shepardyke · 2 years
okay soooo much has happened
empire + alliance battle vs the kingdom,, very cool cutscenes in the valley of torment, lava everywhere,, loved seeing all the lords have their little dialogue… fun battle, but they were no match for my tanks (GO WOMEN)
shez and byleth have a cute little scene, “hey good work out there you’re killing it” “no YOU are” :) (: BESTIES RIGHT?
edelgard sends shez and byleth out to pursue dimitri with claude chasing his tail,,, what could go wrong right? WELL EVERYTHING.. arval apparently doesn’t like shez and byleth being all buddy buddy,,, so they POSSESS shez when the two of them are alone on the field … QUEUE EPIC CUTSCENE WITH BYLETH FENDING OFF ATTACKS FROM ARVEZ AND THEN!!! shez breaks free from the possession for a moment “run…. while you can” LIKE YES HOMIE YES…. arval “run all you want, i will end you” as byleth is running for her life hand over her heart … “i will tear that monstrous heart from your chest” or somethin BUT LIKE… LEAVE HER ALONE SHE DIDNT WANT IT …
edelgard and crew + jeralt (dad HAS to be there for his kid… “you okay kid?” “jeralt, i’m glad you came” “you sound almost surprised . i’m kinda offended!”) THEY ARE FIGHTING TWSitD!! while they try to subdue shez and rescue byleth!! (she was lidderally half health when i got to her the first time,, thank god her magic use heals her😩) WE STOP ARVEZ, SAVE BYLETH, AND TAKE OUT SOLON TOO… but arvez has escaped and takes solons power for themselves,,,, edelgard, claude and dimitri are at a standoff when they get SNATCHED from arvez’s purple magic of doom…… so fucking cool and so so much is happening …
oh and rhea is definitely on her way to garreg mach rn, she’s like underground or sumn..
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