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My T&F Human Ranch AU, but they have social media accounts
Did I do this already? Probably ,but whatever
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Thomas, Toby, and Percy have a shared YouTube channel. It's mostly just random short videos they take of each other, usually of the dumbest (and most out-of-context) things possible. It also features appearances from the others that work a lot with them, like Mavis and Henrietta. Top videos include Toby's video of Mavis getting trapped in a pen full of sheep, Percy scaring Thomas into thinking that Percy was a ghost, and a video that Percy got from Gordon from when Thomas went crashing into an old mineshaft because he ignored a Danger! sign (that last one was revenge for Thomas sneaking a whoopee cushion under Percy's seat at dinner the night before)
Toby also has a TikTok series called "Life Advice with Toby" and it's him giving random life lessons, with some vague connection to arguments Thomas and Percy are having in the background. Topics range from "How to get a good night's rest when your neighbors are being noisy" (Thomas and Percy were in the next room over arguing over a video Percy wanted to post), "How to milk a cow" (Thomas and Percy in the background insulting each other from the rafters of the barn), and "How to make the perfect hard-boiled egg" (it escalated from Percy and Thomas calmly painting Easter eggs while Toby did the intro to Percy and Thomas threatening egg-ly harm to each other as Toby concluded the video).
Henry has a secret blog where he posts photos of the various animals around the ranch. He's done a pretty bad job of hiding that it's him though, and most people on Sodor know that it's Henry behind the sole documentation of what was attacking the chickens.
Gordon has social media for three reasons; so he can debunk imposter accounts, to keep an eye on what Scott's up to (because that boy loves his internet), and so he can raost James with Instagram memes.
James has a makeup turorial/review beauty channel. No one knows just how he fits all of those cosmetic products into his room, but he does. Most of the ranch lets him be, since he's stil getting his work done and he seems happy with it.
Duck has an Instagram blog for posting the various things he whips up for the ranchers. He's also very active n the Reddit spaces of the Great Western Ranch's heritage sector.
Oliver stays off social media, but occasionally reads over Duck's shoulder.
Donald and Douglas will occasionally post themselves singing various tunes onto YouTube. Complete with bagpipes, to the dismay of anyone in the proximity with a headache (usually Henry or Gordon).
Duncan has a roast channel, curtesy of Rusty and Sir Handel.
Peter Sam does book reviews on Tumblr. And occassionally laments that someone introduced Duncan to the internet.
Daisy, like James, has a beauty channel, but she doesn't post very often- she's usually too lazy to edit.
Edward finds joy in making little videos about the ranch (with input from Sir Topham Hatt II), and usually with assistance from Toby, Thomas, or Trevor)
that's it for now. I'll take questions on the details.
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I'm not going to listen to any of these 'make 1 million dollars' social media accounts until I see screenshots of their bank accounts.
Steven Handel, The Emotion Machine: Self-Improvement in the 21st Century
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Pan Am case zal ook met een sisser aflopen als je ziet hoe lamlendig de samenleving gedraagt

De Pan Am case laat ons iets meer zien dan een mogelijke overtreding van de regering, een strafbare zaak van USD 8 miljoen en dat het OM er laks mee omgaat. Niets nieuws, wat is er dan meer te zien zou je zeggen. Wij zien dat het weer met een sisser zal aflopen en dat de samenleving apathisch ernaar kijkt. Wij zien het volgende ontvouwen: a. Santokhi zal zijn invloed uitoefenen zoals hij dat in tal van andere zaken al gedaan heeft en zal zijn handen lekker in "onschuld" wassen met verwijzing naar de poppenkast van wet en recht en naar het OM. b. Het OM zal geheel zoals in voorgaande gevallen op de pijpen van de President dansen en met een slap aftreksel van onderbouwing komen waarom ze geen gronden van corruptie of overtreding van wet zien, net zoals ze bij de EBS-case bijvoorbeeld doodleuk deden. c. De slappe politici zullen het bij babbelen laten en overgaan tot de volgende show om zich in de kijker te spelen, zij zelf zijn geen haar beter en zijn totaal niet tot enig daadkracht in staat. En dat weten zowel Santokhi als het OM, beide lachen lekker de boel uit. d. De sociale elite blijft lekker de andere kant op kijken want waarom moeilijk doen als je met makkelijk geld kan vangen. Waarom zouden ze hun nek uitsteken, want integriteit, fatsoen en beschaving is niet waar je in het land op wordt beoordeeld, je bent pas een held als je een leuke positie hebt of veel geld hebt en bij de elite kan thuishoren. e. Het arm volk blijft bedremmeld en mee warend het hoofd schudden bij de roverij van USD 8 miljoen en leeft zich uit op social media met fake accounts omdat ze bang zijn voor vervolging. Dit is een patroon dat zich herhaalt bij elke case. Inmiddels stapelen de schandalen op, inmiddels is de beerput vol en stinkt tot aan de overkant van de Oceaan waar het buitenland dan namens het arme volk de regering, het OM, de slappe politici en de sociale elite probeert aan te spreken. Maar de slappe politici en sociale elite zijn niet amused dat ze aangesproken worden. Vreemd genoeg zijn ze meer verbolgen over de toon en stijl van de kritiek uit het buitenland dan over de foute handeling van hun regering. Zij maken zich meer druk over de vorm dan over de inhoud van alle kritiek, zo was de "bakra" bijna gezamenlijke vijand geworden toen die man schreef over "corruptie op hoog niveau" met een foto van de geliefde president. Zo maak ik ook mee dat een advocaat, die ook lid is van een politieke partij en ook zeker mee gaat doen met de verkiezingen, zich meer druk maakt over de toon en stijl van de ongezouten kritiek dan dat die zich druk maakt over USD 8 miljoen die van de arme burger mogelijk is 'gestolen'. Die advocaat neemt zelf geen enkel initiatief om de roverij te stuiten. Het gaat nota bene om een advocaat die vaak in de rechtbank staat! Waarheen met het land en de beschaving? Wel het lef hebben om de ander de maat te nemen over toon en stijl omdat ze in hun eer aangetast zijn, maar ondertussen totaal geen ruggengraat en beschaving tonen. Waarheen met het land? Hoe hypocriet kan men zijn? Het zorgelijke is dat de advocaat helaas geen uitzondering is. Verbaast het ons waarom Santokhi en het OM zich nergens en van niemand iets aantrekt? Zij hebben niets te duchten van niemand. Het valt op dat Surinamers snel fijngevoelig reageren als je ze aanspreekt op hun rol en verantwoordelijkheid of beter gezegd afwezigheid van verantwoordelijkheid. Zij zijn snel in hun goede naam en eer aangetast, maar diezelfde Surinamers halen rustig hun schouders op als hun regering USD 8 miljoen van de arme burger lijkt te stelen, of als hun regering openlijk met USD 7 miljard zwart geldzaken wil gaan doen. In Suriname is iets heel raars belangrijk en iets heel normaal en logisch totaal onbelangrijk: • Belangrijk: in Suriname is het heel belangrijk dat men elkaar spreekt met veel meel in de mond dat men om de hete brij heen draait en dat men elkaar nergens op aanspreekt. Men moet het beest niet bij de naam noemen en de roze olifant in de kamer mag niet benoemd worden. Als je dus dat wel doet dan valt iedereen over je heen. • Niet belangrijk: in Suriname wil men niet druk maken over openlijk onder de tafel njang maken, over stelen van het volk, over zwart geld witwassen, over wetten, regels en statuten veranderen voor eigen gewin en over mensenrechten vertrappen. Dus deze zaken deert de Surinamer niet, dat is normaal voor hen, dat ervaren ze niet als bezoedeling van hun eer. Als je dus hierover praat dan denken ze dat je zeurt en al helemaal als je vanuit Nederland dat doet want dan is het "laat ons ons eigen ding doen". Je vraagt je af hoe het kan dat in een land 2 ministers, mede namens de President, een deal van USD 7 miljard aan het smeden waren met een Italiaan waar er duidelijk sprake was van geen "zuiver geld", zeg maar gerust "zwart geld" en toch is niemand verhoord en niemand ergens voor bestraft. Dit is vergelijkbaar met dat de staat bijna 100 ton cocaïne verkoopt om geld op te halen. Denk a torie. Dit is iets anders dan dat de douane 8 ton cocaïne doorlaat, in dit geval kun je excuses verzinnen. In het Italiaans geval was de regering zelf openlijk en formeel betrokken. Denk goed na, het land gaat officieel zakendoen met “zwart geld” en heel Suriname accepteert het dat de President tot vandaag geen verklaring aflegt en niemand en ook niemand legt hem het vuur aan de schenen. Ook het OM doet blind, doof en dement. Wie gaat over de integriteit van het land, wie gaat over de goede naam en eer van het land? Heel Suriname raakt van slag als iemand van buiten zegt dat er corruptie is in Suriname en dat ze laf en lamlendig achteroverleunt. Hoe vals kun je nog zijn? Waarom gaat men ervan uit dat het OM nu in het geval van die USD 8 miljoen wel het licht zal zien? Waarom is men in Suriname zo apathisch en lamlendig. Als je daarover met ze wil hebben dan zeggen ze laat ons ons eigen ding doen, kom niet uit het buitenland ons beschaving bijbrengen. Opvallend was dat de genoemde advocaat zich stoorde aan de toon en stijl van mijn interview bij LIM FM op donderdag 15 februari over die USD 8 miljoen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIFiUnlgCiI Zij en haar omgeving stoorde zich niet aan het feit dat haar regering USD 8 miljoen van de burger mogelijk heeft gestolen dat het OM niet uit zichzelf -ambtshalve- voortvarend onderzoek doet en dat de case dreigt over te waaien en met een sisser af te lopen. Daarover maakt men zich dus niet druk. Hoe bestaat het? Boi, zo langzamerhand begin ik mij af te vragen of Suriname nu werkelijk een andere planeet is waarin ik niet zou passen of thuishoren. Ik vraag mij af of ik serieus naar die “bakra” kennis van mij moet luisteren. Hij zei van de week tegen mij naar aanleiding van de kritiek van onder andere de advocaat “kerel waar maak je je druk om. Ze willen lekker hun ding doen, laat ze in hun sop gaarkoken”. Hikmat Mahawat Khan Read the full article
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Hat Tom Holland ein Tiktok-Konto?
Im digitalen Zeitalter sind Social-Media-Plattformen zu einem festen Bestandteil unseres Lebens geworden. Von Prominenten bis hin zu Influencern scheint sich jeder dem Social-Media-Zug anzuschließen. Eine solche Plattform, die enorm an Popularität gewonnen hat, ist TikTok, eine Kurzvideo-Sharing-App. Angesichts der wachsenden Nutzerbasis und der ansprechenden Inhalte fragen sich Fans oft, ob ihre Lieblingsstars auch auf TikTok sind. In diesem Artikel werden wir untersuchen, ob der talentierte Schauspieler Tom Holland ein TikTok-Konto hat, und den Namen seines TikTok-Handels enthüllen, falls vorhanden.
Tom Hollands Online-Präsenz
Tom Holland, bekannt für seine ikonische Darstellung von Spider-Man im Marvel Cinematic Universe, hat weltweit eine riesige Fangemeinde. Als prominenter Hollywood-Schauspieler unterhält Holland eine starke Online-Präsenz. Er verfügt über aktive Accounts auf beliebten Social-Media-Plattformen wie Instagram und Twitter, wo er regelmäßig mit seinen Fans interagiert, Updates teilt und Einblicke in sein Privat- und Berufsleben gewährt.
Hat Tom Holland ein TikTok-Konto?
Trotz seiner aktiven Präsenz auf anderen Social-Media-Plattformen hatte Tom Holland keinen offiziellen TikTok-Account. Die Popularität von TikTok stieg erst, nachdem er sein Konto gelöscht hatte. Unseren Untersuchungen zufolge besitzt er derzeit kein TikTok-Konto. Angesichts der Beliebtheit Hollands wäre es jedoch keine Überraschung, wenn er der TikTok-Community beitreten würde, um auf einzigartige und kreative Weise mit seinen Fans in Kontakt zu treten.
Sie sollten auch wissen, dass Tom Holland einen TikTok-Account namens @TomHollandMedia hat, auf dem er einige Videos gepostet hat. Es gibt auch einen weiteren Account namens @TomHolland2013, der angeblich vom Schauspieler verwendet wurde. Später löschte er das Konto jedoch und nutzte TikTok nie wieder.
Die Suche nach Tom Hollands TikTok-Kontonamen
Da TikTok eine Plattform ist, die Kreativität fördert und einzigartige Inhalte präsentiert, sind Fans oft neugierig, ob ihre Lieblingsstars auch Teil dieser Online-Community sind. Obwohl festgestellt wurde, dass es kein offizielles Tom Holland TikTok-Konto gibt, ist es erwähnenswert, dass Benutzer Konten mit jedem Benutzernamen erstellen können, einschließlich des Namens einer Berühmtheit oder einer Persönlichkeit des öffentlichen Lebens.
Im weiten Bereich von TikTok gibt es zahlreiche Accounts, die behaupten, von Tom Holland zu stammen, aber es ist wichtig, Vorsicht und Skepsis walten zu lassen, wenn man auf solche Profile stößt. Diese Konten können von engagierten Fans betrieben werden, die Hollands Arbeit bewundern, oder von Einzelpersonen, die durch die Nachahmung von Prominenten Aufmerksamkeit und Follower gewinnen möchten.
Tom Holland hatte keinen offiziellen TikTok-Account. Früher hatte er einen, aber das dauerte lange, bevor er berühmt wurde. Es ist jedoch wichtig zu beachten, dass sich Informationen in der Welt der sozialen Medien schnell ändern können. Es ist ratsam, die Authentizität jedes TikTok-Kontos, das behauptet, Tom Hollands zu sein, zu überprüfen, indem man mit seinen offiziellen Konten auf anderen Plattformen vergleicht oder sich auf zuverlässige Quellen wie verifizierte Social-Media-Handles oder offizielle Aussagen bezieht.
Als Fans ist es natürlich, neugierig auf die Online-Präsenz von uns zu seinLieblingsstars. Während wir darauf warten, dass Tom Holland möglicherweise TikTok beitritt, können wir weiterhin seine ansprechenden Inhalte und Updates auf Plattformen wie Instagram und Twitter genießen. Denken Sie daran, immer wachsam zu bleiben und die Glaubwürdigkeit von Social-Media-Konten sicherzustellen, bevor Sie mit ihnen interagieren oder persönliche Informationen weitergeben.
In der sich ständig weiterentwickelnden Landschaft der sozialen Medien ist es an der Tagesordnung, dass Prominente neue Plattformen nutzen, um mit ihren Fans in Kontakt zu treten. Halten Sie also Ausschau, denn Tom Holland könnte uns in Zukunft mit seiner TikTok-Präsenz überraschen, und bis dahin genießen wir seine unglaublichen Auftritte auf der großen Leinwand und die Einblicke in sein Leben, die er auf anderen Social-Media-Plattformen teilt.
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Hello I wanted to ask for some advice. I have an instagram account where I mostly post fanart . I am currently doing a scholarship and it asks me for social media Handel. I don’t know if I should put my art account their. If it were to help or harm my chances of getting the scholarship? The scholarship doesn’t really have anything to do with art. Do you have any advice on that regard? ( I don’t want to be any sort of bother)
Uhm I'm not a the right person to ask, why not ask someone from your school or a teacher you trust
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A certain Changes
Hi there welcome to review with Ave. I am Ave and I mostly talk about BL stuff. I dicide to change my fan account to use as my personal space where I can freely talk about my BLs. Previously my every social media Handel known as bbrighttvclover which you can guess whom it signifies. Bright vachirawitch thai actor. Yea, in the beginning of 2020 to at the end I am madly in love with him but he is…
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Local Landing Page SEO - Breaking It All Down!
What Is Local Landing Page SEO?
Every business needs a landing page, and there are many ways to get one. The two most popular methods of getting your own customized landing pages are through website design or hiring someone who specializes in this type of service. Landing Pages start with creating an enticing headline that entices readers to explore further; these can be eye-catching images, big bold text headlines, and other strategies like soft-selling the benefits before presenting any details about the product itself as well as providing contact information so people know how they can reach you if necessary after reading what's on offer here today!
What Is The Difference Between A Local Landing Page and A Normal Landing Page?

Creating Local Landing Pages:
A local landing page is a web page that is optimized in your area. This can be for the state, county, or city you live in and these types of pages are best when optimizing for keywords like "plumber in charleston" instead of just using the keyword "plumber". When adding geographic modifiers to this type of search engine optimization drastically improves rankings on localized searches.
Creating Normal Landing Pages:
Now, let's take the example above and say a landing page is built for the keyword "plumber" and no geographic modifier is added. You might think that the company with a landing page for "plumber" will rank better than one who has set up their site to target Charleston's plumbing market, but Google knows its user is looking specifically for plumbers near them. So who do you think will actually have an edge? The professional here in town or the anonymous business on google?

How Do Search Engines Handel Local Search Results Differently?
The internet is a wild and crazy place. Search engines are constantly evolving to keep up with the ever-changing methods of communication, so it should come as no surprise that they have also evolved in how they deliver search results for user queries. Below we will discuss ways in which google handles different types of queries--primarily those related to location or region--specifically focusing on their handling of "local" type requests such as service-based business and local brick and mortar stores among other things.
Google Understands User Search Intent
Google's among other search engines like Yahoo and Bing know that depending on what words or phrases are being searched for, the searcher is looking for someone (or something) local. Someone searching "emergency plumbing service" will show drastically different results from those of a person who searches "how to unclog your sink." One person clearly wants help locally while the other wants educational information so they can handle their own plumbing issues themselves without any assistance.

More Actions on Google Maps for Local Searches.
More and more google has been adding more features to their maps with the ability to see a list of local establishments in one's area as well as places that are nearby, or popular destinations. This makes it easier for people who want to find a specific type of business in a specific area to be able to find it quickly and easily.
What Makes A Great Local Landing Page?
There are many components needed to make a great landing page that will not just rank well, but convert visitors to high-quality leads.
Page URL Structure
This is the simplest, yet most important step when it comes to ranking in local SEO. A local landing page URL should have the keyword and the geographic modifier in it.

The Page Title Needs To Be Local SEO Optimized
The page title needs to follow needs to be well optimized for local search by following the same rules as above and should have your keyword and geographic modifier in it.
The Best Plumber In Charleston
Get The H1 Title Tag Right Too!
You should never use more than an H1 Title Tag on your local landing page. Often you can use the same title as the page title or you can add different modifiers at the beginning of the H1 Title Tag.
Optimizing Local Landing Page Content For A Search Engine
The copy should be concise and clear - no redundancies or too many words in one sentence! A lead-generating local landing page needs to have the primary keyword plus secondary keywords plus geographic modifiers throughout the content so keep this in mind as you design yours for your local SEO ranking boost. Write the content with user experience in mind that is engaging relevant to the services or products you offer and keep it location-specific for it to rank high in search.
Business Contact Info Is Very Important!
If you have a physical location where local customers visit your business for goods or services, it is important to list the name of the store along with its address and phone number on an optimized landing page. This will ensure that when Google visits this page, they can cross-reference other sites like Facebook or Yelp so they know not only that it's relevant geographically but also trusted enough by these outside sources in order for them to list accurate information about your product/service without being spammy.

Eye Catching Call To Actions
If you're wondering what a Call To Action is, think of it as your landing page's most powerful tool. It is the thing that prompts a customer to take action and do something, like buy your product, sign up for more information or download an app or call to schedule a service with your local business.
The best call to action is eye-catching, concise, and highlights a specific action that is desired.
Call To Actions are usually found at the top of the page or in bigger text than other parts of the content because they draw attention to themselves.
When designing your call to actions keep these best practices in mind:
Use bright colors
Use big text
Use words or phrases that trigger action
Use in multiple places throughout your local landing page
Let Customers Know How To Get In Touch
Customers who find your local landing page in organic results when searching for a city-specific service or place of business need multiple ways to connect you. Make sure to have a phone number, contact form, and a live chat widget. This will almost always lead to higher lead conversions when a client or customer is looking for what your business is offering.
Embed A Relevant Map On Your Landing Page
A map embed is powerful visual enhancements that show your customers where you are located. It's a common misconception that Google Maps will automatically be embedded on all of your local pages, but this isn't the case and it needs to be added manually.
Embed Map Directions On Your Landing Pages
You should always embed driving directions from the center of a city you are targeting on your local landing pages to your location if you have a physical location. This will give you an added boost to your landing page and your Google My Business listing.

Link Out To Niche Related Authoritative Sites
You should have a list of niche-related websites that you are targeting on your local landing pages. Each page should be linked out to these sites with anchor text to send a signal to Google relating your content to the niche term you are trying to rank for in search. New Paragraph
Link Out To Local Authoritative Sites
If you want to rank in organic search for your local business using location pages for your brick and motor or service area business for lead generation you must link out to local authoritative websites too. This means governmental sites, education, hotels, airports, etc. These will once again send strong local signals back to Google that you service this area.
Embed YouTube Videos On Your Local Landing Pages
Video is also a powerful way to rank your local landing pages in search engine results pages. Embedding videos from YouTube are a great way to power up local landing pages and see even faster local SEO ranking improvements. This is because Google owns YouTube and therefore passes that love on to your location pages. This is something that many digital marketing companies have not capitalized on for their clients. This is a powerful and often overlooked strategy that can help to give your business an edge over competitors.

Reviews From Trusted Sources
Another must-have for your optimized local landing pages are reviews from your social media accounts, directories, and your Google My Business listing. The more authoritative, local and niche related the better. The more you provide high-quality reviews on your landing pages, the higher that page will rank in Google.
To make your reviews even more powerful they should include your keyword and locations where you provided services. When a local customer or client writes relevant reviews about your business this way it will lead to a better user experience, higher ranking in search in multiple areas you service, and in turn bring more traffic to your site overall.
What About Ranking In The Map Section of Google?
If you want to rank higher in Google's map section, it helps to know what kind of ranking your website gets. A Google My Business listing and an optimized website can both help you rank better. If you want to rank in a larger service area that says 5 miles around your office, you need a way for search engines to understand that you service the areas and local landing pages on your site, and citations on other websites are how you do it. Google is now adding services it finds on your website to a companies GMB listing automatically. If they are doing this with the services they find on your website don't you think they are also taking into account the cities listed on these service pages too?
Are Local Landing Pages Really Important?
Yes, they are! If you think for a minute that using some generic service pages on your website and sending backlinks to them will rank them in all your cities and generate you a ton of leads, you will be very disappointed. You want local clients or customers then you need to target local keywords and phrases with your local landing pages.

Bonus Tip For Ranking?
If you want to really power up your local landing pages you need to get generating user signals to the search engines. This will tell the engines that people love your services and are actively using them.
So get like shares, comments, links, phone clicks and forms filled out and you will see your pages rank even faster!
Lastly, Do Not Forget About Responsive Design.
Location-based SEO will get you ranked better and faster, but you still need to make sure that your website is fully responsive. It needs to look great on all devices and browsers. More and more clients and customers search the web on their mobile phones so make sure your website rocks no matter the screen size or device!
The most important thing is that you create a landing page for every single city and neighborhood in your area. When it comes to local SEO, the more specific you can be on where people are searching from, the better chance they have of finding what they're looking for. It's worth investing time or money into creating customized localized pages so that when someone searches "pizza near me," Google will know just who they’re talking about! If this sounds like something you'd like help with, we've got experts waiting by to do their best work for you. We'll make sure that all of your online marketing efforts lead back to one place--your custom-made landing page! Contact us today if you want to see how at 843-327-8644.
About Us
Disruhptiv Marketing & Media is a full-service website design and SEO company that specializes in helping small businesses grow their online presence. We provide the latest web design, search engine optimization, and social media services to help you take your business to new heights. Our team of experts will work with you every step of the way from start to finish so that your site not only looks good but it also performs well on Google for all potential customers searching for what you offer.
Via http://www.disruhptiv.com/local-landing-page-seo-breaking-it-all-down
source https://disruhptiv.weebly.com/blog/local-landing-page-seo-breaking-it-all-down
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Local Landing Page SEO - Breaking It All Down!
What Is Local Landing Page SEO?
Every business needs a landing page, and there are many ways to get one. The two most popular methods of getting your own customized landing pages are through website design or hiring someone who specializes in this type of service. Landing Pages start with creating an enticing headline that entices readers to explore further; these can be eye-catching images, big bold text headlines, and other strategies like soft-selling the benefits before presenting any details about the product itself as well as providing contact information so people know how they can reach you if necessary after reading what's on offer here today!
What Is The Difference Between A Local Landing Page and A Normal Landing Page?

Creating Local Landing Pages:
A local landing page is a web page that is optimized in your area. This can be for the state, county, or city you live in and these types of pages are best when optimizing for keywords like "plumber in charleston" instead of just using the keyword "plumber". When adding geographic modifiers to this type of search engine optimization drastically improves rankings on localized searches.
Creating Normal Landing Pages:
Now, let's take the example above and say a landing page is built for the keyword "plumber" and no geographic modifier is added. You might think that the company with a landing page for "plumber" will rank better than one who has set up their site to target Charleston's plumbing market, but Google knows its user is looking specifically for plumbers near them. So who do you think will actually have an edge? The professional here in town or the anonymous business on google?

How Do Search Engines Handel Local Search Results Differently?
The internet is a wild and crazy place. Search engines are constantly evolving to keep up with the ever-changing methods of communication, so it should come as no surprise that they have also evolved in how they deliver search results for user queries. Below we will discuss ways in which google handles different types of queries--primarily those related to location or region--specifically focusing on their handling of "local" type requests such as service-based business and local brick and mortar stores among other things.
Google Understands User Search Intent
Google's among other search engines like Yahoo and Bing know that depending on what words or phrases are being searched for, the searcher is looking for someone (or something) local. Someone searching "emergency plumbing service" will show drastically different results from those of a person who searches "how to unclog your sink." One person clearly wants help locally while the other wants educational information so they can handle their own plumbing issues themselves without any assistance.

More Actions on Google Maps for Local Searches.
More and more google has been adding more features to their maps with the ability to see a list of local establishments in one's area as well as places that are nearby, or popular destinations. This makes it easier for people who want to find a specific type of business in a specific area to be able to find it quickly and easily.
What Makes A Great Local Landing Page?
There are many components needed to make a great landing page that will not just rank well, but convert visitors to high-quality leads.
Page URL Structure
This is the simplest, yet most important step when it comes to ranking in local SEO. A local landing page URL should have the keyword and the geographic modifier in it.

The Page Title Needs To Be Local SEO Optimized
The page title needs to follow needs to be well optimized for local search by following the same rules as above and should have your keyword and geographic modifier in it.
The Best Plumber In Charleston
Get The H1 Title Tag Right Too!
You should never use more than an H1 Title Tag on your local landing page. Often you can use the same title as the page title or you can add different modifiers at the beginning of the H1 Title Tag.
Optimizing Local Landing Page Content For A Search Engine
The copy should be concise and clear - no redundancies or too many words in one sentence! A lead-generating local landing page needs to have the primary keyword plus secondary keywords plus geographic modifiers throughout the content so keep this in mind as you design yours for your local SEO ranking boost. Write the content with user experience in mind that is engaging relevant to the services or products you offer and keep it location-specific for it to rank high in search.
Business Contact Info Is Very Important!
If you have a physical location where local customers visit your business for goods or services, it is important to list the name of the store along with its address and phone number on an optimized landing page. This will ensure that when Google visits this page, they can cross-reference other sites like Facebook or Yelp so they know not only that it's relevant geographically but also trusted enough by these outside sources in order for them to list accurate information about your product/service without being spammy.

Eye Catching Call To Actions
If you're wondering what a Call To Action is, think of it as your landing page's most powerful tool. It is the thing that prompts a customer to take action and do something, like buy your product, sign up for more information or download an app or call to schedule a service with your local business.
The best call to action is eye-catching, concise, and highlights a specific action that is desired.
Call To Actions are usually found at the top of the page or in bigger text than other parts of the content because they draw attention to themselves.
When designing your call to actions keep these best practices in mind:
Use bright colors
Use big text
Use words or phrases that trigger action
Use in multiple places throughout your local landing page
Let Customers Know How To Get In Touch
Customers who find your local landing page in organic results when searching for a city-specific service or place of business need multiple ways to connect you. Make sure to have a phone number, contact form, and a live chat widget. This will almost always lead to higher lead conversions when a client or customer is looking for what your business is offering.
Embed A Relevant Map On Your Landing Page
A map embed is powerful visual enhancements that show your customers where you are located. It's a common misconception that Google Maps will automatically be embedded on all of your local pages, but this isn't the case and it needs to be added manually.
Embed Map Directions On Your Landing Pages
You should always embed driving directions from the center of a city you are targeting on your local landing pages to your location if you have a physical location. This will give you an added boost to your landing page and your Google My Business listing.

Link Out To Niche Related Authoritative Sites
You should have a list of niche-related websites that you are targeting on your local landing pages. Each page should be linked out to these sites with anchor text to send a signal to Google relating your content to the niche term you are trying to rank for in search. New Paragraph
Link Out To Local Authoritative Sites
If you want to rank in organic search for your local business using location pages for your brick and motor or service area business for lead generation you must link out to local authoritative websites too. This means governmental sites, education, hotels, airports, etc. These will once again send strong local signals back to Google that you service this area.
Embed YouTube Videos On Your Local Landing Pages
Video is also a powerful way to rank your local landing pages in search engine results pages. Embedding videos from YouTube are a great way to power up local landing pages and see even faster local SEO ranking improvements. This is because Google owns YouTube and therefore passes that love on to your location pages. This is something that many digital marketing companies have not capitalized on for their clients. This is a powerful and often overlooked strategy that can help to give your business an edge over competitors.

Reviews From Trusted Sources
Another must-have for your optimized local landing pages are reviews from your social media accounts, directories, and your Google My Business listing. The more authoritative, local and niche related the better. The more you provide high-quality reviews on your landing pages, the higher that page will rank in Google.
To make your reviews even more powerful they should include your keyword and locations where you provided services. When a local customer or client writes relevant reviews about your business this way it will lead to a better user experience, higher ranking in search in multiple areas you service, and in turn bring more traffic to your site overall.
What About Ranking In The Map Section of Google?
If you want to rank higher in Google's map section, it helps to know what kind of ranking your website gets. A Google My Business listing and an optimized website can both help you rank better. If you want to rank in a larger service area that says 5 miles around your office, you need a way for search engines to understand that you service the areas and local landing pages on your site, and citations on other websites are how you do it. Google is now adding services it finds on your website to a companies GMB listing automatically. If they are doing this with the services they find on your website don't you think they are also taking into account the cities listed on these service pages too?
Are Local Landing Pages Really Important?
Yes, they are! If you think for a minute that using some generic service pages on your website and sending backlinks to them will rank them in all your cities and generate you a ton of leads, you will be very disappointed. You want local clients or customers then you need to target local keywords and phrases with your local landing pages.

Bonus Tip For Ranking?
If you want to really power up your local landing pages you need to get generating user signals to the search engines. This will tell the engines that people love your services and are actively using them.
So get like shares, comments, links, phone clicks and forms filled out and you will see your pages rank even faster!
Lastly, Do Not Forget About Responsive Design.
Location-based SEO will get you ranked better and faster, but you still need to make sure that your website is fully responsive. It needs to look great on all devices and browsers. More and more clients and customers search the web on their mobile phones so make sure your website rocks no matter the screen size or device!
The most important thing is that you create a landing page for every single city and neighborhood in your area. When it comes to local SEO, the more specific you can be on where people are searching from, the better chance they have of finding what they're looking for. It's worth investing time or money into creating customized localized pages so that when someone searches "pizza near me," Google will know just who they’re talking about! If this sounds like something you'd like help with, we've got experts waiting by to do their best work for you. We'll make sure that all of your online marketing efforts lead back to one place--your custom-made landing page! Contact us today if you want to see how at 843-327-8644.
About Us
Disruhptiv Marketing & Media is a full-service website design and SEO company that specializes in helping small businesses grow their online presence. We provide the latest web design, search engine optimization, and social media services to help you take your business to new heights. Our team of experts will work with you every step of the way from start to finish so that your site not only looks good but it also performs well on Google for all potential customers searching for what you offer.
source http://www.disruhptiv.com/local-landing-page-seo-breaking-it-all-down source https://disruhptivmarketing.blogspot.com/2021/04/local-landing-page-seo-breaking-it-all.html
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14 22 26 :)
14. do you enjoy your country’s cinema and/or TV?
To be honest not that much. There are a few good movies, but mostly I just can't stand the acting. It often seems so artificial. I don't know, maybe american tv also seems artificial and I just don't notice it, because I'm not a native speaker.🤷♀️
And german reality shows are just the worst. The german word for that is "fremdschämen" (i.e. cringe factor; = one's feeling embarrassed on account of others' behaviour).
22. what makes you proud about your country? what makes you ashamed?
I think I am proud of my country for being a strong economic power and being able to compete on a global scheme.
Making me ashamed - well, there is the obvious answer with our history , the Nazis and the world wars... and Germans learn about that history in school for a long time. I had to write essays about our shame and project weeks called "guild". So yeah, of course that makes me and every other German ashamed.
But looking at recent times I am ashamed about how Germany handels the people that are dependent on social welfare, the poor, the refugees etc. This is such a rich country. I think they could do a lot more.
26. does your nationality get portrayed in Hollywood/American media? what do you think about the portrayal?
I already got this question, so I'm just gonna copy the answer:
Yes, quite often I think. But usually as the bad guys.🤷♀️😆 But pretty much always from american actors that have clearly never spoken a German word in their life. Which is a bit annoying. But slowly it gets better with all the streaming sites bringing in actors from the original countries their character is supposed to be from
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I changed the handel of my second account I listed is that an issue or no since I included my main and that links back to my second?
Hi, if you are talking about the social media accounts you listed, that should be fine--so long as the links to your samples work, we can change your listed social media accounts later if you are accepted! However, if you’d like to 100% double-check, send us a message with your name and email and what role you applied for and we can check on our end!
- Mod Echo
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Subtext and Culture, Season 1, Episode 9

Culture: Since Norwegian high schools have open enrollment, they have to market themselves to potential students, so of course a lot of them have promo videos on YouTube. The other videos in the playlist contain promo videos for the schools Nydalen, Elvebakken, and Bjerke. Culture: The next social media drop after this clip was a chat between Isak and Eva where Isak describes what kind of girl Eva has to transform herself into in order to fit the stereotypes of a bunch of other Oslo high schools; Katta, Foss, Handels, and Elvebakken. You can find the chat and a translation here: https://skam1texts.tumblr.com/post/154519870343/isak-imagine-eva-if-you-transfer-then-youll Culture: ung.no is a government-run public service information website aimed at Norwegians between the ages of 13 and 20. It contains articles and information about pretty much everything Norwegian teenagers want to know and need to know, rights, responsibilities, sex, alcohol, drugs, school, and your first jobs. That Eva ends up at that website after googling her question is of course not a coincidence, NRK wants to help spread awareness of ung.no. Blink and you miss it: The theme of the week on ung.no is about eating disorders. Blink and you miss it: Isak’s Skype avatar is of course a stupid cat meme.

Blink and you miss it: David Alexander Sjøholt is sparring with a girl in the schoolyard. Blink and you miss it: Eva carries the period blood threat letter in a plastic bag. Subtext: SKAM is exceptionally good at taking teenage problems and drama seriously, but at the same time, Eva’s drama is completely ridiculous and insignificant from an adult perspective. By having an older student deliver this viewpoint, the show neatly avoids having the message ignored as coming from some stupid adult who doesn’t know what it’s like be a teenager these days. Subtext: Maria tells Eva that as a first-year student she should be making out with lots of guys, but not sleep around with lots of guys. But right after that, she starts talking about how she and most of the other Rad girls got chlamydia in their first year, which means they all slept around, making her advice pretty hypocritical.

Subtext: That Sana believes that she is more right than the answer key is a nice way of showing her confidence and overconfidence. She has a very hard time admitting that she is wrong, and in this dialogue she also confidently states that it was Ingrid who wrote the threat letter, something Eva just blindly accepts. Subtext: Sana thinks she told Eva that she saw Chris and Ingrid making out at the Halloween party, but if you go back and watch the conversation in episode 6, you’ll see that she actually only said she saw him making out with someone. This is yet another example of Sana’s overconfidence. Culture: Bergen dialect is noticeably different from Oslo dialect, and even though Norway officially endorses and accepts all dialects as valid Norwegian, kids are assholes, and it’s very likely that many would dismiss Eva simply as the new girl who talks funny. Culture: Nissenhook is a gossip-spreading Instagram account for students at Nissen. If you have a piece of juicy gossip about who made out with who, you can send a DM to the account, and watch as your gossip spreads to the whole school, and this is what Isak did. Normally whoever controls the account should keep their sources anonymous, but in this case Iben managed to find out who sent the tip. Blink and you miss it: The song that plays over the credits is In Your Face by Die Antwoord, and it starts with “Jealousy makes you nasty”.
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Wo Sneakerfans alles über die Objekte ihrer Leidenschaft erfahren

Was tut man heute, wenn man ganz bestimmte Informationen sucht? Richtig, man fragt eine Suchmaschine. Google und Co. können fast alle Fragen beantworten, fast alle! Es gibt auch Themen, etwa Sneaker oder genauer gesagt selten zu findende und limitierte Sneaker. Solche Schuhe liegen im Trend und für viele Fans sind Sneaker nicht einfach nur Schuhe, sondern Liebhaberstücke und zum Teil sogar Investitionsobjekte. Der helle Preis-Wahnsinn in Sachen Sneaker Echten Fans ist der Preis, den sie für ein besonders beliebtes Sammlerstück zahlen müssen, oft egal. Der bisher teuerste Sneaker ist der Solid Gold OVO x Air Jordans, sein Wert wurde 2016 auf etwa 1,7 Millionen Euro taxiert. Die Summe erklärt sich vor allem dadurch, dass die Schuhe aus 14-karätigem Gold gefertigt sind und insgesamt 44 kg wiegen. Den ersten Platz unter den tragbaren und erhältlichen Sneaker belegt der Nike Air Jordan 1S, für den von Michael Jordan benutzten Schuhe wurden 560.000 US-Dollar bezahlt. Solche und ähnliche Informationen zum Thema Sneaker musste man sich früher mühsam zusammensuchen. Heute ist dies anders, denn es gibt Websites und Apps, die es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht haben, Sneaker-Fans beispielsweise über einen Release-Kalender darüber zu informieren, wo es welche Sneaker zu welchem Preis zu kaufen gibt. Anbieter in diesem Bereich sind oft innovative Startups, die noch dazu eher durch Zufall entstanden sind. In einem Fall war es schlicht die eigene Leidenschaft für Sneaker, die zwei Studenten dazu bewogen hat, einen Account bei Instagram zu starten, auf dem sie ihre eigenen, privat gekauften Trendschuhe zeigten. Das wachsende Interesse aus der so entstandenen Community, wo es denn bestimmte Sneaker zu kaufen gibt, war letztlich der Startschuss für eine Unternehmensgründung im Bereich eCommerce, das ja bekanntermaßen als Milliardenmarkt gilt. Seit 2018 gibt es deshalb eine Anlaufstelle für alle, die eine Leidenschaft für Sneaker haben. Auf der Website und App von HEAT MVMNT finden sich alle Informationen zum Thema Sneaker, die inzwischen 5 Millionen Nutzer erhalten über die App regelmäßig WhatsApp Push-Nachrichten, wo limitierte und dadurch besonders seltene und wertvolle Sneaker verkauft werden. Darüber hinaus bietet die Website eine Rubrik Gerüchte an, es gibt ein Sneaker-Lexikon und man erfährt sogar etwas über vergangene Releases. Wachstum mit Sneaker im Milliardenmarkt eCommerce Der Online-Handel hat nicht zuletzt durch die Corona-Pandemie an Bedeutung gewonnen. Durch die Infektionsschutzmaßnahmen waren die Verbraucher:innen gezwungen, verstärkt im Internet einzukaufen. So haben sich das Einkaufsverhalten und auch die Notwendigkeit zu intensiverem Research im Gleichschritt verändert. Für ein Unternehmen, dass sich ausschließlich auf den Bereich eCommerce und noch dazu auf eine Nische wie Sneaker konzentriert, war und ist das Herausforderung und Chance zugleich. Der Erfolg von entsprechenden Startups zeigt, dass man auch in der Krise Umsatz generieren kann, wenn man gut aufgestellt ist und weiß, wie man Social-Media-Kanäle richtig nutzt. Nur mit Durchhaltevermögen und einem guten Geschäftskonzept kann man online 5 Millionen Nutzer generieren und nur mit Teamgeist lässt sich im hart umkämpften eCommerce-Markt ein bereits aus 13 Mitarbeitenden noch weiter aufstocken, wie es HEAT MVMNT (gesprochen Heat Movement) angekündigt hat. Zwei wichtige Eigenschaften, die Startups im eCommerce auszeichnen sollten, sind ein hohes Maß an Bodenständigkeit und auch Sparsamkeit. Die Gründer des Sneaker-Startups aus Mannheim haben beispielsweise keine Gewinne aus ihrem noch jungen Unternehmen herausgezogen, sondern sämtliche Überschüsse wieder in ihre Gründung investiert. Dadurch haben sie die Basis für weiteres Wachstum gelegt, das für sie unter anderem darin besteht, die Nutzerzahlen ihrer Sneaker-Website mit App mittelfristig von 5 Millionen auf 7,5 Millionen zu steigern und ihre App bis Ende 2023 in des USA etabliert, wodurch das Startup mitten im Mutterland der Sneaker Fuß fassen soll. Basis für den Erfolg eines Sneaker-startups - Performance von Website und App Wer im eCommerce-Bereich nachhaltigen Erfolg haben möchte, der muss dafür Sorge tragen, dass seine Website und App gut performt. Das bedeutet, dass die eben erwähnten Gründer gut daran tun, die Zahl ihrer Nutzer zu steigern, denn je mehr Besucher eine Seite hat und je kundenfreundlicher und informativer sie ist, desto höher werden die Conversion-Rates sein bzw. desto mehr Provisionen werden fließen, wenn man das Geschäftsmodell Affiliate nutzt. Bleibt man beim Beispiel der Sneaker-Website & App, dann bedeutet das, dass die Website, die Social-Media-Kanäle & Co. stetig gepflegt und mit aktuellen Informationen versorgt werden. Es sind Anstrengungen in den Bereichen Entwicklung, Content-Recherche, Content-Erstellung, Kooperationsmanagement, Suchmaschinenoptimierung, Online-Marketing sowie Buchhaltung notwendig, um ein solches Unternehmen nicht nur einfach am Laufen zu halten, sondern nachhaltig erfolgreich zu machen. Dies gilt gerade für Nischenthemen wie Sneaker, denn mit jedem Mitbewerber schrumpft die potenzielle Zielgruppe um die, die lieber zur Konkurrenz gehen und sich ihre Informationen dort holen. Hier gilt es auch, Alleinstellungsmerkmale zu bieten, die die anderen Anbieter nicht haben. Ein Vorteil ist mit Sicherheit ein enger und sehr aktiver Austausch mit der Community, für die man seine Dienstleistungen bereitstellt. Nicht nur Kundengewinnung, sondern vor allem Kundenbindung ist im eCommerce ein wichtiges Stichwort. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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Journal 9
For my first personal brand update, I wanted to talk about the internship that I got. I am now officialy interning for the St. Joseph Mustangs this summer and that makes my heart swell up in joy. I worked so hard to talk about sports for a living and baseball is one of my favorites. I can’t wait to photoshop posters, talk about sports on live streams, and handeling their social media accounts.

My second update is my twitter interactions. I have gotten a lot more traction on twitter and my takes are starting to catch on with the twitter media. Recently I had 860ish likes and over 20k interactions with the tweet itself, this just builds me up that I have chances to talk about sports with people who agree with my takes
The last update is that of Griffon Media. I applied to be a sports editor and I am confident in my abilities of obtaining the role that I want. My stories have gotten even better over the semester and I can’t wait for it to continue I am looking forward to the interview for that role
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Local Landing Page SEO - Breaking It All Down!
What Is Local Landing Page SEO?
Every business needs a landing page, and there are many ways to get one. The two most popular methods of getting your own customized landing pages are through website design or hiring someone who specializes in this type of service. Landing Pages start with creating an enticing headline that entices readers to explore further; these can be eye-catching images, big bold text headlines, and other strategies like soft-selling the benefits before presenting any details about the product itself as well as providing contact information so people know how they can reach you if necessary after reading what's on offer here today!
What Is The Difference Between A Local Landing Page and A Normal Landing Page?

Creating Local Landing Pages:
A local landing page is a web page that is optimized in your area. This can be for the state, county, or city you live in and these types of pages are best when optimizing for keywords like "plumber in charleston" instead of just using the keyword "plumber". When adding geographic modifiers to this type of search engine optimization drastically improves rankings on localized searches.
Creating Normal Landing Pages:
Now, let's take the example above and say a landing page is built for the keyword "plumber" and no geographic modifier is added. You might think that the company with a landing page for "plumber" will rank better than one who has set up their site to target Charleston's plumbing market, but Google knows its user is looking specifically for plumbers near them. So who do you think will actually have an edge? The professional here in town or the anonymous business on google?

How Do Search Engines Handel Local Search Results Differently?
The internet is a wild and crazy place. Search engines are constantly evolving to keep up with the ever-changing methods of communication, so it should come as no surprise that they have also evolved in how they deliver search results for user queries. Below we will discuss ways in which google handles different types of queries--primarily those related to location or region--specifically focusing on their handling of "local" type requests such as service-based business and local brick and mortar stores among other things.
Google Understands User Search Intent
Google's among other search engines like Yahoo and Bing know that depending on what words or phrases are being searched for, the searcher is looking for someone (or something) local. Someone searching "emergency plumbing service" will show drastically different results from those of a person who searches "how to unclog your sink." One person clearly wants help locally while the other wants educational information so they can handle their own plumbing issues themselves without any assistance.

More Actions on Google Maps for Local Searches.
More and more google has been adding more features to their maps with the ability to see a list of local establishments in one's area as well as places that are nearby, or popular destinations. This makes it easier for people who want to find a specific type of business in a specific area to be able to find it quickly and easily.
What Makes A Great Local Landing Page?
There are many components needed to make a great landing page that will not just rank well, but convert visitors to high-quality leads.
Page URL Structure
This is the simplest, yet most important step when it comes to ranking in local SEO. A local landing page URL should have the keyword and the geographic modifier in it.

The Page Title Needs To Be Local SEO Optimized
The page title needs to follow needs to be well optimized for local search by following the same rules as above and should have your keyword and geographic modifier in it.
The Best Plumber In Charleston
Get The H1 Title Tag Right Too!
You should never use more than an H1 Title Tag on your local landing page. Often you can use the same title as the page title or you can add different modifiers at the beginning of the H1 Title Tag.
Optimizing Local Landing Page Content For A Search Engine
The copy should be concise and clear - no redundancies or too many words in one sentence! A lead-generating local landing page needs to have the primary keyword plus secondary keywords plus geographic modifiers throughout the content so keep this in mind as you design yours for your local SEO ranking boost. Write the content with user experience in mind that is engaging relevant to the services or products you offer and keep it location-specific for it to rank high in search.
Business Contact Info Is Very Important!
If you have a physical location where local customers visit your business for goods or services, it is important to list the name of the store along with its address and phone number on an optimized landing page. This will ensure that when Google visits this page, they can cross-reference other sites like Facebook or Yelp so they know not only that it's relevant geographically but also trusted enough by these outside sources in order for them to list accurate information about your product/service without being spammy.

Eye Catching Call To Actions
If you're wondering what a Call To Action is, think of it as your landing page's most powerful tool. It is the thing that prompts a customer to take action and do something, like buy your product, sign up for more information or download an app or call to schedule a service with your local business.
The best call to action is eye-catching, concise, and highlights a specific action that is desired.
Call To Actions are usually found at the top of the page or in bigger text than other parts of the content because they draw attention to themselves.
When designing your call to actions keep these best practices in mind:
Use bright colors
Use big text
Use words or phrases that trigger action
Use in multiple places throughout your local landing page
Let Customers Know How To Get In Touch
Customers who find your local landing page in organic results when searching for a city-specific service or place of business need multiple ways to connect you. Make sure to have a phone number, contact form, and a live chat widget. This will almost always lead to higher lead conversions when a client or customer is looking for what your business is offering.
Embed A Relevant Map On Your Landing Page
A map embed is powerful visual enhancements that show your customers where you are located. It's a common misconception that Google Maps will automatically be embedded on all of your local pages, but this isn't the case and it needs to be added manually.
Embed Map Directions On Your Landing Pages
You should always embed driving directions from the center of a city you are targeting on your local landing pages to your location if you have a physical location. This will give you an added boost to your landing page and your Google My Business listing.

Link Out To Niche Related Authoritative Sites
You should have a list of niche-related websites that you are targeting on your local landing pages. Each page should be linked out to these sites with anchor text to send a signal to Google relating your content to the niche term you are trying to rank for in search. New Paragraph
Link Out To Local Authoritative Sites
If you want to rank in organic search for your local business using location pages for your brick and motor or service area business for lead generation you must link out to local authoritative websites too. This means governmental sites, education, hotels, airports, etc. These will once again send strong local signals back to Google that you service this area.
Embed YouTube Videos On Your Local Landing Pages
Video is also a powerful way to rank your local landing pages in search engine results pages. Embedding videos from YouTube are a great way to power up local landing pages and see even faster local SEO ranking improvements. This is because Google owns YouTube and therefore passes that love on to your location pages. This is something that many digital marketing companies have not capitalized on for their clients. This is a powerful and often overlooked strategy that can help to give your business an edge over competitors.

Reviews From Trusted Sources
Another must-have for your optimized local landing pages are reviews from your social media accounts, directories, and your Google My Business listing. The more authoritative, local and niche related the better. The more you provide high-quality reviews on your landing pages, the higher that page will rank in Google.
To make your reviews even more powerful they should include your keyword and locations where you provided services. When a local customer or client writes relevant reviews about your business this way it will lead to a better user experience, higher ranking in search in multiple areas you service, and in turn bring more traffic to your site overall.
What About Ranking In The Map Section of Google?
If you want to rank higher in Google's map section, it helps to know what kind of ranking your website gets. A Google My Business listing and an optimized website can both help you rank better. If you want to rank in a larger service area that says 5 miles around your office, you need a way for search engines to understand that you service the areas and local landing pages on your site, and citations on other websites are how you do it. Google is now adding services it finds on your website to a companies GMB listing automatically. If they are doing this with the services they find on your website don't you think they are also taking into account the cities listed on these service pages too?
Are Local Landing Pages Really Important?
Yes, they are! If you think for a minute that using some generic service pages on your website and sending backlinks to them will rank them in all your cities and generate you a ton of leads, you will be very disappointed. You want local clients or customers then you need to target local keywords and phrases with your local landing pages.

Bonus Tip For Ranking?
If you want to really power up your local landing pages you need to get generating user signals to the search engines. This will tell the engines that people love your services and are actively using them.
So get like shares, comments, links, phone clicks and forms filled out and you will see your pages rank even faster!
Lastly, Do Not Forget About Responsive Design.
Location-based SEO will get you ranked better and faster, but you still need to make sure that your website is fully responsive. It needs to look great on all devices and browsers. More and more clients and customers search the web on their mobile phones so make sure your website rocks no matter the screen size or device!
The most important thing is that you create a landing page for every single city and neighborhood in your area. When it comes to local SEO, the more specific you can be on where people are searching from, the better chance they have of finding what they're looking for. It's worth investing time or money into creating customized localized pages so that when someone searches "pizza near me," Google will know just who they’re talking about! If this sounds like something you'd like help with, we've got experts waiting by to do their best work for you. We'll make sure that all of your online marketing efforts lead back to one place--your custom-made landing page! Contact us today if you want to see how at 843-327-8644.
About Us
Disruhptiv Marketing & Media is a full-service website design and SEO company that specializes in helping small businesses grow their online presence. We provide the latest web design, search engine optimization, and social media services to help you take your business to new heights. Our team of experts will work with you every step of the way from start to finish so that your site not only looks good but it also performs well on Google for all potential customers searching for what you offer.
source http://www.disruhptiv.com/local-landing-page-seo-breaking-it-all-down
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