#SN Michael
rogueninja · 2 years
“But for me, [the Creed III scene] was about the relationship between two brothers, so the relationship between Naruto and Sasuke was where the inspiration for that relationship kind of stemmed from.
“The fight between Creed and Damian had to be an even battle, and in an emotionally high place where these two men were both baring their souls to one another. The emotional level they were at, where they were coming at it from, the emotions between those two characters. That was the moment I leaned into with that scene from Naruto.”
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brooksba · 1 year
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Copperhead Road
Saturday Night Special
Minneapolis 2023
Richard Speight, Jr.
Rob Benedict
Michael Borja
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rossithepixie · 1 year
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Someone made himself comfy
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north-noire · 7 months
drew some of my mutuals' charlies!
Call me Henry Emily, because I would definitely die for all of them-- In all seriousness, I just wanted to get out of artblock, so I decided to draw some of my mutuals' Charlies in the hopes that it'll work :" ) I hope you guys like them! Check out their accounts, they make great stuff! :D
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Top left @ibujous 's SN Charlie! I love seeing a Charlie who survived </3 And it's really cool how you incorporated both TSE and game elements into one! it's neatly bundled up and it's kind of refreshing actually! The way she hides all her pain and doubts about her and her father into a smile and silliness makes me sad inside </3 I also love a Michael-Charlie friendship truther! Top right @koerinz 's The Design and Functionality Charlie! I love how she seems almost inscrutable, but she has this intense gaze that makes you wonder what goes on in her head. She looks timid and reserved, but still relatively kind person. Their friendship (?) with Cassidy is really interesting to me. Can't wait to see more of their AU! Bottom left @pillowspace 's Charlie! AAAA i love that you incorporated the old Charlie sprite from FNAF 2 into her design it took me a hot minute to understand why she had a blue sweater xD I LOVE her dynamic with Cassidy it's so good, I love seeing Cassidy and Charlie getting along!! I love her design so much and she deserves the entire world!! Bottom right @theautisticjedi 's Charlie! I love her so much she did not deserve to get stabbed multiple times by her uncle of all people, like WILLIAM SHE WAS JUST A TODDLER. DAMN. I love how naive and blissful she is and very much loves her dad. Her naivete really contrasts to basically everyone else in a good way. She just wants her and her dad to be happy. It just sucks what happened to her </3 I hope you guys like this for now! Hopefully when I get to draw again I won't go through another round with artblock </3
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n0g0dshere · 9 months
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Michael might have antagonized some D*sn*y adults (on purpose) with his shirt and Trevor may not have worn sun screen....but they had a good time.
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Alternatively, Lamar, Franklin, and Chop had their own New Year party.
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devildomwriter · 1 year
Obey Me Nightbringer: All That We Know
Game Mechanics
• Cards and Grimm and devilpoints from original game will not transfer over
• This game will have a VIP membership separate from the original game
• The calls will focus much more on romance
• You are able to replay levels without affecting your relationships
• Both the brothers and side boys are dateable, the new characters are not YET
• While the story mainly takes place in the past, the new game features mostly involve our current time line
• Something for Thirteen, Raphael, and Mephistopheles is in the works for the future (Possibly songs)
• No prior knowledge of obey me is needed for Nightbringer
• Their will be more voiced line in this game but it’s not fully voiced
• Dating just one is more fleshed out but you can still date multiple
• Several apps within the game include Fab Snap which is like their social media; Ruri-Tunes a rhythm battle
• We will see a blue print of the house of lamentation
• We will have phone calls, room dates, SNS, face time
• We won’t have alternative outfits in the initial release but it is planned for later on
• We will see how other characters react to our relationship with a specific character
• They originally wanted to add all of this to the original app but the size would’ve made in near impossible for many people to play it so they put it into a separate app
Characters & Story
• There will be more in depth story for Simeon and Solomon but especially Solomon
• Chapter 81 picks up in Nightbringer
• The story takes place in the past, Solomon is under the same roof as everyone else
• There is more Barbatos Lore
• While he may not appear Michael will be mentioned much more often
• We will get more information on Mephistopheles’ brother and Thirteen’s sister
• We will see how Lucifer and Cerberus met
• We will see how leviathan and Henry 1.0 met
• We will be learning ALOT about the celestial war
• We will be making pacts with the brothers again
• The brothers will act more like how they did as angels since they’ve only just become demons
• Diavolo will talk more about his dad and why he is sleeping
• There will be more scenes involving the angels and the celestial realm
• We will learn why Satan loves cats
• Little D’s having similar appearances to the brothers might be touched on more in the future
• We will be seeing a lot more of their everyday lives thanks to the Fab Snap app which is akin to their social media
• We will see more about how the brothers really felt about falling (Asmo wanted to go back to being an angel, Leviathan was terrified, etc)
This is literally all I’m talking about the next few days. I literally took the 12-13 off of work for this game and saved up for the sales. So you will be getting all the details of if ;)
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helloaugustmoon · 2 months
gys m still alive have just been etredded but wlsoc I’ve had sn amount to drink and aLET ME TELL YOU how much I love Michael Jackson fr I cant be a deamaric bitch abt it bc it’s just truuuueueeee man Idk what to rellcyou thet man INENTED aura Idc Idc zi love that mf xxxxxxxxxxxx
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kakiastro · 1 day
South Node Libra
North Node Aries
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Your Nodes is the main reason why you’re here(born) in the first place, from a soul point of view.
Your rising is the roadmap on how you’ll get there. The planets is the lessons you’ll learn on the way.
Also look at your Nodes houses and rulership planets.
Libra- 7th house and your Venus
Aries- 1st house and your Mars
South Node Libra
-you learned at an early age about diplomacy and unfairness. You may have had to share your things, even if you didn’t want to with others. “Sharing is caring” was drilled into you hard. You may had to be the mediator in your family whenever a fight or argument broke out. This was a constant theme throughout your life.
As you got older, you found yourself being put in the middle of situations and feeling like you have to choose a side. Even if you heavily disagree with someone, you’ll try to find someway to keep the peace.
You understand what unfairness means because you grew up surrounded by those who were or you were. Social justice and fairness runs deep in your bones. These are the people who will speak up for others.
These natives also understand balance and try to hear from everyone’s point of view before deciding on who’s right. Most times they struggle with picking sides because they see from other point of views.
These natives has a great fashion sense, something they developed young probably from a a family member.
In several past lives, you were probably a diplomat of some kind, the mediator so these are skills you’ve mastered.
North Node Aries
From the diplomats to the general. You’re use to putting everyone else before you, now you must learn to prioritize your own need first. Now this doesn’t mean not helping people! It means to stop giving everyone your oxygen tank when you’re barely breathing your damn self. Look at it this way, you’ll help others better when you help yourself first.
With your SN energy, you’re good at seeing other points of view especially in conflicts. However this cause you to not want to get involved too much or you struggle with picking a side. Growing into your NN energy, you may take the lead in conflicts and say “this is what we’re not going to do and what we’re going to do.” Now I know this just gave you the shivers because you’re not about the drama lol. You don’t have to be, you just have to make a decision that’s fair for everyone involved.
Standing up for yourself, now with SN Libra energy, you struggle with this. I’m not saying you’re a pushover but you’re not a fan of open conflict unless you’re pushed into it. Your greatest strength is fighting for others, which is an incredible gift to have. However, you have to learn to fight for yourself as well, even if you stand alone, which can be terrifying for you all. The thing is, you’ll never be “alone” because you’ve established friendships with that Sn energy, now it’s time to be the leader that they already look up too.
You’ll move into your North Node until you pass. This is a lifetime lesson for you to learn.
Celebrities with these Nodes
Will Smith
Kit Harrington
Emilia Clarke
Daniel Craig
Michael B. Jordan
Kat Denninga
Pam Grier
Yall there’s so many celebs with these Nodes lol
It makes sense cause Libra is a creative sign as well and SN may have been attracted to the arts at a young age.
Thank you for reading!
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agnostic-priest-metal · 4 months
Timeline of Agnostic Priest & Introducing characters
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1996: Tobbe and Skwisgaar found Agnostic Priest
1996-1998: The rest of the bandmates join AP
1998: First studio album releases
2004: Skwisgaar leaves
2005: AP officially splits up and ends their contract with the label
2024: Nana makes contact with everyone and starts setting up sns account
⬇️ Backdrop of the character
1. Erik Ekdahl
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- Born 10 June 1975, Gothenburg, Sweden. He is an only child.
- Started playing viola when he was 4 years old but soon his interest moved toward acoustic guitar, he was 6 years old at that time. Few years later after listening to KISS and Iron Maiden - a music that changed his entire life - he started playing electric guitars when he was 11.
- His first guitar was an Ibanez RG550 and later he bought a Jackson rr24 Rhoads with his own money. He continued using that until now(1998).
- Attended the University of Gothenburg, but soon he dropped out(1995) with a dream of making his first metal band. Due to his decision he had a lot of fights with his parents and eventually left his home.
- His first band’s name was Moonchild, a symphonic metal band, and he was also a guitarist in that band. But its genre didn’t suit him and he wasn’t satisfied with the quality of the music so he decided to disband it(1996).
- Wandering around for 2 years, having some part time jobs and sleeping in an abandoned car, he saw the notice about Skwisgaar and Tobbe’s band by chance and decided to join the audition.
- Current(1998) music inspo: Alexi Laiho(COBHC), Björn Gelotte(In Flames), Johan Norman(Dissection), Michael Amott(Arch Enemy), Ihsahn(Emperor)
- Later music inspo: Kim Carlsson(Lifelover), Georg Börner(Coldworld), Neptune(Gris), Einar Selvik(Wardruna), Amalie Bruun(Myrkur)
After Skwisgaar’s departure(2004)
For a few months he was totally wasted. He tried to contact Skwisgaar one way or another but kept failing, and it made him more and more fall into depression.
Eventually, he decided to leave the band(2005) and thought he should sublimate his feelings into music - so he created a one-man DSBM band called Viva la Vida(2007), using his stage name as W. Although his band drew excess attention to listeners and achieved pretty much success, he refused all show suggestions and all interviews at that point.
In 2012, his parents accidentally died in a car crash. He heard that news from his friend and had a small funeral with his friends, but didn’t invite AP members(He didn’t want to show his weakness). After their death he started getting into some kind of old norse religion, so he stopped Viva la Vida(2013) and made another side folk music project called Heimdall. He devoted his entire life to it(2014~) until he received Nana’s call.
- Fluent in Swedish. English is conversational but sometimes broken. Or many times.
- Never dyed or bleached his hair.
- That time when he was a member of Moonchild he was in a dating relationship with one of the band members, however the disbandment made him break up.
- Had a huge crush on Skwisgaar at the first sight and still secretly likes him. But well everybody knows that except Skwisgaar…
- Always wasted especially after the concert, he’s the one who brings all those boozes with a box. Became more mischievous and flirty than ever when he got drunk(natural bottom energy?)
- Soooooo jealous. One of the default personalities of a moody person.
- Doesn’t like outdoor activities or exercise, the only way to make him chill is a horror movie with a pint of beer. Or some phone calls with Skwisgaar.
2. Natalia (Nana) Berg
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Childhood (5-14)
- Born in Rio de Janeiro,Brazil-december 20th 1975.
- Natalia was "made" as an accident by two young adults who didn't feel like wearing protection at a party. her dad was a Swedish tourist , and her mom was a stripper.
- When she was born,Nana lived with her mom till she was 5 in a messy shack in the slums of the city. but she was taken from her after many neighbors report loud crying and screams coming from their house, her mother used to leave her child alone for days to attend funk balls/parties without leaving food or anything for them.
- She was forced to move to Sweden to live with her dad, who was mostly an emotionally absent man,whom Nana would be homeschooled by until they turned 14 and were registered into an actual school.
- But before they were even attending classes, Nana already had a fascination for bugs from any shapes and sizes, and used to play with those in their father's backyard, sparking their interest in biology.
- Soon after Nana starts to attend school she starts to get bullied by her classmates for being a quiet(mostly non verbal) and ‘’weird’’ kid,which made them completely change their personality to become more defensive but that only made things worse,as now they would constantly get into fights with her bullies.
- Towards the ending of their highschool years, Nana began to date a guy she met in biology class, she didn’t know how to differentiate between platonic and romantic feelings and ended up accepting his offer to date him.
- like 2 years go by,and Nana at some point realizes she didn’t like him that way, but couldn't bring himself to break up with his partner as they are now living together after their dad kicked them out for coming out as queer.
- And while dating this guy, Nana realized their talent for music and they would sometimes do some gigs here and there to pay their rent. She would sing while her partner would play guitar.
- After saving enough money to move out and finally breaking up with their boyfriend,Nana moves into a shitty apartment next to a bar,in which he would perform almost every night,singing some cheesy and moody blues.
- This goes by for almost a year and a half until he auditions for agnostic Priest as the vocalist.
Skwisgaar leaves and AP breaks up.
- After trying to keep everyone close and failing at it,Nana loses contact with his old friends and goes back to Brazil to get a new start at life. with the money they got while being in the band he’s able to buy a good new house in a good neighborhood.
- Things where going great,he goes to a good university(UFRJ) and starts studying biology like he always wanted to,though he still misses working in the music industry.
- Until he decides to get drunk in the middle of a Carnaval,blacks out,and wakes up in someone’s bed.(9 months later he has a VERY UNEXPECTED surprise!!!)
- Finally after such a long time,Nana gets her biologist degree and decides to contact their old friends again to try for one last time to get everyone back together,luckily this time it’ll work out.
- (They never really moved on completely,just avoided thinking about it all the time.)
- Fluent portuguese and swedish,a bit shitty at english,sometimes he’ll forget words and curse in portuguese until he figures out how to speak again.
- Was terrified of thunders as a child,never grows out of that.(the nights where Ocelot sleeps with him helps him chill out in case it’s raining)
- Really wants a pet snake.
- Might not be the best at giving advise,but will def listen to a dear one vent and comfort them.
- Has trouble opening up to people,even those he’s close with.
- There’s bug bites literally all over his body.
- If they’re angry at someone or just wants them to shut up he just stares at them without saying anything until the person gets uncomfortable.
- Forgets to eat for hours until he starts to get a bit dizzy.
- Longs to know what true loves feels like (OH THATS SO CHEESYYYYAUGGHHHH)
- Kept contact with Skwisgaar for a few weeks until they were asked not so politely to leave him alone.
- considering top surgery after their baby grows up a bit
- Gains a bit of weight,which makes them happy
- Still uses the friendship bracelet Ocelot made him years ago
- Damn i still want a pet snake.
3. Torbjørn “Tobbe” Sørensen
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- Born 9 September 1974 - Aarhus, DK. Oldest of 3 children (a younger sister and brother).
- Pretty normal childhood. Parents had an amicable divorce when he was 5 and both remarried. Tobbe and his siblings spent time with both sets of parents evenly.
- Began piano lessons at 7 but wasn't really into playing the classics like Bach and Beethoven. He was good at it despite being bored and continued playing at the urging of his parents.
- Got into hard rock and heavy metal around age 12. He tried learning both guitar and drums for a few years but had no patience for it. In the early/mid 80s, he realized that keyboards had a place in hard rock and heavy metal through artists like Van Halen, Yngwie Malmsteen, Nocturnus, Faith No More, etc. He swapped his piano for a Korg Krome and began learning lead guitar solos on the keyboard.
- Dropped out of high school at 16 (1990) and moved to Copenhagen with a group of friends who wanted to start a band. They had limited success and performed local gigs at small venues. Spent some time living in a VW van.
- By age 19 (1993), their band had broken up. Tobbe moved to Gothenburg which had a bigger metal scene in hopes of more opportunities to advance his musical career. He played as a session guy with limited success until meeting Skwisgaar in 1995/96(?) and beginning to record demos.
- AP releases its first studio album.
- Current (1998) equipment: Korg Krome 88 key workstation.
- Other musical abilities: Classical piano. Occasionally does backing vocals. Can play very basic chords on an acoustic guitar.
- Current (1998) musical inspo: Jesper Strömblad (In Flames), Stian Aarstad (Dimmu Borgir), Janne Wirman (CoB/Warmen), King Diamond (Mercyful Fate)
2004 - Present
- 2004: Tobbe and Skwisgaar's argument leads to Skwisgaar leaving the band. Tobbe immediately cancels all remaining shows on their tour so the band can re-group and plan what to do next. However, they never find a replacement for Skwisgaar.
- 2005: After Erik leaves, Tobbe officially dissolves AP and ends their contract with the record label. He disappears back to Denmark and has no contact with his former bandmates for several years. He leaves the music industry altogether at this time.
- 2007: Starts one of the only long-term romantic relationships he ever has.
- 2008: He finally gets his student matriculation degree (basically a GED/high school diploma) and begins attending university for a tourism management degree.
- 2009: With social media becoming more popular, he reaches out to those of his former bandmates who he can find online with a long written apology message about how everything ended. However, he doesn't maintain conversations with anyone, still feeling guilty about everything. He marries his partner, which is probably a mistake.
- 2011: Divorces. It's not bitter but they don't stay in touch.
- 2012: Finishes his degree. After this, he moves around Scandinavia and the US for some time, unsettled and kind of aimless. Never really gets into a new career and just kind of works odd jobs here and there.
- 2018: Finally settles in Copenhagen to be nearer to his siblings and his nieces/nephews.
- 2024: Returns to Gothenburg after receiving Nana's call.
Misc. Facts:
- Languages: Danish (fluent/native), Swedish (conversational), English (conversational), Norwegian (very basic)
- He's been bleaching his hair fringes for years…perhaps the bleach has affected his brain…
- Doesn't really like doing interviews - especially if it's not in Danish. He gets nervous.
- His personality is pretty reserved and easygoing. Alcohol makes him come out of his shell a bit more, and on the rare occasion that he gets VERY wasted, he's like a totally different guy (loud and laughing at everything, flirtatious, etc.)
- Health-conscious and likes to be outdoors every chance he can get. Also loves exploring different cities when they have free time during tours.
- Keeps his private life separate from his rock star persona/work life.
- Skwisgaar was one of his best friends before… everything. :c
- Still visits his siblings and parents when he has time. They're quite supportive! His mom has a scrapbook with mementos from all their tours, interviews from magazines, ticket stubs, etc.
- His freckles are more pronounced after a lot of sun.
4. Ziggy
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- Born May 29, 1980
- He is grumpy, introverted, and picky. He prefers spending time alone rather than socializing with others, valuing his personal space and time. He doesn't easily show his emotions and often appears aloof, but he is actually warm and sensitive inside.
- His favorite is Drum playing. He has been playing the drums since he was 5 years old and is highly skilled, excelling at creating fast and complex rhythms.
- His hobby is Collecting vintage records. Ziggy has a deep interest in music, particularly vintage records from the 60s and 70s. His room is filled with a carefully organized collection.
- He loves Spicy food, especially Buffalo wings. He enjoys eating spicy food to relieve stress.
- He hates Seafood. He especially dislikes food with a fishy smell.
- He prefers simple street fashion and mostly wears dark-colored clothes. He likes comfortable yet stylish outfits, often seen in black T-shirts and jeans.
- He lives with his parents and an older brother. His father is a mechanic, his mother is a nurse, and his brother is studying engineering in college. Though he gets along with his family, he spends a lot of time alone.
- He has a black cat named Shadow. Shadow is a close companion who understands Ziggy's introverted nature.
- He dropped out of high school after finishing middle school. He attended an arts high school, majoring in music, but left to focus more on actual music activities.
- He listens to Rock, punk, metal. He enjoys playing and listening to aggressive and powerful music.
- His favorite stuffs are Drums, particularly his vintage drum set. This drum set, inherited from his grandfather, holds great significance for him.
- He has a small circle of close friends. He dislikes large groups and prefers deep conversations with a few trusted friends. His best friend is Erik, the band's guitarist.
- He avoids Crowded places and parties. He feels uncomfortable in noisy and crowded environments.
- He loves video games. He particularly enjoys arcade games and often spends time at a local arcade.
- Most Cherished Item: Drumsticks inherited from his grandfather. These sticks are a source of inspiration for him.
- He hates Rude people, noise, overly cheerful individuals. He prefers serious and quiet atmospheres.
- His dream is to become a famous drummer and tour the world. He wants to move people with his music.
- He is actually emotional and sensitive, though he rarely shows it. He struggles with expressing his feelings, which can make him seem cold at times.
- He's fluent in English and has trouble with speaking Swedish but he's perfect at body language so it doesn't matter.
5. Ocelot
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(CW: Physical and verbal abuse, drug addiction)
Pre-band - Present (1998)
- Born on August 29th 1976 in Gothenburg Sweden. She was the youngest of four, though with a fifteen year age gap between her and the nearest sibling
- Was generally a pretty outgoing, loving kid up until the teenage years when they started getting verbally and physically assaulted by her parents
- Moved out swiftly the day she turned 18, leaving to Germany for a few years
- Made some friends there and that's when they realized they were a lesbian. It's also where they found their passion for music and was introduced to alternativae bands
- In 1997 she moved back to Gothenburg to hopefully patch things up with her parents, which didn't go well
- Soon after breaking up with her girlfriend she met Tobbe, who practically picks her up off the street. She was one of the last members to join the band in 1998
Post Band
- When Skwisgaar leaves in 2004 Ocelot quickly descends into a deep depression, though trying to pull herself together and keep the band going. She never openly talked about it or expressed it
- In 2005 when everyone breaks up she attempts stability, failing miserably
- From 2005 - 2012 she spirals into a major drug addiction, mainly downers, becoming heavily reliant on heroin and pain killers.
- In 2013 she meet someone who helps her back on her feet and forces her into rehab where she makes a full recovery. She begins focusing on music again and attempts to reach out to her old band mates, though mostly failing
- In 2015 she's broken up with and that sends her into another deep depression where she ends up in and out of homelessness and desperately attempting to not slip into old habits
- 2020, as the world fell into disarray, she gained an emotional dependency on weed
- When Nana reached out in 2024 she was quick to respond and more than happy to regroup
Fun facts
- Languages: Swedish (obviously), German (conversationally), English (conversationally and somewhat broken)
- Avoids any sort of conflict unless absolutely necessary due to the abuse she received as a child
- Wears little cat ears because she thinks they're cute
- Is intensely physically affection, having lacked it throughout her life, quickly growing attached to anyone that gives it to her
- Isn't very emotionally available
- Will drop mildly disturbing facts for no reason, always with a deadpan face
- Her favorite color isn't actually orange, she just really likes how it goes with all the black she wears. She actually prefers purple
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shuinami · 2 years
om! as funny sns comments #4:
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@ simeon @ michael
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Some Angel!Crowley HC's
Since I can't draw, ya'll are gonna listen to me ramble for a bit. This can either be a reverse omens au or a 'Crowley Returns to Heaven' thing. Whatever works, these are just idea's that I have and they can fit into either or. (If they don't, I'll separate it specifically)
- I have always LOVED the idea of Crowley being Raphael theory. Even tho my fanfics tend to cater to the idea of Angel!Crowley being Lucifer, I know our Lord and Savior Neil Gaiman said he wasn't. So this AU, Crowley is the Arch-Angel Raphael. Yes, Archangel with a Captial A so he's one of the big boi's. (I'll be referring to him as Raphael from now on)
-He is the youngest of all the Archangels. Basically the baby brother but he was actually very close with them. Though he was often in his own head, which resulted in him getting into more trouble than it's worth. That's fine though, everyone is used to his shenanigan's.
-We all know Raphael loved his stars, but we never see just how much. It isn't uncommon to see him cradling a newly born star in his hands, or singing lullabies that can still be heard (not as easily anymore, the noise pollution started drowning out the celestial songs).
-Raphael is also FEIRCLY protective of his stars. He's a relatively peaceful angel, never really made for war. But holy heaven is his wrath terrifying if you ever messed with his babies. He once left Gabriel shaking in his boots and fleeing the scene after a prank went wrong.
-He is an artist by nature and really doesn't do well with desk jobs. He figured out how to sleep before sleeping was even a thing when he started getting assigned paperwork. He swears God got the idea of sleeping from him. Gabriel thinks he shouldn't be as proud of that as he is.
-Speaking of Paperwork, Raphael is absolutely dogshit at it. If he isn't falling asleep while doing it and drooling all over the papers, his handwriting is SO messy that barely anyone can read it. He himself also struggles reading all the fine print and fancy lettering because his eyes are built to handle stars and galaxies. Not little tiny words.
-Doing paperwork got so bad that Raphael had to get an angelic assistant to help him out because he hated it so bad. The assistant often followed him around, reading out the paperwork as Raphael worked on whatever project he had at the time. This worked a lot better for all parties involved.
-Raphael and Lucifer often got into a LOT of mischief. They especially loved messing with Michael and Gabriel. Though neither of them liked Sandalphon at all, so he got the brunt of a lot of their harsher pranks. Raphael became especially menacing when he heard Sanalphon talking shit about one of his newly designed Nebula's.
-Raphael was never cruel to lower angels, in fact he was often quite kind to them. However, he often didn't notice them in the first place unless he genuinely needed something. He was often lost in his own head, imagining all sorts of future projects that he could work on. He would sometimes disrupt the conversation cause he came up with something, and would just leave in the middle of talking to anyone. -Though he did this with everyone, so no one took it to heart. Though they were quite surprised when someone saw him doing it to God too.
-When he does get into a conversation however, he is surprisingly snarky. You cannot count how many times he whispered something underneath his breath during one of the Archangel meetings that left Lucifer cackling in his seat.
-Once Raphael discovered fashion, that boy LOVED it. He loves wearing pure white, and especially having gold on his attire. He says it really brings out his red hair.
-His hair is also almost always long, he really loved the feeling of it and he found brushing it became a really soothing feeling to him. Though he wears it in so many different hairstyles that you'll never see the same thing twice a week.
-Raphael invented snakes and loves them dearly. So he often has snake memorabilia, and even has a large golden snake tattoo that crawls across his body.
-Raphael's eyes are very golden, and while he mostly stays in heaven, he still very much enjoys wearing sunglasses cause he likes the way they make him look. Plus it also helps hide his eyes when he's not paying attention to something.
-In the more recent years, Raphael is still in charge for tending and carrying for the skies and stars, but there comes a point where he can only do so much. So he asked if he could work somewhere else and now helps the angels paint the sunset/sunrise. So his clothing, face, and hands are almost always covered in pain but he very loves his work.
-Raphael's office is COVERED in plants. This boy loves his plants so much that he actively takes care of them in heaven and will even visit Heaven's nursery's to help nurture the plants before they are sent down to earth to grow.
-Speaking of Raphael's office, it is also covered in actual matter. Nothing is miracled as he much prefers the actual objects then the spawned in versions. Yes, he had a hard time fitting the desk in the elevator.
-Raphael is often brimming with questions and will NOT hesitate to ask them. He would annoy Gabriel, Michael, Lucifer or anyone he could get his hands on when he asked questions. Though in return, he will never fault anyone else asking questions. He will be honest in saying he doesn't know, if he doesn't know the answer.
-(Reverse Omens) Raphael thinks Unicorns are the coolest things in the world and will spend a lot of time with them. He was devastated to find out their demise on earth after the flood, and almost raged at God for that. He held his tongue.
-Being the angel of healing, Raphael has also been tasked with helping people heal. In the war, that is mostly what he focused on. He was an artist, not a fighter. Though he focused on healing both sides because he couldn't understand why everyone was hurting each other. Suffering never made sense to him.
-Raphael loved the concept of gender, and often changes between them a lot. Then the concept of the LGBTQ came out, and he loved it even more! Even if his permanent station isn't on earth, he LOVES going to Pride Parades whenever he can.
-(Reverse Omens) How he met the demon Azira was a long time ago, after he was assigned to painting. He grew curious of earth after finishing up a Sunrise, and decided to check it out. He met Azira and at first he was wary, but the demon's kindness and willingness to anwser questions made him stick around. Especially once Azira started showing him around. -Now him and Aizra meet as much as they can, but they do have jobs and are quite busy with their work. That is until the apocolypse and it meant no more sunrises or sunsets. No more plants, or animals, or fascinating humans or kids. Raphael didn't step up, all those millenium ago when the Great War happen. He'll step up now. Especially since his stars were also in danger of falling. Though he doesn't understand why the demon is so hesitant.
-(Crowley Goes with Aziraphale AU) Raphael wasn't really what Aziraphale expected when he took Crowley up to heaven with him. He knew him only for those few precious moments he had, but he also forgot just how spacey Raphael was. How he utterly detested being in charge. How mishevious he was. How little he cared about paperwork and would rather fly off with his stars. Aziraphale didn't realize how much the angel changed when he became a demon and he found himself wanting Crowley back.
---------------- Am done for now! I may come back with a part 2 if I have more idea's but anyways I hope ya'll enjoyed the word vomit I spat onto you all :D
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brooksba · 1 year
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Copperhead Road
Saturday Night Special
Minneapolis 2023
Billy Moran, Richard Speight, Jr., Rob Benedict, and Michael Borja
These wide angle shots of the full stage are not the highest quality in terms of focus. Editing only can do so much. But I wanted to share the feeling of what was happening across the stage - this is so high energy and each person performing gives it their all here. I will be sharing some lesser quality photos, but hope people fare kind about them and maybe share a little of that feeling that is larger than a focused moment.
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quiltofstars · 1 year
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The newly discovered supernova SN 2023ixf in the nearby Pinwheel Galaxy (M101) // Michael Bauer
This is the nearest supernova to Earth in a decade at just about 22.5 million lightyears away!
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kreuzaderny · 2 years
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This dinosaur might have used its feet to snag prey in midair like modern hawks
Modern birds evolved from dinosaurs, but it’s not clear how well birds’ ancient dino ancestors could fly (SN: 10/28/16). Now, a look at the fossilized feet of one nonavian dinosaur suggests that it may have hunted on the wing, like some hawks today.
The crow-sized Microraptor had toe pads very similar to those of modern raptors that can hunt in the air, researchers report December 20 in Nature Communications. That means the feathered, four-winged dinosaur probably used its feet to catch flying prey too, paleobiologist Michael Pittman of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and colleagues say (SN: 7/16/20).
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randysnutellajar · 4 months
About Me :D
IMPORTANT!! So from 6-7-24 (at like 1:59pm EST) till September (dunno the date) I will not be active on here, but I will be active on AO3
Hi there! My name is Mixie & Millie!
First thing, My AO3 is:
Another thing is that I don't know how often I will be on because of personal things so that's why my AO3 is there so you can keep in contact with me <3
I am a writer and musician, I am in a bunch of different fandoms, one of them is WWE,
Here are my favorite wrestlers:
Favorite WWE Wrestlers: Cody Rhodes & Randy Orton (I dont separate them sns) Naomi Shawn Michaels Roman Reigns Rhea Ripley LA Knight Chyna Drew McIntyre CM Punk John Cena Braun Strowman Lyra Valkyria
Favorite AEW Wrestlers: Hook MJF Riho
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hibikore-archives · 4 months
よしもとかよ 「日々是好日」。vol.134 ( 2024 / 5 / 22 + 5 / 29 )
2024   22nd + 29th may  
M1 new day (やまも)
  M2 try (Sidsel Endresen)     M3 song for a new beginning (Secret Garden)
  M4 whole new you (Shawn Colvin)     M5 four leaf clover (Abra Moore)     M6 Willie Stewart / Molly Rankin (Eddi Reader)     M7 end of May (Michael Buble)       M8 ツバメ (山崎まさよし)      
[好日の素…新しいスキルを身につけること]    わたし自身は 新しいものに対して どちらかというと 億劫な方なんですが… ここ最近 リスキリングということばも 耳にするようになって、 興味のある分野なら 学び直したり、新しい技術や手法を 身につけるのも たのしいかもしれない、と 考えるようになりました。   思えば、食事やおやつでも つくったことのない新しいメニュウに チャレンジしたりするし、 ワークショップでは 参加者のニーズに応えるべく いろんな手法を試したりもします。 そういったささやかなことも スキルとして じぶんの中に糧になっていくなら、 リスキリングというほどではなくても 既にちゃんとトライしているのかも。   また、できると思っていることも 再確認することで よりよい方法が見つかったり 今まで気づかなかった発見があったりもして、 そうすると 日常が今までとはまた 違って見えて、新鮮な気持ちを 味わえるような気がします。   新年度のスタートの気ぜわしさが 落ち着いてくるこの時期だからこそ、 何か新しい学びを始めるのも いいかもしれない、と思うこの頃です。    
* * * * * * * * * * *
[日々是食べたい!… クリームボックス ]
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  パン好き、トースト好きの わたしとしては、 ぜひ一度食べてみたい!と ひそかに憧れていたのです…クリームボックス!   福島県は郡山の ご当地菓子パン、とでもいいましょうか、 SNSでその存在を知ってから ずっとずっと 気になっていて、 しかし郡山に行く機会は 残念ながら なかなかありませんで…   そんなわたしのことを 察知されたのか、 いつしかあちらこちらで クリームボックスについて書かれた 記事などが目につくようになり、 とうとうおうちで クリームボックス的なものが つくれるレシピや、 クリームボックス的なものが つくれる市販のスプレッドが あるらしいという情報まで 入手してしまいました…!   厚めの食パンに ミルクの風味のクリームが ぽってりびっしりと乗っている… そんなシンプルなパン。   一人分のミルククリームなら ささっとつくれてしまうため、 すっかり定番に。 食パンの生地に あたたかいミルククリームが ちょっとしみ込んだような感じが、 行ったことも食べたこともないはずなのに どこかたまらなく懐かしくなるから 不思議です。   これを軽くトーストすると、 食パン部分がサクっと、そして クリーム部分が あつあつとろとろになって さらにおいしい!   地元の乳飲料メーカーさんの コーヒー牛乳をつかった バージョンもあるそうで、 それもさぞかしおいしいだろうなぁ…と 想像して にやついてしまうわたしなのでした。  
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