jainarepellista · 7 years
Tower of God S2ch246 Rough Translations
NOTE: A lot of panels have been cut from the preview. I don’t know if it’s intentional or an error (although I do think it’s an error because there’s no credits at the end) Right now, I’ve removed the parts in the preview that aren’t in the official but if they are returned, please do inform me and I’ll update this post. Thank you
Updated now!
Having been drawn here by the scent of perfume after arriving..
I happened to chance upon a beautiful damsel in distress..
Could it be..
that I'm fated to be every lady's hero?
What.. are you?
Urek Mazino!?
43F Hell Train - Floor of Death - 15
Urek Mazino..!!
Why is that monster here!?
Oh!! Aren't you Viole's companion from before? / Hi!!
(Wow, it's nice to see you!)
Don't act so friendly with me!! It's scary!!
(How long have we known each other for you to greet me like that?!)
...He knows Viole? / Just who the heck is he?
...That guy.. I think I've seen him somewhere..? / But it's weird..
If he came here alone, then he should be stronger than a ranker.. / But it doesn't feel like that at all?
.......Looks like the anklet was effective.
30 minutes ago-
Above the Floor of Death
Please wear this before entering-
? / What's that? An anklet?
Yes. This anklet will prevent others from noticing your powers, Mazino-nim.
This was flown here specifically so that Garam-nim would not notice you.
If you wear this anklet, your powers will appear to be below that of a normal ranker.
Of course, it doesn't actually decrease your powers.. / If you use more than 5% of your power, this anklet won't be able to endure it and break, so please be careful.
But does.. it really have to be a silver anklet..
(It looks like something a stalker would wear)
Yes. The leader won't accept any design but this.. / Don't you think it matches you perfectly, Mazino-nim?
Ah- and the leader / has another message for you, Mazino-nim-
"It's a precious object so don't ever break it" / "If you get caught, Garam will definitely dump you" is what he said-
Damn- That bastard. / Cursing my love life like that.
Well, this is not that bad of a handicap.
If these little punks are my opponents / 5% of this body should be enough.
What?! / His power's suddenly..!!
This is dangerous..!!
World of Darkness
Horned Whip of the Black Goat
Aah- Guess I have to correct that.
He's fine?!
I overestimated you too much.
With you, not even 5%..
but just 1% should be enough.
How about you fight with this guy, instead?
My finger.
..How preposterous...
Don't get so cocky!!
I'm just
that formidable, baby-
If you can endure this finger-
I'll give you six wings!!
Allow me to guide you if you two are going to Hell Joe's castle.
D'za's Castle
You can go there by using this "entrance" behind me.
Hell Joe must not have noticed the existence of the shinsoo path connected to this "entrance" yet.
The shinsoo path connected to this entrance is a secret passage that was created by D'za-nim and D'sa-nim.
It is connected not just to Hell Joe's castle but to many places in South City as well. / It can be called our most powerful means of penetration right now.
Then let's go right away..!!
What? / You're going in without any plan!?
..If Yuri-noona is over there, my other companions might be in danger. / I don't know why they're there but I have to hurry, Rachel.
..You've survived so far with that kind of mindset?
Does that Joe guy have any weaknesses or something? / We can't go without a plan, you know?
...I. I'm so sorry!! / We were too afraid of him to find out..
But.. if we free D'sa-nim from being locked up.. / and borrow the power of D'za-nim's "eyes"..
There might be a way.
D'za-nim's eyes?
Yes. The moment D'za-nim and D'sa-nim saw Enryu with their eyes / they obtained mystical abilities.
And among those is D'za-nim's eyes of the "Future" which have the ability to see the future.
Once when Joe tried to break into the North City- / the power of D'za-nim's eyes and the assistance of a mysterious (lit. secret) woman
(Why is there a trap wherever I go!!)
stopped him from progressing farther than South City and caused him to retreat.
I think it would be helpful if you have the power..
of D'za-nim's eyes that brought the savior here.
The one.. who brought me here.. / You mean..!!
(Win, noonim!!)
(Kill Hell Joe!!)
Excuse me.. / D'za-nim?
Hm? What!?
Why did you call me your eyes, D'za-nim?
Because those two eyes are mine!!
You came here once after losing your eyes / and your friend begged me to give them back!!
But because your body already lost its immortality and couldn't regenerate / I gave you my two eyes instead in exchange for doing me a favor!!
You really don't remember?
I.. I don't..!!
Hmm- that's weird..
But you managed to bring the savior here in that state. / You even forgot my message to "look for the princess resembling the light of deep waters"?
That was.. the only thing I remembered so I told it to Emile..
But I don't remember that such a thing happened to me at all..
T-then..!! / Maybe you know who stole my eyes?
Your eyes, you say? / So you don't remember that either.
I heard it was Hell Joe who took your eyes.
Because you wouldn't cooperate with him in finding the piece of the thorn / Joe got angry and pulled out your eyes.
He tried to use your eyes to look for the piece but he failed. / Your friend then took you and brought you to me.
You don't remember anything.. / You're really weird.
I heard from D'za-nim. / That I've also been to this place before.
Yeah... / You came.. with me..
...So it was true.
Mm. I brought you here after Joe stole your eyes. / If it's the Room of Souls, then you should be able to recover your eyes..
That's what I thought.
You were Joe's underling when I first met you.
At some point since Joe occupied South City, he started trying to find the "piece of the thorn". / Just like now, I was an ordinary parasitic in charge of guarding the outside..
But one day, I got an order to find the piece of the thorn with you.
You told me you became Joe's underling after you found the "piece of the thorn" by chance.
My mission was to give you a ride in my giant worm and look for the piece of the thorn.
You were a peculiar guy who liked painting. / You always told me how you wanted to get out of the Floor of Death
And that your wish was to travel outside with your friends and to paint.
Hell Joe promised that you could go outside if you find the piece of the thorn.
Perhaps it was a downright lie but / we became a team and started searching for it.
And we finally found it.
But you became weird after "that". / You said your soul got trapped in your painting..
And then you went to Joe and told him you won't help him anymore.
He got incredibly angry that he pulled out your eyes and stole your painting. / Your eyes never came back.
So I took you, who lost your eyes, here.
D'za-nim was surprised upon seeing you / and said your body could get out of the Floor of Death.
He gave you his own eyes instead / and asked you to do him a favor.
Because it was a secret / I don't know the contents of the favor..
but you seemed to have accepted it.
But a problem came up the next day when you were leaving the castle.
Maybe it was because of D'za-nim's eyes / that you fell unconscious
When you woke up a few days later, you can hardly remember your past.
Even your promise with D'za-nim-
I.. thought it was a good thing.
Without going back to D'za-nim / I helped you get out of the Floor of Death. / I almost got caught and killed by Hell Joe in the middle of it.
..Why.. did you..
I wanted you to forget everything. To escape the Floor of Death, / climb the Tower with your friends
and live like an ordinary person. / Because that was your dream.
And to fulfill your dream.. / I thought it would be better if you forget everything about this place.
Hockney..!! I!!
..Thank you.
Thank you for thinking about me, Mata. / But..
I realized when I got outside.
I cannot feel happiness.. / with an emptiness in my heart like this.
This must be my punishment. / For forgetting something important-
Let's go to Hell Joe, Mata.
!! Hockney!?
I heard my painting is also in South City. So.. / if I go there, I can end everything.
I will go to Hell Joe, get back my eyes, / and find the last piece of my painting.
That's why I came back here.
...So that's what happened.
I see.. / I didn't know Hockney's eyes have such a secret..
But I can't involve him with something so dangerous..
What are you saying!! Baam!! / We need every small possibility we can get!!
..The painting he's looking for is in my lighthouse!! / I'm sure he'll come in handy if he goes with us!!
Hey.. you guys.
Are you going to Hell Joe? / I'll come with you.
Let me go with you. / I'm sure I could be of help.
I'm going too. / I'm immortal so leave the dangerous stuff to me.
Did you hear about your eyes from D'za-nim?
Yeah. I want to get back my eyes once more.
And I have to find my soul that is in my painting.. / That's why I have to meet with Hell Joe even at the risk of my life.
I understand. / I will guide you.
And I have a favor to ask of you two saviors.
It looks like you two are competitors..
But Hell Joe isn't someone you can win against while competing with each other. / Can I ask you two to work together at least until you've dealt with him?
Baam-nim, since you seem to know that woman who appeared in the castle, / please join her and distract Joe.
Meanwhile, Rachel-nim and I will sneak into the castle and rescue D'sa-nim. / Once we've done that, we will join with you, Baam-nim, and take down Hell Joe.
..I'm fine with that.. / How about you, Rachel?
...I have no complaints too. / I can't do it by myself anyway..
Besides, Karaka is headed here.
It's better to leave this place as quickly as possible.
So will you do my favor for me?
(Kill Hell Joe!!)
(That bastard!!)
If I tell D'za-nim we're going, he'll insist on coming too. / We should leave before he notices us.
Then let's go-!!
To Hell Joe's castle-!!
At the Same Time Entrance to Hell Joe's Castle
(Shit!! There's no opening for a counterattack!!)
As expected. / That girl is completely toying with Sanchez.
She's strong enough to fight with me.
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