#SOO excited translating S2 ch 51
laxmiree · 1 year
[CN] MLQC Lucien’s Rumors & Secrets – Season 2: Threshold (阈值)
This post contains a detailed spoiler for an R&S that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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Lucien followed the doctor's pointing finger to a line on the report— a small amount of abnormal PTEN gene sequence in the cells.
“Although the abnormal PTEN is only a small amount, irreversible cancer development may occur if your deterioration continues."
"The speed of deterioration is closely related to the frequency of Evol use, so it is recommended to reduce the usage of Evol as much as possible in the future.”
Lucien nodded occasionally, his heart not experiencing significant fluctuations. This day had been expected, and it had arrived as scheduled.
[T/N] It’s advised to read S2 chapter 45 first because this R&S sets between S2 chapter 45 and chapter 51 timeline-wise. I usually translated the main story first but translating this first makes more sense chronologically AND will provide extra pain for S2 chapter 51~
ALSO, after reading the R&S please head up to S2 Chapter 51, the pain is more complete with the main story~
[Chapter 1]
“Professor Lucien, the latest clinical trial report results are out, and they are still not very promising.”
This not-so-good news didn't come as a surprise to Lucien. He nodded and said, “Ah He, you've worked hard these past few days. Take a good rest over the weekend, and next week, we'll come back to discuss improvement strategies.”
“But we've already improved almost every aspect,” Ah He swallowed the words on the tip of his tongue and glanced at Lucien's composed profile. “In addition, two new deteriorating patients have signed the drug trial observation agreement. Here are the records.”
Lucien took the file and opened it, quickly scanning the text inside.
“The first patient is forty-two years old, an Evolver with superhuman vision. Diagnosed with glaucoma seven years ago, their vision started deteriorating significantly six months ago. After genetic screening, it was confirmed that the condition was caused by deterioration.”
As he turned to the next page, Lucien's gaze froze.
....The second patient is a Water-type Evolver, but the symptoms of deterioration are widespread malignant lymphoma.
“Based on previous cases, the direction of Evolver deterioration should be closely related to their own Evol attribute,” Ah He showed a puzzled expression, “and this patient's symptoms were an exception, with a more unstable rate of deterioration than ordinary patients. Perhaps this could be a discovery in the study of deterioration illness.”
Lucien glanced at the photos of the young man again. Although his impression wasn't deep, he quickly found this person in his memory – he had appeared in one of BS's Evol modification experiments many years ago.
“The individual cases don't have high reference value. We need to expand the sample group and continue to watch for similar cases of deterioration.”
“Understood, Professor.”
Back in his office, Lucien spread out the two reports in front of him. The deterioration index line graph in the first report steadily increased over time like most of the patient data he had seen. However, the line graph in the second report suddenly spiked at a certain point in time after a long period of stability.
Lucien unlocked his computer screen, and a medical report appeared on the screen. The diagnosis result, highlighted in red and bolded was glaring and prominent – “Gene Deterioration Detected.”
The deterioration level line graph in the report progressed steadily, almost identical to the first half of the line graph of the second patient on the desktop.
As the report page slowly scrolled upward, a profile picture gradually appeared in the upper right corner.
He glanced indifferently at his own face in the photo, closed the document, and leaned back in his office chair, closing his eyes to rest.
The heart within his chest cavity beat steadily, just like every other day, strong and composed. No changes appeared to have occurred, yet hidden beneath the surface, there seemed to be an undercurrent that was difficult to detect, waiting for an opportunity to stir things up.
His brief reverie was interrupted by the ringing of his phone.
“Hello, Mr. Lucien. Your latest lab test report is ready. Please come to the laboratory during business hours to collect it.”
[If you remember- In S2 chapter chapter 31-1 Lucien mentioned that his situation regarding blood disease is unique. From this R&S I guess what he means by unique situation is that his deterioration wasn't REALLY bad until he started to overuse evol, mainly for the sake of protecting MC. This evol overuse will get worse in S2 chapter 51 :D]
[Chapter 2]
“Have you experienced any discomfort in your body recently? Have you used Evol?”
“Everything has been normal. I've used Evol a few times, but not excessively,” Lucien quickly counted the number of times he had used Evol in his mind over the past month.
It was around seven or eight times, within a manageable range.
The doctor pushed the report in front of Lucien with a serious expression. “Your deterioration had been well-controlled previously, but this time, there are changes in various indicators. Platelet count has decreased, and there might be a slight impact on your clotting function. Additionally—”
Lucien followed the doctor's pointing finger to a line on the report— a small amount of abnormal PTEN gene sequence in the cells.*
“Although the abnormal PTEN is only a small amount, irreversible cancer development may occur if your deterioration continues. The speed of deterioration is closely related to the frequency of Evol use, so it is recommended to reduce the usage of Evol as much as possible in the future.”
Lucien nodded occasionally, his heart not experiencing significant fluctuations. This day had been expected, and it had arrived as scheduled.
(T/N: PTEN is a tumor suppressor gene that plays a critical role in regulating cell growth and preventing the formation of tumors. And since his platelet count is decreasing, it'll be HARD to stop his bleeding)
The hospital wasn't far from the bioresearch institute, and he reached his office right on time for work. As usual, he opened his computer and pulled up the latest clinical reports on anti-deterioration medications that he had just received in his email.
Among the patients participating in the clinical trials, 42% showed some level of deterioration control after taking the medication, with 8% experiencing particularly positive results. However, for nearly 58% of the remaining patients,...
The research on the medication had been ongoing for nearly a year, yet it still couldn't achieve the expected efficacy. Lucien carefully examined the data on the screen, tapping his fingertips lightly on the desk.
Incomplete Evol genes could lead to abnormalities in the human body, but why would the highly praised “evolutionary” Evol genes lead to such destructive deterioration?
Could it be that Evol eliminates those who cannot withstand its power? Or is the deterioration of Evolvers, to some extent, a part of the world's evolutionary process?
Some vague thoughts raced through his mind, and Lucien allowed them to linger, making a mental note as he continued to focus on the report in front of him.
As the sunlight gradually intensified, shifting towards the other side of the skyline, Lucien took a deep breath, preparing to take a short break.
Just as he closed his eyes, his ears picked up three quick knocks on the door. The third knock was slightly heavier, a habit unique to Pete.
“Come in.”
The door swung open, and Pete briskly walked up to the desk, handing over a stack of research reports.
“Professor, there have been new developments in the experiment data regarding the neuronal position for maintaining neuron function. Detailed results and data are all written in the report. We can start the next phase of experiments tomorrow.”
Lucien quickly glanced at the data and results on the report, and he smiled.
“The results are even better and faster than I had imagined. After work, you can take everyone out to celebrate. Consider it a team-building event, and the institute will reimburse it.”
“You should join us too; the rapid progress of the experiment owes much to the insights you've given us. Everyone wants to thank you.”
Lucien paused for a moment, then continued nonchalantly, “Make a reservation for one more seat, and thank you for your hard work.”
“Sure thing! I'll go inform the others right away.”
After Pete left the office, Lucien shifted his gaze to the dormant screen. He saw his own blurry silhouette, and the lingering smile on his lips confirmed his fleeting good mood.
Maybe... He agreed a bit too quickly just now.
Lucien shook his mouse, and a dense data set appeared on the screen again. It was an observation report from NW on unusual energy fluctuations within Loveland City, as well as the strange phenomena they had generated. This report piqued his interest, and according to the original plan, he should have worked late to finish this research tonight.
However, occasionally participating in such activities could be beneficial for teamwork. Lucien hesitated for only three seconds before saving the document and shutting down the computer.
[Chapter 3]
The clear water rinsed away the remnants of liquid in the test tube, and a momentary daydream washed over his relaxed mind. The scene from this morning when he left home reappeared before his eyes.
As Lucien opened his door, the opposite door also swung open, and a girl rushed out with a box of milk in hand. Her hair was slightly disheveled, clearly a result of rushing and not having time to tidy up for work.
He smiled faintly, but strangely, she seemed completely unaware of his presence and focused on her phone, anxiously waiting for the elevator.
In the next moment, the girl's figure seemed to “disappear,” but the elevator remained on the top floor, not descending.
He was briefly taken aback but quickly realized that this was likely the phenomenon caused by the energy fluctuations he had recently seen in the NW observation report on Loveland City. The unknown energy disturbance in the vicinity had created a “rift” in spacetime, and the girl was merely a projected illusion.
The sound of glass clinking brought Lucien back to reality, and he noticed that the test tube in his hand had bumped into the beaker.
“Professor, are you feeling a bit tired? Maybe I should take care of this for you,”
Lucien smiled in response to Pete's concern and began placing the lab equipment into the washing machine. “No need, nothing is pressing right now. I'll consider organizing equipment as a form of rest.”
Although the work on hand was never-ending, under her supervision, he had already learned to carve out some breathing space for himself.
During moments of complete relaxation, unexpected thoughts often diverged in his mind, which brought him happiness. However, lately, whenever he tried to clear his mind, the girl's image and voice would involuntarily “visit” him.
Seeing the slight, involuntary upward curve of his lips, Pete gave him a knowing look and half-jokingly asked, “Professor, are you going on a date later?”
“She's been quite busy lately.” Lucien subtly concealed the thoughts he had inadvertently revealed just now and continued, “Pete, have you chosen a topic for your thesis?”
“It's almost ready. This time, I plan to research 'Using Evol Energy to Stimulate Brain Cells for Alzheimer's Disease Treatment.' I'll put together a formal document for you to review.”
“I remember you were interested in brain memory restoration and extraction before, and you had many intriguing ideas. Are you not planning to explore that area this time?”
“Afterward, I reconsidered. There's more literature available on Alzheimer's disease, and the current market demand is higher. It seems like a more prudent choice.”
Lucien's gaze shifted slightly, not missing the hint of regret that flashed in Pete's eyes.
“I actually think that if it's a topic that interests you, you should give it a try,” Lucien blurted out his most direct thought, receiving a surprised look from Pete.
“What everyone else is doing may be the safer choice, but it's not necessarily the best choice.”
“Uncharted territory doesn't always equate to a dead end; it's just that, in many cases, people tend to instinctively seek the safer path.”
“But in research, the most valuable quality is the persistence to explore and seek knowledge.”
On the way back home, Lucien continued to contemplate the events of the afternoon.
In the realm of scientific research, aiming for safety was not necessarily a mistake; it often led to higher success rates. So, when he made that suggestion, it wasn't solely from an objective standpoint but also a personal desire that the researchers he had mentored could challenge more difficult domains.
Suddenly, a faintly familiar sweet fragrance wafted to his nostrils. He followed the scent and turned to see her favorite cream puff shop.
“Maybe I should buy one and give it a try.”
A few minutes later, Lucien sat on a park bench holding a freshly baked cream puff. He wasn't particularly fond of cream puffs, but the idea that had occurred to him a moment ago had struck without warning. Before he could contemplate the reason behind this thought, his body had already acted on it.
The cream puff, still warm inside its paper bag, emitted a subtle fragrance. He took a gentle bite, the crispy outer shell giving way to the creamy filling, creating a delicate taste on his tongue.
This cream puff wasn't overly sweet and the sweetness that could be detected was minimal.
This subtle sweetness triggered dopamine, and an inexplicable sensation gradually spread from his chest to his limbs. It seemed like his brain had received this pleasurable signal, making him feel considerably more relaxed.
So, this was what she meant by the happiness brought by sweets.
He slowly savored each bite of the cream puff.
Lucien knew that an irreversible change had occurred within himself.
[This behavior of trying new things and impulsively doing something feels like 'my time in this world won't be too long anyway' :""]
[Chapter 4]
Inside the research lab, the mechanical hum of instruments droned on rhythmically, and the stark white lights cast a cold silver gleam on the metal plaques with “NW” written on them.
“Blood pressure stable, sinus rhythm normal, no adverse reactions.”
“According to the drug's suggestions, he will act according to our instructions after leaving this lab.”
Lucien glanced through the glass at the person lying on the observation room bed.
“Conduct thorough post-experiment observations, don't overlook any minor irregularities.”
“Alright. Also, Professor Lucien, your ETL-147* drug trial application has been approved, and you need to sign the liability waiver.” The lab technician handed the paperwork to Lucien, looking somewhat hesitant.
“Are you sure you want to personally participate in the drug trial? Although we've conducted preliminary human trials, we haven't done large-scale clinical trials yet, and there are certain risks involved.”
Lucien quickly signed his name. “Trying it myself is the only way to discover areas that may need improvement.”
[I was right about Lucien experimenting on himself with that drug :"D. Anyway, ETL-147 is the same drug from S2 chapter 45]
“Once you've decided, you'll need to receive the injection within the confines of NW with someone present, as per the regulations.”
“Then let's do it now.”
Declining the researcher's offer to assist, Lucien skillfully rolled up his sleeve and disinfected the area. As he watched the liquid in the syringe decrease, he blinked slightly, concealing some contemplation.
“You can go ahead, I'll observe here for half an hour. If there are any issues, I'll reach out to you.”
He watched the researcher leave and then lowered his gaze to his arm, which had a tourniquet in place. Testing the drug on himself wasn't solely for drug research. He could increasingly feel that something was changing within him, hiding and flowing in the gaps of his nerves, elusive and slipping out of his control.
That's why he needed insurance.
He didn't wait for half an hour and left the observation room. The solemn and cold corridor echoed only with the light sound of his footsteps. Each corner had a circular surveillance device with a flashing red indicator light, watching his unhurried steps. He paid little attention to them as he arrived at Archive Room 8.
“Authentication personnel, Lucien. Authorization Level: Three.”
With a beep of an electronic tone, the door to the archive opened for him.
Rows of gray filing cabinets stood in order. He walked deeper into the room, stopping at the second-to-last row. From one of the shelves, he pulled out a file box.
“Blood Disorders and Deterioration Case Files.”
He opened the lid and browsed through the materials inside. During his involvement in the research of anti-blood disorder drugs at NW, Lucien had seen most of these files. As he turned a page, his slender fingers paused.
“Code **, deterioration level reached as high as 95%, reversed deterioration after ** experiment, and after a period of observation, full recovery of human functions, deterioration level reduced to 7%. Detailed information requires special-level clearance to access.”
Looking at the encrypted data, Lucien's lips curved upward without a hint of a smile. He returned the file box to its original place.
It seemed there were quite a few deals he could make here.
[Chapter 5]
“To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower. Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour. A truth that’s told with bad intent, beats all the lies you can invent...”
(T/N: From the poem Auguries of Innocence written by William Blake. For Blake there's such thing as white lies. Because 'A truth that's told with bad intent' is worse than any lie, because some lies can be well-intentioned)
Under the camphor tree swayed by the autumn breeze, he softly recited verses from the book. Sensing the girl in his arms gradually breathing deeper, he closed the book and gently brushed a strand of hair from the corner of her eye.
In the warm breeze, Lucien slowly opened his eyes, gazing at the familiar cold white ceiling of his office, feeling a slight sense of déjà vu.
This was the fourth time in these seven days that he had dreamt of her.
Since the deterioration, he had hardly experienced any physical discomfort. However, the frequency of thinking about her had increased significantly. He didn't resist this feeling; in fact, every time he thought of her unintentionally, the neurons in his brain transmitted a sense of pleasure to every cell.
He ran his fingers over his knuckles; the wounds from his struggle with GR had scabbed over, but she still applied bandages to them cautiously. Lucien pressed his temple to clear his mind a bit, then returned to his desk, opened a document, and entered the latest date.
“Dreamt of her in a dream, vivid memory of dream content, but ruled out as a recollection.”
After recording this, he opened his email.
This was the latest data on energy fluctuations within Loveland City. On the vast map of Loveland City, there were numerous unusual energy fluctuations. After comparing the fluctuation charts for each period, he noticed the locations where fluctuations were concentrated at different times.
Approximately 36 days ago at around 18:39, Central Park. He and the girl had gone to the night market in the park after work, and they had dinner at a street food stall.
Approximately 27 days ago at around 12:25, the Life Sciences Institute. She came to bring him lunch and, in passing, asked him about the topic for the next program.
15 days ago at 23:48, his apartment. To celebrate the upcoming weekend, they stayed up late watching a movie and didn't return home until very late. She stood at his doorstep and bid him goodnight.
Nine days ago...
The light from the screen reflected a coldness in his pupils as he stared at the map with red markers blinking in different locations.
The center of the fluctuations, once again, was that source of power that had captivated countless people—CORE.
The more beautifully the flower bloomed, the more it attracted annoying flies.
A sudden sense of irritation welled up within him.
What would it take to keep those ill-intentioned insects away from this deeply-rooted flower?
The light sound shattered the silence as the pen fell to the ground and rolled twice before coming to a stop by his feet.
That sudden absurd idea had torn away all pretense, revealing the raw instinct in its entirety.
— If she had her own path, she shouldn't be trapped by him.
— Don't restrain yourself with rationality, look at your true heart.
Perhaps that dream had already given him a hint. The scales in his heart had gradually tilted away from reason, moving in an unexpected direction.
— She withstood all the wind and rain that came her way, growing resiliently into someone he found truly remarkable. He couldn't encase her within his protective glass cover.
— Are you really don't expect it? Really don't want to possess her? Humans are inherently greedy. Indulgence is human nature.
Lucien felt as though there was a consciousness from a deeper layer detaching from his body, standing at a higher vantage point, watching with keen interest as the two voices in his mind continued their ongoing debate.
Perhaps his own deterioration graph had already started its inexorable ascent towards an unpreventable height, progressing towards the final moment that could arrive at any time.
He suddenly realized that he wasn't as averse to facing that moment as he thought. All the changes in his body were intriguing, both evolution and destruction.
Cells and genes evolved over countless years to adapt to their environment, giving birth to more complete species. However, the incompleteness of the Evol gene led to human deterioration, going in the opposite direction of evolution.
Perhaps Evol held a meaning deeper than “evolution” and “power,” a meaning that no one, including him, had yet to comprehend.
His phone vibrated suddenly, bringing the storm in his mind to an abrupt halt. The girl's name accompanied a text message that appeared before him.
“Do you have time tonight? I found a new barbecue place on Huapu Street.”
“Of course, I'll pick you up after work.”
Perhaps he shouldn't see her now; if he did, this imbalance might intensify rapidly.
But why not indulge in something that brought him happiness?
Lucien closed his eyes.
This self-observation finally introduced more significant variables.
NEXT STOP-> [S2 Chapter 51]
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