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dzthenerd490 · 8 months ago
File: Kirby
Code Name: Kirby, The Last Defender of the Universe
Universe of Origin: Οmicorn-420
Object Class: Apollyon/ Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AGU cannot be contained and it's for the best it never is, without SCP-AGU a lot of the universe would have been wiped out. As such if Space Task Fleet Apollo-1 "Orion's Belt" is to ever encounter SCP-AGU they are to leave it alone as it passes by. 
Though this is only to be a priority once it exists in our reality, as of late it only exists in reality Omicorn-420. The SCP Foundation within Omicorn-420 is to leave SCP-AGU alone but assist it in any way possible.
Description: SCP-AGU is a small little creature that has a round body of 8 inches in diameter two stubby arms and stubby red feet. It has two dot like blue eyes and a small mouth that surprisingly can extend to a 1 foot wide in diameter any time its want's. SCP-AGU's whole body can stretch like rubber and is practically indestructible because of it. SCP-AGU can also walk surprisingly fast and hold objects with great ease despite having limbs no different to a penguin. However, none of this is equivalent to SCP-AGU's true abilities. 
SCP-AGU has the ability to not only extend its mouth but be able to breath in anything around it with a force equivalent to a vortex. Should SCP-AGU devour an organic life form it will absorb their natural abilities and temporarily be able to use them as its own. What's most anomalous about this ability is that there are no known limits, to what can and can't be absorbed. From what has been observed SCP-AGU can absorb skills, anomalous powers, physical traits, and even weapons, armor, and augmentations. 
These abilities can last so long as SCP-AGU wants them to, though they will forcibly cease if he suffers even minor damage. It's also possible for SCP-AGU to transform these collected abilities into little star like objects labeled as SCP-AGU-Stars. SCP-AGU-Stars can be stored by SCP-AGU so that it can be used at a later date. It's also possible to stack abilities on each other making SCP-AGU stronger without any draw backs. With all of this it's nearly impossible to defeat SCP-AGU, he even has been able to defeat creatures of great power and even monsters of the Abyss. 
SCP-AGU was discovered in [data expunged by order of the O5 Council] by the Οmicorn-420 variant of the Foundation. For those that don't know Οmicorn-420 is used to label a reality in which earth has been destroyed by a [data expunged by order of the O5 Council] invasion. In this reality the Foundation and many other Groups of Interest that were in possession of Teleportation and space travel escorted the survivors off world. Unfortunately, this allowed the veil to be broken and with earth destroyed there was no way to utilize SCP-2000 thus humanity was forever exposed to the anomalous universe. 
Though within this reality, new anomalies manifested including anomalies that spanned across different worlds, why or how this is the case is unknown. One of those anomalies was SCP-AGU itself which saved an entire colony ship during its discovery. SCP-AGU was also reported liberated a number of planets from hostile Species of Interest and anomalous threats. SCP-AGU was originally considered a possible threat that only saved lives by luck alone but as time went on it became obvious; he was a defender of all innocent life. There are even ancient ruins hidden throughout the Galaxy that he belonged to a race called the [data expunged by the O5 Council] or Star Defenders as translated. They are tiny but powerful creatures that defended all forms of life against the Chaos Gods during the First war. It's unknown if the same scenario occurred in our universe. Currently there seems to be no way to identify if SCP-AGU exists in our reality as in the Οmicorn-420 reality he was discovered within, entirely by accident.
Thankfully within the Foundation, time is on our side. Until then the Department of Universal Affairs - Multiverse Management Division is in charge of maintaining contact with Omicorn-420. SCP-AGU is recognized within Omicron-420 as an eternal ally of the United Galactic Anomalous Organizations which is the ACPA equivalent within Omicron-420. it is the solemn duty of all members to protect SCP-AGU to ensure he will continue to protect humanity. It will be the ACPA's duty to do the same if and when we encounter SCP-AGU in our reality.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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carpincho-asador · 1 year ago
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selfie i took the other day :PP
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naupactus · 4 years ago
anyways you know how before you start dreaming you have a sort of almost-dream where you know youre awake but youre still Thinking Against Your Will? so this time it was a dark room w only a tv in it and instead of waking up like a normal person when they see a scary beginning of a dream i thought lol lets stay asleep. anyways the tv started playin a trailer for an operation game called The Pulp that you could play only in your dreams and was apparently the New Trendy Creepypasta Among Teens. the operations would get more gruesome and less professional as the game advanced (i wont go into detail) and at one point i realized i was actually PLAYING the game and i got scared and decided to wake up. also my whole body tingled and i got that thing where you Feel A Prescence Behind You whenever i thought about waking up so i kept dreaming bc i was more scared of waking up and having sleep paralysis than of the actual game. also it had a theme song and its stuck in my head
had a lucid dream im gonna write it in my notes and see if i can summarize it
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dermontag · 3 years ago
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Samstag, 15. Januar 2022 Pauli patzt gegen Aue Auch der VAR kann Werder den Sieg nicht klauen Nanu? Auf einmal steht Werder Bremen auf einem Aufstiegsplatz. Beim am Ende deutlichen Sieg gegen Fortuna Düsseldorf muss mehrmals der VAR eingreifen, Werder siegt unter Neu-Trainer Ole Werner aber fröhlich weiter. Spitzenreiter St. Pauli kann eine peinliche Pleite gegen Kellerkind Aue gerade so vermeiden. Werder Bremen - Fortuna Düsseldorf 3:0 (0:0) Erstliga-Absteiger Werder Bremen hat seine Siegesserie in der 2. Fußball-Bundesliga fortgesetzt. Zum Start ins neue Jahr setzten sich die Hanseaten mit 3:0 (0:0) gegen Fortuna Düsseldorf durch. Mit 32 Punkten sind die Werderaner nach dem vierten Dreier in Folge auf Platz drei vorgerückt. Allerdings dauerte es bis zur 66. Minute, ehe Niclas Füllkrug per Kopf das 1:0 erzielte. Der Unparteiische gab den Treffer nach Videobeweis, die Flanke kam von Marvin Ducksch, dessen vermeintliches 2:0 in der 73. Minute nach Videobeweis wegen einer Abseitsposition nicht gegeben wurde. Zuvor hatten die Düsseldorfer in der 58. Minute Kristoffer Peterson nach einem groben Foulspiel gegen Felix Agu per Roter Karte verloren. Duckschs Treffer in der 80. Minute war regelgerecht, Füllkrug legte sein zweites Tor nach (87.). Schon in der neunten Minute hatten die Gastgeber die erste Chance durch Füllkrug. Sein Kopfball ging allerdings knapp am Tor vorbei. Nur sechs Minuten später hatte Leonardo Bittencourt die nächste Gelegenheit für den SV Werder auf dem Fuß. Allerdings zögerte er etwas zu lange, sodass der Ball noch abgefälscht wurde und ins Aus trudelte. In der 20. Minute hatte Ducksch das 1:0 für Bremen ebenfalls auf dem Fuß. Düsseldorfs Torwart Florian Kastenmeier lenkte den Ball nach Duckschs Direktabnahme noch über die Latte. Erst nach einer halben Stunde konnten die Rheinländer die Partie etwas offener gestalten. FC St. Pauli - FC Erzgebirge Aue 2:2 (1:1) Aufstiegs-Aspirant FC St. Pauli hat wieder wichtige Punkte verloren und muss um die Tabellenführung bangen. Die Hamburger retteten durch ein spätes Tor von Etienne Amenyido (90.+3) wenigstens ein 2:2 (1:1) gegen Erzgebirge Aue. Für die Mannschaft von Trainer Timo Schultz, der seinen auslaufenden Vertrag unter der Woche verlängert hatte, war es schon das dritte Spiel in Folge ohne Sieg. Verfolger Darmstadt 98 hat damit nur zwei Punkte Rückstand und kann mit einem Sieg gegen den Karlsruher SC (20.30 Uhr/Sky) Platz eins erobern. St. Pauli steht bereits seit Anfang Oktober und zehn Spieltagen ganz oben. Am Nachmittag traf Ben Zolinski (17.) mit der ersten echten Offensivaktion für Aue, die zunächst überlegenen Hamburger glichen durch Jakov Medic (30.) aus. Nikola Trujic (72.) brachte die nun verbesserten Gäste in der zweiten Hälfte aber erneut in Führung. Zwischendurch hatte Aues starker Torwart Martin Männel die Gäste gleich mehrfach im Spiel gehalten, er entschärfte unmittelbar vor der Pause gute Chancen von Jackson Irvine und Marcel Hartel. 1. FC Nürnberg - SC Paderborn 07 1:2 (0:2) Der 1. FC Nürnberg hat im Aufstiegsrennen einen herben Rückschlag hinnehmen müssen. Im Heimspiel gegen den SC Paderborn unterlag der Club mit 1:2 (0:2) und verpasste den Sprung auf den dritten Tabellenplatz. Mit seinem 14. Saisontreffer schoss Torjäger Sven Michel den SCP in der 41. Minute in Führung. Mit einem herrlichen Lupfer war er erfolgreich, nachdem SCP-Kapitän Ron Schallenberg mit einem Pass in die Tiefe Michel mustergültig bediente hatte. Nur drei Minuten später erhöhte Felix Platte per Kopf auf 2:0 für die Paderborner, die sehr effizient ihre wenigen Chancen nutzten. Die Vorarbeit leistete Michel. Dem Norweger Mats Möller Daehli (61.) gelang per Kopf das Anschlusstor für die Hausherren. Mit 30 Punkten rutschten die Nürnberger auf den siebten Tabellenplatz ab. Die Ostwestfalen zogen mit ebenfalls 30 Zählern am FCN vorbei und sind jetzt Sechster. Im ersten Spiel des neuen Jahres brauchten die Nürnberger eine Viertelstunde, um zur ersten Großchance zu kommen. Manuel Schäfflers Kopfball nach Flanke von Enrico Valentini (15.) ging allerdings knapp am SCP-Tor vorbei. Der FCN übernahm nun immer mehr das Kommando, ohne allerdings klare Torchancen herausspielen zu können. Die Gäste machten geschickt die Räume eng und störten immer wieder empfindlich das Passspiel des ehemaligen deutschen Rekordmeisters. In der Offensive blieben die Paderborner lange Zeit harmlos, setzten dann aber mit dem Doppelschlag kurz vor der Halbzeitpause entscheidende Nadelstiche.
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'Ah this is the elusive SCP 055 hmm? I should probably leave and see if the rumors about them are true.' SCP 5000 thought as she took a step backwards towards the door of the other's containment cell. She flashed a small hint of a smile when she realized they had taken notice of her.
"Salutations, you must be 055. I must say that I didn't expect or realize that they had finally retrieved you from the other site yet. This is quite the containment cell, at least you get a nice little room. I'm stuck wandering around the site until those containment specialists and researchers get around to actually creating a cell that they know can hold me."
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ISSAB (SCP-682 put through Google Translate 15 times)
Caption: Aspy Strong Acid 682 is ready
Article: ISSAB
Phone Product: ISO-682
Hit the template: Campaign
The trial can save money for savings savings for 682 deaths. But we can not afford SCP 682 supporters and injuries to the body. Aisasipi 682: 5 × 25 × 5 cm, 5 m, because the center goes without detecting a major hydrochloride in 1000 Axis-682. All the changes in the process with the language and SCP 682 are usually completed and completed.
Staff SCP 682 can do this. Individuals were released to manage 682 relations, and were withdrawn.
SCP 682 is a bad, wrong, and an issue [to improve the state of the disability] as they try and achieve high levels at the root. Do not use human resources for 50 kilometers of land, and plan for their development.
Note: The equation, 682, is unknown, and is also good in mind. Check out their heart and do not participate in their short open connection between Adventures 7 and 9, and they all like Adventures-682, giving rise to the medial (682-B law).
Generally, the highest level of speed and strength is the standard-682. The proper transfer of Axicotic body is provided below or below. The appearance of uniqueness or variation, ASUS Agus wants to enter 682. Many NASA Flaters ACEPP-682 helped. This type of material will be removed immediately, over time and will destroy the system to destroy 87% -682-Iacus products.
682 Assop - - In the language, locality and community of computer users, seven or more people are translating the links. These groups need to be smaller. Today (17, █Microsoft) has been filed 17 years ago for the time of sin (note 682-500).
Aidamaintamaid682-B: a copy of the form
   First place, 00 hours 21 meter 52 S->
   You: Why do you blow your people?
   Scp, 682 (offline)
   If not, doctors will not be tested
   682 Isssebi Bologna
   Doctor if you are patient? (Small computer)
   682 Isssebi Bologna
   Advisor: Thank you. (The charge of the microphone will be up to 500-85).
   Yogesabe: ... it's hard to know
   Dr. █ Les utilisateurs d'un personnel non qualifié (500 -085 Ming Unqualified Employee) Avez-vous un microphone?
   -085 500 friends waiting for the neck! We talk about the smell (wood and sound)
   SCP, 682 (die 500-85) ... with sections
   Doctor of this country
   <No comments
682 o -500, -682 Aysasipi;
1 DEBUTO, -12 █ Electronics, Agent de l'agent (Kea) 500-129), par exemple, (77500 a) 173 Go o BC (keee), D. 200 (aee), 500-193 Ka).
2 Doctors, Doctors, Workers will load the 500 Doctor 500 to 500124137 D. 202, D. 203 (Key)
3: █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █: ث ث ث ث ث ث ث ث ث (ث), d 18 (Keaie), D 211 (taee), 500 -216 personnes.
4: 4, GNU Show Privacy (Taranki) and ■ 201 ■ -02-2011.
5: Monitoring Hands 500 :: 500-221, MD (Kea) ((Ka) █ ((he)), load for 82 (Keia), header 111, H 111 (www adhesion ngpoi ngota), d 281 (Ki), 209 (box)
6.6, download 6 ,,,, 500-291 (aeand) me حميل (keee) 279 d (keee) 278 extensions (d keee), TV 279 (KEAE)
The 682-S newsletter has been published in the United States:
Seeds 18-682 Asusus Aspir-702 -409 Asusipi. Art and Health Law
    Check 400 Aisisipi-682 Trucks on the ground. Aisasipi-682 has been mentioned many times, and most of the time.
    800: Of course, the wind will not break
    1200: -682 later after scourging him
    1300: The purpose of this model is 62%. Sally - Sacredida-682 may be injured
    1400: SFP members 682 have received affiliated businesses despite member loss. 682. Ibibihi began drinking and allegedly persecuted 682, E18, and destroyed them.
You can see the removal of SCP 682 from SC-682 SC, or not. It can be used to record P-409 of the SCP, and the SCH is 682 degrees.
The doctor's work on the plan (see Form 27, B-6), D. DR-689 and Izipus, with the consent, D-Wife ICEEEP has tried to take the house - now 682.
182, ASCEP SCH-182 ACEPIP has led ISIShip-682 leader.
Afterword: Now I know why people don’t make Gradually Watermelon-esque Google Translate parodies of SCPS:
Like, I swear, something must have happened, and now half the article is in a foreign language (hence the random strings of Arabic)
If you want need context, here’s the source:
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