#SKJSFHSK thank you bestie omg <33
angeltrapz · 3 years
HIIIII BESTIE I SAW YR TAGS N I GOTTA. I GOTTA HEAR THE DEETS ON ALISON/JILL!!!!!!!!!! fr tho dish abt that!!! im intrigued n yr takes on SAW characters r always So Correct 💗💗
I wanna start by saying that this concept isn't one I've done The Most thinking for but it lives in my head rent-free so!! I am gnna try my best!!
HONESTLY I am not even sure how they'd meet. I know I said the same of Alison/Tracy/Daniel, but one route I entertain is them meeting through a Jigsaw survivor support group. If they do meet this way, I think it would only happen after John's death, because Jill would have been outed as his ex-wife to the Entire World basically, and God knows she deserves some support for everything that man put her through, both throughout their marriage and his most recent actions. I think Alison would definitely be sympathetic - she can't imagine how horrific it'd be to find out that someone she loved so dearly at one point could be capable of such terrible things, and she gets the feeling that no one's ever really offered Jill any sympathy/compassion/understanding, so she's determined to be the first, because lord knows this woman deserves it.
Like Tracy, I think Alison and Jill find that they have a lot more in common than previously thought (though obviously Lawrence is not as bad as John - at least, as far as Alison knows), and they're able to bond through their experiences + the unfortunate circumstance of having encountered such a terrible, awful person. I think, at least at first, Jill would Definitely feel bad about what John had put Alison + her family through, because regardless of how long they've been divorced, John was still her husband once. She had loved him at one point. I think it's all very difficult for Jill to comprehend/process because how do you come to terms with the fact that your ex-husband is a sadistic serial killer playing games with people's lives because he's got a nasty god complex? It's unfathomable. And I think that's where Alison comes in.
Firstly I think she'd make it clear to Jill that she doesn't blame her for what happened, because she had no idea he'd even be capable of doing something like that (or, if you want to go off of canon, that he'd continue doing it after Cecil/Amanda - it's very murky as to how much Jill knows aside from those two until John's death), and she tries to make it clear that Jill shouldn't blame herself either. Maybe it's because I feel Alison is a very compassionate person, but I don't think she'd hold that against Jill. This woman is just as much a victim of that man as she is - just with different circumstances.
Anyway! I Also think of Jill as someone who is incredibly compassionate and kindhearted, and I think Alison would admire that; after the whole "Jill Tuck Is Jigsaw's Ex-Wife" debacle, I think she'd really respect that Jill still has the strength to be kind in a world that is very much unkind to her. More than that, though, what Alison admires is Jill's passion in helping people; she works with people that society has largely turned their backs on, and no matter how she is treated in return/no matter the things people say about her, she still runs her clinic and carries on, because that is what she wants to do. All she wants to do is help people. Alison has effectively seen the worst people can be, and here is Jill in the midst of it all, still kind despite what she's been through. Still wanting to help despite the evil she's seen. That strikes a chord with Alison, because if anyone would have the right to hate people after that, it'd be Jill - but she doesn't.
I think it's a very gradual thing, their relationship. They start meeting for coffee every week, occasionally going out to get breakfast or lunch or dinner, what have you; sometimes Jill spends the night at Alison's, just talking over dinner and glasses of wine, watching unfunny TV shows that become funny because they're watching them together and ripping into them (I HC them as having very similar dry, sarcastic senses of humour with a touch of dark - after what they've been through that's not a surprise). Alison will do the same every now and then, typically when Diana is with Lawrence, and it's easy. It's good. They're both so comfortable with each other; neither of them sleep on the couch at each other's place. They share the bed, share space and stories and laughter. They kind of slip into a romantic relationship without either of them noticing until one night, they're lying in bed together, Alison's head on Jill's chest while Jill combs her fingers through her hair, and Alison realizes, oh. This is something deeper. This is love. And above her, Jill is ending up at the same conclusion, and it's just... this tremendous wave of feeling, because neither of them really expected to find that again.
So it's easy for Alison to lift her head, tilt it just a bit, and kiss Jill. It's easy for Jill to kiss back, to rest a hand on Alison's upper arm while the other tentatively works into the other woman's hair, cupping the back of her skull. It's easy when they pull apart and laugh and dive right back in, because now that they've made it over that hurdle, falling into it is easy as anything.
After that, the change is immediately apparent - they never go very long without touching each other, always kissing and smiling, very much the honeymoon phase, though they're still very much affectionate once that phase passes. By now I think Alison has introduced Diana to Jill, and after some additional time just in case, I think Alison is ready to introduce her to Diana as her girlfriend - which Diana is very happy about! I just think she'd want her mom to be happy, even if it wouldn't be with Lawrence, and I think she'd be 100% supportive of the two of them. For Jill that means the world to her, partially because she's obviously already fond of Diana, but also because... she never got to know Gideon. She doesn't view Diana as a replacement or anything like that, no one can replace her baby boy, but it does heal something deep down inside Jill a little bit to have this little girl be so fond of her/accept her as her mother's partner. It's good all around.
I do have to say that, upon watching the tape John had left for her, if Jill decided to accept the task he'd given her (testing Hoffman), then that would definitely create problems. I mentioned this in regards to Logan/David and also Lawrence/Adam, but I don't think Alison would take too kindly to Jill fulfilling Any of John's wishes whatsoever. Not after what he'd put them both through, not after what he'd done to countless others, even if it was to supposedly "right a wrong." (All I've ever thought abt is like. John's always like "if you understand human nature, nothing is left to chance," so he HAD to have known Hoffman would try to kill Jill - which would mean that John DIDN'T CARE. I hate this man so fucking much.) In this scenario, I find it very unlikely that Alison would want to stay with Jill, especially given that getting involved with Hoffman is very, very dangerous. So, again, I'd have to say that this ship would mostly occur in an AU where Jill just. Said "fuck that" to John's tape,,
However, if we are going the route of Jill basically ignoring John's tape, I think Alison & Jill are really happy to have found someone who can understand them so well, someone who makes them incredibly happy, which is something I think both of them have struggled to imagine they'd ever find again. I think it's a very healthy, very mutual relationship, both of them able to help the other heal and cope with everything they've been through. I love them + need to work out the finer details more but I'm honestly rlly fond of this ship <33
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