ridetheluck · 1 year
Dream blunt rotation
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mcgilou · 5 months
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i've been struggling w/ my mental health really bad so just a minute heads up for all my blogs being wonky activity. i feel bad bc i wanna write but i don't wanna force it if i can avoid that.
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odysseys-blood · 1 month
i still maintain that arise wasnt going to be good anyways but it would have been saved just a little if they included a weird dark magic girl
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talesofourworlds · 1 year
“Ah, Magilou! I’m glad… we’re finally in the same city…!” Ludger had to pause for a moment as he caught his breath. “S-Sorry…Give me a second… I ran for a good few minutes…” With their busy lives, their paths crossed once every scarlet moon. So when he saw that ever recognizable large hat, he’d shoved his way through crowd upon crowd to catch up to her. 
But there was no need to rush anymore. He’d caught up, now it was just a matter of saying his piece.
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“Okay, I think I’m good now.” Ludger said after he steadied his breathing, “I wanted to thank you for bringing your marvelous energy across Desolation as you fight against the Abbey. As a Kresnik, I can agree that our world’s malevolence problem needs solving. But the way they’re going about it? I’d say nobody would enjoy it, but joy wouldn’t exist in the Abbey’s ideal world.” 
Such an objectivist solution wouldn’t do anyone any good. The ‘Lord of Calamity’ may be hated by most, but to this Kresnik? She and her colorful companions worked to fulfill a goal everyone ought to appreciate.
“When your menagerie has its way with the Abbey’s head honchos, would Magilou’s Menagerie consider doing a special celebration tour? I’ll pay for premium front row seat tickets every show!” He’d even pitch in extra to bring Julius and Elle, if they ever managed to get past the pesky ‘transfer vessel’ thing. Or maybe once things were settled, the chief wouldn’t see a need to keep his Malak stapled to him. 
Who’s to say? He’d hope for a bright future brought by Magilou’s Magnificent Menagerie which manufactures mirth.
That voice... oh, Magilou recognized it! That was the young man she'd accidentally bumped into once before. And he was a fan of the Menagerie, too. Hard to forget a face of a person like that, she told herself. When Ludger called out to her, Magilou twirled around to face him and let him speak.
"Take your time," Magilou said. "I've got all the time in the world." At least until Velvet deemed they needed to get going again. She wasn't sure how long that would be. Fortunately, Ludger collected himself and got to speaking. What he had to say was enough to take the usually playful expression off of her face, though, and replace it with surprise.
Well, well! Someone who appreciated what Velvet and they were doing for the word! A rare treat, to be sure, and Magilou was quickly back to smiling a bit as Ludger spoke.
"It's Velvet who should be getting most of the thanks," Magilou confessed. "But hey, her cause is worth fighting for. The Abbey and Shepherd don't want anything good for this world." Ludger had put it better than she could have, frankly. Then again, considering that her old master was a part of the Abbey too? It wasn't too surprising that their idea of reason and what was best for the world was messed up.
"You know what? For Magilou's Menagerie's biggest fan? I think we can arrange that," Magilou answered at length. She twirled again, flourishing with a dramatic pose and a smile as she did. Whether Velvet was able to take part or not... well. That depended on how things went. Magilou had her suspicions for what was going to happen. But why spoil it?
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"I'll have to make sure we get lots of practice in before the big showdown with Shepherd Artorius," she said. "Wouldn't want to fumble in a celebration of freeing the world, you know?"
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friendsamongstars · 2 years
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"Happy Halloween~! It's time for ghouls and ghosts to BOO-gie into the night, spreading merry spooks far and wide~! Oh, before I forget, Trick or Treat Kaisa~" Magilou, you're too old to be trick or treating. Oh well.
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The witch laughed a bit not in jest but because she was glad to see others enjoying the holiday without any moping about age. It was her personal belief everyone could enjoy it because we all deserved fun!
“Happy Halloween! Even the ghosts are having quite a night! I’m sure you feel the air is a bit different with magic tonight, dear.” Despite all her tricks, the tricky witch was given a full sized candy bar!
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Request: How about some jealousy headcannons for Velvet , Eleanor, and Magilou?
(Tales of Berseria) Velvet, Eleanor, Magilou Jealousy HC's
Honestly, I was waiting until I had access to the skit sprites, and now that I have, it's time to UNLEASH the Berseria asks that's been laying dormant for nearly a year.
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Velvet's jealousy is quiet, and very terrifying.
Thinking about it logically, she really shouldn't be that angry about S/O simply talking to other people than her.
She was a Daemon after all. And yet, S/O chose to stay with her despite that.
And right now, they were doing anything but that.
It takes a long while for the jealousy to build up, but it's nearly ready to blow up.
S/O notices her glaring at them, and the person they're talking to.
After a few moments, Velvet realizes she's staring and quickly looks away, acting like nothing is happening.
S/O walks after her, with Velvet continuing to walk despite her name being called.
(S/O) "Velvet?"
(Velvet) "What?"
(S/O) "Are you alright?"
She stops walking and glares at them again.
(Velvet) "Fine. Why?"
(S/O) "You...just looked a little angry is all-"
Her eyes narrow as her fists clench.
(Velvet) "A little?"
(S/O) "O-Okay, really angry! I'm sorry I haven't had much time for you lately, I've just been trying to get supplies and-"
(Velvet) "I said it's fine. Better for us to be stocked up anyway than wasting time."
She tries to play it off, but S/O knows her better than anyone at this point.
(S/O) "Well, I could use your help carrying some of it back to our rooms. And...I'd like to have some time alone with you, actually. There's this pretty spot near the inn we can sit down at!"
Velvet simply sighs and her shoulders relax a little.
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Choosing to not mention the blush on her cheeks, S/O gently grabs her hand and squeezes it for reassurance.
Velvet says nothing else and lets them hold it for a few more seconds before slowly letting go.
(Velvet) "Come on, show me where we're putting the supplies."
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Eleanor feels guilty for even thinking about being jealous.
The two of them were busy, especially on a journey like this, romance was almost impossible. She knew this, and yet...
Eleanor pouts when she sees S/O speaking to the other members of the group and goes off to be alone for a moment.
Maybe some fresh air would clear her head.
The sun was about to set, watching it glisten along the coastline they were on.
(Eleanor) "Maybe during the voyage, we could...-"
(S/O) "Eleanor?"
Eleanor nearly jumps out of her skin when she hears S/O voice come from behind.
(S/O) "Are you okay? You look upset."
(Eleanor) "A-Ah...Don't worry I-..."
Eleanor thought S/O was too busy to notice her lately, yet the fact they noticed her leaving in a crowded inn made her guilt grow.
She cuts herself off before simply sighing and clearing her throat.
(Eleanor) "I'd like to get dinner with you, if you don't mind."
(S/O) "Oh, sure. I can grab the others and-"
S/O immediately noticed Eleanor's body posture change, both her hands going behind her back.
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S/O gently smiles at her before nodding.
(S/O) "There's nothing wrong with being a little selfish. Where do you want to go? My treat, tonight."
Eleanor smiled back and nodded.
(Eleanor) "I recall seeing an interesting food stand in town. Perhaps they're still open?"
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Magilou doesn't really get that jealous.
She knows when people are lying or being serious.
She also is very much aware of herself, and how she truly feels.
Not to mention the incredible circumstances she and S/O found themselves in, going to assassinate a world leader.
With that being said, it would be remiss of her to not embarrass her S/O at every opportunity.
That was a sign of true love!
S/O is simply talking to Eizen regarding the Van Eltia.
And that was the time to strike.
(Magilou) "S/OOOOOOOOOOO!"
Magilou called out for S/O's name as she extended her hands and nearly tackling them to the floor.
Barely fending Magilou off of them, S/O stared at Magilou who began flailing at them.
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Eizen gives Magilou an extremely unamused look while S/O tries to shut her up, with everyone looking at their direction.
The crew, port workers, the rest of the group, everyone's attention was on them.
(S/O) "W-What are you doing, Magilou?!"
(Magilou) "You barely spend time with me at all lately! As your beloved, I demand that you give me attention too!"
(S/O) "We were literally just talking ten minutes ago!"
(Magilou) "It's not enough!"
(Eizen) "Are you done? S/O has to get the supplies on the ship before sunset."
(Magilou) "This is a matter of the heart, Eizen! You wouldn't understand, for you do not possess a maiden of your own!"
(S/O) "I'll talk with you once I'm done, Magi! Just give me a few-"
(Magilou) "UGH! You wound me, S/O!"
(Velvet) "I'm about to give you a wound if you keep this noise up."
(Magilou) "Believe me, you'll understand my feelings once you have someone to call your own!"
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disappearingmuse · 2 months
Magilou and Rokurou: a character study and an underrated parallel
So. Magilou and Rokurou. Two characters lacking in the emotion department who covertly struggle with their self-esteem because of this lacking and because of their pasts. Who both tell us in their own ways that they don’t care, and they don’t care that they don’t. However, as we learn throughout the game, there is a lot more nuance to the way they experience the world than they would have us believe. Their internal experience is left somewhat up to interpretation, and what we do know about their mindsets isn’t spoon-fed to us. The player has to pick up context clues and slowly piece them together to see the whole picture, which I think is pretty dang cool. Today I’m getting out the corkboard and the red string.    
What is the deal with Magilou’s broken heart?
When Magilou refers to herself as having a “broken heart,” aka her feelings disappearing, it’s both symbolic and literal.
The literal: During her one-on-one fight with Melchior on Hexen Isle, she says that she has rebuilt her heart about 107 or 108 times. However, she was Melchior’s “failed experiment” whose heart never broke completely- which I interpret to mean that some of her capacity for emotion is still intact. The apathy she feels is very real, but it’s not the total eclipse of the heart (sorry, guys, I couldn’t resist) that she wants everyone to believe it is.
The symbolic: Magilou’s past is the quintessential tragedy epic. She was abandoned by her parents, then taken in by a circus troupe who made a freak show spectacle out of her, then the troupe perished in an accident set up by Melchior, then she was taken in by Melchior, then he abandoned her. She was stuck in a cycle: the people who were supposed to be her caretakers, guardians, and mentors all mistreated and left her.
Until Bienfu brought her to Grimoirh, who broke the cycle and saw her for who she was.
As Grimoirh says to Magilou, “It wasn’t failing to hold up against Melchior’s arte that broke your spirit, was it? It was when you realized that he no longer considered you his daughter.”
Emotional blunting is a common response to repeated trauma, so Magilou’s current disposition isn’t solely a result of a physically broken heart but also an emotionally broken one. Melchior’s betrayal was the final straw that led to the Magilou we see in-game, a woman who is rarely authentic in her interactions. Her cheery façade and exaggerated theatrics are the opposite of the apathy she feels inside. Magilou says, “I don’t care about anything, and I don’t care that I don’t.” That’s what she wants the people around her to believe. It’s a lie twofold: one, that she doesn’t care at all, and two, that she doesn’t care that she doesn’t care.
If Magilou didn’t care, she wouldn’t be telling Melchior how lovely it is that her traveling companions are driven by their emotions. She wouldn’t be asking Velvet what it feels like to hate. For her, it’s easier not to feel, sure; but in the same breath, she seems envious of others’ capacity for emotion. Her self-aggrandizing comments are a mask for the lack of self-esteem that shows itself in rare moments, most likely a product of both the repeated abandonment in her past and the blunted emotion that separates her from everyone else. “I hope you learn to like yourself,” Velvet tells her, having finally seen through the mask.
But Magilou gets more out of traveling with Velvet and crew than just having a host of people to compare herself to. Perhaps observing them is what allows Magilou to awaken a bit more from her slumber of apathy. As she tells Velvet before the final dungeon, “I finally found something to care about.”
What is the deal with Rokurou’s emotions?
Rokurou, being a daemon, also presents with a limited range of emotion. But what does that mean? What is his internal experience like?
Rokurou advertises himself as a heartless daemon who only cares about defeating his brother. He invites a simple interpretation of himself.
But I think the core of Rokurou’s being is, in fact, very human: a push and pull between two diametrically opposite sides of himself. The Rokurou who gets so caught up in the heat of battle that he will turn on even Laphicet before someone snaps him out of it versus the Rokurou who has only kind, encouraging words for Laphicet and goes out of his way to help the other party members. The Rokurou who upholds the principles of the Rangetsu clan versus the Rokurou who turned against those principles to challenge Shigure for the first time. The confident, even-tempered Rokurou and his vulnerable moments that reveal the doubt beneath the exterior.
This push and pull has been going on since he was a human. The scene that shines the brightest light into his psyche, I think, is the skit that is triggered by sleeping at the Meirchio inn. Velvet walks in on Rokurou’s sword training. She says he looks peaceful, but he counters that it’s actually the opposite- “It brings out my negative thoughts…my hatred, my doubts, my ego, my anger.” He says he used to try to practice to get rid of his negative thoughts, or so he told himself, but now he realizes that can’t be done. We can infer that these are the emotions and feelings that drove him to become a daemon and the ones that remain with him strongly since his transformation. He has given up on trying to fight them, and they are now his driving force. Unlike Magilou, I don’t interpret him as apathetic but as a very, very skewed scale when it comes to emotion.
Rokurou often mentions how little he cares about his loss of humanity or what others think of him. It’s his version of “I don’t care about anything, and I don’t care that I don’t.” This is also a lie twofold.
I point to the scene in which Velvet comes upon Rokurou sitting outside drinking while Kurogane forges himself into a sword, having a minor crisis about what allowing his friend to do such a thing says about him. He tells Velvet, “You hate because you love, and feel as much hurt as you do anger. That’s human.” He says of Shigure, “He has the very human strength to take the good with the bad and just keep pushing ahead. A strength that I, as a daemon, can never match.” His insecurity about his state of being and the inferiority he feels towards Shigure are on full display.
As in Magilou’s case, the narrative doesn’t disprove the emotional blunting that Rokurou describes, but it does contradict that it goes as far as he says it does. We see genuine emotion from Rokurou multiple times. In a skit where Eleanor decries the lack of empathy in daemons, Laphicet thinks to himself, “But Velvet and Rokurou have empathy.” During the sidequest “Rokurou’s Blade,” he mentions how good it felt to hear his mother praise him for the first time (say hello to another very likely source of Rokurou’s self-esteem issues.) In the scene where he strikes down Shigure, watch the sadness on his face when Shigure tells him that Rokurou’s first attempt on his life was for naught- Shigure was going to leave the clan anyway.
Finally, Shigure comments on Rokurou’s vicious smile: “If only Artorius’ stony face could smile like that, he’d be a lot happier.” Despite the negativity driving Rokurou, Shigure points out the truth: it’s not an empty, joyless existence.
In very professional conclusion, the end I friggin love Berseria and I love Magilou and Rokurou byeeee
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thelunarsystemwrites · 4 months
You seem pretty cool. What fandoms are you in, and what ships do you like, if any? Do you write fanfiction? Do you have an AO3? Sorry if that's too many questions for one ask. 😅
Hello there!
I forget half the Fandom I'm in SOOO here's the ones that are important ^^
The owl house.
Ever after high.
UTMV/Undertale. (Haven't played Deltarune yet)
Transformers prime (S1 and S2).
Transformers Rescue bots. (I haven't seen the newer seasons in years)
Transformers academy. (S1)
Glitch techs.
Invader Zim. (I've only watched a handful of S1 episodes and the movie though-)
Percy Jackson. (first 5 books)
Lexi Magill and the teleportion tournament.
Monster high..ish? I watched it a lot as a kid!
Lilo and stitch. (Still watching the show)
Rapunzel (And the series!)
Big hero six. (Haven't watched the cartoon show)
TWOMP. (YouTube series)
Murder drones.
Sonic boom.
And yes I have an a03! Not entirely sure if I should share, because just about anything in last year us MEGA Angst and I wasn't in the best place lol.
And yes I write fanfics >:) and no you're absolutely fine! ^^ never too many questions!
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asktalesofberseria · 9 months
Alright. Question for the entire group. Considering that you all are pretty much a found family of one another. Which role are you in a household? Who's the dad, who's the mom, the aunt, etc?
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I don't like this question... Everyone is going to say I'm the baby.
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Hey kid, if you don't wanna be the baby, that's fine by me! Bienfu can be the baby, and the scapegoat of the family. You can be... The big brother.
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Me, a big brother...? Hm...
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On one condition! I want to be the dad!
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Cool. So I'll be the mom then?
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... What? What kind of conclusion is that?
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Everything about this is wrong...
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If I may introject- I don't think those roles suit either of you. Magilou would make a horrible father, and Rokurou isn't motherly at all. Gender roles aside... (Which still matter to me, by the way.)
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I think I should be the mom! And... I think Eizen would make the best dad out of all of us.
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Sorry, but I unfortunately disagree. There's no way I could ever have a child- as any child I would have would be destined to a life full of misfortune with me as their guardian. The reaper's grind never stops💯
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Rokurou can be the dad. I'll just be an old family friend.
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Fine! But just so you all know, I am a dad that believes in corporal punishment.
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You better keep your hands off of Phi, Rokurou.
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Bienfu is fair game, though! I give you permission as his birth father.
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What a horrible twisted family.
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froqgy · 1 month
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This is crazy.... magilou jack'o and DIZ FAUST???? sorry faust is not a freak in That way
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jessjustplay · 3 months
Currently playing Tales of Berseria - 22 Hours Update
June 24, 2024
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I'm around 22 hours into the game and a lot has happened. I also have my full party now!
In my First Thoughts on Tales of Berseria post (only 4 hours in) I mentioned how I hoped Magilou would join our party and she does! She's incredibly dramatic, so I find her to be very funny.
We also recruit Eleanor, who reminds me so much of Lailah, Rose, and Alisha. It's like the game devs took the 3 girls from Zestiria and meshed them into one person.
We did quickly meet Zaveid in this game, which was interesting. I can't get over the fact that Eizen is Edna's brother. I was hoping we would see Edna but she hasn't appeared (yet??).
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Laphicet is seriously the absolute cutest character I ever had met. Vivi who!? (Sorry, Vivi) But truly, Laphicet is adorable. So sweet. So inquisitive. So powerful.
I liked Rokurou since the beginning, and he has continued to be a good character. (Although I didn't like that part where he was mean to Laphicet, but he apologized so I'll let it go).
Velvet is as... Velvet as ever. She is an interesting "protagonist" and it's bizarre sometimes to be playing as a daemon, but she does still have some sense of morals within her. It's complex, so I appreciate the different perspective. In games (at least the ones I play), you do tend to play as very heroic characters, so playing as Velvet has been a unique experience.
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I've been putting cowboy hats on every one and it's hilarious. (Except for Velvet. She's the lead singer, and they are the band lol)
As for the overall story, I'm enjoying it. Since I played Tales of Zestiria first, hearing Artorius being called "The Shepherd" is crazy. After all, Sorey is AS heroic as can be, so to see the inception of the Shepherd concept is interesting.
I think Velvet's quest to fight Artorius to get revenge for her brother and sister makes complete sense. The others have their own purposes for joining her, not necessarily because they care about her, but because of their own agendas and needs. Seeing as this is a group of misfits, this just makes so much sense. Laphicet is probably the only one who wants to follow Velvet because he cares about her, which fits the bill.
I'd say the only confusion is who is Inominat, why is Laphicet so strong, what happens after we destory Artorius, and how do the events in this game lead to the events in Tales of Zestiria?
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I'm A Real Boy Now
by fredbearndfriends
Debbie wonders why Jonathan seems to be in a better mood lately. Jonathan isn't the most open person about his feelings -- especially those for a demon named Sock.
Debbie suggests she meets this mysterious friend she's never seen or heard. Jonathan says no -- Sock finds a way to say yes.
All it takes is some Latin and a possum tail to make him a human. For only one day (for some reason).
Words: 6908, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Welcome to Hell - All Media Types, w2h, W2H2
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jonathan Combs, Debbie Combs, Napoleon Maxwell Sowachowski | Sock, Minor Characters
Relationships: Jonathan Combs/Napoleon Maxwell Sowachowski | Sock, Jonathan Combs & Napoleon Maxwell Sowachowski | Sock, Jonathan Combs & Lil | Magill Nancy, Jonathan Combs & Debbie Combs, Sock Sowachowski & Debbie Combs, Sockathan
Additional Tags: well.... i return to writing w2h, Sock gets a human body (TEMPORARILY), using the demonology book, gay Jonathan, kinda coming out, just for fun, no sadness or anything, Gay Lil (why do i keep canonizing her as gay YASSS..), mention of lil/jojo but it's one line, SOCKATHAN PLAY ROBLOX CANONIZATION, why did i mention they play roblox? Does w2h even take place in modern day? No Clue!!, Fake dating...?, Debbie Has a lot of moments (sorry if i mischaracterize her i only know her from ONE scene!), some bickering, First Kiss, VERY small animal death, Debbie is Amaze, sock has top surgery scars (APPLAUSE), takes place after w2h2, (what i imagine w2hw would end on?, some patreon references, NOTHING spoiler-y though
Read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/MGmZXrE
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mcgilou · 2 months
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🃏 STARTER CALL : mutuals like this for a short starter from the good ol' magilou
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id-provider · 2 years
Pfp id: an image of the Disabled Sun with a black background. The Disabled Sun is a large circle with a smaller circle in the center, in the colors of the Disabled Pride Flag by Ann Magill. The disabled pride flag is a mostly grey flag with five diagonal stripes that start at the top left corner and run down to the bottom right corner. In order from left to right, the stripes are red, yellow, white. blue, and green. End ID
Header id: a flag made up of a charchoal grey background and 5 diagonal stripes, running from the top left corner to the bottom right corner. The stripes from leftmost to rightmost are red, gold, white, blue, and green. End ID
Hello! It is pinned post time
I'm just here to provide ids for images that don't currently have them. There will no no theme to it, and I will add ids to anything I can. I will not always do them though, as I find it very difficult to do on mobile. If you have an image you'd like me to id, send in an ask and I'll get to it.
I have no dni. Everyone deserves accessibility.
My main blog is @gendiegremlin. Be aware if you check out that one that not everything will have an id and that I use my first person pronouns over there.
Tagging for reach: @kenochoric @epikulupu @squidthing @sunshinesolaic @hypnosiacon @moongai-sungai @m00nystars @watercolormogai @xdle-coxns sorry for only tagging within the mogai community they're some of the only beings I know to tag
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talesofourworlds · 2 years
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"Look alive my dainty double, it's time for Magilou Times Two to spread Halloween mischief on this supernatural night~!" Prepare for trouble, and make it double~!
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And Erma just appeared out of nowhere to scare Rita, cause why not it's Halloween~!
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"Too right, my delightfully dutiful double! Let's get to witching things up!"
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"AH! H-HEY! Erma, why?!"
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heroesxdemons · 1 year
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"How rude! How uncouth! You swine, it's Berseria's anniversary therefore all the attention should go to the one and only Magilou! So take your sorry keister somewhere else, roach boy!"
Oh boy, they're fighting over the spotlight....
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