soulventure91 · 2 years
😇 for diric please i need to know, but also ✨ and 🤝
screaming yelling crying well well well
[ 😇 ] what would your muse do if they became a god? After about ten minutes of stunned silence and what the fuuuuck, I think Diric would have to allow himself a long think about the why/how/now what. And that's even before figuring out his portfolio! [Hint: one of his aspects would probably be a protector of wanderers, kind of a 'light in the darkness' vibe] I don't think Dir would be interested in having a Big Following, temples, or any of that - he didn't grow up religious and his own link to Bahamut is more based on a willingness to trust than honest faith (sometimes faith has to be based on the facts of experience, rather than blindly following divine directives). Anyone that somehow stumbles into worshiping him or being empowered by him might be someone that helps others on the road, or offered a stranger a drink in the tavern - and that person helped might could be a tired old warrior looking to offer some friendship along the way the helper might be headed. Probably he'd be one of the few gods regularly walking among mortals, watching how they grow and willing to give a little nudge in the right direction if he can.
[ ✨ ] what aesthetics or symbols do you reference when writing your muse? are these backed up by canon, if your muse comes from a canon? is there any specific relevance to these choices? Obvi Dir is my own OC so the only canon to reference is MY BRAIN. A lot of Dir's aesthetic sort of comes naturally on its own, meaning it's sometimes VERY accidental. I know we've ended up yelling in DMs about the multifaceted "oppositions" between Diric and Maahes: sun/moon, sword/shield, mortal/divine. Hilariously I don't have official 'aesthetics' for Diric aside from 'he'd like this kind of weapon!' or 'he'd wear armor like this!', so more functionally it's really just A Vibe, if you will. [vis a vis, Diric's pinterest board compared to Trin's, where Trin has like. Two sections for aesthetic things and Dir, uh. Has swords and armor.]
[ 🤝 ] how does your muse approach intimacy? are they hesitant, or do they like it? what types of intimacy do they like and dislike? (ex. physical intimacy, sexual intimacy, emotional intimacy, etc.) Hoooo boy okay. SO. Intimacy is weird for Dir both because of Drow Things and because him. As Drow (both half and whole), sexual intimacy can be either a 'fuck around and find out' notion (as a young soldier he did, indeed, fuck around and found out) or VERY much a business transaction - marriages of love are VERY rare and VERY MUCH kinda looked down on (from my understanding in general, Matt may have a totally different setup that I wouldn't know). Physical intimacy (like massages and cuddles) require, obviously, a level of trust typical Drow wouldn't offer just anyone - especially in a society where if you let someone too close they can, will, and should kill you for letting them too close. Those levels of physical intimacy are a silent sign of trust, literally to the degree of I will not stab you in the back because I know you won't stab at me. Emotional intimacy - something Diric has never really had until he met the Talisman and is trying to sense out with Mio especially - is definitely a level that is very new for Diric but also something he's learning to value very quickly. As you likely noticed during the Blackthorn arc, emotional intimacy is like. The rarest thing to have between Drow, imo.
But more specifically with Dir: he can, and has in the past been, very casual with sexual intimacy but doesn't actively seek it out; he highly values and will definitely seek out physical intimacy (WHY HAS NO ONE GIVEN THIS MANS A MASSAGE -) from people he trusts won't hurt him.
Diric is, though, in a period of his relationships where he's seeking emotional intimacy and trying to be more open with his feelings. He doesn't go to one of the Talisman looking for a solution to his emotional issues, far from it; Diric wants to talk about his feelings so he can process them on his own and understand why he feels certain ways. He verbalizes his current depressive cycle to prevent it from actually hitting him full-on. Sometimes he repeats it because the person he's telling it to is someone he trusts to listen. He doesn't always have great timing in trying to talk out his feelings but Diric knows it's better that he airs his emotions before they eat him up from the inside and he either ends up hurting himself or the people he cares about in the event he lashes out. In return, all Diric hopes is that whoever lets him go through his inferiority cycle yet again is being equally open and honest with him about their feelings - to let both of their walls and masks down and not be afraid of sharing what they're going through. He only wants to listen, because he's just one man and probably can't fix the root of an emotional issue even if asked. But he does want to know his friends will be okay, that they see where their weaknesses are and are willing to look for ways to overcome and grow.
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