#SKT Peanut
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Có một đội hình mà bản thân tôi hy vọng họ sẽ đi cùng nhau mãi mãi. Cách đây 5-6 năm, khi anh quyết định rời SKT T1 để đến một môi trường mới, tôi đã nghĩ thật tiếc khi không còn thấy anh ở trong đội hình như mơ ấy. Nhưng rồi vẫn quyết định theo dõi anh, support anh, dù quyết định của anh là ở hay đi bất kỳ đội nào. 2023, anh đầu quân về HLE, về lại tiền thân đội mà anh bắt đầu chơi LOL, tôi như vỡ òa. Cảm giác khó tả lắm. Giống như đi một vòng tròn lại quay trở về nhà vậy đó. Đội hình HLE23-HLE24 được lập ra và đi với nhau cũng được hơn một năm. Nổi tiếng hơn, đánh hay hơn, mạnh hơn. Và tôi hy vọng anh em sẽ đi cùng nhau thật lâu.
Anh ở HLE chắc chắn sẽ là đối thủ của T1. Mọi người hay đùa anh và anh Hyeok rằng "Đồng đội một năm đối thủ cả đời.", nhưng suy nghĩ thoáng ra thì cũng chỉ có số ít tuyển thủ mới ở lại một môi trường lâu. Còn đa phần ai cũng sẽ có lúc chuyển nhượng.
"Kẻ đánh thuê hết thời", tôi rất ghét những ai gọi anh tôi với cái tên gọi đó. Nó không đúng và hoàn toàn không đúng. Anh tôi không phải kẻ đánh thuê, cũng chưa bao giờ hết thời. Khi nhắc đến LOL, ngoài những cái tên như Faker, Bang, Woft,.. thì Peanut cũng là một cái tên mà mọi người biết đến.
LCK mùa hè 2024, HLE WIN
CKTG 2024, HLE WIN🔥🔥🔥
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tryhardgwen · 6 months
rs archive 04/04/2024:
ever since someone mentioned it on twt, I have gone on a spiral of looking at the parallels of gumakeria and fakenut 2017 (and also what would have happened of peanut decided to stay?? would they be as happy as guke is??). Anyway, I feel like GuKe has been most characterized by their words (aka most notably - Guma's not afraid to declare his love of keria) while Fakenut was most characterized by their...LOOKs at each other if that even makes sense?? anyway, im just rambling...
i mean, i think that gumakeria and fakenut are parallels when it comes to their popularity for the times. i wasn't around during 2017 but my skt-era friends have vouched on how popular fakenut was (to the point there are still fakenut truthers to this day) and gumakeria replicates that popularity. i don't really see any other parallels. they're both made-up, so it just depends on people's perception and headcanons of them. if you're talking in the sense of common headcanons that people have of them i still think they're not too similar? ofc, IMO all lolesports rps couples have the same parallelism of duos and working together very well. in non-au formats there's that sense of knowing how to work together and the work-life balance, which affects how people perceive the ship.
when it comes to 'love languages' for rps couples its interesting because its... all made up and conjecture. real person shipping is just headcanons. "characterization" from irl is less so what actually forms a ship, but more what we, as viewers, can take as romantic to fuel our daydreams. yeah, fakenut is def looks because to be honest, most rps couples is based of looks and/or platonic relations because that's what rps IS--fan created. gumakeria is characterized solely of gumayusi's praising because that's all there is we can really take in a romantic context. however, in the sense of common headcanons the community and people have when they think of gumakeria and fakenut it really depends person to person. there's some quote unquote "universally agreed upon dynamics" for the two, of course, often lifted off of irl events. in my fics i think i express a lot of themes of togetherness and unity in gumakeria. lots of words of affirmation from guma, and from keria too, but less so. physical touch is a big one. in my characterization of fakenut, they have the common themes of pining, sort of a star-crossed lovers vibe, and also yeah, looks. i describe my headcanons for my ships in depth in other rs replies, u can scroll down a bit and see them.
thank you for the submit anon! it was very interesting to think about the ships more in depth and my headcanons for them. have a great day <3
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SKT is not just a name.
This is the article written about SKT esport organization.
Trans by me.
So the season officially closed with SK Telecom T1 by Gen.G in the first series of LCK regional qualifiers for world championships.
In 2018 season, they got nothing but probably SKT has learned so many lessons. They will have a lot of things to do with their players and coaches.
Because stumbling is not a failure unless you accept lying there and refuse to stand up and start over. SKT T1: Not just a name, they were great and of course, when SKT T1 is still there, they will be ready to rise at any time.
The victim of unchangeable rule.
Looking back on SKT's journey from season 2013 to present, 2018 is not the first year they go through a critical time. There are a lot of coincidences between 2018 and 2014. Two years that SKT disappointed their fans. 2014 was truly hard when Impact, Bengi, Faker, Piglet, and Poohmandu, who helped SKT got their World Championship 2013, were leaving or losing their form so badly. Their performances were up and down the whole season. The jungler-Bengi was a centre of criticisms and Samsung White ended their dream of being in World Championship 2014. Then in tiebreaker with Najin White Shield, Kkoma's students just let it runs its course and got defeated 3-1. There's not that complicated in this year season since SKT didn't need to play tiebreaker. They were unstable. Blank was the one who got blame for this failure. Again, Gen.G (Samsung Galaxy) put an end to SKT's WC dream. This is bitter ending but perhaps they deserved it for what they had performed in spring season and until their very last games.
After 2 years of winning, 2015 and 2016, SKT showed the first signs of their crumbling in the end of 2017. They placed 2nd in both summer split and WC by their bad performances. After that, SKT was facing more and more difficulties since Peanut, Huni and head coach cCarter suddenly left. Everyone knows that building success is extremely difficult but maintaining success is even more difficult.
Kkoma became a head coach and he had to fix a chaotic-SKT. This time he had familiar partners, Poohmadu and Bengi, but leading this sinking SKT ship to destination was beyond his ability. With an inexperienced staff, the failed to find their own playstyle, and there was no new players could catch up with their superstars (96line). Specifically, they failed to improve player's mental health and their skills. Every team has to be in successful cycle. They could go down by many reasons such as losing motivation, players leaving, changing of meta, or simply caught up by others. SKT surely understood those problems, but they haven't had enough capacity to change it yet. At least they didn't let everything happen easily like 2014. Then after seeing the team hit the bottom, the only issue of coaching staff right now is how to make SKT climb up and look like the strongest one.
SKT is not just the name.
Every team has to built up from every single member. This is not abstract at all, especially when we talk about esports. Look at Gen.G they was a new organization and didn't win any championship but people still recognize Cuvee, Ambition, Haru, Crown, Ruler and Corejj as a World Champion.
There is a quote from Odin in Thor Ragnarok: "Asgard is not a place. Never was. This could be Asgard. Asgard is where our people stand. Even now, right now, those people need your help." Then when Asgard got destroyed, their people still believe wherever they stand, it's their home. However, it only can be true when SKT disappears. Gladly, SKT is still there, then there is no reason for SKT members to find another home. LCK had witnessed many organizations showed up and disappeared, players came and went. Just kt and SKT can overcome challenges and still run until now. SKT even managed to keep 96line. With SKT's potential and history, there is low chance that the greatest team of LoL suddenly disappear and replace by different name. Some fans still worry that SKT's superstars will leave and it means SKT will lost its soul. Yes, it doesn't sound good but don't worry. SKT has its own soul and its own path. There is no one can put themselves above the team.
An inevitable revolution.
Some people think that esports is not like traditional sports, where titles stayed with the club forever. For example, if Real Madrid's golden generation retired, we couldn't minus 4 C1 cups that they won. Real Madrid is still great with 13 cups as long as their name is Real Madrid. Then there is the same to SKT. SKT will be SKT even Faker, Bang and Wolf leave. SKT is still the greatest team in LoL until SKT disappear or passed by other team.
However, they have to find the way to keep the name SKT always attractive. MaRin was there after the horrible 2014 season. (Bengi), Faker, Bang, and Wolf even have been through more than that. They decided to fight for SKT when people believed that soon enough no one would remember them. The result is 2 World Championships in 2015 and 2016, 4 LCK winners, 2 MSI titles. That's made people who criticized them shut their mouths and praise them.
Another tough time may begin, there is no permanent success and also no permanent failure. SKT and Kkoma had gone ahead by training young talents before and now they're behind others like Griffin, Kingzone, and Afreeca. After all, in any (e)sports, staff and players are the main reason for their organization's success.
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sktshitposting · 7 years
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real life x1
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league-of-brodies · 7 years
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“If a flower is to be beautiful, it must be cultivated” - Lester Cole
SKT Peanut
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starmakesart · 7 years
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Some assorted sketches from @riddleblg's sleepy expression meme! Req's taken from the LCS discord server
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jhin · 7 years
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SKT fighting!!
remember last year when Faker was peeved the crowd was cheering harder for Peanut than they were for him.... how far we’ve come
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skt-faker · 7 years
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New SKT uniforms: Peanut Edition!
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konaharts · 7 years
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Sorry for the SKT spam LOL I’m still emotionally compromised over Peanut and Sky leaving. So I’m just digging up all the cheebs I drew during LoL streams and finishing them up. /sob
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aurumparadoxum-blog · 7 years
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I drew Peanut :)
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teatimemols · 4 years
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He looks just like Peanut 😅 from LOL e-Sports.
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peanut-rapper · 7 years
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super cute peanut collage by @fixallmyscars!!!
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tryhardgwen · 6 months
rs archive 03/13/2024:
if u would, I’d love to hear about the inevitability of fakenut
hello!! sorry it took me a while to get to this ask 🥲 i have a lot of thoughts to like compile. so. oh my god. fakenut. where do i even start.
i guess just like my gumakeria post, ill talk a bit about fakenut's music. it's essentially taylor swift, hozier, mitski, sleep token, and suki waterhouse. the neighbourhood (chip chrome and the monotones) and lizzy mcalpine (over the ocean call HELLO?). my um PINNACLE fakenut song is wildest dreams by taylor swift. no notes. theres just a certain type of longing and pain that comes with this ship. probably bc theyve been through like 8 divorces.
and the history. so much of fakenut is history!! okay, so boom lets go to 2017. but actually 2016. rox fricking lost to skt in in the semis of worlds (which skt proceeded to win) then peanut jOINS SKT, the team that eliminated his team from worlds and then. commence fakenut bc wtf oh my god they were so in love. faker was so obvious. so was peanut. it fucking kills me. SPRING!! MSI!! and then. oh worlds 2017 XDD HAHAHA
THE SELF SABOTAGE. THE HISTORY. HELLO PEANUT RAN AWAY TO CHINA?????? the difficulty of maintaining a relationship in the esports scene?? theyre pitted against each other in games, and its sort of a cycle of "if i lose to you will you think less of me / will i not be worthy of your love" but also "he beat me so i couldn't win so i cant be happy about that either." its hard to be happy when they beat you, or when they win and you didn't. its never going to be perfectly happy. there are small cracks. theyre a cycle of losing and trying again and getting back together and falling apart, not in a particularly soap opera way but in a tragic way! because they want to be together so desperately but its hard, and it fails so many times, but they will always keep trying.
their dynamic too bc!! back then they were so obviously in love and then they went thru divorce arc and then back together and atp its just so much mutual pining too. but also like... fakenut r just mom and dad. they are!! they just have this magnetic pull to each other. binary stars in the universe that always come together. yeah, fun fact according to wikipedia "some binary stars orbit each other so closely that they share the same atmosphere, giving the system a peanut shape." COINCIDENCe??????? I THINK NOT BITCH. the clock stays ticking but fakenut will always be the same. i dont really have any particular motifs i use for fakenut honestly, but theyre very starry and celestial. theyre just enduring and pragmatic and its so ?? ridiculous sometimes?? how do they keep doing this. how do they end up everywhere. idk. theyre history filled and ridiculous and theyre gonna keep thriving.
ok thank you for this ask please we need more fakenut truthers!!!! they are inevitable. ily and have an amazing day.
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Our beloved coach-nim and his sons 😀 . Kkoma to Duke : “You just have to not die!” Duke: “I will kill him.” K: *smile* “Okay.” . Kkoma to Peanut: “Blank is waiting for you down there.” . Kkoma to Faker: “Sanghyeok ah, don’t hurt your wrists, cut your legs instead.” . Kkoma to Bengi: “Seong-woong ah, show them. Show them how scary your Nidalee is.” . Kkoma to Bang: “Junsik ah, if we win this year wolds, I will buy you a watch.” . Kkoma to Wolf: “We lost, because you die!” . Kkoma to 2016 team: “Guys, even if we end up losing, let’s play without regrets. Fighting!” . . . Poor Wolf, because of your cuteness, the whole team just want to troll you 😆😆😆
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sktshitposting · 7 years
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LCK Player Aesthetic - SKT T1 Peanut
“That's the real, on the real, are you serious? How you feel, how you feel? Used to trip off that shit I was kickin' to ya Had some fun on the run though, I give it to ya.”
(Requested by @thefandomambassador)
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