#SHADOWCLAN ADDED I'm sorry they have soooo many cats
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BB Allegiances: TPB Book 1
I get these as a request now and then, so, now that I have 4/5 of the family trees done, now's a good time to finalize some ranks and changes!
Since this is the first one, I'll explain a bit about BB's extra rankings. There are 4 new roles within Clans;
Head of Construction Patrol In charge of building and maintaining not only the dens, but also the wall, any tools, and comforts such as bedding.
Head of Kitchen Patrol Oversees prey processing and reduces food waste. Makes sure valuable materials such as pelts and bones aren't ruined, helps to 'stretch' food further in times of hunger.
Head of Hunting Patrol Manages the territory's environment, tracking what animals are being hunted, what the prey is probably eating, and keeping an eye on the populations of other predators.
Educator An intelligent cat in charge of giving all kits an overview of their Clan's version of history, plus extra skills like glyph-reading. Elders teach stories and traditions, an Educator is more like a teacher.
Additionally, a Chaperone is not an official role in the era of TPB, but Daisy comes to permanently occupy much later. It's the fandom "permaqueen," a non-parenting cat who helps the occupants of the nursery.
ThunderClan Recently underwent a horrible plague and lost many young cats.
RiverClan Has had low birth rates in the past few years, causing many eligible warriors to go without apprentices.
WindClan Embroiled in a rapidly escalating war over the Mothermouth Moorland, about to reach a bloody crescendo.
ShadowClan The largest Clan, reaching a fever pitch over their war with WindClan. Its leader plots a nefarious end to the conflict, and will pay any price for victory.
Cats Outside the Clans A young ginger cat dreams of the forest...
Leadership (Cats occupying powerful positions)
Leader: Bluestar Sleek molly with blue fur, and a large scar across her shoulders.
Deputy: Redtail Red-and-white calico transtom with a bushy tail. Apprentice: Dustpaw
Cleric: Spottedleaf Orange-and-black tortoiseshell with a skull-shaped marking on her face and splotches that look like leaf blight.
Construction Head: Rosetail Silver tabby with a distinct red tail and skull-shaped marking on her face. Hoping to retire soon. Secondary apprentice: Cricketclaw
Kitchen Head: Frostfur Pure white, battle-scarred molly with a nick in her lip that permanently exposes two teeth. Nursing: Cinderkit, Brackenkit (Regretfully overworking herself through nursing as the plague took out several kitchen cats. Is also pregnant.)
Hunting Head: Lionheart Thick, massive golden tom with a mane. Apprentice: Graypaw
Educator: Dappletail An old tortoiseshell with pale fur, white-and-gray dapples, and a white ridge from head to tail.
Senior Warriors (Cats above 5 years of age who have had an apprentice, but are not in a leadership role)
Speckletail Large golden molly with a scruffy ruff and brown flecks. The oldest active warrior, staunchly refuses to retire.
Tigerclaw Dark brown tabby tom with thick fur, bright amber eyes, and unusually long claws. The largest cat in ThunderClan. Apprentice: Ravenpaw
Goldenflower Yellow, flecked molly with green eyes and a braided mane, neatly keeping it out of the way. Nursing: Lynxkit, Swiftkit
Whitestorm Fuzzy white tom with fur that sticks out at angles, blue eyes, and a dark gray 'mask' on his face. Apprentice: Sandpaw
Brindleface Pale brown molly with gray flecks and stripes and a broad, round face. Expecting kits
Warriors (Cats above 2 years of age eligible for an apprentice, but below 5, or cats who have never had one)
Runningwind Impatient pale brown tabby tom with blue-green eyes and a puffy, sandy 'vest' mane on his chest and horizontal stripes.
Mousefur Snappish brown molly with eyes the color of sunlit ice and pale, puffy fur on her back legs.
Darkstripe Black tabby tom with a black ridge from head to tail.
Cricketclaw Dark gray molly with distinctive tabby markings, and a black ridge from head to shoulders.
Young Warriors (Cats below 2 years of age, or haven't been out of apprenticeship for more than a year.)
Longtail Sandy-pale tabby tom with green eyes, a whiplike tail, and horizontal stripes.
Willowpelt Shining silver molly with long teeth.
Elders (Older cats who have retired)
One-eye Small, round, speckled molly with a single, golden eye. Practically blind and deaf. The oldest cat in ThunderClan.
Smallear Gray tabby tom with amber eyes, faint silver stripes, and tiny, shredded ears.
Halftail Very dark brown tabby tom with delicate, dandelion-yellow eyes, and half of his tail missing. His stripes are horizontal.
Patchpelt Black-and-white gib with broken teeth from gnawing at a snare and a missing paw.
RiverClan Total: 34
Leader: Crookedstar Wooden-brown tabby tom with a leaf-shaped marking around his apple-green eyes and a twisted jaw.
Deputy: Oakheart Sienna tom with a creamy belly and a leaf-shaped marking around his amber eyes.
Cleric: Mudfur Battle-scarred brown tom with black spots and amber eyes.
Construction Head: Petaldust Tortie molly with ginger-tipped fur and a white chevron on her chest. Secondary apprentice: Carpwhisker
Kitchen Head: Lilystem Gray molly with faint, comma-shaped markings Secondary apprentice: Loudbelly
Hunting Head: Stonefur Blue tom with leaf-shaped markings around his eyes.
Educator: Piketooth Old brown tabby molly with thin stripes, black eyes, a graying muzzle, and snaggle teeth.
Senior Warriors (Cats above 5 years of age who have had an apprentice, but are not in a leadership role)
Dragonclaw Huge gray tabby molly with white patches, large ears, a short tail, and big teeth. Graying with age.
Ivytuft Dull brown tabby molly with thin stripes and gray eyes.
Voleclaw Gray, battle-scarred tabby tom
Beetlenose Black tom with lighter gray tips on his fur, making him appear misty, except for his nose which is pure black. Raising Whitekit, whose mother died a few months ago.
Dawnbright Ginger-and-white molly with bright, dappled amber-and-gold eyes.
Leopardfur Intense golden molly with darker rosette spots, and bright amber eyes. Apprentice: Vixenpaw
Carpwhisker Thick, dusty molly with dark spots, a white chest and paws, and green eyes. Apprentice: Grasspaw
Frogleap Gray tom with a ringed tail
Mistyfoot Blue molly with one white paw, and a leaf-shaped marking around her blue eyes.
Swansong White tabby with black stripes and green eyes. The river's reflection of Rippleclaw.
Warriors (Cats above 2 years of age eligible for an apprentice, but below 5, or cats who have never had one)
Skyheart Pale brown tabby with shredded ears
Blackclaw Black tabby tom with small, round ears and scars across his chest.
Reedtail Grizzled, dark gray tabby with a straight, tufted tail that resembles a reed.
Sedgecreek Wooden brown molly with comma-shaped markings and cheek points, like a lynx. Apprentice: Silverpaw
Loudbelly Dark brown gib with cream highlights and comma-shaped markings.
Mosspelt Plush-furred calico molly with green eyes
Emberdusk Plush-furred, dark ginger molly with pale green eyes
Young Warriors (Cats below 2 years of age, or haven't been out of apprenticeship for more than a year.)
Greenflower Brown tabby molly with white splashes and long, thin claws
Duckfur Brown gib with long fur and white splashes, thin claws, and a lazy eye
Elders (Older cats who have retired)
Magpiesky Large, long-furred black molly with white facial markings. The oldest cat in RiverClan.
Graypool Gray, amber-eyed molly with big ears.
Ottersplash Pale ginger molly with white patches, short legs, long whiskers, and a long tail.
Softwing Small, white molly with honey-golden tabby patches
Owlfur Brown and white gib with a small head and big, sparkling eyes. Likes bugs.
WINDCLAN Total: 32
Leader: Tallstar Lanky black-and-white tom with a long muzzle, big ears, and a white blaze and tail.
Deputy: Deadfoot Spiky black tom with a limp paw, bound up with a wooden gauntlet.
Cleric: Barkface Broad-faced tom with chevron stripes and deep-set, sunken yellow eyes.
Construction Head: Sorrelcharm Brown and gray molly, wearing a necklace with clay beads Secondary apprentice: Whiskernose
Kitchen Head: Ryestalk A soft, downy-furred tabby molly with two slashes across her face, slicing her ear and blinding one eye.
Hunting Head: Appledawn Pale, rose-cream molly, plans to retire as soon as Pigeonflight's apprentice is fully trained.
Educator: Darkfoot Dusky-blue gib with black paws and bright yellow eyes like the dawn sun.
Senior Warriors (Cats above 5 years of age who have had an apprentice, but are not in a leadership role)
Pigeonflight Dark gray gib with white, slashing patches and spiky tufts Apprentice: Thrushpaw
Ashfoot Sleek, calm gray molly with a plumy tail tip Apprentice: Stonepaw
Flytail White, battle-scarred tom with ginger flecks. Apprentice: Blackpaw
Rushtail Short-furred sandy tom with a very thick tail
Storkfeather Black tortie molly with a large ginger cape on her shoulders and back
Eagleswoop Gray tortie with golden tabby patches and a cape down her shoulders and back
Morningflower Calico molly with curly fur and black, brown, and white patches and a plumy tail tip Apprentice: Whitepaw
Adderstone Handsome, creamy-golden tom with faint stripes and blue eyes. Apprentice: Robinpaw
Warriors (Cats above 2 years of age eligible for an apprentice, but below 5, or cats who have never had one)
Mudclaw Mud-brown tabby tom with chevron stripes
Torear Stone-gray tabby tom with chevron stripes
Hillrunner Thick-furred, plush black molly. Identical twin of Downwind, distinguished by a scar on the nose. Apprentice: Graypaw
Downwind Thick-furred, plush black molly. Identical twin of Hillrunner.
Young Warriors (Cats below 2 years of age, or haven't been out of apprenticeship for more than a year.)
Onewhisker Pale ginger and brown tom with a round face, little eyes, and one long, curly white whisker.
Whiskernose Sandy tom with an unusual amount of bristly whiskers
Whintail Pale tom with tawny points and bristly whiskers
Elders (Older cats who have retired)
Cloudrunner Long-legged (even for WindClan standards) gray tom with cloudy spots and a distant, sad blue stare.
Stagfur Grand, thick dark brown tom with a big, fluffy chest and milky-yellow eyes.
Crowfur Shaggy black tom with wild, yellow, amber-ringed eyes.
Wrenflight Wooly brown molly with amber eyes
Leader: Brokenstar Huge, scarred brown tabby tom with a thick marking around his blazing amber eyes. His tail is broken in two places, once at the base and again near the tip.
Deputy: Blackfoot Large white tom with an extra toe, solid golden eyes, black paws and a black hood over his entire head.
Clerics: Shroompelt and Runningnose Shroompelt is an old, thick-pelted gray molly with a broad, flat face, and yellowing teeth. Runningnose is a white, thick little tom with gray patches, scheming yellow eyes, and an unfortunate blotch on his muzzle that looks like snot.
Construction Head: Fernshade Sleek tortie she-cat with black paws, lidded yellow eyes, and a deceptively loose stance. Nursing: Badgerkit
Kitchen Head: Darkflower Muscular black molly with blue-green eyes. Graying with age, but dodging retirement. Secondary Apprentice: Ashheart
Hunting Head: Appledapple Gold-and-brown dappled molly with a long tail and a round face. Smells strongly of juniper. Apprentice: Poppypaw
Educator: Newtspeck Little black-and-ginger molly with a puffy ridge of a mane. Nursing: Littlekit and Rowankit
Senior Warriors (Cats above 5 years of age who have had an apprentice, but are not in a leadership role)
Rowanberry An old brown molly with cream patches and a broad, flat face. Graying with age. Nursing: Marigoldkit and Mintkit
Clawface Brutal-looking, battle-scarred brown tom with yellow eyes, ringed with amber. Apprentice: Whitepaw
Tangleburr Small, stocky, cream molly with gray and brown patches and mismatched eyes, one green and one yellow.
Flintfang Sleek gray tom with lidded yellow eyes and black points.
Snaketail Dark brown tom with auburn eyes and a long, striped tail
Deerfoot Lanky, puffy-chested brown tom with long, sweeping whiskers, dark brown paws and muzzle, and yellow eyes.
Warriors (Cats above 2 years of age eligible for an apprentice, but below 5, or cats who have never had one)
Wolfstep Shaggy silver tom with black, thorn-sharp claws and stripes on his face, paws, and tailtip.
Ratscar A gray tom, peppered in little scars all over his body from vicious ratbites, and missing half of his tail. Apprentice: Oakpaw
Russetfur Ginger molly with really thick eyebrows and prickly whiskers. Apprentice: Wildpaw
Frogtail Black molly with a puffy ridged mane that stretches down her tail, almost like a tadpole's fin
Boulder Sharp-featured, solid gray tom with light blue eyes. Nursing: Brownkit, Whitekit, and Wetkit.
Ashheart Soft-furred, pale gray, blue-eyed molly with a cowlick on her head and lighter gray around her eyes. Looks just like her deceased mother.
Cinderfur Unkempt, soft-furred gray tom with chewed paws and yellow eyes. Popular with the youngest warriors. Apprentice: Kinkpaw
Stumptail Thick brown tabby tom with a broad, flat face, bobbed tail, and round stripes circling his body.
Young Warriors (Cats below 2 years of age, or haven't been out of apprenticeship for more than a year.)
Volestrike Low-set pale gib with light blue eyes.
Scorchflare Tall ginger tabby gib with a reddish splash across their chest and shoulders.
Mossthorn Low-set white molly with reddish-brown patches.
Nightwing Sleek black molly with lighter undersides and milky-yellow eyes.
Spottedbark Dark brown, almost black, molly with lighter spots.
Elders (Older cats who have retired)
Nightpelt Black tom with a lighter muzzle, who makes a rattling noise with every breath. Made to retire early.
Crowtail A small black tabby molly with green eyes.
Archeye Silver-and-brown tabby tom with a cocked stripe over one eye. The oldest cat in ShadowClan.
Dawncloud Vivid pale tabby with reddish stripes and dreamy blue eyes.
Rusty Blazing, fire-colored orange tom with green eyes and a tinkling bell collar, about 6 moons of age.
Princess Subdued brown tabby molly with a pink collar.
Smudge Plump, black-and-white tom.
Leo Young ginger tabby with white dapples and no collar.
Snapper Big but young molly with black, tan, and white patches, and a collar with a single tooth poking through.
Snag Golden tabby with a dirty collar, and two teeth poking through.
Mowgli Black cat with a cutely patterned collar, and a single tooth poking through.
#better bones au#BB!Allegiances#Better bones allegiances#BB!TPB#oooops no tallstar isnt brown#fixed mistake lmao#impressive I only made one mistake in 90 cats#SHADOWCLAN ADDED I'm sorry they have soooo many cats#It's because their clan has the most losses in this arc.#it is gruesome how many cats they lose in comparison to the other clans
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