fizzingwizard · 4 years
Digimon Adventure: Ep 19!
Wow! That certainly was an Episode!! It was pretty fun from start to finish, though nothing mind-blowing, but it was definitely the ending that made me gasp. Not wholly unexpected to an old turnip like me, but promising lots of fun (and angst!).
Picture of the week: MIKO, THE TRUE STAR OF THE SERIES!!
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no for serious are the writers reading my reviews? they keep giving me what I want. within reason I guess. They seem to have an extremely limited budget as usual x’D
but Miko is still adorbs
ok I’m really looking forward to recapping this one so let’s get to it!
So last week I thought the kids sans Taichi and Yamato were abducted by Devimon, but apparently that either isn’t the case, or it was, but then Devimon decided it’s best just to dump the kids back on Earth and hold on to their partners. Because that’s the current situation. While concerning that the kids are separated from their partners, it’s probably best this way, since Devimon appears to be sending Gesomon(?) and Parrotmon(?)
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to the human world, if I remember right. It’s hard to remember what happened in the first fifteen seconds kay So when the kids find their partners it will probably be in the human world and they can fight back.
Meanwhile Taichi and Yamato are alone and very Confuse
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Taichi tries frantically to contact Koushirou. The others too... but especially Koushirou.
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Finally he gets him!! He’s so happy!! My Taishiro heart flutters!
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But I was fully expecting it to be a trap. When I saw this still here, my first thought was “Devimon’s forcing him to tell Taichi a lie by threatening him with a gun!!”
of course thats not whats happening. Koushirou is relatively fine and there are no guns (yet). What’s happened is the other kids have been sent back to the human world for reals this time!
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This show is not even bothering to hide its Taiyama angle.
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They spend the entire episode giving each other Significant Looks like this. The entire episode.
Now where’s Jou through all of this, you ask?
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He went to talk to the police. He’s shocked they don’t believe his story about monster attacks and the world ending (well, at least Tokyo ending). I freaking love how taaaaall Jou is. Though it makes Koushirou look like a bean x’D
Jou = beansprout / Koushirou = bean
Koushirou has a much easier time dealing with the news that the police don’t believe them. He’s a denizen of the Internet. He knows how people’s minds work. And he has tons of chat logs to prove it.
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People are chatting and spreading gossip and disbelief and complaints, but my favorite is the comment that just says “It’s a flood of fake news” xP
The home team runs into Mama Yagami! Who Sora literally calls Mama Yagami! x’D I mean I know that’s how kids generally refer to their friends’ parents but I still lol’d.
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So un... Jou is almost as tall as Mama Yagami. LMAO. I’m gonna assume she’s short. Jou might indeed be quite tall for his age but Sora and Mimi are pretty close to Mama Yagami’s height too. I guess we haven’t seen Taichi standing next to his mom yet! With his hair he’s probably taller than her.
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So Mama Yagami is HILARIOUS and I’m so glad that’s a continuing thing in the reboot! She was already that way in 99 Adventure, but we’re just seeing a lot of it now - like every time she’s around. (And we didn’t see it in Tri so I missed that.) Basically she seems like a basketcase. Not a totally irresponsible one, more like just... generally the carefree go with the flow type. Which is not bad. She just also seems a bit, uh, ditzy?? I think Taichi probably grew to be so serious by necessity. Dad’s busy with work and someone’s gotta make sure mom doesn’t leave the house without her keys!
The way Sora just stares at Hikari like “explain??” after Mama Yagami thrusts Miko at her and runs off to get her car with a big smile as if they hadn’t all nearly died recently... bahahaha.
also I love how she doesn’t even bother asking her son’s good friend if she knows where he is after not seeing or hearing from him for three full days
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^The face of a boy shouldering the weight of nuclear family life and all its batshitness
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Taichi and Yamato determine their priority is find the Holy Digimon. I wish they were a little more concerned with what happened to their friends’ partners, but I guess this is the only goal with solid clues. Anyway before they can do anything they are attacked by Bulbmon Looks like subtitlers went with Valvemon which also works, who looks like a Lego monster creation by an eight year old (and probably is).
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He has the Domo face. Grrraaah
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Domo is NHK mascot by the way. bahahaha
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Next these guys come swarming out of Valvemon. (And if we didn’t already get it, apparently Digimon can construct other Digimon as we’ve seen before.) Nothing is quite as freaky as gas masks. They are commanded by Minotaurmon/Mintaromon whatever.
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They too have the aim of Stormtroopers though so our heroes will be fine...
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... probably...
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... then Leomon finally shows up!! Yay! He looks good! All beefy and scarred and sounding exactly like Zaraki Kenpachi. Uhh. Is it the same VA?? Nothing comes up in the Google search so maybe not but it sure sounds like him. (Minotaurmon and Ogremon also sound like Leomon... while it’s normal for VAs in kids shows to voice multiple characters esp minor ones, it literally sounds like Zaraki Kenpachi is the voice of all the characters in this episode besides the main ones. And Mama Yagami of course because that would be weird.)
Leomon may look cool, but his ride... and his friends... uh, less cool x’D I want to strangle that ostrich thing with its own scarf somehow it inspires violent emotion in me
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In the smallest, most shocked voice, Yamato says, “Leomon...?” It’s honestly kind of adorable. He’s clearly remembering what Neemon said about Leomon leading the resistance way back when.
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Leomon helps them escape. Taichi very considerately and cutely helps Agumon aboard the fashion disaster ostrich emu thing.
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Yamato also considerately helps his partner but rather less cutely xD
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Leomon takes them to his hideout and gives them your standard fare of weird-looking Digi fruit. He then proceeds to tell them about Devimon and that he is trying to infiltrate Valvemon yadda yadda.
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Taichi is freaking ADORABLE, immediately concerned that by saving their asses, Leomon’s battle plans have been ruined. Leomon waves that aside though. Yamato is equally adorabibble when he asks after Neemon and gets told that they made it to Leomon safely.
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Leomon plans to try to get into Valvemon again because he knows Devimon’s put something related to the holy Digimon in there. Taichi is determined to join in. He doesn’t have much of an argument as it why they should be allowed when they just got their butts kicked so easily, but he has a trick up his sleeve: the Burning Eyes of Fiery Passion.
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Not to be outdone, Yamato shoots off his Icy Eyes of Cold Determination.
Faced with this twin assault, Leomon has to give in. Ahh, I remember last week when we saw the trailer for this ep and I naively thought Leomon would train them like Piximon did in 99 Adventure. Nope. They’ve just met and they’re already spy buddies.
Okay, okay, yeah Leomon does seem to have some knowledge of the “Chosen Children” and that’s his real motivation. Still.
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They break into Valvemon and we get the excellent invention of Agumon riding on Garurumon. I assume because of Garurumon’s advantageous speed. That seems to be recurring thing in this show.
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Idk I just capped this because he’s so darn cute
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I don’t know why I capped this one though.
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They enter some sort of central space where Leomon tells them something relevant to the holy Digimon is being kept. (Lol I already forgot the details of what he said.) There are two protectors, Minotaurmon and Bullmon. Leomon tells the kids to take Bullmon while he faces down Minotaurmon. These guys might have been somewhat intimidating if we hadn’t already got Perfect level evolutions mastered, not to mention the occasional Jogress :P Sooo I didn’t feel too worried.
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... uh, never mind x’D Taichi what are you doing
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Yamato saves his idiot butt and almost gets in a bind himself. Once again I’m just wondering why they are sticking at Adult level. Whatever. They win of course
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Leomon uses his Fist of the Beast King to maim Minotaurmon. His brilliant one-liner? “I have more than one first.”
Bully: *punches you*
You: ow
Bully: *smirk* I have more than one fist.
You: That’s funny, I only have one, but it’s made of titanium *You punch the bully straight through the stratosphere* Quality over quantity!!!!
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Our heroes approach the secret compartment supposedly holding something to do with the holy Digimon... Yamato gets a look inside and gets the black shadow of true terror over his eyes
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becaue floating inside like some kind of Weapon X experiment is... Takeru!!!
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Hold on while I put in my ear plugs. Okay, ready, screech all you want now.
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So... okay. First of all, baby Takeru is sooooooo cute <3 I had two predictions about what happened to Takeru last week. Either he ended up in the digital world and was now on his own, or he got abducted by Devimon. I thought the former was more likely, but in hindsight, it should have been obvious that it was the second. This show misses a lot of points where I feel like they could have developed some relationships or thrown in some drama, but it never passes up a chance for Yamato angst.
So yeah, this is pretty much gonna destroy Yamato xD Not only is the baby brother he wanted to protect no longer at home where he can easily protect him, he’s now in the digital world and in the enemy’s clutches.
I BETTER SEE REALLY TRAUMATIZED YAMATO NEXT WEEK. Of course, I expect him to be cool-headed enough to try to save Takeru, but I will be very disappoint if this goes off with no break downs at all. Takeru is always Yamato’s number one priority!
Super exciteddddd
So I give this ep 7.5/10. The .5 is pretty much for ending with a killer cliffhanger. My one real complaint about this ep is how highly plot-based everything is - we finally got the team all together only to split them up, and on top of that, once split up, we don’t even get all that many character moments between Taichi and Yamato. As I said, they give each other lots of Signifcant Looks, but man cannot live on bread alone. However this is par for the course for this show and I know I should stop mentioning it every week because I doubt it’s changing. We will get the big shockers when we get them and not a moment before.
I just want Yamato to cry in front of Taichi and make him all uncomfortable x’D That’s what made 99 Adventure so great bahahaha
Some cool bits from next week’s trailer:
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Surprise surprise, Angemon is the holy Digimon! Or one of, anyway. And he is indeed trapped. This makes the “Angemon is Devimon” theory less likely. Let’s not forget that our heroes’ Digimon partners were evidently a band of powerful warriors in the past, but they’ve forgotten much of it. I won’t be surprised if the result of that war played a part in Angemon’s abduction.
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Next week they’ll have to fight to save Takeru from being drained, I guess.
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And then!! Digi egg! Excite. Also I only just noticed that his hate says TK!!!
Takeruuu <3 My first fav when I was 10. Though my heart has belonged to Taichi for many long years, I still have a special spot in it for Takeru only <3 Even if he does dress like a celery stick
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storytimemof0z-blog · 7 years
It’s gonna be a very eventful evening...
 Dinner time folks
 The white dress I got from Forever 21 matched perfectly with Trayce’s outfit. He was wearing a navy blue collared polo with khakis and nike socks with his new white shoes. As we were ready to leave the room I started to think that he would look 10 times better with a gold chain, I guess he must’ve read my mind because a few seconds later he went into his bag and pulled out a gold chain.
“Can you help me put this on.” He asked.
I walked over to him and told him to go in front of the mirror. I grabbed the chain and put it around his neck then linked it together. I stood next to him and looked in the mirror, he pulled out his phone and said “OMG, we look adorbs! Picture time,” in a white girl voice.
He put his arm around me and took the picture.
“Trayce, you’re so weird” I told him.
He looked down at me. “Oh I’m the weird one? Nuh uh boo boo.” He said it in a girl voice.
We both started laughing until his phone alarm went off to tell us that we have to go to the restaurant.
As we were walking down I started getting butterflies in my stomach. Whenever I had butterflies it usually something bad is going to happen, but I ignored it. Trayce grabbed my hand as we walked closer to the restaurant. I noticed a lot of young couples were also trying to hurry to the place before it got packed.
It was around 4:50 and the line started to get longer and longer, I couldn’t even count how much people there were in line. The hosts opened the doors and started to ask for our names and what room we were. Five minutes went by and we were up next. A young host who looked like she was in her early 20s asked Trayce for our reservation name and room number in a witchy way. I looked her up and down, did she really just give us attitude I said to myself. Trayce looked at me and squeezed my hand. He whispered in my ear “be nice.” I couldn’t believe this girl thinks she has the audacity to talk to us in that way.
The host began typing in our names into the computer and started to over dramatically chew her gum. “Umm,” she rolled her eyes, “table 69 next to the railing as requested.” she says. I look at her and say thank you. She rolls her eyes and says “um hm.” Trayce started to walk away knowing I was about to pop this girls head.
“What a frickin witch,” I say to Trayce.
“It’s okay babe, let it go. We’re here to have a good time remember.”
I couldn’t stand how nice and easy going Trayce was. I hated it sometimes. I wish he lived on the westside, he would understand where I get my temper from.
We got to our seats, Trayce went over to pull out my seat. I sat down and he hurried to sit down across of me.
“This is so beautiful, I can’t believe you actually got a seat right next to the railing.” I tell him.
“Of course, I will do anything to make my girl happy.”
My heart started to beat fast. HE WAS SO CUTE I COULDN’T STAND IT.
“Aww,” I said. “Thank you for everything Trayce”
“Don’t thank me yet, the cruise isn’t over.” He said then winked.
Someone started talking on the mic and said “tables 1-70 may start to make your way to the buffet line.” I stood up and pulled down my dress. Trayce got up and offered his hand. I grabbed his hand and we started to walk to the line.
While we were waiting in line a small family of 4 stood behind us. I turned around to see a little boy and girl fighting with each other on who had the better back flip today, the 2 kids looked like twins. I smiled at their parents.
“Don’t have kids until you’re over 29, trust me,” the mother told us.
We laughed at her comment.
“We’re only 16 and 17, I don’t think we’ll be having kids anytime soon.” I said.
“Good, try to stay young and go out as much as you can because once you have kids the only thing you’ll be doing is staying home.” the mother said.
“Are they twins?” Trayce asked.
“Yes they are, they’re both 9 years old” the father says and points to the little girl. “That’s Jhene,” then he points to the little boy. “That’s Jheden.”
“Aww, how cute.” I say and smile.
“You guys are still very young, what school do you guys go to?” the mother asks.
“Kamehameha,” Trayce says.
“Nice, what grade?” the she asks again.
“We’re both juniors.” I say.
“Wow, and your parents both let you come to this cruise alone. Must be having a good time,” the father says then winks.
Trayce and I both laugh. “We’re having an amazing time,” Trayce says.
“My man,” the father says and shakes Trayce’s hand. The 4 of us start laughing.
“Hey, we never got a name.” I say.
“I’m Joshua and my wife is Hasley.”
After 10 minutes of standing in line we finally got to the front.
“Well, I guess we’ll see each other around. Nice meeting you guys,” I say as I grab 2 plates for me and Trayce.
“It was nice meeting you too, we’ll see you around as well. Have a nice night you two.” the mother says to us.
After I finished getting my food I wait for Trayce on the side. A strange man walks behind me and bumps me. I turn around and look at him, “I’m truly sorry,” the man says then walks away.
“What was that about?” Trayce asks.
“Oh it was nothing, he just bumped into me.” I tell him.
We start walking back to the table. We put our food down then go back to the drinking station to get drinks. Trayce and I both get a raspberry ice tea, our fave. We go back to the table and start eating. As the live entertainment starts to introduce themselves the mic makes a loud screeching noise that pierces our ears. I put my fork down and cover my ears, everyone in the room gasps.
“Sorry everyone.” the person pauses then continues. “We are the Dynamic Trio, we come from Aina Haina. We sing covers from popular artists. So yah… enjoy and please follow us on our instagram account at dynamic dot trio. Thank you.”
I pick up my fork and start eating again. I look at the sunset then look back at Trayce, he’s taking a off guard picture of me for his snapchat.
“Omg really” I say. “I’m literally stuffing my face with food and you’re taking a picture of me.”
“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m doing. You look amazing right now, the sun is hitting you perfectly, you’re glowing right now. I love it.” he says.
“Aww thanks Trayce.” I look over his shoulder and see the same strange man across the room taking a picture of us.
“Trayce, you aren’t the only one taking a picture of me,” I say casually, continuing to eat. “2 o’clock” I tell him.
He turns around and looks at the man straight in his face. The man immediately puts the camera down and picks up the special menu to cover his face.
“Isn’t that the man that bumped into you earlier?” Trayce asks.
“Yah actually, that is.”
“I can’t blame him for taking pictures of you, you lookin fine women.” Trayce says then winks.
The Dynamic Trio starts singing and they sound horrible. I honestly would go up there and do a solo. I looked around the room and seen everyone looking at them in disbelief and disgust. Trayce and I both finished our food, I waived down a waiter and asked for our check.
The waiter came back. I grabbed the check and it was almost $100 for the both of us. I couldn’t believe it, sure we had nice seats but the food and live entertainment wasn’t all that great. I paid my half of the bill and gave it back to the waiter. I left $2 on the table as a tip. Trayce grabbed my hand and we started to walk around the deck.
“The view is really nice,” I say as I sit down near the deck railing.
“It definitely is, especially my view,” Trayce says looking at me.
I grab my phone and check the time, it’s almost 8:45. In the corner of my eye I could see the same man from the restaurant taking pictures of me again. I stood up then grabbed Trayce’s face and started kissing him. I pulled back and the man started to walk away.
“Well where was that this whole time?” Trayce says.
“I had it all along, I just wasn’t sure if you felt the same.”
“Um I’ve been feeling this way since the day I first met you.” he says mockingly.
He kisses me again putting his hands on my back while mine are around his neck.
“Hey,” he says and pulls away, “how about we continue this back in the room.”
Trayce grabs my hand and starts walking back to the room. As we were 5 doors away from our room I could feel someone following us. I looked back and seen the man taking pictures of me once again. I pulled Trayces hand back and started to kiss him again.
I pull away to look back for the man. “Can’t wait?” Trayce asks then smirks. I laugh then we continue walking to the room. I reach into my bag to grab the room key but Trayce pins me against the door and starts to make out with me. He grabs the key from my hand and sticks it into the slot trying not to break the kiss. He opens the door then picks me up. At this point we were all up in each others faces that we couldn’t see what was around us. I kick the door close then fly my bag to the table in the corner of the room. Trayce put the room key in his pocket. We still didn’t break the kiss.
Everything was going by so fast. I think Trayce and I are dating now, I wasn’t sure but as of right now all I knew is that we were gonna get it on.
“WOAH WOAH WOAH,” Kawika and Danny yell.
Trayce put me down and I look at them dead in the eyes.
“Sorry we thought you guys weren’t gonna be back until a couple more hours. I heard there was a good band playing tonight.” Kawika says.
“Kawika and Danny, I am gonna give you 10 seconds to get the hell out of our room.” I said calmly.
“Okay let me grab my drink from your fridge.” Danny says.
“GET THE HELL OUT” I scream.
Kawika and Danny both ran out in less than 5 seconds.
I look at Trayce, “now where were we?”
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