sunwoocosmic · 2 years
oi gente! com medo do twitter ser tombado, resolvi trazer minhas aus pra cá!
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estarei aos poucos atualizando, porque umas são muito extensas 💔
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moonsluvr · 3 years
— Things To Do Before I Die
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synopsis: one minute, soobin’s heart was beating out of his chest. and the next it stopped beating completely.
word count: 1.1k
genre: angst, established relationship, idol au, crack ship but (semi)serious fic don't take anything i write srsly tbh.
warnings: major character death, intentional lowercase, soobkyu
authors note: this is once again requested by my fav person so here you go bby<3
if it isn’t obvious, i have no idea what the process of making an album is like, but i did my best to research so it can be as accurate as possible. if txt is reading this firstly sorry and secondly pls don’t make fun of me </3. i lack the ability to write something good.
> remember this is purely fiction. nothing in this fic, or any other of my works reflect those i write about. everything i write comes from my own imagination, or other inspirations, not the people themselves. please don't take my works seriously, and thank you for reading!
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there are three hundred and sixty five days every year. and only one of those days happen to be soobins birthday, otherwise known as: changmin's favorite day.
every year since they met, they would cross at least one thing off of soobins bucket list. on soobins 18th birthday, the year they met, they went on a spontaneous camping trip. on soobins 19th birthday, they shared their first kiss together. and on his 20th, they adopted a hedgehog together.
and now he’s following changmin around, asking what they’re going to do this year.
“pleasee. you should really tell me. are we going to travel again? or are you getting me new plants? are we finally gonna sneak into a psychology class?”
“i guess you’ll just have to wait and see!”
“you’re so mean. i’m working so hard to get this information. you should be more sympathetic and tell me now.”
“it’s still a surprise, soobin.”
soobin pouts,”it’s my bucket list and yet it’s a surprise. how is that even fair?”
“just check your bucket list, then!” changmin smiles and winks at soobin, before walking back into his room. soobin thinks for a moment before deciding to look for the old notebook in changmins room.
this proves to be a much more challenging task than soobin had anticipated. he had written it years ago, how did changmin even remember what was on it? or had he stolen the notebook? he considers begging changmin again, but that hadn’t worked very well last time.
his search was paused when his members called him to practice. with many remaining questions and theories, he went to hybe.
“are you okay?” kai asks, sitting next to soobin.
he smiles, realising he’d retreated to the corner of the room unintentionally, “yeah, i’m fine.”
getting a sip of water, kai continues asking soobin what’s been occupying his mind.
before soobin even realises, two months have already passed, and his album comes out in a week. by now, he hasn’t had the time to look for the notebook anymore, but that doesn’t stop him from thinking about it.
changmin walks into the room, interrupting soobins nervous pre-comeback preparations.
“are you excited?” changmin takes a seat on the bed, looking up at him. “look for a very special face on your comeback stage.”
“i’ll work extra hard to impress you, of course.” soobin laughs in response. changmin’s probably the most supportive boyfriend ever, or at least he claims he is.
ready to continue preparations with his members, soobin starts looking for the keys. it’s not where he remembers leaving it. he glances back at his boyfriends room, deciding to check there quickly.
he doesn’t find his keys. instead, he finds the journal he’s been thinking of non-stop.
he looks at the sappy hearts drawn on the cover, and his name scribbled onto the front. he smiles, remembering when he made it, hoping to store all his memories in it. carefully, he pulls open the front page.
there’s a picture of him with the rest of his members on the front with cute drawings over each of them. below it, he finds writing that reads, “debuting soon!!!” it’s the first thing soobin thought to put when he got his journal back then. he flips through the pages with a fond smile.
he starts looking for the page with his bucket list on it, but before he can find it, he receives a call from his members.
“are you coming?” yeonjun asks through the phone, “so much to do today!”
“yeah, just have to find my keys.”
he picks up his journal and hides it in his side of changmins closet before going to find his keys.
after that, he’s too nervous to even check what’s on the bucket list. and with comeback preparations taking up most of his time, he decides to give up on his mission.
“sOobInNn your birthday is coming sOon” changmin dances around him happily.
laughing, soobin responds, “yeah. what did you have planned, anyways?”
“you’ll find out soOOOn. so soon. but for now, you should focus on performing for your comeback stage tomorrow!”
tomorrow. soobins comeback is already arriving. wanting to boost his morale before performing, soobin pulls the journal out of the closet. he takes a deep breath, and flips through the pages to find what he's been looking for. on the pretty paper, he sees his messy handwriting outlining his future aspirations.
1. successful debut :)
2. first kiss <3
3. raise lots of pretty plants!
4. love my pets well ♥♥
5. camping trip w/ friends hehe
6. study psychology
7. vacation overseas~~
8. do whatever i want !!
9. eat good food
10. give lots of love to my fans, always!
11. for my precious people to be healthy and happy ☆
12. get married to someone i love <3.
soobin finds his own past self adorable. he’s proud at how much he’s already been able to cross off, he may even need to make a new one. then he notices the last one.
it’s something he doesn’t even remember adding, but then again, he doesn’t remember half of these. for some reason, his heart starts beating faster and faster, as if it’s trying to run away from him, and into changmins arms.
the members don’t miss his dazed state and decide to interrogate him, not expecting the answers they were teasing him for.
“did you just have your first kiss again? why are you acting like that?” taehyun asks playfully.
“no, but i’m about to get married for the first time.”
“what?!” his members are sent into shock immediately.
some of the staff even approach to congratulate him, overhearing the conversation. soon the entire team is a festival. telling people the “news” only made soobin feel like he was bringing his wish to reality.
slightly shaking, soobin gets on stage, ready to perform his best for changmin.
as his killing part comes up, the lights start to malfunction. the room backstage was suddenly silent, as the music kept playing on stage.
“what’s wrong?”
“sorry! i think i was distracted. today was crazy.”
“okay, please fix it quickly. we’ll just have to re-record.” the lights man nods at the orders.
in an attempt to fix the issue quickly, the team scrambles, and the lights fall off of its wires, landing on soobin.
everyone freezes, before panicking. changmin is horrified by what he just witnessed.
soobin is quickly escorted into a hospital, and changmin can only hope the accident wasn’t too serious. with his state, that wasn’t likely. changmin doesn’t want to believe that, though.
despite changmins desperate wishes, soobin simply laid lifeless on the hospital bed.
changmin could do nothing but sob helplessly into his lovers lap, clutching a tiny piece of metal in his hand. he holds the ring tightly, wishing he’d proposed earlier. but there’s nothing he can do now. his lover is gone, and he’s alone with his regrets.
authors note pt.2: HAPPY BIRTHDAY Q !! ik this fic is about soobs bday but in my defense this fic takes place before his bday not on it anyways,
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kisslvv · 3 years
i miss writing for soobkyu ngl
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kpopincandy · 3 years
hiiii can yuou please make a soobkyu (soobin from txt and changmin from the boyz) soft boyfriendcore moodboard >3< or if you cant do that can u please do a lucas (nct) boyfriend moodboard (m/m) thankzzz <333 ~~~~
Hey! Since you're my first ask in like a year, I made all three!! I hope you like them. (And I really hope M/M means what I think it does lol) So here you go!!
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sunbom · 13 years
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sunwoocosmic · 2 years
#soobkyu au one shot | valentines day ❤️
no dia dos namorados, pela primeira vez, ji changmin encontra uma cartinha em seu armário ficando confuso e curioso: o que será que mudou de um ano pra cá, além de ter virado amigo de choi soobin?
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em breve❣️
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moonsluvr · 3 years
— heart stops
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synopsis: soobin is on the bus, on his usual way to work. except he oversleeps, and misses his stop, leading him to wake up at the small, “heart stop” and he has no choice to get off at this mysterious stop, where he meets changmin. and maybe time stops. and maybe their hearts stop.
word count: 1.98k
genre: fluff, strangers to lovers, soobkyu, cliché to the power max
warnings: mentions of murder (nothing too graphic)
authors note: this was not supposed to be a full-blown fic. it was an inside joke at first. and then i got carried away. and now look at the monster i have created. (why am i kinda proud of her though) (the fact tht i worked so hard for this "joke" fic for a "joke" ship is)
To say Soobins night was tiring would be putting it lightly. He was exhausted, and less than ready to head out for the day. But considering his boss had been down his throat for the past few days, he decided it was best to comply.
Throwing on a light jacket and picking up his keys before leaving, Soobin abandoned the idea of having any nutritious breakfast. He figured he could stop for some coffee on his way, anyways. Soobin was tired, yes, but a polite boy nonetheless. He greeted the bus driver as he usually does, exchanging some greetings before making his way to the back of the bus. He sets his work bag on his lap, and settles into his seat, looking out the window. He gets these few minutes of commute time to finally have some calm in his hectic schedule. Although he doesn't do much, he thinks it's nice to simply enjoy the morning air without any distractions.
So he stares out his window. And things seem to blur once the bus begins moving. And then they blur, and blur until Soobin is seeing black. And then he is seeing colors. Except they are no longer the colors of the morning. The colors of his daily routine, the bus, or the city-life buzz. Instead, he sees colors of a summer. He's at the beach. He's enjoying the breeze, with a fruity drink in his hand. He's dreaming.
He can't enjoy the dream for as long as he wanted too, as he's awoken by the familiar face of the friendly bus driver.
"You've been on this bus for a while. You normally get off around 7:30, did you miss your stop?"
Soobin looks around in alarm upon hearing his words, before looking down at his watch. He was a full hour late to work, and by the looks of it, he wasn't making it anytime soon. A part of him is thankful, he doesn't want to see his boss' angry face scolding him for being late. He takes this unfortunate mistake as fate, and accepts it. Weighing his options in his head, he decided the bus driver would have to make his rounds through the city before going back to his destination. He didn't have time to sit around the bus all day, so he hops off at the current stop.
He reads a few signs around the town, trying to gauge his location. He settles on the idea that he's arrived at "Heart Stop" although he's never heard of this stop before. There seems to be a few locals roaming around, and some cute shops. Pulling out his phone, he searches up nearby cafés so he can get that breakfast he was craving earlier.
"Hi! How- oh, are you new?" The owner greets Soobin as soon as he pulls the doors open, letting a gust of wind grace the café.
"Huh? Oh, yeah. This is my first time here." He responds still in a half-daze.
"I see, the locals here are very nice! I'm sure you'll love it here. And I'm sure you'll love the mango cream filled special we're serving today!"
Soobin nods, placing his order.
"One special, and one iced coffee coming right up! Your total will be $6.27"
While waiting for his order, Soobin collects himself. There must not be many visitors or new people, considering this was a small town in the middle of the big city. He might have to visit this place more often, he thought, appreciating the aura of this place. He's thinking about where he would spend the rest of his time before the bus comes back around, when a plate is placed in front of him, bringing him back.
He smiles politely at the waiter, uttering a small "Thank you."
"No problem, come by whenever you like."
And once he took a bite of mango flavored bread, he promised himself that he definitely would.
Despite the less than perfect morning he had, Soobins day seemed to be going well. Although by accident, he ended up quite liking the break from his usual routine. He stopped by a convenience store, and picked up an ice cream and walked out, ready to eat his precious ice cream in the light breeze of the day. Unwrapping the sweet treat, he brought it to his lips. But the ice cream never met his tongue.
He stares down at the pavement in disbelief.
"I'm so sorry!" The boy that zoomed past Soobin causing them to bump shoulders apologized with wide eyes. He'd run by so fast Soobin would've thought it was the wind that caused him to drop his ice cream if he didn't stop to apologize.
He just smiled, "it's fine."
Despite the protests Soobin offered against the clumsy boy, he insisted on making it up to him. Soobin eventually gave in and joined him.
"This place is my favorite! I promise their food will make up for earlier."
"Don't worry about earlier, really. I promise it's fine."
The boy shakes his head dismissively, opening the door to a book café.
"Sorry, but, I've already stopped by a café earlier. But I could accompany you anyways?" Soobin offers once he realizes the boys destination.
"No, no, no. you need to try their food," he emphasizes, "it's soo much better than what you would expect."
He takes a seat near a prettily decorated shelf.
"I'm Changmin, by the way. What's your name?"
"Ah, I'm Soobin."
"Nice to meet you, Soobin. I hope we become good friends." He smiles.
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On the weekends, when Soobin has free time, he hops onto his bus, like every other morning. Except he's excited, because he has a different destination in mind nowadays. To be honest, the two never exchanged numbers. And they don't plan to meet up. Yet somehow, every time Soobin enters the strange, "Heart Stop" he finds Changmin. Sometimes under a tree, sometimes swinging on a childrens playground, sometimes on a bench. But they meet every time.
He realizes quick on, maybe by his second visit, why the strange small town got a name such as Heart Stop. Because he can definitely feel his own heart stop when Changmin smiles and waves to him. Or maybe it's just a coincidence that the Heart Stops local friendly boy makes Soobins stomach grow butterflies. That's what he thinks until he hears Changmins (probably exaggerated) story.
"Yeah, and there were a series of killings... And the only thing tying them together was that their hearts were missing." He shrugs after finishing his sentence as if his story wasn't terrifying. "Some people suspected Dr. Yuan, saying he was stealing hearts for his sick wife. Being a doctor, he would know his way around bodies."
Yeah, Soobin didn't know what he saw in Changmin either. But then Changmin laughs. And Soobin's mush.
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Changmin quickly found his days more and more busy. Every weekend, instead of sleeping in like he used to, he would rush outside, wanting to catch Soobin looking for him. It was usually Saturdays, he figured, although he was sometimes nervous that he might've just been missing Soobins visits on Sundays. He'd debated asking Soobin for his number, but he chickens out before he can pose the question.
By the fifth week, and Soobins fifth visit, majority of the town noticed Changmins little crush on the younger boy. Some even helped him, alerting him when Soobin came by. That may or may not have been why they were so good at finding each other despite the lack of planning.
Changmin doesn't know why Soobin makes him as nervous as he does. He thinks his brain is broken by the way he malfunctions just thinking of him.
Maybe he next time Soobin visited he could work up the courage to do more than just think of holding his hand. Or maybe he'll start with asking for his number.
By the seventh week, and the eighth visit, the locals took note of Soobins crush, as well. Neither of them were subtle, anyways. Soobin never bothered to hid the way his eyes lit up whenever he spotted Changmin.
It was young love to the people of Heart Stop, and most were determined to see them together.
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"Changmin dropped by earlier, he talked about you. Again"
At this, Soobins ears perked up, "oh?"
The waitress laughed, "yeah, he does that very often nowadays."
"What does he say?"
"Oh.. You know," she starts, "what you would usually talk about when you feel a certain way about someone."
Soobin doesn't understand what she means. He stays silent, waiting for her to continue. When she doesn't, he speaks hopefully, "Are there any specific things you remember?" He didn't want to push too much, trying to avoid making his crush obvious, but his curiosity was pushing him to be bolder than usual.
At her vagueness, and unwillingness to share the information she holds, Soobin can't find the courage to ask further.
Moments later, Changmin emerges through the doors, "I left my-"
The waitress grabs something from the counter, most likely whatever it is that Changmin left. He ends up taking a seat next to Soobin, "You're here again! Hi."
"It wouldn't be a Saturday if I wasn't" Soobin replies, smiling, "by the way, I heard you talk about me often?"
At this, Changmin freezes. He had been caught, and unexpectedly called out as well.
Nervously laughing, he breathes out, "yeah, all good things, of course! How much have you heard, though?"
"She wouldn't tell me anything, don't worry. Why? Is it something embarrassing?" Soobin teases, "are you in looove with me?"
Changmin waves his hand dismissively, trying to think of an excuse. "She's a real snake, you know? Spreading rumors."
"Hey!! Don't make me expose you!" A voice shouts from behind the 'staffs only' door. Changmin laughs nervously again, grabbing Soobins hand. When Soobin looks up confused, Changmin, just drags him out of the place, "what did I tell you? She's a real instigator. Let's just go to the park, instead."
"Actually, I have to go home early today. The bus driver said he's coming earlier than usual"
Changmin pouts, "but you barely got hereee. I didn't even get to see you today."
"Walk me to my stop?"
He wouldn't say no to him, of course.
As they walk to the bus stop, Changmin looks over to Soobin.
"Hm?" Soobin speaks up, noticing his stare.
"You should come more often."
"I already come as often as I can. You should pass by the city sometime, too."
"Maybe I will."
"Actually, I've been meaning to ask you." He turns to face him, too, "You've shown me all around this town, I think I should take you out as well. I want to show you around my usual views."
Changmin didn't register Soobins words after 'I think I should take you out'
"What do you think?"
"Uhh, yeah, sure. Sounds good."
Soobin laughs, "are you okay? You look kinda shaken up."
"No! Everything's a-okay. I'd love to go out with you."
Changmin stops walking. If he didn't make it obvious enough earlier, he'd definitely exposed himself now. Soobin doesn't notice.
"Well, we're at my stop?" He asks, prompting Changmin to speak up.
"The bus isn't here. You should stay."
"What would I do?"
"Kiss." Changmin seems to be talking before he can think today. "Not me, I mean!"
"Then who?"
"...Me, hopefully?"
Soobin laughs, before leaning in.
Naturally, Changmin does too, feeling comfortable in Soobins presence. Although the number one rule of kissing is to keep your eyes closed, Soobin takes a peek, wanting to admire Changmin. Soon, Changmin also opens his eyes, noticing his stare. And it's a stupid kiss. One that breaks all the rules. And it's a special one. It's the type of kiss that makes your heart stop. And then there's a honk.
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moonsluvr · 3 years
soobkyu too while we’re at it
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moonsluvr · 3 years
is it true that you ship soobkyu, beomhak, beomsang, gyunyu, and younghoonyunho?!?!?
ummmm only the first two are true, thank you!
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kisslvv · 3 years
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# file no.1 — relationship post.
# file no.2 — relationship post venus ver.
# file no.3 — homescreen !!
# file no.4 — face reveal pt. 2
# file no.5 — no bitches?
# file no.6 — 20 minutes.
# file no.7 — “thingys” (memes).
# file no.8 — half-cow/half-demon.
# file no.9 — chaeyoungs personal washing machine.
# file no.10 — make out w me.
# file no.11 — sunghoon trilogy.
# file no.12 — venus mommy.
# file no.13 — jungwon as ed shouyou.
# file no.14 — new years resolution?
# file no.15 — face reveal pt. 1
# file no.16 — feel like god.
# file no.17 — “thingys” (edits).
# file no.18 — competition.
# file no.19 — soobkyu.
# file no.20 — thumbs up.
# file no.21 — orbit vibes.
# file no.22 — fake friends.
# file no.23 — #abicancelation2k22.
# file no.24 — reminder.
# file no.25 — aniv.
# file no.26 — not to me. not if it’s you.
# file no.27 — in your dreams! tracker.
# file no.27.5 — the journey.
# file no.28 — tyun bday.
# file no.29 — face reveal pt.3
# file no.30 — song recs.
# file no.31 — to break a heart.
# file no.32 — vday cards.
# file no.33 — moonsluvr glowup.
# file no.34 — film class adventures (ft. my broken glasses & a very broken heart).
# file no.35 — the writers block solution.
# file no.36 — broken knees and paris breeze.
# file no.37 — pretty words.
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kisslvv · 3 years
watch how i incorporate soobkyu into this fr
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moonsluvr · 3 years
can you write a soobkyu angst pls <3
you caused my mental decay & i hope u know that /j
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sunbom · 13 years
Hey sunny! happy driving before happy birthday
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I thought taeyang is coming with yuri's pose
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