ganondoodle · 2 months
(redone this post bc of bad wording in the poll, sorry xD)
dont want to spam with this but i realized something about the poll i made about me kinda wanting to do a rant video about totk- and its that me calling my accent in english 'thick' might not be accurate bc that is my own perception of it, when i streamed i have been told that my english is pretty good, even if its still hearable that im not a native speaker, i dont know if that is still a thick accent?
while im not as fast in talking in english as i am in german its still fluent, i can have full discussions in english without needing any help and i rarely encounter a word i dont know for example, just soemtimes a little pause to think but even that might be skewed bc i talk incredibly fast in german; so i dont know how to judge it myself bc my own view of it is very biased :V
so let me do another poll bc everyone loves polls
(edit: if i end up doing it there would be english subtitles no matter what; im more leaning to doing it all in english bc if i did the voice over in german id have to translate the script for the subtitles which would be even more work :O )
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