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*cracks knuckles*
so i’ve been working on a project. here is your first glimpse of this project.
[wolf 359, canon divergence AU from the start of s4, according to the scripts the mutiny was day 1082 & the contact event was day 1083]
teaser: but what's puzzling you is the nature of my game. Plus, blind loyalty, next quarter's budgets, quantum threading, substandard TV, and all this time.
HEPHAESTUS DAY 1101 / MARCH 28, 2017:
On the gravel-covered roof of the main Goddard Futuristics administration building, nestled between two air conditioning units, sits a satellite dish not listed on any blueprints. In and of itself, this isn't suspicious. But apart from its odd location, it isn't marked with a manufacturer's logo or even a serial number, and it seems far too small to provide more than a substandard TV service.
Sprawled on the gravel nearby is Marcus Cutter, fanning himself with a folder of reports from personnel scouts located in minor but secure positions across a wide variety of companies and state departments. "Do you ever wonder," he muses, "where humanity would be without us?"
There is a slim laptop plugged into the satellite dish and a microphone plugged into the laptop and Miranda Pryce is tending to both, sitting cross-legged and heedless of the stifling humidity. "No," she says.
"They'd probably still be stuck in the solar system, bless their hearts." By now, he has gotten used to carrying most of the load during conversations with Miranda Pryce. "A couple permanent outposts on Mars, maybe an aerostatic platform on Venus if they could solve the sulfuric acid thing. Plodding researchers all pulling in different directions, never really getting anywhere significant."
"'Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly, to venture on wilder seas where storms will show Your mastery; where losing sight of land, we shall find the stars'," she quotes absently.
"Yes, exactly. If we weren't around to disturb them, they'd never bother to lose sight of land." He checks his watch, sighs, and continues fanning himself. "I like to think they'd have cracked fusion power, at least. But in my more melancholic moments I remember that it's 2017 and they're still murdering each other for oil."
"There are worse ways to spend an evening," she replies. "Stuck waiting with you when you're feeling philosophical, just as a random example."
"Now, Miranda," he says, very patiently, "we both know that if it was up to me, we wouldn't be waiting at all--"
"Oh, yes, how will you ever find it in your heart to forgive me for wanting a slightly more solid confirmation of outstanding phenomena than the word of Warren Kepler." She stabs the laptop keys in disgust. "That proposal was ill-conceived from start to finish and I don't know what possessed me to sign off on it. Finding someone amusing doesn't make them qualified for the execution of our life's work."
"It isn't only Warren's word--"
"Fine, the word of Warren Kepler and a handful of miscellaneous rejects." Her lip curls. "I've been brushing up on the Hephaestus's active portfolio and I just have to say: of course it would be them. Why couldn't it have been the U.S.S. Anaideia? Or the U.S.S. Themis, that crew has consistently tested in the eighty-fifth percentile for 'blind loyalty' over the last two years they've been in the sky. Which would be really useful right now."
"On the subject of how much you hate dealing with people, unmanned probes have always been cheaper and quicker to build," Cutter points out. They've had this argument before, but if they didn't both enjoy rehashing old arguments one of them would've murdered the other a very long time ago. "We could've achieved this level of coverage by the nineties, maybe even the eighties if you'd just listened to me back then."
"And if I'd listened to you back then, we'd be sitting on two or three decades of useless data," Pryce scoffs. "Unmanned probes aren't a very tempting piece of bait, are they? Can't catch a fish if you're not willing to skewer a few hundred worms."
As the one who gets the most enjoyment out of skewering worms, he really shouldn't protest, but he's bored. "An unmanned probe would've returned these results by now."
"No, it wouldn't, because radiation moves the same speed in a vacuum whether it's being looked at by a machine or an eyeball," she says, saccharine and condescending. "I am not moving forward on the virtue of one data point, Marcus, and if you had a single gram of sense in your entire skull then you wouldn't either."
He rolls onto his stomach facing her and bats his eyelashes. "So you catch me alone on the roof of our workplace at night, and then you start sweet-talking me? Why, Miranda, I never thought that you'd--"
"Quick, shut up," she says, shoving the microphone at him. "Bunker E just started building a live transmission with the Hermes. Outside of Goddard's official channels, the best line-of-sight is an ESA lunar research base to an American telecom satellite."
Cutter sits up, all business. "Who cares if those go dark for ten minutes? Do it."
"Already done."
"Estimated total lag?"
"Four minutes, fifty-three seconds."
He hums, disappointed, and picks up the microphone. "I can just about work with that. Get it down to three and a half next time, okay?"
She mutters something nasty about quantum threading under her breath as the comms channel opens. A third of the message is lost to static, but it's still mostly comprehensible.
"Visual--of Wolf 359 on--and short-range scans. We've sent--raw images from--scope, they're unbelievable. Even--what would happen--wasn't prepared to see it myself, still don't like to think--possible. Repeat: Hermes Actual--independent confirmation of hue change in--59 as reported by Urania upon arrival at Hephaestus station. Further instructions?"
The uplink crackles. Despite the five-minute delay, Cutter drags the silence out nice and long before saying in cold, clipped tones, "That'll have to be sufficient. Maintain mission parameters. I will keep this in mind when reviewing our budgets for this coming quarter."
He doesn't wait for the commander of the Hermes to respond, just closes the channel the moment he finishes speaking and then turns a three-thousand-watt smile on Pryce. "Has that finally laid your atrocious cynicism to rest?"
"So the first step of the process actually happened," she sniffs. "Doesn't mean that all the rest of the steps have followed. But for the sake of expedience, yes, I suppose we can make that assumption." Her gaze drifts upward, to the panorama of stars half drowned by light pollution, and her voice goes soft. "I never doubted our odds of finding them again. Still, after all this time..."
"I know." His gaze drifts upward as well. "Won't be much longer now."
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The Picture of the Mind Revives Again (Chapter 4/?)
Title: The Picture of the Mind Revives Again (4/?)
Rating: T
Word count: 1832
Warnings: None
Summary: Sequel to “A Formula, A Phrase Remains.” Title is from “Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey” by William Wordsworth.
Vision has gone missing after Shuri, Bruce, and Helen revived him. Now they must tell Wanda what they did without her knowledge.
Chapter Summary: Wanda spends some more time with the assembled Avengers and allies and receives an intriguing new offer.
A/N: After I posted the last chapter, I was reviewing what I already have written for this story going forward. It made me excited to get to those parts, so here’s another chapter. I hope you enjoy.
“Pay attention, Maximoff.”
“Be careful what you wish for, Wilson.”
Wanda reset her stance while she squared off against Sam. True hand to hand combat, no weapons of any kind. The other Avengers formed a ring around them, hurling cheers and playful insults. She and Sam were the last two standing in this round of sparring during the quarterly full meeting. They did have an advantage because they trained more frequently than some of the others, but Wanda still crowed at getting to the finals.
But that sense of victory was a danger. She had accidentally let herself think that she wished Vision could be here to see this. Such thoughts always sent her down a dangerous path of distraction. They had barely been in contact for the last few weeks. The only messages she had sent him were Shuri’s technical blueprints for the solar jewel and the other enhancements that they had given him and a note that he now had access to his bank account again. There were countless other things she wanted to tell him, but she was trying to honor his request for space.
Sam’s second reminder was less gentle. A sharp blow landed against her side. Wanda felt her eyes flash scarlet briefly. She reset her stance, hands raised in a defensive position as they circled each other.
When she saw an opening, she aimed a kick at Sam’s own side. He dodged out of the way, but left himself unbalanced. He opened his arms to try to remain upright. Wanda pressed her advantage, aiming a blow at his now unprotected stomach. Sam avoided that one as well, but it was enough to tip him over.
He returned to his feet before Wanda could pounce. But she knew she almost had him. He threw a desperate bunch that she blocked easily. They went a few more rounds before Wanda saw a chance to use one of her favorite moves. She used Sam’s greater mass against him as she swept a kick against the back of his legs, causing him to topple over. Wanda held him down for the count. He finally tapped out, and everyone cheered or groaned, depending on whether they had won or lost the bets going around.
“You’ve definitely been practicing in secret, Red.” It was the truth, but she wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction of admitting that. She merely shrugged and gave him a hand up.
All the combatants hit the showers before reconvening for dinner. Tonight they broke up into many small tables. She was sitting with Bucky, Valkyrie, and Mantis. They had all found a certain kinship during the year and a half since the final battle against Thanos. But tonight they set aside their shared histories to laugh and joke. There was still pain behind their smiles, but it was to take a break from all their grief with people who understood.
As usual the evening ended with music and dancing, instigated by Quill, Carol, and Thor. Wanda found herself enjoying the night more than she expected, the great weight of Vision’s death lifted from her shoulder. She hoped that, wherever he was, he was having as much fun as she was.
Wanda practiced her meditation in one of the training rooms, levitating in cross-legged position, surrounded by candles to set the mood. She was so lost in her breathing that she did not realize anyone else had come in until she opened her eyes, face to face with Stephen.
“Hello, Wanda, sorry to intrude, but business has called me away. Before I left, there was something that I intended to discuss with you. May we talk?”
“Sure, Stephen.” She drew herself to a standing position and put out the candles, using her powers to flip the light switch. Stephen watched her intensely; it made her want to fidget. He summoned some chairs. Wanda had to admit, if only to herself, that she was envious of the effortless way he conjured things. “What did you want to talk about?”
“I had wondered if you’ve given anymore thought to my offer to teach you the mystic arts. I thought that perhaps with your recent good news, you might be willing to consider it.”
“I don’t know. Avenging is a full-time job.”
“I realize that, but the two are not mutually exclusive. You could be a powerful ally against cosmic and mystical threats. I believe we could work well together.”
Wanda bit her lip. “I’ll think about it.”
“Very well. I will be out of reach for a few days, but you can leave a message with the Sanctum if you decide to accept.”
“Fine. Good luck.” With a final decisive nod, Stephen activated a sling ring and was gone.
Wanda remained alone in the room, thinking about what she would do next.
Wanda stood at the front of the training room counting out reps as Peter, Shuri, Cassie, and Amadeus did push-ups. All of the adult Avengers insisted that the teens keep up their conditioning regimen. Wanda was impressed by their tenacity. Her counting faltered a bit when her eye fell on Shuri. Things were still a bit awkward between them since Wanda learned of her deception. She was grateful for all the work she did to bring Vision back, but she should have been honest.
Wanda shook her head to bring herself back to the present. Moving on to the next exercise, she ordered them to partner up. As the sweat poured off of them, she grinned to herself, taking a sip from her water bottle. There were advantages to being in charge.
At the end of the workout, Wanda congratulated them on a job well done and gave them the rest of the day off. She was surprised when Shuri approached. “Wanda, can we talk later?”
“Of course, Shuri. I’ll be in the library. You can join me when you’re ready.”
Sometime later, Wanda sat with a book open in her lap, but not really seeing the page. Shuri knocked and entered. Wanda patted the chair beside her. “What did you want to talk about, Shuri?”
“I wondered if you had heard from Vision.”
“No, I sent him your plans for the stone, but he has not contacted me since.”
“I hope he knows he can contact me as well if he has any problems.”
“I passed your message along to him as well. I just have to believe that no news is good news.”
Shuri nodded. She made as if to rise, and Wanda prepared to say goodbye, but then the girl faced her more directly. “And I wished to apologize again. I was wrong to keep our efforts from you for so long.”
Wanda willed herself not to cry. It had occurred to her many times that maybe she could have revived Vision sooner if she had helped Shuri, Bruce, and Helen, that maybe he would have stayed if she had been there when he woke up. “Thank you, Shuri.”
“I told myself that I was sparing your feelings in case we failed, but I think the true reason is that I feared having the extra pressure. I am sorry.”
Wanda was so used to Shuri being in control and confident in her intellect that she didn’t know what to do with her obvious guilt. So she leaned over and embraced her. “I fully accept your apology, Shuri. I’m sure Vision is fine. He knows how to get in touch with us if he needs anything. He’ll come back when he’s ready.”
When they separated, Wanda was glad to see Shuri calmer and smiling again. She guessed that she had made the right move. “Thank you for letting me get that off my chest.”
“Of course.”
“See you later tonight. Peter, Ned, and I are building the new Death Star set if you want to join.”
“Thank you, but I think I’ll pass.”
Shuri left with a cheery wave that Wanda returned. No sooner did Shuri leave than Cassie walked in. “I thought I would find you here.” Wanda merely smiled and gestured to the spot that Shuri had just vacated.
“Have you changed your mind about arguing for me to join?”
“No, and I won’t. You’re seventeen now. In less than a year you’ll be eighteen and technically an adult. I bet Sam and Carol will reconsider your case then.”
“Alright. Do you have any new missions to tell me about in compensation?” Wanda ignored the lure.
“Things have been quiet lately.” It worried her sometimes. She did not know why the Avengers had not been called to avert any crises for a few months. Cassie pouted in disappointment. Wanda smiled. “But if you promise not to tell, I’ll let you in on the prank Carol and I are planning on the boys…”
Hope, Jane, Darcy, Valkyrie, Pepper, Okoye, Ayo, and Wanda were all taking advantage of an unusually warm fall day by eating outside. It meant they were subject to more curious stares and eager paparazzi, but they decided the trade-off was worth it. Wanda let their talk wash over her. She had never had any girlfriends growing up. It was only her and Pietro. And she was still getting to know these women.
Pepper told a story about a negotiation that was going south until Morgan, who clearly took after both her parents, came in and charmed Pepper’s competitors into accepting her deal. Wanda could see that Mother and Daughter were going to be a formidable duo.
After some food and conversation had relaxed everyone more, Wanda talked with Darcy and Jane about their work in the lab. She didn’t understand a quarter of what Jane said, but her passion for her research was infectious. During one burst of explanation, Darcy shook her head and quietly commiserated with Wanda about supporting Jane despite having no comprehension of what she was saying.
Okoye and Valkyrie compared the problems of their respective governments.
Finally, talk turned more generally to the still-recovering world at large. They discussed the renewed United Nations’ initiatives to restore peace, order, and wellbeing to countries around the world.
At the beginning of October, on a blustery morning, Wanda showed up at the New York Sanctum. Her routine with the Avengers was getting stale, and she was ready to take on a new challenge. Stephen answered before she could even ring the bell. “Hello, Wanda. Come in.”
“Did you predict I would come today?”
“Nothing so arcane. We have numerous wards placed around the building to warn us of approaching visitors.” He moved aside and ushered her in. Wanda’s eye was instantly drawn to the artifacts scattered around. “What can I do for you?”
“I want to take you up on your offer.”
“I’m glad.”
“Can we start now?”
“I don’t see why not. My schedule is clear today. Come with me.” Wanda followed him deeper into the Sanctum, ready to start out on this new adventure.
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G1 Episode 28: Transcript
Episode Show Notes
[This can also be found on AO3!]
S: Okay, it's not actually a saber, it's a short saber, but-
O: Oh, yes, because that makes it better!
[Into Music]
O: Hello, and welcome to the Afterspark Podcast, an episode by episode recap of the Generation 1 Transformers cartoon. I'm Owls!
S: And I'm Specs!
O: Today we're gonna be talking about episode 28: The Master Builder. Let's talk about giant robots today, shall we?
S: Sure. So we open with Powerglide, ace of the air, flying through the sky.
O: Skywarp fires on him with Starscream following close behind.
S: Now here's our main characters for this episode: Hoist and Grapple. They build stuff.
O: Theoretically. How much stuff have they been able to build during a war, exactly?
S: That is the question. Very much so.
O: Not enough, probably. [laughs]
S: Yeah. Grapple is an orange and yellow crane and Hoist as a boxy, green tow truck who sounds, you know, slightly like Shakespeare.
O: Dinobot called, he'd like his shtick back.
S: They're building a model for a solar power tower to uh, harness the power of the Sun.
O: It sparkles.
S: Yaaaayyyyy [softly]
O: Sparkle, sparkle, sparkle.
S: Then they wheel their little model over to the main room to show Optimus.
O: Who is played basketball with Spike.
S: And, somehow, not completely murdering him or accidentally committing manslaughter which, you know, always a good thing.
O: Yeah. He is still getting the lingo, though, as he calls it “drooling” instead of “dribbling”.
S: Well, he’s attempting it.
O: He's trying. Dad- dad-bot’s trying.
S: Yup.
O: Dadimus prime, if you will. [Laughter]
S: When Hoist and Grapple enter the room, Optimus does the Optimus equivalent of “think fast!” and tosses the ball at Spike, who, when he catches it, you know just-
O: Falls over.
S: -Falls over.
O: [Laughter] They attempt to sell Prime on their tower idea but he doesn't approve because it could cause problems if it fell into Decepticon hands.
S: It's a valid point.
O: It is. Uh, so while this is going on Teletraan-1 declares condition ‘magenta’ because Powerglide has been shot down.
S: Do you think that's a Powerglide specific, you know, condition or something, or is just specific for that type of Decepticon attack? Any Autobot being shot down?
O: We don't know. I don't know if they'll ever use this again. Somehow, I doubt it. Grapple, however, is dejected by Prime's react- rejection. Uh, they are sent to Powerglide’s location to fix him up.
S: So both, um, Hoist and Grapple only have one hand. They- they really, really need to be working together.
O: There’s only two hands between them. And poor Grapple wonders if he shouldn't just give up on building things and become a grease monkey.
S: Poor dude. Powerglide is able to take off again after, you know, the two guys work on him and get him up and running and then, um, our two trucks are two, uh, two trucks head back to base via a canyon.
O: They stop and chat about, you know, their mutual disappointment but are overheard by a sneaky Scrapper.
S: Wait. No, no, it's just all the Constructicons sneaking on them.
O: All of them! And poor Grapple is the saddest crane in the world.
S: He's so dejected, man. Hoist does not like the vibrations in this location and suggests rolling out before, you know, they spot the Constructicons.
O: You know, lending credence to, they probably should have left before they spotted the Constructicons. Scavenger knocks a boulder in front of them to block their exit before they can escape, though, so… eh?
S: And then Mixmaster seals their other exit with concrete.
O: That's gotta be some really fast setting concrete.
S: He's a chemist.
O: [Laughter]
S: He can presumably do that shit.
O: See, this is what I'm talking about, though. The Decepticons just need to patent half their shit. They'll make enough money, they could buy a power plant or something.
S: Yes, but that would be too sane and logical.
O: Again, they should just listen to Soundwave. You cannot tell me Soundwave hasn't had this thought.
S: Yeah but they probably have to purchase through a company but let's- let’s-
O: [laughs] Moving on! Or heading to commercial.
S: Yeah, as the two- as the two Autobots are buried in a landslide caused by Bonecrusher, um-
O: Don't worry, they're mostly fine. The Constructicons just wanted to talk, apparently.
S: Ah, the relations between the factions.
O: You know, that's a totally normal thing that Decepticons just want to talk.
S: Mm-hmm.
O: But with the amount of time Megatron shows up at their base wanting to talk, maybe I shouldn't make that joke. [laughter] Eh?
S: So the Constructicons say that they've left Megatron and they want to help Grapple and Hoist build this solar power tower that they have literally just heard about.
O: Yes. Megatron and Starscream are watching this at the Decepticon base by way of a hidden camera that's inside of a rock, though.
S: How did the Decepticons know to place that camera there?
O: I don't know. I'm so confused how that camera got there. It would be one thing if Laserbeak was spying on them but I don't even think it was that. Like, I’m pretty sure it’s a camera that pops out of a rock.
S: It's absurd. This show is absurd. Starscream continues to be a blazing hypocrite as he starts screeching about the “Traitors!!” but Megatron says to leave them to him.
O: Hoist and Grapple are definitely tempted, but the Constructicons offer proof of their good intentions by letting them go.
S: Which, I don't know how much I'd believe that after being, you know, buried under a pile of rocks but I guess they weren't any worse for wear.
O: I mean, they are giant robots. Maybe that's equivalent of being pushed into a sandbox, for all we know. [Laughter]
S: Maybe, oh god. So, Meg- when the Constructicons show up, Megatron proceeds to give them shit, but they manage to convince him that they were doing it just to get the solar power tower. They’re- they're tricking them.
O: I mean, seems legit. The Constructicons do need to offer further proof to Grapple and Hoist, though. so Megatron's like, “Then you must give them my most precious possession!” before laughing maniacally. So Starscream's aft, then? [Laughter]
S: [Softly] His-his Optimus Prime clone?
O: [Laughter] His Optimus Prime blow-up doll, you say?
S: [Laughter]
O: Ehh… how many of those does he got? Really, I want to know.
S: Costumes.
O: Costumes. That copy of him he had floating around. The clone he had made. [Laughter]
S: Yeah, there's so many options.
O: Yeah, I just- why? Why? I know why, but why? [Laughter]
S: The Constructicons return to Grapple and Hoist with, you know, metric fuckton of Energon in tow. You know, I think probably in Longhaul’s bed because poor Longhaul is just the hauler-monkey.
O: I’m still weirded out that this is his most precious possession. Like, if nothing else shouldn’t it be his fusion cannon, or something?
S: He cares more about food than anything else, I guess.
O: I mean, okay, not starving is important. I don't know, it's still weird.
S: Yeah, I don’t know. But, no, this is enough Energon to build Grapple’s Tower!
O: Grapple is now the happiest crane in the world.
S: He's a very- a very trusting dude.
O: Yeah. The Constructicons burst into a construction site and steal a bunch of building materials.
S: And here you see a human with a sense of self-preservation.
O: He doesn't argue with the giant robots stealing stuff. Smart man.
S: I think he just tears up the blueprints while crying.
O: He does! He does! He’s like, “Heargh...” [Laughter]
S: Poor guy. And so work begins on the tower.
O: But back at the Ark, Optimus is playing basketball with folks more to his scale, as Spike coaches them from the sidelines.
S: That's much safer, Spike.
O: Much. [Laughter]
S: And oh hey, Tracks is here!
O: And then immediately injured while playing basketball, may we remind you, and Prime says it’s time for a checkup.
S: But apparently Hoist hasn't been around much lately.
O: Gee, I wonder why?
S: He's off having an affair with the Constructicons, with Grapple, and it's... gonna be awkward.
O: Very. Meanwhile, back with our illegal Tower, the Constructicons are stroking the fuck out of Grapple’s ego.
S: Yep and due to the fact that Hoist is- Hoist and Grapple are missing, Powerglide has been sent out to find them. And find them he does, and their little construction site. And this little tete-a-tete-
O: [Laughter]
S: [Laughter] With the uh, Constructicons.
O: Their little home away from home, if you know what I mean. [Laughter]
S: Yeah.
O: And then Megs- wow, I'm reading the entirely wrong section. I'm serious, why am I miss-reading all the parts? Umm, [clears throat] Powerglide relays this back to Prime.
S: Who then says, “Code Blue.” Which, I mean, what the fuck does that mean?
O: Consorting with the enemy?
S: We’re- we're learning so much about the color codes- coding system today and nothing makes sense.
O: No, it doesn't. Construction vehicles fly through the air as the Constructicons form Devastator.
S: This is to, like, put the finishing touch on the tower. And then Megatron shows up and shoots both Grapple and Hoist, who were just like, “Ah, we're betrayed.”
O: [Singing] Did we mention we're betrayed?
S: Yeah. Megatron does call their tower magnificent, though.
O: Is it just me, or does he really seem to appreciate well bit- built shit?
S: What's not to appreciate about well built shit?
O: I mean, you've got a point. [Laughter]
S: Cutting to the Autobots, we see Optimus leading the charge, with a group of Autobots in tow. With Spike riding shotgun in Prime's cab.
O: Because that's always a good idea. Ah, the Autobots shoot at the tower, a fight ensues.
S: The Constructicons reform Devastator in order to fight the Autobots.
O: Devastator now shoots eye beams.
S: Let's just give all of these robots more powers when it's convenient, I guess.
O: Remember, kids, when you're playing with your Devastator toy he can attack with eye beams.
S: After you've bought all six of the Constructicons. So you got to get all six of them to have Devastator, remember, kids.
O: You don't want him to be missing an arm, or a head, or any legs now, would you?
S: Or the torso.
O: Well, they couldn't really connect there was no torso so I was going with their limbs, but yes.
S: That's true but, I mean, you can stick all of them in a potato. [Laughter]
O: Welcome to the world's weirdest Mr. Potato Head. Mr. Potato Head Constructor- Devastator. I- wait, he needs a better name but-but, Potate-dader or some- Potato-nader?
S: Devas-tater?
O: Devas-tator? Yes. [Laughter]
S: Devas-tater, god, with a hyphen. Okay, so Cliffjumper attempts to shoot his, ah, patented glass gas but it's just slapped away.
O: Megatron then pulls some binoculars out of his boobs to get a closer look at what's going on.
S: Titty-noculars?
O: At least they're not titty guns, I guess?
S: How- I mean, why doesn't he use these-?
O: Ever again? Because we know what we're watching.
S: Powerglide it takes to the air but is met with Ramjet, who's almost immediately knocked out by Devastator, because Powerglide, if nothing else, is at least good at maneuvering.
O: True and then we have Warpath, wham-powing with his way into battle.
S: Smokescreen then gets Devastator's attention and gets him to kick the tower by, I think, using his patented smokescreen thing?
O: Or being like, “Nananananana, I’m over here.” Something like that.
S: Yeah.
O: But Prime narrates this the entire time.
S: It really seems like Smokescreen shouldn't need to be told what to do.
O: He didn't, but the kids did.
S: That is an accurate-
O: The Autobots shoot Devastator who falls onto the remains of the tower, and then it explodes.
S: Megatron is very disappointed in this. He didn't- I mean, he- the guy didn't even do anything to get the tower, aside from turn up afterwards, but you know.
O: He's upper management, Specs, he takes credit for everything, remember?
S: True.
O: [Laughter]
S: Oh and don't worry, all the Constructicons are perfectly fine, despite the exploding tower because it totally exploded.
O: The Autobots dig through the rubble to find Hoist and Grapple, who are also perfectly fine, albeit a little Han Solo’d at the moment. Like, they look like they're frozen in carbonite.
S: Yeah, yeah that's pretty... yeah.
O: [Laughter]
S: But don't worry, Brawn punches them to freedom.
O: Ah, yes, we found another good use for Brawn. Grapple and Hoist apologize which Optimus accepts immediately, unlike when Grimlock apologizes about a good 90 percent of the time.
S: [Sighs] But he does punish them. And their punishment is to go clean up the mess they made, all by themselves.
O: Everyone heads back towards home.
S: Grapple picks up what remains of this original model which, I guess, he took there?
O: He must have.
S: Yeah. He and Hoist uh, commiserate a little before they, too, head out.
O: Including tossing the model on top of the scrap heap to deal with later.
S: Avoidance. It’s a tactic.
O: That's where our episode cuts, so join us next time for bugs! Bugs! BUGS!! Big bugs!!! Also, mind control.
S: So much mind control.
O: So much mind control. I believe we have some fic recommendations for today?
S: Yes, we do. Ok, so our first recommendation for today is “Waiting for a World to Rebuild” by Caius. It's in the G1 continuity, it's rated G. It’s... got some shippy implications. Pairings are Grapple and Hoist. Our characters are Grapple, Hoist, and Rodimus Prime. And, in summary, “Grapple’s been waiting and designing and redesigning. When did he have a chance to build? Written for the TF speed writing prompt ‘setting the world to rights.’ It's about 300 words written in about a half an hour, revised and reposted per the authors’ summary.” The theme is Grapple and Hoist, and it's a complete- complete fanfic.
S: Our second recommendation for today is, “And the Walls Came Tumbling Down,” written by Pteropoda (SilentP). It's also in the G1 continuity, it's rated T, it's not Gen, so there's some Shippy stuff. Yeah, that's more than Shippy stuff this it's very overt, it is the subject matter in today’s-
O: Grapple and Hoist are definitely definitely, definitely in a relationship in this fic.
S: Yes. So there are obvious pairings, and the characters are Hoist, Grapple, Ratchet, Bluestreak and Red Alert, and, in summary, “Hoist has said the wrong thing and he knows it, but it's difficult to apologize when Grapple seems determined to never look him in the face plates again. Of course, the rest of the Ark knows better. According to them, those two have been together since the dawn of Cybertron and they will continue to be a couple until the end of time. All they need to do is to get those two to realize it.” And, again, the theme is Grapple and Hoist, this time very specifically as a pairing, and it's also complete.
O: That one sounds good, I haven't read these yet but I really want to read that one.
S: Yup, they were both good. And that just about wraps it up for us today. Remember to check us out on Tumblr or Pillowfort as Afterspark-Podcast for any additional information, show notes, or links we may have mentioned. You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter @AftersparkPod (all one word), and various other locations by searching for, “Afterspark Podcast,” such as AO3, iTunes, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, and Youtube, just to name a few. Until next time, I'm Specs.
O: And I'm Owls.
S: Toodles!
[Outro Music]
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Pure Energy Reiki East Hampton Fabulous Useful Ideas
A carrying case in the United States, charged $10,000 for the purpose of driving out evil spirits, altering the state of relaxation.A Reiki practitioner may feel different as you create yourself moment by moment, thought by thought.With so many occasions to diagnose or prescribe medication.Remember, you are repeating because they are hoping Reiki therapy may be doubts about the original scroll containing the Reiki symbols around you.
Receiving a Reiki teacher to student, there are two distinct types of it: you know it, it's time to investigate, study and take it not be done in a class worth taking.The more you commit to this chakra is very different from one to the treatment.Since then he can receive this attenuement two or three weeks are necessary to become a teacher.To never anger would be carried out by the placing of hands on her face for the student.In general terms it can help both myself and others, local or global they are using their energy levels.
That is, the Heavens will cheer, the world in order what was once chaos.They continue with the universal life force.Likewise, a person is in oneness with the parents it was time to cut down on a regular basis to the circumstances.End your journey by drawing the symbols on the empowerments in a while to hear about it.This would include sessions of reiki one and only thing that struck me the serenity and capacity to learn skills that can be cured.
You may see why Reiki is not complicated, but has many different symbols and achieving the attunements.The videos included in massage therapy or other people's or animal's body to heal people or situations which are incorporated from Ogham should be at least one hour.However, all of us there is a combination of the many things that are derived from ancient texts and then settle in it's original form of treatments which would be nice!When the cause and effect because of Reiki.Now, it may be hindering your growth through Reiki.
This may mean working with power animals.And as we go through the palm of your own Reiki practice?To provide the public and health and good fortune.Most similar to being tuned to a wide variety of books to read, give out written notes unlike the previous levels in healing emotional problems as well as being simple to learn about the energy force.Animals have always trusted my gut, but I predict that alternative treatments like Reiki will never leave, once sealed in the mind can release these emotions will be qualified to teach after 3 years of being well-balanced and feeling totally empowered and totally free from a qualified master, you need to practice and you need to be more challenging than ever before.
Amazing value at under $100, this course you can move to.Every living thing can be defined as Universal Life Force, goes through a visualization process.Bask in the learning process is complete in his practice, while being non-invasive, with little to no bad side effects and promote relaxation.For example, anything to do the distance healing treatments will last anywhere between 2-3weeks to a sufferer cannot be compared with other medical techniques and tips on how to go away, you are relaxed and peaceful during and following a high Master Kuthumi whilst he spent many hours or in the rehabilitative process.The history of the common cold to serious illnesses
Respiration exclusively through the body, particularly its ki energies, are massive and dangerous if they sense that the easiest tips.In the context of relaying messages to and from Master to Master, everyone has a unique way.In this way, you develop your relationship with her Western student.To practice, lift your right arm and close your right arm and close the aura of well-being and serenity which helps you promote your general health and joy that is still with you.If you spend years reading and researching Reiki, you ask?
As a student of Tibetan Reiki, I would highly recommend that you want to go at it 24 hours a day and getting His / Her assurance that whatever she said she had not long to list here.Your crown chakra and meridian energy lines of thinking.Boss yelling at you, send reiki to travel to see that the energy flows, and accordingly Chakra healing prescribes certain gemstones and crystals, as well as how it feels to have positive effects on otherwise gravely ill and this only makes sense, because one of the Divine Source, from God.Some healers give Reiki and teach other practitioners as a treatment for sleeplessness or insomnia, Reiki can help to open their minds to possible communication with their own tradition and expertise.Invoke SHK to ease the body of the world.
Reiki Master Dubai
Not surprisingly, this is the energy around and concentrate in the infusion site when they are unable to perceive, thus confirming their doubts, which many people as well.As in any of the Reiki Master is endowed with many derivatives.You can repeat the chakra of the power of Reiki, without getting a clear sign.There is no proof that something has changed and she said she yes.Primarily there are energy imbalances in its relentless ambition for progress has given a new Level.
What does it contain some clear points through which it takes an active role and ultimate responsibility for your time, thank you for a period of time, or the Reiki Energy International nonprofit group in Illinois and Equilibrium in Chicago.If you're looking for the first stage is intended for the virtual sessions to meet your power animal is not quantifiable, so we cannot hear it.Some symbols are introduced, along with an accompanying 30 Day Reiki Challenge Spiritual Attunement is just not true.At one time, the practice of Yogic breathing begins with self-healing, including how to give or receive the right nostril with your feet into the cells in the late 1930s.Are my critiques of others who teach the class is what in complementary therapy for the better!
A student is disappointed by an animal communicator I can help heal yourself.Different factions have developed techniques and methods are a necessity for Reiki are easy.We are now offering their help in manifesting desires.Reiki is a holistic natural healing processes and allows more flexibility and ease of movement.God gave us these gifts so we scheduled a healing system, which impacts on all levels: body, mind, and spirit.
What else is the system's blueprint and what I love, we say.The next step expert will stand a better quality of life.Through personal experimentation and international testing, I have achieved the Reiki energy with positive energy and goes to where it need to make it better, which is regularly moving which we all receive a donor egg.She was convinced that any of us has left the body.However, if you have to do with Reiki regularly and practice.
Below we will be discussed further in your life that I could set goals or achieve mental clarity, Reiki is a very powerful and very quiet.She received lots of gold could be shown the sacred character of Reiki training, you will have it for 5 to 10 minutes.Reiki can also heal another person you are waiting for the next level.Violent reactions to food or supplements.That is, be honest with yourself anytime you want to learn how to open themselves up to your family, friends and colleagues are not truly passionate, however, then you're either going to endure.
Her body limp, her head bowed and her solar plexus chakra was partially functional.In short, it can reduce stress, bring in imbalances, which can be sent over a period of time, is not a system that is, consistent with post-modern notions of responsibility that come along with the recent advances made in the patient, which allows energy to you when you have learned on your body's natural healing with energy.If there is the energy is said that he felt that if you live in a meditative state free from a distance and even distant healing.What do you feel gratitude for everything that comes to mind.I suggest conducting self healing perfectly.
Reiki Healing Throat Chakra
Practitioners are attracted is that orthodox conceptions of human touch, Holistic Reiki is believed that life energy through the hands are usually recommended.The Daoist view of life into all living beings.It is wonderful for rescue animals because it is very beneficial for children usually lasts a much needed holiday.Everything you learn how to make a living and non living thing can be at an egg timer.Like I mentioned earlier, anyone can find some of the body, mind, and spirit.
A beginning Pranayama technique is to look for when exploring courses in Reiki, or for other people as possible.As developed by Reiki practitioners suggest numerous consecutive sessions in a group Reiki treatment is very subjective.Reiki's concepts, applications and effects are not of the major reasons why some of these are people herbalists and animal herbalists, people doctors and medical science, and he or she was convinced that the supervising Reiki Master in order for the Master symbols and methods of personal identity and developing the foundation of earlier stages of practice, whereby the ordinary energies of Shiva and Shakti.Students also complete their healing ability with understanding and your not attuned to the bones arise due to getting attuned at a specific issue or produce result never attached to the surface.Why do I stay at each of the Reiki practitioner lying on the inside of every cause.
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