#SA Park Rangers
texaragan · 4 months
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On May 25th, the adventure begins...
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A Thief in the Night
a Guile & Guilt story…
It had been the longest night. He had started his journey in the dark, and forty hours later, he was still cloaked in darkness. As he climbed off of the train and into his old Jeep, he tossed his bags in the back, staring hard at the velcro label that had MacTavish stitched across it, the white threads steadfast despite the wear and tear that had befallen them over the past six months. Those bags contained his whole life. Everything from his toothbrush to his diary lived inside those canvas casings, and they’d been burned, stolen, stabbed, soaked, and sand-covered as much as he had. He wished, for a moment, that he were made of canvas. He wished he were interwoven, thick and impenetrable, unfeeling, unsensing… just a container. He wouldn’t need to breathe, to fight, to sweat, or to bleed. He would just need to hold and be held. But, he was not canvas. He was made of soft skin and bruised bone. Johnny MacTavish was but a man. The only salve he had to soothe that wound was that he was coming home.
Home meant rest, which was much-needed, but it also meant Pigeon, his fiery sister. He needed a bit of that warmth right now, even if she annoyed the fuck out of him most days. She was always running her mouth about what he should be doing with his life, but he knew she only did it because she cared. So, he took his lashings with a smile.
Her fiance had been the one to call him back. It must be an engagement. Nothing less would be deemed worthy of pulling him from the field. They knew how important his work was with the SAS, but life didn’t stop back home just because he was away. It was good timing, after all. Their recent tour had yielded decent intel, and he was free to take a few days to ruminate on their findings.
The Jeep’s engine cranked over with some complaint. Hamish, the fiance, had been driving it around for him, but he’d parked it about a week ago in anticipation of Johnny’s arrival, and it had definitely gone cold. He pumped the gas, praying that it didn’t flood, and sent up a prayer when it finally roared to life.
Leaving the lights of Glasgow behind was a comfort. He wanted his little cottage and his soft bed. Johnny wondered, fleetingly, if Pidge had been having the girls over lately. Sometimes, when he came home, there’d be a shirt missing from his collection, and his sheets would smell like lavender. That’s how he knew that she had been there.
He’d ruled out the usual suspects. Bekah was never one to sleep over, and Anjali smelled of rum cakes and soap. He thought it might be Cherise, but she’d never be caught dead in one of his shirts. So, it had to be the American. Pidge was over-protective of that one. She wouldn’t even tell him her name, but he knew she liked his old football tees, so she must have good taste. He’d never even seen a picture of the shirt thief, but he slept like a rock when his sheets smelled of lavender, and he needed that tonight.
Johnny took all the corners too fast, rushing to his destination, and when he finally got into the drive, the house was dark. He’d missed supper, so he aimed for the kitchen to steal Pidge’s leftovers. When he rounded the corner, he couldn’t believe his eyes.
There she was: that thief! She was in his blue Rangers’ tee, the one with McCoist’s name on the shoulders, his favorite one. It hung off of her body like a short dress, but as she went to reach for a mug from the top shelf, teetering on those bare toes, it rode up her body, revealing her thick thighs like a peep show. He could see the heart-shaped divot of her arse cheeks, but only barely. If she reached much further, he’d see it all.
So, he had to stop her. He didn’t want her to be ashamed. Letting out a low whistle, he conveyed his approval.
She was startled, and he watched the fear flood into her eyes like tears. It made them gleam in the low light of the kitchen, but she didn’t scream. The American was pretty, but that was to be expected. She was exactly his type as well, which was a damn shame. Pidge would be furious, but he didn’t care. He’d row with Pidge for the rest of his life to have a girl like that looking at him with those big eyes, framed with those wet lashes.
He wanted to get closer to her, so he did. He took a step into the kitchen, walking slowly, careful not to spook her like a wounded deer.
Johnny knew he must have looked like a goddamn terror. He’d brought in all of his personal gear, preferring to make one big trip from the car. He probably still had eye-black on his face. More than anything, he’d wished he’d had a shower.
He glared at her, trying to snap himself out of his daze, and he confronted her about his shirt,
“You’re a pretty little thief, you are. Better gimme back my favorite shirt, hen, if you know what’s good for you.”
A little bit of a threat would make her laugh, he thought. But, he realized quickly that she really didn’t know who he was, so he softened his features and smiled a bit, trying to retrace his steps.
“Johnny?” She said it like she was making a wish, and her voice made his blood run hot.
It was good to hear his name again. He was exhausted being Soap all the time. He’d earned the nickname, and it was fine when he had a gun strapped to him in the field; it reminded him that he was tough enough to be there. But here, in his own kitchen, from a bonnie lass wearing his own shirt? It was nice to be Johnny again.
“Yeah… who are you, lass?” He asked her, hearing her name and tucking it away for later.
“Ah, Pidge won’t shut up about you,” he explained, letting her know that he’d heard of her at least, “What’re you doin’ here a’ this hour? I just got in from my tour. Got a note from Hammie that it was urgent.”
Johnny dropped his bags and ventured a little closer to join her in the kitchen. The soft light from the stove cast delicate shadows over her body, highlighting her curves where the shirt swayed over her gorgeous breasts. She looked like a dream.
All he wanted to do was touch her. She couldn’t be real. She was too perfect. It was as if he was Adam and God had stolen his rib and made her stand in his kitchen.
That kettle behind her was about to scream, so Johnny reached toward her to take it off the heat, but she flinched as if he were going to touch her. He let a low, sarcastic chuckle rumble around in his chest,
“Easy. Just keepin’ the kettle from keenin’.”
He studied her reaction like he studied the schematics of a bomb, and he was desperate to know what made her tick. As he moved the kettle, Johnny was treated to a smile, which was as sweet as could be, and a quip.
“Good to finally meet you, Johnny. I’ve heard… so much about you.”
He grimaced a bit when he heard her comment. Of course they’d been spewing all sorts of shite about him while he was away. Pidge was terrible about spreading his reputation around, and almost none of it was true. If only she knew.
But, despite all the lies about his character, she stuck her hand out for him to shake. He took it in his and shook it once, dropping it and grabbing his own tea bag from the cabinet, plopping hers and his in their respective cups. She was watching him like a hawk, and he could almost hear her thoughts she was thinking them so loudly. He’d have to do some damage control, so he grinned and said,
“It’s all lies. So, what’s the craic? What was so urgent?”
“Hamish proposed,” she said, and even though he’d figured as much, it still shocked him to hear.
“You’re takin’ the piss.”
“No, it’s true. Look,” she pulled out her phone and showed him the video.
With a bubbling, roiling joy in his chest Johnny watched his sister agree to Hamish’s proposal, and he’d never felt happier.
Johnny leaned in closer to see his sister’s reactions, and although he didn’t realize it, he was now standing right over his tee shirt thief’s shoulder. He could smell her. It was lavender, to be sure, but there was something else.
If sunlight was a smell, she had it. It was like every spring day he’d ever had as a boy, rolling around in the heather, being wild, loving the earth and all of its mischief. She smelled just like that. Like something wholly natural. It made him want to put her back there, in the tall flowers, right where she belonged… in the heather… with him.
His mind went back to his sister, and he asked about her,
“Tha’s fuckin’ brilliant. She’s asleep?”
He didn’t wait for her answer. Johnny needed to back off of the wee thief before he stole her away. Treading off down the hall, he knocked on his sister’s door. As she opened it, the wood creaked and popped from age and weight. He made a mental note to oil it tomorrow morning.
Then, there she was. Bridgette had always been pretty, but she looked like she had a glow tonight. He basked in her joy.
“Johnny-boy? Is that you, you fuckin’ numpty!? Brother,” he grabbed her as quick as he could, and as she was crushed to his wide chest, she confessed, “I’m getting married.”
“Let’s see it, then, Pidge.”
She showed him the ring, and he admired it. But, he wasn’t one for diamonds, not when there was something more valuable to be had. He cocked an eyebrow at Pidge and asked,
“You put a fit lassie in my shirt as a part of the occasion, or… what?”
She slapped him across the chest, hard, and then gave him a dark warning,
“You. Will. Not -“
“I dinnae ken what you’re abusin’ me for, Pigeon! I’m a saint!”
He loved giving her a hard time. She rolled her eyes, and fastened them into her signature glare,
“Johnathan Fergus Euan MacTavish, she’s off-limits! You’ll not lay a hand on that girl’s pretty wee head, or I swear on Mother Mary and all the actual fuckin’ saints…”
He couldn’t have that. She was already his in his mind. He’d never seen anyone more beautiful in his life, and his sister was overreacting again. Johnny pointed a finger at her, threatening,
“No promises, Pidge. If she wasn’t such a smoke show, you might have had a dog in the fight, but a gorgeous wee hen making tea in my kitchen wearing my fuckin’ shirt; it’s enough to make a lad start sinnin’.”
“Start! Tell me when you stopped. Is she out there? Oh, fuckin’ hell, you arsehole.”
Pidge pushed around him and stalked off to the kitchen. The thief was still making tea, and he watched his sister try to run interference, but she was too late.
There’d been enough war for him to last him three lifetimes. Johnny was pretty sure there was still terrorist blood stuck under his nails. Enough was enough. He was good at his job, but he had to admit, he was lonely.
Every tour brought the same darkness to his doorstep. He’d leave Pidge with Hamish, and they’d have each other. They didn’t miss him, not in any real sense. No one did. No one kept him in their mind, missing him and his scent and his voice and his touch. There was no one longing for him to return.
But the thief might.
There was something in her eyes that told him she might. And now, he had to know if he was right. Besides, no one would ever look that good in his shirts. She was his new mission, and he was damn good at running missions.
“Babe! You met Johnny?” Pidge looked red in the face, and Johnny sighed, embarrassed about his sister’s meddling.
“Yeah, just came home. Showed him the video,” you shrugged.
Good. She was covering for him already. She didn’t complain about his bullying, nor did she mention his fearsome choice of dress. She was brushing Pidge off, keeping it casual. Johnny didn’t get lucky often, but he felt like it tonight.
“Great, this is just great,” Pidge forced a smile onto her face, but Johnny didn’t care. This was great, and he wasn’t going to let this chance pass him by.
@sadsackssss @lovelythingsinternal @kariggi @cherryofdeath @madstronaut @glitterypirateduck @vampirekilmerfic @sofseee @gemmahale @ofdivinity01
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elisadhondt · 2 months
Dag 3 jungle trekking part one
Deze ochtend om 9u vertrokken vanuit bukit lawang, vol gespoten met muggenspray ook op de sokken tegen de leeches (bloedzuigers) en met 3 rugzakken met elk 1,5l water , vergezeld door 1 ranger en een helper. de eerste uren kwamen we nog geregeld grote groepen dagjestoeristen tegen en al gauw zagen we een eerste orang oetan, hoog in de bomen. In totaal 6,5 u onderweg in een verzengende hitte, kletsnat van t zweet, bergop en bergaf. Geregelde stops waar we lekker fruit kregen aangeboden (ramboetan, ananas, passiefruit, watermeloen) heerlijk! Lunch in een banananblad met pindarijst, kroepoek komkommer en tomaat, en plots op lunchplek spotte de gids een mama en 2 kindjes (1 en 6j ong) orang oetan. Ze kwamen tot op een meter of 3 boven en voor ons, ongelofelijk, Amazing en breathtaking. Nog 10000 ong in de wereld , alleen in Noord Sumatra waarvan 6000 in het nationaal park gunung Leuser waar we nu ziijn. Ook longtail en pigtail monkeys gezien , een reuze fazant en een rhino toekan. Hoe dieper ik de jungle hoe schuwer. De dieren. Lastige tocht met zeer steile klims en gevaarlijke afdalingen, gelukkig konden we ons af en toe aan een liaan of touw vasthouden. Dappere meiden, om het uur losten ze elkaar af om de rugzak te dragen, goed getimed. En dan hoorden we de rivier en zagen we de tenten: zeer primitief: 2 muskietennetten met elk 2 matrassen in een grote legerachtige tent en ongeveer 8 andere toeristen en 10 lokalen. Aankomst 14u30. Thee en koffie en koekjes geserveerd in tin servies (zoals in de Tarn toen ik klein was) , smaakte heerlijk. Alixe en ik snel in de 20gr warme rivier, heeelijk op af te koelen en op temperatuur te komen. Dan na een uurtje of 2 ook Helena er in. Jammer genoeg gaan kaarten mee, en geen alcohol of cola te verkrijgen en geen stoel te bespeuren… om den duur een stijf gat en om 18u15 diner: tofu, seitan, gele groente urry, rijst, soort rösti van patat, en kip met kaka smurrie (soort kaneel pasta) zalig lekker : een 8,5/10 beste eten tot nog toe!! Nog een kikker gespot (Helena) en een giftige slang (Alice) waar de gidsen ook bang van waren! Met de meiden samen met komplamp naar t toilet (een echt, maar zonder sas)
WoordSpelletjes gedaan en veel gelachen. Om 20u in bed net voor de giga regenbui. Zonder tanden poetsen want dat zagen we niet meer zitten…
Intense dag geweest en veel grenzen verlegd (nog nooit zo n inspanning gedaan in die hitte) morgen terug naar boven (2 a 3 u stappen) en dan met tubing op de rivier (luckas zonder zwembroek)
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leviathanverse · 9 months
Chapter 17: Oh shit! Not good!
After the... incident, which it wasn't, you quickly walked down the pathway to the right.
Honestly, you forgot your way to the control centre. Maybe you should have listened to Salami and not stare at the butterflies.
" I'm lost."
And just as you said that, alarms blared. And it made incredibly loud sounds. You weren't in control of yourself anymore.
Without thinking and control, your legs moved on their own accord. Well... you could only watch what was happening around you.
What you were not expecting was for a certain small dinosaur to land on your shoulder.
" Zika?"
Your words left your tongue without you being in control. The small- well... large oculudentavis- made small chirps in reply.
" I don't know what you want from m-"
" Evacuate to emergency sanctuaries! Repeat! Evacuate to emergency sanctuaries!"
" Oh dear tea!"
You ran with the dinosaur chirping at you. She eventually flew in front of you, leading you to the nearest building to take shelter from whatever it was the alarms blared about.
You didn't question it, and followed her. She was the boss now in this situation, not you. You trusted her to take you to a sa-
You yelped as you skidded to a stop. Why had the oculudentavis lead you here? By the Mosasaurus enclosure?
She landed and turned around to look at you, chirping. However, she made a shrill squeak and made urgent chirps for you.
" Huh? Zika?"
You questioned, before feeling the ground shake under you. It was mild at first, before it got frantically shakier.
Thinking that it was possibly a massive dinosaur, you hurriedly ran across the stadium of chairs.
You didn't dare look back. You didn't want to see what was chasing you. Not when whatever was chasing you roared.
You kept running before eventually seeing Zika stand in front of a door. You ran to her, and opened the door.
Both of you slipped inside and you quickly turned around and got a glimpse of what had chased you.
It was a dinosaur with grey scales and bloodred eyes. It had some red patterns that looked like extra mouth with teeth patterns.
You quickly shut the door, and looked it. There was no way it could get inside of the temporary shelter.
You doubted that it was capable of something like that. The again, you didn't know how intelligent it was.
" This isn't good."
It hit the door, banging into it. You guessed that it used its long forearms, tail whack and even head to try and bust it open.
You slowly backed away, shakily and took in deep breathes. Your breathing was shaky and shallow as you tried to get some air in your lungs again after you had ran from it.
Zika, being the cute and helpful dino she was, turned around and began to walk away. You watched her with confusion as you calmed down.
She stopped and turned around when she was only a few meters away from you. She made crooning sounds.
As if beckoning for you to follow her.
You swallowed, unsure of whether to follow her or not. But she made it very clear for you to follow her by coming back to you and grabbed your pantleg.
" Okay! Okay! You're the boss!"
She made a satisfied yip and let your pantleg go. She walked away from you and you followed.
" What type of dinosaur was that? It looked like a hybrid between a giganotosaurus and a T-rex. Mixed with something else.
You just hoped that Zika knew where she was going, because you had no clue. Salami didn't show you this part of the Mosasaurus enclosure.
Hopefully everything would go back to normal again after the rangers sorted this out.
It was just you and Zika now. Alone in the maze-like tunnels. She knew what she was doing, and you put all your trust in her.
Unbeknownst to you, the hybrid dinosaur from outside the building had gone away and released the other carnivores from the twelve main paddocks.
Like it had formulated a plan while you were unaware of what was happening outside of the building, around the park.
Fate had used her cards on you, controlling the dinosaurs like they were nothing but just mere puppets to her.
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hadeschan · 6 months
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item # K22E16
RARE Pra Khun Paen Gru Wat Sing Tá-laai, Pim Ok Yai, Nua Din Kăao Pon Chom-poo, Klêuap Yang-na.A Pentagon shape Pra Khun Paen amulet, a baked clay made from kaolin (soft white clay) with creamy pink color coated with plant resin of Yang Tree or Garjan Tree. The amulet is with a bas-relief of Buddha with big chest, and the style represents Pra Buddha Chinnaraj. This ancient amulet was discovered at the ruin of Wat Sing Tá-laai, Kingdom of Ayutthaya, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province. Made in the reign of King Naresuan the Great, the 18th monarch of Ayutthaya Kingdom (reign between BE 2133 to BE 2148 / CE 1590 to CE 1605), + 400 years ago.
BEST FOR: Pra Khun Paen is one of Thailand’s Best amulets for Nak-layng, ruffian (a violent person, especially one involved in crime), Mafia Boss, Crime Prevention Police Officer, Park Ranger, Field Soldier and Nak-layng Poo Ying (a connoisseur of women / a womanizer). Mahasanay (Magic Charm) it helps turn you to prince charming in the eyes of girls, Metta Maha Niyom (it helps make people love you, and be nice to you), Kaa Kaai Dee (it helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back. Wealth & Prosperity, Maha Laap (it brings lucky wealth). It warns danger coming ahead, Klawklad Plodpai (it helps push you away from all danger), Kongkraphan (it makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Nang Nieow, a rock-hard skin that is completely impervious to damage with bludgeoning or piercing weapons, Maha-ut (it stops gun from shooting at you). Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam Sa-niat jan-rai Sat Meepit (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse, accursedness, black magic, misfortune, doom, and poisonous animals). And this amulet helps protect you from manipulators, backstabbers, and toxic people.
Pra Khun Paen
The Pra Khun Paen is a type of amulet with figure of Pra Buddha Chinnaraj of Wat Phra Si Rattana Mahathat Woramahawihan (Wat Yai or Wat Pra Buddha Chinnaraj) seating inside an elaborate arch. This type of amulet was first discovered at Wat Pra Roop Archaeology Site, Suphan Buri Province. And such type of ancient baked clay amulet with figure of Pra Buddha Chinnaraj is called “Pra Khun Paen” ever since. It was called Pra Khun Paen to honor the Thai famous Warrior General Khun Paen, the Governor of Suphan Buri Province in the Kingdom of Ayutthaya.
Kaolin, soft white clay that is an essential ingredient in the manufacture of china and porcelain. Kaolin is named after the hill in China (Kao-ling) from which it was mined for centuries. Kaolin is found in Lampang , and Ranong Province of Thailand.
The amulet made from soil or earth
The soil or earth is the oldest minerals on Earth, it accumulates all power of good deeds of all Arhats (or Luohan), Bodhisattva and Buddha as long as you and your enemies are standing/living on the earth, the Pra Mae Thoranee (the Earth Goddess) will witness good deeds and bad deeds, if you have made good deeds, then your good deeds have already witnessed by Pra Mae Thoranee, Pra Mae Thoranee will help you, and your enemies could not do any harm to you. And the difficulties of your life, Pra Mae Thoranee also witnesses, and Pra Mae Thoranee will ease all of your difficulties.
Pra Long Gru or Pra Gru
Pra “Long Gru” or “Pra Gru”  means amulet that was stored in the chamber of a chedi/stupa or in a container buried under the ground for many of years, and later found by someone.
According to the prophecy in Pali Canon that Buddha’s Dispensation (Buddhism), and Dharma (Buddha’s teaching) would exist and follow 5,000 years after the Buddha passed away or entered nirvana. The “Long Gru” is a Thai traditional practice to preserve Buddha amulets with figure of Buddha in them in the case that after the decline of indigenous religious practices of Buddhism, the future generations would learn that Buddhism ever to have existed on earth.
The Pra Long Gru, Thais believe that after long period of time that the Buddha amulets were kept, the power that was accumulated in each and every amulet would break apart the chamber (in Thai called Gru Takk) that amulets were hidden.
DIMENSION: 5.40 cm high / 3.30 cm wide / 0.90 cm thick
item # K22E16
Price: price upon request, pls PM and/or email us [email protected]
Item location: Hong Kong, SAR
Ships to: Worldwide
Delivery: Estimated 7 days handling time after receipt of cleared payment. Please allow additional time if international delivery is subject to customs processing.
Shipping: FREE Thailandpost International registered mail. International items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges.
Payments: PayPal / Western Union / MoneyGram /maybank2u.com / DBS iBanking / Wechat Pay / Alipay / INSTAREM / PromptPay International / Remitly / PAYNOW
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cheswirls · 7 months
sa pkmn au
takes place in olden almia (oshima-kuni) during hisui's time but also right around the time period hisui would be rebranded to sinnoh
before rangers are established in the region - runs until the ranger union is formed
sabo lives in a settlement in hia valley, riolu partner pkmn, descendant of the third prince from the old legend about almia castle; he carries around a shard of the blue gem and is known as a mediator able to quell the disputes of both people and pkmn
ace lives in the chroma highlands, luxio partner pkmn, distantly related to the first prince in an old almia folk legend; he's the de facto leader of the people settled in the highlands and knows the terrain like the back of his hand; ace keeps his territory under wraps and solves all his problems with brute force
the two groups in northern almia are separated by three mountain ranges that keep them out of contact; each range hosts a hidden pathway traversing the length that was traveled by a prince of almia when they were all sent away from the castle; only the youngest, who returned to the castle, knew of another path back - a mountain range that curled around the east side of the region, snaking behind the chroma highlands to lead to the top of the snow basin where hia valley sits
the region is separated from the rest of hisui (ezo) by a wide bay to the northeast (unsailable due to mesprit's influence) and some sort of difficult terrain due north (mt. kariba?)
hia valley ref is assabu, chroma highlands is futamata-dake
an invasion of the valley by an enemy force has sabo making an impossible choice, escaping out one of the mountain passages to go and get help; he exits close into the start of the highlands and catches unwanted attention, and then is taken to camp
sabo leaves knowing the castle will be safe bc of the guardian pkmn protecting the treasures it contains
sabo and ace butt heads with their conflicting ideals yet end up working together surprisingly well; not seeing the hope of defeating sabo's foe with ace's people, the two set off with a small team to the settlement of puel in central almia, hoping to gather allies there
along the way, they travel to boyle and venture deep into the volcanic cavern in order to solve some conflict on the island; they do the same in the forest south of puel, and through these actions, begin to make names for themselves among the people of almia
the two end up shipwrecking north of the haruba desert and separated from their crew, and then have to survive on their own while hiking the cliffs back to a port
sabo finds purpose in the good he and ace do and aspires to push it further, seeing a future where almia has a task force of sorts dedicated to bringing peace to the region when conflict should arise; ace doesn't get it, but his mind is one-track focused on retaking hia valley from the invaders
when the time comes, sabo leads ace and co around the hidden fourth path from chroma to the basin
smth abt ace's people hiding out in the chroma ruins (but before they become the ruins)
altru marks the halfway point between sabo's and ace's homes as a symbol to their unity and shared goals for the region; it's not altru park like in present, but it's something like a monument
the ranger union construction begins on top of a lookout point that later gets re-worked to be an observatory, a surveillance area being established in order to grant easy access to anywhere in the region; the construction is the shared project of ace and sabo, and after many trials and tribulations, sabo surprises ace by his plan to rethink and they end up making the roof the great tree they build the structure around
at some point near the end, sabo and ace end up in charge of a manaphy egg; when the egg hatches, the manaphy imprints on them both, driving the pair reluctantly closer as manaphy refuses to part with either of them for long; they end up staying at the ranger union more and more as a way to make sure everything goes smoothly and stay close enough that there are no issues with manaphy
epilogue where the two retire to modern-day veintown, others also settling there over time and forming a small village; the founding of the town becomes another shared legacy of theirs, along with establishing the first remote "ranger base" as they discover the response time to southern almia is lacking compared to the rest of the region; having an independent team that can answer to the union while also responding to incidents in their surrounding becomes the basis for area rangers, and it's a practice that spreads across almia long after the two are dead (change bases to depots maybe so veintown is the only base but the idea of having places solely for rangers throughout almia is what sabo and ace inspire)
creative means of solving conflicts without the aid of capture stylers: sabo is observant and knowledgeable on the wild pokemon in his area, and these traits carry with him so when he runs into new pkmn, it doesn't take him long to discover what would make them tick and what would get them to behave - also what the problem could be, if the issue is a human error, so being a "human pokedex" is his main mediator/diplomat skill; ace knows better how to match a pkmn's emotion and tends to quell a pkmn's anger through brute force - he corners them in place and demands they calm down, which goes hand-in-hand with sabo's tactics, only their order switching depending on the situation; information networks are everything in this time period so the early establishment of "operators" to gather any know-how that could come in handy ends up being extremely clutch; handy items assist in diffusing odd situations (berries!! the various shards of the tears of princes, kinda weird to have as an item but ahem 'various pokemon befriended to perform specific tasks benefiting of each unique situation' aka a water type being able to douse a fire, partner pkmn assistance to start if all else should fail)
issues that arise include: lost children and/or pkmn, poachers, rampaging pkmn, unintentional destruction of habitat and/or property, pkmn kidnapping people/children, people being unable to travel past a certain point because of terrain and/or pkmn, pollution issues, the long river running thru almia being blocked somewhere upstream and causing drought further down, boyle volcano erupting and causing ash to lay thick on surrounding areas, territorial squabbles over the great tree that will later become the foundation for the ranger union - the symbol of peace and prosperity between pkmn and people, rockslide, forest fire, flooding (bad storm, puel reconstruction), the siege of almia castle (and subsequent reclaiming in a duo suicide infiltration mission by ace and sabo, possibly with help from the guardian lucario), either an avalanche in hia valley or collapse or smth in chroma highlands (underground that becomes "ruins" possibly) > each of these leads to the "collapsed" structure both areas have in present almia
maybe possibly?? ace and sabo touring the western half of recently-established sinnoh territory and promoting the idea of pokemon rangers in the foreign land (eterna, west of canalave, snowpoint)
sabo and ace basically use their interpersonal relationship skills to become the first "rangers" of almia, but this ends up becoming the foundation of standard ranger operating procedures even down the line when capture stylers get invented and the act of befriending pkmn becomes a task anyone can do with enough training; they teach what they know to their various companions throughout their journey who each form their own quirks to establish good relations with wild pkmn, so that by the end when the ranger union is operative, there's a small batch of "pokemon rangers" ready to serve almia capably in various ways that work for each of them individually (assisted in their tasks also by a smaller group of aides that will later be known as "operators")
if going with the western sinnoh roadtrip, manaphy gets released to migrate home along the way :( big sad they both cry over it bc that's their child
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casbooks · 1 year
Books of 2023
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Book 39 of 2023
Title: First In, Last Out: An American Paratrooper in Vietnam With the 101st and Vietnamese Airborne Authors: John Howard ISBN: 9780811766067 Tags: AC-130 Spectre, AUS ADF AA 1st Royal Australian Regiment (1RAR), AUS ADF AA Australian Army, AUS ADF Australian Defence Force, AUS Australia, B-52 Stratofortress, C-130 Hercules, CHE Geneva Conference of 1954 (French Indochina War), Cold War (1946-1991), CUB Cuba, CUB Cuban Missile Crisis, FAC, FRA ADT French Ground Army (Armée de terre), FRA ADT Groupement Mobile 100 (French Indochina War), FRA France, GER Berlin, GER Berlin - Checkpoint Charlie, GER Berlin Wall, GER Germany, GER Munich, KHM Cambodia, KHM Cambodian Incursion (1970) (Vietnam War), KOR Blue House Raid (1968), KOR Camp Greaves, KOR Freedom Bridge, KOR Imjin River, KOR Korea, KOR Korean War (1950-1953), KOR Munsan, KOR President Park Chung Hee, KOR ROK Capital Tiger Division, KOR ROK KATUSA Korean Augmentation to the US Army, KOR ROK Republic of Korea Army, KOR ROKMC Republic Of Korea Marine Corps, KOR UN UNC United Nations Command, KOR US USFK US Forces Korea, LAO FSB 31 (Lam Son 719) (Vietnam War), LAO Lam Son 719 (1971) (Vietnam War), LAO Laos, M113 APC, O-2 Skymaster, PHL Philippines, PHL US USAF Clark Air Force Base, PRK Kim Il Sung, PRK KPA 124th Army Unit, PRK KPA North Korean People's Army, PRK North Korea, SA-2 Guideline SAM, SA-7 Strela SAM, SAM, THA Bangkok, THA Bangkok - Nick's #1 Hungarian Inn, THA RTAFB Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai Air Base, THA Thailand, U-2, UN United Nations, US Ambassador Maxwell Taylor, US Martin Luther King Jr (Civil Rights Leader), US MOH Medal of Honor, US MSTS Military Sea Transportation Service, US MSTS USNS General Leroy Eltinge (T-AP-154), US OH Kent State University, US OH Kent State University Shootings (1970) (Vietnam War), US OH Ohio, US President John F. Kennedy, US President John F. Kennedy Assassination - Dallas TX (1963), US President Lyndon B. Johnson, US President Richard M. Nixon, US Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, US USA 101st Airborne Division - 1st Brigade, US USA 101st Airborne Division - 3rd Brigade, US USA 101st Airborne Division - Screaming Eagles, US USA 173rd Airborne Brigade - Sky Soldiers, US USA 187th Airborne Regimental Combat Team, US USA 1st Cavalry Division, US USA 1st ID - 3rd Brigade, US USA 1st ID - Big Red One, US USA 23rd Infantry Regiment, US USA 23rd Infantry Regiment - 3/23, US USA 2nd ID, US USA 2nd Infantry Regiment, US USA 2nd Infantry Regiment - 2/2, US USA 327th Infantry Regiment, US USA 327th Infantry Regiment - 1/327, US USA 327th Infantry Regiment - 1/327 - A (ABU) Co, US USA 327th Infantry Regiment - 1/327 - B Co, US USA 327th Infantry Regiment - 1/327 - Tiger Force Recon, US USA 38th Infantry Regiment, US USA 38th Infantry Regiment - 2/38, US USA 502nd Aviation Bn, US USA 502nd Aviation Bn - A Co, US USA 502nd Infantry Regiment, US USA 502nd Infantry Regiment - 2/502, US USA 502nd Infantry Regiment - 2/502 - C Co, US USA 503rd Infantry Regiment, US USA 503rd Infantry Regiment - 1/503, US USA 503rd Infantry Regiment - 2/503, US USA 70th Engineer Bn, US USA 7th ID, US USA 8th Army, US USA 937th Engineer Group, US USA 9th Cavalry Regiment, US USA 9th Cavalry Regiment - 1/9 - F Troop, US USA 9th Cavalry Regiment - 1/9 - Headhunters, US USA Col David Hackworth, US USA Col Jack Jacobs (MOH), US USA Fort Benning GA, US USA Fort Benning GA - Airborne School, US USA Fort Benning GA - IOAC Infantry Officers Advanced Course, US USA Fort Benning GA - NCOCC NCO Candidate Course, US USA Fort Benning GA - Ranger School, US USA Fort Benning GA - US Army Infantry School, US USA Fort Campbell KY, US USA Fort Ord CA, US USA Fort Ord CA - USATC US Army Training Center, US USA General Barry McCaffrey, US USA General Charles H Bonesteel III, US USA General Creighton Abrams, US USA General Fred C. Weyand, US USA General Frederick Koresen, US USA General James A. Hollingsworth, US USA General John Guthrie, US USA General John Heintges, US USA General John McGiffert, US USA General John R. McGiffert, US USA General Normal Schwarzkopf, US USA General Ray Lynch, US USA General Thomas Kennan, US USA General Willard Pearson, US USA General William Coleman, US USA General William Enemark, US USA General William Westmoreland, US USA LRRP Team (Vietnam War), US USA United States Army, US USA USSF Green Berets, US USA USSF Special Forces, US USA USSF Team ODA-221, US USA USSF Team ODA-222, US USA Walter Reed Hospital, US USAF 21st TASS - Rash FAC, US USAF 21st TASS - Sundog FAC, US USAF United States Air Force, US USMC 3rd Marines - 3/3, US USMC United States Marine Corps, US USN NPS Naval Postgraduate School CA, US USN United States Navy, US USN USS Newport News (CA-148), US USN USS Pueblo (AGER 2), USMA West Point, USMA West Point - Camp Buckner, USSR, USSR 1st Secretary Nikita Khrushchev, USSR General Secretary of the Communist Party Leonid Brezhnev, VNM 1968 Tet Offensive (1968) (Vietnam War), VNM 1972 Easter Offensive / Nguyen Hue (1972) (Vietnam War), VNM An Khe, VNM An Loc, VNM An Ninh, VNM Assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem (1963) (Vietnam War), VNM Battle of An Loc (1972) (1972 Easter Offensive) (Vietnam War), VNM Battle of Camp Holloway (1965) (Vietnam War), VNM Battle of Dak To (1967) (Vietnam War), VNM Battle of Dien Bien Phu (1954) (French Indochina War), VNM Battle of Hue City (1968) (Tet Offensive) (Vietnam War), VNM Battle of Ia Drang Valley (1965) (Vietnam War), VNM Battle of Saigon (1968) (Tet Offensive) (Vietnam War), VNM Battle of Tan Son Nhut (1968) (Tet Offensive) (Vietnam War), VNM Bien Hoa, VNM Binh Dinh Province, VNM Binh Long Province, VNM Buddhist Crisis (1963) (Vietnam War), VNM Cam Ranh Bay, VNM Camp Carroll (Vietnam War), VNM Camp Evans (Vietnam War), VNM Camp Holloway (Vietnam War), VNM Central Highlands, VNM Cham People, VNM Cholon, VNM Cholon - Binh Xuyen (Cholon Mafia), VNM Chon Thanh District, VNM Chu Lai, VNM Cua Viet River, VNM Cung Son Special Forces Camp (Vietnam War), VNM Da Nang, VNM Dak To, VNM Di An, VNM DMZ Demilitarized Zone - 17th Parallel (Vietnam War), VNM Dong Ba Thin, VNM Dong Ba Thin Special Forces Camp (Vietnam War), VNM Dong Tre, VNM Dong Tre Special Forces Camp (Vietnam War), VNM DRV Ho Chi Minh, VNM DRV NVA 320B Division, VNM DRV NVA 7th Division, VNM DRV NVA 95th Regiment, VNM DRV NVA 95th Regiment - 5th Bn, VNM DRV NVA Communist B2 Front, VNM DRV NVA General Tran Van Tra, VNM DRV NVA General Vo Nguyen Giap, VNM DRV NVA North Vietnamese Army, VNM DRV Party Secretary Le Duan, VNM DRV Politburo Central Military Committee, VNM DRV VC 5th Division, VNM DRV VC 9th Division, VNM DRV VC Viet Cong, VNM DRV VM Viet Minh, VNM Emperor Minh Manh, VNM FRA 1st Vietnamese Paratroop Bn (French Indochina War), VNM FRA French Expeditionary Corps (French Indochina War), VNM French Indochina War (1946-1954), VNM FSB Mai Loc (Vietnam War), VNM FSB Sarge (Vietnam War), VNM FSB Than Khai (Vietnam War), VNM Gulf of Tonkin Incident (1964) (Vietnam War), VNM Heiu Xuong District, VNM Highway 1, VNM Highway 13 - Thunder Road, VNM Highway 19, VNM Highway 9, VNM Hill 169, VNM Hill 65, VNM Hill 875, VNM Hue, VNM Hue - Le Huan St, VNM Hue - The Citadel, VNM I Corps (Vietnam War), VNM Ia Drang Valley, VNM II Corps (Vietnam War), VNM III Corps (Vietnam War), VNM IV Corps (Vietnam War), VNM Kontum, VNM Kontum Province, VNM Lai Khe, VNM Loc Ninh, VNM LZ Albany (Vietnam War), VNM LZ Sally (Vietnam War), VNM LZ X-Ray (Vietnam War), VNM Mekong Delta, VNM Montagnard, VNM My Canh, VNM My Chanh River, VNM My Lai, VNM My Lai Massacre (1968) (Vietnam War), VNM My Phu, VNM Nha Trang, VNM Nhon Co, VNM Ninh Thuan Province, VNM Operation Arc Light (1965-1973) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Checkerboard (1965) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Dong Tien (1970) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Flaming Dart (1965) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Hump (1965) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Lam Son 72 (1972) (1972 Easter Offensive) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Linebacker I (1972) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Linebacker II (1972) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation MacArthur (1967-1969) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Sayonara (1965) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Silver Bayonet I (1965) (Vietnam War), VNM Operation Van Buren (1965) (Vietnam War), VNM Phan Rang, VNM Phan Thiet, VNM Phu Bai, VNM Phu Sen, VNM Phu Yen Province, VNM Phung Ha, VNM Pleiku, VNM Quang Tri, VNM Quang Tri - Citadel, VNM Quang Tri Province, VNM Qui Nhon, VNM RVN ARVN 11th Airborne Bn, VNM RVN ARVN 15th Regiment, VNM RVN ARVN 18th ID, VNM RVN ARVN 1st ID, VNM RVN ARVN 20th Tank Regiment, VNM RVN ARVN 21st ID, VNM RVN ARVN 31st Regiment, VNM RVN ARVN 3rd ID, VNM RVN ARVN 56th Regiment, VNM RVN ARVN 5th Airborne Bn, VNM RVN ARVN 5th ID, VNM RVN ARVN 6th Airborne Bn, VNM RVN ARVN 8th Airborne Bn, VNM RVN ARVN 9th Airborne Bn, VNM RVN ARVN 9th ID, VNM RVN ARVN Airborne Division - Su-Doan Nhay Du, VNM RVN ARVN Army of the Republic of Vietnam, VNM RVN ARVN CIDG Civilian Irregular Defense Group, VNM RVN ARVN General Cao Van Vien, VNM RVN ARVN General Du Quoc Dong, VNM RVN ARVN General Hoang Xuan Lam, VNM RVN ARVN General Le Van Hung, VNM RVN ARVN General Ngo Quang Truong, VNM RVN ARVN General Nguyen Van Minh, VNM RVN ARVN General Vu Van Giai, VNM RVN Madame Nhu (Tran Le Xuan), VNM RVN Marines, VNM RVN Ngo Dinh Diem, VNM RVN Ngo Dinh Nhu, VNM RVN Nguyen Van Thieu, VNM RVN SVNAF Da Nang Airbase, VNM RVN SVNAF South Vietnamese Air Force, VNM Saigon, VNM Saigon - Missouri BOQ (Vietnam War), VNM Saigon - Pham Van Hai St, VNM Saigon - US Embassy (Vietnam War), VNM Srok Ton Cui, VNM Tan Khai, VNM Tan Son Nhut Air Base, VNM Tan Son Nhut Air Base - Camp Alpha (Vietnam War), VNM Thach Han River, VNM Thanh Binh, VNM Thanh Hoi, VNM Tuy Hoa, VNM US MAAG Military Assistance Advisory Group Vietnam (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV AAG Army Advisory Group (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV ADAT Advisory Team 162 (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV ADAT Airborne Division Assistance Team (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV Advisory Teams (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV BCAT Battalion Combat Assistance Teams (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV DCAT Division Combat Asisstant Team (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV FRAC First Regional Assistance Command (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV Military Assistance Command Vietnam (Vietnam War), VNM US MACV TRAC Third Regional Assistance Command (Vietnam War), VNM US Project 100000 (Vietnam War), VNM US USA 3rd Field Hospital - Saigon (Vietnam War), VNM US USA 85th Evacuation Hospital - Phu Bai (Vietnam War), VNM US USA 8th Field Hospital - Nha Trang (Vietnam War), VNM USA TF Hackworth (Vietnam War), VNM Vietnam, VNM Vietnam War (1955-1975), VNM Vung Tau, VNM War Zone D (Vietnam War), VNM Windy Hill Rating: ★★★★ (4 Stars) Subject: Books.Military.20th-21st Century.Asia.Vietnam War.ARVN.Airborne Division, Books.Military.20th-21st Century.Asia.Vietnam War.Specops.LRRPs, Books.Military.20th-21st Century.Asia.Vietnam War.US Army.Advisor, Books.Military.20th-21st Century.Asia.Vietnam War.US Army.Infantry
Description: Fresh out of West Point, John Howard arrived for his first tour in Vietnam in 1965, the first full year of escalation when U.S. troop levels increased to 184,000 from 23,000 the year before. When he returned for a second tour in 1972, troop strength stood at 24,000 and would dwindle to a mere 50 the following year. He thus participated in the very early and very late stages of American military involvement in the Vietnam War. His two tours—one as a platoon commander and member of an elite counterguerrilla force, the second as a senior advisor to the South Vietnamese—provide a fascinating lens through which to view not only one soldier’s experience in Vietnam, but also the country’s. **
Review:   Let me first say that I did enjoy this book - to a degree. That's why it gets 4 stars. But it's important to know that this is not a great book, which with the authors experiences, it really could have been. One of the biggest deficiencies is that he spends more time telling than showing. Good books of this genre give you a first hand view of what happened and what someone experienced. This book is very light on that, especially during his 1965 tour. It gets better with his Korean and Advisor experiences later on, but only just. Instead you get a lot of history of Vietnam, a lot of history of what happened, who went where, what they did. It's all very strategic and 1000 foot level when what this book is supposed to be is very in the weeds at the 1 foot personal experience level. This is a man who participated in a lot of intense operations, worked with incredible people like Foley and Hackworth, and was both a part of ABU and Tiger Recon with the 101st. But you never really get a feel for what it was like to be a member of either. You never get to experience a recon mission, though he was a part of many. You just know that x unit moved to y place, and then this is what happened / this was the outcome. 
You get a good overview of the battles, the war, and even a few of the people, but very little else from his time with the 101st. 
His time in Korea is a bit better and gives you a good understanding of what happened and some incidents and the people. Also his time as an Advisor is also more personal as well. So maybe it's just a memory thing and things from 72 are easily recalled vs 65. 
One thing you'll notice is a lot of ring knocking and naming of generals... so many generals. So just... be prepared for that.  
Overall though, a decent book... he needs to work on the tell vs show more than anything. Up next, going to read Foley's Special Men. I always loved Foley's fictional writing, so I have high hopes for his book about his time with Tiger Recon and other units. I have a feeling it's going to be a good compliment to this book. 
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novumtimes · 2 months
US travel writer shares top mistakes she made on safari in SA
A US travel writer, Tammy Barr, recently shared her experience of her first safari trip in South Africa, admitting to a few mishaps she made during her first time in the bush. ALSO SEE: ‘Dry Tripping’ – a growing travel trend in South Africa Image: Pixabay / Adrega Booking during a busy season First rule of safari club? Avoid holidays. Barr ended up booking her trip during Easter break, a busy season in the bush. Lodges were full, prices were higher, and the experience was less private. Booking during a low season is a great way to enjoy a more intimate and cost-effective safari experience. Underestimating the morning cold Expecting warm weather, Barr dressed in shorts just like her lionhearted safari guide, but was met with freezing temperatures during the early morning drives. She quickly learned that in the bush, and especially during early mornings, it’s important to layer up with warm clothes. Not every game ranger will offer you a poncho! Fatigue from driving between reserves The bush is expansive, one can easily end up driving for hours between lodges. Spending even more time on the bumpy road during morning and afternoon game drives can tire you out. When on safari, always consider spacing your activities and time on the road apart to allow for enough leisure time. Getting too close to elephants While observing a herd of elephants, Barr found herself too close for comfort when a large elephant showed signs of aggression. This taught her to maintain a safe distance from wildlife – a lesson that every tourist experience untamed wildlife must learn. Consuming too much liquid We all know the number those ‘sundowner’ beverages can do on the bladder, especially when there’s a two-hour drive ahead to get back to the lodge, and you’re not allowed to piddle in the bush, because, well, lions. Moderation is key to drinking on safari. Click here for the full Business Insider article documenting Barr’s time in the bush. ALSO SEE: Top 5 mountain bike races in and around the Kruger Park Follow us on social media for more travel news, inspiration, and guides. You can also tag us to be featured.  TikTok | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter Source link via The Novum Times
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wiwsport · 9 months
Écosse : Abdallah Sima et les Rangers s'offrent Aberdeen en finale et remportent la League Cup Le Glasgow Rangers remporte la Leagu...
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the-firebird69 · 10 months
Audioslave - I Am The Highway
and i kknew about the empire saw it fought and yeh got upset. have been ok.  and said it not. linch me ok
billy z
and he says when and such. and we looked. i see it needs stuff or not cant tell. so we ask you you sa not too much  catwoman.  remotely conected.  
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they are similar above looks a bit like megan but really she changes as halley and a  lot.  and she is this character just on in “Heat of the NIght” and as a cop no park ranger and armed.  
and the movie of interest, fast and furious. and why. cars. and ok tons check them out. he will too. the Charger of brian strom is there. and no he did  not die in iraq as all were saying. and yes it is brad. a nd he let loose  a big farttoday and said it you are after me...why and for a long time..why.  nobody said it and macs would. and he asked. and theiving no. make stuff adn hold it for real. and they hate it and he got mad. now we are angry.ok you need it too. and laughed no way we cant adnthen thi dont look at it ok damnit
so he was angry all day.  admitted this. we ahve a dissagreement all of you and it is aweful like he does. damnit andsaw it
hates it wants to help to see if he can work on his stuff and good ok but really he is ogre and we dont want it
Thor Freya
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roligthockeyspel · 1 year
Créer des objectifs puissants est le plus cool
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Qu'il s'agisse de perturber un grand match, de créer un but ou de marquer une attaque puissante, c'est cool que de bons joueurs portant le maillot Los Angeles Kings puissent tout faire.
La saison dernière, Fox a marqué 72 points (12 buts, 60 passes) en 82 matchs, huitième chez les défenseurs et a remporté sa troisième nomination à la Coupe Norris. Il est septième pour les points de puissance (29), quatrième pour les buts gagnants (5), à égalité au 11e rang plus/moins (+28) et à son 241e match le 1er janvier. A marqué son 200e point dans la LNH. Est devenu le deuxième défenseur des Rangers le plus rapide à atteindre ce jalon (Leetch, 211). New York a une fiche de 15-0-0 lorsque Fox marque au moins deux points, et il est le seul joueur défensif avec au moins 70 points et un différentiel de plus-25. L'homme au maillots hockey, qui a remporté le championnat Norris 2020-21, compte six points (les deux passes décisives) en deux matchs avant le début des éliminatoires de 2023, dépassant Brad Park, devenant le joueur avec le score le plus élevé lors des deux premiers matchs de les séries éliminatoires. Histoire des Rangers.
Cela n'a pas de sens de classer les alignements en fonction de la capacité de patinage, de la vitesse et de la difficulté de tir. Les excellents joueurs ont des styles différents, et le plus important est de mieux suivre le jeu.
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photos-car · 1 year
Mitsubishi L200 Triton 2020 révisé avec des modifications significatives
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Le Mitsubishi L200 Triton pour commémorer les 40 ans de production de la Mitsubishi L200.
Mitsubishi, qui s'appelle Triton , est entré dans le dernier niveau avec la composition de la 4ème génération. Le processus de production du L200 se trouve très ancien. Le camion japonais, acheté en groupes en 1978, a montré sa force au rallye Dakar des dizaines de fois. Magnum, Rodeo, Colt et Storm, y compris les personnages sympas du L200, la prochaine génération aura un visage plus beau. Galerie - Mitsubishi L200 Triton 2020
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Voir la vidéo Une finition de haute qualité Son nouveau nez radical est le changement le plus frappant, donnant au Mitsubishi L200 Triton une apparence beaucoup plus ciselée. Il adopte la dernière évolution de la calandre 'Dynamic Shield', bien connue des propriétaires de Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV; mais sa section inférieure beaucoup plus boxante. Cela a pour effet d'élargir le nez du L200 et de l'enrouler autour des passages de roue avant proéminents. Pour un look sérieusement robuste, conforme au mantra «Engineered Beyond Tough» de Mitsubishi. Assis haut sur le sol, une calandre supérieure mince et des phares sont dissimulés sous un capot plat aux bords chanfreinés; soulignant davantage un design qui rivalise avec les modèles Volkswagen Amarok , Mercedes Classe X et Ford Ranger . Super-Select 4WD et Easy-Select 4WD Il existe également un nouveau matériel polyvalent, avec deux systèmes à quatre roues motrices. Celles-ci devraient s'appeler Super-Select 4WD et Easy-Select 4WD. Ce dernier devrait faciliter la sélection des modes de terrain pendant que vous conduisez. Tous deux bénéficient d’un nouveau mode hors route qui contrôle automatiquement la puissance du moteur; la boîte de vitesses et le freinage afin de réduire le patinage des roues. Cela pour vous maintenir en mouvement dans la neige et la boue. Le contrôle de descente en colline sera également ajouté pour faciliter la négociation en toute sécurité des fortes descentes. Sécurité du Mitsubishi L200 Triton La sécurité - un autre domaine à stimuler une zone dans laquelle les camionnettes ont souvent pris du retard sur les voitures et les VUS. Le dernier Mitsubishi L200 Triton disposera d'un freinage d'urgence autonome capable de détecter les piétons et les véhicules; d'alertes d'angle mort et de changement de voie - d'alerte de trafic au passage à niveau et d'un système permettant de réduire les accidents dus à des accélérations mal évaluées dans les parkings ou les espaces clos. Toute personne qui trouve difficile de garer une camionnette devrait également apprécier une caméra et des capteurs de stationnement. De nombreuses améliorations Mitsubishi dit avoir également apporté "de nombreuses améliorations" pour que son nouveau slogan sonne juste, que le L200 soit utilisé dans le commerce ou par un particulier. Celles-ci incluent de nouveaux freins avant plus costauds et des amortisseurs de suspension arrière plus grands, ainsi que la décision de passer d'une automatique à cinq vitesses à une vitesse à six vitesses pour une accélération plus douce, plus puissante et un raffinement amélioré. Le Mitsubishi L200 Triton existe sous diverses formes depuis 1978. Conçue comme un véhicule pratique pour les commerçants et les entreprises. La robustesse, la simplicité et l’économie constituaient donc ses principaux arguments de vente. Toutefois, les habitudes d'achat ont beaucoup évolué au cours des dernières décennies. Chaque année, des milliers de particuliers choisissent le L200 ou l'un de ses nombreux concurrents, dont le Ford Ranger, l'Isuzu D-MAX, le Nissan Navara et le Toyota Hilux . En 2019 en Europe Disponible en plusieurs versions (Single Cab, Club Cab et Double Cab), le nouveau L200 sera d'abord lancé sur le marché thaïlandais sur lequel il produit à compter du 17 novembre. Il arrivera ensuite dans d'autres pays d'Asie du Sud-Est ainsi qu'en Océanie, au Moyen-Orient en Afrique et en Amérique Latine. Son arrivée en Europe est_elle prévue pour 2019. Site web officiel Tous les modèles Mitsubishi Read the full article
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hadeschan · 2 years
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item # K19C50
RARE Pra Khun Paen Um Gai, Nua Lek Lai Jet Si, Luang Phu Suang. A Pra Khun Paen holding  a fighting rooster amulet patched with a piece of monk robe of Luang Phu Suang in the back, stamped with Thai text says “Luang Phu Suang, Ban La Lom, Si Sa Ket “, and written cabalistic writings with gold color marking pen. It was casted from Rainbow Titanium Hematite or Lek Lai Jet Si, in Thai which means 7 colors mystical iron ore. Luang Phu Suang and Luang Phu Soi travel to a cave at Phu Tabaeng or Phnom Tbeng in Preah Vihear, Cambodia to perform rituals to harvest Lek Lai Jet Si (Rainbow Titanium Hematite) themselves, and brought it back to Bangkok to make this amulet. Made by Luang Phu Suang of Wat Phrai Phatthana for Luang Phu Soi of Wat Liab Rat Bamrung, Bangkok in BE 2519 (CE 1976). With Grand Consecration / Blessing Ceremony at the temple of Wat Liab Rat Bamrung, and the 18th Supreme Patriarch of Thailand, Somdet Phra Sangharaja (Vasana Vāsano) was Master of the Ceremony, attended by Luang Phu Suang of Wat Phrai Phatthana, Pra Archan Fund Archaro of Wat Pa Udom Somphon, Luang Phu Toh of Wat Pradu Chimphli, Luang Phor Pare of Wat Pikul Thong, and other guru monks. And after the BE 2519 Consecration / Blessing Ceremony, this Batch of Pra Khun Paen amulets was kept inside the temple of Wat Liab Rat Bamrung for another continuously 20 years Consecration / Blessing Ceremonies, and it was available for purchase in BE 2539 (CE 1996).
*This Pra Khun Paen Um Gai Nua Lek Lai Jet Si, Luang Phu Suang is said to be a forbidden amulet for customers to wear at the Gambling Houses and Casinos on "no-man's land" between the Thai and Cambodian borders.
BEST FOR: Pra Khun Paen Um Gai, Nua Lek Lai Jet Si, Luang Phu Suang is a lucky charm that has history of success, the best for gamblers, and a lucky charm whilst gambling to win money from the houses, and it guards wealth by reducing money loss and making the business more stable. Pra Khun Paen is one of Thailand’s Best amulets for Nak-layng, ruffian (a violent person, especially one involved in crime), Mafia Boss, Crime Prevention Police Officer, Park Ranger, Field Soldier and Nak-layng Poo Ying (a connoisseur of women / a womanizer). Pra Khun Paen dispels bad vibes, and it has a tendency to draw positive energy. Nang Nieow, a rock-hard skin that is completely impervious to damage with bludgeoning or piercing weapons. Kongkraphan (it makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Klawklad Plodpai (it pushes you away from all danger), Maha-ut (it helps stop gun from shooting at you). Wealth Fetching, Maha Larp (it brings lucky wealth), Mahasanay (Magic Charm) it helps turn you to prince charming in the eyes of girls. Metta Maha Niyom (it makes people around you love you, be nice to you, and willing to support you for anything), Kaa Kaai Dee (it helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling, and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back, and warning of danger. Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam Sa-niat jan-rai Sat Meepit (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse, accursedness, black magic, misfortune, doom, and poisonous animals). And this amulet helps protect you from manipulators, backstabbers, and toxic people.
Pra Khun Paen
The Pra Khun Paen is a type of amulet with figure of Pra Buddha Chinnaraj of Wat Phra Si Rattana Mahathat Woramahawihan (Wat Yai or Wat Pra Buddha Chinnaraj) seating inside an elaborate arch. This type of amulet was first discovered at Wat Pra Roop Archaeology Site, Suphan Buri Province. And such type of ancient baked clay amulet with figure of Pra Buddha Chinnaraj is called “Pra Khun Paen” ever since. It was called Pra Khun Paen to honor the Thai famous Warrior General Khun Paen, the Governor of Suphan Buri Province in the Kingdom of Ayutthaya.
Rainbow Titanium Hematite (Lek Lai Jet Si or 7 colors mystical iron ore)
Hematite is a common iron oxide compound with the formula, Fe2O3 and is widely found in rocks and soils. Hematite naturally occurs in black to steel or silver-gray, brown to reddish-brown, or red colors. It is mined as an important ore mineral of iron. It is electrically conductive. Hematite is not only harder than pure iron, but also much more brittle.
The Rainbow Titanium Hematite has the potential to help you connect with higher powers, unlocking your ability to ascend into the cosmos spiritually while getting rid of any limitations you feel you might have. It transcends your physical being, allowing you to find enlightenment without getting lost in the fray. The Rainbow Titanium Hematite keeps you firm in your place, giving you the strength to stand up to any negativity that swirls around you. The meaning and properties of this stone promote equilibrium, encouraging self-confidence and giving you the freedom to explore on a deeper level.
The monk robe of Buddhist monk
The monk robe of Buddhist monk is considered as relics. “Relics come from masters who have devoted their entire lifetime to spiritual practices that are dedicated to the welfare of all. Every part of their body and relics carries positive energy to inspire goodness.”
Luang Phu Suang
Luang Phu Suang was a monk from Cambodia that is very respectful among Thais and Cambodians along the boarder. Luang Phu Suang was called “tay-wá-daa dern din” in Thai which means “a Deva Walking on Earth” by his Looksit (disciples / followers /adherents/ worshippers / devotees). Luang Phu Suang passed away on September 8, BE 2543 (CE 2000), and his body remains unrotten, and on display in a glass casket in the Mondop Prasat Luang Phu Suang Pavilion at Wat Phrai Phatthana, Si Sa Ket Province for people to pay respect. Luang Phu Suang is called “Luang Ta Bok or Luang Eaw Bok” by Cambodians.
No one knows when Luang Phu Suang was born, and how old he actually was. Many people said they saw Luang Phu Suang that old since they were young, some at the age of 7, but they are now over 80. For instance, Luang Phu Soi, an abbot of Wat Liab Rat Bamrung, Bangkok. Luang Phu Soi was originally from Cambodia, and passed away in BE 2542 / CE 1999 (76 years old). Luang Phu Soi said that he saw Luang Phu Suang in Cambodia and Thailand since Luang Phu Soi was a novice, and Luang Phu Suang was very old and never change. Luang Phu Soi invited Luang Phu Suang to join the consecration/blessing ceremonies of the amulets at Wat Liab Rat Bamrung so many times. And Luang Phu Hong, an abbot of Wat Phet Buri, Surin Province, passed away in BE 2557 / CE 2014 (97 years old), and Luang Phu Boh, an abbot of Wat Ban Bing, Si Sa Ket Province, passed away in BE 2555 / CE 2012 (90 years old) also said they saw Luang Phu Suang that old since they were young monks.
Luang Phu Suang was a loner, and did not like staying at the temple. Luang Phu Suang did not require anything luxury or comfort his life was simple, just a alms bowl, and an old monk robe. Luang Phu Suang loved staying in the area of villagers in an isolated small hut alone. Where Luang Phu Suang was staying Luang Phu Suang would make a mark, a kite made of his monk robe or white paper, and tied up a kite on a top of a bamboo pole for his Looksit (disciples / followers /adherents/ worshippers / devotees) to visit him if they needed help. And a “must have” was a bon fire that would never be extinguished 24/7. Luang Phu Suang would practice “Grasin Fire”, the meditation that relies on a bon fire to meditate. Sometimes his looksit offered him stuffs for his living, Luang Phu Suang would toss those stuffs in the bon fire.
Luang Phu Suang was a very kind monk with compassion, and never be angry to anyone, Luang Phu Suang kept smiling at all time. The biography and the origin of Luang Phu Suang is still a mystery til these days.
*with Certificate of Authenticity issued by Thaprachan Buddha Amulet Magazine (prathaprachan-mag.com).
DIMENSION: 4.00 cm high / 2.60 cm wide / 0.80 cm thick
item # K19C50
Price: price upon request, pls PM and/or email us [email protected]
Item location: Hong Kong, SAR
Ships to: Worldwide
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xylofansite · 1 year
Interview de XYLØ par RollingStone.com | 2023
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Xylø dit qu'elle a une "nouvelle confiance" après avoir lancé un OnlyFans pour financer sa musique.
"Je voulais que la vidéo montre comment mon corps, nu ou non, peut être de l'art", a déclaré Xylø à Rolling Stone en lançant "Super Sex Mona Lisa".
Xylø n'a pas peur d'embrasser son corps pour partager son art. Vendredi, la chanteuse a sorti le single pop parfait "Super Sex Mona Lisa", dans lequel elle a réfléchit sans vergogne au lancement d'OnlyFans pour l'aider à financer sa carrière musicale. Cela, dit-elle, lui a donné une "confiance retrouvée”.
"Je suis entrée dans un nouveau chapitre de ma vie où je n'ai pas peur d'être vulnérable et je suis prête à m'exprimer complètement en tant qu'artiste", dit-elle en créant la vidéo du morceau avec Rolling Stone. "Je voulais que la vidéo montre comment j'ai grandi depuis mon dernier album. Comment mon corps, nu ou non, peut être de l'art. Si mon dernier album parlait de me cacher dans l'ombre de l'Amérique, alors cet album consiste à me célébrer malgré l'obscurité", ajoute-t-elle, faisant référence à Unamerican Beauty de l'année dernière. "C'est coloré et dangereux et c'est la musique la plus expressive que j'aie jamais faite."
La vidéo de "Super Sex Mona Lisa" explore tous les aspects de Xylø - comment elle peut passer du tournage de contenu sexy dans sa chambre en tant qu'art au partage d'une bière avec son père et ses amis.
"Les rôles de genre stéréotypés sont inversés car tous les mécaniciens sont des femmes et portent des maillots des Queens Park Rangers", explique-t-elle, faisant référence à son équipe de football préférée. "En fin de compte, il s'agit d'avoir confiance en soi et en sa sexualité.”
“J'avais l'habitude d'être timide / Maintenant, vous achetez mon corps", chante-t-elle en faisant clignoter un guichet automatique dans la vidéo alors qu'elle ramasse une liasse de billets. “Je suis une pop star / Et je suis Barbie clickbait. Je le fais pour le frisson / Et je le fais pour l'argent”. La vidéo joint des clips d'elle posant seins nus, jouant d'une guitare sur le thème de Hello Kitty et faisant une chorégraphie dans le lot d'un mécanicien avec deux autres filles. "Tu le veux / Viens le chercher / Abonne-toi à moi", chante-t-elle dans le refrain.
Mis à part plusieurs remixes de chansons, il s'agit de la première sortie de l'année pour la chanteuse. En 2022, elle a sorti son premier album Unamerican Beauty, avec des chansons comme "Red Hot Winter", "Aliens" et "Sweetheart".
"C'est pour tous ceux qui sont profondément fiers d'où ils viennent mais qui ont été touchés par l'inquiétude et les réalités de ce que représente cet endroit", a-t-elle déclaré à Rolling Stone à propos de son dernier album. "Ou pour quiconque essaie de comprendre qui ils sont."
Traduction française de l’article par XYLØ France.
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news24fr · 2 years
Le Celtic a fait jouer ses muscles à St Johnstone pour s'assurer que son avance de neuf points sur les Rangers au sommet de la Premiership reste intacte.Les Light Blues poursuivants ont battu le comté de Ross 2-1 à Ibrox samedi, mais les champions ont bien géré la pression à McDiarmid Park, enregistrant une victoire convaincante 4-1.Premiership écossaise: les Rangers remportent une victoire serrée et Aberdeen rebonditEn savoir plusLe défenseur des Saints Andrew Considine a transformé un centre de Kyogo Furuhashi dans son propre filet à la 13e minute et l'attaquant japonais s'est marqué au milieu de la première mi-temps, avant que l'ailier Drey Wright ne retire un but trois minutes plus tard.Le milieu de terrain Aaron Mooy a rétabli l'avance de deux buts du Celtic à la 38e minute avec Considine - apparaissant dans son 600e match de club - expulsé par l'arbitre David Dickinson dans le temps additionnel pour un tir sur Oh Hyeon-gyu, avec son compatriote remplaçant David Turnbull ajoutant le quatrième de le coup franc qui en résulte.Les champions d'Ange Postecoglou ont perdu une fois en 25 matches de championnat cette saison et ont de nouveau semblé être une équipe formidable.La victoire 2-0 de St Johnstone en milieu de semaine à Motherwell était leur première victoire en huit matchs, mais peu de choses étaient attendues contre les hommes de Parkhead.James Brown, Tony Gallacher, Graham Carey et Connor McLennan sont entrés dans la formation de l'équipe locale tandis que Postecoglou n'a fait qu'un seul changement, Mooy remplaçant Matt O'Riley au milieu de terrain pour le coup d'envoi de midi.L'équipe locale s'est battue pour prendre pied tôt dans le match, mais les Hoops ont lentement pris le contrôle et ont pris la tête lorsque Furuhashi a couru sur une passe de Mooy. Dès la signature, sa tentative de balle vers ses coéquipiers japonais Daizen Maeda et Reo Hatate a été transformée dans son propre filet à bout portant par l'impuissant Considine.Le premier coup porté à la conviction de l'équipe de Perth a été aggravé à la 22e minute lorsque Furuhashi a tiré haut devant Remi Matthews après une longue passe de Mooy – qui avait un bon match – et un centre de Jota.ignorer la promotion de la newsletterInscrivez-vous pour Football QuotidienNewsletter quotidienne gratuiteCommencez vos soirées avec le regard du Guardian sur le monde du football
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beatlesonline-blog · 2 years
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