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vandrs · 20 days ago
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allpossibilities · 3 months ago
“ you're no victim. ”
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“ i'm not, ” he agrees, his voice HARSH in response to the words. anger seems into r i d g e d muscles as he stands upon the bridge, looking out at the bay. his hands rest on the metal railing, fingers w r a p p e d tightly around it in effort to keep himself in check. “ but you have plenty, ” he argues, tuning a hard stare to the man beside him. “ men, women, CHILDREN ... all victims of shimmer and how it's ravaged the undercity. piltover may not be the right force to govern your people, but are you? ”
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jayce shakes his head and looks back out to the water, searching the skyline for the answer to this haunting war. he willed there to be an easy solution. one that didn't come with any guilt, or haunting nightmares of children f a l l i n g hundreds of feet through the air. “ i'm not opposed to arguing for zaun, ” he says to the sea, “ my concern is what YOU plan on turning it into. ”
@saviourofzaun / marianas trench meme.
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poisonedpowder · 4 months ago
“I’m going to pick you up now, okay? Just hold on to me.” 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃 & 𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐒
She was hiding a little way aways from their hideout. It was not the smartest thing one could do in her state with the faint ringing in her ears only defeated by the throbbing of her injured leg, but she was trying to wait out limping her way back inside after making the long trek from her failed experiment until she could sneak in without being noticed.
It was a risky move. She had known that. After all, Silco could just send Sevika off to find her-- but Sevika had never been all that good at looking for her so she felt secure in her decision.
That is, until she finally heard the last few footsteps of someone approaching her. She felt her body stiffen despite the wincing that came with it as she prepared to hear the loud grumbling that usually accompanied Sevika having to deal with her in any capacity, but none came. It clicked then, that the footsteps weren't nearly as loud as hers normally sounded. Sevika was inclined to stomp her way around. For a moment, she thought perhaps he had sent someone else, but none of the rest would be this silent upon approach either. It could only mean one thing.
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Jinx finally turned around to find the very person she least expected to go searching about in the night for her. Silco himself. She could tell by the way his eyes were looking towards her leg that he had probably put two and two together on why she hadn't made it back by the normal time and it made her shrink into herself further, though she couldn't manage to pull her injured leg in close. She was awaiting the earful she always managed to get, but nothing of the sort occurred.
“I’m going to pick you up now, okay? Just hold on to me.”
Jinx wanted to tell him 'no,' that she could handled it just fine, she didn't want to be a burden, but somehow she knew her tear and muck smudged face wouldn't be all that convincing. Plus, the ache of her leg lessoned her resolve. So, instead, she nodded and complied, reaching her hands up so that they could circle his neck.
She was quiet at first as he held her, but that only allowed for the guilt to gnaw her as he started walking. She had only been trying to make something worthwhile and instead she caused him problems. How was she supposed to prove herself at this rate? "...I'm sorry," she muttered, keeping her head down to avoid his gaze, "I should have figured out a way back on my own. I- It won't happen again."
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witchcraftandburialdirt · 1 month ago
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bitch-mittxns · 2 months ago
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Continued from X - @saviourofzaun
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This  was  a  new  low  for  Vi  ,  attempting  to  speak  with  Silco.  The  man  she'd  spent  the  last  seven  years  hating  ,  he  was  responsible  for  Vander's  death  ,  Mylo  ,  Claggor  -  their  blood  was  on  his  hands  -  not  Powder's.  Vi  had  never  been  given  the  chance  to  take  back  the  awful  things  she  said  that  day  -  in  the  heat  of  the  moment. 
Being  here  already  felt  like  giving  up  ,  her  shoulders  sagged  and  the  familiar  feeling  of  frustration  was  piercing  through  her  chest  ,  she  felt  like  she  was  betraying  Vander  ,  but  she  had  nothing  else  left.
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If  she  couldn't  build  a  relationship  and  save  Jinx  ,  what  exactly  was  she  fighting  for? 
She  sat  ,  obeying  the  man  -  nails  digging  into  the  palms  of  her  fists  as  the  brawler  contemplated  the  avenues  in  which  this  could  go.
❝  I  don't  want  to  hurt  her  -  I  never  meant  to  ❞ ,  never  meant  to  leave  her  ,  never  MEANT  for  any  of  this.  The  person  she'd  seen  was  not  the  Powder  she  left.  Vi  didn't  know  who  her  sister  had  become  and  at  what  cost.  ❝  I  just  -  I  want  her  back  ❞ .
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zaunrising · 3 months ago
🌺 send this to ten muns you think are wonderful 🌺
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Alright, normally I don't really respond to these, but I feel the need to make an exception. Particularly after reading over the post you made because... going and rereading it still has me lowkey tearing up, as I know you mean it.
The easiest thing for me to do here, honestly, would be just to go "ditto", or "same", and move on. Because so much of what you said, I could offer back to you. We have had arguments but managed to resolve them, we have both grown, we have both moved forward, and Prague was absolutely a highlight of 2024 and something I don't think I will ever forget. Details of it, sure, but the whole of it, no. I could just go "love you too", and leave it at that. You deserve better than that, though. So, I know I've talked to you about this before, but I want to make sure you fully understand something (and have something to read should you forget). I wouldn't be where I am now without you, both metaphorically and literally. Living in the United States was like living in a stagnant swamp surrounded by an oil slick, and no matter which way I went all that happened was I got more stressed, and angry, and saw no way out. Now yes, I put in the work, but you helped shine a light that let me see a way out. Without that, I would still be so angry, and lost. And I cannot possibly explain how much it means to me that I am no longer there, that I am no longer that person. That you took a moment, and some time, and some trust, and helped me find a new path to walk. Should you ever doubt yourself, remember this much. You've helped one soul, at the very least, step out of the darkness.
I could go on about how I don't take you for granted, how you are always there for me, how I am sure things aren't always easy, but you keep going anyways, and other such things. However, instead of telling you (again) all of that...
I am happy we are friends. I enjoy the things we do together, the talks we have, the larp, things like going to Prague together, and having serious moments involving heavy discussions but also just silly playful moments. I wouldn't change you, or any of that, even if I could. I wouldn't give up our friendship for anything in the world.
This is one spot where I am going to echo you to be honest. I am excited to see what this year, 2025, brings for me, and also for you. And, it's the first time in a very long time I've actually felt that way. You mean the world to me, and that will never ever change. I love you ❤️
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elisethetraveller · 2 months ago
“An outsider, who thinks that knows it all, shows up, is hostile from the get-go, but for as someone so infuriating, she is yet so, incredibly intriguing.”
From; Describe my muse horribly
There was a slow tilt of the head. The sort of movement that indicated yes, I heard you, but made it clear the listener was either unwilling to provide an answer or found what was said too unimportant for a verbal response. Still, the mage broke the silence eventually.
He was being civil despite the content of his words… The least she could do was return the manners in kind.
“I believe the word you are looking for is aposematism.”
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stonesunk · 2 months ago
❛ you look like you've got something to say. ❜
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❝  how  much  will  it  cost  …  for  you  to  let  Jinx  go  ❞ ,  Caitlyn  frowned  ,  the  weight  of  Vi's  pain  hanging  over  her.  She  just  wanted  her  sister  back  -  to  be  able  to  explain  what  really  happened  the  night  she  was  taken  away  and  if  Caitlyn  could  help  -  she  would  damn  near  try. 
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❝  I  can  get  it  for  you  ❞  her Piltovian  draw  lacking  confidence  ,  Silco  was  dangerous  -  she'd  learnt  that  much.  So  why  would  Jinx  be  staying  with  him  voluntarily?  surely  Sevika  was  wrong.  ❝  Vi  wants  her  sister  back.  ❞ 
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anomallis · 3 months ago
🌺 send this to ten muns you think are wonderful 🌺
[ HH WHUH... WEHHH . . . ]
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[ Thank u very much waaah , ur great too!! I'm gonna cry!!!! URGRRGRHGRH.. kiss kiss mwah mwah ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ]
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blackrosesmatron · 4 months ago
❝ do not tempt me with your promises. ❞
From this meme: accepting
"Then you do find my words tempting after all. Good," she replied, a teasing smirk curling her dark-painted lips. Her golden eyes gleamed with malice, their predatory intensity unwavering. Silco could be a valuable ally—especially now, with Ambessa maneuvering to sway Piltover's council through her daughter.
"It means you're smart enough to understand that if a Noxian army decides to cross the bridge, their mission will be to exterminate every Zaunite in their path. It's what we do." Her voice was calm, almost casual, but it carried the weight of centuries of conquest. There was no point in pretending she wasn’t Noxian. Her accent and the sharp tailoring of her attire, unmistakably from the capital, betrayed her origins.
"And we tend to win more than we lose. War is in our blood, in our bones. We were born from it, molded by it." Even before Noxus was Noxus, during Mordekaiser's reign over the region, they fought. It was to defeat him that the Noxii tribes united, a union that led to the creation of the great empire Noxus was now.
General Medarda had no personal interest in Zaun, but it was clear she wouldn’t hesitate to send troops into the undercity if it meant securing Piltover’s cooperation—and gaining access to hextech-powered weaponry.
She moved behind Silco, her slender hands resting on his shoulders before beginning a deliberate, practiced massage. Her touch was skilled, intimate, and deliberate—she had undoubtedly done this many times before.
"I only ask that you let me help," she murmured, her voice a seductive whisper that coiled around him like a snake.
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freedomsbounty · 1 year ago
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credit goes to @saviourofzaun
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independentzaun · 2 years ago
🐱 Much love, but yes ;u;
Send 🐱 for moderately intimidating
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Whaaaat? Nuuuu. I'm just an anxious lil coffee bean. You don't have to be intimidated at all! Well now I'm just going to have to be more silly, and casual! Love to you as well though.
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witchcraftandburialdirt · 1 year ago
What’s the strangest/weirdest thing the Mun has watched on youtube?
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1. What’s the strangest/weirdest thing the Mun has watched on youtube?
── "Oh yes, the video site - strange to me how this world's population has endless information at their fingertips and yet instead of research they choose to focus on pointless nonsense. They seem to enjoy videos that delve into the many features regarding the oceans in their world; a call to the void perhaps? Why bother trying to frighten oneself with imagery and experiences they will never have? What is there to be scared of in the oceans' floor when you'll never be at the bottom of them anyway?"
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adenial-a · 2 years ago
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ㅤㅤshe could preen at not being immediately shut down for her bold words , a content smile growing on her lips as ears folded back , relaxing , ready to begin . ㅤㅤ"ㅤoh , noxian soldiers are always biting for the next conflict ,ㅤ"ㅤand she's not wrong either . they were rabid for expansion , to war and battle was an honor .ㅤ"ㅤthe price would be relatively small ... and is negotiable , of course .ㅤ" ㅤㅤher ears perk up , just as her back straightened , trying to keep herself professional first .ㅤ"ㅤhalf of what remains of piltover , and half of what remains of the hextech foundry from clan ferros .ㅤ"
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ㅤㅤit's a large demand , but her face is serious , and so are her words .ㅤㅤ"ㅤzaun can have it's independance , and even expand into the other half of piltover , and noxus will be your first nation to set a trade route together as an independant nation . a good start to your economy .ㅤ ㅤㅤ"ㅤif you agree to the terms , we will send a militia to protect you , along with weaponry for your own soldiers . with half of the foundry split between our two nations , you could only benefit . noxian money would go into repairing and maintaining the factory , and you only need to reap half the profits .ㅤ"
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@saviourofzaun continued from x
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zaunrising · 3 months ago
Christmas Trappings
Continued from Here with @saviourofzaun
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For once, she’d been doing something nice for Jinx. Since it was the winter holidays, Sevika had shown up to put a couple of presents down by the tree for Jinx. By all rights, she should be upset considering the current situation, but instead she was simply resigned. Stepping into something had landed her on her face, and tied up by an automated rope and net that seemed near impossible to get out of without either knowing exactly how to, or cutting it. Considering the effort Jinx had gone to, cutting it seemed unwise.
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Looking to Silco, Sevika raised her eyebrows. “You...could… tell her Santa isn’t real. And what does she expect to have happen if she does catch Santa?” Rocking back and forth a bit, she grimaced. “Can’t you get me out of this? Silco? Surely you can undo a few ropes. But yes, the couch would be more comfortable.”
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elisethetraveller · 3 months ago
🎨 — For your favourite bastard
From; 🎨 for the colour my muse associates with yours
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Oil Black - #050100
"I suppose I will need to be fair in this response..." The mage sighed, silver eyes glancing into the darkness beyond her windows as if expecting...something. But there was nothing there except darkness twisted by what little light made it down to this level.
"Did you know that true black is the hardest colour to create from dyes? Fabric makers used to hang black flags outside their shops as proof of their competence. Of course, the best colour was attained with chemicals that corroded the very fabric it was supposed to adorn, but-" Her teeth were no sharper than any other human's, yet there was something feral about her smile. "anything for 'fashion', right?"
"Mourning, elegance, bleakness, wealth, heaviness, power, rebellion." Fear. "All in all, not a bad colour. Even if it stains anything around it."
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