aezyrraeshh · 1 year
i was tagged by @nuclearstorms @devilbrakers and @florbelles to do this outfit and this quiz for my ocs; thank you so much! <3 tagging @aartyom @faarkas @celticwoman @reaperkiller @swordcoasts @cultistbase @necroticpetals @indorilnerevarine @risingsh0t @leviiackrman @nokstella @euryalex @serenedy and anyone else who wants to do this!
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; CANDY: the killer
oh, you're the one doing all the killing. you're the violent little guy with a chip on your shoulder, the undead nightmare with a mind only for revenge, the unhinged psycho who just likes to inflict pain for fun. either way, you're the catalyst of this whole narrative, the lynchpin on which the entire plot rests. you either die in the end or live on through numerous sequels, prequels, reboots, and spinoffs.
sure, sex is pleasurable and fun, but do you really think doing the nasty in the middle of a haunted house is smart? there's a murderer out there and you're taking off your clothes which is REALLY ill-advised. you could get tetanus! you seem to be under the impression that you're in a romcom or softcore porno, not a horror movie, and that's a lethal mistake to make.
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