Cell. I was getting irritated with all this. Rose looked amazed at how stupid this woman was. The Doctor, on the other hand, started dancing about.
I glanced at him and shook my head slowly, "No."
To me, this was an embarrassment. All the achievement of my planet and this is what will bid goodbye to it? Ridiculous.
I noticed Rose had rushed out of the gallery. I wondered if it was of the embarrassment as well; I wouldn't blame her. "Doctor. Rose left."
"What?" he looked after her. He was going to follow her but the lady tree stopped him.
"Doctor?" she motioned for them to take a picture. "Thank you." She smiled after the picture had been taken.
"Bit odd." I remarked as they left.
"Where's Rose?" he asked.
I shrugged, "I don't know. But...it should be safe right?"
He agreed, "Yeah."
"Cassandra is mad." I began, sighing, "None of the things she said are true. This is horrible!"
"Give her a break. It's not like she had the full experience."
I blinked, "Oh my god..."
"I'm dead." I put a hand on my chest, "I've been dead for billions of years."
He frowned, "Ray of sunshine."
I turned to him, "I've got a question."
"Let me hear it." he gestured, "That's how you learn right?"
I smiled and nodded, "If they're aliens...why do they speak English?"
"Telepathic field. It gets inside your brain and translates."
"The Box of Wonders is in my head..." I repeated.
"Box of what?"
"Nothing," I waved him off.
"Do you mind if I go search for Rose?"
"By all means!" I exclaimed, "I'll stay here and uh...mingle." I smiled then walked off.
Mingle? How? I didn't want to be anywhere near the scrap. Instead, I went over to the glass window, staring with wonder.
If my parents would see me now. They'd finally get it. I'm up to the impossible. Screw the 'normal' life. This is what I craved for. Unlike them, I wouldn't spend the rest of my days trapped in an office dealing with other people's problems. This right here...this was incredible. They should be proud. They shouldbe.
"Excuse me?" I glanced and saw the lady tree again. "Hello, um, what was your name?"
"Joy." I said, nervously. What if they realized I was a stow away?
"Jabe." she introduced, "The man you were here with, the Doctor...where is he from?"
I blinked, suddenly realizing I didn't know the answer to that. "Um...it's personal, I'm afraid."
"Oh...and his name then?"
I remained quiet again, "Um...personal? Only friends."
She slowly nodded, "Where are you from then?"
I looked back to the window, looking down at my planet. "Far, far away."
Suddenly, the ship shuddered, making us wobbly on our feet. "Woah..." I ended up against the window. "Is that supposed to happen?"
Jabe shook her head, "No."
"Uh oh..." I looked around, "Got any engine room?"
She nodded, "Yes but I don't think you'd know any of that stuff."
I know she didn't mean to sound mean, but it was. "Well," I fixed my flowery dress, "I've fixed my own motor," I said, proudly, "A ship? Let's find out."
I rushed to the entrance where I bumped into the Doctor and Rose. "Where are you going?" he asked.
"Engine room. I doubt that was normal." I replied.
He looked me over, "No...you're not."
"Yes, I am."
"No." I spat.
"Well, I don't know about an engine room exactly," Jabe cut in, "But the maintenance duct is just behind our guest's suite. I could show you and..." she looked between Rose and him. "...Wife?"
"She's not my wife." the Doctor bluntly said.
"Partner?" she tried again.
Jabe studied Rose again, "Prostitute...?"
I shook my head. Rose crossed her arms, "Whatever I am, it must be invisible. Do you mind?" she snapped, "Why don't you two go and pollinate, I'm going to catch up with family. Quick word with Michael Jackson," she walked off.
"I'll uh...if you want I'll stay here." I pointed to Rose.
He nodded, "That'd be good."
I nodded and walked off as well. That did not go well. I was going to talk to Rose but I saw she had found conversation with Cassandra. I decided to let her have it so she could cool down.
I didn't belong here, was the first thing that popped into my head as I stared out the glass window once more. I was thinking hard about my location, how I got here...and I figured out was that I've wanted to travel, but to Paris. To Brazil. Not in space...
Of course, that's also because it never occurred to me it was possible.
"Miss?" It was one of those blue looking people again, only female; she looked like a plumber. "Do you mind?" She gestured a cloth to the window.
"No, no, no, go ahead," I took a step back.
"Sorry for speaking without permission," She began wiping the window.
She mused, "You are not from around here, are you?"
"Is it that easy to tell?"
She nodded. "Forgive my directness, but you have beautiful hair."
"Oh," I looked down to my long, brunette hair, "Thank you."
"It is exceptionally long. Most people don't really do that anymore."
"Because they don't have any?" I picked at one of my strands, suddenly tensing as I realized that may be rude if it was taken out of context.
She chuckled, "That was quite funny."
"Well I'll tell you what, in my planet, most girls don't rock the long hair that goes to the waist," I gestured to mine.
She raised an eyebrow, "Rock it? Is that an earth term?"
"Uh..." I blinked, "Yeah...I um, heard Cassandra saying it. Felt like it should come back."
She nodded, "Very nice."
"The planet's end! Come gather!" Cassandra exclaimed.
"Huh?" I looked around and noticed Rose was gone again. "That girl needs to stop doing that," I walked to the group of people gathered around Cassandra.
"Let us mourn the earth with a traditional ballad." Cassandra said.
And suddenly, Toxic began playing. "Oh you have got to be kidding me," I muttered.
"Stop everything!" Jabe ran into the room with the Doctor. "The spider devices have infiltrated the whole of platform one."
"How's that possible?" Cassandra asked, "Our private rooms are protected by a code of wall."
"Summon the steward!" Someone yelled.
"The steward is dead." Jabe announced.
Everyone gasped. "But who would do that?" I asked.
"This whole event was sponsored by the Face of Bo!" Cassandra exclaimed. "He invited us!"
I moved back to the Doctor, "Why not just use the spiders to find out who it was? Obviously, they have a master...or a mistress. Find out who controls them."
"Exactly." He smiled. He set down the spider on the floor and let it scurry back to its master...The Adherents of the Repeated Meme.
"It was them." I crossed my arms, frowning.
"Now, you're clever but you still need to learn." The Doctor said, "Because, you see, a Repeated Meme is just an idea." It tried striking him but he caught its arm and ripped it off. I stared, bug eyed with shock. "A Repeated Meme is just an idea. And that's all they are. An idea." He ripped out a wire from the arm, causing all the Adherents to crumble down into black cloaks.
"Was not expecting that..." I admitted.
"They're remote controlled Droids. Nice little cover for the REAL troublemaker." The Doctor nudged the spider with his foot. "Go home!"
The spider scurried back to Cassandra. "I bet you were the school swot and never got kissed." She sneered, "At arms!" Her two guards raised their canisters at us.
"What are you going to do, moisturize us?" I raised an eyebrow.
"With acid." She rolled her eyes. "But it's too late anyways. My spiders have control of the mainframe. You all carried them as gifts, tax free, past every code wall. I'm not just a pretty face."
"Actually, you're NOTHING." I snapped, nearly scoffing at her scrap figure. "You could be used to wipe the floors..."
"Sabotaging a ship whole you're still inside it?" The Doctor questioned.
"Manufacture a hostage situation with myself as a victim: Enormous compensation," she replied.
"I don't get it. You're all rich but it still comes down to the money. Is this what the world is still all about?" I asked, disgusted. "Money?"
"Do you think it's cheap looking like this?" Cassandra snapped, "Flatness costs a fortune."
"But you're nothing!" I exclaimed, "You claim to be the last human but that's false. Anything human has been...dead for centuries." I looked her over.
"I am the Last Human."
"WRONG." I snapped, "Rose is human. I am human. You...you're a piece of scrap."
"Joy," the Doctor pulled me back.
"Earth death in 3 minutes." The computer announced.
"And here it comes. You're just as useful dead, all of you. I have shares in your rival companies and they'll triple in price as soon as your dead." Cassandra chuckled, "My spiders are primed and ready to destroy the safety systems. How did that old Earth song go? 'Burn, baby, burn.'"
"Then you'll burn with us," I said, glaring.
"Sorry, but I've got teleportation. Strictly forbidden but...I'm such a naughty thing. Spiders: Activate."
A couple of explosions rocked the ship.
"Force fields gone with the planet about to explode. At least it'll be quick. Just like my fifth husband," Cassandra giggled. "Shame on me. Buh-bye darlings!" She teleported away along with her guards.
"That bitch," I spat.
"Joy," The Doctor scolded.
"What? I say what I feel," I crossed my arms.
"Can someone reset the computer!" Mixx of Balhoon exclaimed.
"Only the steward would know how!" Jabe replied.
"No, we can do it," The Doctor corrected, "There has to be a restoration switch. C'mon Jane," He rushed for the exit.
"Wait," I grabbed his arm, "What about me?"
"You need to stay here...where's it's safe."
"That's some bullshit." I snapped, "It's not safe anywhere."
"Later we'll talk about your language," he wagged a finger, making me roll my eyes, "But first, STAY HERE," and he ran off.
I stood there, dumbfounded. What the hell am I supposed to do here on my own? I didn't even know where Rose was.
"Heat Levels, critical." The computer announced again.
A crack in the window made me turn around. The glass window wouldn't hold on much longer. The light began pouring through, engulfing the Moxx of Balhoon.
I screeched a little, my eyes widening at the scene. Without thinking, I dashed into the corridors.
"Rose! Doctor!" I yelled, but received no answer. The ship shuttered again, sending me to the wall and down the ground.
Heat Levels critical.
Planet explodes in 10...9...8...7...
I forced myself up against the wall and walked forwards. "Rose!" I called. I'd figure she'd be closer than the Doctor. "Rose!"
I stopped a few feet before reaching the room the Doctor, Rose and I had been in earlier. "Rose!" I called.
I shut my eyes and awaited death. It never came. I reopened my eyes and saw the ship was normal and...not blasted.
Rose bust through the doors, "Joy?"
I smiled, "Rose!"
She rushed to hug me, "Thank God you're okay!"
"Were you trapped in there?"
"Yeah," she nodded.
"C'mon!" I pulled her towards the gallery again. "Let's see if the Doctor's back."
Sure enough, he was inside and looking around. When he saw us, he immediately joined us.
"Didn't I tell you NOT to leave this place?" He demanded from me.
"Didn't I say it was bullshit?" I raised an eyebrow.
He rolled his eyes, "Moving on. I've got 2 ideas: Idea 1, teleportation through 5000° needs some kind of feed. Idea 2, this feed must be hidden nearby," He walked over to the ostrich egg and broke it open, revealing the teleportation feed. "Idea 3, if you're as clever as me then a teleportation feed can be reversed," He twisted the feed and made Cassandra appear again.
"...Oh." Cassandra stared at us, clearly shocked to be back.
"Look at that, the piece of scrap is back." I crossed my arms, smirking.
"Uh, so...you passed my little test," She began nervously, "This makes you eligible to join the, er...human club?"
"People have died, Cassandra," The Doctor said, serious, "You murdered them."
"Well that depends on your definition of 'people'. And that's enough of a technicality to keep your lawyers dizzy for centuries. Take me to court then, Doctor! Watch me smile and cry and flutter..."
"And creak?" I raised an eyebrow.
"What?" She glanced to me.
"You're creaking..." My smirk widened, "What's the matter? Run out of moisturizer?"
"What? No! Moisturize me! Moisturize me!" She cried as her skin became tighter and her eyes bloodshot red.
"You raised the temperature," the Doctor said.
"Oh please! Have pity!" Cassandra exclaimed, "Moisturize me!"
"I can't have pity for someone who tried killing me," I glared.
"Help her,"" Rose said to the Doctor as she trembled.
"Everything has its time and everything dies." The Doctor replied quietly, glaring to Cassandra.
"But I'm too young!" Cassandra exploded.
I was a bit scared myself but...she had it coming. I glanced at the Doctor and saw he was completely unfazed by it. Like a rock. He left the room without a word.
I stared out the glass window, seeing what was once was my home. Now, it was just rocks and gas. Funny how things revert back to the early ages for everything. The planet started with rocks and gas, and now it was just that. Humans started as children who need guidance and sadly, most end up as children again who need the guidance of their own offspring to survive.
How will the galaxy end, I ask myself?
How will I end?
"It's sad," Rose startled me from behind. I looked back and saw her and the Doctor standing by the stairs. "Our planet was here and no one saw it go..." She walked towards me.
"We were too busy saving ourselves," I muttered, returning my gaze to the window, "All our history...all our accomplishments...gone."
"All of humanity..." Rose whispered, "It's just us."
"Come with me," The Doctor grabbed our hands and led us to the TARDIS.
We stepped out into streets of our dear planet; fully restored. Though, it was the past. People were walking here and there, having conversations, yelling for advertisement etc.
"You think it'll last forever," I whispered sadly, "All the places I've seen..." I started walking ahead, "It'll be gone one day. Everyone I know...everyone I've met..." I stared, "It won't matter." I turned around to the Doctor and Rose, ready to say something but saw they were having a conversation of their own. It looked deep in a sense. I felt like an outsider, an intruder almost. I waited for them to finish and when they did, they walked over to me; Rose nuzzled up to the Doctor's arm.
"We're going to get chips, you wanna come?" She asked.
"Chips?" I repeated, momentarily confused, "Oh! French fries!" I exclaimed, making them laugh, "Um su-..." I watched the two suddenly, studying them, "N-no...um...I have to head home...I need to...change...but I can meet you in an hour."
"Are you sure?" The Doctor asked.
I nodded, "Yeah...go ahead."
Rose smiled brightly, "We'll see you later then"
"Mhm." I nodded and watched them leave. I stared after them, watching them become closer. "I really hope this doesn't turn out to be a 'Third-Wheel' trip."
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