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enigmaticagentalice · 1 month ago
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Unwelcome Tagalong
Thedas is at war. The Conclave is destroyed. Divine Justinia is dead, and with her, the world’s last hope for peace. Until out of the ashes stumbles a lone survivor…
“The two of us are the only people who don’t believe this whole ‘Herald of Andraste’ bullshit.’ Cassandra said nothing. Varric rounded on her, horrified. “You’re kidding! Seeker, tell me you don’t—” “What better explanation do you have, Varric?” she replied, voice sharp and defensive. “Anything! Any explanation is better! I am not anyone’s saviour. This mark is just...just some shiny shit from the Fade.”
He’s not the hero they expected. He’s definitely not the hero they wanted. But Varric Tethras, Herald of Andraste, might just be the hero they’re all stuck with.
Oh well. At least it’ll make for a good story.
read the fic here :)
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charmedbystars · 2 years ago
you don't get it (e-1610 miles morales)
pairing: e-1610 miles x reader (unrequited)
summary: you try to understand miles, but you cant.
a/n: this is the first time i try writing something so i'm so sorry if it's bad. plz leave suggestions and stuff if ya want! also debating a part 2 but i hate this sooo i don't know yet...
you and miles grew up together. making an oath to stick together for the rest of your lives in the sandbox of a park about two blocks from miles’ apartment. and you guys sure stuck to that oath. from crying about getting sand in each other’s eyes, going through the awkward teenage phase (and miles still going through it), to being accepted into the same school. you guys were inseparable. 
recently, you found out about miles’ secret vigilante identity. you didn’t take it very well and constantly scolded miles about his safety, but you were glad he chose to trust you. 
of course, when it came to trust it came with knowing other stuff too… such as knowing who gwen was. and to make it even better, since you were the only person (other than ganke) that he can go on to talk about her, you became a victim of listening to the constant babble of gwen this and gwen that. you literally didn’t know how much longer you can take it, especially with those feelings of yours bubbling in your stomach. 
of course… how cliché of you to be in love with your best friend of years. plus your best friend being the super oblivious miles did not make it any better. 
anyways going back, you didn’t know how to tell miles that you’re in love with him without ruining your years of friendship or how to just simply ask him to shut the fuck up about gwen without hurting his feelings. you literally didn’t know how he could talk about her for hours without getting tired (although if someone asked you about miles, you would go on for ages, but that’s different) and the number of times you’ve caught him sketching her in his journal has become freaky. 
you love miles but this is just getting tiring. you want things to be how they were. when you guys would sneak up to the roof and talk about the stars or sneak out to do some graffiti. now it’s just cancelled plans, late texts backs, and constant excuses. and that’s how you are now, sitting outside the steps of miles’ apartment waiting for him to arrive with the cakes for his dad’s promotion party. you look down at your phone and open it again to see if he responded.
you: hey miles im outside waiting 4 you
you: dont forget the cakes and stay safe
you: lemme know when you arrive plz
you sighed for the twentieth time, wondering when miles was going to arrive. you just sat outside on the steps to his apartment when about ten minutes later you hear a crash. you stand and squint looking up. 
“y/n! come upstairs so we can enter the rooftop together,” there was miles, head handing outside his window. you nodded your head and headed upstairs to his apartment. you didn’t even bother knocking and simply just barging into his house. walking into his room, you see miles rushing to get his shoes on. 
leaning against the wall, you stared down at miles, “so what was it this time? it better be good enough that you’re late to your own father’s party”
“yes i knowww, i just got caught up doing some stuff. the villian today was super weird though and then i almost lost the cakes, but you know what? none of that matters because i’m here now!” he gave you one of his wide smiles.
you couldn’t stay serious with him when you gave you that smile. you yourself cracked a smile, shaking your head. “okay, noted. crazy day for spiderman, now hurry up and get your shoes on faster because one more minute longer and your mom is gonna freak.”
“well seems like my mom is already freaking,” miles smugly looked at you while standing up, grabbing the cakes and leaving you behind. you grumbled and just followed behind him. 
arriving to the rooftop, you can already see miles’ mom looking around and as if she sensed miles, she quickly walked over to you guys. 
“miles donde estabas? you’re late to your own dad’s party? y/n thank you so much for getting miles here,” miles’ brows furrowed as his mom gave you all the glory for him being there.
“mom what? i got here just fine!” 
“no, thank y/n because i know she’s the responsible one out of the two of you,” you gave miles the same smug look that he gave you earlier and tilted your head a little higher.
“anyways, grab something to eat. miles, ven porque your dad and i want to talk to you for a minute” rio gave her son a look. 
you simply nodded your head and strolled off to make yourself a plate. sitting down on a bench somewhere, you tried to block out and avert your gaze from miles’ parents yelling at him. you felt bad that you couldn’t do anything especially when you know so much about him that others don’t understand. 
about an hour has passed since miles’ scolding and you didn’t want to approach him directly after to save him from embarrassment and allow him to take a few minutes to himself. you assumed that he went to his room and would come back in a couple minutes because you knew he wouldn’t completely miss his dad’s party. 
you engaged in small conversations with miles’ cousins and family members, but after a while they left to go eat or do their own thing. resorting to scrolling through your phone and watching a couple tiktoks when you feel a tap on your shoulder.
“mija, quien es esa que esta arriba con miles?” rio tilted her head in the direction where miles was. surprising you completely, miles was on the water tower with gwen laughing and nudging each other. looking and them and snapping your head back to rio who seemed a but agitated with her eyebrows quirked up. 
“uhh.. i think that’s gwanda? one of miles’ friends but she’s usually out of town. miles’ never mentioned her coming though…” you simply shrugged your shoulders. feeling a heavy weight in your stomach, you tried not to look over at them again. 
approaching behind rio was jeff. he had a similar expression as rio, brows furrowed and scratching his head. 
“she looks old enough to vote… and i bet she doesn’t even speak spanish,” rio kept talking about gwen which didn’t help you trying to block out the sinking feeling. jeff crossed his arms and kept looking over at them. 
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somehow, rio convinced you and jeff to go up to the water tower and meet gwen. now, you’ve never met gwen but you sure have heard enough about her to know that she’s not a bad person. 
rio was stumbling to get up the tower and introduce herself to gwen. crashing into miles slightly, not caring a bit if she interrupted anything. “hello! i’m miles’ mom,”
“rio! i’ve heard so much about you!” immediately hearing those words come out of gwen’s mouth, you winced. you knew that rio was not about having first name bases with any one of miles’ friends. you glanced over at miles’ expression who seemed a bit worried. 
looking at the interaction was a bit odd and very awkward, especially with you standing next to miles’ parents doing nothing. you didn’t want to make a move to introduce yourself either, you didn’t know if there was anything for you to say really. honestly rio’s jokes weren’t making it any better either. hearing “don’t take him from me.. oh! you can’t cause he’s grounded haha” and “don’t break his heart” coming from rio’s mouth was just making you want to get bitten by a spider so you can turn invisible in that moment. 
gwen trying to escape the moment made up that she needed to get her steps in and go. turning around to give miles a handshake, she glanced over, noticing you in the corner. not wanting to be rude, you just gave a wave. she gave you a small smile until taking off down the stairs. 
once she left, jeff also left to return to the party leaving miles, rio, and you behind. miles ignored both of your presence and leaned against the railing, shoving his face into his hands. you went up to miles and rubbed his back.
“i’m sorry miles,” he glanced over at you and gave a sigh. you looked over you shoulder and looked at rio. she seemed to be thinking. deciding to give miles and his mom a little time to talk, heart to heart, you descended down the stairs. 
looking down at the city below you, millions of thoughts run through your mind. almost all of them being about miles. you wanted to help him, you wanted to be there for him in every way, but you just don’t seem enough. you didn’t know what to do and you don’t want to try to seem understanding when you have absolutely no idea what he’s going through. you just want him to feel at peace with you. there’s nothing you want more in the world than seeing miles happy. although the feeling in your stomach of knowing that miles’ happiness lies with gwen and not with you just made you nauseous, you knew you had to let him go. but, before you let him go… maybe you’ll try. 
seeing miles and his mom done talking, you see miles about to leave. getting a feel of adrenaline through your veins, you ran after him before he managed to take a step down the stairs. 
“miles! where are you going?” you cocked your head to the side.
“i’m going after gwen. there’s something going on and i’m going to follow after her,” he tapped his feet and glanced around as if he’s if a rush. 
“wait, miles what? you’re leaving? do you even know where you’re going?” 
“no, but i know that i’m needed y/n. i gotta go now like i have this feeling.” 
“wait so you’re skipping out on your dad’s celebration for a girl?”
“n- no! there’s something going on and i need to fix it” miles was starting to squirm eager to put on his suit and swing through the city.
“is there gonna be a day where you live for yourself? i understand that you’re spiderman and you help out the people, but you can’t be doing this constantly miles. you’re a highschool student and have so m-” 
“no, you don’t understand! no one understands! but there are people out there who will-”
“c’mon miles, don’t be like that. i know i don’t exactly understand because i was bitten by a spider or anything, but i’m trying to understand through you and being there for you!” the tone in your voice starts getting a bit higher.
“i just learned that there’s a way for me to see other people who are just like me! i need to go!”
“you know what miles? go. i’m trying so hard to be supportive but-”
“well you’re not. i don’t want to escalate this any farther. i’m going… bye y/n” before you could respond miles ran down the stairs leaving you with a lump in your throat. you didn’t want to start anything, you just wanted miles to try to get a piece of normality within his crazy spider life. 
sighing once more, you decided to sit on the ledge and look off into the distance wondering how you were gonna fix it between you two. 
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solangelo · 1 year ago
I was wondering, do you have any recomendations on some long fics? Like, not just one chapter? Sorry if you had already posted something abou that. Anyway, thanks!!! (Really like your blog <<3333)
Absolutely!! I pretty much only read on Ao3 anymore so all of my recommendations are going to be there, but if others want to tack on their own recommendations in the comments they're always welcome to do so :)
A few things,
I tried to put content warnings on the bodies of work as I see fit, but some of these I read over a year ago and haven't looked at since so I apologize if I've missed something!
Additionally speaking, I've marked anything in which contains characters having sex with a red heart emoji ❤️ as it should be viewable on light and dark mode, across multiple forms of devices (ios vs android, etc) and should be readable to screen readers as well; As per previous notes on this blogs, any explicit depictions of characters having sex will also have them being explicitly over 18. Now without further ado-
I'm a huge fan of rabbit_soup's "Healing Takes Two" series, it's 13 pieces in total some of them are oneshots and others are multichapter but they all fit together making it a large body of text. The plot extends from Nico's three days in the infirmary to the early stages of their relationship and still seems to be ongoing with the author taking on rewriting some of their older pieces.
arum scarce by GalwayGirlo [16/20] AU ❤️:
Nico wakes up paralyzed following a motorcycle accident. Maybe Will Solace can help him get some feeling back?
(cw: suicidal ideation, a suicide attempt, adult having a relationship with a minor, "mafia stuff")
When I Get Home to You by 2nd2ndalto [10/10] Canon Compliant, Time Travel ❤️:
Will’s brow furrows."N - Nico?"
It’s impossible, this boy can’t be Nico, but the name falls from his lips without real conscious thought. Nico is 38 years old and probably sitting at home in their living room, hopefully having figured out how to fix the clogged dishwasher line, which is what he’d been planning on doing when Will left early this morning.
(cw: conversations about suicidal ideation and related topics, and young nico is involved so canon compliant trauma of his comes up as well)
talk your talk and go viral (i just need this love spiral) by wrongcaitlyn [34/34] and a part 2 currently at [2/?] chapters, Celebrity AU ft. Trans Nico:
“Keep telling yourself that,” Will says quietly, because even though the door is closed, speaking any louder would seem wrong. “You’re too harsh on yourself. If you wrote songs or something, you’d easily get on the Billboard Hot 100. Dad would help you. I would, too.”
“Promote it to your seven followers?”
Nico laughs, and then Will is joining him, and they’re closer than before, but it’s nothing unusual. It’s been this way since before stupid feelings and stupid crushes, and Nico would be damned if he let it change just because of that.
(cw: alcoholism, childhood abuse and neglect, character death, car accidents, transphobia/homophobia/generalized queerphobia, gender dysphoria, suicidal ideation and related topics)
peach tea by ghosttotheparty [5/5] AU ft. Latino Will:
Will brushes his thumb over the side of Nico’s hand gently. His skin is soft. Nico’s fingers tighten on Will’s. It kind of feels like neither of them wants to move. Will doesn’t mind.
He sits up after a moment, but Nico doesn’t let go of his fingers, so he lifts the arm that’s awkward between them and sets it behind Nico, leaning back to rest on it. Nico just looks at the tapestry.
or; Will falls in love with the new kid.
(cw: mental health struggles, ptsd, anxiety/panic attacks, depression, grief, and character death)
What Could've Been Lights by athaleablaire [18/18], AU - I can’t remember if they have sex in this, rating is teen and up and all characters are over 18 but enter at your own risk:
In Will's eyes, he really has it all. A job as a surgeon at an amazing hospital, great friends-- what more could he ask for? Everything is going great until a man walks into his emergency room half-dead. In the mission to save his life, Will gets a little more than he bargained for.
(cw: injury and recovery, accusations of substance use)
a shadow in the rising sun by demigodbeautiies [9/13], AU Royalty, Arranged Marriage:
This is a story about the Ghost King.
Will Solace (crown prince in the Seventh Kingdom, politically useless as it may be) does not particularly want to be married to a thing of nightmares. He doesn't really have a choice, though. When does he ever? He allows his father to push him led into this politically advantageous, beauracratically necessary arrangement without too many complaints, and resigns himself to the fact he will be marrying a tyrant out of the tall tales his mother used to tell him when he was a boy.
Except then he meets his husband - a boy, and one younger than he is at that! - and realises that he has absolutely no idea what to expect. All he can hope for is that no one tries to kill him.
(cw: character death, character injury?)
NICO Centric:
Lethe by Eridans [8/8] Canon Compliant with a part 2 at [16/16]:
He's ten and ninety simultaneously, his mother was murdered and his sister is a stranger. He's got a deck of cards that he holds onto like a lifeline and an Italian-English dictionary that's old as hell and crumbling, but it's not as old as he is, and that makes him laugh.
The River Lethe was supposed to take away their memories, but Nico remembers his past, his days at home, the times he spent with his sister and mother at parades Mussolini hosted, where Maria sang the national anthem. The river tried to take away everything Nico cherished, and it could have been pure desperation or grief that made him remember his past.
Nico didn't know.
(cw: I started reading this fic over 8 years ago and haven't read it since it's last update 3 years ago, expect canon compliant events and themes to occur but otherwise proceed at your own risk, exercising caution and compassion for yourself where necessary <3)
WILL Centric:
Solace by solisaureus [11/11], Canon Compliant:
solace (n.) comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness.
solis (n.) the Latin word for "sun."
(cw: author includes their own content warnings at the start of each chapter!)
sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes by whimsicalMedley [13/26] Canon Compliant ft. Trans Will Solace:
Contrary to his general disposition, William Andrew Solace was born in the middle of an October hurricane.
Or, Growing up is hard. It’s even harder when you’re the son of the sun god.
(cw: author includes their own content warnings at the start of each chapter!)
Hopefully this is a good place to get you started, nonnie!
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celestialulu · 1 year ago
oooooooo you wanna tell me about nalu kpop au oooooooooooo you wanna tell me about nalu kpop au soooo bad
I feel like this is gonna be hard to do as a lot of the things I thought of bounced off of your ideas lol,, sorry if i accidentally stole ur ideas... anyway heres my thoughts on a nalu kpop au (its gonna be a LONG post i have a LOT of thoughts my baddd):
Well first of all I make a pinterest board for most of the aus I think of, just for a general idea and aesthetic and heres the one i did for that !!
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(sorry it may not be that great I just needed some stuff to visualize it lol)
-Honestly i'm indecisive and cannot decide if I would personally put them in a group or if they would be soloists. I do think Lucy would suit being a soloist and it has a lot of potential if she were, reasons like her being from a prestigious family could be interesting with lucy feeling isolated and lonely a lot.
-Following the last point, maybe a lot of people in the industry might not really feel the need to talk to her much or have pre-existing assumptions about her and how she would act.
-Natsu (also a popular idol in the industry) first interacts with Lucy at some award show and he knows of her and loves her songs and performances but in that moment he doesn't really connect the dots and realize it's her, but he knows that she feels familiar for some reason.
-They talk a little and Lucy is surprised as she doesn't speak to many people that aren't staff or management and forced promotional stuff. She's a little awkward and she tends to talk a lot and rant because of that and Natsu thinks she's kinda weird (but in a nice way). They're cut off from that and don't see each other for the rest of the evening.
-Natsu realizes it was Lucy a few days later and no one believes that talked with her.
-They become close friends after being tasked to do a collab stage performance together.
-They practice a LOT, of course because they are hard workers but also because they enjoy spending time together and spending time together outside of work would cause rumors.
-The pure tension they have while practicing some of the moves for the performance.
-Natsu getting hit on the head of how attractive Lucy is after they go all out in one of their final practice sessions when shes sweaty, hair completely sticking out everywhere and wearing comfy baggy clothes which she wore for the purpose of practicing. (and also vice versa for Lucy)
-Natsu and Lucy looking hot (and cute) as fuck on a magazine cover photoshoot together.
-And alternatively, Natsu or Lucy looking hot as fuck for a solo magazine photoshoot and the other seeing it and having their own crisis.
-After the collab stage they aren't able to hang out or meet, even though Natsu has tried to on his on accord but his management has to make sure he doesn't, and although Lucy also misses hanging out with him she doesn't want any rumors to circulate and Natsu makes it his mission to try and find her at any event she might also be attending.
-They text and call a lot. Natsu often gets teased by others because of how much he smiles and laughs while texting Lucy.
-Natsu sends Lucy pictures of ANYTHING that has her on it in public. (posters, magazines, billboards etc etc)
-Natsu and Lucy start to hang out again after Lucy accidentally gets a little tipsy at some event and it's a casual event so Natsu is able to be the one to take Lucy home.
-Then starts the secret meetups, them dressing up in disguises and heavy clothing to even travel to somewhere private like each others home.
-Natsu has the most HIDEOUS disguises btw and Lucy tries to act peeved but she can't help but smile at the silly disguises.
-Lucy attends one of his tour concerts, she wears a bright ribbon in her hair she knows he's seen her wear before hoping he might see her in the audience. He texts her excitedly after the concert asking if she was really there.
-Natsu gifts Lucy matching friendship jewelry for her birthday (could be a necklace or bracelet but for this I like the idea of a necklace more) They both wear them 24/7.
-they hide it for a LONG time… like we're talking MONTHS and then they accidentally slip up and one day people find paparazzi pics of each where the matching jewelry is seen.
-Then they get CRAZY dating rumors like it is EVERYWHERE…
-Lucy is freakinggg the fuck out and Natsu just feels bad because Lucy is so anxious, he couldn't really care less about the public thinking Lucy is his gf but he does get it as rumors like this can damage a career and he knows that.
-They keep silent and carry on as though nothing happened and the rumors sort to die down after a while but theres still those odd few people who believe in it.
-Lucy doing a sexy cunty stage performance on a big big show, and Natsu is attending in the audience and someone slyly filmed his reaction where he is very visibly stunned and very confused about his feelings for her. It circulates social media a lot.
-Lucy sees this video but makes herself believe he isn't into her like that.
-Natsu acts completely indifferent to the video so people won't ask him about it.
-As much as most people would act like he doesn't know Lucy at all after the rumors, on tv shows he doesn't hesitate to sing or dance to her songs publicly.
-People notice how much Natsu and Lucy are very comfortable with each other, teasing and arguing endearingly with each other on a reality tv show.
-They start hanging out publicly without caring after this.
-Them writing lyrics about each other in songs, and Lucy is VERY angsty and poetic about it.
-Lucy getting drunk and asking Natsu "What would we be if we weren't this?"
-Natsu thinks she means career wise, and starts to think of what he would be if he wouldn't be an idol. She clarifies she meant them as in their relationship with each other. He can't answer.
-After that, it's a little awkward. Natsu doesn't know if she remembers. She does. But she doesn't dare act like she does.
-It gets a bit more crazy as they are asked to do another collab stage together after the success of the last one. They accept because, yknow, its like the best way for them to hang out privately without crazy disguises and the like.
-As if the last collab performance was bad enough without the choreography being an average dance this one is WAY WORSE. a lot more contact. a lot more closeness.
-The ending pose of the performance is Lucy laying on the floor and Natsu leaning over her.
-One day, they practice for HOURS straight trying to get it right and perfect the dance. After going all out, and in the ending pose Natsu is looking down at Lucy's messy hair and flushed face and her wide eyes. He kisses her.
-They ditch practicing for the evening and end up making out in the dance practice room for a while.
-Their new collab stage gets leaked when Lucy breaks her ankle and carries her down the street fast as FUCK where there's a really close hospital nearby. He feels bad as they have been practicing so much as an excuse to hangout with each other.
-They basically become "official" after that, but still try and keep it secret from the public. It kinda falls apart after pictures come out where Natsu clearly has a hastily wiped lipstick mark on his cheek and Lucy's neck is littered with hickeys.
-People connect the dots with Natsu and Lucy acting insufferable with each other in public, Natsu cheering his lungs out and supporting Lucy so loudly, and Lucy likewise but a little more restrained than him.
-Natsu once went viral for punching someone trying to get too close to Lucy.
-They never officially state they're together but they don't hide it as much after a while and then in the future one day it comes out that they're literally engaged.
-They have the cutest wedding pics ever and Lucy plays a song she wrote about him before they got together at their wedding.
-Then they're happily supporting each other's activities as a married couple, Natsu commenting and reposting everything Lucy posts and being very loud about her comebacks. Lucy is the same.
This is long as fuck and there's probably so many other things to say but this ended up basically being a whole as story instead of odd headcanons this probably makes ZERO sense. my bad. hope you enjoy anyway <3
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vocaloidfactoftheday · 1 year ago
hello! so hypothetically if someone made a vocaloid art challenge prompt list (like a list of vocaloid songs to use as daily prompts) would it be alright to tag you for it to gain traction? for both the list and a submission form?
(when I say hypothetical I mean there is no list but me and a friend are discussing making one and the logistics lol)
short answer: no, sorry! please don't take any offense, i wish you good luck with your challenge! if you like, you can tag my main blog and i could reblog it there, though i honestly don't think it'd be very helpful either way.
long answer:
i want to avoid using this blog to promote things. which i know sounds hypocritical because i do use it to promote my own things sometimes, but this is just limited to 1. my vocaloid music (which i try to promote very sparingly to avoid spam) and 2. livestreams about vocaloid that i think this blog's followers would be interested in (which i've only done 2 of so far and i don't even remember if i promoted the second one lol...they were respectively "discussing every vocaloid voicebank" and "drawing vocaloids from memory"). once enough time has passed sometimes i'll delete my promos just to clean up the blog
there's a couple reasons for this:
i want to avoid too much irrelevant (i.e. not related to vocaloid facts) content on this blog. this is partially to avoid spam/clutter, which would be intrusive if someone just wants to scroll through to look at facts, but also because this will lessen the chances of the random button (which isn't visible on mobile, but it's on the blog's desktop theme) selecting an irrelevant post when its purpose is to show random facts.
i don't think there's that much of a point to it. promoting my own stuff (particularly the music) does get me a little attention on my youtube channel sometimes, but it realistically makes very little difference. i'm not sure anyone has actually found my music through this blog. this blog has over 1k followers and my youtube channel has under 500, and my subscriber count tends to stay stagnant for long periods of time. i can't imagine it would make much of a difference if i promoted your art challenge - the posts themselves might get more reblogs, but the actual amount of participants probably wouldn't increase very substantially.
i personally find it a bit awkward to promote stuff from people i don't know on this blog. or even from people i DO know, honestly. it just doesn't really fit on this blog. i'd be more okay with doing it from my main, but even then i don't typically promote things i don't pay attention to (like music i don't listen to, commissions from artists i don't follow) or participate in (though a vocaloid art challenge might be different - i don't think i'd participate because i'm a slow artist, but it'd at least be interesting to see the art that results from it)
this kinda loops back around to the "minimizing clutter/irrelevant posts" point - but this is a vocaloid trivia/fun facts blog. this is not a general vocaloid blog, i don't use this to share/post just anything vocaloid related (i do plenty of that on main). if i use up all the vocaloid facts, maybe this will change, but i currently have no desire to stray from this blog's purpose.
sorry for the long response! i hope this doesn't come off as a rant or anything, the main reason i'm posting this publicly is in case other people have similar questions/requests in the future. i appreciate you asking!
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romegaketh · 2 years ago
for the fic writer meme, questions 1, 37, and 50!
ps!!!!! thank you!!! i love you!!! i'm sorry to keep givng you wrestling answers LOL.
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
Hm. If you can handle hockey RPF I think the demons-are-in-sports worldbuilding in we let our battles choose us (which I drafted concussed after my first/only trip on mushrooms) really rocks, thank you emilie for all the collaboration (i think this was our first big Shared World which makes me feel soft for it). It's like a creepy but also beautiful story about exploitation and comradery and also, Toronto, a city very close to my heart. Obviously hockey as a sport and as a social project is very fraught for me now but I do often feel mild regret that I never finished the broader story that this fic was supposed to anchor.
If that one's too long, I think i guess it's all working out, now (Men's Hockey RPF) is a good introduction to my style and interest; it's an intergenerational story about finding yourself in someone you want to protect, and not really knowing how to do that, and it does a lot of fun stuff with things that aren't said; I love a narrative that is 45% negative space, and I think it's really successful in that story.
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
Literally every wrestling fic I wrote but especially settle for a handshake (All Elite Wrestling), my feral baby. This is the story of two men named Adam who used to fuck realising that, for both of them, extenuating social and societal expectations pushed them into situations they might have otherwise not chosen. I love this fic even though I definitely see its flaws; I think it really tries so hard to be saying something that I am interested in saying, which is what do you do when you basically have coerced yourself into aligning with what you thought you should be, and now regret it? Are you allowed to regret those choices? Who do you even blame? (Society.) It has a lot of my own ambivalence about what I've loved and what I haven't, and I think it does fun stuff with a broader universe. Also telling a story about a failed relationship that doesn't reconcile is just like.. that's stuff I like a lot and find enjoyable to read. And I think parts of it are the kind of complicated-hot that I wanted to evoke; a knife's edge of feeling, if you will excuse my pretension, lol.
I also fucking love safe like springtime (AEW), which is one of the few just straight-up romance stories I've written recently, and I think has a really lush but also grotesque narrator. It's a mildly awkward first sex scene but I think successfully carries a lot of weight, and the way Jon Moxley narrates his own life is just like, so poetic and dramatic and weird that it's always a joy to sink into it.
50. Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about!
I started getting like... more textually/explicitly political over the past couple of years and have found it really rewarding! Obviously I've generally radicalised over time, but being able to talk about the things that matter to me in spaces that are dear to my heart has been, obviously, something that makes my stuff probably less palatable to a broad audience, but that I've found really empowering. For example, a sense of scale (All Elite Wrestling) has so much of my own climate anxiety in it, which is also a feature of the character as he is in canon, and I think they combine really well to get like... grim but not defeated, if you like.
red tongues & hands (The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself) has a fully-drafted sequel that is aggressively political in a revolutionary sense, but I think a little of that comes through here. I sat down with Mao for this!!! Just really cool to be able to think, fictionally, about colonialism and imperialism and to make a space for myself to care about it in the shapes of fictional characters.
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inkshine · 5 months ago
(reblogging from my main account due to technical issues)
Thank you for the tag! Sorry for the late response, I didn't see the notification for this for some reason?? Well, now that that's been remedied, let's jump in!
How long have you had your writing Tumblr/Writeblr? A fast and loose estimate is fine!
I made my first Writeblr sometime around 2022-ish, but I hardly ever posted anything there. Then one night, after really getting my stride on Writeblr for the first time, there was a Tumblr glitch and the blog was accidentally deleted in 2023. I remade it that same night. So 2023, but 2022 if you want to be specific about details.
What led you to create it?
I had just self-published my first book and was trying to promote it on social media more. I was super shy at first and hardly posted anything, but now that I've relaxed and figured out how this site works, I love it!
What’s your favorite thing about the Writeblr community?
How many new people I've met and how many people's writing I've gotten the chance to read. I never would have made these connections without Writeblr, and I'm forever grateful.
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
If I'm being brutally honest, I still have some shyness I'm working through. For years before I published, and even for some time after getting published for the first time, I didn't really tell anyone about my writing unless they were close friends or family. I had never even posted any long-form writing online before self-publishing. I went straight for the big guns lol. But a side effect of this is that sometimes I still feel awkward talking about my writing sometimes, so if you've ever talked to me about an oc and my response seemed cryptic or weird, I'm sorry. It's not you, it's me. This doesn't mean I don't want people to talk to me about my writing (please do!) it just means I want you to know I can be awkward sometimes.
When someone asks the dreaded, “What do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
I usually just default to "YA fantasy" lol.
Let’s Rotate Blorbos
Name any characters you created.  Side characters, protagonists, antagonists, characters who’ve never been written, the first original abomination you ever pulled from your ass; whomever you’d like!
Ursa, Isabella, Peter, Gemm, Claudia, Kahzeh, Su, Kazik, Kainma, Iwa, Nai, Leeva, Yufei, Hayde, Agath, Troopi, Tamsen.
Who’s the most unhinged?
Oh, that's a tough one. I'm going to go with Kazik, the main antagonist of Splintertown. He committed a crime far beyond the pale and spent three years running from it, twisted up inside by his own guilt and instability. While his villainy isn't on as "grand" of a scale as some other antagonists who want to take over the world and stuff, he's just sunk to such deep lows that he feels he has nothing left to hold him back. There's nothing hinging him, so he's well, unhinged.
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
To be honest? I don't know.
Do you ever cringe at them?
Oh yeah. Some of them are pathetic, but what can I say? They're my pathetic losers.
How much control do you feel you have over your characters?  AKA, do they ever “write themselves,” refuse to cooperate, or do things you didn’t expect? To what degree? Are some less cooperative than others?
I feel like I create an outline for the plot of my story, and then my characters create their own path through it. (I guess that's a fancy way of saying I figure more of the minute details and exact order of events by experiencing it through them). Things have definitely gotten pretty unexpected, I would say all of them take things into their own hands at some point.
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters? And do you have a preferred means of receiving said questions? For example, as Asks, as replies, as reblogs, as tag notes, as comments on AO3, etc.
I *love* asks, replies, all of it!
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
Not really, I'm pretty satisfied with how it is right now. Keep being awesome, guys!
What makes you decide against following?
If a person expresses bigoted beliefs, or a lot of other common DNI criteria. Although I'm gonna be honest, I just straight up don't follow that many people. I just don't get the urge to follow someone very frequently, even if I genuinely like them. I should probably change that. But just if you're seeing this and I don't follow you, don't worry, it's not you, it's me.
Which Works-in-Progress (WIPs) or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
I am *deep* into working on a third novel, which I'm not going to talk about here because 1. I have so much to say about it I would probably end up derailing this entire post and 2. I dislike talking about my WIPs before they're finished. I feel like giving people too many details or expectations would make me feel pressured to stay within the pre-existing idea I gave people, possibly hindering my own writing process. (I will answer the next WIP related questions, just avoiding details.)
How long have you been working on them?
Shadow's Hidden Blade took about 2 years. I started in 2020, and it was finished in 2022. The earliest concept I had for something that would become Splintertown was all the way back in 2018-2019, and I kept that vague concept on the backburner until about 2021, when I started working on it in earnest. It was finished in 2024. As for my secret work in progress, I got inspired to create in 2020, and it's still being worked on, potential completion date unknown.
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started?
Shadow's Hidden Blade and Splintertown were both inspired by music! In 2020 I heard the song "Something Wicked" by Vernian Process, which is about a creepy circus. I started toying with my own ideas for a magic circus in my head, and something very large and strange began to grow from that initial very small idea. The earliest drafts of that story are nothing like the final product, and for that I'm honestly glad, because now it's the Shadow's Hidden Blade we all know and love.
In 2018-2019 I heard the song "Nightmare Parade" by FAKE TYPE, which is about the Japanese myth of the baku. I was hynotized by the music and the concept, and wanted to create my own creature in my head that ate dreams. Splintertown grew from there over the years. (Disclaimer: I am not Japanese. The dream-eating creatures in Splintertown are not baku, they are my own creation with a similar ability. I am not claiming to have any right or ownership over the Japanese myth in any way.)
Secret Work in Progress was also initially influenced by a song and some music, and also a dream I had. It's now totally different than all of the things that initially inspired it, though!
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
...a lot.
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
A lot!
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle?
I really enjoyed The Tengu and The Angel by @alinacapellabooks and I thought about Kunio a lot when I first read the book. I loved The Silver Birds by @apolline-lucy , it's a treasure!
Tagging @thebearthatreads
✨Writer Questionnaire Tag ✨
Thank you for the tags @wyked-ao3 here, and @thatuselesshuman here ! Y’all are great! 💛✨
How long have you had your writing Tumblr/Writeblr? A fast and loose estimate is fine!
I’ve had this blog since….end of April? Early May?
What led you to create it?
When I set up all my socials, I wanted to use this as a way to build a writing community, share my stories, and exploring and sharing the ideas of other likeminded individuals.
What’s your favorite thing about the Writeblr community?
How kind and welcoming writeblr is. The community is supportive of everyone’s stories and OCs, and everyone has some wonderfully unique and fascinating characters.
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
You are always. Always. ALWAYS welcome to tag me, message me, send asks, interact with me. I absolutely endorse the engagement and excitement in this community, and even though I may miss a few tags, just know that seeing you tag me to see your stories brings the biggest, goofiest smile on my face. Thank you for being you and sharing your creative minds with us 💛✨
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
Kindness, support, and creative stories. Keep writing, keep inspiring, keep on keeping on.
WIP it Good
Which Works-in-Progress (WIPs) or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
Your Wish Is My Command is my current WIP at about 75% complete. I have a little bit to share from Tenshito as well, but the latter will have to get majorly cut down and restructured before it’s ready ✨
How long have you been working on them?
Planning and ideas began a couple of years ago. Writing them down? For YWIMC since early May, and Tenshito since 2020 (took a hiatus to focus on work and big life stuff, like moving twice and getting married)
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started?
My love of storytelling, video games, and Disney. I wrote and published Peter Hart based off of a few of my favorite video games 🏴‍☠️💛✨
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
All the time. At least once a day, if not more. My stories help me get to sleep…when I eventually GET to sleep 😴💤
When someone asks the dreaded, “What do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
BL romantasy novels. It encompasses every person asking, and umbrellas many subgenres.
Let’s Rotate Blorbos
Name any characters you created.  Side characters, protagonists, antagonists, characters who’ve never been written, the first original abomination you ever pulled from your ass; whomever you’d like!
Oof that’s a big list. Let me just do major protagonists/antagonists from stories: Peter, Benjamin, Davey, Ali, Noah, Tenshi, Itazura, Yoji, Tyr, Gustav, Jak, Johnny, Nathan, X, Ollie, and Callum
Who’s the most unhinged?
Peter 🏴‍☠️💛✨
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
Peter 🏴‍☠️💛✨
Do you ever cringe at them?
Sometimes….depends on what they do. I never cringe at my stories, but sometimes my characters make choices that personally make me go “😬”
How much control do you feel you have over your characters?  AKA, do they ever “write themselves,” refuse to cooperate, or do things you didn’t expect? To what degree? Are some less cooperative than others?
(Slowly looks over at Peter)
Peter: …..What?
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters? And do you have a preferred means of receiving said questions? For example, as Asks, as replies, as reblogs, as tag notes, as comments on AO3, etc.
Oh always!! ALWAYS!! Any method is absolutely fine and encouraged by me, but I ALWAYS love when people leave AO3 comments on my stories 💖💫✨
On writeblr engagement
What makes you want to follow another Writeblr account? Do you follow ‘em as you see ‘em, or take time scoping out the blog to make sure you align with its content? Do you follow based on WIPs, or vibes?
I scope out the content before I follow for sure. Because I write adult fiction, I look through posts to make sure that our interests would align, and that the blog mentions an age that is 18+. If I am ever uncertain or have a suspicion beyond a reasonable doubt that the blog is run by a minor, I won’t follow them (and unfollow if I get suspicious of their posts)
What makes you decide against following?
I use discretion on age, politics, and religion before following. Any homophobic, transphobic, or otherwise hateful conduct gets automatically blocked. The world needs more kindness and uplifting of one another. We need to bring each other up, not tear each other down.
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
I try to! Usually in the form of reblogs and ask games. My pile for work and tumblr keeps stacking though, so I find myself getting very busy very often (and that’s a good thing! ✨)
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle?
All the time, every time. To name a few mutuals: G.J, Jamie, Gioia, Casper, Tobin, Jay, Wyked, Gina, and Jev have characters that are my current hyperfixations. But there are SO, SO many that are so interesting that I want to learn more!! ✨
Thank you so much for tagging me, you two!! Going to alert the tag list on this one 💛✨
✨Tag list for writing snippets below. DM me if you’d like to be added 👇✨
Tag List for writing tidbits (lmk if you want + or -)
@jev-urisk , @sunglasses-in-the-bentley , @wyked-ao3 , @glasshouses-and-stones , @alinacapellabooks , @gioiaalbanoart , @fortunatetragedy , @deanwax , @dyrewrites , @honeybewrites , @drchenquill , @paeliae-occasionally , @lychhiker-writes , @thatuselesshuman , @kaylinalexanderbooks , @katenewmanwrites , @zackprincebooks , @fantasy-things-and-such , @billybatsonmylove , @madi-konrad , @houseplantblank , @far-cry-from-finality , @froggy-pposto , @fractured-shield , @avaseofpeonies , @thecoolerlucky , @willtheweaver , @rivenantiqnerd @somethingclevermahogony , @noxxytocin , @leahnardo-da-veggie , @addicted2coke-theothercoke , @mysticstarlightduck , @the-letterbox-archives , @theink-stainedfolk , @ominous-feychild , @saturnine-saturneight , @words-after-midnight , @sableglass , @cowboybrunch , @moltenwrites , @pixies-love-envy , @davycoquette , @writeahurricane , @nczaversnick , @greenfinchwriter , @oliolioxenfreewrites , @lavender-gloom , @smellyrottentrees , @aintgonnatakethis , @thecomfywriter
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gremlintheslut · 2 years ago
Forever theirs
Part one
Series master list
Don't reupload, translate or do anything like that without permission from me
words 1105.
18+ read at your own risk w
Warnings: breaking and entering, smut, fingering, clit stimulation, orgasm denial, noncon (technically), watching without consent. Fem and afab reader
An incubus by the name of fin Balor pops into y/n life. She doesn't accept his advances afraid he would be like the last one that she knew.
The walk home from work feels longer every time. no matter how many new shortcuts I find. I try to focus on the fact that soon I'll be able to take my heels off and put my feet up, instead of the fact my legs are killing me.
I turn right, into an alley I recently started using as a shortcut. As I do I walk straight into someone. "sorry" I apologize instantly. "it's alright I wasn't looking where I was going" I hear his Irish voice reply as he helps me up. I thank him for helping me and continue to walk.
The next five minutes feel like hours. I finally see my home from the end of the street. I let out a small sigh of relief to myself as I approach. The last few weeks have been hell. My bitch of a co-worker just got promoted to manager so she is my boss now. Said boss has been on my ass ever since she got the position. Not to mention the shit ton of family stuff going on that she thinks is her business.
Every time I walk into work a second late she makes a snarky comment about how she doesn't blame me for being late with 'everything going on.' Cunt. she does it in front of everyone as well. Oh, and some of the other bitches there think it's okay to laugh when she does it. I swear to god the next time she pulls that shit I am going to rip those cheap ass hair extensions off of her head.
Finally home I take my shoes off followed by my coat. I don't bother to put them away properly. I'll do it tomorrow. "you should really shut your windows all the way when you're not home" the same Irish voice from before say from across the room.
I am understandably terrified. I take a step back wondering if I could unlock and open the door quickly enough. Would I be able to outrun him? I watch him as he puts something down on my table. "I get that you're scared but there's no need to be," he says calmly. "I think there fucking is. There's a man I don't know in my house" I say hoping he didn't hear my voice tremble.
"sweetheart I'm an incubus I can assure you, there won't be a scratch left on you unless you want" he replies quickly. I've had sex with an incubus before. Edge. He was addictive like a drug. I relied on him after a while and he left I can't let that happen again. "my job is to give relief to those drowning in stress" he explains. Drowning in stress. "I'm not drowning in stress," I say slightly offended. "so it's a no?" he asks. "it's a no," I say flatly. "my card is on the table for when you come around," he said before turning around walking away but as soon as I blink he disappeared.
What a wild fucking day. I pick the card up. It reads at the very top in slightly bigger writing than the rest 'Finn Balor' and underneath "say it three times to get your wish" for a moment I want to test it out but the thought of the awkward conversation that would come after made me seal my mouth.
I walk to my room and change into my pj's I put the card on my nightstand and try to sleep. But, he was right. I am drowning in stress. No the relief he's offering won't pay my bills. I roll over and get comfy. My eyes never opened so I completely missed the man sitting in my desk chair watching me though it wasn't Finn.
I wake up the next day and do the same thing. Brush teeth, change clothes, brush hair, makeup, shoes, consider throwing my phone away to avoid the hundreds of missed calls from my dad, go to work, go home, cry in the shower, and sleep. Except I am woken in the middle of the night to a hand roaming up and down my body. My heart starts to pound as I pretend to sleep.
"I know your awake princess" I hear the man's Irish voice say. "I thought you'd go away when I said no" I comment. "no I can come and go as I please I just can't make you cum without you saying yes," he says before kissing my neck. His hand is dangerously close to my pussy now. He pulls my legs open slightly before sliding his hand under my PJs and into my panties. I whimper. "my, my, for someone who said no you sure are wet," he says mockingly. I can't help it he sounds so hot.
His fingers creep up to my clit and begin to rub small slow circles around it. I let out an unholy sound and he chuckles. Should I say yes? No, no I can't do that again. He can't stay forever I learned that the hard way. What if I just don't rely on him? No, I'll end up doing it anyway. Without warning his fingers enter me and his thumb continues to rub circles on my clit. I let out the most pornographic sound yet.
He sets a brutal pace. Between my moaning and gasping, I can hear the sound of my Juices on his fingers. Fuck. I'm already addicted. No, I can fight it. He hasn't given me relief yet and I already never want him to leave my side. I have to destroy that card when he leaves I think as the knot in my stomach gets tighter and tighter.
I'm clenching around him and bucking my hips up. But then he pulls away. I whine at the loss of contact. "say yes" he says I remain quiet. If it wasn't so dark I'm sure I'd be able to see the disappointed look on his face. The knot in my stomach is completely gone.
He kisses me and the cheek and I feel the warm presence next to me vanish. If I wasn't so focused on him maybe I would have seen the tall woman at the end of my bed watching us that disappeared with him. I roll onto my side and try my best not to feel sad or upset in any way about not getting relief or about edges abrupt leave.
I close my eyes and drift off into a dreamless sleep. No dream is better than one about either of the men I fell asleep thinking about.
Thank you for reading my schedule for this series is on the master list -gremlin
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writingdumpster · 3 years ago
Hii I love your writing!! Was wondering if you could try one with a synopsis where the reader is Jim Gordon's daughter or something and her and bruce first meet at the station . Jim doesnt want his daughter to meet batman becuase his really protective but then they meet anyways and it's like awkward and cute .. lol sorry I'm bad at requesting and stuff it's new to me 😀😂
pairing: Bruce Wayne! x Gordon!reader
warnings: nicotine consumption (cigarette)
word count: 1,450
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Your dad had been pulling long hours to handle the fallout of the Riddler’s work. He was expected to be promoted to police commissioner now that the job was open. Until then, he was spending his nights at the station, sitting alone in his office as he worked to solve all the problems the city faced. You happened to get off work late that night as well. Your office had faced its own challenges in the aftermath of the Riddler’s attacks. You went and picked up some take out and then headed over to the police station, knowing your father would still be there. You used your father’s code to get past the security system and headed into your dad’s office. When he heard your footsteps he turned his head up to look at you.
“Hey, Dad,” you greeted. “Brought Chinese,” you said, raising the bag in your hand to show him the food. He smiled at you.
“You shouldn’t have come. I’ve still got a lot of work to do,” he said, though his tone told you he was glad to see you.
“I had a long day too. I wanted to see you,” you said. You and your father had always been close. Most people grow out of the phase where their dad is their hero, but you never did. Your father never gave you a reason to. You placed the Chinese food on the small amount of empty space on your dad’s desk and took a seat in one of the chairs that sat in front of his desk.
“How was work?” Your dad asked you.
“It wasn’t too bad. My boss just assigned–Dad?” You called out to him. His attention was on something at the door. You turned around to see a dark figure standing in the doorway. Your heartbeat rose as the figure stepped forward until the low lights in your father’s office showed who he was. Or at least the person that he showed to the world. It was the Batman, standing stoically in the door.
“Who is she?” Batman’s voice was low and gravelly and it sent a shiver down your spine.
“My daughter,” your father said. “Y/N, go wait in the conference room,” your father ordered you.
“She can stay,” Batman said. Both you and your father were surprised by this. Your father didn’t tell you much about his relationship with the Batman, most of what you knew about him was from the news, like all the other residents of Gotham City. Despite the secrecy, your father had made it clear to you that Batman was a deeply mistrusting person.
“No, she can’t. I don’t want her involved in any of this,” your father said.
“Really, Dad?” You protested. You were nearly 30, you were tired of your father treating you like a child.
“Yes,” your father said. “Go on.” You huffed in annoyance and headed out the door. Instead of waiting in the conference room you decided to go out in the back to have a cigarette. You leaned up against the brick wall of the police station. You pulled a cigarette from the pack in your pocket and took one in between your lips. You pulled a lighter out and flicked it, lighting your cigarette. You took a long drag before blowing a long stream of smoke into the air above you. The door you’d left the station from opened and you watched as the Batman left the building, heading towards a motorcycle that was parked a couple yards down.
“Leaving so soon?” You called out. Batman stopped in his tracks. He turned around to face you.
“You’re Gordon’s daughter?” He asked. You nodded.
“He never talks about you,” you said. “You’ve become quite the mystery to me,” you said. You took another short drag on your cigarette.
“He tells me about you all the time,” Batman said. “I’m sure he just wants to keep you safe.” His voice was so deep, the sound of it drawing butterflies to your stomach.
“What does he say about me?” You asked. Batman paused. You took one last drag before dropping the cigarette to the ground and extinguishing it with your shoe. You pushed yourself off the wall and started slowly approaching Batman.
“He says he trusts me because he thinks you’re safer when I’m out. He says you’re the reason he helps me,” Batman said. You weren’t surprised. Your father did everything he did for you and your mother. It wasn’t a big shock that the biggest risk in his life was motivated by love for you.
“Seems like you owe me a ‘thank you,’” you said. There was only about one foot of space separating the two of you. He was taller than you and you had to tip your head upwards to meet his eyes. You could see that his eyes were an icy blue color from this distance. They shone brightly, surrounded by black makeup that hid his skin around the eye holes in the cowl. Batman looked into your eyes, silent as he considered what to say.
“Thank you,” he said quietly. He turned to get on his motorcycle.
“Does he know who you are?” You asked. “He tells me he doesn’t, but I know he wouldn’t even if he did.” Batman didn’t respond. He looked slightly over his shoulder but didn’t turn to face you again. You kept talking. “I know how much danger he would be in if he knew. I just want to know he’s safe,” you said.
“He doesn’t know. He’s safe. And so are you,” Batman said.
“Yeah? Do you keep an eye on me for my dad?” You asked. Batman turned back to look at you.
“I did that for me. I didn’t know you were his daughter before,” he said. Your expression washed over with confusion. “I just saw you at the station a few times,” he said. A small smile spread across your face. You took a short step forward and leaned towards Batman’s body till you were only inches apart. He looked down at you, the pointed nose of his cowl just barely brushing your nose.
“You were watching over me just because you saw me a few times? Did you see something you liked?” You asked. You saw a blush rise to Batman’s exposed cheeks You raised your hand to his neck, leaning up on your toes to kiss him.
“We can’t,” Batman said. “Like you said, it’s dangerous.” You stopped, but didn’t lean away.
“We’re young. We can handle being a little reckless,” you said. You leaned up further and just as you pushed your lips against his, the door behind you opened and you felt a hand on your shoulder. Your father had appeared in the alley and pulled you away from Batman.
“Get back inside, y/n,” your father said.
“Dad, it’s fine–” you started to argue.
“Inside,” he ordered you. “Stay away from her,” your dad said to Batman before pushing you into the station. It was a bit awkward as you ate dinner, but you managed to enjoy the night. When you left the station and started on your way home you only got a few blocks down before someone appeared from the shadows. Your heartbeat quickened for a moment in fear, but when the person came into the light, the fear washed away.
“You’re lucky I left my pepper spray at home,” you said. A smirk rose onto Batman’s lips and you thought how much you’d like to see his whole face as he smiled. He approached you so once again you found yourselves chest to chest. He took your hand and placed a piece of paper into it. You glanced down and saw it was a phone number.
“In case you feel like being reckless.” You were entranced by the sound of his voice. You thought of how sad it would be if you didn’t get to hear it again. Before you could think of anything to say, Batman pressed his lips against yours. This kiss was stronger than the first one that had been interrupted. His lips were dry and cold, but you didn’t mind as he slid his tongue into your mouth briefly. You raised your arms to grip Batman’s padded shoulders and pull him closer, but he pulled away suddenly. He took your hand in his and raised it to his lips, kissing your knuckles softly.
“You’re not going to walk me home?” You asked.
“Don’t worry, you’ll be safe,” he said.
“I might be lonely,” you replied. He considered your words before the smirk you’d seen before rose gradually across his lips.
“My motorcycle is two blocks down.”
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sneakyfox55 · 2 years ago
maybe since the au is out there now, you could try talking about it yourself, then? play up the best parts! show off the fun stuff! that's usually how to get people interested in it in my experience ^^
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A/N: And that’s a wrap! Ahh, writing this series has been so fun and I’m so glad that so many of you have liked it so much. Thank you guys for staying until the end and hopefully for upcoming stuff 👀 I hope you enjoy the finale of In Life, In Death... <3
(Also the song mentioned in part six and this part is ‘She Is Love’ by Parachute) <3
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December 1994
Luke groaned as he woke up, squinting hard to try and adjust his eyes to the amount of light in the room.
Even before he could see clearly, he knew he must've fallen asleep in the studio judging by the soreness in his back and neck that he always got when he slept on the old couch. It couldn't have been more than six in the morning, and Luke could still feel the tiredness in his bones. So he tried to turn away from the light and hopefully fall back asleep, but there was something keeping him firmly in place.
His heart skipped when he looked down and saw that you were laying right next to him with your head on his chest and an arm thrown across his stomach. When he realized that his own arms were wrapped around you, his heart broke out into a full-on tap dance.
Waves of confusion ran through his still-foggy brain until he saw his guitar case propped up against the piano and his backpack on the floor with his clothes spilling out of it.
Then the events of last night quickly came back to him.
How he had gotten home late from rehearsal and his mom was waiting in the kitchen with his latest report card and her signature lecture at the ready. One minute he was standing there yelling, packing all he could fit into his bag, and the next, he was halfway to the studio with the rain soaking him head to toe.
He had expected it to be empty when he finally got there, but he was flooded with relief when he saw you. All the frustration slowly melted out of him the longer he laid there with you, leaving him feeling exhausted and shivering despite how warm he felt.
The last thing he wanted to do was talk about any of it, but when you asked, the words came out of his mouth before he could stop them.
He remembered rambling and crying again, the sound of your voice and the feeling of your fingers in his hair warming him up even more. Then finally, he remembered falling asleep with his chin tucked on top of your head, the smell of your shampoo filling his senses.
Without thinking, Luke reached down and carefully pushed a piece of hair away from your face, tucking it behind your ear and smiling to himself when you shifted into his touch. Then taking in a sharp breath as the realization ran through him all the way down to his toes.
You were his best friend.
The person he wanted to see at the end of a long day. Whenever he was full of anger or lost in confusion, all he had to do was look at you and everything suddenly made sense again. With your pretty smile and laugh, and your way of flipping that little switch inside him that made his head all fuzzy and the ground start spinning under his feet.
You were his best friend, and he was in love with you.
All you felt was a mixture of anxiety and nausea as you stood on the Orpheum's street corner, biting the tips of your fingernails.
The entire plan hinged on Willie and Teddy getting everything done in time, and considering that they had betrayed you all before, you couldn’t help but expect the worst.
“Look, don’t worry. Willie said he’ll get us on that marquee.” Alex said nervously as he kicked pebbles across the sidewalk.
“This is going to work, right?” Reggie asked.
“It has to.” Luke mumbled, wincing seconds later when another shock hit them.
Two sharp pops cut through the air behind you and you all whipped around to see Willie and Teddy standing just a few feet away. Willie was watching you all carefully with concern written all over his face, his eyes lingering on Alex longer than anyone else. Teddy stood at the edge of the group, practically burning a hole in your face with his guilty stare.
“Are you guys okay?” Willie asked.
“Yeah, nothing we haven’t felt before.” Alex laughed awkwardly. “How’d it go?”
“Well, when the opening band wakes up, they’ll find their bus two hundred miles out of Vegas.” Willie said with a proud smile as he did a spin, showing off his stolen jacket with the band’s name across the back.
“With absolutely no chance of getting back in time.” Teddy added.
Luke gave Willie a fistbump and pointed up to the office above the Orpheum. “That means there’s probably a promoter up there freaking out right now.”
Willie grinned, sarcasm laced in his tone. “Nah, man. This is Hollywood. I’m sure he’s being very professional.”
You laughed and then Alex slowly inched forward, clearly struggling for the right words to say to Willie. You gave his arm a quick squeeze before following Reggie and Luke down the street to give them space. Before you even got halfway down the sidewalk, Teddy poofed next to you.
“You know, If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you don’t want to talk to me.” He joked.
"I just-I didn't want to leave things the way we did." He rambled. "I'm sorry, I should've told you everything that night in the diner-"
"Teddy, It's okay." You said. "You told me before Caleb could put the stamp on me, and you didn't know the details about the plan until after it was too late to help my friends. Plus, I know how much you're risking helping us now."
As soon as the words left your mouth, you felt some of the weight fall off your shoulders. You weren't sure why since the situation was still a little painful and awkward. But being around Teddy always made you feel a little like that kid who started working at the diner with Cece all those years ago. Besides, they were so alike that you found it hard to stay mad at him.
You held out your hand for Teddy to shake. "Despite everything, I'm glad we met."
“Likewise, Gorgeous,” Teddy said with a relieved smile as he grasped your hand. With a subtle wink, he nodded over towards where Luke was standing at the end of the street. “He’s a lucky guy.”
"What? How did you?-" You sputtered as he stepped away. You never told Teddy about Luke, or at least you didn't think you did.
Teddy just smirked in response before disappearing into the air. At the same time, you saw Willie skate away out of the corner of your eye, leaving Alex alone on the sidewalk.
You all phased next to him and Luke squeezed his shoulder reassuringly. "You okay, man?"
"Yeah. I'm good." Alex smiled slyly as he gestured to the office. "Looks like this show needs a new opening act though."
You grinned. "Let's go see if we can help with that."
When you got back to the studio, you found Julie pacing back and forth in the middle of the room as she wrung her hands together.
When you all poofed in, she immediately jumped into a load of questions, losing her breath halfway through and flailing her arms around.
"Whoa, just sit down," You laughed excitedly. "We'll tell you everything."
Julie took a gasping breath and plopped backwards onto the couch then stared at you all with expectant eyes. "Well?"
"It worked!" You announced. "Everything's fine."
"You should be getting the call...now!" Alex pointed to Julie’s phone on the table just as it started buzzing. You all cheered and Julie shushed you as she answered the call.
You heard a woman's voice say something through the phone and Julie gave a thumbs-up as she started jumping on the couch. You watched in amusement and mild horror as Luke and Reggie lifted Alex up into the air and spun him around.
Once he was back on the ground, Luke and Reggie made a beeline for you, each of them grabbed one of your arms and flipped you upside down over their shoulders.
You all spent the next twenty minutes laughing and screaming and Alex even got a little teary-eyed but you pretended not to notice. Then Julie called Flynn and ran off excitedly to decide her outfit for the night, leaving the four of you alone to plan out the setlist.
“Okay, so I’m thinking we start with Stand Tall.” Luke said excitedly as he wrote the words down in his songbook.
“Sounds good.” Reggie said, suddenly quiet.
“’Sounds good’? Guys, I wanna hear ‘That sounds awesome!” Luke reached out and nudged Reggie’s shoulder. “I know this isn’t the way we imagined any of this. But we need to be all in tonight. This is our second chance to play the Orpheum!”
“I get it.” Reggie sputtered. “But it’s hard. Do we even know what’s on the other side when we cross over? Do we still get to hang out together?”
You shifted your weight as the happy little bubble surrounding you popped. You had been so wrapped up in the excitement of finally playing the Orpheum that you almost forgot what tonight was really about.
“You guys are the only family I have.” Reggie’s eyes were glued to the piano as he played with his fingers. You reached out and locked his arm with yours in an attempt to comfort him.
“I don’t know what’s gonna happen either. But it’s not like we have a choice.” Alex said.
Suddenly, Reggie’s arm fell out of yours as all three boys fell back, clutching their sides.
“I’m pretty sure we do.” Reggie groaned. “And it rhymes with ‘Hollywood Ghost Club’.”
The garage doors creaked open and Julie appeared with a bright smile and a blue garment bag in her hand. When she saw your expressions, her smile fell. “What’s wrong?”
“We just got hit pretty hard by one of those jolts.” Alex said. “But we’re fine.”
“Oh, good.” She nodded, though she still looked on edge. “I’m nervous.”
“That makes two of us.” You said. “But we made it this far for a reason. We got this.”
“Can you ride there with me? I'm gonna need more pep-talk material for the drive there cause I still think I might puke.” Julie tucked her hair behind her ears.
“Of course, and don't worry, we’ll leave the windows open.” You joked, making everyone laugh.
The sound of a car horn cut through the air and Julie looked outside. "That's my dad. Are you ready, (Y/n)?"
You nodded. "Yeah, uh, give me a second. I'll meet you in the car."
As Julie disappeared behind the doors, you turned to the boys and sighed as you tried to soak up this moment. For all you knew, this could be the last little window of time you had alone with them before tonight.
Julie was a huge part of the band of course, but these were your boys. The ones who you started this all with, who had been by your side for everything.
From the look on all their faces, you could see that they were thinking the same thing.
Without saying a word, you launched yourself at Alex. He made a surprised noise but recovered quickly, throwing his arms around you and holding you tight.
"And I'm the emotional one?" He jokingly muttered in your ear and you pinched his side, making him jump back. "Rude."
As soon as your arms were open, Reggie stepped forward and hugged you so tightly that you were thankful to not need oxygen anymore because he was definitely crushing several vital organs.
You laughed and gave him one last squeeze before pulling away, locking eyes with Luke instantly.
Alex cleared his throat awkwardly and grabbed Reggie's shoulder, steering him over to Luke's songbook to 'check out the setlist again'.
"And then there were two." Luke joked.
You laughed and stepped into his waiting arms, making him laugh. You soaked up the feeling of comfort and familiarity for a minute before pulling away.
"This, uh, is for you," Luke said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. You knitted your eyebrows together in confusion as he handed it over. "I wanted you to have it in case...well, you know. If tonight doesn't work."
"It will." You said, trying to ignore the fact that it very well could happen. "You're not getting rid of me that easily, Patterson."
"I wouldn't dream of it." He quipped back, his voice sounding softer and less teasing than you would've expected. You pulled back from him and because you didn't know if you would ever get another chance, you stood on your tiptoes and planted a kiss on his cheek.
You moved away too fast to see his reaction but the gesture made the other two boys smirk at you as you dashed out of the doors, making a beeline for the car pulling out of the driveway.
The back rooms of the Orpheum were a maze.
You had left for a few minutes to walk around the venue and clear your head, trying to wring out the last of your nerves.
By the time you found your way back, you expected to find the rest of the band rushing to get ready in the dressing room. But all you saw was Julie anxiously pacing as she had been earlier, a habit she seemed to have inherited from both you and Alex.
“You okay?”
She snapped her head up towards you and sighed. “Yeah, just a little worried. The guys aren’t here yet.”
You looked around the room and then at the clock, frowning. The show was in less than half an hour and that was already cutting it close. Part of you wanted to go check on them but Julie seemed to need you more at the moment.
“Okay, well, give them another ten minutes. I'm sure they'll be here. They wouldn’t miss this…again.”
You ran your palm across the front of your pocket, feeling Luke's note next to your parent’s photo, and hoped you were right.
But then more and more time passed until the stage manager came to escort Julie to the stage.
"Just a second!" She calls out and then turns to you. "(Y/n), something's wrong. They were getting those jolts pretty hard before we left. They must've run out of time."
You shut your eyes tight as the words sunk in. All you could bring yourself now was, ‘This isn't what was supposed to happen.’
The world fell out from under your feet and you had trouble even standing up straight as you imagined what must've happened to them. Your best friends, your brothers, your family was gone and there wasn't anything you could do about it.
The guy knocked again, this time a little harder and with a nervous tone. Julie chewed her lip as she looked between you and the door and you could almost see the cloud of grief settling over her.
As hard as it was, you tried your best to shove your feelings down and marched up to Julie. There would be time to fall apart later, but you knew that this what they would want you to do. "Let's go do this for them, okay?"
She took a deep, shaky breath before hesitantly nodding. You followed closely behind her as she walked out the door though the halls until she reached the stage. You waited beside Flynn in the wing as Julie settled behind her microphone and addressed the crowd.
There were scattered claps from around the venue and then she took a deep breath before singing the opening.
After the first few lines, you took your cue and materialized at the center of the stage. The crowd gasped and cheered the way they always did, but you kept your eyes shut tight and focused on the music.
Just as the song started picking up, you heard a familiar pop in the air and then the sound of drumming. You whirled around to see Alex mounted onto a drum set at the back of the stage, twirling his drumsticks around and smiling like he had never been gone at all.
Once you got over the initial shock, you wanted to cry with relief. They were okay, they were here. Alex winked at you goofily, and you ran towards Julie’s keyboard.
She had started bouncing on the balls of her feet, both of you finally getting into the song now that they were coming back. You followed suit, dancing around the base of the drum set as yours and Julie’s voices came together.
Then Reggie appeared on the other side of Julie and you ran to his side. You bumped his shoulder with yours and he grinned, moving to stand back to back.
The song was ramping up to the chorus when a staticky noise cut through the air, not loud enough for the crowd to hear but enough to make you all look over to the other end of the stage.
You could see Luke's form fading in and out, a look of anguish on his face, and the pit in your stomach opened up again. The crowd was on the edge of their seats as Alex's drumming paused and Luke finally materialized to sing the opening of the chorus.
You didn't even know you were moving until you suddenly found yourself across the stage next to Luke, unable to stop smiling as you sang.
Julie joined you, throwing her arms up in the air happily and jumping around. Reggie appeared by her side, flashing the crowd a winning smile.
Alex stood up and gripped his mic as he sang this solo. You looked back at him and flashed him a proud smile, then whooping loudly when Reggie sang his lines.
You all went down the line hitting your notes until the chorus kicked in again and your heart felt so full you almost couldn't stand it. This was what you were so close to achieving before you died, it was all you had wanted for years, and you knew that if you hadn't died, that night would've changed your life. But this night was something even more special. Because you were all here, all together.
Even if it was just for one last song.
Julie caught your attention and nodded towards the platform that spread out into the crowd. You followed her to the center and stood back to back as everyone cheered.
The guys joined in on either side of you, Alex grabbing one of your hands and Luke holding the other. You all bowed to the audience before taking your cue and vanishing, leaving only Julie on stage.
You landed in the wing, feeling a little lightheaded and overwhelmed from all the emotions you had experienced in the last five minutes. The elated smile fading from your face when all three boys poofed by your side only to fall to the floor instantly.
“It didn’t work.” You said miserably as Julie emerged into the backstage area. She grabbed Flynn and whispered something to her, pointing in the direction of her family. Flynn nodded and disappeared into the crowd while Julie ran to your side.
You hauled Alex onto his feet, letting him lean on you to stay upright while Luke and Reggie trailed behind Julie as she led the group back to the dressing room. Once everyone was inside, they collapsed on the couch or the floor, loudly groaning in pain.
“What happened? Why didn’t it work?” Julie asked tearfully.
“I guess playing here wasn’t our unfinished business.” Alex said hollowly.
“Point Caleb.” Reggie muttered as he clung to the side of an armchair.
You stood frozen next to Julie as panic spread through your whole body, both of you flinching in sympathy as the shocks continued.
“You have to save yourselves right now.” Julie begged. “Join Caleb’s club. It’s better than not existing at all!”
“She’s right.” You managed to say, your voice shaky and almost giving out. Your stomach flipped at the thought of them having to work for an evil club owner forever, but the alternative was worse. “You guys need to go now! For me. For us.”
“We’re not going back there.” Reggie shook his head.
Luke pulled himself up and stumbled forward a little so that he was right in front of you. “No music is worth making if we’re not all making it together.”
You sighed sadly, thinking back to your conversation yesterday. “So no more regrets?”
Luke let out a deep sigh and then reached up and cupped your cheek with his right hand. “Just one.”
You furrowed your eyebrows in response and Luke blinked hard as if he was trying to find the words. "I never told you why I left that night."
"Luke, don't." You gave him a weak smile. "I get it."
"You do?" He asked.
You struggled to get the words out. "Yeah, I mean it was bound to happen eventually. We just got too close and it was weird for you. I understand t-”
"What?" Luke asked, cutting you off with a confused look. "No, no, that's not it at all. Read the-"
Before he could finish, you heard Julie gasp loudly from a few feet away. You looked over to see her stepping back from Alex with an awestruck look on her face as she gripped his forearms.
Wait, what?
Before you could even begin to process what you were seeing, Reggie was reaching out to Julie, who grabbed his wrist and hauled him up to his feet. The three of them stared at each other for a few seconds before Julie turned to you and Luke.
“Guys, come here.”
Alex reached out and pulled you into his side while Luke threw an arm around Reggie’s back and Julie brought you all in closer to her. At first, nothing happened. But then there was a faint buzzing sound and the boys lifted their wrist towards the ceiling and you all watched in awe as the stamp floated away in the blink of an eye.
“Whoa.” Reggie said, his eyes still glued to the ceiling. “I don’t feel as weak anymore.”
“Yeah, me neither.” Alex agreed. “Not that I ever was that weak in the first place.”
You rolled your eyes and let your head fall over on his shoulder. “What do you think that means?”
Luke smiled. “I think it means the band is back.”
It was quiet for a second before Alex looked at you all shyly. “You guys think we can try that hug thing again?”
You laughed as you huddled together again, sniffling and laughing. Then Julie yelled out that you had played the Orpheum and then you were all jumping around, still tangled in each other’s arms.
Eventually, you all broke apart and while the boys started chasing each other around, you turned to Julie. She looked into your eyes and immediately flew into your arms, muttering into your shoulder, “I always wanted a big sister.”
The words warmed your heart and you squeezed her extra hard, grateful that you actually could now. “Well, I’m honored.”
“My family's probably looking for me so..." Julie stepped back from your arms with the biggest smile you’d ever seen on her face, you jokingly bowed to her and she copied the gesture before disappearing behind the door.
You wiped the last of your tears out of your eyes and turned around to find Alex and Reggie were talking in whispers and wearing knowing smiles. When Alex saw you looking, he cleared his throat and nudged Reggie’s shoulder.
“Hey, Reg.” Alex said cheekily, not taking his eyes off of you for even a second. “I was going to check out the next band. You wanna come with me?”
“Sure!” Reggie started strolling towards the door, stopping only for a second to nudge your shoulder and whisper ‘don't do anything I wouldn’t do’ in your ear.
Alex fixed Luke with a pointed look over his shoulder and Reggie gave him a dorky wink before they poofed away. You smiled fondly at the space where they were just standing and awkwardly turned towards Luke.
“Hi.” You said, laughing awkwardly.
“Hi.” Luke muttered back as he stepped forward until he was close enough to grab your hand. “About what I was saying earlier…”
You opened your mouth to say something but he shook his head and pointed to your pocket. “Read it. Please.”
You tugged the note he had given you earlier out of your pocket and carefully folded it open to see that it wasn’t a note at all. It was the love song that Julie had found that day in the garage, the one that he didn’t want anyone to see. You struggled a little trying to decipher Luke's handwriting. The ink was a little smudged and the song was clearly unfinished but it was the most beautiful thing you had ever read. And he had written it for you.
"I didn't leave because we got too close," He said. "It was the opposite, (Y/n), I left because I was scared to lose you, and I know that doesn't make sense because I kind of did w-"
You carefully tucked the paper back in your pocket with one hand and grabbed the back of his neck with the other, pulling him down and closing the last bit of space between you.
Luke's brain short-circuited for a second before he started kissing back, grabbing your waist with enough force to nearly knock you both backwards. It was dizzying and a little desperate, yet weirdly familiar, as if you'd been kissing him your whole life.
Most moments with Luke felt like they were happening in slow motion, but this time it was like a high-speed movie montage of your whole lives. The stolen crayons, the time capsule, the pre performance pep talks, the smell of cinnamon, the ferris wheel, his jacket, the movie nights and songwriting sessions. All of it had led up to this moment.
"I love you." Luke said immediately after you pulled away. "God, I love you so much. I'm such an idiot. I'm sorry."
“Hey, it’s okay.” You laughed, blinking another wave of tears out of your eyes. “I should’ve told you forever ago instead of skirting around it.”
“And what is it that you should’ve told me?” He said teasingly and you rolled your eyes. You had gotten so used to Luke being so shut down or nervous around you that you almost forgot how much of a little shit he could be.
“That I love you too.” You said, unable to stop smiling.
Luke leaned down and captured your lips in another kiss, this time threading his fingers through your hair as he cupped your cheeks in his hands. “I’m never gonna get tired of hearing that.”
You bit your lip to keep another laugh from bubbling up as you looked up at him, feeling completely overwhelmed in the best way possible. "So...what now?"
"I don't know." Luke admitted. "But I know one thing."
"What's that?"
"That no matter where we go, or what we do," He pushed a piece of hair behind your ear. "In life, in death... I'm yours. Always."
The End
In Life, In Death Taglist:
@ifilwtmfc @instabull @wanniiieeee @tenaciousperfectionunknown @charliegillespiewife @merceret @itismeasmolpotato @lilostif16 @dangerouslyclose @iainttakingshitfromnobody @givemebooksorgivemedeath @sunsetcurvedotmp3 @askgeoff @mayleenicole5676 @puppy11148 @vampire7595 @wackyworrieruniverse @reallysparklychaos @lovelydaydreams15 @rachmmb @musicismyescape27 @stackie4ever​ @spidermankenobi
(Strikethrough means I can’t tag you)
JATP Taglist:
@caitsymichelle13 @sunsetcurvej​
Let me know if you want to be added!
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artificialqueens · 3 years ago
Bitch Fight, Ch.4 (Multi-Ship) - Lita
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Welcome to the world of Femme Fatale Wrestling. The future is female, and we're here to prove it.
A/N: Thank you guys again for all the love - I'm stupid excited to post this one, the wider supporting cast is arguably one of my favourite things about writing this story, and I'm finally getting to introduce more of them. I've not got a ton more to say, so hope you all enjoy! <3<3
Adore trails behind Bianca into the locker room, her backpack slung over one shoulder. She’d been excited about this ever since Bianca had brought it up to her - her first real show, her first true steps into the business; the start of something new, the beginning of the rest of her life or what-the-fuck-ever. But contrary to her expectations, it feels kind of...boring?
There are maybe five or six other girls milling around in metallic spandex, mostly sitting on the benches staring at their phones; a couple stood in front of the mirror putting on makeup or fixing their hair. The room smells like hairspray and Icy Hot, and it’s overly-bright and depressingly empty. They’d come around the back entrance to the building, Bianca leading Adore through endless white, fluorescent-lit corridors that she really hoped she wasn’t going to have to navigate herself on her way to the ring, because she definitely hadn’t been paying enough attention to know where she was going a second time.
Bianca drops her bag down on the bench, starting to fish her gear out of it - Adore stands next to her, not sure what to do with herself. The woman sitting across from them looks up from her phone, walking over to them. She pulls Bianca into a hug.
“Thank god you’re here - Miss Fame got food poisoning, so she’s off the card. She was supposed to be working the main event with Courtney - who, by the way, isn’t even here yet, - Bill’s been tearing me a new asshole all night, and trying to get Jinkx to give a crap is like trying to get blood out of a stone- hold the phone, who is that?” She’s talking at an insane speed, even Bianca seems to be struggling to understand her, before she stops dead; staring Adore down.
“This is Adore. I found her in the parking lot a few weeks ago and I’ve been training her. I figured that we could give her a chance to work some shit in front of a real crowd tonight. She’s still green, but she can bump like a motherfucker and she’ll do basically anything you tell her to.” Adore gives an awkward smile, waving. “And before you ask, yes I okayed it with Bill.”
She breathes a heavy sigh, relaxing her shoulders. She’s a little shorter than Bianca, and curvier; short, dark hair, dressed in a black and lilac singlet. Bianca turns to Adore.
“Adore, this is Dela. I’d say she doesn’t always seem this crazy - she does, but you learn to live with it.” Bianca says. “I have shit to do that doesn’t involve babysitting people all night. You-” she turns to Adore. “-go talk to people, make some friends that aren’t me. And Dela, chill the fuck out.” She takes her stuff, walking off in the vague general direction of what Adore assumes is the bathroom to go and get changed.
“Y’know, you need to stop talking about people like they’re not standing right in front of you,” Dela shouts after her, before turning to Adore. “It’s nice to meet you, sweetie. Sorry about all that.”
“It’s cool,” Adore shrugs, easing up a little. “I like your hair. It’s cute.”
Dela blushes. “Thank you.” She sits down, patting the bench beside her. Adore takes a seat next to her. “Yeah, I promise it’s not usually this bad, tonight has been more of a wreck than usual. My wife owns the promotion - she used to wrestle too, but she had to retire last year, and let’s just say she hasn’t taken to it well. Every day is kinda substitute teacher day right now.”
“It’s okay - I don’t mind. I’m just excited to be here.” Adore has to stifle an excited laugh - it’s true. It didn’t matter how hard training had been - Bianca had worked her like a fucking drill sargeant for the first few days, until she realised that the one thing that Adore could do quite well was throwing herself at the floor. Those years on the deathmatch circuit had definitely paid off. She’d started learning some actual wrestling; mostly just locking up and basic holds and maneuvers - her back was still black and blue from learning to run the ropes - but she was making good progress, and they’d discovered mostly by accident that she was capable of a semi-passable moonsault. It felt good - seeing the pride in Bianca’s face whenever she did something right. All the sucky nights of sleep, and bodily aches, and early mornings, and exhaustion felt fucking worth it.
She had been like a kid on Christmas Eve the night before. Lying staring at the ceiling of Bianca’s guest room, as she had been for the last month or so - at Bea’s insistence; since Adore would be sticking around for the foreseeable future, it made more sense than having her sleep in her driveway. Bianca was, at her core, really sweet, even if she seemed to hate people knowing it - struggling to even contemplate going to sleep because she couldn’t shut her brain up. But that morning, the excitement had melted away into nerves, which had steadily mounted as the day dragged on.
“Bianca said she’d been training you, right?”
“Yeah - I’ve been like, sort of wrestling for a few years. But it was all backyard deathmatch shit, I didn’t really know how to do anything besides hit people with chairs and make them bleed,” she shrugs, laughing a little.
Dela grimaces. “I feel like I don’t need to ask what happened to your arm then?”
“Oh yeah,” Adore laughs. The scars from her last match are still red and raw-looking, freshly healed and still kind of gross. Which probably hadn’t been helped by her insistence on picking at them, much to Bianca’s general disgust, but she thought they looked cool. “A guy threw me through a sheet of glass, it was fucking dope. That’s how I met Bianca. I’ve been watching her since I was a kid - I ran into her in the parking lot here, and asked her to come to one of my matches. She did, and then she freaked the fuck out and drove me to the ER, but we’re friends now, so it’s cool.”
Dela looks a little uneasy, before perking up. “Well, I think you’re gonna like it here. The other girls are all really nice. Plus you’re in good hands with Bianca - I’ve known her for years, she’s a great worker.”
“She is really cool,” Adore smiles. “So are you,” she adds. Dela smiles.
“You’re sweet,” Dela says. “I need to go talk to Bill - you’ll have heard me talking about him, he’s our referee and - I hope - temporary booker, so I can try and work out where you’re gonna fit on the card. What’s your ring name again?”
“Uh, Adore Delano.”
“And where do you wanna be billed from?”
“Uh, I’m from Azusa.” Dela has the notes app open on her phone, and she jots this down, nodding.
“So, I think the best people to try and put you with will be either me or Bianca - you’ve obviously worked with her before, and second to her I’m the most experienced person here. Not that anyone else is bad, necessarily, but I feel like being in there with a veteran to keep you on the right track is a good idea. Does that sound okay with you?”
“Sure,” Adore says, nodding.
“So, you’ll probably be opposite either Dela Monsoon - that’s me - or Santerìa, which I think you know is Bianca, on the card.”
“Party,” Adore says. Dela gives a bemused laugh.
“Cool - I promise nobody bites, go talk to some of the other ladies,” Dela says, standing up. Adore smiles as she leaves the room.
This is fun. Stressful, but fun. Adore isn’t really sure what to do with herself, looking around in the room of new faces and feeling an unfamiliar ball of nerves sitting in the pit of her stomach. As much as she doesn’t miss what went on in the ring quite as much, she misses the atmosphere before the shows she used to work. It was more chilled-out than this - and there were more people like her. More people who seemed less straight-laced and focused. She didn’t have much in the way of a pre-show ritual, but throwing back a couple of beers in someone’s car before taping up her fists and heading to the ring had always been pretty par-for-course. Turning up to the venue and then sitting around doing nothing for hours felt insane to her.
She feels out-of-place and a little unsure of herself; everyone else seemed so polished. She looks over to the girl standing across from her in gold attire. She has one foot up on the bench as she laces up her boots; dark skin and white-blonde hair down to her hips.
“Hi,” Adore calls over to her; the other woman gives her a quick, tight-lipped smile, saying nothing as she turns back to tying her shoes. Adore breathes in, crossing her legs and readjusting herself a little uncomfortably.
“What the fuck are you doing? Go get changed,” Bianca, back from the bathroom, elbows her in the shoulder. She’s in her ring gear now - a crop top and tights, dark red with gold accents. Her hair is tied into a loose bun at the back of her neck, and she’s turned to rake around in her bag for her makeup.
“Bitch, I am changed,” Adore protests. She’s in the same denim shorts and bra combo that she’s always worn to the ring.
“Really?” Bianca looks her up and down. “I know for a goddamn fact that those shorts are still covered in your blood, because you have not done a single load of laundry in the last month.”
“It gives them character.” Adore shrugs.
“I’m more concerned that you don’t seem to ever change your underwear,” Bianca mutters, rolling her eyes. “What about your hair? Makeup? Anything?”
“Done and done,” Adore says, blasse. Bianca looks exasperated. She’s wearing her hair down, yesterday’s eyeliner having become today’s smoky eye, and little more effort put in besides throwing on some lipstick and fresh mascara. Adore has never bothered to put in any more work than this before a show, and she’s not sure why Bianca seems to expect that she should change that now. Bianca seems different to usual - tense and a little edgy.
Bianca rolls her eyes. “The show doesn’t start for another hour and a half, do you literally have nothing else to do besides staring at the wall with your thumb up your ass?”
“I wanna go smoke,” Bianca huffs a sigh; Adore looks up at her with plaintive puppy eyes.
“Fine - there’s a fire exit down the hall. Go out there, and don’t take forever.”
Adore steps outside, pulling her pack of cigarettes and lighter out of her bra. God, this place is big, and the hallways are confusing. There are two others out there already - a brunette, a few feet away from them with her finger in one ear, arguing into her cellphone in what sounds like Japanese, and a blonde standing with a joint between her fingers.
They’re both wearing matching bra and shorts combos, in chartreuse green, with kickpads and elbow-length fingerless gloves that both read ‘PRETTY DOPE’; carrying matching title belts. The brunette has hers around her waist, the blonde’s is slung backwards over her shoulder as she holds it by the end of the strap. Adore breathes in, approaching the blonde as she lights her smoke.
“Who the fuck are you?” She curls her lip. She has hair to her shoulders with short, blunt bangs and sporadic streaks of green through it. She blows smoke out through her nose, straight into Adore’s face.
“Uh- I’m Adore, I’m-”
“Honey, no-one asked,” the blonde says bluntly.
“But you literally just-”
“Bitch, I don’t care. You’re killing my vibe here.” Adore shrinks into herself a little, taking a drag of her cigarette. The blonde pushes Adore out of the way to lean over to shout to the other girl: “Hey Gia! You want a hit?”
The brunette gives an exasperated groan, yelling into her phone again before abruptly ending the call, stuffing the phone into her bra and walking over to them. She takes the joint out of the blonde’s hand, placing it between her lips.
“Urgh, I wish my mom would hop off my fucking dick - who is that?” She points at Adore, who is now leaning against the wall, trying to make herself seem as small as possible. Her voice has gone up about three octaves compared to how she was speaking on the phone.
“Some bitch called Adore. Are you okay?” She looks at Gia.
“Yeah, just more stupid shit about wanting me to come back home. I mean, I know it’s been six years or whatever, but like, you know I can’t.” The blonde looks a little concerned, her face tentative. “What? Are you on her side now or something?”
“No! Just like…I dunno, she’s your mom. Maybe she just misses you and shit.”
“You need to hop off my dick too.” Gia curls her lip. She flicks ash at the ground, passing the joint back to the blonde, who takes another long draw.
Adore scuffs the toes of her shoes along the ground. The sun is still up; the air hot, sticky, and gross. She doesn’t do humidity. She can feel herself sweating, and is struck with a sudden, weird paranoia over body odour - did she pack deodorant? Someone in the locker room will have, she can ask them. Can she ask them? She isn’t sure - she doesn’t want to annoy Bianca, and everyone else keeps looking at her or, in the case of the two standing across from her, whispering into each other’s ears with their backs to her, talking to her like they think she’s insane. God, Adore can’t remember the last time she felt this self-conscious.
“Yo, Adore!” the blonde calls over to her. Adore jumps, dropping her cigarette on the ground. Gia laughs, loud and obnoxious, before her friend elbows her; Gia grabbing at her arm, scowling. The blonde holds her joint out to her. “Want some?”
Adore stutters a little. “Uh- no thanks, I’m good.”
“Loser,” Gia says. “We’re trying to be nice.”
“Sorry, I-”
The door that Adore is leaning against opens, hitting her in the back, and she trips over; only just stopping herself from falling on the ground.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” A familiar voice cries out - grabbing Adore’s arm to steady her.
Thank fuck - it was Dela on the other side. Gia and her friend start shuffling around, pushing each other as if trying to hide from the older woman, in plain sight. Dela lets out a heavy sigh.
“Ladies, I’m not stupid. I can smell it from down the hall.”
Gia holds up her empty hands. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Her voice is drawling and cunty as she takes a step towards Dela, like she’s trying to intimidate her.
“Laganja?” The blonde avoids eye contact with Dela. “You have a match later, I shouldn’t have to keep telling you this shit - we expect literally everyone else to be sober in the ring, you guys aren’t an exception.” Dela says. Laganja gives a heavy roll of her eyes, dropping the joint on the floor. It’s only been around a quarter smoked. “I’m gonna pretend I didn’t see that.”
“You suck,” Laganja says as they both trail back towards the door, Gia muttering ‘fucking narc’ just loud enough to be audible as she deliberately rams her shoulder into Dela.
Dela bites her lip - clearly trying to compose herself as Adore lights another cigarette; the one she’d dropped had only been half-finished, and she’s still a little tetchy, feeling a bizarre need to occupy her hands.
“You want one?” She holds the cigarette pack out to Dela, who takes one; Adore lights it for her.
“Thanks,” Dela takes a drag, before breathing out a heavy sigh, relaxing a little. “Are you okay?”
Adore nods. “Pretty much - they were kinda dicks.”
Dela raises her eyebrows knowingly. “Pretty Dope are harmless,” she says, her tone flat and somewhat insincere. “Yeah, they’re dicks, but if you want my opinion, it’s on purpose because they think it makes them look cool. Do you know the meaning of the phrase ‘being a mark for oneself’?”
Adore shrugs. “Kinda?”
“They believe their own hype too much,” Dela explains. “Like, we all have our persona or gimmick or whatever, but they live theirs rather than working it. It’s a lot. That said, they’re both great performers. They’re our tag team champs - I think they probably will be for a while, we don’t have a ton of other tag teams.”
“Right,” Adore nods.
“Have you spoken to anyone else?”
“Uh...the black girl in the gold bikini? Well, I tried to, anyway. She didn’t speak to me back.” Dela smiles a little.
“Oh, that’s Trinity. She’s a sweetheart - she’s just insanely shy. It’s not you, I promise. She’s incredible in the ring, though - big wrestling family. You’re way too young to remember GLOW, right? Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling?”
Adore shakes her head.
“It was a wrestling show from the 80s, all women - it was kinda before my time too, but my dad had a few tapes of it when I was a kid, and I was obsessed with it. Anyway, Trin’s mom was on that for years, she was a pretty big deal - ‘The Welfare Queen’ Latrice Royale?”
“Holy shit - I think I met her at a convention when I was like, nine. My mom used to take me to stuff like that all the time.” Adore smiles.
“Like I said, I was raised on that show - she was always one of my favourites, I think I nearly died when I found out Trin was her daughter,” Dela laughs.
“Have you been wrestling for a while?”
“Ten years? Maybe fifteen. I started out as a manager - my wife and I had this really cute knock-off Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth thing going for a few years, then we started teaming together. It was awesome - we used to be called The Weather Girls, we walked out to the ring to It’s Raining Men. I miss working with her.” Dela gives a long sigh.
“Bianca talks about her a lot too. She sounds dope.”
Dela gives a weak smile. She looks distant - not saying anything for a while, staring at the ground between draws. Adore isn’t quite sure what to do with herself. Dela shakes herself off a little, putting her cigarette out against the wall and turning to Adore.
“Shit - I totally forgot, I came out here for a reason. Bianca said this is where I’d find you, I need to talk to you. We finalised the card - I promise everything isn’t usually this last-minute, but tonight has been a little crazy. Now, this is gonna sound insane, and it seems like a lot for your first night, but- y’know what, just come back inside.”
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one-leaf-grimoire · 4 years ago
Chapter 15
Hi! This chapter has some sad parts but MC finally stands up to a big threat. LMK what you think!
Warnings: none, this chapter is SFW
The true nature of my Illusion Magic is in the way that it effects the human brain. My magic can trigger responses within the mind of another, forcing their brain to release the hormones and electric signals necessary to conjure up what I want them to perceive. Images, sounds, feelings... but one spell does this better than any other; the spell I have only cast once before.
Fear Landscape.
This spell targets a single region of the brain, the amygdala. Stress hormones are released in a massive stampede, causing pupil dilation, heart rate increase, and restriction of breathing. All of these things compound upon each other until the body shuts down. 
The first time I used it was an accident. We were on a mission in the woods, and were almost done, when a massive wolf appeared out of nowhere. The spell manifested in that moment, probably triggered by my own fear. I don't remember it very well, since I blacked out in a similar fashion to today, into a warm, golden sleep. But according to Alice, the wolf collapsed into a whimpering pile, giving us enough time to escape.
I never really thought about what happened to that wolf. I wonder if it died, just like the dozen or so men that were unlucky enough to be around me today.
But now, lying silently in a hospital bed while the nurses checked up on me for the fifteenth time tonight, I have plenty of time to reflect.
I killed that man... the general. I killed all his men. 
The nurses and doctor keep talking among themselves. From what I've gathered so far, the slime mold penetrated my body much farther than they thought at first, and kept proliferating even after the caster was dead. It'll take a while for me to heal completely.
It's been around three days since the attack- at least, I think it has been that long. My mind has been foggy and disoriented, so I can't be quite sure. My only reference for time is the light coming in through the curtains, and the three times per day that a meal is brought to me. I'm barely able to eat, but it could be worse.
After all... someone was hurt much worse than me that day.
The door creaks open once all the nurses are gone, and none other than Captain Hervey and his two vice captains come in. My gaze flickers up to Julius's face first, catching a glimpse of his worried expression. I quickly look to Hervey next. "Captain..."
I start to sit up, but Hervey raises his hand to pause the movement. "Stay still, you're injured enough as it is." He lets out a heavy sigh, his eyes narrowing for a moment. "How are you feeling?"
"As good as I can." I motion vaguely at my right arm, where green mold veins still linger under my skin. "The doctor said maybe two more days before my system gets flushed of this stuff."
"I see." Hervey nods a little. "It'll be good to have you back on your feet..."
I gulp nervously, scared to ask the next question.
"Captain... is Alice-"
"She's still in her coma."
I fall silent. 
"The doctor doesn't think she's going to wake up."
... she's... not going to wake up? 
"Like... not today? Or-"
"Not ever." The words come out sharply, freezing my heart.
I was told as soon as I was conscious enough to listen. The other Shining General was a powerful ice mage. He managed to trap Julius in Ice before making a break for it. Hervey took off in pursuit, but it was too late; The general ran into Alice's group, and in the fight... 
"People don't recover from a frostbitten brain." Hervey muttered, a little callously. I'm too weak to even summon tears, but I feel every part of my soul being shredded apart. 
Alice... you have to wake up... you have to.
"But I told you; My ice magic countered his. I killed that Bastard... both of us felled Generals in this battle. That's why I'm here today."
I look back up at Hervey as he walks to the side of my bed, producing what looks like a small plaque. "Captain, what's this for?"
"It's a special commendation from the Wizard King himself," Hervey explained, giving me a strained smile. "You've been promoted to Senior Magic Knight."
"Congratulations," Malota says, giving me a rare smile of her own from the other side of my bed. "You're basically at the top now."
"You've impressed all of us. Well done."
I look at the foot of my bed, where Julius still stands, and he gives me the same smile as the others. He's happy for me, I can tell, but that tenseness is easily explained; today feels like no time to celebrate, while Alice lies unresponsive in another room.
Impressed... congratulations...
The words feel bitter in my mind.
"I... I'm getting this now... because I murdered someone, right?"
My voice is numb, cold and emotionless. My head falls back onto my pillow, and I stare blankly up at the ceiling. 
Hervey exchanges a glance with the other two before clearing his throat. "NO! Well, yeah... but don't think of it that way. You defeated an enemy of our Kingdom, and now he will never harm anyone again."
That general... his magic hurt. I remember how Giles writhed in pain, and how my mind snapped as he pushed me past my limit. But, I saw something in his eyes. He had a family... there were things in this world that he loved. But me... I can't love anything. Love was ruined for me, so I ruined it for all of them, too...
"I didn't even mean to do it." Slowly, my eyes flicker close.��Maybe if I pretend to be asleep, they'll leave me alone. "I was trying to escape..."
"Our bodies do unexpected things when we think we're about to die."
Julius's voice pulls me out, and my eyes open again. I can't bring myself to move and look at him, but I'm listening... I'm listening.
"You did what anyone else would have done... but you deserved this promotion before that, trust me." 
Even from where I lay, I can hear the smile on his lips. This time, there is no tension.
How many people have you killed, Julius? You've been to battle far more than I have... and I've heard the stories of your terrifying power. That power scares me, too, but at the same time... I know it protects me.
If I had any less restraint, I would have reached out to him, begged him to take my hand, pleaded for him to stay. I don't care who sees, I don't care who disapproves, I just want him here with me, forever.
But there's just enough restraint within me to keep me still. After that awkward moment, Hervey leads the others out, leaving the plaque on my bedside table.
It's not until later that night that the full gravity of the situation dawns on me. Alice, my closest and oldest friend, was going to die, and I could do nothing about it.
"You're in my group, right? So I'll protect you! No matter what. And you're going to protect me too!"
Alice said those words to Cecelia. She promised that she would live.
Alice... I'm sorry I ever doubted you. You're my friend, nothing less, and I know in my heart that you could never hurt me. As sure as the sun rises, as sure as it sets... you would have never betrayed me.
But why...
I roll over in the dark, my delirious mind breaking down as tears and wet sobs rip from my throat.
Why did I have to realize that after it's too late?!
I clutch a pillow tightly as I cry, holding onto it for dear life. And maybe it's just my imagination... but I feel it hug me back, warm and soft.
When I wake up the next morning, there was no large pillow that I could have been curled up into. The side of the bed next to me is warm; at least, I think it is. But I can't see anyone there, and my fever makes the entire world burn.
Maybe that was just my imagination.
"There you are! Oh, god-"
Two days later, I'm sitting up in bed, feeling good enough to eat. I look up from my soup to see the door open, and two very familiar older people come rushing towards me. I drop my spoon in surprise.
"Mom? Dad?"
Indeed, it's my parents, and a moment later they both tackle me in a hug that's definitely more rough than they should be giving me right now. I let out a hollow gasp as the air is knocked out of my lungs, but I quickly get over it and smile. "Hi... It's good to see you two."
I hug back, burying my face into their shoulders, and am suddenly overwhelmed with... nostalgia. Both of them pull back and start fawning over me, telling me how proud they are of me, and how worried they were before they could visit. It's bittersweet, and it takes everything I have in me to keep from bursting into tears. 
All the pain and trouble I've gone through, I did it for them. For the hope that I could free them from the path they think they're trapped on. Marrying a Kira will give us status for life, but now that I'm a Senior Magic Knight, we don't need that status. By myself, I can support them, and then...
"Oh!" My mom's eyes suddenly lit up. "Look who insisted we bring him with us!"
"Huh? Who-"
I look around her shoulder, and my blood runs cold.
Lawrence Kira stands there in the doorway, not even the faint ghost of a smile upon his face.
My heart starts to pound.
He's here... oh god...
"Congrats on your promotion." He walks inside, and I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. "Looks like you got pretty hurt, though..." He comes to a stop at the foot of my bed, and I resist the urge to scoot back further. My grip on my mother's hand tightens slightly. "How long are you going to keep this up?"
Uh oh. I open my mouth, not sure what to say. He better not use this time to confront me... he's evil. I look over at my parents, who also start to look worried. In front of them, too! He knows that if he pressures me here, my parents will join them. They're looking forward to the wedding, and they don't want me to get hurt again... I start to panic. SHIT!
Finally, I manage to cobble together a response. Play dumb! "Um... well, they should let me out of bed tomorrow-"
"I'm not talking about that-" Lawrence snaps. "I'm talking about you playing Magic Knight for years and years. Face it, you're not cut out for this." He motions at my fading injuries. "You almost died, I don't want you to face something like that again before our wedding."
"He has a point, Darling," Dad pipes up innocently. "If you died... I don't know how I would go on living."
"I know, but I'm not going to die." I tighten my hold on my mother's hand again. She doesn't say anything, but I see something flicker in her eyes. I look back over at Lawrence, his stone cold grey eyes staring right into my soul. "Lawrence, I killed a General. A Diamond General. And I just got promoted. Do you think I'm weak or something?"
"Not weak..." He crosses his arms, and I see his cool exterior waver for a moment. "But you're not strong enough to avoid this type of injury... you Captain knows it too." His confidence returns, and he points at my plaque. "Have you ever heard of a pity promotion? It's not unusual for a weak magic knight to receive a big promotion right after they sustain a bad injury. It's supposed to convince you to leave, because you've done enough. And that's true for you." 
I feel my heart sink. No, I've never heard of pity promotions before, but that adds up.
Am I... am I really that weak?
"I... I- er-"
"FILLER WORDS-" Lawrence snaps, shutting me up immediately. He calms himself after the momentary outburst. "Stop using filler words, remember?"
I nod, my hands shaking.
"Listen... you're not being disgraceful." Lawrence offers me a shallow smile, stepping forward. I feel my heart jolt again, like a deer cornered by a hunter. "But it's time to leave this path and become what you're meant to be..."
I... I can't... I have to... I-
"My wife-"
The word slips out, and Lawrence freezes. His eyes widen a little, somehow getting colder.
"What did you just say?"
Shit, shit, shit! My heart pounds, but it's too late to go back.
"I- I said no." I take a shuddering breath, ignoring my parents' shocked faces. "I don't want to marry you, Lawrence, and I'm not going to."
The words don't quite register for Lawrence, ricocheting around between his ears. But once they do, it's obvious. His cheeks start to redden, and his wide eyes crumple with rage.
"You... you can't just say no now! We've been engaged since I was ten!"
"Honey, what on earth are you thinking?" Both of my parents look scared. Their whole lives, they placed their entire future on this marriage, not considering any other way to protect us. But now, I've found another way.
Yes... through my own strength, I forged a path! With the help of Alice, I created a fate far different from what Lawrence tried to create for me. I won't let Alice's work go to waste! I found a life I can live with pride... and I found someone that I want to love with all my heart!
"I am a Magic Knight, Lawrence." I sit up, shaking off my parents' hands, and point accusingly at the man who's caused me so much pain over my entire life. "You are the lowest of the low. You forced me to do things I wasn't ready to do. You hurt me, and manipulated me- and I'm not going to just lay down and take it any more!"
My voice raises steadily in volume, and so does my courage. Somehow, a smile starts to grow on my lips, and I clench my fist as I say the words I've always wanted to say.
"For my family, and for my own pride, I reject you, Lawrence Kira-"
Just as I utter his name, I see something in his gaze snap.
Oh- God-
Instantly, mana caves in around him then shoots out at me. I don't have time to finish my sentence. Poisonous, thistly grey vines hit my throat, wrapping around it and blasting me backwards. My parents both scream, and I hit the wall above the bedframe with a resounding CRACK. My mouth opens with a silent scream, the thistles pricking my skin and drawing blood. My back hurts, my legs kick helplessly, and my fingers claw uselessly at the tight chords that choke the life out of me. But at the same time...
That's it Lawrence. Show the world what a monster you really are.
"YOU WENCH!" he basically gargles, still overcome with indignancy and rage. A vein starts to pop out of his temple. "Do you think I'm going to just let you leave? After all the work I put into you?! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT AN UNGRATEFUL SOW WITHOUT ME!"
The thistles tighten, and I start to taste blood too.
More... more... show me more of your hate!
Lawrence looks unhinged as he clenches his fist, controlling his magic. "So... I'm going to teach you a lesson... and then you're coming right back to the castle WITH ME-"
He's cut off suddenly. I crack open an eye to see both of my parents on their feet, hands and Grimoires up. Both are already forming magic in their hands, Eye magic and Memory Magic, and both are targeted at the prince. Lawrence's eyes widen. "What- What do you think you're doing-"
"Let go of her." My dad's voice is deadly soft. Both of them aren't freaking out, but I can hear the urge to tear into Lawrence in his words. "Now."
"I don't care if you're a prince. You don't touch her ever again." My mother's voice holds the same quiet threat.
Lawrence opens and closes his mouth a few times, and I feel his thistles weaken slightly. All I can do is hold my breath and stay still as the edges of my vision start to blur. 
yes... both of them stood up for me... Mom, dad, I promise this wasn't a mistake!
"If you defy me... your status will mean nothing. Society will ostracize you," Lawrence threatens. "Are you really going to throw everything I gave you away?"
"Status means nothing, now that we know what you really are like," my dad's voice starts to waver. "Let her go before I show you what I'm really like."
After one more tense moment, the thistles disappear. I let out a deep gasp before collapsing back down onto my bed, a trembling mess. My parents immediately retract their magic and rush to my side. "I-I'm fine-" I wheeze, sitting up with their help.
Lawrence still looks mad, but that calculated coolness in his eyes returns.
"You... you'll regret this."
Without another word, Lawrence turns dramatically and storms off, slamming the door behind him.
The nurses are called back in, fixing up the wounds on my neck. They aren't deep, but Lawrence's Thistle Magic leaves millions of microscopic wounds. It hurts like a bitch, too.
But the whole time, up until my parents leave, only one thought circles through my mind.
I did it...
I'm free.
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helloalycia · 5 years ago
solar flare // kara danvers
SUMMARY: Unaware that your girlfriend is Supergirl, things get a little confusing when she gets into an accident that should have threatened her life.
WARNING/S: mentions of death.
Author's note: this has been sat in my drafts for a looooong time, along with a bunch of other stuff that I'll probably be putting out over the next few days. Sorry it's a little shit lol 
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       I felt my dreamscape fading as I realised somebody was shuffling next to me, eventually making me open my eyes tiredly. I realised it was Kara, evidently uncomfortable, trying to find a comfortable position. I groaned quietly, trying to wake myself up a little more so I could ask her what's wrong.
       "Sorry," she whispered, sounding exhausted.
      "Mmmt's okay," I mumbled incoherently, before motioning for her to come closer.
      She instantly moved towards me, tucking her head into the crook of my neck. I wrapped my free arm around her waist, resting my hand on the slight exposed skin where the hem of her shirt was. I heard her breathe out contently and I pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head before trying to fall asleep again.
      That morning, I ended up waking up before Kara, so I did my usual boring routine before deciding to cook some breakfast for us both. It didn't take long and by the time I was done, Kara walked into the kitchen area, a sleepy smile on her lips.
      "Good morning," she said, approaching me with open arms.
      I accepted her hug with a smile, kissing her cheek before saying, "Morning, sleepyhead. I made breakfast."
      "I can see that," she noted, staring out at the island, where everything was. "You didn't need to do that."
      I ushered her to take a seat as I said, "It's nothing special unfortunately. Just some eggs and whatnot. Buuuuut I figured since I'm here, I may as well make the effort. It might make you reconsider about us moving in together."
      Kara sighed, massaging her forehead with discomfort. "Y/N..."
      "If it's about staying in your flat, I'm completely okay with it," I added hopefully. "I mean, of course I'll miss my place, but if it means I get to see you every day then it's worth it, right?"
      "Y/N, please, not today," she said, giving me a pleading look. "I'm just... I'm not in the mood."
      I breathed out slowly. "Right, sorry."
      Kara and I had been together for almost two years and I had proposed the idea of us moving in together a few months ago, since we pretty much spent most nights together anyway. I was instantly met with rejection, Kara claiming she wasn't ready. At first, I respected her decision, hoping it was just nerves and she'd eventually come around, but I was still waiting for the latter to happen.
      I served up breakfast and the two of us sat there in an awkward silence, until I finally decided to say something.
      "We still on for drinks with my friends after work?" I asked, glancing up at the quiet blonde.
      Kara's expression told me everything I need to know - she'd forgotten. After swallowing a sip-full of orange juice, probably to buy time, she nodded. "Yeah, yeah, of course. I'll be there."
      "You sure?"
      She nodded. "Of course."
      "If you're not up for it, it's fine," I said, giving her a knowing look.
      "I said I'll be there," she promised, dropping her fork to grab my hand and give it a supportive squeeze. "I'm not feeling well, but I'm sure it'll pass. Sorry for being off this morning... you hate me?"
      I gave her a small smile, unable to resist her adorable sparkling blue eyes. "I could never."
      "...it worked out though because I got the promotion, so yeah, that's how I got here," Y/BF/N finished explaining with a bright smile.
      "She says it so simply, but it took a lot of hardworking and perseverance on her part," her boyfriend, Hasan, added, making me laugh.
      "Oh, shut up," Y/BF/N said with a blushing face, nudging her boyfriend in the arm.
      I smiled at the two of them, admiring how cute they looked. I was having a long overdue catch up with my best friend and also meeting her new boyfriend. Well, they'd been together for almost six months, but he'd been on a business trip, so I was only just now meeting him. Kara was here, too, as promised, but she was acting a little off, worrying me a little. She was usually a bubbly personality, especially when it came to Y/BF/N, but all she'd been doing this evening was giving one-word responses and playing with my hand under the table.
      "You guys want any more drinks? I'm gonna get another," I said, already standing up.
      "Yeah sure, same again if you don't mind," Y/BF/N said.
      "Thanks," Hasan added, nodding.
      "Same again, got it," I said, before looking to Kara. "C'mon, Kara, you can give me a hand."
      She seemed reluctant, but nodded and allowed me to drag her away from the table and to the bar. I ordered the drinks as Kara spoke.
      "Did you really need my help to carry two drinks?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.
      I gave her a knowing look. "Kara, I asked for you help because I want to know what's wrong with you."
      "What do you mean?"
      "Kara, you know what I mean," I said. "You're acting weird and the others are beginning to notice. What's wrong?"
      She sighed, frowning and avoiding my eyes. "I don't really want to be here..."
      "Here's your drinks, Miss," the bartender said, pushing two glasses towards me.
      "Cheers." I nodded his way before looking back to Kara with worried eyes. "I asked you this morning if you were still up for it. And again before we came in here."
      "I know, but I just don't feel well," she admitted, giving me an apologetic glance, "and you were really looking forward to tonight."
      I grabbed her hand, squeezing it gently. "Kara, I'm sorry if I made you feel like you had to come tonight. That wasn't my intention"
      "You didn't," she reassured, meeting my eyes.
      "Well, either way, I think we can call it a night," I said, giving her a small smile.
      "You don't have to leave just because of me-"
      "It's okay," I cut her off, grabbing the drinks from the bar. "Come on. Let's go back to mine."
      She followed me to the table and I set the drinks down before grabbing my jacket.
       “I'm really sorry, guys, but Kara isn't feeling too good, so I think we're gonna call it a night," I said with an apologetic smile. "It was really great to catch up though, and of course, to meet you Hasan."
      "Aw, okay, I hope you feel better, Kara," Y/BF/N said, standing up and pulling us both in for a hug. "It was nice to see you both again."
      "Thanks," Kara said, forcing a small smile.
      "It was a pleasure, ladies," Hasan said, giving us a quick hug. "Hopefully we can meet again soon."
      "Of course," I agreed, looking between them, before putting some money on the table. "Drinks are on me. Enjoy yourselves."
      Kara and I left the bar, only to find ourselves in some terrible weather. It was chucking it down, making us both stay standing under the the umbrella extending from the roof of the bar.
      "Damn, okay, this isn't going to help with you not feeling well," I muttered, glancing out at the road to see if I could spot a taxi. I looked to Kara, saying, "Just wait here. I'm gonna try and get a taxi for us."
      Kara nodded and I headed out from the umbrella, feeling the cold rain smack down on me harshly. I sighed and stood on the edge of the pavement, looking out to see if I could spot a taxi in the distance. Eventually, in the darkness, I could spot the familiar yellow bumper of a taxi under the nearest street lamp, so I raised my hand to get its attention. It flashed its headlights briefly, so I lowered my hand and watched as it came to stop by me, except as it tried to pull over to the side, its tyres skidded in the rain and propelled the car towards at me at a dangerous speed.
      I barely had the chance to register what was happening because everything moved so fast. One second I was stood at the edge of the pavement with headlights beaming at me, and the next I was on the wet ground, trying to understand why people were shouting around me.
      "Miss, are you okay? Can you hear me?"
      I looked up and saw a stranger trying to help me stand up. I looked around with confusion, only to see a few people gathered around a body in front of the taxi. A few more people were helping the taxi driver out of his cab and I realised that I was about to get hit, but someone had pushed me out the way. Wait a minute...
      "Kara?!" I yelled, shoving the stranger out of my way to see if Kara was where I left her, but she wasn't.
      I immediately ran over to the body in front of the taxi and felt my heart drop to the pit of my stomach when I saw the state she was in.
      "Kara, oh my god, no, Kara," I cried out, kneeling by her side.
      She was bleeding from her head, it soaking into her wet hair. The rain was washing the blood into a puddle all around her, which made me see the odd angle her leg was twisted in.
      "Please open your eyes," I begged, my own eyes blurring with tears. I cupped her face, hoping she'd wake up, but I knew it was impossible. I leaned down and held my breath, hoping she would breathe to let me know she was alive. After what felt like forever, I felt a tickle against my skin, and I sat up with relief.
      "We've called an ambulance, Miss," someone said from behind me, but I couldn't formulate a response because I was too focused on how pale Kara was getting as each second passed.
      The ambulance arrived soon enough, but I couldn't remember the specifics because it went by in a blur. They were hooking Kara up to a bunch of machines and it was frightening me, seeing her look so vulnerable. I must have called Alex at one point during the ride because when I got to the hospital and ushered to the waiting room, Alex was already there.
      When she saw me, she immediately came to give me a reassuring hug.
      "I'm sorry, Alex, I don't know why she did that," I rambled out, feeling the guilt sink in. "She said she didn't want to come and I shouldn't have made her because then we wouldn't be in this mess. I'm so sorry."
      Alex grabbed my arms and looked me in the eyes. "Y/N, calm down, it's okay. You can't blame yourself for what happened. But I need you to listen carefully, okay?"
      I nodded, still feeling discomfort in my gut.
      "I'm going to talk to Kara's doctors and get her transferred," she explained.
      I furrowed my brows. "Transferred? Why would you do that?"
      "I'll explain after, I just need you to stay calm and know that Kara will be okay."
      I shook my head. "Alex, she looked really bad. I'm scared that... I don't know."
      "I promise you she's going to be fine," she said confidently. "Now, I'm gonna talk to the doctors and when I get back, we're gonna take a drive."
      "Trust me, Y/N," she said, giving me a slight nod before leaving me standing in the waiting room, wondering what the hell was happening.
      Alex returned, as promised, and she led me to her car before driving us to God knows where. I tried to get some answers out of the older Danvers sister, but she refused to budge and insisted I'd find out eventually. So, I was left to worry about Kara's life and wondering why Alex was so sure she'd be okay. It was her little sister and she didn't even seem concerned?
      We reached our destination soon enough and I grew confused as I saw how secure this location was. I'd probably walked by this building so many times, yet never questioned its existence. I'd apparently never noticed the armed guards at the doors either.
      "Come on, this way," Alex finally spoke when we left the car.
      I sucked up a shaky breath and wiped away at my tears as I followed her through the building. The guards by the door seemed to know who she was as they straightened up with respect and let her pass. We took a lift up to which Alex seemed nervous, glancing my way every now and then. I desperately wanted to ask her where we were and if Kara was here, too, but I knew she'd give me the same response each time, so I stayed quiet.
      Finally, the doors opened and I widened my eyes with surprise, taking in the vast room before me. There were people dressed in uniform all around, some at control panels and their attention focused on the giant monitors on the wall, others walking around with serious expressions.
      I followed Alex like a lost lamb, letting her lead me up some stairs onto the balcony above. I tried to look around the room for a symbol or a logo - something that would tell me where we were, but I couldn't find anything distinguishable. I continued to follow Alex until we reached a room with glass windows, allowing me to see inside. I did a double take when I realised Kara was inside, laying on a bed, motionless.
      "Kara!" I shouted, already running inside to her bedside.
      I startled some of the (what I'm guessing are) nurses, as they moved out of my way. Alex waved her hand, signalling for them to leave.
      "Why is she here?" I asked, worriedly, realising she wasn't in surgery or being treated for her visible injuries. "What's this...?" I motioned to the light sources above her, emitting some sort of yellow light on her pale skin. "She should be in surgery or something. Alex!"
      I looked over my shoulder to see Alex stepping by my side, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and leading me away from her bedside for the moment. I wiped away my tears and waited for an explanation.
      "I know you're confused and you're scared, but Y/N, I need you to listen to me," Alex spoke calmly, never breaking eye contact. I nodded as she continued. "As crazy as this sounds, you need to believe what I'm about to say. Kara needs you to."
      "Alex, you're starting to scare me," I said, feeling shivers run down my spine. "What's wrong with Kara?"
      Alex bit her lower lip before taking a breath. "Remember how I said Kara is gonna be fine?" I nodded as she continued, "Well, she is. She looks battered and bruised now, but it's because she exerted her powers and has momentarily lost them. A solar flare."
      I stared at Alex like she was a ghost. "What the hell are you talking about?" I was convinced she'd lost her mind at this point. Maybe it was the shock of Kara's accident or something, but she was definitely not making sense.
      "Y/N, Kara is Supergirl," she said bluntly. "The reason she's been off lately is because she's been agitated that she doesn't have her powers and she can't help people."
      I gave her a confused look. "Alex, you sound insane!"
      "Look, we're at the DEO," she continued to explain, not fazed by my judgemental expression. "I'm the director. We work to handle any extra-terrestrial threats invading our planet and we do that with the help of Supergirl."
      I felt my heart rate increasing with every word she spoke. I could barely keep up with what she was saying.
      "My parents adopted Kara when she landed on Earth," she explained, and I tried to understand. "She wears those glasses to hide her identity and to help with her x-ray vision."
      "X-ray vision?" I squeaked helplessly.
      She nodded. "Yes. I can even show you the suit, but Y/N, I'm telling you this because I need you to understand that Kara will be fine. She's technically vulnerable like a human, but as soon as her powers come back, she'll heal with those UV lamps and be absolutely fine."
      Alex searched my eyes to see what I was thinking. I stared at her, letting her words digest, before finally speaking.
      "Please tell me you're joking."
      She groaned, before grabbing my shoulders. "Y/N! Look at her!" She twisted me around, forcing me to look at Kara. "She's Supergirl! You have to believe me."
      I knew she was right, as much as I didn't want to admit it. If I admitted it, it meant that she didn't trust me with her secret and that she made me worry for her life when she would be fine this whole time.
      "She didn't tell me," I finally spoke, my voice barely above a whisper.
      I calmed down a little, reassured that she would be okay, but that didn't change the fact that I thought she was going to die not long ago. I felt like hot water bubbling over, trying to settle after someone turned the gas off, but I couldn't quite keep up.
      "I'm sure she had her reasons, Y/N," Alex began sympathetically, but I cut her off.
      "How do I get out of here?" I asked, tearing my gaze away from Kara and looking to Alex.
      "You're leaving?" Alex sounded surprised.
      "She'll be fine, right?" I asked and Alex nodded, about to respond, but I rolled my eyes and gave her a sarcastic smile. "Of course she will be - she's the Girl of Steel! Now, how do I get out of here?"
      "Y/N, come on," Alex tried to reason.
      "Come on what? She didn't-" I swallowed the lump in my throat. "She didn't tell me. There's nothing more to say. Now, please let me go home."
      Alex searched my eyes for something more, and when she found nothing, she sighed and nodded before leading me out. I glanced at Kara one last time, feeling distaste at the thought of everything that had just happened, before following Alex.
      I found myself lounging on my couch the next day, sulking into a bowl of popcorn as I watched The Office reruns. I was trying to use the show as a distraction, but all that was on my mind was Kara. I tried to imagine her as Supergirl, remembering all those times I'd seen the hero on the news or flying in the sky. That was her.
      All those times when she'd bail on a date last minute, or when she'd leave a date early... it made sense. Why she didn't like the idea of taking a mini vacation with me, or sleeping over at hers all the time. I thought it was a weird quirk of hers, or that she was insecure about something, but no, she was too busy flying around National City.
      And that explained why she didn't want to move in together. She hadn't told me the truth about her, so moving in and seeing her act even more secretive would raise questions. Here was me thinking she was losing interest, but no, she was hiding a huge part of herself.
      I constantly tried to wonder why she didn't trust me. I mean, almost two years of being together was a long time. I thought I knew everything about her and vice versa. Why was this any different? I could care less if she was an alien and she knew that, so what was the reason?
      Kara let me believe she was human. Vulnerable, breakable and soft, like me. She got hit by a car and let me believe, even for a moment, that she could have died. That it would have been my fault that she died, or at least, suffered major injuries. She let my mind run around with those horrible thoughts and scenarios, let it break me apart as I watched her limp, bruised and battered body lying on the wet tarmac.
      She didn't tell me the truth.
      I groaned loudly and stuffed more popcorn into my mouth when I realised I was getting stuck in my thoughts all over again - the same thoughts that had kept me up all night. I tried to focus my attention on what was happening on the TV when I heard a knock on my door.
      I rolled my eyes and glanced at the door before choosing to ignore whoever it was and wallow in my own self-pity.
      "Y/N, I know you're in there!" a voice called from the other side of the door, and I recognised it as Kara's.
      I clenched my jaw and ignored her.
      "I can see you watching TV," she said in a hushed voice. "Please open the door. I have to explain."
      "That must be the x-ray vision, right?" I called back, bitterly.
      I heard her sigh. "If you don't open the door, I'm gonna come in."
      "That would be breaking in," I reminded her, before getting comfortable on the couch. "Go away."
      It went quiet and I assumed she'd listened, but then I heard a loud crack. I looked to the door with a puzzled expression and stared wide-eyed at Kara, who had twisted the door knob enough to break the lock. She stepped in and pulled a face at the slight crack in the lock.
      "I'll get that fixed, I swear," she said quickly, glancing up at me.
      "You can't just break into somebody's home like that!" I yelled at her, standing up to glare at her.
      "You're not somebody," she pointed out, closing the door behind her, "and I told you I would come in."
      I crossed my arms across my chest, narrowing my glare. Admittedly, I was taken aback by the lack of injuries she had. Or should I say absence of injuries. I knew Alex said she would heal like nothing had happened, but it was different to see it with my own two eyes. It was like the accident had't happened. The colour was back in her skin, her head wasn't bleeding, she was walking. She looked as good as new, save for the sudden super strength I had just witnessed. Another thing I should have expected but was still surprised to see.
      "I have to explain myself," she began, carefully.
      "Alex caught me up on everything," I said angrily, "Supergirl."
      She frowned, looking down at her shoes guiltily. "I wanted to tell you, Y/N."
      I raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Was that before or after you almost died? Because saving an important piece of information like the fact that you're fucking indestructible would have been nice to know before I thought you were going to die because of me!"
      "No!" I shouted, feeling my eyes grow watery at the reminder of last night. "You let me believe the worst, Kara! I thought you were going to die! You didn't see what I saw, okay?! There was blood and there- there were so many scratches and the puddle was turning r-red and I thought you were leaving me and it- it would be my fault because I made you come to see my friends and- and- and-"
      "Y/N, it's okay," she cut in, moving forward to stand me up straight.
      I was crying, I realised, my throat closed up and my vision blurred. I was too upset to push her away, and the warmth coming from her skin reminded me that she was here and alive and well, only intensifying my sobs.
      "Y-you should have told me," I cried into her shoulder. "I thought you were going to leave me."
      She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed gently, reassuringly. "I know," she agreed, her voice hoarse. I felt her nod several times as she said, "You're right. I should've told you. I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm so sorry."
      I swallowed thickly, trying to get rid of the lump in my throat. "Why didn't you?"
      She breathed out as I quietened down, managing myself the best I could. She pulled away, letting me see her glassy blue eyes behind her glasses. She pulled her glasses off, pocketing them, before rubbing the bridge of her nose and meeting my eyes again.
      "It wasn't because of you," she reassured firstly. "It wasn't. I just kept putting it off. I didn't know how to say it and I never found the time. It's a stupid reason, I know. I wish I had something better. But I don't. I can only apologise, Y/N."
      I pursed my lips in thought. Her eyes were darting between mine nervously and I tried to think what I could say.
      "Do you hate me?" she spoke quietly, almost expectantly.
      I felt her grip on my waist loosen as she prepared herself for my answer. I shook my head.
      "I could never hate you," I answered. "I love you, Kara."
      A hint of a smile ghosted her lips as she looked down, breathing out with relief.
      "I want you to tell me everything," I continued, earning her attention. "I want to hear it from you."
      She nodded. "Of course."
      "And I want you to be honest with me from here on out," I added, giving her a knowing look. "You can't hide stuff from me, especially when it involves Supergirl."
      "I promise I'll tell you everything," she said with a nod.
      I read her expression, sensing the honesty. Satisfied with my instructions, I moved forward and wrapped my arms around her shoulders. I closed my eyes, appreciating her presence, even if she pissed me off a little.
      She returned the embrace, pressing a kiss to my neck before pulling me closer.
       “You'll never lose me," she said quietly. "I promise."
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geek-gem · 6 years ago
Transformers Dark Of The Moon
I've finally seen the movie again after these years. Let me warn you, spoilers and I have a lot to say.
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Their is really a lot to say about this movie. But I'm glad I finally got my to do list of watching the first three Bayformers now.
Another thing I'll be honest about I was gonna play the Dark Of The Moon game on PS3 but it requires more MB's to clear out but I decided fuck it I don't care. Especially it's a short game but I'm not doing that shit. I just wanna watch this film especially remembering this is a long film.
But back to the movie. I'll be honest and I'm not critic and my opinion may be invalid because lots of people hate Bayformers. We have a new continuity with the Bumblebee movie which I think is the best decision this franchise has done.
To me this movie while I like the first film from 2007.
After watching this and I'm still having some feelings after being it. But I feel this is my favorite out of the Bayformers saga. This is basically where it should of ended and should of let the Bayformers end with dignity. Or at least until a new director came along like Travis Knight or others.
Especially like I remember a movie guy named Cure4 on DeviantArt but he's gone from that shit. I agree with him and I'm thinking this is the sequel the 2007 film should of had.
I'm pissed and I hate that Age Of Extinction was the follow up to this film. Despite how people feel about this film, my God Bay tried to redeem himself after Revenge Of The Fallen a film that is like some sort of weird parody there the video game tie in's I see as the best version especially the PS3/Xbox 360/PC versions and even the Wii/PS2 versions.
Another thing I wanna reveal when I saw this film for the first time in theaters I actually used this.
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I seriously wore that and it worked and it was awesome. It was a experience despite I felt nervous. I was young but what the hell it's gonna be 8 years since the movie was released. Especially the 3D was awesome when I saw it in theaters.
But back to the movie again I'm sorry. I'm not gonna make this a full review I don't wanna waste anyone's time.
When I think about it Sam is a lot better in this film. While I do feel some moments could be worked on. He should of apologized to Bee after he meets him I know Sam's angry. Especially this development of Sam wants to matter. This is much better then what we had in Revenge Of The Fallen.
Carly I honestly find more likable then Mikaela. Seriously I do especially that moment where she literally tells Megatron that he will basically be Sentinel's bitch if he doesn't do anything. She basically treats Sam with a bit more respect and well I like the relationship more then what Sam and Mikaela had.
Lennox and Epps were always great. Especially Epps during the scenes in Chicago. Simmons is seriously entertaining in this and Dutch is a blessing.
Let me just talk about Dylan Gould. This guy he's been on my mind. I made two joke posts him deleted the first one of he's been waiting for that betrayal towards Sam.
Patrick Dempsey honestly and his portrayal of Dylan is a performance that left an impression on me. Because I was actually surprised by his reveal of who he actually was. But seriously this man is a dick and in a way I like him. Despite seeing in the film him talking about making tough choices and him being on the winning side. Yet over the course of the film he starts to take it a bit personal.
While I kept thinking before seeing the film he was enjoying it maybe. But my view on it changed. I just think Patrick Dempsey kind of owns the role.
Yes we should talk about the robots and let me be honest. What I love about this film it's basically the Decepticons strike back. They are basically winning in this film. I love the Chicago invasion scene.
I do feel like the entire Bayformers series yes their should of been more Transformers screen time. Especially the Decepticons in this case. While I feel in Revenge Of The Fallen I can tell Starscream feels like he's a little snarky in some parts. While I know he's kissing up to Megatron to cover his ass. I would of liked some what....I don't know more snarky shit or something Starscream would say or do. Maybe even during his confrontation with Sam he mentioning after the Decepticons win that he would overthrow Megatron and become the winner.
I remember when I was young when I saw this for the first time. For Starscream I had hoped he would betray Megatron yet that would be so much for one film. Because that's Starscream from G1, Animated, and other continuities. At least one last hurrah before he dies.
Especially I remember when I was young I wanted Skids and Mudflap, along with Leo to come back....I was young and I enjoyed Revenge Of The Fallen a lot more okay. Wouldn't mind Leo but their seems to be a bit much but what the hell I wanted Dinobots in this film.(well it's said Skids and Mudflap are shown as cars but they were supposed to die....they did die by Sentinel in the movie comic)
I dig Soundwave in this film. Even Laserbeak these guys are douches but would of liked to seen more Soundwave. Especially I like this little dynamic between Dylan and Soundwave I know that's weird of me to say. Would of liked to seen more.
Shockwave in this film seriously I was hyped for him when I was young and playing the prequel game. I feel it's stupid he's not as important. He should of had more lines and more interactions. I even agree with a comment on YouTube he should of been in the Africa scene.
While he is badass it's stupid how he goes out but give him a better send off and a fight with Optimus Prime. I wanted to see more Shockwave and I think it would of been better if he was voiced by Mark Ryan. Frank Welker didn't do a bad job and he actually had two lines spoken in English.
At least his driller creature is cool. But seriously after all the hype and I want to just put some promotional stuff.
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Whatever if this one is official or not. It's just in Shockwave's own words......logical. Or my own words fucking logical.
The reason I'm saying Mark Ryan because of his English accent and I want to be reminded of Corey Burton. Sorry for sounding weird.
Let me say I feel Sentinel Prime is probably the best antagonist actually we've had in a Transformers live action film especially in the Bayformers. Characters like Shatter and Dropkick are great. Even Lockdown was nice. But I liked Sentinel. I'll be honest I was actually surprised when I witnessed his betrayal when I was young. I thought the Decepticons were gonna force him to use the Pillars maybe even Shockwave but what we got was something else.
Also I really liked the scenes with Optimus and Sentinel. I do feel we should of gotten more and had them be longer. Especially I like Optimus in this. I do see their was this father and son or brother like relationship that Bay talked about. But would of liked to seen more.
The other Autobots are alright cool. I do feel the whole Que/Wheeljack thing was just seriously stupid. Especially now before Bumblebee a Wheeljack design that was more accurate. Tragic about the way he died.
Looking back at the film theirs not a lot of Cybertronian scenes but they leave an impact.
Also I really wanna talk about the ending with Optimus, Sentinel, and Megatron. We should of gotten more Megatron I agree.
But the scene where leading up to Optimus killing Sentinel seeing it in action after going through the movie. It is awkward in a way.
Yet I'll be honest Sentinel basically deserved it. In fact of the Decepticons, and Dylan fucking deserved what they got. Because after everything they did their to me was not a way shit would end peacefully or something. Including your hearing this from a Steven Universe fan a show that deals with pacifism and other shit.
I do feel and I've talked about this before but I might delete it now because I'm gonna mention it here. But I feel if the scene went like it was Megatron who kills Sentinel or this dark idea of Sentinel killing himself or even himself dying from wounds. Especially giving Megatron and Optimus more of a fight even with Optimus haven't one arm.
Or hell seriously Bay should of gone with the original that was kept in the novel that Megatron teamed up with Optimus to kill Sentinel and Megatron would stop what he's doing. Also hearing that it would of explored Megatron more. That ending would have his look in The Last Knight make sense that he went to Cybertron after Dark Of The Moon and over time he decided to go back leading the Decepticons. Instead they had to kill him off and the whole Galvatron thing. Even though Megatron got what was coming to him.
Gonna be honest the Starscream death while I like the idea of Sam having the courage to take on Starscream and even killing him. But I do feel Starscream should of died a more I guess epic death.
Especially I weirdly wanted Sam to be all Cade Yeager shooting Decepticons and some how killing them. I mean you Sam jumping on cars and even sliding under them.
Gonna say before seeing the movie I kept thinking Dylan in his fight with Sam should of died a more brutal death. Such as Sam telling him to shut up after the messager comment and beating him to death. But Dylan's death is perfect. Seriously he gets hit in the face with some sort of pole thing and dies by the pillar.
Listen I'm sorry for rambling a lot. This became more of some review or reaction. The action was seriously nice and the special effects, score was always excellent.
Gonna be honest while I wasn't emotional much throughout the movie. Did feel emotional over the, "The fight will be your own" scene and felt a little at the, "No Prisoners Only Trophies" scene....that should of had more weight. I'll be honest when I was young I was expecting Sam for some reason come out of hiding yelling no in slow motion, surprising everyone then the Decepticon drop ship gets hijacked.
Gonna say did enjoy Wheelie and Brains I like them. Glad they we're still around in later films.
I think I've talked too much. Basically I think this is the best Bayformers sequel, this is what we should got gotten as a sequel to the 2007 film. It's better then Revenge Of The Fallen, Age Of Extinction, and The Last Knight.
My only weird complaint that isn't towards the movie.....Dinobots could of been in this some how.....during the battle of Chicago. We should of gotten Dinobots vs the Driller. Grimlock voiced by Vin Diesel or whatever I've had that weird casting idea I think for years. Or even Devastator in this because it's a huge open battle with so many opportunities. While I understand Michael Bay didn't wanna go larger like he did with Revenge Of The Fallen. I'm just disappointed that the next film we got after this was Age Of Extinction.
Tags dealt with sorry that got wrong, their was a lot to talk about. Glad I could talk about this and again I finished my to do list of rewatching the original trilogy. Bring on the new cinematic universe in the Knightverse that started out with Travis Knight's Bumblebee I'm ready for more excellent films.
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dyemelikeasunset · 7 years ago
Hey uh, arent sam and renee just highschoolers?? idk but I'm a highschooler myself and I think its kinda, awkward to be pushing kink stuff, especially more hard stuff to minors...
I’m really sorry for making you uncomfortable! I’m sincerely not trying to push kink onto my characters, it’s– I don’t know how else to explain it except– I’m giving them my own personal experiences. I was interested in bdsm since 7th grade, and I’m reflecting my own experiences in my characters. My highschool characters would never be depicted or written about in kinky situations, even nonsexual ones, I listed them only cause I understood the original question as “who’s interested in that stuff.”And even though people have asked before, I never go into details about underage characters’ sexual lives, especially not bdsm related
I know lots of people heatedly push minors out of kink, but letting them have an interest in it, in private, I think is healthy as long as adults don’t engage them as partners. I think it’s better to acknowledge that people will look into this stuff and be interested at that age, like me. The responsibility isn’t to censor it from them but to educate them about it so they don’t go out and hurt themselves.
I want to make it absolutely clear that I don’t promote minors being active in bdsm, but that it’s okay if you’re in high school and find yourself interested in that stuff. I was too, and if you have questions about how to be safe, I am a possible resource for you
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