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separatedleoau · 14 hours ago
What did Oneion think about the Maze of Death incident between him and his brothers?
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I mean he already did those things and is very much aware of how he used to act and how his relationship with his brothers was at first so 🤷‍♀️
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dianagj-art · 8 months ago
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Oh yeah, I have more drawings of this guy
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separatedleoau · 13 days ago
Has One ever felt left out whenever others seem to like Oneion more than him ( since his future self seems more nicer compared to him )?
not really
One might look up to Oneion in some ways but it gets burried under the parts he hates, all that being friendly and nice and open is on One's eyes a failure on Oneion's part, because he's diverting from what Draxum made them for
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separatedleoau · 27 days ago
Is one as fruity as canon Leo? Also is usagi gonna be in your au? And Frida maybe idk?
Anyways thanks for all the work you do, very cool! (One’s such an emo istg. Don’t get me wrong, I love him, but it’s so funny cos he’s all like “I’m the darkness that haunts you’re dreams” and Donnie’s like, “you used the wrong your, stop being an emo.”)
kinda, yeah, I mean he still goes ���✨ from time to time, cause that's just his personality but is not like relationships/dating has ever crossed his mind cause that's not important to him
Usagi is gonna be on the comic but honestly i gave up with his design long ago, that's gonna be a problem for future me when I get to introduce him on the comic
honeslty idk enough about tmnt to know about frida and the other one who im blanking out on the name, rise was my first interation and I have done zero effort to know about any other lmao
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separatedleoau · 27 days ago
What are everyone’s reactions to when they find out about the seed in one’s neck?
I've talked about it here, or you can scroll down the #slau seed tag to look for more posts, I'm sure I've talked about it a few times
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separatedleoau · 27 days ago
Hello! :D I don't have a specific ask but I need you to know that the "Hippo Mannnnnnnn, your biggest fan is here" part is so much funnier in the context of this au in my opinion /pos Raph and Donnie glaring at One is so funny too
Really love your comic hope you're having a good day/night
I love doing little bits like that to show he's still a silly little guy! glad you like that!
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separatedleoau · 27 days ago
What is One's biggest insecurity?
that's kinda been answered here
but short answer is he's afraid of not meeting Draxum's expectations and falling short on what is his purpose, as much as he can gloat that he is The Number One, deep down he knows right now he is not what Draxum expected, he has never been what Draxum expected and wanted because his mutation got cut short
he's hopeing one day he will be, that he will grow up to be what Draxum wants, but part of him doesn't think he's gonna get there (and that's one of the reasons he pushes himself so much to being the best)
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separatedleoau · 27 days ago
Does one like to relax like going to the spa or meditating?
no spa cause is labeled by Draxum as a waste of time 😔 but he does meditation, first it was just as part of his training but with the years he actually ends up enjoying the quiet time
his favorite place to meditate in is on Draxum's green house!
he also likes to take baths and nap underwater from time to time
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separatedleoau · 27 days ago
Would One be hating Christmas since he saw how every family are having a fun time, while on the other hand, he's the one not experiencing the same type of joy?
Ngl, but the only holiday that I would think One would enjoy is New Years because of fireworks.
same thing as with any other holyday or celebration, he just doesnt care about any of them
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separatedleoau · 27 days ago
Since we know One has a fear of ghosts, will the Gumbus episode be adapted in this AU?
I can only imagine One being really afraid of the Gumbus along with Mikey.
One is not really that much afraid of ghosts, my thoughts are that he has lived with mystics for all his life so he's aware of spirits (think like the Hamato spirits) sometimes get attached to things, by purpose or by accident, and he's not afraid of that
I don't know if im gonna do the gumbus, I did had an idea for it, just so I can explain that bit, cause he tells mikey that ghosts that are trying to scare you are not really a thing, they are just dead people, but then episode shenanigans ensue, but I dont think there's gonna be much change so I might just not do it and move on to more plot important things, or just do a beat and let everyone asume the rest
i dont know this, au has lasted longer than i thought it would originally and im have progressed very little so I kinda wanna just focus on some important bits
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same thing with the gumbus, i dont know if im doing this anymore on not, which is a shame because this is one of my favorite episodes 😭
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separatedleoau · 1 month ago
Does One hate Valentine's Day? I think the answer is kind of obvious, right?
he just doesn't care
any holydays or celebrations humans and/or yokai have are very trivial and non important to him, most of the time he doesn't even think about them and they pass by as any other day
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separatedleoau · 1 month ago
Ok so love the art but I have questions about the whole vine/seed situation will we see One being punished by the vines later in the comic? Take care.
there'll be some flashbacks/backstory comic with how he got the seed as well with the first time Draxum used it
and of course the Vine 2: Electric Boogaloo aka the seeds being used on him again
I got some of this stuff on this tag #slau seed if you wanna know more, there's not much more I want to freely say about it due to spoilers
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separatedleoau · 2 months ago
oooh ok so who does one get along with the LEAST
the other One (badum pss)
but yeah 1D from Even More of a Disaster is his nemesis and rival and they can't stand each other and I love them so much
1v1 for real for real
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separatedleoau · 2 months ago
hey so....
Someone sent an ask about if One will learn to make mystic portals and I accidentally hit "delete" instead of "answer", my bad
the answer is that he knows how to make portals, just not so well with the odashi, this will kind of get answered with time as he uses his own portals but yeah
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separatedleoau · 2 months ago
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what Hipno does to them is never gonna get that much dire 🤷‍♀️ is still silly shenanigans, even if it got too far at some point One is not exactly hiding the fact that Hipno kinda works for Draxum
Whenever they go in fights he first looks and decides which side is gonna be more fun to be on and either fight Hipno on the turtles' side or fight them while having fun with Hipno and his magic tricks
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separatedleoau · 2 months ago
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I've answered that a few times here and here, the fisrt one is the short version, the second is the long version
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