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dzthenerd490 · 2 years ago
MTF Demeter-4 (“Animal Control”)
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Description: MTF Alpha-9 utilizes humanoid and intelligent SCP's that have aligned themselves with the Foundation. MTF Omega-45 utilizes anomalous weapons that can be used against dangerous SCP's and GoI's. However, there is no one to utilize the dangerous anomalous animals contained within the Foundation, at least until Demeter-4 came in. MTF Demeter-4 is a small force dedicated to taming the once untamable anomalous animals that have been caged by the Foundation. MTF Demeter-4 is dedicated to showing the more humane side of the foundation can extend to even the vilest of beasts, allowing them to redeem themselves by containing other Anomalous items and beasts or by subduing hostile Groups of Interest. MTF Demeter-4 sometimes utilizes SCPs captured by MTF Artemis-6, leading to obvious conflicts between the two.
Assisted in Containing:
[data expunged]
Action Reports: 
[data expunged]
SCP: HMF - Mobile Task Forces Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 1 year ago
File: Krampus
Code Name: Krampus, He Who Takes
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AGZ cannot be contained, instead all efforts regarding SCP-AGZ are to be to stop it from killing civilians. Should the key signs of SCP-AGZ being activated appear in any location around the world the MTF units are to be deployed right away. Mobile Task Force Demeter-4 "Animal Control" has surprisingly proven to be the most competent at subduing SCP-AGZ-1 instances. Though of course should they call for it, reinforcements or perhaps a joint operation with another task force can be authorized. All attacks against SCP-AGZ are meant to continue until its anomalous effects have finally ceased. 
Afterwards Mobile Task Force Osiris-Δ "What God Does in the Dark" is responsible for enacting Protocol "Real People" should the casualty count of SCP-AGZ be too high. This only applies if SCP-AGZ rampages in the middle or close to densely populated areas. Should SCP-AGZ manifest in a highly isolated area such as a small village it is to be left alone. Afterwards the single child who is the sole survivor is to be extracted and given the proper amnestics before being placed into a Foundation own orphanage. 
Description: SCP-AGZ is a cryptid-class anomaly and supposedly the shadow and exact opposite of Entity of Interest: Santa Claus. Quite similar to SCP-4666, the purpose of SCP-AGZ is to take rather than give and without mercy. However, unlike SCP-4666 who acts on impulse and at random, SCP-AGZ must be "summoned". In order to summon SCP-AGZ, one must lose all hope with Christmas and destroy something that has significance with their now destroyed faith in Christmas. Secondly, this must always be done on Christmas eve, if it is done earlier or later then SCP-AGZ will not act and thus the family will be safe. Lastly, the one who summons SCP-AGZ must be a child of 12 to 4 years old. Anyone older or younger is unable to summon SCP-AGZ. 
Once SCP-AGZ has been activated it will proceed to cut off the target and their family from the rest of the world. First by surrounding their home in a bad blizzard covering everything around them with snow and intense winds. SCP-AGZ will proceed to find every house and living being that is not the target and kill them all ensuring the target's family gets no outside help. From then on SCP-AGZ will proceed to kill off the target's family members one by one until they are all dead and the target is alone. Once the target is alone SCP-AGZ will confront them and give them an iron jingle bell with the word "Krampus" engraved on it. 
SCP-AGZ never works alone, it always has several little helpers that assist him in his goals. These creatures are labeled as SCP-AGZ-1 instances, each one takes the form of a horrifically distorted common Christmas toy or creature. There's the snowman which swims in the snow like a shark and eats any prey it comes across. The evil gingerbread men that use various tools to trap and torment prey. The living toys such as the teddy bear, the angel, the robot toy, and the horrific jack in the box that eats humans whole to mimic their voices. Of course, there are also the elves which show up much later when Christmas day is about to end and SCP-AGZ needs to kill all the remaining survivors as fast as possible. It should be noted that none of the SCP-AGZ instances are immortal and can be killed quite easily with firearms and other conventional means. However, though they are quite fragile they are also extremely agile, and each are experts of stealth. Furthermore, it is unknown if this also applies for SCP-AGZ himself; furthermore, SCP-AGZ has proven that, so long as he can recover the bodies, he can resurrect any killed SCP-AGZ-1 instance for next year or at the very least make new ones.  
According to archives and fairy tales gathered by The Department of Mythology and Folkloristics, SCP-AGZ is directly related to Entity of Interest: Santa Claus. While Santa Claus gives and rewards, SCP-AGZ takes and punishes; more specifically on those that have forgotten the meaning of Christmas and dare to secretly wish for their families to be dead or go away. By committing its horrific acts, SCP-AGZ supposedly makes sure the target never again forgets the meaning of Christmas and to always cherish their family and the holiday spirit from then on. There was only one instance where SCP-AGZ resurrected all the killed or returned the captured targets and it was on December 25th, 2015; the same day SCP-AGZ was discovered. 
On this day a unit from Mobile Task Force Alpha-4 "Pony Express" was doing their usual undercover work within the suburbs of [data expunged] until suddenly they reported an abnormal increase of heavy winds despite Foundation weather forecast devices showing otherwise. Not long after, the Foundation lost contact with him and an undercover family in the suburbs. Believing this to be some kind of anomalous attack Mobile Task Force Delta-14 "Winter Wonderland" was deployed to investigate, evacuate survivors, and subjugate the anomaly. The mission was a massive failure with the entire team getting ambushed by SCP-AGZ and SCP-AGZ-1 instances. 
Miraculously, the next day, SCP-AGZ was nowhere to be seen and the entire suburb was fixed and brand new as if nothing ever happened. The agents reported feeling okay but not sure what happened including the MTF Delta-14 team who were just outside the area. The target of the incident and the family were located and interviewed allowing the Foundation to know all it currently does about SCP-AGZ. The target of the family named [data expunged] explained that he confronted SCP-AGZ and renounced his wish. SCP-AGZ then seemingly killed him but instead brought everyone back and fixed the area but not without leaving the same iron bell with the name Krampus engraved on it. It seems that SCP-AGZ despite his tactics and nature, is merciful to those that learn their lesson especially early. As such to avoid invoking SCP-AGZ's wrath the family wasn't amnestied but given $300,000 to each individual member as hush money as well as a reward for their compliance with the Foundation. 
From then on, the Foundation has tried numerous times to stop and contain SCP-AGZ until one day on Christmas eve 2019, Dr. Bones received a note on his desk. It was a large paper written in dried blood stating the following.
You're wasting your time with me. I've seen you contain many fakers and fools with your little cages. I've seen you spill oceans of blood all for the sake of living a little longer. No matter how futile it gets you always try to succeed and most of the time, you do. But I'm warning you now, give up. You can't get me, and trying is futile. I've been around since the first Christmas and I'll be around for the last, of course if you wanted to you could just get rid of the holiday. But then again do you really want another SCP-[data expunged] to come to life? But Fine if you wanna keep trying then feel free to continue to amuse me with your little toy soldiers. I actually do find our battles pretty entertaining; I personally just think that SCP-4666 is more worth your time. Seriously, people call me a monster but even I think that guy takes things too far, he doesn't even target kids that are naughty he goes after the ones with [data expunged]. But you didn't hear that from me. Though I’m not even sure if he’s consciously aware of what he’s doing, he’s too much of a sadistic fuck to understand. Seriously just... get your priorities in order is all I'm saying.
- Sincerely, Krampus
How SCP-AGZ knows about the [data expunged] incident regarding SCP-[data expunged] or the existence of SCP-4666 is unknown. Regarding when the letter mentioned children who have [data expunged], no one knew what that word meant so originally it was thought to be mad ravings and nothing more. However, upon hearing it the O5 Council ordered that everyone who heard it be amnestied at once, including Dr. Bones. Those who are immune to amnestics were executed. When the Ethics Committee demanded an explanation the O5 Council invoked Protocol "Butterfly Effect" leading to no further conflict. This has only raised the danger level of SCP-AGZ, as it somehow has access to knowledge that scares even the O5 Council. Currently the decision to allow the Department of the Impossible to handle SCP-AGZ is being considered heavily.
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