#SC Attenuator
fibermart · 3 months
Precision SC Attenuators for Controlled Signal Reduction - Fiber-Mart
Optimize your fiber optic network with Fiber-Mart's SC attenuators, designed for precise signal reduction to prevent overloading and maintain optimal performance. These fixed fiber optic attenuators are available in various attenuation levels, allowing for tailored solutions to match your specific requirements. Featuring SC/UPC connectors, they are easy to install and ensure low return loss. Ideal for telecommunications, data centers, and testing environments, our SC attenuators provide reliable and consistent performance. Explore our range of SC attenuators to enhance the efficiency and stability of your optical systems.
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fazedlight · 9 months
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Asynchronous (Rift era, pre-Crisis, not nearly as much sc angst as the gif implies)
Where am I?, Kara thought, her body shaking as she pushed herself off the floor she had apparently crashed into, trying to stand. How long was I unconscious?
Her head was killing her. Pain was a rarity under a yellow sun, and in this case the feeling was hard to shake - it was just all too reminiscent of not long ago, when she was trapped in kryptonite, fighting burning lungs and a blinding headache while fighting heartbreak at the same time.
But she needed to not think about Lena right now.
Kara searched her mind for the last thing she remembered, Brainy’s words transmitted to her ears, telling her about the capabilities of the alien creature she was fighting. The creature was generally docile enough - but in a panic, it would thrash and quake, and it had the unique ability to…
Where… When am I?, Kara thought, looking around at the building whose ceiling she had fallen into. The creature could send her anywhere in time and space - forward or back in time, across the planet or galaxy, it didn’t matter. The good news is that the effect would be temporary in nature, lasting a day at most, before she snapped back into place, something about attenuated vibrations. “Time is like a rubber band,” Brainy had said, though Kara was certain she could hear pain in his attempt to simplify the explanation.
Kara heard the buzz of a portal behind her, the quick cock of a gun. “Don’t move,” came the familiar voice. “These aren’t ordinary bullets.”
Kara turned slowly, deflating under the hard eyes of her ex-best-friend. Lena was tense and angry, her finger resting on the trigger, her other hand on a tracking device. My heat signature, Kara thought, Guess she has kryptonite bullets now.
Lena’s eyes narrowed as she reached to her belt, before tossing vibrant green cuffs in Kara’s direction. “Put those on.”
Kara lowered herself to the floor, taking the cuffs, feeling the burn in her hands. She couldn’t really fathom Lena trying to kill her. But after the disruption of Lena’s Myriad plan, and now being held at gunpoint… “Lena, what are - what are you going to do?”
“How do you know my name?” Lena growled.
Kara’s eyes widened. Anywhere in time and space… “Who do you think I am?” Kara asked.
“Is that a joke?” Lena asked, as Kara’s mind revved into overdrive. “You think you can come back, with cartoonish S on your chest, and we’ll forget the Third Reich?”
Fear sank into Kara’s stomach. Earth X. “Lena, I know this looks like-”
“Through the portal. Now.”
Kara found herself sitting in an interrogation room. 
Her mind was scrambling for what Barry had said had become of Earth X - she remembered that, in the aftermath, the Third Reich had fallen to the Resistance, which was trying to rebuild a non-fascist society. But she knew the balance had to be fragile. The Reich had its proponents.
But Kara didn’t have long to think, before another familiar face walked into the room. “Winn!” Kara said, jumping up.
“Sit down,” Winn growled back.
Kara tensed, shaking off her confusion as she slowly sank to her chair, as Winn gave Lena a skeptical look. Right, he’s not the Winn I know either…
Lena shrugged. “She knew my name, too.”
“You’re both my friends,” Kara said softly, “On my Earth.”
Winn ignored her words, stepping around the table to take a seat at its corner. “We need to know if the Führer is still alive.”
“He’s dead,” Kara said, meeting Winn’s eyes. “As is his wife.”
Winn’s eyes narrowed in suspicion.
“I was sent here by accident,” Kara answered. “At some point in the next day or so, I’ll snap back to my own Earth.” If you don’t kill me first, she thought.
“And how do I know you’re from another Earth?” Winn demanded.
“You met my sister,” Kara whispered, thinking back to Alex’s stories when they were separated on Earth X, years ago. “Alex Danvers. On my Earth, she’s your friend too.”
“You,” Winn said skeptically. “I’m friends with you.”
“I’m not from your Earth,” Kara said. “I’m not asking you to trust me. Just let me live long enough to go back to my own time.”
Kara fidgeted as she sat alone in the room again - watching, waiting, itching against the bounds of her kryptonite cuffs. 
She was certain that Winn and Lena - possibly others - were debating what to do with her. Hopefully they don't just kill me, Kara thought, searching her mind for how she might prove she’s not from their Earth.
But the door opened again.
Lena stepped in quietly, eyes on Kara. But the anger was subdued from before. She was curious. “Lena,” Kara whispered.
The wariness wasn’t gone from Lena’s stance, but she sat across from Kara. “What’s it like, on your Earth?”
Kara smiled. My Lena would be curious about the other Earths too, she thought. “The Third Reich ended in 1945. We’re… far from a perfect world. But we haven’t had the struggle that you’ve had.”
“And you and I are friends?”
Kara’s expression faltered, as she glanced down at her hands. “We used to be. We used to be best friends.”
“What happened?”
Kara bit at her lip, unable to look Lena in the eye. “I betrayed you. You hate me now.”
Lena’s brows furrowed. “That doesn’t seem to be the sort of thing that would help your cause.”
“I’m not going to lie to you again,” Kara said. “I’ve done too much of that. The other you, I mean.”
Lena frowned, and Kara could see some of the tension in her body rise again. “What happened to my Earth’s Kara? How did she die?”
“Her heart was dying from too much solar exposure,” Kara said. “I took her up into the atmosphere before her body… it started a nuclear reaction.”
“And the Führer?”
“Oliver from another Earth killed him.”
Lena’s eyebrows briefly raised. “Winn met him, apparently.”
“Yeah. My sister was there too.”
Kara itched at her bonds again, wishing there was a clock she could check. I don’t know how much time would be left anyway, she thought to herself. But at least I’d know…
She was surprised to hear the door open again. Lena walked through with a cup and some bread, placing both in front of Kara on the table. “You must be hungry,” she said.
“Thank you,” Kara murmured, leaning forward and beginning to eat.
“What did you lie to me about?” Lena asked. “On your Earth?”
Kara swallowed harshly. “I- I kept my kryptonian identity from you. Kryptonians and Luthors don’t get along.”
Kara’s brow crinkled. “Are you a Walsh, here?”
Lena nodded slowly. 
“Your mother…” Kara asked. “She’s alive?”
Lena’s eyes narrowed. “Yes.”
Kara smiled. She got to be raised by Elizabeth, she thought. “Are the Luthors alive? On this Earth?”
“No,” Lena said. “Alexander Luthor was the last Führer, before Oliver Queen. There was a power struggle.”
Kara nodded. “You were raised by the Luthors. On my Earth. So when I hid my identity, and became friends with you… you didn’t take it well when you found out.”
Lena looked on curiously. “The secret? Drove me to hate you?”
Kara shook her head. “There were other mistakes I made. In the aftermath. I… hurt you pretty badly.”
“So what did I do next?”
“You tried to brainwash the world.”
Lena’s eyes widened. “Why?”
“To make everyone kind.”
Lena’s brow raised. I guess that resonates, Kara thought. In a world full of fascists… 
“I can see the appeal,” Lena said. 
Kara was fascinated. And bored.
Her only company was Lena, on and off. She was grateful when Lena came in with food, and over the moon when Lena came in to exchange Kara’s kryptonite cuffs with far less painful power cuffs. 
But her moments with Lena were few and far between given her apparent other responsibilities, leaving Kara staring up at the ceiling for long stretches of time.
She found herself torn, thoughts of “When will I be able to go home?” warring with “I hope my Lena looks at me like that again someday.”
“Are you happy here?” Kara asked. “Are you- are you with anyone?” Lena smiled. “I met him a year ago,” she said. “We butted heads on technical projects. Trying to rebuild our society’s infrastructure. But something more came of it.”
Kara smiled. “Jack?”
Lena’s eyes widened, and she nodded. “Jack.”
Kara nodded too. “I’m glad you have someone.”
Lena tilted her head curiously. “Were we more than friends?”
“You and Jack? Yeah, on my Earth-”
“No,” Lena clarified. “You and I. What were we to each other?”
Oh. “No,” Kara said, shifting uncomfortably. “We were only ever friends.”
“Is that all you wanted?”
“I just- don’t think it’s relevant to you-”
“I don’t know what I’m like on your Earth,” Lena said, leaning forward on her arms. “But if someone hurt me so badly that I try to brainwash the world about it, I think that person must’ve meant something to me.”
Kara bit her lip.
Lena’s brow quirked. “If your plan is to never lie to me again, that seems like the sort of thing you should tell me. Other me.”
Kara laughed, her heart twinging with joy and pain. “If we ever get along again, I’ll tell you.”
“Why are you trusting me?” Kara asked curiously.
“What do you mean?” Lena asked, in a tone that was more coy than confused.
“You just seem less suspicious of me than before,” Kara shrugged. “In the beginning.”
Lena’s lips quirked, taking a moment to consider Kara. She then raised her hand, twisting it slightly, causing a small yellow glow to appear. Kara noted in shock that there seemed to be a glow passing over her own body, too. “What’s happen- what are you doing?”
“Just making your temporal shift visible,” Lena said. “I scanned you after our first meeting. I can’t prove you’re not from this Earth, but I can prove that you’re not where the universe expects you to be right now.”
“I’m sorry, but-” Kara sputtered. “But are you using magic?”
“Lena doesn’t have magic on your Earth?” Lena said.
“I can’t even get my Lena to believe in magic,” Kara said with a laugh. “Rao, this is amazing.”
Kara glanced up, and found Lena smiling.
“How long have I been here?” Kara asked.
“About 12 hours,” Lena said. “Honestly, I’d let you go. But Winn said it might cause a panic anyway, if too many people see you walking around.”
Kara sat back for a moment. “Yeah, that makes sense.”
It was at the 17 hour mark - just after Lena had brought in more food - that Kara’s hands began to glow. “What are you doing now?” Kara asked.
“Nothing,” Lena said, leaning forward to eye the glow. “I think you’re being pulled back.”
“Oh,” Kara said, glancing up at the alternate Lena. What should I say? “Thank you,” Kara murmured. “Thanks for being good company.”
“Give me time,” Lena said gently.
“I’ll come to my senses,” Lena said, thinking to herself, nodding. “I- I know there’s baggage. But at some point, I will come to my senses. I’ll come back to you.”
Kara smiled. “I hope so.”
“Good luck, Kara Zor-El.”
Kara found herself falling. No longer cuffed, no longer in a dark dusty room - but bathed in sunlight and breathing fresh air. Earth-38, she thought gratefully.
She blinked, shooting upwards in the sky again, hearing shouting in her ear. “Kara?” came Brainy’s panicked voice. “Kara, are you still there?”
“I’m here,” Kara gasped, looking over National City. 
“Must’ve lost you for a minute,” Brainy said. “The creature is by the arboretum. We’ve finished making the power net, J’onn is flying it over.”
Kara glanced to the north, but her ears were fixating somewhere southeast, locating a familiar heartbeat. We’ll figure it out, Kara thought, clinging to Earth X Lena’s words.
We’ll get there, in the end. “I’m on my way.”
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fibermarts · 5 months
SC Cable Has a Great Contribution in Good Connectivity
In the realm of contemporary technology, when uninterrupted connectivity is essential to every click, swipe, and tap, the backbone that underpins our digital infrastructure is sometimes invisible and undervalued. However, it is precisely this basis that enables us to interact, cooperate, and create at the speed of thinking. The SC cable is one of the unsung heroes of this digital revolution; it is an engineering wonder that silently keeps our networks stable and strong.
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Although SC (Subscriber Connector) cables are not as well-known as USB or HDMI, their importance in the field of data transfer cannot be emphasized. Numerous networks rely on these fiber optic connections to send data quickly and efficiently across great distances with little loss or interference. Let's explore SC cables in more detail and find out why they are still relevant today.
Bandwidth and Speed: Every SC cable is built with the promise of unmatched bandwidth and speed. Fiber optic cables, such as SC, are made to use light as a means of data transmission. They can carry data at rates far faster than those of conventional copper cables. Gigabit Ethernet, Fibre Channel, and other high-speed protocols can be supported via SC cables, which are the foundation of networks when speed is crucial.
Reliability is a non-negotiable in this day and age, as any downtime may be disastrous for both individuals and enterprises. SC cables and LC cables are the preferred options for mission-critical applications because of their well-known robustness and ability to withstand external interference. SC cables preserve their integrity even when traveling over crowded metropolitan areas or the ocean floor, guaranteeing continuous communication when it counts most.
Versatility: The adaptability of SC cables is one of its distinguishing qualities. These cables are used in a wide range of sectors, including data centers, telecommunications, industrial automation, and healthcare. Their attractiveness is further increased by their compatibility with a wide range of networking standards and protocols, which enables a smooth integration into the current infrastructure.
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SC cable undoubtedly influences our globally networked world, even if they may work in the background. These modest but strong cables are essential to the development of the digital world because they power the internet's backbone and allow for real-time communication across countries.
Next: How Fiber Trunk Cable and SC Attenuator Boost Network Performance?
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Tyrant [00.3]
[00.1] [00.2] [00.3] [1] [AO3]
Nero gets his way, and since he is and has always been tight-lipped on details, you’re not sure what that means beyond a dinner invitation.
Even though no one shows up at your place and drags you to his table, kicking and screaming, it doesn’t mean you would voluntarily go. But it isn’t up to you, and none of this is an option.
Your course is preset, and you must remain disturbingly compliant.
In the restaurant, Nero zags into and out of what barely resembles a conversation’s definition. He talks disjointedly, interrupting himself as he works through the main course as though you have all the time in the world. Your impatience grows, and stress accumulates. Ever since you learned where you were supposed to meet, you’ve been calculating and wondering what kind of impossible contract will be dropped on your lap.
Dinner is usually a grand affair, but it’s never this extravagant.
Eventually, Nero stipples the corners of his mouth with a jacquard-woven napkin. He isn’t finished eating, but you understand his ritual and prepare accordingly. The silverware feels heavy in your hands.
Like your face-to-face meetings, Nero operates on an astoundingly analog level, and he draws something out of a welt pocket at his chest, revealing it to you by setting it down on the tablecloth, sliding it toward you with two fingers pressed against the glossy surface.
You know the face already.
Who doesn’t?
It’s a faux-candid of Genji Shimada lifted from one of his numerous social media accounts set up for attracting good PR to offset all the scandals he perpetuates.
You drag the picture closer once Nero lifts his fingers away, rotating it so Genji’s alcohol-twinged cheeks face you properly and examine how his smile evades his lips while remaining firmly in his eyes. He’s semi-posed, courting the camera lens, and it probably took 5 seconds on a search engine to bring up and click print.
Despite the erosion of enthusiasm towards work and your attenuated private sense of purpose, you’ve already decided Genji will be far too easy. He’s the kind of contract you would have welcomed when you were inexperienced and still figuring a method out. Now that it’s distilled into a theorem, you are confident he will break in its application.
It crosses your mind that you should even be insulted, which makes it challenging to continue to act as Nero’s mirror and reflect his impersonal nature.
“I assumed that since we’re here—” an egregiously expensive Michelin 3-star restaurant, with notoriously unattainable reservations and a dress code that required a tedious shopping trip to satisfy, “—this would be a challenge.”
“And who’s to say it won’t be?” Nero remains agreeable, wholly dismissing your reaction. Prioritizing the meal, he returns to eating.
You approach his statement judiciously, watching him tear into his jarret d’agneau. “What’s the catch?”
If your caution is of interest to him, you can’t tell. He finishes his mouthful, sets his cutlery back down, and then begins to smooth his clean napkin over a palm, looking through you. He always has been a formidable wall of incomprehension.
You continue, careful not to communicate your suspicion, “Evidently, Talon is still interested in the Shimada Clan.” You’re used to speaking at angles, allowing it to hang in the air and imply what you mean.
There’s zero give to Nero’s expression, no suggestion of what goes on inside his mind as you magnify what you already know about the syndicate, but to the same extent, no definite reply either.
You try again, being more direct than you’d prefer. “Have there been previous attempts?”
Breaking his silence, Nero asks with surprising texture, “Now, how would that matter?”
It wouldn’t. Not to Talon, at least, who have made it incumbent on you to make Genji bend in submission, presumably since it makes beheading easier.
Noting your expression, Nero graces you with a few more words on the matter. “Get into his head and take it apart.” There’s a hint of his scorching madness in the depths of his gaze that you hold to prove that you aren’t intimidated—even if you are.
“With pleasure,” you say because you have to say something.
“Let’s hope you don’t lose your conviction,” Nero says, breaking the conversational flow once more for another bite. He chews and swallows, then raises his glass. A grimace surfaces like water in an overflowing cup. “Well then. What shall we toast to? Your imminent success?”
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prajwal-agale001 · 18 days
Viral Vaccines Growth Drivers: Technological Advancements and Emerging Markets
The viral vaccines market is on track for notable expansion, with forecasts indicating it will reach $47.01 billion by 2031, achieving a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 1.9% from 2024 to 2031, according to the latest report from Meticulous Research®. This growth is fueled by a robust product pipeline, increased government emphasis on immunization programs, technological advancements in vaccine administration, and the capacity expansion of biopharmaceutical products.
Key Drivers of Market Growth
Several factors are driving the upward trajectory of the viral vaccines market:
Strong Product Pipeline: The ongoing development and approval of new vaccines are boosting market growth. Innovative vaccine formulations and delivery methods are continually advancing, making vaccines more effective and easier to administer.
Government Focus on Immunization: Governments worldwide are increasingly prioritizing immunization programs to combat infectious diseases and improve public health. This focus is translating into expanded vaccine distribution and coverage.
Technological Advancements: Advances in vaccine administration technologies, including ultra-low temperature freezers that ensure vaccine stability, are facilitating better vaccine storage and handling. Additionally, the use of inactivated vaccines in surgical treatments is contributing to market expansion.
Emerging Markets and Therapeutic Vaccines: The growing emphasis on therapeutic vaccines, which target diseases beyond traditional infections, is opening new avenues for market growth. Emerging markets are also becoming significant contributors due to increased healthcare investments and expanding vaccination programs.
Market Segmentation and Insights
The viral vaccines market is segmented into several categories, each influencing the market dynamics in unique ways:
Liquid Vaccines: In 2024, liquid vaccines are expected to dominate the market. These vaccines, which are easy to administer and do not require reconstitution, offer advantages such as reduced risk of errors, simplified logistics, and lower contamination risks. Their widespread use is driven by the need for efficient vaccination processes.
Lyophilized Vaccines: While liquid vaccines are currently leading, lyophilized vaccines also play a crucial role. They require reconstitution before use but offer longer shelf lives and stability, which are essential for certain types of vaccines.
Vaccine Type
Subunit & Conjugate Vaccines: Expected to hold the largest market share in 2024, this segment includes vaccines that do not contain live components. These vaccines are valued for their precise targeting of pathogens, low risk of immunogenicity, and long-term immunity.
Other Vaccine Types: Live-attenuated, inactivated, mRNA, viral vector, toxoid, and combination vaccines each contribute to the market's growth. Each type offers specific benefits, such as enhanced immune responses or targeted disease prevention.
Virus Type
Adenovirus: The adenovirus segment is anticipated to lead the market due to its efficient gene delivery, strong immune response, and high scalability. Adenovirus vectors are widely used in vaccine development and gene therapy.
Other Virus Types: Retrovirus, plasmid DNA, adeno-associated virus (AAV), and lentivirus are also significant, each with unique properties that support various vaccine and therapeutic applications.
Route of Administration
Intramuscular (IM) and Subcutaneous (SC): These routes are commonly used for most vaccines due to their effectiveness in eliciting immune responses.
Oral and Other Routes: Alternative administration methods, such as oral vaccines, are gaining attention for their ease of use and potential for mass immunization.
Preventive Vaccines: Preventive vaccines are expected to dominate the market. These vaccines are administered to prevent infections and are integral to public health strategies aimed at controlling infectious diseases.
Therapeutic Vaccines: Therapeutic vaccines, which target diseases such as cancer, are emerging as important growth areas, offering new treatment possibilities and expanding the scope of vaccination beyond disease prevention.
Infectious Diseases: This segment is projected to hold the largest share due to the high demand for vaccines that prevent and control infectious diseases. The prevention of diseases, reduction in morbidity and mortality, and global health security drive this market segment.
Other Indications: Vaccines for cancer, genetic disorders, and other indications are also important, with ongoing research and development contributing to their growth.
Antisense Therapy: Expected to capture the largest market share in 2024, antisense therapy uses viral vectors to induce immune responses. This approach offers comprehensive protection against a range of pathogens and is supported by advancements in technology and increased healthcare spending.
Other Applications: Gene therapy, cell therapy, and vaccinology also contribute to market growth, with applications tailored to specific therapeutic needs.
Vials and Prefilled Syringes: Packaging plays a crucial role in vaccine distribution and administration. Vials and prefilled syringes are commonly used to ensure accurate dosing and ease of use.
Regional Insights
The global viral vaccines market is influenced by regional dynamics:
North America: Projected to hold the largest market share in 2024, North America benefits from advanced research infrastructure, a high concentration of pharmaceutical companies, and significant investments in vaccine development. The region's focus on immunization and preparedness for emerging pandemics further supports its leading position.
Emerging Markets: Regions such as Asia-Pacific are experiencing rapid growth due to industrial expansion, increased healthcare investments, and improved vaccination programs. Countries like China, India, and Japan are driving this growth through enhanced public health initiatives and expanding vaccine accessibility.
Recent Developments
The viral vaccines market has seen significant recent developments, including collaborations and innovations. For instance, in January 2024, a notable collaboration between ReiThera Srl, the Ragon Institute of Mass General, MIT, Harvard, and the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) was announced. This partnership aims to develop a novel HIV vaccine candidate using ReiThera’s GRAd vector, marking a significant advancement in vaccine research.
Additionally, in October 2023, the R21/Matrix-M malaria vaccine developed by Oxford University and the Serum Institute of India, utilizing Novartis AG’s adjuvant technology, received recommendations from the WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) and the Malaria Policy Advisory Group (MPAG). This development highlights ongoing efforts to combat infectious diseases through innovative vaccine technologies.
Read Full Report @ https://www.meticulousresearch.com/product/viral-vaccines-market-5920
Contact Us: Meticulous Research® Email- [email protected] Contact Sales- +1-646-781-8004 Connect with us on LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/company/meticulous-research
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kimy-huang · 3 months
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LC/SC/FC/MU male to female type attenuator
Attenuation range: 1~30dB
Return loss: ≥50dB
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fibermints · 6 months
Unveiling the Pivotal Role of Optical Passive Components in Modern Photonics
In the realm of modern photonics, optical passive components have emerged as the unsung heroes, enabling the seamless integration and manipulation of light in a myriad of applications. From high-speed telecommunications to precision sensing and quantum computing, these ingenious devices play a pivotal role in shaping the trajectories of cutting-edge technologies. This article delves into the world of optical passive components, exploring their fundamental principles, diverse functionalities, and their impact on the ever-evolving landscape of photonics.
Principles of Optical Passive Components
Optical passive components rely on the fundamental principles of reflection, refraction, interference, and diffraction to manipulate the flow and properties of light waves. Unlike their active counterparts, which generate, modulate, or detect light, passive components operate without the need for external power sources or electrical-to-optical conversions. This passive nature imbues them with unique characteristics, such as low power consumption, compactness, and inherent stability, making them attractive for integration into complex photonic systems.
Exploring the Diversity of Optical Passive Components
The realm of optical passive components encompasses a wide range of devices, each designed to fulfill specific functions within photonic systems. This section highlights some of the most widely used optical passive components and their applications.
1. Optical Couplers/Splitters
Optical couplers and splitters are among the most versatile and widely used passive components in photonics. Couplers are designed to combine optical signals from multiple input fibers into a single output fiber, while splitters perform the reverse operation, dividing an input signal into multiple output fibers. These components play a crucial role in wavelength multiplexing and demultiplexing, enabling efficient utilization of fiber bandwidth and enabling advanced communication protocols like wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM).
2. Optical Filters
Optical filters are essential components for wavelength-selective operations in photonic systems. They leverage the principles of interference and diffraction to selectively transmit or reflect specific wavelengths of light. These filters are often constructed using dielectric thin films with carefully engineered refractive index profiles, allowing for precise control over the spectral characteristics of the transmitted or reflected light. Optical filters find applications in a wide range of areas, including dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) systems, optical signal processing, and spectroscopy.
3. Optical Connectors
Optical connectors are indispensable components that enable the interconnection of optical fibers, cables, and devices within photonic systems. These connectors facilitate the creation of temporary or permanent joints between optical components, ensuring efficient light transmission and minimizing signal losses. Various types of optical connectors, such as ST, LC, FC, SC, and MTRJ, have been developed to meet the diverse requirements of different applications, including telecommunication networks, data centers, and laboratory setups.
4. Optical Attenuators
Optical attenuators are passive devices designed to precisely control and reduce the power of transmitted light. These components play a crucial role in maintaining optimal signal levels within photonic systems, preventing receiver saturation, balancing wavelength power, and equalizing node power. Different types of optical attenuators, including plug-style, in-line, variable, and fixed attenuators, are available to cater to specific application needs and power control requirements.
5. Optical Switches
Optical switches are versatile passive components that enable the dynamic routing and switching of optical signals within photonic systems. These devices control the physical connection between input and output ports, allowing for flexible reconfiguration of optical paths. Optical switches find applications in various domains, including automatic measurement systems, optical fiber network monitoring, multiplexing, and device testing. Their ability to dynamically reconfigure optical connections makes them invaluable in adaptable and reconfigurable photonic networks.
Applications and Impact of Optical Passive Components
The impact of optical passive components extends far beyond their modest appearances, enabling groundbreaking innovations across a wide range of applications. In the realm of telecommunications, these components are instrumental in enabling high-speed global communication networks by facilitating the efficient transmission, routing, and multiplexing of optical signals over vast distances.
Moreover, optical passive components have catalyzed advancements in precision sensing and metrology, where devices like interferometers, gratings, and etalons leverage the principles of interference and diffraction to measure quantities with unparalleled accuracy. These components form the backbone of cutting-edge technologies, including high-precision spectroscopy, environmental monitoring, and structural health monitoring systems.
The burgeoning field of integrated photonics has also benefited immensely from the versatility of optical passive components. By integrating waveguides, couplers, resonators, and filters onto a single chip, researchers and engineers have unlocked the potential for compact, energy-efficient, and high-performance photonic integrated circuits (PICs). These PICs find applications in areas as diverse as optical computing, biosensing, and quantum information processing, paving the way for transformative technological breakthroughs.
Furthermore, the advent of silicon photonics, which combines the mature fabrication processes of the microelectronics industry with the advantages of optical components, has opened new avenues for the seamless integration of photonics and electronics. Silicon-based passive components, such as waveguides, couplers, and resonators, offer unparalleled scalability and manufacturability, enabling the realization of high-density, low-cost photonic integrated circuits for applications in data centers, telecommunications, and beyond.
Challenges and Future Perspectives
Despite their passive nature, the design and fabrication of optical passive components present significant challenges. The stringent requirements for optical performance, such as low loss, high coupling efficiency, and precise wavelength selectivity, necessitate a deep understanding of the underlying physics and materials science. Advanced computational techniques, like finite-element and beam propagation methods, have become indispensable for accurately modeling and optimizing the behavior of these components, enabling researchers and engineers to push the boundaries of performance.
Furthermore, the seamless integration of optical passive components into larger photonic systems requires a holistic approach, considering not only the individual component performance but also the intricate interactions between various components and their impact on the overall system operation. This has given rise to the field of photonic system-on-chip design, which aims to co-optimize the photonic, electronic, and thermal aspects of integrated photonic systems, ensuring optimal performance and reliability.
As the demand for faster, more efficient, and more capable photonic technologies continues to grow, optical passive components will undoubtedly play an increasingly pivotal role. Their ability to manipulate light with precision and efficiency, coupled with their inherent advantages of low power consumption and compactness, positions them as essential building blocks for the next generation of photonic systems.
From high-speed data transmission and optical computing to precision sensing and quantum technologies, the impact of optical passive components extends far beyond their modest appearances. As researchers and engineers continue to push the boundaries of photonics, these unassuming yet indispensable components will remain at the forefront, enabling groundbreaking innovations that shape the future of technology and scientific discovery.
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china-tscom · 1 year
T & S MTP® / MPO fiber loop is a device used for parallel connection tests and an aging test of optical communication equipment. Well-designed by engineers at T&S, our MTP®/MPO loopback adapter can transmit the optical network signal from the transmitter to the receiver, thereby forming the optical signal receiving and transmitting loop. MTP® / MPO fiber loop provides a fast and efficient way to test the transmission capacity and receiving sensitivity of optical network equipment. T & S MTP® / MPO fiber loop has 8F, 12F, 16F, 24F, 32F channels with low loss and conventional loss, single-mode and multi-mode options. Our MTP®/MPO loopback adapter is now widely used for optical network equipment self-test, network diagnosis, and test, etc.
Features of MPO®/MTP Loopback Adapter
Available in various polarity and fiber types
Meet TIA/EIA and IEC interpretability standards
RoHS compliant
Customized attenuation available
Available with or without Pull tabs
8F , 12F, and 24fF available
Specifications of MTP®/MPO Loopback
General Specification
Technical Specification
Fiber Count
2fibers for duplex type; 2-24fibers for multi-fiber connector
Fiber Mode
Single mode: OS2/G657 9/125um Multimode: OM1 62.5/125 um OM2 OM3OM4 50/125um;
Fiber Brand
Corning SMF-28® Ultra optical fiber
Corning ClearCurve® multimode fiber
Cable Jacket Ratings
Low Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH) Riser (OFNR)
Plenum (OFNP)
Cable Jacket Color
OS2/G657: Yellow
OM1&OM2: Orange OM3: Aqua; OM4: Aqua/Magenta or Customized
Type A, Type B, Type C (TIA-568.3-D) or Customized
Connector Type
Connector Color
or customized
Connector Color
or customized
Low Loss
Loopback housing color
Operating Temperature
-20°C to + 70°C
Storage Temperature
-40°C to + 85°C
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phukiencapquang · 1 year
Dây nhảy quang singlemode SC-LC chuẩn APC Chính hãng
Màu Vàng Độ suy giảm tín hiệu 1.0 dB/km (Fiber attenuation) Uốn cong R=3cm Lực căng lớn nhất 90 N/cm - wpcj1p7jfm
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fibermart · 8 months
Discover Precision with SC Attenuators
Unleash optimal signal control with SC Attenuators, your go-to solution for seamless communication management. Engineered for precision, these attenuators ensure signal strength modulation with utmost accuracy. Elevate your networking experience by effortlessly fine-tuning SC connectors, guaranteeing unparalleled performance. Stay ahead in the connectivity game as SC Attenuators empower your network infrastructure with reliability and efficiency. Revolutionize your signal handling – choose SC Attenuators for precision, reliability, and a seamless networking journey. #SCAttenuator #SignalControl #NetworkingPrecision
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suntelecomcn · 2 years
What You Need to Know About Optical Power Meter (OPM)
Today high bandwidth premise networks rely on fiber-optic infrastructure. Proper installation and maintenance of fiber cabling are imperative to improve technician productivity and ensure cabling system performance. Whether you require basic fiber verification capabilities, advanced troubleshooting, inspection, or loss and power measurements, an optical power meter (OPM)is the best first-line fiber instrument to meet your needs. It offers an accurate and cost-effective testing solution for the fiber optic network together with a light source. This article will help you understand optical power meters.
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What is an Optical Power Meter?
An optical power meter (OPM) is a testing instrument used to accurately measure the power of fiber optic equipment or the power of an optical signal passed through the fiber optic cable. It also helps to determine the power loss incurred by the optical signal while passing through the fiber optic media. OPM has a calibrated sensor that measures an amplifier circuit and a display. It is measured in dBm or mW and can adapt to different connectors such as SC, ST, FC, etc.
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Types of OPM
There are two types of OPM: Normal and PON OPM.
Normal OPM measures the optical power in the fiber optic link with a calibrated wavelength value of 850/980/1300/1310/1490/1550/1625.
PON OPM can test the optical power values of voice, data, and video signals, supporting EPON/GPON test. It is ideal for PON network construction and maintenance. In addition, PON OPM provides simultaneous measurement at all three wavelengths (1310/1490/1550nm) on the fiber.
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Features and Benefits
OPM provides the following features and benefits:
User self-calibration function
Auto power off after 10 minutes without operation
Standard FC/SC/ST interchangeable port
Backlight LCD for night operation
REF setting function
Intelligent backlight control function
Auto wavelength and frequency identification
High storage capacity, precision, stability, sensitivity, and durability
USB communication port for data transfer
Compact design, easy operation, and easy to use
OPM is used in telecommunication networks, CATV networks, FTTx networks, PON networks, LAN/WAN, education and research in optical communication, etc.
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OPM is used to identify optical fiber, measure optical attenuation, verify continuity and evaluate fiber link transmission quality. It provides high accuracy, high durability, a wide wavelength range, a compact design, and easy operation. Sun Telecom specializes in providing one-stop total fiber optic solutions for all fiber optic application industries worldwide. Contact us if any needs.
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fibermarts · 1 month
Delve into the Classification of Fiber Optic Pigtail
The network's performance during the installation of fiber optic cables depends on how the wires are connected to the system. When implemented correctly, optical signals would have little attenuation and return loss while traveling via the connection. For 99% of single-mode applications, joining optical fiber is best achieved via a fiber optic pigtail like 12 LC Pigtail. A fundamental understanding of fiber optic pigtails, including varieties of pigtail connectors and fiber pigtail classes, is provided in this post.
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Specification for Fiber Pigtail
A fiber optic cable having one end terminated with a factory-installed connector and the other end terminated is called a fiber optic pigtail. As a result, the connector side may be connected to machinery, and optical fiber cables can melt the other side. Pigtail patch cords are used for mechanical splicing or fusion termination of fiber optic cables. For fiber optic cable terminations, high-quality pigtail cables combined with proper fusion splicing techniques yield the best results.
Types of Fiber Optic Pigtails
There exist many varieties of fiber optic pigtails: LC fiber optic pigtails, SC fiber pigtails, ST fiber pigtails, and so on are grouped according to the kind of pigtail connection. Single-mode and multimode fiber optic pigtails are available based on the kind of fiber. Additionally, 6 or 12 fiber optic pigtails like 12LC and 12 SC pigtail are available in the market.
According to Fiber Type
Single-mode (yellow) and multimode (orange) fiber optic pigtails are the two categories. Multimode fiber optic connectors are used to terminate 62.5/125 micron or 50/125 micron bulk multimode fiber cables at one end of multimode fiber optic pigtails. Pigtails for 10G multimode fiber cables (OM3 or OM4) are also offered. The 10G OM3 and OM4 fiber optic pigtail's jacket color is often aqua. 9/125 micron single-mode fiber cable is used in single-mode fiber pigtail cables, which terminate at a single-mode fiber connector on one end.
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In summary
In essence, fiber optic pigtails like 12 LC Pigtail are used to splice fibers together so they may be attached to equipment or patch panels. Additionally, they offer a workable and trustworthy method for simpler fiber termination, which significantly reduces labor costs and operational time.
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serversmains · 2 years
Mods ets2 1.5.2
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#MODS ETS2 1.5.2 1080P#
#MODS ETS2 1.5.2 MOD#
Discuss the screenshots with everyone using World of Trucks.
Scania, Volvo, MAN, DAF, Iveco, We are excited to announce the arrival of update 1.42 for both Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator! We'd like to thank all those Euro Truck Simulator 2 freeload PC Game. We love to bring you new game updates, especially ones that have been highly requested by our community! Today, we are happy to share with you that the 1.42 Euro Truck Simulator 2, 19 Ekim 2012'de SCS Software firması tarafında yayınlanmış bir kamyon oyunudur.
#MODS ETS2 1.5.2 MOD#
Fuso supergreat hi cab truck mod for ETS2 games 1.42 and 1.43 This mod uses the base model of koutsu and inonaka and was updated to 1.43 by slipnside and added some parts by Txiga Works on versions 1.42 and 1.43 Buy a truck from the access mod dealer. Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Travel across Europe as king of ETS2 1.42 Mods Download (2022) - ModsHostįebru. Scania R & Streamline 3D Modifications v 1.5.2 for V1.24.
ETS 2, oyunda aracınıza almış olduğunuz tüm yükleri varış noktalara Euro Truck Simulator 2 freeload PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. Truck Simulator Mods Download Truck Simulator Mods Download - ETS 2, ATS, Haulin, Mod, Maps. Euro Truck Simulator 2 İndir – Full Türkçe + 85 DLC v1.42.1.1s. Euro Truck Simulator 2 and ATS are getting revamped force feedbackĮuro Truck Simulator 2 Full indir + DLC + Torrent Kamyonlara ve tırlara meraklı olanlar için mükemmel bir simülasyon oyunu paylaşıyorum. They get the complete access to explore the ETS 2 maps when they use the best-in-class nature of the map. Smart players of this game customize different things as per their desires and make positive changes in their routine game play. Genre: Indie, Simulation Developer: SCS Software Euro Truck Simulator 2 Full indir - Hile Save en ets 2 ücretsiz tüm drive ve torrent bedava ETS 2 online multiplayer crack ets2 1.41 indir apk. Some of the latest mods in this genre are the warehouse, southern region, project Balkans and deleted Europe. Added in April 2019, this massive map expansion by ProMods adds and improves over 30 cities to Euro Truck Simulator 2, this also includes general road and landscape improvements as well. 4 days ago Release name: Euro Truck Simulator 2. freeload Euro Truck Simulator 2 update 1.42 on PC (Steam). Other: Implemented Sound Attenuation MSDF Font Implementation.
Bahçeşehir atatürk anadolu lisesi lgs puanıĮuro Truck Simulator 2 Demo indir - Euro Truck Simulator, bildiğimiz tır simulasyon oyununun Avrupa için hazırlanmış versiyonu! Ownable Dumper Trailers.
#MODS ETS2 1.5.2 1080P#
Pasifik savaşı 2 izle türkçe dublaj hd tek part 1080p.Efsane prens 56.bölüm türkçe dublaj izle.For this reason every player is able to find something useful. ETS2 Maps Mods have many different types and features. If you are not one of them, it’s a great time to try. If you bored driving truck or missed relaxing drive, choose a car mod from this category and go on a journey. You can’t transport cargo with a car, but you can enjoy driving in very detailed ETS2 world. Gain the needed advantage and beat the competitors! Our website provides all the latest mods for your E uro Truck Simulator 2 game for free! All you need to do is choose the Euro Truck Simulator 2 mods and download them in one mouse click! The same terms remain for ATS – you will be amazed by our ATS mods free examples database.ETS2 Volvo Mods Download (2022) - ModsHostĮvery experienced player should have heard about it. Euro Truck Simulator 2 mods, ETS2 Mods, ETS 2 mods, downloads, Cars and Bus, Interiors, Maps, Parts and Tuning, Skins, Sounds, Trailers, Trucks. Euro Truck Simulator 2 is decided for trucks but with mods, you can drive cars. All of these you can find in one place and you are already in the right place! ETS and ATS Mods will help you to become a master player. The same offer is valid for EST –customize your game and make it even more unique by downloading various ets 2 mods – maps, trucks, interiors, skins, tuning, etc. This action will take only few seconds but will impact the game scenario considerably. If you feel into trying the upgrade, press on American truck simulator mods download. The game can be much more exciting with this little improvement.
But in case you are bored of European roads and surrounding and look for the new opportunities to upgrade your ATS – American truck simulator mods are a perfect solution. Euro Truck Simulator 2 - a game that gets you through new experiences and challenges as if you were a real truck driver, driving the most popular Euro Trucks through the iconic landmarks of the all Europe.
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coversvewor · 2 years
Scs mods for euro truck simulator 2
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#Scs mods for euro truck simulator 2 mod
#Scs mods for euro truck simulator 2 update
#Scs mods for euro truck simulator 2 full
#Scs mods for euro truck simulator 2 mods
In the first iteration of this update, we are bringing this new font technique to the game's UI. So how exactly does this affect the game? This font technique allows texts and fonts to be displayed perfectly in any resolution, scale, or from any distance.
#Scs mods for euro truck simulator 2 update
This update has been applied to all trucks in both Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator.Īnother new feature coming along with 1.43 is the use of SDF (Signed Distance Fields) fonts in-game. This is just the first iteration of this update, as in the future we plan to bring more accurate attenuation simulation by the size of the truck cab. Put simply, interior truck cab sounds have been updated to better simulate how engine, wheel and other exterior sounds are dampened when driving from a first person view. Since each truck has a different sound insulation, our sound team has simulated this with the use of sound equalization and reverb effects. In this update we have also implemented a new sound effect which simulates sound attenuation from surrounding environment noises, as well as the sound of the truck engine and wheels. We can't wait to see these you hauling these new Dumper Trailers in your company and how you will customize them! Be sure to share with us your photos of your newly owned trailers on our Social Media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) Unfortunately, we didn't make it round to all of the tollgates in time for this Open Beta, so expect this update to be continued in future game versions too.Īs previously announced in a blogpost, we are happy to share that viewpoints arriving in Euro Truck Simulator 2! There will be a total 35 new viewpoints added across already released ETS2 locations in this update. While this isn't a complete overhaul or redesign, we hope that this update (and future ones too) will bring a smoother experience when passing through the many tollgates that can be found across Europe. Our teams have revisited a majority of the tolls throughout Euro Truck Simulator 2 to update and apply fixes to speed limits, road signage and other minor adjustments. Tollgates will also be receiving a revisit in this update.
#Scs mods for euro truck simulator 2 full
You can read the full dedicated blog on the Lyon Reskin here. While many of the major changes are quite obvious, we will leave it up to you to explore Lyon for yourself to spot them all! Road signs and roads, in general, have also been updated with more accurate, realistic, and detailed textures.
#Scs mods for euro truck simulator 2 mod
This mod keeps on going strong and steady with the help of a group of 50 admins behind it that works hard for it.Many of the older vegetation models such as trees and wildflowers have been replaced with newer ones, which gives the city a completely new look in terms of natural beauty. Trucker’s multiplayer supports for nicknames, global server chat, avatars and many more. There is addon called Truckers MP, which allows every single truck on the road to be controlled by a human driver, rather than by the AI. For example, this game does not have multiplayer by default, but it does not affect modders from it.
#Scs mods for euro truck simulator 2 mods
ETS 2 Mods has a huge amount of fantastic mods along with all of it’s out of the box goodness. This game has sold over 5 million units on steam till now. These updates are basically related to cars, interiors, maps, parts and tuning, sounds, skins, trailers, tutorials, trucks, cheats, news and other stuff. Additionally, there is much stuff which gets updating frequently and can be downloaded very fast and safely. In this category, there are many latest and best ETS 2 Mods for downloading. This game keeps on maintaining its popularity between its players. It was initially released in 2012 and is still updated by developers according to the needs. This game is available for both Windows and Linux users. Euro truck simulator 2 is a truck simulator game that is rated very highly by its players.
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holightoptic-blog · 3 years
SC adjustable attenuator 
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arvensis-consulting · 5 years
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SC APC and UPC Optical Attenuators, direct from the factory so the middle man/distributor is removed.
RL: >45dB (PC)
RL: >50dB (UPC)
RL .60dB APC
Attenuation Accuracy 1-9dB 0.5dB and 10-30dB 10% of attenuation value
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