#SBI क्षेत्र अधिकारी भर्ती
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rojgarhunt · 2 years ago
Sarkari Job Bharti
Sarkari Jobs 2022 भारत भर में नवीनतम 10 वीं पास नौकरी रिक्तियों के लिए भर्ती साक्षात्कार अधिसूचना इकट्ठा करें, 2022 को यहां अपडेट किया गया। रेलवे, बैंकों, पुलिस, रक्षा में एसएसएलसी बेस करियर के लिए ऑनलाइन फॉर्म लागू करें आज अपडेट किया गया। मैट्रिक के उम्मीदवारों के लिए हाल ही में जारी सभी सरकारी नौकरी खोजें, उपलब्ध पदों की पूरी सूची खोजें। नौकरी चाहने वाले अपनी कक्षा 10 वीं पूरी करने के बाद सरकारी नौकरियों के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन कर सकते हैं। यूपीएससी, एसएससी, रेलवे, बैंकिंग और अन्य सरकारी क्षेत्र की अधिसूचनाओं को 10 वीं पास सरकार जॉब्स 2022 भर्ती पर पूर्ण विवरण के साथ देखें, 10 वीं पास सरकार जॉब्स 2022 के सभी मौजूदा उद्घाटन के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन करें, तुरंत यहां. Sarkari Jobs
10th Pass Sarkari Naukri
जिन उम्मीदवारों ने मान्यता प्राप्त बोर्ड परीक्षा के माध्यम से अपनी 10 वीं कक्षा उत्तीर्ण की है, वे 10 वीं पास नौकरी की तलाश कर सकते हैं। पूरे भारत में विभिन्न कारणों से हाई स्कूल के बहुत से छात्र स्कूली शिक्षा के बाद सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश कर रहे हैं। इस पृष्ठ में 10 वीं पास छात्र के लिए प्रकाशित सभी सरकारी नौकरियों को सूचीबद्ध किया गया है, कृपया किसी भी सरकारी परीक्षा के लिए आवेदन करने से पहले नौकरी के बारे में सभी विवरण देखें।
 सरकारी नौकरी
पीएम रोजगार मेला भर्ती 2022: 10 लाख भर्तियों के लिए अभी अप्लाई करें
पोस्ट ऑफिस भर्ती 2022: 98083 डाकघर रिक्ति 10वीं पास में ऑनलाइन फॉर्म भरे
SSC GD कांस्टेबल भर्ती 2022: 24369 रिक्तियों पर अभी आवेदन करें
उत्तराखंड पुलिस कांस्टेबल भर्ती 2022: 1521 पदों के लिए यहाँ से आवेदन करें
बीईएल भर्ती 2022: हवलदार (सुरक्षा) / WG-III / CP-III का पद के लिए अप्लाई करें
एसबीआई परिवीक्षाधीन अधिकारी (SBI Bank PO) भर्ती 2022 भरे अभी आवेदन प���्र
CTET एप्लीकेशन फॉर्म तिथि 2022 सीटीईटी ऑनलाइन आवेदन कर���े की जानकारी
Agneepath भर्ती 2022: भारतीय सेना 10 वीं पास अग्निवीर भर्ती ,सेना रैली भर्ती लिए आवेदन करें
12th Pass Sarkari Naukri
जिन उम्मीदवारों ने किसी मान्यता प्राप्त बोर्ड परीक्षा के माध्यम से अपनी 12 वीं कक्षा उत्तीर्ण की है, वे 12 वीं पास के लिए सरकारी नौकरी के लिए आवेदन कर सकते हैं। भारत में विभिन्न लोग उच्च शिक्षा का खर्च नहीं उठा सकते हैं, इसलिए वे अपनी उच्च माध्यमिक परीक्षा के बाद काम करने का फैसला करते हैं, वे 12 वीं कक्षा पास करने के बाद सरकारी संस्थान में काम करना चाहते हैं। यहां इस पृष्ठ में, हमने 12 वीं पास नौकरी चाहने वालों के लिए प्रकाशित सभी सरकारी नौकरियों को सूचीबद्ध किया है। कृपया उन्हें ढूं Government Jobs after 10th Pass in Various Sectors
Railway Jobs
Clerk Jobs
Army Jobs
Navy Jobs
Clerk Jobs
Police Jobs
SSC Pass Government Posts in India If
आप मैट्रिक पूरा करने के बाद अखिल भारतीय सरकारी नौकरियों की तलाश कर रहे हैं, तो आपके लिए कई करियर विकल्प उपलब्ध हैं। उम्मीदवार अपनी आयु सीमा, योग्यता, राज्य / शहर या सरकारी संगठनों के अनुसार रिक्तियों को फ़िल्टर कर सकते हैं।How to Apply 
Online for Vacancies Sarkari Form
10th/12th Jobs
Sarkari Result 
Handicaps Jobs(दिव्यांग) 
Interview based(इंटरव्यू से भर्तियां)
State Wise Jobs
Railway Recruitment
High Court Jobs 
Banking Jobs 
ITI Jobs 
Latest PSC Jobs 
Graduation Jobs 
Diploma jobs 
Police & Defence Jobs 
Teaching Jobs 
Engineering Jobs 
ऊर्जा विभाग
अपरेंटिस भर्तियां 
Stay connected with this page so that you can't miss any latest updates about the Results. Aspirants can also comment in the below section if they have any queries related to this post. We wish all the best for all the people who had appeared for various examinations.
Candidates who secure minimum qualifying marks in their exams must revoke that it’s just a starting point and you have to continue building upon your performance. This page provides complete and clear data that helps the aspirants on Results time. 
आवेदन कैसे करें
��िसी भी कैंडिडेट को सरकारी नौकरी के लिए फॉर्म आवेदन करना चाहते है तो निचे दिए गए लिंक पर लिक करे और फॉर्म को फुल एंड फील करे और सबमिट करें, उसके बाद फीस पय करना जरुरी है जो के फीस लिखा हुआ है उसको पे करना होता पे करने के बाद आपको सारी जानकरी जो अपने ईमेल उसे किया है सारी इनफार्मेशन ईमेल ईद पर दिया जायेगा तुरंत:  आवेदन करने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें
How to Apply
If any candidate wants to apply form for government job, then click on the link given below and fill and fill the form and submit it, After that it is necessary to pay the fee, which is written as the fee, you have to pay it, after paying you will get all the information which you have emailed to him, all the information will be given on e-mail immediately. Apply to Click here
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col-life23 · 4 years ago
SBI भर्ती 2021: भारतीय स्टेट बैंक में परीक्षा के बिना साक्षात्कार के 179 पदों पर भर्ती, आवेदन विवरण देखें
SBI भर्ती 2021: भारतीय स्टेट बैंक में परीक्षा के बिना साक्षात्कार के 179 पदों पर भर्ती, आवेदन विवरण देखें
SBI भर्ती 2021: भारतीय स्टेट बैंक ने 179 कार्यकारी, फील्ड ऑफिसर पदों के लिए इच्छुक और योग्य उम्मीदवारों से आवेदन आमंत्रित किए हैं। यह भर्ती अनुबंध के आधार पर होगी। इस भर्ती में आवेदन करने के लिए सेवानिवृत्त कर्मचारियों को उपयुक्त माना जाता है। इन पदों पर आवेदन करने के इच्छुक उम्मीदवारों को यह ध्यान रखना होगा कि आवेदन पात्रता शर्तों को 31-03-2021 को पूरा करता है। उम्मीदवारों को सलाह दी जाती है कि…
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everynewsnow · 4 years ago
सरकारी नौकरी: बैंकिंग सेक्टर में स्पेशलिस्ट ऑफिसर्स के 600 से ज्यादा पदों पर भर्ती के लिए करें अपाइ, SBI समेत इन बैंकों ने जारी किए नोटिफिकेशन
सरकारी नौकरी: बैंकिंग सेक्टर में स्पेशलिस्ट ऑफिसर्स के 600 से ज्यादा पदों पर भर्ती के लिए करें अपाइ, SBI समेत इन बैंकों ने जारी किए नोटिफिकेशन
हिंदी समाचार व्यवसाय बैंक सरकार Naukri | Bank Naukri Specialist Officer Posts भर्ती 2020: विशेषज्ञ अधिकारी पदों के लिए 600 रिक्तियां, पात्रता जैसे विवरणों के लिए बैंकिंग क्षेत्र की अधिसूचना, आवेदन कैसे करें विज्ञापन से परेशान है? बिना विज्ञापन खबरों के लिए इनस्टॉल करें दैनिक भास्कर ऐप 12 घंटे पहले कॉपी लिस्ट बैंकिंग सेक्टर में नौकरी करने की इच्छा रखने वाले कैंडिडेट्स के लिए तीन बड़े बैंकों ने…
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freejobalertguru · 5 years ago
PPSC Recruitment 2020 | Education Officer Vacancies | Free Job Alert
PPSC Recruitment 2020 | पंजाब लोक सेवा आयोग (PPSC), पटियाला मे 'ब्लॉक प्राइमरी शिक्षा अधिकारी' के पदों पर भर्ती at Free Job Alert 2021 Read the Notification Before Apply Online Jobs Form at freejobalert Those Candidate Are Interested to Following PPSC Vacancy Sarkari Naukri and Completed the All Eligibility Criteria Can Read the Notification Before Apply Online.
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PPSC Recruitment 2020 | Education Officer# Vacancies | Free Job Alert
पंजाब लोक सेवा आयोग (PPSC), पटियाला पद का नाम: ब्लॉक प्राइमरी शिक्षा अधिकारी Advertisement No.: 20207 Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC), Patiala
PPSC Recruitment 2020 Online Form Sarkari Naukri
Name Of Post: Block Primary Education Officer
No. of Vacancies: 75
General : -- | OBC : -- | SC : -- | ST : -- | Total : 75 Post
Important Dates:
Application Begin : 24/03/2020
Last Date for Apply Online : 30/04/2020
Last Date Pay Exam Fee : 07/05/2020
Pre Exam Held on : July 2020
Admit Card Available : June 2020
Mains Exam Held on : Notified Soon
PPSC Jobs 2020, Latest Notifications, Online Application Form Details at Sarkari Naukri
Qualification: Bachelor's Degree with B.Ed. or equivalent.  Age Limit as on 01/01/2020:
Minimum : 18 Years
Maximum : 37 Years
Age Relaxation Extra as per Rules
Application Fee:
General / Other State : 3000/-
Persons with disability, Punjab State only : 1750/-
SC/ST/OBC Punjab State only : 1125/-
Ex-Servicemen of Punjab state only : 500/-
Pay the Examination Fee Through Debit Card / Credit Card / Net Banking or Pay the Exam Fee Through E Challan Fee Mode.
Download PPSC jobs Notification PDF, Apply Online Application Form
Download Notification: Click here 
Apply Online Now: Click here 
Official Website: Click here 
How to Fill Form : Free Job Alert 2021
PPSC Are Released Latest Free Job Alert 2021 for Block Primary Education Officer Post Candidate Can Apply Between 24/03/2020 to 30/04/2020.
Candidate Read the Notification Before Apply the Recruitment Application Form in PPSC Recruitment 2020
Kindly Check All Document - ID Proof, Address Details, Basic Details.
Kindly Ready Scan Document Related to Sarkari Naukri Form - Photo, Sign, ID Proof, Etc.
Before Submit the Application Form Must Check the Preview and All Column Carefully.
If Candidate Required to Pay the Application Fee Must Submit. If You have Not the Required Application Fees Your Form is Not Completed.
Take A Print Out of Final Submitted Form.
Important Link for PPSC Exams: Sarkari Naukri
Download Notification File PDF 
Online Form Application 
Admit Card Download
Answer Key Download
 Top 10 Government Jobs India 2020
DDA दिल्ली मे 629 पदों पर 'पटवारी, माली, सचिवालय सहायक' की भर्ती   गृह रक्षा विभाग मे 2500 पदों पर 'होमगार्ड' की भर्ती   पूर्वी रेलवे मे 2792 पदों पर 'अपरेंटिस' की भर्ती   UKSSSC मे 746 पदों पर 'डाटा एंट्री ऑपरेटर, टैक्स कलेक्टर' की भर्ती   MSCWB में 858 पदों पर 'मजदूर' की भर्ती  Tags: ppsc recruitment 2020, ppsc recruitment, ppsc, ppsc post recruitment, punjab recruitment, ppsc 2020 recruitment, ppsc latest recruitment, #ppsc recruitment 2020, ppsc dsp recruitment 2020, ppsc bpeo recruitment 2020, punjab ppsc recruitment 2020, www ppsc gov in recruitment 2020, ppsc accountant recruitment 2020, latest ppsc recruitment march 2020, ppsc new recuritment 2020 { "@context": "https://schema.org/", "@type": "JobPosting", "title": "PPSC Recruitment 2020 | Latest Free Job Alert, Sarkari Naukri, Rojgar Samachar, Employment News, Govt Jobs Vacancy, freejobalert.com", "description": "PPSC Recruitment 2020 | पंजाब लोक सेवा आयोग (PPSC), पटियाला मे 'ब्लॉक प्राइमरी शिक्षा अधिकारी' के पदों पर भर्ती at Free Job Alert 2021 Read the Notification Before Apply Online Jobs Form at freejobalert Those Candidate Are Interested to Following PPSC Vacancy Sarkari Naukri and Completed the All Eligibility Criteria Can Read the Notification Before Apply Online, Recently Recruitment Notification released and invites Jobs application. Check Qualification & eligibility conditions, how to apply & other rules are given below Download Notification, Exam Dates Check All Details carefully on official Website. अपनी योग्यता के अनुसार नवीनतम और आगामी सरकारी नौकरी 2020, रोजगार समाचार, वर्तमान रिक्ति विवरण, वेतन, नौकरी की जानकारी प्राप्त करें। प्रिय नौकरी तलाशने वाले, जो सरकारी क्षेत्र में नौकरी करना चाहते हैं और सरकारी नौकरियों के लिए उपयुक्त होने की योजना बना रहे हैं, वे इस ब्लॉग पेज पर पूरी नवीनतम सरकारी नौकरी अधिसूचनाएं प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। विभिन्न सरकारी संगठन नौकरी पद की आवश्यकता के अनुसार डिप्लोमा, 10 वीं, 12 वीं, स्नातक, स्नातकोत्तर जैसे शैक्षिक योग्यता के अनुसार फ्रेशर के साथ ही अनुभवी आवेदकों को लेते हैं। 10th pass PPSC jobs 2020, 12th pass PPSC jobs 2020, graduate pass pass PPSC jobs 2020, iti pass PPSC jobs 2020, btech pass PPSC jobs 2020, 10th pass PPSC Recruitment 2020, 12th pass PPSC Recruitment 2020, graduate pass pass PPSC Recruitment 2020, iti pass PPSC Recruitment 2020, btech pass PPSC Recruitment 2020, 10th 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"employmentType": ["FULL_TIME","PART_TIME","CONTRACTOR","TEMPORARY","INTERN","VOLUNTEER","PER_DIEM","OTHER"], "workHours": "8am-5pm", "datePosted": "2020-03-29T10:53:34", "validThrough": "2021-04-30T17:59:59", "jobLocation": { "@type": "Place", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "streetAddress": "Baradari Garden", "addressLocality": "Patiala", "addressRegion":"Punjab", "postalCode": "147001", "addressCountry": "IN" } }, "baseSalary": { "@type": "MonetaryAmount", "currency": "INR", "value": { "@type": "QuantitativeValue", "minValue": 50000, "maxValue": 100000, "unitText": "MONTH" } }, "responsibilities": "Recruitment, Junior engineer, Apprentice, Apprentices, Assistant, Specialist, Typist, Board, Clerk, Engineer, Engineer electrical, Executive director, General manager, Managing director, Master, Officer, Accountant, Accounts assistant, Assistant manager, Consultant, Director, Doctor, Exam, Facilitator, Hospitality, Manager, Medical officer, Office, Office assistant, Safety officer, Salesman, Senior, Senior resident, Services, Specialists, Staff nurse, Station, Supervisor, Teacher, Telemarketing executive, Tutors, Works, Logistics, Utilities, Education, Finance, Construction, Computer Services, Manufacturing, Mining, Engineering Services, Professional, Scientific and Technical Services, Consulting, Health Care, Utilities, Education, Recruitment, Director, General manager, Editor, Manager, Attendant, Consultant, Entry operate or Executive, Surgeon, Technical assistant, Accountant, Apprentice, Assistant professor, Associate, Driver, Engineer, Housekeeping supervisor, Project assistant, Scientist, Software engineer, Supervisor, Assistant, Assistant director, Assistant manager, Catering, Clerk, Coordinator, Corporation, Data manager, Employees Engineer electrical, Engineers, Faculty, Guide, Hire, Instructor, Interpreters, Junior engineer, Master, Medical, Medical officer, Member, Obstetrics, Officer, Operator, Orthopaedic surgeon, Pilot, Postdoctoral, Project associate", "skills": "Free Job Alert", "qualifications": "10th, 12th, Any Graduate, B Tech (Civil), B. Tech (IT), B.Sc, B.Tech (CSE), B.tech (Electrical), B.Tech (Mech), BCA, BE\/ B. Tech, Diploma, PGDCA Recruitment, Junior engineer, Apprentice, Apprentices, Assistant, Specialist, Typist, Board, Clerk, Engineer, Engineer electrical, Executive director, General manager, Managing director, Master, Officer", "educationRequirements": "Any Graduate, B Tech (Civil), B. Tech (IT), B.Sc, B.Tech (CSE), B.tech (Electrical), B.Tech (Mech), BCA, BE\/ B. Tech, Diploma, PGDCA Recruitment, Junior engineer, Apprentice, Apprentices, Assistant, Specialist, Typist, Board, Clerk, Engineer, Engineer electrical, Executive director, General manager, Managing director,Master, Officer", "experienceRequirements": ["Fresher","Experience"] }
source https://www.freejobalert-sarkariresult.com/2020/03/ppsc-recruitment-sarkari-naukri-online-form_29.html
0 notes
freejobalertguru · 5 years ago
Assam Police Recruitment 2020 | Jr Assistant Vacancies | Free Job Alert
Assam Police Recruitment 2020 | असम पुलिस मे 204 पदों पर 'जूनियर असिस्टेंट & स्टेनोग्राफर' की भर्ती at Free Job Alert 2021 Read the Notification Before Apply Online Jobs Form at freejobalert Those Candidate Are Interested to Following Assam Police  Vacancy  Sarkari Naukri and Completed the All Eligibility Criteria Can Read the Notification Before Apply Online.
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Assam Police Recruitment 2020 | Jr Assistant Vacancies | Free Job Alert
राज्य स्तरीय पुलिस भर्ती बोर्ड, असम - असम पुलिस पद का नाम: जूनियर असिस्टेंट & स्टेनोग्राफर Advertisement No.: SLPRB/ REC/JA- STENO/2018/159 State Level Police Recruitment Board (SLPRB), Assam – Assam Police
Assam Police Recruitment 2020 Online Form Sarkari Naukri
Name Of Post: Junior Assistant & Stenographer
No. of Vacancies: 204 
General : -- | OBC : -- | SC : -- | ST : -- | Total : 204 Post
Important Dates:
Application Begin :04/04/2020
Last Date for Apply Online : 04/05/2020
Last Date Pay Exam Fee : 04/05/2020
Pre Exam Held on : July
Admit Card Available : June 2020
Mains Exam Held on : Notified Soon
Assam Police Jobs 2020, Latest Notifications, Online Application Form Details at Sarkari Naukri
Qualification: Graduation in any discipline.  Age Limit as on 01/01/2020:
Minimum : 18 Years
Maximum : 38 Years
Age Relaxation Extra as per Rules
Application Fee: There will be no Application Fee.
General / Other State : ---/-
OBC / SC / ST / PH : ---/-
Pay the Examination Fee Through Debit Card / Credit Card / Net Banking or Pay the Exam Fee Through E Challan Fee Mode.
Download Assam Police jobs Notification PDF, Apply Online Application Form
Download Notification: Click here 
Apply Online Now: Click here 
Official Website: Click here 
How to Fill Form : Free Job Alert 2021
Assam Police Are Released Latest Free Job Alert 2021 for Junior Assistant & Stenographer Post Candidate Can Apply Between 04/04/2020 to 04/05/2020.
Candidate Read the Notification Before Apply the Recruitment Application Form in Assam Police Recruitment 2020
Kindly Check All Document - ID Proof, Address Details, Basic Details.
Kindly Ready Scan Document Related to Sarkari Naukri Form - Photo, Sign, ID Proof, Etc.
Before Submit the Application Form Must Check the Preview and All Column Carefully.
If Candidate Required to Pay the Application Fee Must Submit. If You have Not the Required Application Fees Your Form is Not Completed.
Take A Print Out of Final Submitted Form.
Important Link for Assam Police Exams: Sarkari Naukri
Download Notification File PDF 
Online Form Application 
Admit Card Download
Answer Key Download
 Top 10 Government Jobs India 2020
SSC मे 1355 पदों पर 'विभिन्न पदों' की भर्ती    MSSC मे 7000 पदों पर 'सिक्युर्ट�� गार्ड' की भर्ती लोक सेवा आयोग में 1568 पदों पर 'सहायक' की भर्ती NRRMS मे 1512 पदों पर 'सहायक, MTS, कंप्यूटर ऑपरेटर' की भर्ती LIC 218 पदों पर 'अभियंता & प्रशासनिक अधिकारी' की भर्ती  Tags: Assam Police recruitment, Assam Police recruitment 2020, Assam Police recruitment online form, assam police, assam police jobs, assam police jobs 2020, assam police constable jobs, assam police constable form, assam police constable syllabus, assam police jobs syllabus, assam, police, assam police latest form { "@context": "https://schema.org/", "@type": "JobPosting", "title": "Assam Police Recruitment 2020 | Latest Free Job Alert, Sarkari Naukri, Rojgar Samachar, Employment News, Govt Jobs Vacancy, freejobalert.com", "description": "Assam Police Recruitment 2020 | असम पुलिस मे 204 पदों पर 'जूनियर असिस्टेंट & स्टेनोग्राफर' की भर्ती at Free Job Alert 2021 Read the Notification Before Apply Online Jobs Form at freejobalert Those Candidate Are Interested to Following Assam Police Vacancy Sarkari Naukri and Completed the All Eligibility Criteria Can Read the Notification Before Apply Online, Recently Recruitment Notification released and invites Jobs application. Check Qualification & eligibility conditions, how to apply & other rules are given below Download Notification, Exam Dates Check All Details carefully on official Website. अपनी योग्यता के अनुसार नवीनतम और आगामी सरकारी नौकरी 2020, रोजगार समाचार, वर्तमान रिक्ति विवरण, वेतन, नौकरी की जानकारी प्राप्त करें। प्रिय नौकरी तलाशने वाले, जो सरकारी क्षेत्र में नौकरी करना चाहते हैं और सरकारी नौकरियों के लिए उपयुक्त होने की योजना बना रहे हैं, वे इस ब्लॉग पेज पर पूरी नवीनतम सरकारी नौकरी अधिसूचनाएं प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। विभिन्न सरकारी संगठन नौकरी पद की आवश्यकता के अनुसार डिप्लोमा, 10 वीं, 12 वीं, स्नातक, स्नातकोत्तर जैसे शैक्षिक योग्यता के अनुसार फ्रेशर के साथ ही अनुभवी आवेदकों को लेते हैं। 10th pass Assam Police jobs 2020, 12th pass Assam Police jobs 2020, graduate pass pass Assam Police jobs 2020, iti pass Assam Police jobs 2020, btech pass Assam Police jobs 2020, 10th pass Assam Police Recruitment 2020, 12th pass Assam Police Recruitment 2020, graduate pass pass Assam Police Recruitment 2020, iti 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2020, jobs, majhi naukri, job alert, job hunting, jobs near me, work from home jobs, fast job, part time jobs near me, online jobs, part time jobs, sbi careers, free job, job vacancy, railway recruitment 2020", "hiringOrganization" : { "@type": "Organization", "name": "State Level Police Recruitment Board Assam Police", "sameAs": "https://www.freejobalert-sarkariresult.com" }, "industry": "free job alert", "employmentType": ["FULL_TIME","PART_TIME","CONTRACTOR","TEMPORARY","INTERN","VOLUNTEER","PER_DIEM","OTHER"], "workHours": "8am-5pm", "datePosted": "2020-03-24T12:19:30", "validThrough": "2021-05-04T17:40:10", "jobLocation": { "@type": "Place", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "streetAddress": "Ulubari", "addressLocality": "Guwahati", "addressRegion":"Assam", "postalCode": "781007", "addressCountry": "IN" } }, "baseSalary": { "@type": "MonetaryAmount", "currency": "INR", "value": { "@type": "QuantitativeValue", "minValue": 50000, "maxValue": 100000, "unitText": "MONTH" } }, "responsibilities": "Recruitment, Junior engineer, Apprentice, Apprentices, Assistant, Specialist, Typist, Board, Clerk, Engineer, Engineer electrical, Executive director, General manager, Managing director, Master, Officer, Accountant, Accounts assistant, Assistant manager, Consultant, Director, Doctor, Exam, Facilitator, Hospitality, Manager, Medical officer, Office, Office assistant, Safety officer, Salesman, Senior, Senior resident, Services, Specialists, Staff nurse, Station, Supervisor, Teacher, Telemarketing executive, Tutors, Works, Logistics, Utilities, Education, Finance, Construction, Computer Services, Manufacturing, Mining, Engineering Services, Professional, Scientific and Technical Services, Consulting, Health Care, Utilities, Education, Recruitment, Director, General manager, Editor, Manager, Attendant, Consultant, Entry operate or Executive, Surgeon, Technical assistant, Accountant, Apprentice, Assistant professor, Associate, Driver, Engineer, Housekeeping supervisor, Project assistant, Scientist, Software engineer, Supervisor, Assistant, Assistant director, Assistant manager, Catering, Clerk, Coordinator, Corporation, Data manager, Employees Engineer electrical, Engineers, Faculty, Guide, Hire, Instructor, Interpreters, Junior engineer, Master, Medical, Medical officer, Member, Obstetrics, Officer, Operator, Orthopaedic surgeon, Pilot, Postdoctoral, Project associate", "skills": "Free Job Alert", "qualifications": "10th, 12th, Any Graduate, B Tech (Civil), B. Tech (IT), B.Sc, B.Tech (CSE), B.tech (Electrical), B.Tech (Mech), BCA, BE\/ B. Tech, Diploma, PGDCA Recruitment, Junior engineer, Apprentice, Apprentices, Assistant, Specialist, Typist, Board, Clerk, Engineer, Engineer electrical, Executive director, General manager, Managing director, Master, Officer", "educationRequirements": "Any Graduate, B Tech (Civil), B. Tech (IT), B.Sc, B.Tech (CSE), B.tech (Electrical), B.Tech (Mech), BCA, BE\/ B. Tech, Diploma, PGDCA Recruitment, Junior engineer, Apprentice, Apprentices, Assistant, Specialist, Typist, Board, Clerk, Engineer, Engineer electrical, Executive director, General manager, Managing director,Master, Officer", "experienceRequirements": ["Fresher","Experience"] }
source https://www.freejobalert-sarkariresult.com/2020/03/assam-police-recruitment-sarkari-naukri-online-form.html
0 notes
freejobalertguru · 5 years ago
SEBI Recruitment 2020 | 147 Manager Vacancies | Free Job Alert
SEBI Recruitment 2020 | भारतीय प्रतिभूति & विनिमय बोर्ड मे 147 पदों पर 'असिस्टेंट मैनेजर' की भर्ती at Free Job Alert 2021 Read the Notification Before Apply Online Jobs Form at freejobalert Those Candidate Are Interested to Following SEBI Vacancy Sarkari Naukri and Completed the All Eligibility Criteria Can Read the Notification Before Apply Online.
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SEBI Recruitment 2020 | 147 Manager Vacancies | Free Job Alert
भारतीय प्रतिभूति और विनिमय बोर्ड (सेबी) पद का नाम: अधिकारी ग्रेड 'ए' (असिस्टेंट मैनेजर) Advertisement No.:  Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
SEBI Recruitment 2020 Online Form Sarkari Naukri
Name Of Post: Officer Grade A (Assistant Manager)
No. of Vacancies: 147 
General : -- | OBC : -- | SC : -- | ST : -- | Total : 147 Post
Important Dates:
Application Begin :07/03/2020
Last Date for Apply Online : 30/04/2020
Last Date Pay Exam Fee : 30/04/2020
Pre Exam Held on : 04/07/2020
Admit Card Available : June 2020
Mains Exam Held on : Notified Soon
SEBI Jobs 2020, Latest Notifications, Online Application Form Details at Sarkari Naukri
Qualification: Master’s Degree in any discipline, Bachelors’ Degree in Law, Bachelors’ Degree in Engineering. Age Limit as on 29/02/2020:
Minimum : 21 Years
Maximum : 30 Years
Age Relaxation Extra as per Rules
Application Fee:
General / OBC / EWS : 1000/-
SC / ST / PH : 100/-
Pay the Examination Fee Through Debit Card / Credit Card / Net Banking or Pay the Exam Fee Through E Challan Fee Mode.
Download SEBI jobs Notification PDF, Apply Online Application Form
Download Notification: Click here 
Download Corrigendum: Click here 
Apply Online Now: Click here 
Official Website: Click here 
How to Fill Form : Free Job Alert 2021
SEBI Are Released Latest Free Job Alert 2021 for Officer Grade A (Assistant Manager) Post Candidate Can Apply Between 07/03/2020 to 30/04/2020.
Candidate Read the Notification Before Apply the Recruitment Application Form in SEBI Recruitment 2020
Kindly Check All Document - ID Proof, Address Details, Basic Details.
Kindly Ready Scan Document Related to Sarkari Naukri Form - Photo, Sign, ID Proof, Etc.
Before Submit the Application Form Must Check the Preview and All Column Carefully.
If Candidate Required to Pay the Application Fee Must Submit. If You have Not the Required Application Fees Your Form is Not Completed.
Take A Print Out of Final Submitted Form.
Important Link for SEBI Exams: Sarkari Naukri
Download Notification File PDF 
Online Form Application 
Admit Card Download
Answer Key Download
 Top 10 Government Jobs India 2020
गृह रक्षा विभाग मे 2500 पदों पर 'होमगार्ड' की भर्ती   पूर्वी रेलवे मे 2792 पदों पर 'अपरेंटिस' की भर्ती   UKSSSC मे 746 पदों पर 'डाटा एंट्री ऑपरेटर, टैक्स कलेक्टर' की भर्ती   MSCWB में 858 पदों पर 'मजदूर' की भर्ती  Tags: sebi recruitment 2020, sebi grade a 2020 recruitment, sebi grade a, sebi, sebi grade a 2020 notification, sebi grade a recruitment 2020, sebi recruitment, sebi grade a eligibility, sebi grade a notification, sebi grade a 2020, sebi grade a 2020 details, sebi grade a exam pattern, sebi grade a officer, sebi recruitment 2020 notification, sebi 2020 notification, sebi grade a salary, sebi grade a 2020 eligibility { "@context": "https://schema.org/", "@type": "JobPosting", "title": "SEBI Recruitment 2020 | Latest Free Job Alert, Sarkari Naukri, Rojgar Samachar, Employment News, Govt Jobs Vacancy, freejobalert.com", "description": "SEBI Recruitment 2020 | भारतीय प्रतिभूति & विनिमय बोर्ड मे 147 पदों पर 'असिस्टेंट मैनेजर' की भर्ती at Free Job Alert 2021 Read the Notification Before Apply Online Jobs Form at freejobalert Those Candidate Are Interested to Following SEBI Vacancy Sarkari Naukri and Completed the All Eligibility Criteria Can Read the Notification Before Apply Online, Recently Recruitment Notification released and invites Jobs application. Check Qualification & eligibility conditions, how to apply & other rules are given below Download Notification, Exam Dates Check All Details carefully on official Website. अपनी योग्यता के अनुसार नवीनतम और आगामी सरकारी नौकरी 2020, रोजगार समाचार, वर्तमान रिक्ति विवरण, वेतन, नौकरी की जानकारी प्राप्त करें। प्रिय नौकरी तलाशने वाले, जो सरकारी क्षेत्र में नौकरी करना चाहते हैं और सरकारी नौकरियों के लिए उपयुक्त होने की योजना बना रहे हैं, वे इस ब्लॉग पेज पर पूरी नवीनतम सरकारी नौकरी अधिसूचनाएं प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। विभिन्न सरकारी संगठन नौकरी पद की आवश्यकता के अनुसार डिप्लोमा, 10 वीं, 12 वीं, स्नातक, स्नातकोत्तर जैसे शैक्षिक योग्यता के अनुसार फ्रेशर के साथ ही अनुभवी आवेदकों को लेते हैं। 10th pass SEBI jobs 2020, 12th pass SEBI jobs 2020, graduate pass pass SEBI jobs 2020, iti pass SEBI jobs 2020, btech pass SEBI jobs 2020, 10th pass SEBI Recruitment 2020, 12th pass SEBI Recruitment 2020, graduate pass pass SEBI Recruitment 2020, iti pass SEBI Recruitment 2020, btech pass SEBI Recruitment 2020, 10th 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government employment news, employment news in hindi, employment news epaper, rojgar job, job news kannada, employment news in tamil 2020, government jobs, latest govt jobs, govt jobs 2020, railway jobs, govt job alert, sarkari job 2020, 10th pass govt job, central government jobs, government job vacancies, latest govt jobs 2020, indgovtjobs, tamilan jobs, govt jobs today, railway jobs 2020, latest govt jobs notifications, latest job notification, new govt jobs, upcoming govt jobs, all govt jobs, 12th pass govt job, latest govt jobs in railway, 10th pass govt job 2020, central government jobs 2020, jobs, majhi naukri, job alert, job hunting, jobs near me, work from home jobs, fast job, part time jobs near me, online jobs, part time jobs, sbi careers, free job, job vacancy, railway recruitment 2020", "hiringOrganization" : { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Securities and Exchange Board of India", "sameAs": "https://www.freejobalert-sarkariresult.com" }, "industry": "free job alert", "employmentType": ["FULL_TIME","PART_TIME","CONTRACTOR","TEMPORARY","INTERN","VOLUNTEER","PER_DIEM","OTHER"], "workHours": "8am-5pm", "datePosted": "2020-03-23T18:31:30", "validThrough": "2021-04-30T17:00:59", "jobLocation": { "@type": "Place", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "streetAddress": "Bandra", "addressLocality": "Mumbai", "addressRegion":"Maharashtra", "postalCode": "400051", "addressCountry": "IN" } }, "baseSalary": { "@type": "MonetaryAmount", "currency": "INR", "value": { "@type": "QuantitativeValue", "minValue": 50000, "maxValue": 100000, "unitText": "MONTH" } }, "responsibilities": "Recruitment, Junior engineer, Apprentice, Apprentices, Assistant, Specialist, Typist, Board, Clerk, Engineer, Engineer electrical, Executive director, General manager, Managing director, Master, Officer, Accountant, Accounts assistant, Assistant manager, Consultant, Director, Doctor, Exam, Facilitator, Hospitality, Manager, Medical officer, Office, Office assistant, Safety officer, Salesman, Senior, Senior resident, Services, Specialists, Staff nurse, Station, Supervisor, Teacher, Telemarketing executive, Tutors, Works, Logistics, Utilities, Education, Finance, Construction, Computer Services, Manufacturing, Mining, Engineering Services, Professional, Scientific and Technical Services, Consulting, Health Care, Utilities, Education, Recruitment, Director, General manager, Editor, Manager, Attendant, Consultant, Entry operate or Executive, Surgeon, Technical assistant, Accountant, Apprentice, Assistant professor, Associate, Driver, Engineer, Housekeeping supervisor, Project assistant, Scientist, Software engineer, Supervisor, Assistant, Assistant director, Assistant manager, Catering, Clerk, Coordinator, Corporation, Data manager, Employees Engineer electrical, Engineers, Faculty, Guide, Hire, Instructor, Interpreters, Junior engineer, Master, Medical, Medical officer, Member, Obstetrics, Officer, Operator, Orthopaedic surgeon, Pilot, Postdoctoral, Project associate", "skills": "Free Job Alert", "qualifications": "10th, 12th, Any Graduate, B Tech (Civil), B. Tech (IT), B.Sc, B.Tech (CSE), B.tech (Electrical), B.Tech (Mech), BCA, BE\/ B. Tech, Diploma, PGDCA Recruitment, Junior engineer, Apprentice, Apprentices, Assistant, Specialist, Typist, Board, Clerk, Engineer, Engineer electrical, Executive director, General manager, Managing director, Master, Officer", "educationRequirements": "Any Graduate, B Tech (Civil), B. Tech (IT), B.Sc, B.Tech (CSE), B.tech (Electrical), B.Tech (Mech), BCA, BE\/ B. Tech, Diploma, PGDCA Recruitment, Junior engineer, Apprentice, Apprentices, Assistant, Specialist, Typist, Board, Clerk, Engineer, Engineer electrical, Executive director, General manager, Managing director,Master, Officer", "experienceRequirements": ["Fresher","Experience"] }
source https://www.freejobalert-sarkariresult.com/2020/03/sebi-recruitment-sarkari-naukri-online-form.html
0 notes
freejobalertguru · 5 years ago
SSA Free Job Alert 2020 | 1664 Teacher Online Form|Sarkari Naukri
SSA Punjab Free Job Alert 2020 | स्कूल शिक्षा विभाग - पंजाब मे 1664 पदों पर 'ईटीटी टीचर' की भर्ती | Read the Notification Before Apply Online Form at Sarkari Naukri Result. Those Candidate Are Interested to Following Vacancy and Completed the All Eligibility Criteria Can Read the Notification Before Apply Online.
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SSA Free Job Alert 2020 | 1664 Teacher Online Form|Sarkari Naukri
स्कूल शिक्षा विभाग - पंजाब पद का नाम: ईटीटी टीचर Advertisement No.: 5/1-2020(1) Department of School Education, Punjab – SSA Punjab 
SSA Punjab Recruitment 2020 Online Form
Name Of Post: ETT Teacher
No. of Vacancies: 1664 
General : - - | OBC : - - | SC : - - | ST : - - | Total : 1664 Post
Important Dates:
Application Begin :06/03/2020
Last Date for Apply Online : 23/03/2020
Last Date Pay Exam Fee : 25/03/2020
Pre Exam Held on : July 2020
Admit Card Available :June 2020
Mains Exam Held on : Notified Soon
Exam Eligibility: Qualification, Age Limit & Fee Details
Qualification (Eligibility): Graduation with Elementary Teachers’ Training course or equivalent. Age Limit as on 01/01/2020:
Minimum : 18 Years
Maximum : 37 Years
Age Relaxation Extra as per Rules
Application Fee:
General / Other State : 1000/-
SC / ST / PH : 500/-
Pay the Examination Fee Through Debit Card / Credit Card / Net Banking or Pay the Exam Fee Through E Challan Fee Mode.
Useful Link for Download Notification PDF, Apply Online Application Form, Exam Date & Procedure
Download Notification: Click here 
Apply Online Now: Click here 
Official Website: Click here 
How to Fill Form
SSA Punjab Are Released Latest Recruitment for ETT Teachers Post Candidate Can Apply Between 060/03/2020 to 23/03/2020.
Candidate Read the Notification Before Apply the Recruitment Application Form in SSA Punjab Recruitment 2020.
Kindly Check and College the All Document - Eligibility, ID Proof, Address Details, Basic Details.
Kindly Ready Scan Document Related to Recruitment Form - Photo, Sign, ID Proof, Etc.
Before Submit the Application Form Must Check the Preview and All Column Carefully.
If Candidate Required to Paying the Application Fee Must Submit. If You have Not the Required Application Fees Your Form is Not Completed.
Take A Print Out of Final Submitted Form.
Important Link for SSA Punjab Exams
Download Notification File PDF 
Online Form Application 
Admit Card Download
Answer Key Download
Joining Letter
 Top 10 Government Jobs India 2020
SSC मे 1355 पदों पर 'विभिन्न पदों' की भर्ती    MSSC मे 7000 पदों पर 'सिक्युर्टी गार्ड' की भर्ती लोक सेवा आयोग में 1568 पदों पर 'सहायक' की भर्ती NRRMS मे 1512 पदों पर 'सहायक, MTS, कंप्यूटर ऑपरेटर' की भर्ती LIC 218 पदों पर 'अभियंता & प्रशासनिक अधिकारी' की भर्ती   
{ "@context": "https://schema.org/", "@type": "JobPosting", "title": "SSA Punjab Recruitment 2020 | Latest Free Job Alert, Sarkari Naukri, Rojgar Samachar, Employment News, Govt Jobs Vacancy, freejobalert.com", "description": "SSA Punjab Free Job Alert 2020 | स्कूल शिक्षा विभाग - पंजाब मे 1664 पदों पर 'ईटीटी टीचर' की भर्ती | Read the Notification Before Apply Online Form at Sarkari Naukri Result. Those Candidate Are Interested to Following Vacancy and Completed the All Eligibility Criteria Can Read the Notification Before Apply Online, Recently Recruitment Notification released and invites Jobs application. Check Qualification & eligibility conditions, how to apply & other rules are given below Download Notification, Exam Dates Check All Details carefully on official Website. अपनी योग्यता के अनुसार नवीनतम और आगामी सरकारी नौकरी 2020, रोजगार समाचार, वर्तमान रिक्ति विवरण, वेतन, नौकरी की जानकारी प्राप्त करें। प्रिय नौकरी तलाशने वाले, जो सरकारी क्षेत्र में नौकरी करना चाहते हैं और सरकारी नौकरियों के लिए उपयुक्त होने की योजना बना रहे हैं, वे इस ब्लॉग पेज पर पूरी नवीनतम सरकारी नौकरी अधिसूचनाएं प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। विभिन्न सरकारी संगठन नौकरी पद की आवश्यकता के अनुसार डिप्लोमा, 10 वीं, 12 वीं, स्नातक, स्नातकोत्तर जैसे शैक्षिक योग्यता के अनुसार फ्रेशर के साथ ही अनुभवी आवेदकों को लेते हैं। 10th pass SSA Punjab jobs 2020, 12th pass SSA Punjab jobs 2020, graduate pass pass SSA Punjab jobs 2020, iti pass SSA Punjab jobs 2020, btech pass SSA Punjab jobs 2020, 10th pass SSA Punjab Recruitment 2020, 12th pass SSA Punjab Recruitment 2020, graduate pass pass SSA Punjab Recruitment 2020, iti pass SSA Punjab 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2020, employment news, new job alert, employment news today, sarkari job news, employment news paper, employment news this week, employment news in tamil, employment news 2020, gulf job paper, latest employment news, newspaper jobs, eenadu pratibha jobs, gulf news jobs, e employment news, government employment news, employment news in hindi, employment news epaper, rojgar job, job news kannada, employment news in tamil 2020, government jobs, latest govt jobs, govt jobs 2020, railway jobs, govt job alert, sarkari job 2020, 10th pass govt job, central government jobs, government job vacancies, latest govt jobs 2020, indgovtjobs, tamilan jobs, govt jobs today, railway jobs 2020, latest govt jobs notifications, latest job notification, new govt jobs, upcoming govt jobs, all govt jobs, 12th pass govt job, latest govt jobs in railway, 10th pass govt job 2020, central government jobs 2020, jobs, majhi naukri, job alert, job hunting, jobs near me, work from home jobs, fast job, part time jobs near me, online jobs, part time jobs, sbi careers, free job, job vacancy, railway recruitment 2020", "hiringOrganization" : { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Department of School Education Punjab", "sameAs": "https://www.freejobalert-sarkariresult.com" }, "industry": "free job alert", "employmentType": ["FULL_TIME","PART_TIME","CONTRACTOR","TEMPORARY","INTERN","VOLUNTEER","PER_DIEM","OTHER"], "workHours": "8am-5pm", "datePosted": "2020-03-23T11:04:03", "validThrough": "2021-03-23T12:00:00", "jobLocation": { "@type": "Place", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "streetAddress": "SAS Nagar", "addressLocality": "Mohali", "addressRegion":"Punjab", "postalCode": "160062", "addressCountry": "IN" } }, "baseSalary": { "@type": "MonetaryAmount", "currency": "INR", "value": { "@type": "QuantitativeValue", "minValue": 50000, "maxValue": 100000, "unitText": "MONTH" } }, "responsibilities": "Recruitment, Junior engineer, Apprentice, Apprentices, Assistant, Specialist, Typist, Board, Clerk, Engineer, Engineer electrical, Executive director, General manager, Managing director, Master, Officer, Accountant, Accounts assistant, Assistant manager, Consultant, Director, Doctor, Exam, Facilitator, Hospitality, Manager, Medical officer, Office, Office assistant, Safety officer, Salesman, Senior, Senior resident, Services, Specialists, Staff nurse, Station, Supervisor, Teacher, Telemarketing executive, Tutors, Works, Logistics, Utilities, Education, Finance, Construction, Computer Services, Manufacturing, Mining, Engineering Services, Professional, Scientific and Technical Services, Consulting, Health Care, Utilities, Education, Recruitment, Director, General manager, Editor, Manager, Attendant, Consultant, Entry operate or Executive, Surgeon, Technical assistant, Accountant, Apprentice, Assistant professor, Associate, Driver, Engineer, Housekeeping supervisor, Project assistant, Scientist, Software engineer, Supervisor, Assistant, Assistant director, Assistant manager, Catering, Clerk, Coordinator, Corporation, Data manager, Employees Engineer electrical, Engineers, Faculty, Guide, Hire, Instructor, Interpreters, Junior engineer, Master, Medical, Medical officer, Member, Obstetrics, Officer, Operator, Orthopaedic surgeon, Pilot, Postdoctoral, Project associate", "skills": "Free Job Alert", "qualifications": "10th, 12th, Any Graduate, B Tech (Civil), B. Tech (IT), B.Sc, B.Tech (CSE), B.tech (Electrical), B.Tech (Mech), BCA, BE\/ B. Tech, Diploma, PGDCA Recruitment, Junior engineer, Apprentice, Apprentices, Assistant, Specialist, Typist, Board, Clerk, Engineer, Engineer electrical, Executive director, General manager, Managing director, Master, Officer", "educationRequirements": "Any Graduate, B Tech (Civil), B. Tech (IT), B.Sc, B.Tech (CSE), B.tech (Electrical), B.Tech (Mech), BCA, BE\/ B. Tech, Diploma, PGDCA Recruitment, Junior engineer, Apprentice, Apprentices, Assistant, Specialist, Typist, Board, Clerk, Engineer, Engineer electrical, Executive director, General manager, Managing director,Master, Officer", "experienceRequirements": ["Fresher","Experience"] }
source https://www.freejobalert-sarkariresult.com/2020/03/ssa-free-job-alert-sarkari-naukri-online-form.html
0 notes
freejobalertguru · 5 years ago
NALCO Recruitment 2020 | Engineer Vacancies | Free Job Alert
NALCO Recruitment 2020 | नेशनल एल्युमीनियम कंपनी लि��िटेड (नाल्को) मे 120 पदों पर 'स्नातक इंजीनियर' की भर्ती at Free Job Alert 2021 Read the Notification Before Apply Online Jobs Form at freejobalert Those Candidate Are Interested to Following NALCO Vacancy Sarkari Naukri and Completed the All Eligibility Criteria Can Read the Notification Before Apply Online.
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NALCO Recruitment 2020 | Engineer Vacancies | Free Job Alert
नेशनल एल्युमीनियम कंपनी लिमिटेड (नाल्को) पद का नाम: स्नातक इंजीनियर Advertisement No.: 10200207 National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO)
NALCO Recruitment 2020 Online Form Sarkari Naukri
Name Of Post: Graduate Engineer
No. of Vacancies: 120 
General : -- | OBC : -- | SC : -- | ST : -- | Total : 120 Post
Important Dates:
Application Begin :20/03/2020
Last Date for Apply Online : 09/04/2020
Last Date Pay Exam Fee : 09/04/2020
Pre Exam Held on : June 2020
Admit Card Available : May 2020
Mains Exam Held on : Notified Soon
NALCO Jobs 2020, Latest Notifications, Online Application Form Details at Sarkari Naukri
Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering Age Limit as on 20/03/2020:
Minimum : -- Years
Maximum : 30 Years
Age Relaxation Extra as per Rules
Application Fee:
General / OBC / Other State : 500/-
SC / ST / PH : 100/-
Pay the Examination Fee Through Debit Card / Credit Card / Net Banking or Pay the Exam Fee Through E Challan Fee Mode.
Download NALCO jobs Notification PDF, Apply Online Application Form
Download Notification: Click here 
Apply Online Now: Click here 
Official Website: Click here 
How to Fill Form : Free Job Alert 2021
NALCO Are Released Latest Free Job Alert 2021 for Graduate Engineer Post Candidate Can Apply Between 20/03/2020 to 09/04/2020.
Candidate Read the Notification Before Apply the Recruitment Application Form in NALCO Recruitment 2020
Kindly Check All Document - ID Proof, Address Details, Basic Details.
Kindly Ready Scan Document Related to Sarkari Naukri Form - Photo, Sign, ID Proof, Etc.
Before Submit the Application Form Must Check the Preview and All Column Carefully.
If Candidate Required to Pay the Application Fee Must Submit. If You have Not the Required Application Fees Your Form is Not Completed.
Take A Print Out of Final Submitted Form.
Important Link for NALCO Exams: Sarkari Naukri
Download Notification File PDF 
Online Form Application 
Admit Card Download
Answer Key Download
 Top 10 Government Jobs India 2020
SSC मे 1355 पदों पर 'विभिन्न पदों' की भर्ती    MSSC मे 7000 पदों पर 'सिक्युर्टी गार्ड' की भर्ती लोक सेवा आयोग में 1568 पदों पर 'सहायक' की भर्ती NRRMS मे 1512 पदों पर 'सहायक, MTS, कंप्यूटर ऑपरेटर' की भर्ती LIC 218 पदों पर 'अभियंता & प्रशासनिक अधिकारी' की भर्ती  Tags: nalco recruitment 2020, nalco recruitment, nalco recruitment through gate, nalco recruitment through gate 2020, nalco recruitment 2020 apply online, nalco, recruitment, nalco job, odisha job recruitment, nalco recruitment 2020., nalco bhilai recruitment, nalco recruitment in bbsr, nalco anugul recruitment, nalco get recruitment 2020, nalco recruitment 2020 out, nalco recruitment gate 2020 { "@context": "https://schema.org/", "@type": "JobPosting", "title": "NALCO Recruitment 2020 | Latest Free Job Alert, Sarkari Naukri, Rojgar Samachar, Employment News, Govt Jobs Vacancy, freejobalert.com", "description": "NALCO Recruitment 2020 | नेशनल एल्युमीनियम कंपनी लिमिटेड (नाल्को) मे 120 पदों पर 'स्नातक इंजीनियर' की भर्ती at Free Job Alert 2021 Read the Notification Before Apply Online Jobs Form at freejobalert Those Candidate Are Interested to Following NALCO Vacancy Sarkari Naukri and Completed the All Eligibility Criteria Can Read the Notification Before Apply Online, Recently Recruitment Notification released and invites Jobs application. Check Qualification & eligibility conditions, how to apply & other rules are given below Download Notification, Exam Dates Check All Details carefully on official Website. अपनी योग्यता के अनुसार नवीनतम और आगामी सरकारी नौकरी 2020, रोजगार समाचार, वर्तमान रिक्ति विवरण, वेतन, नौकरी की जानकारी प्राप्त करें। प्रिय नौकरी तलाशने वाले, जो सरकारी क्षेत्र में नौकरी करना चाहते हैं और सरकारी नौकरियों के लिए उपयुक्त होने की योजना बना रहे हैं, वे इस ब्लॉग पेज पर पूरी नवीनतम सरकारी नौकरी अधिसूचनाएं प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। विभिन्न सरकारी संगठन नौकरी पद की आवश्यकता के अनुसार डिप्लोमा, 10 वीं, 12 वीं, स्नातक, स्नातकोत्तर जैसे शैक्षिक योग्यता के अनुसार फ्रेशर के साथ ही अनुभवी आवेदकों को लेते हैं। 10th pass NALCO jobs 2020, 12th pass NALCO jobs 2020, graduate pass pass NALCO jobs 2020, iti pass NALCO jobs 2020, btech pass NALCO jobs 2020, 10th pass NALCO Recruitment 2020, 12th pass NALCO Recruitment 2020, graduate pass pass NALCO Recruitment 2020, iti pass NALCO Recruitment 2020, btech pass NALCO Recruitment 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"https://www.freejobalert-sarkariresult.com" }, "industry": "free job alert", "employmentType": ["FULL_TIME","PART_TIME","CONTRACTOR","TEMPORARY","INTERN","VOLUNTEER","PER_DIEM","OTHER"], "workHours": "8am-5pm", "datePosted": "2020-03-21T14:45:23", "validThrough": "2021-04-09T23:48:54", "jobLocation": { "@type": "Place", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "streetAddress": "Nayapalli", "addressLocality": "Bhubaneswar", "addressRegion":"Odisha", "postalCode": "751013", "addressCountry": "IN" } }, "baseSalary": { "@type": "MonetaryAmount", "currency": "INR", "value": { "@type": "QuantitativeValue", "minValue": 50000, "maxValue": 100000, "unitText": "MONTH" } }, "responsibilities": "Recruitment, Junior engineer, Apprentice, Apprentices, Assistant, Specialist, Typist, Board, Clerk, Engineer, Engineer electrical, Executive director, General manager, Managing director, Master, Officer, Accountant, Accounts assistant, Assistant manager, Consultant, Director, Doctor, Exam, Facilitator, Hospitality, Manager, Medical officer, Office, Office assistant, Safety officer, Salesman, Senior, Senior resident, Services, Specialists, Staff nurse, Station, Supervisor, Teacher, Telemarketing executive, Tutors, Works, Logistics, Utilities, Education, Finance, Construction, Computer Services, Manufacturing, Mining, Engineering Services, Professional, Scientific and Technical Services, Consulting, Health Care, Utilities, Education, Recruitment, Director, General manager, Editor, Manager, Attendant, Consultant, Entry operate or Executive, Surgeon, Technical assistant, Accountant, Apprentice, Assistant professor, Associate, Driver, Engineer, Housekeeping supervisor, Project assistant, Scientist, Software engineer, Supervisor, Assistant, Assistant director, Assistant manager, Catering, Clerk, Coordinator, Corporation, Data manager, Employees Engineer electrical, Engineers, Faculty, Guide, Hire, Instructor, Interpreters, Junior engineer, Master, Medical, Medical officer, Member, Obstetrics, Officer, Operator, Orthopaedic surgeon, Pilot, Postdoctoral, Project associate", "skills": "Free Job Alert", "qualifications": "10th, 12th, Any Graduate, B Tech (Civil), B. Tech (IT), B.Sc, B.Tech (CSE), B.tech (Electrical), B.Tech (Mech), BCA, BE\/ B. Tech, Diploma, PGDCA Recruitment, Junior engineer, Apprentice, Apprentices, Assistant, Specialist, Typist, Board, Clerk, Engineer, Engineer electrical, Executive director, General manager, Managing director, Master, Officer", "educationRequirements": "Any Graduate, B Tech (Civil), B. Tech (IT), B.Sc, B.Tech (CSE), B.tech (Electrical), B.Tech (Mech), BCA, BE\/ B. Tech, Diploma, PGDCA Recruitment, Junior engineer, Apprentice, Apprentices, Assistant, Specialist, Typist, Board, Clerk, Engineer, Engineer electrical, Executive director, General manager, Managing director,Master, Officer", "experienceRequirements": ["Fresher","Experience"] }
source https://www.freejobalert-sarkariresult.com/2020/03/nalco-recruitment-sarkari-naukri-online-form.html
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freejobalertguru · 5 years ago
MPSC Free Job Alert 2020 | 217 MES Exam Online Form | Sarkari Naukri
MPSC Free Job Alert 2020 | महाराष्ट्र लोक सेवा आयोग महाराष्ट्र मे 217 पदों पर 'इंजीनियरिंग सेवा प्रा. परीक्षा 2020' की भर्ती | Read the Notification Before Apply Online Form at Sarkari Naukri Result. Those Candidate Are Interested to Following Vacancy and Completed the All Eligibility Criteria Can Read the Notification Before Apply Online.
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MPSC Free Job Alert 2020 | 217 MES Exam Online Form | Sarkari Naukri
महाराष्ट्र लोक सेवा आयोग पद का नाम: महाराष्ट्र इंजीनियरिंग सेवा प्रारंभिक परीक्षा 2020 Advertisement No.: 06/2020 Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC)
MPSC Recruitment 2020 Online Form
Name Of Post: Maharashtra Engineering Services Preliminary Examination 2020
No. of Vacancies: 217 
General : -- | OBC : -- | SC : -- | ST : -- | Total : 217 Post
Important Dates:
Application Begin :18/03/2020
Last Date for Apply Online : 07/04/2020
Last Date Pay Exam Fee : 08/04/2020
Pre Exam Held on : 17/05/2020
Admit Card Available : April 2020
Mains Exam Held on : Notified Soon
Exam Eligibility: Qualification, Age Limit & Fee Details
Qualification (Eligibility): B.E./ B.Tech in Civil/ Construction/Structural Engineering. Age Limit as on 01/07/2020:
Minimum : 19 Years
Maximum : 38 Years
Age Relaxation Extra as per Rules
Application Fee:
General / Other State : 374/-
OBC / SC / ST / PH : 274/-
Pay the Examination Fee Through Debit Card / Credit Card / Net Banking or Pay the Exam Fee Through E Challan Fee Mode.
Useful Link for Download Notification PDF, Apply Online Application Form, Exam Date & Procedure
Download Notification: Click here 
Apply Online Now: Click here 
Official Website: Click here 
How to Fill Form
MPSC Are Released Latest Recruitment for Maharashtra Engineering Services Preliminary Examination 2020 Post Candidate Can Apply Between 18/03/2020 to 07/04/2020.
Candidate Read the Notification Before Apply the Recruitment Application Form in MPSC Recruitment 2020.
Kindly Check and College the All Document - Eligibility, ID Proof, Address Details, Basic Details.
Kindly Ready Scan Document Related to Recruitment Form - Photo, Sign, ID Proof, Etc.
Before Submit the Application Form Must Check the Preview and All Column Carefully.
If Candidate Required to Paying the Application Fee Must Submit. If You have Not the Required Application Fees Your Form is Not Completed.
Take A Print Out of Final Submitted Form.
Important Link for MPSC Exams
Download Notification File PDF 
Online Form Application 
Admit Card Download
Answer Key Download
Joining Letter
 Top 10 Government Jobs India 2020
SSC मे 1355 पदों पर 'विभिन्न पदों' की भर्ती    MSSC मे 7000 पदों पर 'सिक्युर्टी गार्ड' की भर्ती लोक सेवा आयोग में 1568 पदों पर 'सहायक' की भर्ती NRRMS मे 1512 पदों पर 'सहायक, MTS, कंप्यूटर ऑपरेटर' की भर्ती LIC 218 पदों पर 'अभियंता & प्रशासनिक अधिकारी' की भर्ती  { "@context": "https://schema.org/", "@type": "JobPosting", "title": "MPSC Recruitment 2020 | Latest Free Job Alert, Sarkari Naukri, Rojgar Samachar, Employment News, Govt Jobs Vacancy, freejobalert.com", "description": "MPSC Recruitment 2020: MPSC Free Job Alert 2020 | महाराष्ट्र लोक सेवा आयोग महाराष्ट्र मे 217 पदों पर 'इंजीनियरिंग सेवा प्रा. परीक्षा 2020' की भर्ती | Read the Notification Before Apply Online Form at Sarkari Naukri Result. Those Candidate Are Interested to Following Vacancy and Completed the All Eligibility Criteria Can Read the Notification Before Apply Online, Recently Recruitment Notification released and invites Jobs application. Check Qualification & eligibility conditions, how to apply & other rules are given below Download Notification, Exam Dates Check All Details carefully on official Website. अपनी योग्यता के अनुसार नवीनतम और आगामी सरकारी नौकरी 2020, रोजगार समाचार, वर्तमान रिक्ति विवरण, वेतन, नौकरी की जानकारी प्राप्त करें। प्रिय नौकरी तलाशने वाले, जो सरकारी क्षेत्र में नौकरी करना चाहते हैं और सरकारी नौकरियों के लिए उपयुक्त होने की योजना बना रहे हैं, वे इस ब्लॉग पेज पर पूरी नवीनतम सरकारी नौकरी अधिसूचनाएं प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। विभिन्न सरकारी संगठन नौकरी पद की आवश्यकता के अनुसार डिप्लोमा, 10 वीं, 12 वीं, स्नातक, स्नातकोत्तर जैसे शैक्षिक योग्यता के अनुसार फ्रेशर के साथ ही अनुभवी आवेदकों को लेते हैं। 10th pass MPSC jobs 2020, 12th pass MPSC jobs 2020, graduate pass pass MPSC jobs 2020, iti pass MPSC jobs 2020, btech pass MPSC jobs 2020, 10th pass MPSC Recruitment 2020, 12th pass MPSC Recruitment 2020, graduate pass pass MPSC Recruitment 2020, iti pass MPSC Recruitment 2020, btech pass MPSC Recruitment 2020, 10th 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"employmentType": ["FULL_TIME","PART_TIME","CONTRACTOR","TEMPORARY","INTERN","VOLUNTEER","PER_DIEM","OTHER"], "workHours": "8am-5pm", "datePosted": "2020-03-18T07:28:34", "validThrough": "2021-04-07T11:48:54", "jobLocation": { "@type": "Place", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "streetAddress": "M.G.Road Fort", "addressLocality": "Mumbai", "addressRegion":"Maharashtra", "postalCode": "400001", "addressCountry": "IN" } }, "baseSalary": { "@type": "MonetaryAmount", "currency": "INR", "value": { "@type": "QuantitativeValue", "minValue": 50000, "maxValue": 100000, "unitText": "MONTH" } }, "responsibilities": "Recruitment, Junior engineer, Apprentice, Apprentices, Assistant, Specialist, Typist, Board, Clerk, Engineer, Engineer electrical, Executive director, General manager, Managing director, Master, Officer, Accountant, Accounts assistant, Assistant manager, Consultant, Director, Doctor, Exam, Facilitator, Hospitality, Manager, Medical officer, Office, Office assistant, Safety officer, Salesman, Senior, Senior resident, Services, Specialists, Staff nurse, Station, Supervisor, Teacher, Telemarketing executive, Tutors, Works, Logistics, Utilities, Education, Finance, Construction, Computer Services, Manufacturing, Mining, Engineering Services, Professional, Scientific and Technical Services, Consulting, Health Care, Utilities, Education, Recruitment, Director, General manager, Editor, Manager, Attendant, Consultant, Entry operate or Executive, Surgeon, Technical assistant, Accountant, Apprentice, Assistant professor, Associate, Driver, Engineer, Housekeeping supervisor, Project assistant, Scientist, Software engineer, Supervisor, Assistant, Assistant director, Assistant manager, Catering, Clerk, Coordinator, Corporation, Data manager, Employees Engineer electrical, Engineers, Faculty, Guide, Hire, Instructor, Interpreters, Junior engineer, Master, Medical, Medical officer, Member, Obstetrics, Officer, Operator, Orthopaedic surgeon, Pilot, Postdoctoral, Project associate", "skills": "Free Job Alert", "qualifications": "10th, 12th, Any Graduate, B Tech (Civil), B. Tech (IT), B.Sc, B.Tech (CSE), B.tech (Electrical), B.Tech (Mech), BCA, BE\/ B. Tech, Diploma, PGDCA Recruitment, Junior engineer, Apprentice, Apprentices, Assistant, Specialist, Typist, Board, Clerk, Engineer, Engineer electrical, Executive director, General manager, Managing director, Master, Officer", "educationRequirements": "Any Graduate, B Tech (Civil), B. Tech (IT), B.Sc, B.Tech (CSE), B.tech (Electrical), B.Tech (Mech), BCA, BE\/ B. Tech, Diploma, PGDCA Recruitment, Junior engineer, Apprentice, Apprentices, Assistant, Specialist, Typist, Board, Clerk, Engineer, Engineer electrical, Executive director, General manager, Managing director,Master, Officer", "experienceRequirements": ["Fresher","Experience"] }
source https://www.freejobalert-sarkariresult.com/2020/03/mpsc-free-job-alert-sarkari-naukri-online-form.html
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getdreamjobonline · 6 years ago
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