illustratus · 2 years
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The Death of a Duellist, from Yukio Mishima: The Death of a Man.
Photography by Kishin Shinoyama.
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maggiecheungs · 8 months
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HARAKIRI (1962) dir. Masaki Kobayashi
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gaywatercolors · 7 months
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i'm one bad news away from commiting seppuku
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gokaiju · 5 months
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切腹 (Seppuku / Harakiri) (Masaki Kobayashi, 1962) Alternative poster by Gokaiju
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rubbersducky · 1 year
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xxlady-lunaxx · 6 months
Fuck. | {TanZen/NezuZen}
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Theme: ANGST
Note: Basically Zenitsu x the Kamado siblings
Bc why not  but it can be taken platonically iyw
Too lazy to find a pic w/ all three of them
TW: death
this went way longer than intended (and kinda went off course-)
"Nezukooo!" Tanjiro said, pulling Zenitsu's hand as he walked through the dense forest. He wasn't in the best condition so his sense of smell was faltering, making him unsure of himself and where he was going. Zenitsu was whining about how hard the mission had been, which wasn't very helpful. "Nezuko! Where are youu!"
Nezuko had run off to protect what was left of the people a while ago and hadn't come back yet, much to Tanjiro and Zenitsu's concern—Inosuke had a solo mission somewhere else. And so now they wandered about in the vague direction of where she'd been, going off only by where the smell of blood was strongest. 
Eventually, Tanjiro spotted Nezuko up ahead, standing behind a large bush. 
"I found her!" Tanjiro said, tugging on Zenitsu who hesitantly followed him towards Nezuko.
"Hey, Nezuko, are you alright?" Tanjiro fretted, moving the bush aside. 
She was covered in blood, still turned around, and was frozen. 
Zenitsu looked over Tanjiro's shoulder. "Nezuko?" he repeated. 
Nezuko turned shakily, her eyes flicking from Tanjiro to Zenitsu and down to her hands. Her bamboo had been cast aside at one point. There was something off about her, besides her strange actions, and it took Tanjiro a second to place it. But when he did, he stumbled backwards, nearly falling against Zenitsu.
"Fuck," he mumbled. It was the first time he'd ever sworn, and Zenitsu flinched, holdig Tanjiro up as his eyes took in the scene displayed in front of him.
Nezuko's mouth had blood in and on it, the dark red staining her face. And it wasn't her own. There were people at her feet, but if they had died because of her or a demon, it no longer was important. What was was that she had eaten one. And there was no turning back now.
Zenitsu, who had come to the conclusion, had gone silent, gripping tightly onto Tanjiro's haori. 
"What're you going to do?" he whispered, hiding behind him.
"I..." Tanjiro bit his lip, remembering what Urokodaki had told him. If she ever ate a human, he was to kill her and then himself. He unsheathed his katana swiftly, holding it tightly in his hands in front of him, gripping onto the handle tightly to stop the shaking of his arms. "I have to kill her."
Zenitsu sucked in his breath. "What?! But..." he started, his voice trailing off. But what?! There were no 'but's'. It was too late.
Nezuko backed away slightly, the katana pointed at her. She dropped her hands to the side, the crazed look in her eye seemingly falling apart, defeat replacing her features. 
"I'm sorry," Tanjiro murmured. "But I have to do this, Nezuko." 
Nezuko's eyes met his and they shared one final gaze before Tanjiro stepped forward, cutting her head off in one motion.
She toppled backwards as her body began to disintigrate.
Zenitsu burst into a fit of sobs, clutching onto Tanjiro as he re-sheathed his katana, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes.
"NEZUKOOO!!!" Zenitsu cried, dropping to his knees and collecting her bloodied kimono that had crumpled into itself as her body disappeared. 
Tanjiro pursed his lips, willing himself not to cry. "Zenitsu."
Zenitsu turned at his name, tears still pouring down his cheeks. 
"I need you to kill me, now," Tanjiro said quietly. 
"WHAT?! NO!!! YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!" Zenitsu screamed. 
"I did. I promised Nezuko wouldn't eat anyone. And if she were to, me, Urokodaki-sensei, and... Tomioka-San... would have to die with her," he murmured. He looked down. "Please."
"But... But-" Zenitsu tried, getting up and shaking Tanjiro by the shoulders. "I don't want you to die, too!!!" 
"I'm... I'm sorry," Tanjiro said, his voice tense. "Would you rather I did it myself..?"
Zenitsu paused, then shook his head rapidly, harshly. "NO!! You'd have to... to suffer a lot, then," he said, hugging Tanjiro tightly. "Please no..."
Tanjiro nodded. "Then... do it for me?"
"I can't... I can't live with that," Zenitsu whispered.
"Please. I ask you to. I can die where Nezuko did, too," Tanjiro said quietly. "Please, Zenitsu. A crow will go to inform Giyuu-San and Urokodaki-sensei, you must make sure they know after I die. And take care of Inosuke for me, okay?"
Zenitsu shook his head again, tightening his grip around Tanjiro in his desperation. "You can't do anything else?? I don't... don't want you to die."
"Please," Tanjiro pleaded, the tears finally leaking from his eyes. They made a streak down his face, drawing down the dirt and blood that had gotten on him during his mission. He placed the box he used to hold Nezuko in on the ground and took off his haori, handing it to Zenitsu. "You can use my katana, if you want..."
Zenitsu's bottom lip trembled and he took the haori with shaking hands. "Tanjiro... Tanjiro, I can't do this, I can't..."
"If you have the chance to speak to Giyuu-San, tell him that I am sorry for causing him so much trouble," Tanijro interrupted, pressing his sheathed katana into Zenitsu's hands. "Do it now, Zenitsu. Please."
Zenitsu's hand closed tightly around the katana handle, letting the sheath fall to the ground. "I love you, Tanjiro," he murmured.
Tanjiro gave him a sad smile, stepping back to give Zenitsu more room. "I believe in you, Zenitsu. I believe you can do amazing things, do not let any of this affect you."
"...I can't promise that," Zenitsu whispered, dropping Tanjiro's haori on top of Nezuko's box and lifting the katana. 
"Then promise me to just do your best," Tanjiro said, closing his eyes and standing still.
"I promise I will always love both you and Nezuko," Zenitsu said, after a beat. He didn't wait for a response, aiming carefully before shutting his eyes as the katana swung through the air, hitting its mark. There was the sound of the blade going through flesh, and then the toppling of Tanjiro's head. 
Zenitsu willed himself not to open his eyes as he dropped the katana, grabbing blindly at the box and Tanjiro's haori, Nezuko's kimono. He turned and fled, opening his eyes as he ran, tears streaming down his cheeks. 
God, what had he done...
A crow arrived to Giyuu with a message that would end his life. Literally.
"Tanjiro... What? Nezuko?" Giyuu asked the frantic crow, trying to keep up.
"Caw!! Tanjiro Kamado, Nezuko Kamado are dead!! Nezuko Kamado has eaten a human!!" the crow squawked, flapping its wings in its panic. 
Shock flashed through Giyuu's expression for a beat before he supressed it, letting out a breath. "I see." He would have to commit seppuku, then. "How did Tanjiro die? Did he kill himself?" Giyuu asked quietly. If so, Tanjiro died in great pain.
"No! No! Zenitsu Agatsuma beheaded him! Tanjiro ordered him to!" the crow said, looking saddened by the thought.
"Agats-? His friend?" Giyuu asked, frowning. That must've been...
"Yes!!" the crow said. 
"Ah. Well, if you will excuse me," Giyuu murmured, "I must tell Master."
"He knows! He knows! He wants to call you and the other Hashira there!! You must arrive in an hour!" the crow informed him.
Giyuu glared at it. "You should've told me that first."
He sighed, turning towards his front door. "Very well."
The Hashira had gathered in front of the porch of the Ubuyashiki Estate, quiet and unsure why they had been summoned for the third time that year to their Master's mansion—having already went through both of the biannual meetings that year.
Then, of course, they noticed Giyuu, who was, once again, seperated from the rest. He looked fidgetty today, though, his hands closing and opening upon his katana handle that potruded from his belt. As if he was itching to grab it, pull it out of it's sheath and...?
Kagaya arrived, finally, and the Hashira all dipped into a bow as one, several murmuring a greeting as he sat.
"Hello children. Now, as I'm sure many of you are wondering, I will explain. First, however, I must introduce to the ones of you who yet do not know him, Zenitsu," Kagaya said, waving a hand to his side where Zenitsu appeared, shuffling across the wooden floor, looking absolutely terrified.
"Eh?" Mitsuri said, tilting her head. 
Zenitsu looked down. He looked a mess, as if he had been crying earlier but had rushed to try to appear fit to present himself, but failing.
"Is he okay?" Mitsuri asked, frowning. 
Kagaya nodded. "He was at the scene, and got involved."
"Of what?" Sanemi asked.
Shinobu smacked his arm, glaring at him. "Let Master talk."
Kagaya waited a beat, before continuing. "Tanjiro Kamado and Nezuko Kamado have died."
Zenitsu flinched.
"Of course they did," Sanemi hissed, under his breath.
"How so?" Kyojuro said curiously, eyeing Zenitsu. "And how did the boy get involved?"
Tengen was frowning, staring at Giyuu who seemed to have no reaction. "Tomioka. Did you know, already?" he asked, sensing no sort of shock from the man.
Giyuu nodded. 
Sanemi raised an eyebrow. "What, then?"
Zenitsu backed away slightly, feeling pressured.
Kagaya lifted a hand up, silencing the Hashira. "They have died because"—he paused—"Nezuko attacked a human."
A collective murmur rippled across the Hashira. 
"I told you she was not to be trusted." Sanemi's voice was loud, gaining him a couple glares.
Kagaya sighed. "I am aware, Sanemi. And I apologize deeply for the inconveniences."
"May I ask something?" Gyomei said, after a moment.
"Yes, Gyomei."
"The consequences to her demonic actions were of death to several people, yes?" Gyomei said. 
"Indeed," Kagaya agreed.
Giyuu looked down.
"So, Tomioka's dying?" Sanemi asked bluntly.
"I am," Giyuu murmured. "I was planning on doing it before I knew that the meeting was to transpire. The crow almost forgot to tell me."
"Ah, yes," Kagaya said quietly. "I am glad that he was able to convey you the information before then."
Zenitsu spoke up now, his voice shaky as the attention turned to him. "Uhm... Tomioka?"
Giyuu looked up. 
"Uhm..." Zenitsu's voice faltered.
"Hurry up," Sanemi snapped.
Zenitsu flinched. Shinobu gave Sanemi a disapproving look.
"Tanjiro... he... He told me to tell you that... He told me before he died. Uhm. He told me that he was sorry for causing you so much trouble. I... He..." Zenitsu shook his head, backing into the shadowed part of the room.
"Oh." Giyuu blinked. "He didn't have to be sorry."
Sanemi scoffed. "He just lost us a Hashira, yes he did."
Giyuu frowned, but said nothing.
"Don't say that!" Zenitsu snapped, suddenly, as tears welled up in his eyes again. One of the Ubuyashiki children went to his side, placing a comforting hand on his arm. "Tanjiro died for Nezuko! He... he made... He went through with it and didn't hesitate, even after knowing what he had to do. He... He killed her and... and then..."
"Himself?" Sanemi guessed, raising an eyebrow.
"Sanemi..." Kagaya warned.
"Apologies," he murmured.
"No," Zenitsu whispered. "He told me to kill him."
Mitsuri gasped. "Oh no...!"
Zenitsu bit his lip. "He made me do it with his katana."
Sanemi went silent, no longer having anything to say.
Shinobu sighed. "Are you alright?" she asked quietly.
Zenitsu didn't answer, stumbling backwards and hitting the wall.
Kagaya frowned. "Children, take Zenitsu to Amane. She can help."
The children nodded, standing from either side of their father and hurrying to help Zenitsu leave.
"I'm afraid he will need some time," Kagaya murmured. "Ah, and to the topic of Giyuu."
Giyuu stood. "Yes, I'm aware what I—and Urokodaki-sen... Urokodaki—have to do. I can do it alone, Master."
Kagaya frowned. "Alone you would suffer."
"I'm aware," Giyuu repeated. "But I needn't burden anyone as Agatsuma had been with the guilt."
Kagaya gave him a smile, one with sorrow written between the lines. "Very well," he said quietly. "Will you not agree to any other arrangement?"
"No," Giyuu said.
"Then be it your way."
"What about the... 'Urokodaki?'" Tengen asked.
"A crow has been sent to him with the information," Kagaya informed him.
"I'll go to him," Giyuu said.
"Why?" Sanemi asked.
"So any pain isn't prolonged."
"You just offered yourself to be in pain," Sanemi said, raising an eyebrow.
He rolled his eyes. "Whatever."
The meeting had ended and Giyuu left, heading to the mountains he'd told himself not to visit as they held memories he wished to not uncover.
As he ran, he found himself wondering how he actually felt about all of this. Yes, he was saddened by the thought of Tanjiro's death, but it had been inevitable as Nezuko had attacked a human. And then there was his own, and his past mentor's, soon-to-be deaths as well. He didn't know how to feel about it.
He arrived at Urokodaki's place and knocked.
The door opened and Urokodaki stared at Giyuu who was now just a bit taller than him, such a contrast to before.
"Hello," Giyuu murmured. "You got the crow?"
Urokodaki nodded slowly. "What have you come for?" he asked, opening the door and letting him in.
"I was going to make your death quick," Giyuu said quietly. 
"And live with the fact that you killed me? It would be alright if I did it otherwise," Urokodaki murmured. 
"I would be dying soon enough. It's alright," the younger man said, nodding slightly.
"Hm. Fair enough. But for you? How are you...?" Urokodaki asked, his question faltering.
"The other way," Giyuu replied, no sort of emotion written on his face.
"Would you like to do anything before we go on with this?" he interrupted. 
Urokodaki sighed. "I don't think so."
"Then... where?"
"Outside," he said, walking through the house to the back.
Giyuu followed him, memories resurfacing as he went through the familiar halls. They went out the back door to the clearing Giyuu and Sabito used to train in day after day before Final Selection.
"Here?" Giyuu asked. 
"Yes," Urokodaki said, settling himself down in the middle. 
Giyuu nodded, taking out his katana.
Urokodaki waited, his hands upon his lap as if he was not awaiting death. 
Giyuu was quick, turning away as his mentor's head toppled down, his body lifeless now. He let out a shaky breath before heading around the house, moving quickly.
When he arrived home, he quickly put Kanzaburou—who had been on his shoulder—down onto the ground. 
"Kanza," he murmured.
Kanzaburou tilted his head curiously. "Master? Master Giyuu?"
"Yes. You can fly now. Go off wherever you want, take care of yourself, okay?" Giyuu ordered, patting his crow's head.
"Wha? What?" Kanzaburou asked, confused.
"Don't question it. Just... go. I'll... see you soon," Giyuu whispered, petting Kanzaburou's feathers.
"Okay!" Kanzaburou squawked, lifting off into the sky. He hovered for a beat, his wings flapping furiously, and turned to stare at Giyuu. "See you later? Later?"
Giyuu nodded. "Later."
"Okay! Bye! See you later! Giyuu!" Kanzaburou said, flying off. Giyuu watched until he could no longer see him, then turned to his house. 
He would do it in the back, as Urokodaki had done. 
He walked inside his house, taking off his haori and folding it neatly. He placed it next to his futon, patting it gently. "I'll see you two soon," he said quietly. 
He stood, walked to the back, and opened the door. He closed it behind him, stepping down onto the ground. He knelt upon the dirt and grass, unsheathing his katana. He took a moment before turning the blade in direction of his stomach, slashing twice in an X deeply.
Pain shot through his body and he doubled down, gritting his teeth in an attempt to stop himself from crying out. Warm blood poured upon his arms and legs, staining the ground red. Black spots sparked in his vision and he felt lightheaded. His eyes fluttered shut as he felt his conscious slip away.
« Word count: 2562 »
WAHAHAHHAHAHSOKMNOFEbuonivmkwLF i'm not okay. 
I was debating whether or not I should do Inosuke's reaction to this, but I decided against it since... since I have way too much homework and uhm this is too long and drawn out like idk why i wrote half of what i did 😭
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mooflettes · 1 year
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Happy birthday, Fuyuhiko
[DISCLAIMER]: Just realized I posted the unedited version ìn a tired stupor, here's the full ver.:
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anticbrvtalist · 10 months
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Honor the blade !
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forged-in-kaoss · 8 months
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roronoa 'he's calm because he knows he can kill you in an instant from there' zoro
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visuls · 1 month
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x-heesy · 1 month
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SEPPUKU (You'll Be Mine) by REDZED
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foffythesheep · 11 months
one of the things that really fucked me up as a kid was the episode of seinfeld where kramer commits seppuku
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beatsforbrothels · 3 months
Obijuan - Seppuku
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frog-0n-a-l0g · 7 months
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astromechapunk · 1 year
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Tonton Revolver Ronin
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rubbersducky · 2 years
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