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OWASP's Dependency-Track tool update: Key changes — and limitations
OWASP has released a new version of its dependency tracking tool, but the update is not the final word on managing software risk. https://www.reversinglabs.com/blog/owasp-dependency-track-update-key-changes-and-limitations-on-software-risk-management
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The White House released the first version of the implementation plan for its National Cybersecurity Strategy on July 13, including more than 65 initiatives aimed at mitigating cyber risk and bolstering investment into cybersecurity.
👉 National Cybersecurity Strategy Implementation Plan
The plan includes sample initiatives for the five pillars of the National Cybersecurity Strategy:
Defending critical infrastructure: The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) will lead the update of the National Cyber Incident Response Plan that includes guidance for the roles and a coordinated manner between the government and private sector.
Disrupting and dismantling threat actors: CISA and the FBI co-chair the Joint Ransomware Task Force to combat ransomware and other cybercrime. The FBI, in collaboration with international and private sector partners, aims to disrupt the ransomware ecosystem, including virtual asset providers that enable the laundering of ransomware proceeds and web forums offering initial access credentials.
Shaping market forces to drive security and resilience: To increase software transparency and accountability, CISA continues to lead the drive to close gaps in software bill of materials (SBOM) scale and implementation.
Investing in a resilient future: The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will lead the Interagency International Cybersecurity Standardization Working Group to drive key security standardization including the post-quantum cryptography standard.
Forging international partnerships to pursue shared goals: The Department of State is set to publish an International Cyberspace and Digital Policy Strategy and work to help establish and strengthen country and regional interagency teams to facilitate coordination with partner nations.
Software supply chain is a new focus
The third pillar of the Implementation Plan focuses on securing the software supply chain, focused on software design resilience. VMware’s principal cybersecurity strategist Rick McElroy lauded this plan; he said securing cloud software — software as a service — needs special focus.
“The current NCSIP shows this administration’s commitment to cybersecurity, building on executive orders and funds dedicated to transforming and modernizing the federal government’s cybersecurity posture, which is long overdue,” McElroy said. “One consideration for this, however, is a Software Bill of Materials for Cloud software. What is a Cloud SBOM? What does that look like? Conversely, how can SBOMs be applied to practical cybersecurity defense to take advantage of that data to cut down noise?”
He added that the current working group being led by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Administration is working to address this. “But there remains a gap in SBOM discussions. SaaSBOM is a must in a cloud-first world,” McElroy emphasized.
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SBOM-a-Rama 2023 Round-up
Last week the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) hosted SBOM-a-Rama 2023 (great event name!) in Los Angeles - a meeting about the current state of Software Bill of Materials (SBOM).
Several articles about the event shared takeaways and quotes from presenters and attendees:
• TechTarget's article SBOM standards efforts stymied by confusion summarized the topics presented at the event and highlighted the challenges faced in adopting SBOMs including some quotes from those in the field.
• Interlynk shared a summary on their blog, SBOM-a-RAMA ’23: Key Updates.
• ReversingLabs published CISA SBOM-a-rama tackles challenges: 5 key takeaways
Edit (August 1, 2023): Video from the 2023 SBOM-a-Rama event is now online. Slides are also available from the previous SBOM-a-Rama event held in December 2021.
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Explore the importance of deployment security and the potential risks involved. Learn how OpsMx can help you strengthen your deployment security practices and protect your applications from threats.
#CBOM#continuous delivery security#Deployment Security#SBOM#software security#software supply chain security
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EngFlow And tipi.build Reveal CMake Remote Build Execution Solution For C And C++ Community
A ground-breaking CMake Remote Build Execution (CMake RE) service in beta has been introduced by EngFlow and tipi.build in collaboration. With financial support from Andreessen Horowitz, firstminute capital, and Tiger Global, this service uses automatic caching and cloud-based distributed build execution to substantially reduce C and C++ build times to only minutes while boosting software security.
Development of C and C++ has advanced significantly with the introduction of CMake RE, powered by EngFlow and tipi.build. This Beta release aims to redefine program development, guaranteeing both speed and security, by utilizing autonomous caching and cloud-based distributed execution.
At a special session during CPPCon in Aurora, Colorado, engineers from both businesses will share in-depth insights into this new product and its capabilities.
Read More - https://bit.ly/3rIWD7B
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Back to school~
Sekolah lagi.. HBD bu Syifa!
Akhirnya balik lg ke sekolah setelah 2 mingguan libur. Bismillah hari senin adem ayem sesuai jadwal jam 7.30, pake baju wara wanita udara lalu upacara. Dianter ayah, aku mnt fotoin nemo tadinya mau posting kemarin, ngga dikirim2 sampe sore sampe akupun lupa nagih hemm.
Grup ortu lagi rame jadwalin arisan dan katanya bu syifa ultah hari senin, owalaaah gmn belom beli kado dll. Diskusi dulu sm yg lain sepakat beli kado dan cake. Buibu rada slowres, bbrp ikut mikir tp yg action cuma aku dan mama mica akhirnya kami putusin weh ke pvj ke sogo lagi beliin tas kaya hadiah utk bu dina kemarin. Alhamdulillah dapet tas simple nan lutju ditengah waktu yg mepet, kami start nyari jam10an. Abistu beli cupcakes ke pompidou aja weh, disana bisa custom topper buat ucapannya, cm nunggu 5 menit. Okelah dah beres, 10 menit sbom bel keluaran sekolah kami tiba, disana udah ada 3 mama lainnya jd surprise in ber 5 aja. Langsooong eksekusi haha riweuh ku anak2 mau nyoel2 cakenya tp smuanya kompak nyanyiin lagu "selamat ultah" utk bu syifa. Yeaaay alhamdulillah beres dan berhasil..
Sekali lagi selamat ulang tahun bu syifa, guru kesayangan anak2 kami.. Semoga suka kadonya ya bu!
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「ソフトウェアにおけるダークマター」という考え。コンテナ中の必要ないファイルが蓄積し、SBOM等でも追跡されていない状態をさす。Docker Hubでよく使われているコンテナ350個を調査したところ、約3割がダークマターで占められていた。 https://www.chainguard.dev/unchained/software-dark-matter-is-the-enemy-of-software-transparency
新山祐介 (Yusuke Shinyama)さんはTwitterを使っています
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Eine Software Bill of Materials (SBOM), also eine Stückliste aller Software-Komponenten in einem vernetzten Gerät, stellt in der deutschen Industrie die Ausnahme dar, obgleich sie als unverzichtbare Voraussetzung für einen wirksamen Schutz gegen Cyberangriffe gilt. Dies geht aus dem neuen „OT+IoT Cybersecurity Report 2024“ der Düsseldorfer Cybersicherheitsfirma ONEKEY hervor. Die Studie über die Cyberresilienz von industriellen Steuerungen (Operational Technology, OT) und Geräten für das Internet der Dinge (Internet of Things, IoT) basiert auf einer Umfrage unter 300 Führungskräften aus der Industrie. Befragt wurden Chief Executive Officers (CEO), Chief Information Officers (CIO), Chief Information Security Officers (CISO) und Chief Technology Officers (CTO) und IT-Verantwortliche. Der Report erscheint im Oktober auf der ONEKEY-Website. Veraltete Software als Einfallstor Laut Umfrage führt nicht einmal ein Viertel (24 Prozent) der Industrieunternehmen eine vollständige Software Bill of Materials. „Während Computer- und Netzwerksoftware in der Regel erfasst wird, fehlt häufig der Überblick über die eingebettete Software in zahllosen Geräten mit Netzwerkzugang, wie Maschinen und Anlagen aller Art“, sagt Jan Wendenburg, der CEO von ONEKEY. „Das ist fatal“, sagt er, „denn veraltete Software in industriellen Steuerungen ist ein immer beliebteres Einfallstor für Hacker.“ Als typische Beispiele nennt er Fertigungsroboter, CNC-Maschinen, Förderbänder, Verpackungsmaschinen, Produktionsanlagen, Gebäudeautomatisierungssysteme, Heizungs- und Klimaanlagen. „Alle diese Systeme sind an das Firmennetzwerk angebunden und in fast jeder einzelnen Komponente steckt Software“, verdeutlicht Jan Wendenburg die große Angriffsfläche, die Unternehmen Cyberkriminellen bieten, wenn sie ihre Programme etwa in der Produktions- und Logistikkette nicht up-to-date halten. Die Mehrheit der Unternehmen (51 Prozent) verfügt jedoch entweder über gar keine oder bestenfalls über eine unvollständige Software-Stückliste. Software-Stücklisten mit vielen Lücken „Die Software-Stücklisten vernetzter Geräte in vielen Firmen haben viele Lücken und Unsicherheiten“, formuliert Jan Wendenburg, und gibt zu bedenken: „Ein einziges veraltetes Programm in einer Maschine kann ausreichen, um Hackern Eingang ins Firmennetz zu ermöglichen.“ Besonders erschreckend laut Report: Ein knappes Viertel der befragten Unternehmen ist sich nicht einmal darüber im Klaren, ob und wo überhaupt Software-Stücklisten bestehen. „Das ist wie nachts auf der Autobahn fahren ohne Licht“, verdeutlicht der ONEKEY-CEO das Gefahrenpotenzial. Er resümiert: „Angesichts von durchschnittlich mehr als 2.000 aufgedeckten Softwareschwachstellen pro Monat stellt sich für eine Firma, die ihre Programme nicht ständig automatisch überwacht und auf dem neuesten Stand hält, gar nicht die Frage, ob sie Opfer einer Cyberattacke wird, sondern nur wann und mit welchen Folgen.“ Lieferanten und Drittanbieter kaum geprüft Der mangelnde Überblick über die Softwarekomponenten im Maschinen- und Anlagenpark ist laut ONEKEY-Report darauf zurückzuführen, dass die wenigsten Industriebetriebe eine umfassende Prüfung der eingebetteten Software ihrer Gerätelieferanten und Drittanbieter vornehmen. Gut ein Drittel (34 Prozent) verwenden Fragebögen von Branchenverbänden wie dem VDMA, um die Cybersicherheitslage ihrer Lieferanten einschätzen zu können. 31 Prozent verlassen sich auf standardisierte Bewertungen und Zertifizierungen. Mehr als ein Zehntel (11 Prozent) verfügt eigenen Angaben zufolge über gar kein systematisches Verfahren, um sich zu vergewissern, ob die für den betrieblichen Einsatz angeschafften Geräte, Maschinen und Anlagen ausreichend gegen Cyberangriffe geschützt sind. „Wir raten jedem Industrieunternehmen, sich mit einer Software Bill of Materials einen Überblick über die Cyberrisiken von der Produktion über die Logistik bis zur Gebäudeautomatisierung zu verschaffen. So können die aufgedeckten Sicherheitslücken wirksam bewertet und neutralisiert werden, bevor sie von Hackern entdeckt und ausgenutzt werden“, mahnt Jan Wendenburg zur Eile. Er gibt zu bedenken: „Eine moderne Analyse Plattform erstellt eine Software-Stückliste (SBOM) völlig automatisch zu vergleichsweise sehr geringen Kosten und Aufwand. Richtig teuer kann es jedoch werden, wenn sich Hacker über den Shopfloor Zugang zum Firmennetz verschaffen, weil veraltete Software im Einsatz ist.“ EU Cyber Resilience Act Der ONEKEY-Chef weist darauf hin, dass ab 2027 die Geräte-, Maschinen- und Anlagenhersteller durch den EU Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) gesetzlich verpflichtet sind, ihre Steuerungssysteme mit aktueller Software gegen Cyberangriffe zu schützen. „Hersteller, die dann noch Systeme mit bekannten Sicherheitslücken im Programm ausliefern oder bei neu entdeckten Schwachstellen nicht umgehend ein Update bereitstellen, werden für die Folgen haften müssen, wenn Hacker über ihre veraltete Software eindringen und Schaden anrichten“, appelliert er an alle Zulieferer der Industrie 4.0, sich rechtzeitig auf die neue CRA-Gesetzgebung einzustellen. Ein Drittel der im Rahmen der Umfrage kontaktierten Unternehmen ist bereits heute auf dem neuesten Stand: Sie aktualisieren ihre Software, sobald ein entsprechender Patch zur Behebung der Schwachstelle zur Verfügung steht. Immerhin 28 Prozent prüfen automatisch, ob die bereits an die Kunden ausgelieferten Geräte eine Sicherheitslücke aufweisen. 30 Prozent begnügen sich mit gelegentlichen manuellen Überprüfungen. 31 Prozent verzichten auf einen Sicherheitspatch zwischendurch und warten auf das nächste geplante Release, mit dem das Einfallstor für Hacker geschlossen wird. „Eine zeitliche Verzögerung, die sich als fatal erweisen kann, denn genau dieses Zeitfenster zwischen Aufdeckung und Behebung wird natürlich auch von Cyberkriminellen ausgenutzt“, warnt Jan Wendenburg. Es bleibt insgesamt aber noch viel zu tun, so überprüfen 16 Prozent der Befragten die Geräte nach Auslieferung überhaupt nicht mehr auf Sicherheitslücken. 10 Prozent liefern keine Updates oder Sicherheitspatches mehr und bemerkenswerte 26 Prozent der Befragten sind sich über die Update-Politik ihrer Industrieausrüstung nicht im Klaren. Passende Artikel zum Thema Read the full article
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🚀 **Introducing LibTracker: Simplifying Dependency Management in VSCode!** 🚀
We’re excited to announce the latest updates to **LibTracker**, our streamlined SBOM (Software Bill of Materials) tool designed to make dependency management effortless. LibTracker now supports popular frameworks along with their Gradle, Kotlin Gradle, npm, pip, and venv equivalents for Java, Node.js, and Python applications.
With this release, we’ve enhanced dependency tracking by incorporating the package manager as an additional field when adding apps to projects. We’ve also developed a parser for **Gemfile** files, which we aim to extend for iOS **Podfiles**. This will contribute to a broader npm library for parsing Ruby dependency files.
**Now Available on the VSCode Marketplace:**
Access it here: [LibTracker on VSCode Marketplace](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=windmillcode-publisher-0.lib-tracker).
### Next on Our Roadmap:
1. **App Dependency Page**
- View licenses
- View security vulnerabilities
- CRUD for dependencies
- (Possibly) identify unused packages
2. **Support for Code Workspaces**
- Open entire projects as workspaces
- Edit code-workspace files to include additional folders as needed
We’d love to hear your thoughts and feedback as we continue to evolve LibTracker! #LibTracker #DependencyManagement #VSCodeExtensions #Windmillcode
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Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Enhance your automotive IoT design and development knowledge by learning vehicle architectures, cybersecurity best practices, cloud applications, and software development processesKey Features: - Explore modern vehicle architectures designed to support automotive IoT use cases- Discover cybersecurity practices and processes to develop secure automotive IoT applications- Gain insights into how cloud technologies and services power automotive IoT applications- Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook Description: Software-defined vehicles, equipped with extensive computing power and connectivity, are unlocking new possibilities in automotive Internet of Things (IoT) applications, creating a critical need for skilled software engineers to lead innovation in the automotive sector. This book equips you to thrive in this industry by learning automotive IoT software development.The book starts by examining the current trends in automotive technology, highlighting IoT applications and key vehicle architectures, including the AUTOSAR platform. It delves into both classic and service-oriented vehicle diagnostics before covering robust security practices for automotive IoT development. You'll learn how to adhere to industry standards such as ISO/SAE 21434, ASPICE for cybersecurity, and DevSecOps principles, with practical guidance on establishing a secure software development platform. Advancing to the system design of an automotive IoT application, you'll be guided through the development of a remote vehicle diagnostics application and progress through chapters step by step, addressing the critical aspects of deploying and maintaining IoT applications in production environments.By the end of the book, you'll be ready to integrate all the concepts you've learned to form a comprehensive framework of processes and best practices for embedded automotive development.What You Will Learn: - Explore the current automotive landscape and IoT tech trends- Examine automotive IoT use cases such as phone-as-a-key, predictive maintenance, and V2X- Grasp standard frameworks such as classic and adaptive AUTOSAR- Get to grips with vehicle diagnostic protocols such as UDS, DoIP, and SOVD- Establish a secure development process and mitigate software supply chain risks with CIAD, RASIC, and SBOM- Leverage ASPICE and functional safety processes for industry standards compliance- Understand how to design, develop, and deploy an automotive IoT applicationWho this book is for: This book is for embedded developers and software engineers working in the automotive industry looking to learn IoT development, as well as IoT developers who want to learn automotive development. A fundamental grasp of software development will assist with understanding the concepts covered in the book.Table of Contents- Automotive Technology Trends- Introducing Automotive IoT Use Cases- Vehicle Architecture and Framework- Vehicle Diagnostics- Next Wave of Vehicle Diagnostics- Exploring Secure Development Processes for Automotive IoT- Establishing a Secure Software Development Platform- Securing the Software Supply Chain- System Design of an Automotive IoT Application- Developing an Automotive IoT Application- Deploying and Maintaining an Automotive IoT Application- Processes and Practices- Embedded Automotive IoT Development- Final Thoughts Publisher : Packt Publishing (28 August 2024) Language : English Paperback : 358 pages ISBN-10
: 1835465501 ISBN-13 : 978-1835465509 Item Weight : 630 g Dimensions : 2.18 x 19.05 x 23.5 cm Country of Origin : India [ad_2]
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기업 소프트웨어 조달에서 사이버 보안 위험 평가의 중요성
기업의 소프트웨어 조달에서 사이버 보안 위험 평가 필요성
안녕하세요, 여러분! 오늘은 기업들이 소프트웨어 조달 시 사이버 보안 위험 평가가 왜 중요한지에 대해 알아보려고 합니다. 최근 고도화되고 빈번해지는 사이버 공격들 속에서, 기업들이 사전에 이러한 위험을 평가하는 것이 얼마나 중요한지를 논의할 것입니다.
글쓴이: 톰 페이스, NetRise 창립자
왜 소프트웨어 보안 분석이 기업의 조달 과정에 포함되어야 하는가?
현대의 기업들은 소프트웨어에 크게 의존하고 있습니다. 이는 비즈니스 프로세스, 고객 및 파트너와의 연결, 백오피스 작업의 자동화, 그리고 시장의 입지를 구축하는 데까지 이릅니다. 그러나 이러한 소프트웨어 의존도는 숨겨진 위험을 동반합니다.
많은 기업들이 소프트웨어가 본질적으로 안전하다고 믿고 작동하지만, 이는 최근 고프로파일 소프트웨어 공급망 침해 사건들로 인해 그 믿음이 크게 흔들렸습니다. 따라서, 소프트웨어 보안 분석이 기업의 조달 과정에 포함되어야 하는 이유를 살펴보겠습니다.
현재의 조달 과정에서의 보안 상황은 어떠한가?
현재 다수의 조직들은 공급망 보안 조치를 조달 관행에 포함시키고 있습니다. 그러나 대부분의 경우, 이러한 조치는 벤더의 자발적인 보고에 의존하고 있습니다. 이는 차량이나 의약품의 안전성을 독립적으로 검증하는 것과는 대조적입니다. 따라서 "신뢰하되 검증하라"는 원칙이 필요합니다.
일반적인 기업 조달 절차는 다음과 같습니다:
벤더 질문지 및 평가
벤더의 보안 정책 및 관행 검토
제3자 인증 감사
계약의 보안 요구 사항
공급업체 성능 관리
직접적인 보안 분석의 필요성
기업은 조달 과정에서 고려하는 소프트웨어를 직접 분석하는 적극적인 접근 방식을 취해야 합니다. 이는 가능하며, 실제로 몇 분 안에 효과적으로 수행될 수 있습니다. 이러한 분석을 통해 ���프트웨어의 정확한 취약성 및 위험 상태를 알 수 있습니다.
조달 과정에 소프트웨어 분석 통합하기 위한 단계
종합적인 SBOMs 생성: 소프트웨어 구성 청구서(SBOMs)는 효과적인 공급망 보안의 기초입니다. 이를 통해 모든 소프트웨어 구성 요소를 명확하게 파악할 수 있습니다.
자동화된 소프트웨어 위험 분석 구현: 상세한 소프트웨어 위험 분석 방법을 사용하여, 소프트웨어 또는 펌웨어 패키지의 전체 위험 그림을 명확히 파악할 수 있습니다.
소프트웨어 위험 우선 순위 및 비교: 종합적인 가시성을 확보한 후, 심각도에 따라 취약점의 우선순위를 정하고 이를 기반으로 소프트웨어 제품의 위험 상태를 비교합니다.
책임 있는 취약점 및 위험 공개: 조달 과정에 통합한 후, 검토된 소프트웨어 벤더에게 취약점과 위험 평가 정보를 책임 있게 공개하는 절차를 마련해야 합니다.
오늘날의 급변하는 사이버 위협 환경에서, 소프트웨어의 보안을 무조건 신뢰하는 것은 더 이상 충분하지 않습니다. 소프트웨어 분석을 조달 과정에 포함시킴으로써, 기업들은 새로운 소프트웨어 및 하드웨어를 확보할 때 정보에 입각한 안전한 결정을 내릴 수 있습니다.
여러분의 기업에서도 소프트웨어 분석을 조달 과정에 통합하여, 디지털 자산을 보호하고 지속 가능한 사이버 보안을 구축하세요. "신뢰하되 검증하라"는 원칙을 통해 보다 안전한 비즈니스 환경을 조성할 수 있을 것입니다.
감사합니다! 다음 블로그 글에서 더 유익한 정보를 제공해드릴게요!
자, 여러분, 어떻게 생각하시나요? 여러분의 기업은 현재 소프트웨어 조달 과정에서 사이버 보안 위험을 평가하고 있나요? 자유롭게 댓글로 여러분의 생각을 공유해 주세요! 😊
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SBOMs and your org: Go beyond checkbox security to manage risk
It's a losing proposition to generate SBOMs just to land a federal contract or meet an industry requirement, without analyzing and acting on its data to improve software security. https://tinyurl.com/yncw4688
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A software bill of materials (SBOM) is a list of components included in software. Software vendors often combine open source and commercial software components to create a product; the SBOM describes the components within the product.
This list, maintained on GitHub, is a compilation of various information about SBOM.
What an awesome list!
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Compliance Requirements for an eClinical Supply Chain Management Platform
Code, libraries, configurations, open source and proprietary binaries, container dependencies, and plugins are all components of the software supply chain. Build servers, assemblers, compilers, source code repositories, security tools, and log analysis tools are also included. The organization, techniques, and people engaged in software development projects are perhaps the most essential aspects of the software supply chain.
Several attack vectors emerge from this increasingly linked, massive, and sophisticated system of people, technology, and process interfaces. Any of these touchpoints can be used by malicious actors to get access to the software supply chain. Even software made out of third-party tools and open-source libraries may be exploited to insert malicious code, exploit code vulnerabilities, disguise package dependencies, hijack program updates, and circumvent code signing protocols.
Several legislation and industry standards now expressly address supply chain security and give organizations with particular security requirements. Several standards require enterprises to utilize software bills of materials (SBOMs), which explain what is included in a clinical supply chain management system.
Compliance regulations, in general, are increasingly requiring firms to include supply chain security in their clinical trial supply chain management solution. This necessitates thorough risk management for third-party vendors, logistics, and transportation. The purpose is to detect, assess, and manage supply chain risks in order to comply with regulations and prevent supply chain threats.
These compliance requirements for an eclinical supply chain management platform were produced by a global community of specialist experts through a consensus-based review process. This technique combines on-the-ground knowledge with threat databases to generate technology-specific instructions to aid in the protection of your environment. Participants in the consensus provide insights from a wide range of fields, including software development, consulting, auditing and compliance, operations, security research, government, and law.
Supply Chain Levels for Software Artifacts (SLSA) is an eclinical supply chain management platform implementation requirement that includes standards and control lists to help prevent tampering, assure integrity, and secure a software project's infrastructure and packages. The objective is to guarantee that every link in the supply chain is as resilient and secure as possible.
SLSA provides four levels of implementation for organizations:
Level 1: Simple to implement, gives supply chain insight, and can build supply chain provenance.
Level 2: Increases software tamper resistance and minimum build integrity guarantees.
Level 3: Protects infrastructure from threats and increases dependability for complicated system integration.
Level 4: The highest level of assurance for build integrity and dependency management. The SLSA standard
The Secure Software Development Framework (SSDF) 1.1 has been issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). It outlines a number of recommended practices that companies and third-party providers should implement in order to have more control over the software development lifecycle.
SSDF primarily focuses on how a business may protect the software supply chain by applying security across the DevOps process, independent of platform, technology, operating system, or programming language.
It offers four main strategies:
Prepare your company for supply chain threats.
Keep all software components safe from tampering and illegal access.
Address security flaws in software releases to provide suitably safe software.
Check for and fix vulnerabilities.
Safe Software Development Framework
The Supply Chain Integrity, Transparency, and Trust (SCITT) project is a proposed set of Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) industry standards for regulating compliance of goods and services in a supply chain from beginning to finish.
With ongoing verification of products and services, SCITT assures the validity of entities, evidence, policies, and artifacts, as well as that the work of various entities in the supply chain is authoritative, indisputable, tamper-proof, and auditable. It gives precise information on dependencies in both structured and unstructured formats. SCITT employs the notion of a claim, which is a well-formed assertion supported by evidence from a verifiable source.
The Octalsoft Edge
Octalsoft's products are built on best practices standards grouped into five areas that cover every element of the software supply chain.
Source Code: The source code is the source of information for the whole process because it is the initial stage in the software supply chain. Undetected vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and open supply chain data can all lead to situations where you need to defend your own source code.
Build Pipelines: A collection of instructions for performing activities on raw source code in order to construct a finished product. You should examine your development pipeline and put security suggestions for your build components into action. This comprises the operating environment, execution, and management, among other things.
Dependencies: They are present by default at nearly every level of the software supply chain development process. Unresolved dependencies might render them insecure since they are frequently built by third-party developers. The Log4j exploit is a prime illustration of how dependencies may jeopardize even the most widely used applications.
Artifacts: Creating the pipeline's artifacts is another weak point in supply chains. To prevent tainted iterations from entering the supply chain environment, they must be safeguarded from the time they are formed.
Constantly changing industry rules and standards have made it critical for businesses to have a clear compliance management plan, according to the type and design of regulatory changes, as well as the amount of risk involved.
Businesses are frequently better equipped to adapt to changing regulatory requirements by using an automated solution that is efficient and user-friendly for concerned stakeholders and suppliers all over the world.
A system of this type should also give real-time insight into compliance across all supply chain layers and assist stakeholders in understanding the effect of risks on strategic and organizational goals. Interested in Finding out how Octalsoft can help ensure the success of your next clinical trial? Book a demo with us NOW!
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SBOM as a Cornerstone of Secure Software Development
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