medley-med · 1 year
How to redefine your healthcare and wellness?
It is beyond dispute that technology is all about complex backend interventions that ensure the front is made simpler, delivered faster, and more efficiently. For healthcare and other related businesses, increasing operations and transactions lead to more complexities. These, many a time challenge your efficiency quotient and create stress that is not good for your business. Besides mainstream service providers in healthcare and wellness, the allied and support service providers such as TPIs, healthcare business aggregators, NGOs, and corporate wings offering CSR in this field, need to streamline their activities, bring in more vigor and accountability, and ensure efficiency and profitability.
Streamlining and synching
This is made possible only with technology that ensures seamlessness in synchronized applications, streamlines business functions, and accurately records measured outcomes. For your business, the real-time status of your operations must be properly managed and structured.
Have you ever realized the importance of appropriate technology for your wellness and healthcare-related businesses? Remember, you have to stay in business and grow too. Above all, create a difference among competitors and crowd players in markets.
So, when the products are the same and prices are tied, what is your difference?
It is time to adopt superior digital technology applications that help your customers and other stakeholders realize how different and efficient you are, how they gain convenience when associated with you, and how the customer experience only gets better.
At MedleyMed, our Software as a Service (SAAS) healthcare platform has evolved over years to perfectly offer the best and in-class technological interface to streamline all operations and services. Our SAAS guarantees convenience and a better user experience to customers.
While you are responsible for providing seamless online services, be it telemedicine, pharmacy, or online diagnostic services, the secret to success lies in identifying cost-efficient and super-efficient technological applications that ensure better, faster, and seamless delivery. Our MedleyMed SAAS is one such foolproof and advanced patient engagement platform that helps you grow into a more reliable and customer-friendly business.
MedleyMed is happy to extend a free demo of SAAS, the one-stop and ideal technological application for all your operations. SAAS healthcare platform undoubtedly facilitate and lead digital healthcare across the world.
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medley-med · 1 year
How to redefine your healthcare and wellness?
It is beyond dispute that technology is all about complex backend interventions that ensure the front is made simpler, delivered faster, and more efficiently. For healthcare and other related businesses, increasing operations and transactions lead to more complexities. These, many a time challenge your efficiency quotient and create stress that is not good for your business. Besides mainstream service providers in healthcare and wellness, the allied and support service providers such as TPIs, healthcare business aggregators, NGOs, and corporate wings offering CSR in this field, need to streamline their activities, bring in more vigor and accountability, and ensure efficiency and profitability.
Streamlining and synching
This is made possible only with technology that ensures seamlessness in synchronized applications, streamlines business functions, and accurately records measured outcomes. For your business, the real-time status of your operations must be properly managed and structured.
Have you ever realized the importance of appropriate technology for your wellness and healthcare-related businesses? Remember, you have to stay in business and grow too. Above all, create a difference among competitors and crowd players in markets.
So, when the products are the same and prices are tied, what is your difference?
It is time to adopt superior digital technology applications that help your customers and other stakeholders realize how different and efficient you are, how they gain convenience when associated with you, and how the customer experience only gets better.
MedleyMed SAAS, especially and specifically for you
At MedleyMed, our Software as a Service (SAAS) healthcare platform has evolved over years to perfectly offer the best and in-class technological interface to streamline all operations and services. Our SAAS guarantees convenience and a better user experience to customers.
Now, imagine these situations:
If you are a services aggregator, and the customer is interacting with you for a teleconsultation, may be telemedicine for online or video consultation with the doctor!
If you are a TPA and facilitating online diagnostics for your customers!
If you are an NGO and are constantly mandated to make medical services more accessible to the needy!
Advanced comes with efficiency
While you are responsible for providing seamless online services, be it telemedicine, pharmacy, or online diagnostic services, the secret to success lies in identifying cost-efficient and super-efficient technological applications that ensure better, faster, and seamless delivery. Our MedleyMed SAAS is one such foolproof and advanced patient engagement platform that helps you grow into a more reliable and customer-friendly business.
MedleyMed is happy to extend a free demo of SAAS based online pharmacy, the one-stop and ideal technological application for all your operations. SAAS solutions for hospitals undoubtedly facilitate and lead digital healthcare across the world.
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medley-med · 1 year
How Tech to make elder care easier and efficient?
Elder Care – this is one of the most commonly mentioned phrases in current times, where skilled attendants, both medical and non-medical are made available to take care of the wellness as well as the daily needs of the elderly. There are a host of obvious reasons that have been triggering the trend and encouraging more agencies/organizations to step into the business. A study analyses that more than 40 million senior citizens are, today, in need of genuine geriatric care. What’s more, the fact that India will be significantly aged in the next 15 years has set a strong and motivating tone for the elder care business to accelerate expansion.
A growing business
Today, the elder care market in India, estimated at $5 billion, is witnessing a boom in the companies offering services, both numerically, as well as those expanding the services’ range. Apart from regular medical care, there is a constant need to attend to senior adults who need support in running their daily lives. From helping them in carrying out their duties of food, toilet, and grooming, to their medication, exercises, and recreation, all form a crucial part.
Synching, the secret of success
As companies keep expanding their base, there comes a stage where structuring and streamlining their services, synchronizing them through the proper framework, and an efficient monitoring mechanism all become crucial. This is because your volumes and customers are growing, the service range is expanding, and most importantly, the experience-conscious customers are demanding more in terms of services, delivery, and experience. Streamlining all these services and enhancing efficiency is possible only when there is a powerful technological intervention when digital healthcare begins to thrive through healthcare engagement platforms.
MedleyMed, meeting elder care needs
An advent of and aid from technology sets systems in right place, gives a real-time picture, betters customer experience, and lends them more convenience. Does this not sound like a winning combination? At Medleymed, we offer a SAAS healthcare platform for healthcare, a highly effective software digital engagement mode that suits the needs of fast-growing eldercare businesses like yours.
Our SAAS solutions are tailor-made to incorporate and answer all these concerns in one-fold. We are user-friendly and support your operations to ensure efficiency and speed and reduce human intervention and gaps. Of course, this is cost-efficient considering the ease of installation, value-added orientation, and servicing provided by us. All these make it easier for you to operate remotely. As fast-growing and also with a first-mover advantage, it is important to take to technology on priority and extends the unmatched benefit to win more trust and business. MedleyMed is happy to extend a free demo of SAAS, the one-stop and ideal technological application for all your operations.
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medley-med · 1 year
What are the pros and cons of inventory management at pharmacies?
Thousands of medicines, an endless list of drug labels, an extremely challenging situation where medicines are cataloged, categorized, and stored under various parameters – imagine how tough inventory management can be when the point of sales itself has so many inherent challenges to be identified and addressed. Yes, keeping stock of medicines and managing it always form the most important daily duties for pharmacies. While humanly it is never easy to record and retrieve information, regular recording in books or basic computer files too won’t be of much help as they don’t provide any scope for uploading and providing real-time information, always.
Expired Drugs
One of the most crucial components that demand constant and extra caution is inventory management. It is a matter of reputation and better business sense too for pharmacies to keep perfect track of medicines that are about to expire and those that have expired. This is, yet again, not an easy task to perform manually, and operationally, beyond regular human efforts.
Time for Technological intervention
As the world is moving towards technological disruption and the advent of software for real-time advantage, inventory management through Pharmacy ERP brings ease, and convenience, and facilitates accurate tracking of stock. It is easier to streamline the inventory information online and get notified and alerted whenever a particular drug is running out of stock or is about to expire. Pharmacy ERPs are equipped with provisions to integrate multiple operations. Your inventory notification also helps you get the payment status vis-à-vis stock arrival or availability. For example, you may realize that you have made the full payment but you are yet to receive the remaining 30 percent of the stock.
More advantages of Pharmacy ERP
With Pharmacy ERP, you don’t need to rush to your pharmacy store and check what went wrong and where it went wrong. With the gadget in your hand handling operations and sending notifications to you, wherever you are, it doesn’t matter now. A quick call to your team operating at the store and the rest is handled perfectly.
MedleyMed is offering SmartZ ERP, the most ideal enterprise SAAS healthcare platform for your pharmacy operations that offers excellent and inherent advantages to handle your inventory more efficiently. The cloud-based platform is a boon to drug stores where you can minimize maintenance issues and be assured of operational ease and better growth in the future.
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medley-med · 1 year
How dedicated SAAS platforms for healthcare and medical streams?
Healthcare aggregators are today one of the most vital links in the healthcare delivery value chain. These businesses have revolutionized the concept of healthcare delivery, by efficiently ensuring that patients are exposed to the right doctor/hospital at the right time and through the right channel. The patient who otherwise toggles between primary clinics to multispecialty hospitals, spending time, and money, and also battling against time, finds it easier to go through healthcare services aggregators, find doctors, fix appointments, and avail flexibility in all possible ways.
SAAS platforms for healthcare and medical streams can make a positive difference for healthcare services aggregators
While aggregators may believe that a user-friendly interface can help customers feel comfortable and easier to transact, they have to simply ask themselves a question – has this platform been as comprehensive, contemporary, and value-adding when it comes to integrating and synchronizing internal mechanisms, operations, and functions?
Does the existing platform position and perfect itself as a demand-driven, proactively functioning window? Is it only transaction-centric or does it also provide features that broaden the marketplace, compare prices, and integrate e-healthcare services without complications?
Does your current technology platform provide for addressing customer concerns and grievances, effective enough to handle crisis management? Are compliance aspects properly addressed?
The questions that concern SAAS based online pharmacy for healthcare are more to come as per the changing dynamics and trends. But what is important for healthcare services aggregators is to consider shifting to alternative yet proven SAAS platforms that guarantee power by more innovative and contemporary technologies. A platform that balances excellent functioning of both internal services and external delivery, besides, synching both effortlessly.
At MedleyMed SAAS, we are known for providing a SAAS platform of healthcare that is not just an effective software digital engagement mode addressing your wider base of needs and challenges but also infused efficiency and speed into business. By integrating all your functions, MedleyMed SAAS improves your business efficiency, saves time and costs, and ultimately brings profitability and expandability to your aggregator business.
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medley-med · 1 year
How Tech to make elder care easier and efficient?
There are a host of obvious reasons that have been triggering the trend and encouraging more agencies/organizations to step into the business. A study analyses that more than 40 million senior citizens are, today, in need of genuine geriatric care. What’s more, the fact that India will be significantly aged in the next 15 years has set a strong and motivating tone for the elder care business to accelerate expansion.
A growing business
Apart from regular medical care, there is a constant need to attend to senior adults who need support in running their daily lives. From helping them in carrying out their duties of food, toilet, and grooming, to their medication, exercises, and recreation, all form a crucial part.
Synching, the secret of success
As companies keep expanding their base, there comes a stage where structuring and streamlining their services, synchronizing them through the proper framework, and an efficient monitoring mechanism all become crucial. This is because your volumes and customers are growing, the service range is expanding, and most importantly, the experience-conscious customers are demanding more in terms of services, delivery, and experience. Streamlining all these services and enhancing efficiency is possible only when there is a powerful technological intervention when digital healthcare begins to thrive through healthcare engagement platforms.
MedleyMed, meeting elder care needs
An advent of and aid from technology sets systems in right place, gives a real-time picture, betters customer experience, and lends them more convenience. Does this not sound like a winning combination? At Medleymed, we offer a SAAS healthcare platform, a highly effective software digital engagement mode that suits the needs of fast-growing eldercare businesses like yours.
Our SAAS solutions are tailor-made to incorporate and answer all these concerns in one-fold. We are user-friendly and support your operations to ensure efficiency and speed and reduce human intervention and gaps. Of course, this is cost-efficient considering the ease of installation, value-added orientation, and servicing provided by us. All these make it easier for you to operate remotely. As fast-growing and also with a first-mover advantage, it is important to take to technology on priority and extends the unmatched benefit to win more trust and business. MedleyMed is happy to extend a free demo of SAAS, the one-stop and ideal technological application for all your operations.
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medley-med · 1 year
How tech to make elder care easier and efficient?
Elder Care – this is one of the most commonly mentioned phrases in current times, where skilled attendants, both medical and non-medical are made available to take care of the wellness as well as the daily needs of the elderly. There are a host of obvious reasons that have been triggering the trend and encouraging more agencies/organizations to step into the business. A study analyses that more than 40 million senior citizens are, today, in need of genuine geriatric care. What’s more, the fact that India will be significantly aged in the next 15 years has set a strong and motivating tone for the elder care business to accelerate expansion.
A growing business
Today, the elder care market in India, estimated at $5 billion, is witnessing a boom in the companies offering services, both numerically, as well as those expanding the services’ range. Apart from regular medical care, there is a constant need to attend to senior adults who need support in running their daily lives. From helping them in carrying out their duties of food, toilet, and grooming, to their medication, exercises, and recreation, all form a crucial part.
Synching, the secret of success
As companies keep expanding their base, there comes a stage where structuring and streamlining their services, synchronizing them through the proper framework, and an efficient monitoring mechanism all become crucial. This is because your volumes and customers are growing, the service range is expanding, and most importantly, the experience-conscious customers are demanding more in terms of services, delivery, and experience. Streamlining all these services and enhancing efficiency is possible only when there is a powerful technological intervention when digital healthcare begins to thrive through healthcare engagement platforms.
MedleyMed, meeting elder care needs
An advent of and aid from technology sets systems in right place, gives a real-time picture, betters customer experience, and lends them more convenience. Does this not sound like a winning combination? At Medleymed, we offer a SAAS healthcare platform for healthcare, a highly effective software digital engagement mode that suits the needs of fast-growing eldercare businesses like yours.
Our SAAS solutions are tailor-made to incorporate and answer all these concerns in one-fold. We are user-friendly and support your operations to ensure efficiency and speed and reduce human intervention and gaps. Of course, this is cost-efficient considering the ease of installation, value-added orientation, and servicing provided by us. All these make it easier for you to operate remotely.
As fast-growing and also with a first-mover advantage, it is important to take to technology on priority and extends the unmatched benefit to win more trust and business. MedleyMed is happy to extend a free demo of SAAS, the one-stop and ideal technological application for all your operations.
0 notes
medley-med · 1 year
How to redefine your healthcare and wellness?
It is beyond dispute that technology is all about complex backend interventions that ensure the front is made simpler, delivered faster, and more efficiently. For healthcare and other related businesses, increasing operations and transactions lead to more complexities. These, many a time challenge your efficiency quotient and create stress that is not good for your business. Besides mainstream service providers in healthcare and wellness, the allied and support service providers such as TPIs, healthcare business aggregators, NGOs, and corporate wings offering CSR in this field, need to streamline their activities, bring in more vigor and accountability, and ensure efficiency and profitability.
This is made possible only with technology that ensures seamlessness in synchronized applications, streamlines business functions, and accurately records measured outcomes. For your business, the real-time status of your operations must be properly managed and structured.
Have you ever realized the importance of appropriate technology for your wellness and healthcare-related businesses? Remember, you have to stay in business and grow too. Above all, create a difference among competitors and crowd players in markets.
It is time to adopt superior digital technology applications that help your customers and other stakeholders realize how different and efficient you are, how they gain convenience when associated with you, and how the customer experience only gets better.
MedleyMed SAAS, especially and specifically for you
At MedleyMed, our SAAS healthcare platform has evolved over years to perfectly offer the best and in-class technological interface to streamline all operations and services. Our SAAS guarantees convenience and a better user experience to customers.
Now, imagine these situations:
If you are a services aggregator, and the customer is interacting with you for a teleconsultation, may be telemedicine for online or video consultation with the doctor!
If you are a TPA and facilitating online diagnostics for your customers!
If you are an NGO and are constantly mandated to make medical services more accessible to the needy!
Advanced comes with efficiency
While you are responsible for providing seamless online services, be it telemedicine, pharmacy, or online diagnostic services, the secret to success lies in identifying cost-efficient and super-efficient technological applications that ensure better, faster, and seamless delivery. Our MedleyMed SAAS is one such foolproof and advanced patient engagement platform that helps you grow into a more reliable and customer-friendly business.
MedleyMed is happy to extend a free demo of SAAS, the one-stop and ideal technological application for all your operations. SAAS solutions for hospitals undoubtedly facilitate and lead digital healthcare across the world.
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medley-med · 2 years
What is the role of digital healthcare in India’s healthcare challenges?
India is the seventh largest country in the world and interestingly features striking variations in geographical, socio-economic, and demographic fronts. With a population raring to touch 1.5 billion, India continues to be a paradox, where opportunities galore, but the positives are offset by inherent defects and increasing challenges. This is typically glaring in the fields of healthcare and education, the two important sectors where both government and private sectors together play an equal as well as an indispensable role.
As we narrow down to deliberate more on the healthcare scenario of the country, we realize that, while we have made significant progress in effecting advancements in the medical field, the same cannot be said about the efficacy of its delivery, accessibility, and affordability. Most importantly, its skewed distribution across various geographies and socio-economic groups, definitely calls for digital interventions and the accelerated advent of digital healthcare technologies to increase access and evenly spread it.
The steady transition of our economy into a digital one, especially in the last seven years, is actually setting the perfect stage for seamless digital integration of healthcare services and delivering them through technological excellence. Be it telemedicine online platforms, online diagnostic applications, or pharmacy platforms, digital patient engagement is gaining ground.
We know that every smaller town doesn’t enjoy vast and varied medical services, but health and life don’t wait and need immediate and constant attention and addressing. In the wake of this concern, digital healthcare interventions through integrated SAAS platforms for hospitals are seeing a massive opportunity where hospitals can strengthen their telemedicine online platforms and online consultation services, online booking of diagnostics, and digital interfaces for pharmacy purchase. They finally top it with the encouragement of online payments to save time and travel costs for patients, all part of the emerging digital healthcare.
With a substantial investment in SAAS tools such as those developed and offered by MedleyMed, hospitals can install technology and run their own labels of artificial intelligence to cater to more patients and customers. Besides, they get to integrate consultation, pharmacy, and diagnostics through digital healthcare, thus offering a complete bouquet of services under one roof.
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medley-med · 2 years
What is the Role of Digital Healthcare in India’s Healthcare Challenges?
In the wake of this concern, digital healthcare interventions through integrated SAAS Healthcare Platform for hospitals are seeing a massive opportunity where hospitals can strengthen their telemedicine online platforms. For healthcare organizations, this comes as a great opportunity to scale up their business and bring more patients into the fold, without brick-and-mortar investments. With a substantial investment in SAAS tools such as those developed and offered by MedleyMed, hospitals can install technology and run their own labels of artificial intelligence to cater to more patients and customers.
0 notes
medley-med · 2 years
What is the Role of Digital Healthcare in India’s Healthcare Challenges?
India is the seventh largest country in the world and interestingly features striking variations in geographical, socio-economic, and demographic fronts. With a population raring to touch 1.5 billion, India continues to be a paradox, where opportunities galore, but the positives are offset by inherent defects and increasing challenges. This is typically glaring in the fields of healthcare and education, the two important sectors where both government and private sectors together play an equal as well as an indispensable role.
As we narrow down to deliberate more on the healthcare scenario of the country, we realize that, while we have made significant progress in effecting advancements in the medical field, the same cannot be said about the efficacy of its delivery, accessibility, and affordability. Most importantly, its skewed distribution across various geographies and socio-economic groups, definitely calls for digital interventions and the accelerated advent of digital healthcare technologies to increase access and evenly spread it.
The steady transition of our economy into a digital one, especially in the last seven years, is actually setting the perfect stage for seamless digital integration of healthcare services and delivering them through technological excellence. Be it telemedicine online platforms, online diagnostic applications, or pharmacy platforms, digital patient engagement is gaining ground.
We know that every smaller town doesn’t enjoy vast and varied medical services, but health and life don’t wait and need immediate and constant attention and addressing. In the wake of this concern, digital healthcare interventions through integrated SAAS healthcare platform for hospitals are seeing a massive opportunity where hospitals can strengthen their telemedicine online platforms and online consultation services, online booking of diagnostics, and digital interfaces for pharmacy purchase. They finally top it with the encouragement of online payments to save time and travel costs for patients, all part of the emerging digital healthcare.
It is now beyond doubt that physically providing healthcare services to the 1.5 billion population is not only challenging but at a point impossible too. Therefore, robust telehealth tools, artificial intelligence, and online technologies are the need of the hour. These surely optimize core testing and diagnostics, improve the picture of teleconsultation, and significantly save time and costs for the patients. For healthcare organizations, this comes as a great opportunity to scale up their business and bring more patients into the fold, without brick-and-mortar investments. With a substantial investment in SAAS tools such as those developed and offered by MedleyMed, hospitals can install technology and run their own labels of artificial intelligence to cater to more patients and customers. Besides, they get to integrate consultation, pharmacy, and diagnostics through digital healthcare, thus offering a complete bouquet of services under one roof.
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