suusoh · 2 months
Dialogue idea!!! Just open everything camus has ever written. Once Johan goes on his nihilistic rants have the reader “myth of Sisyphus” their way through the conversation. I just wanna see johan go “life is horrible people are assholes” and be answered with “you gonna let the assholes win bby?” I just think Camus had such a big dick
Yes Yes Yes!!!! As I've mentioned on this blog I started this blog to let out all that of my binge study philosophy recently, and the x reader aspect would just be a sideline (clown behaviour, look where we are now), but I absolutely agree with reader being an absurdist or existential nihilist would be a perfect response to his nihilism!
Because in that way, the foundation of your relationship with him isn't an actual disagreement?? You're not saying he's wrong, like he's even right on some points. I bet when he sees you all unfazed and still enjoying life he'd think it's because you haven't seen "the darkness" yet or something like that (which in and of itself is already a major flaw in his argument, please exploit this).
So imagine his surprise when you not only understand the aspects of nihilism, but you subscribe to it as well???? He'd be a bit baffled because why is it you understand his views to a T, hell even adding your own thoughts on it, but you're so... well, like that?
Even better is if, let's say you're not really strong enough to completely defend your absurdist/existential nihilist views, Johan's pessimistic nihilism isn't really solid too. @/ddarker-dreams mentioned it (bless them 🙏 and their immaculate work) that Johan will point out that you don't have a perfect argument, but that's all fine and dandy because you can point out that he doesn't too!
So hell, even a person who may not be an absurdist or existential nihilist yet or have firm views, can call Johan out too if they wanted to. You can just socratic method that bitch because pessimistic nihilism has a lot of holes once you realise it. HECK! BE GENUINELY CURIOUS WITH HIM! inquire about him, ask him! See how long he can defend his idealogy.
"The only thing human beings are equal in is death" okay so you know that there is injustice and unfairness around us? "Yes, but that is natural, there is no point in fighting cruelty" of course it's natural but you can't deny that we haven't made immense progress of our treatment of fellow humans and handling conflict throughout our time?? "Said progress is futile, the cycle of destruction and cruelty will just continue in another form, in another era" and won't peace and conflict resolution also not be making an appearance in another form? in another era? "you're being clouded by your blind optimism and irrationality" and you think you're beloved nihilism isn't clouded by your own pessimism and personal experiences? and looking at things with rationality WILL make you despair of course, the odds are against you but do you really think history and progress weren't made BECAUSE of irrationality? Freaking Rosa Parks sitting on the white section of the bus is irrational, but look what she's done!! look what it's done!! look what it has achieved!! look at where it's brought us! humans!! RAHHHHH
Anyways, Johan is scary yes but as long as you acknowledge his 1990s doomerism and realise that although you may not have it all figured out— he doesn't too, then I think you're good to go.
(also side note but like literally Nietzsche and Schopenhauer themselves said like the solution to nihilism and pessimism and the cruelty and darkness is to prevail and to enjoy art and touch grass and all that 💀)
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