#S.H. Fernando
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arcadebroke · 9 months ago
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tangerangraya · 6 months ago
Siap Kawal Demokrasi Menuju Indonesia Emas, ARUN Gelar Munas Pertama
Nasional – Advokasi Rakyat Untuk Nusantara (ARUN) akan menggelar Musyawarah Nasional (Munas) pertama pada 8 Juni 2024 di Grand Mercure Hotel, Bandar Lampung, dengan tema “Revitalisasi Gerakan Advokasi ARUN dalam Mengawal Demokrasi Indonesia dalam Mencapai Masyarakat Adil, Makmur menuju Indonesia Emas”. Sekretaris Jenderal ARUN, Bungas T. Fernando Duling, mengutarakan bahwa tema yang diusung pada…
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7r0773r · 2 years ago
From the Streets of Shaolin: The Wu-Tang Saga by S.H. Fernando Jr.
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Considered boilerplate or standard in major label contracts, the leaving-member clause stipulated that a label that signed a group had exclusive rights to sign any leaving member of that group. After "Protect Ya Neck" started blowing up, none of the major labels that called RZA for a meeting were willing to waive this clause, except Loud. Rifkind says he was amenable to the idea because, following his experience with New Edition, "I always thought the group would be bigger than the solo artist.” The only reason he was able to convince the top brass at RCA to see eye to eye with him was because they didn't have much faith that what they referred to as the "Chinese rap group" would sell many records.
So Wu-Tang became the first rap group in history whose individual members were eligible to sign with other labels. The compromise Rifkind reached with RZA allowed Loud to have first dibs to match any competing offers for Wu-Tang solo artists. RZA also secured the guarantee of complete creative control over the album, another unprecedented accommodation. In exchange for these two significant concessions, he rolled the dice, agreeing to settle for a relatively paltry advance of $60,000. In doing so, however, "Wu-Tang not only kept the right to determine the destinies of its members individually, but—fatefully—they also retained their brand: their name, their merchandising, and their publishing. Never before had hip-hop artists negotiated the kind of autonomy that RZA did.” Of course, another visionary artist, George Clinton, had pulled off a similar coup in the seventies when he got his bands, Parliament and Funkadelic, which were, ostensibly, made up of the same musicians, signed to Casablanca and Westbound, respectively. But RZA was about to take this concept to the next level.
Even before the Loud deal was clinched, he signed ODB to Elektra and Method Man to Def Jam. By February 1993, when "Protect" became a "Sure Shot" single in The Source, the premiere hip-hop publication at the time, Genius scored a deal at Geffen Records. For RZA, everything was proceeding as planned. "So, what happened is now you have major labels who are in competition with each other now working for the same cause without being aware of it,” he says. "And now hip-hop is getting a chance to get a new breed of energy that was lacking. Before Wu-Tang, you couldn't find many MCs that was really straight from the projects—ex-felons who would never have got a job, life would be over. Seven out of nine of us are high school dropouts and basically the ones that society would write off as dead or in jail by twenty-five. So, we was able to beat that statistic, bring the real people into the music industry, the people that was feeling it [hip-hop] and living it, you know what I mean, and changed the game.”
There was no question that the rest of the Clan was on the same page. In an early interview, GZA said, "Clan represents family, man. Clan means family. We all a family. But we spreading out. Don't think that because he has a solo deal and I have a solo deal that we all just separating and breaking up. It's not that type of thing, man. We just expanding because the talent is so great. It's like we have mad talent in this, yunno, and we just got to spread out.”
Dirty added, "We got a master plan for y'all, man. See we tryin' to get all our people in the door. I ain't even gonna tell you. I'ma just show you, man." (pp. 148-49)
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slashdementia7734 · 1 month ago
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transpublikid · 8 months ago
AKBP Arie Sofandi Paloh, S.H, S.I.K Memberikan Reward Dadakan kepada Personil Berprestasi
MADINA - Kapolres Mandailing Natal AKBP Arie Sofandi Paloh, S.H, S.I.K Memimpin Kegiatan Apel Pagi Rutin Jam Pimpinan di Halaman Apel Mako Polres Mandailing Natal. Kegiatan Apel Pagi Jam Pimpinan Tersebut Dihadiri Oleh Waka Polres, Para Kabag, Para Kasat Fung Dan Para Perwira Serta Personil Gabungan Bag, Sat Dan Staf Polres Mandailing Natal. "Harapan Saya Pelaksanaan Ops Keselamatan Toba 2024 Ini Dapat Berjalan Dengan Maksimal, Lakukan Penindakan Dan Penertiban Terhadap Para Pengemudi Kendaraan Bermotor Terutama Terhadap 10 Prioritas Pelanggaran Kasat Mata Dan Khususnya Kepada Seluruh Personil Polres Madina Dan Polsek Sejajarkan, Saya Perintahkan Harus Tertib Dan Patuh Dalam Berlalu Lintas, Kita Sebagai Contoh Dan Tauladan Terhadap Para Pengemudi Kendaraan Bermotor, Jadilah Pelopor Keselamatan Dalam Berlalu Lintas Di Jalan Raya" Pungkas AKBP Arie Sofandi Paloh, S.H, S.I.K "Untuk Kegiatan Bagi Takjil Sesuai Dengan Petunjuk Bapak Kapolda Sumut, Jangan Dilaksanakan Di Jalan Raya Alangkah Baiknya Kita Bagikan Ke Objek Sasaran, Seperti Kaum Duafha Dan Panti Asuhan Serta Warga Kurang Mampu, Agar Giat Yang Kita Laksanakan Tepat Sasaran Dan Dirasaan Ole Objek Yang Menerima" Sambung Kapolres Mandailing Natal. "Raih Keberhasilan Dan Prestasi Serta Hindari Pelanggaran Saat Bertugas, Saya Akan Berikan Reward Dan Punisnen, Pada Apel Pagi Ini Saya Berikan Reward Berupa Uang Kepada Personil Unit Opsnal Sat Res Narkoba Yang Diwakili Oleh Aipda Fernando Siregar Dan Brigadir Rio Pradhana, S.H Yang Telah Berhasil Ungkap Kasus Narkoba Golongan Satu Jenis Ganja Seberat 161 Kg Dan Sabu Sabu Seberat 57 Gram Di Dua Lokasi Yang Berbeda" Sebut AKBP Arie Sofandi Paloh, S.H, S.I.K "Saya Juga Berikan Reward Kepada Dua Personil Pengucap Tribrata Aipda Yogi Yanto Dan Pengucap Catur Prasetia Christian J.R Hutabarat, Dengan Harapan Penyemangat Tugas Dan Tambahan Uang Saku Mereka Agar Personil Lain Nya Berlomba Meraih Prestasi Saat Bertugas, Age Terrwujud Sosok Personil Polri Yang Amanah Dan Presisi" Tutup Kapolres Mandailing Natal Saat Menyampaikan Arahan Kepada Anggotanya.
MADINA – Kapolres Mandailing Natal AKBP Arie Sofandi Paloh, S.H, S.I.K Memimpin Kegiatan Apel Pagi Rutin Jam Pimpinan di Halaman Apel Mako Polres Mandailing Natal. Kegiatan Apel Pagi Jam Pimpinan Tersebut Dihadiri Oleh Waka Polres, Para Kabag, Para Kasat Fung Dan Para Perwira Serta Personil Gabungan Bag, Sat Dan Staf Polres Mandailing Natal. “Harapan Saya Pelaksanaan Ops Keselamatan Toba 2024 Ini…
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humaskejatipapua · 2 years ago
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Jayapura, 29/12,- Kepala Kejaksaan Tinggi Papua Witono,S.H.,M.Hum di dampingi Asisten Perdata dan Tata Usaha Negara Suhendra, S.H, Asisten Tindak Pidana Militer Kejati Papua Dasatriadi Andharu Harimurti, S.H., melakukan kunjungan dan sekaligus bersilaturahmi dan perkenalan Kepala Kejaksaan Tinggi Papua yang baru kepada jajaran Polisi Daerah Papua guna untuk koordinasi, komunikasi serta sinergitas antar lembaga, dalam kunjungan tersebut Kajati di sambut baik oleh Kepala Kepolisian Papua Irjen Pol Mathius D. Fakhiri, S.I.K. yang didampingi Dir Intelkam Polda Papua Dr. Tagor Hutapea, S.I.K., M.Si. Dir Reskrimsus Polda Papua, Kombes Pol. Fernando Sanches Napitupulu, S.I.K. Dir Reskrimum Polda Papua, Kombes Pol. Dr. Faizal Ramadhani, S.Sos. S.I.K., M.H. dan Wadir Reskrimsus Polda Papua, AKBP I Gusti Gde Era Adhinata, S.I.K. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmv0NpLyWat/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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booksfriendsnews · 5 years ago
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[eBOOKS GRATUITOS – 07.03.2020] Vários livros e séries incríveis de diversos gêneros estão disponíveis gratuitamente na Amazon. - Box Sedução - A K Raimundi: https://amzn.to/30fI0Gn - Box Duologia Doce Amargo: Bônus Noveleta Doce Boda - Evelyn Santana: https://amzn.to/2Irlna9 - A Princesa Coreana (Saranghae #2) - Mia Antiere: https://amzn.to/3cH73rO - Daydream - Greyci Ramos: https://amzn.to/38q8ZSo - Como não me apaixonar por você - Chris Sevla: https://amzn.to/3cAFUqN - Ao Seu Encontro - Rozz Messias: https://amzn.to/2xbUNPQ - Nada é por acaso (Strong Woman #1) - L. S. Santos: https://amzn.to/2Y6auAz - A garota de cabelo vermelho - L. S. Santos: https://amzn.to/31J5gvI - Como "Se Dar Bem" Em Um Encontro Casual - Mallerey Cálgara: https://amzn.to/2MxBt7c - A Linguagem do Amor - Lola Salgado: https://amzn.to/2V9T345 - O Destino do Herdeiro - Cacá Araujo: https://amzn.to/3aDy3GO - Dissoluto - Para Sempre (The Underwood´s #2) - Ana Sóh: https://amzn.to/3cCKSmI - Chegou a minha vez - Ane Pimentel: https://amzn.to/2TGugSs - Fique Comigo Neste Verão (Série Estações #1) - Fabiane Vicentini: https://amzn.to/2Y8W1nT - Sexo, amor e outros estragos - Karina Heid: https://amzn.to/3cDCJ1f - A Herança de Sarah - Tânia Giovanelli: https://amzn.to/2vwC1ys - A Melodia da Alma (Os Sons da Vida #1) - Maya Brito: https://amzn.to/2LzYjHf - De Repente, Nós - Tici Pontes: https://amzn.to/2wB5zPp - FÉ NO AMOR - Andrezza Mota: https://amzn.to/38u42rO - O destino deu um jeito - Verônica Matioli: https://amzn.to/2TwZEEg - O bebê da Firanghi (Diário) - Ray Pereira: https://amzn.to/3aBNmjr - O CEO E A INIMIGA - Anna Braun: https://amzn.to/38s3F0F - A Youtuber - leiri Jasicki: https://amzn.to/2Iq6u7R - Dominados Pelo Prazer (Três Contos em Um) - Suany Anjos: https://amzn.to/2IwrEkI - O Amor Chegou - R.M. Cordeiro: https://amzn.to/2Rnxybx - Enquanto eu te esquecia - Fah B.: https://amzn.to/2vMgJRm - O anjo vingador - Adriana Igrejas: https://amzn.to/2vMqWxc - Sangue e Café (Amélia Henckel #1) - Fernando B. Neves: https://amzn.to/38CE9pS - Onde está Lucia? (Missing #1) - C. B. Alves: https://amzn.to/3aFnC5T - Intenso Amor (Reed Enterprises #1) - Priscila Veiga: https://amzn.to/3cDWu98 - Encontros e Desencontros do Amor: Flávia (1) - Stela Sá: https://amzn.to/3ayk0Czz - A Descoberta (Trilogia Conquistas #1) - Jess Bidoia: https://amzn.to/2DloGgS - Mais que perfeitos: Bem-Casados - Elizabeth Bezerra: https://amzn.to/38vyJN6 - Meu nome é Gabriela: Nem sempre amor é o bastante (Livro 1) - Emily Morgan: https://amzn.to/39zRrom - Bons Sonhos, Serena - Alexia Road: https://amzn.to/2Tu6Ctx - Flor do Sol - Sheila Mendonça: https://amzn.to/2vLSW41 - Bem me Quero - Daya Alves: https://amzn.to/2wAny8E - Stella, A Feia - K. M. Mendes: https://amzn.to/39yOPqB - Lyubimaya: Minha Amada - Cora Félix: https://amzn.to/32Y2XqZ - Os Descendentes e os Cinco Guardiões: Livro I - Carla Emanuelle Oliveira Bezerra: https://amzn.to/39yOAf5 - O Astronauta do Século XXX. Uma Viagem Através do Espaço-Tempo - Jamila Mafra: https://amzn.to/2TtPXWV - O HERDEIRO DO TRONO: E Outras Novelas Épicas Inacabadas - EDGAR R R MITCHELL: https://amzn.to/2IrsUG7 - A REVOLTA DAS CONDESSAS: Volume 1 - Edgar R. R. Mitchell: https://amzn.to/2JZWNO4 - Efeito Nash - Mikka Demetino: https://amzn.to/333cPj9 - AMBARYS: Os Heróis Corrompidos - S. H Fisher: https://amzn.to/2HN7Dan - Ambarys: Sob o Domínio de Kael (Série Ambarys #2) - S.H. Fisher: https://amzn.to/2IeZxpF - DAEMIAN: Entre o Bem e o Mal - Isadora C. Lewis: https://amzn.to/2Vvwhof - ALGUM LUGAR: A vida é feita de escolhas - Isadora C. Lewis: https://amzn.to/2JxeCW5 - SENTENÇA DE VIDA: Vítima e Sobrevivente - Isadora C. Lewis: https://amzn.to/2He8G2M - BUTTERFLY EFFECT: Sentença de Vida - Isadora C. Lewis: https://amzn.to/3ayjch1 - Nictofilia: livro 1 - Asas Escuras - Yueh Fernandes: https://amzn.to/331ai93 - Céu (Duologia Terra e Céu # 2) - Letícia Black: https://amzn.to/2SXtobl - 10 Razões para te amar - Letícia Black: https://amzn.to/2xb3ji3 - NOBRES PUDORES - Jhyenyfer Cavalcante: https://amzn.to/39Gpb36 - REGNATURI - Sandra Milani Moreira: https://amzn.to/2MJ1LSV - GIOVANNA: LADIES LANSDALE: https://amzn.to/2IuNtAT - ESCOLHAS DO CORAÇÃO: https://amzn.to/31cgtpA - AS IRMÃS CHEVALIER: ESPERANÇA: https://amzn.to/2K5AokY - AS IRMÃS CHEVALIER: DECISÃO: https://amzn.to/2TribS9 - Caminhos de um Templo Egípcio (RELÍQUIA #1) - Gustavo Drago e Nana B. Poetisa: https://amzn.to/2LYb3ez - Agente Galasso (Livro Único) - A. F. Pinheiro: https://amzn.to/2vW3g9j - Noiva por Correspondência: Uma Irmã no Oeste (Romance de Época Puro e Saudável) - (Ficção para Mulheres Literatura para Adultos Casamento Faroeste) - Angela K. 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Neves: https://amzn.to/2wDAAlC - Olhos Fechados - Luísa Aranha: https://amzn.to/2PMYguW - Apenas o nada - Luísa Aranha: https://amzn.to/2jM9uCO - Uma Nova Chance - Elana Moreira: https://amzn.to/3czf2aw - Lady Anne (Série Single Ladies #2) - A.J. Ventura: https://amzn.to/39sIYmE - Assunto Delicado - Mithiele Rodrigues: https://amzn.to/3cEFsaG - Quando vi, era amor - Mithiele Rodrigues: https://amzn.to/2RrROZQ - Aaron (Série Golden Blood #1) - Gilmara Quadros: https://amzn.to/2ZnhYUV - Carolinas: Uma garota, um segredo e uma escolha - Fábia Barbosa: https://amzn.to/2HPOvaI - A Filha do Dr. Pena de Morte: Uma história de amor, perdão e luta pela liberdade. - Stefen Moonwalker: https://amzn.to/2vK4JQn - A Chave de Andrómeda - Pedro Elias: https://amzn.to/2TD863z - Janelas entre dois Mundos: Os Caminhos do Graal e a Histórias Oculta de Portugal - Pedro Elias: https://amzn.to/2PMTH3K - Reflexões Espirituais para uma Nova Terra - Pedro Elias: https://amzn.to/2Ila8jv - Murmúrios de um Tempo Anunciado - Pedro Elias: https://amzn.to/2VJAjs5 - O Caderno de Sangue - Remi Berenguer: https://amzn.to/2ItTRLn - Entre Ninjas e Cavaleiros: Crônicas do Tigre Guerreiro Vol. 1 - De: JP Netuno: https://amzn.to/39FNoqF - Online - Start: Livro I - Felipe Martins: https://amzn.to/38zXmsg - A Corporação (Crônicas de Guerra e Sangue #1) - Felipe Martins: https://amzn.to/2vyunrj - Escrito em Sangue Frio - Tassi Viebrantz: https://amzn.to/2PC05un - Mostre-me Suas Veias (Transmutação #0) - Tassi Viebrantz: https://amzn.to/38ubT8P - Dois dias em Bath - Cara Macaddie: https://amzn.to/2Tu1DZH - Apenas Uma Vez: Foi o Suficiente - Grazi Fontes: https://amzn.to/2O20oyy - Alriet: Quando O Amor Acontece - Grazi Fontes: https://amzn.to/2VjfMZ2 - A Vingança do Sapatinho - Eduarda Rozemberg: https://amzn.to/2VP75YK - A Vitória Está Logo Ali - Eduarda Rozemberg: https://amzn.to/2wBh6Oz - William (Depressão #1) - Karla Nunes: https://amzn.to/2KEl1i8
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dnaamericaapp · 2 years ago
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MF DOOM Will Be Honored With A Street Sweeper Named 'MF BROOM' In Richmond, Virginia
Some much-needed wholesome news: The lovely city of Richmond, Virginia is introducing a new bike lane street sweeper and residents have voted that it be named MF BROOM, after the late rapper MF DOOM who tragically passed in 2020.
In a bracket not unlike that of March Madness, the options consisted of MF BROOM, Kate Brush, Meryl Sweep, Sweep Carolina, Dirt Reynolds, Bike Dyson, LeBroom James, The Bus Duster, The Legion of Broom, Wall-E, The Grim Sweeper, and more creative names. MF BROOM and The Grim Sweeper made it to the final round, and the former won with a 59%-41% vote.
“The people have spoken!” Venture Richmond tweeted in the announcement. “We crowdsourced name ideas, you voted, and the name of the new @DPW_RichmondVAbike lane sweeper is… MF BROOM. Until then, enjoy your clean bike lanes!”
“Just remember all caps when you spell the mans name,” one user replied.
The beloved hip-hop legend is being memorialized in many ways. For instance, it was announced in May of this year that a biography of MF DOOM is in the works. It will be titled The Chronicles Of Doom: Unraveling Rap’s Masked Iconoclast, written by veteran journalist S.H. Fernando Jr. and arriving via Astra House. -(source: uproxx)
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fmhiphop · 2 years ago
MF DOOM's Wife Celebrates The Late Rapper's 51st Birthday
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Not long ago, Hip-Hop lost one of the genre's most talented & historic rappers. MF DOOM would've turned 51 years old yesterday (July 13th) & his wife dedicated a tribute to the late MC with a sentimental Instagram post. The image shows a birthday cake & features the caption "'Never forget alwayz remember' Old Dad. Best day ever 13th. -Lovingly Jasmine." There's also a video attached to the post that shows DOOM being celebrated with a display of fireworks as well. Take a look for yourself down below:   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by MF DOOM. ALL CAPS. (@mfdoom) The Death Of A Hip-Hop Legend It's been over a year since the death of MF DOOM was announced on New Year's Eve in 2020. The news came weeks after he initially passed away, but out of respect, his family delayed sharing the information. He's influenced many artists in his lifetime, including Lupe Fiasco, Earl Sweatshirt, Tyler the Creator, Trippie Redd & many more. His style was one of the most unique to ever exist in Rap & not always easily accessible. It's hard to deny his lyrical genius & endless amount of creativity when hearing his songwriting. Despite not being a common mainstream name, his legacy will always carry on & propel him into the memories of everyone his music touched globally.   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by MF DOOM. ALL CAPS. (@mfdoom)   How DOOM's Legacy Is Still Continuing? MF DOOM built a huge brand name for himself while alive & can be recognized globally. The New York icon's family is doing a great at preserving his image & continuing his legacy. It's been reported that an official biography is being worked on & written by S.H. Fernando Jr. for MF DOOM. As of now, it's set to be released sometime in 2024 hopefully. Additionally, DOOM got a street named after him in Long Beach, NY around the time of his 50th birthday last year. With all that said, what does MF DOOM & his career mean to you? Read more of FM Hip-Hop’s featured articles today.   Written by: Oryah Brown | Instagram: @oryah.wav Read the full article
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sirabisunkenplace · 3 years ago
The Broad Scope of Afrofuturism: Rockit
One of my favorite things about works within the Afrofuturism genre is how varied and diverse they can be. From music to literature and cinema, the many mediums utilized by Afrofuturist artists lend to the genre's rich, all-encompassing creative atmosphere. In addition to encapsulating every form of media, Afrofuturism is a broad term that can be applied to a variety of different works for many reasons. From the mixture of short stories, films, full-length novels, and pieces of music that Professor Due introduced to the class, Afrofuturism proves to defy a monolithic definition. Science-fiction plays a significant role in many Afrofuturist works, but the genre goes beyond robots and spacecrafts. 
For example, the music of Afrofuturist artists doesn't always employ science-fiction tropes in its production. However, musicians like Herbie Hancock fit within the Afrofuturism genre due to the otherworldly notions present in their work. In the early 80s, Hancock used emerging technologies to envoke a futuristic tone in his seminal hit Rockit. "When "Rockit" was released in the summer of '83," writes music journalist S.H. Fernando, "it sounded like the future." (1) Hancock became an early pioneer in modern-day hip hop trends due to his use of the vocoder. This synthesizing machine was brand new during the time of Rockit's release. "Herbie began to fully realize the vocal possibilities enabled by the advance of synthesizer technology," states writers on the artist's website (2). Although Hancock's influential track was entirely instrumental, his use of emerging technology opened doors for later musicians and helped to solidify hip hop as the nation's most popular music genre. 
In a sense, Herbie Hancock's 1983 hit Rockit encapsulated the central tenet of the Afrofuturism genre by using technology to uplift Black culture into the future. By using technological advancements to enrich his musicianship, Hancock and the song "undeniably helped pave the way for mainstream acceptance of hip-hop." (1) Moreover, Hancock's innovation inspired the later use of autotune, a popular technique employed by remarkable rappers like T-Pain, Lil Wayne, and the more contemporary Lil Uzi Vert (yes, I'm old, LOL). While Hancock did employ some glittering robots and futuristic imagery during his debut performance of Rockit at the 1983 Grammy Awards, the influence of the track on using technology to bring Black culture to the mainstream is its strongest tie to Afrofuturism. Rockit is yet another example of the broad scope of Afrofuturism, showing that the genre can manifest in the real world and not just in fantasy. 
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kickmag · 3 years ago
MF DOOM's Story To Be Told In Upcoming Biography
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Masked rapper MF DOOM died two years ago and the first posthumous biography about him is on the way. According to publisher Astra House The Chronicles Of DOOM: Unraveling Rap's Masked Iconolast is currently being written by journalist S.H. Fernando Jr. The book promises to fill in the gaps of DOOM's mystique and tell the whole story of his life and the full trajectory of his rap career from the days of KMD to becoming the only rapper famous for wearing a mask.  The book will come out in 2024. 
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pswgallery · 3 years ago
ToCall No.16 online contributors
Amanda Earl (Canada)
Andrés Felipe Uribe Cárdenas (Colombia)
Angela Caporaso (Italy)
Ankie van Dijk (Netherland)
Anna Hedenrud (Sweden)
Charlotte Jung (USA & Sweden)
Chris Wells (USA)
Claudia García (Argentina)
Constanze Kreiser (Germany)
David Felix (UK)
Diktgymnasiet (Sweden)
Enrico Borsano Colussi (Italy)
Federico Federici (Italy)
Feliciano Mira (Portugal)
Fernando Aguiar (Portugal)
Ferran Destemple (Spain)
Frank Singleton (USA)
James Knight (UK)
Johannes S.H. Bjerg (Denmark)
John Pedder (UK)
José Rufino (Brazil)
Laurent Sauerwein (Germany & France)
Lina Nordenström (Sweden)
Maggie Rosenau (USA)
Marianne Holm Hansen (UK)
Nadine Pitthan (Germany)
Paco Pérec Belda (Spain)
Piotr Szreniawski (Poland)
Rémi Forte (France)
Rhys Trimble (UK)
Robert Dörfler (Germany)
Sara Elgerot (Sweden)
Serse Luigetti (Italy)
Thomas Buts (Germany)
Thomas Poeser (Germany)
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redaksi · 3 years ago
Keerom || redaksijateng 81 Pos Jajaran Kipur D Satgas Pamtas RI-PNG Yonif 711/Rks* menerima penyuluhan hukum dari Perwira Hukum Satgas Yonif 711/Rks Lettu Chk Gaufik Dali Fernando, S.H. di Kampung Wembi Distrik Arso, Kab. Keerom Jayapura Minggu (16/01/2022). Hal tersebut disampaikan Dansatgas Pamtas RI-PNG Yonif 711/Rks Letkol Inf Mutakbir, dalam rilis tertulisnya Skouw Sae, Distrik Muara Tami,…
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aktifnews · 3 years ago
Polres Tanjungpinang Berhasil Ungkap Kasus Narkotika Jenis Sabu 1 Kg dan 27 Butir Ekstasi
Polres Tanjungpinang Berhasil Ungkap Kasus Narkotika Jenis Sabu 1 Kg dan 27 Butir Ekstasi
AKTIF NEWS | TANJUNGPINANG – Kapolres Tanjungpinang AKBP FERNANDO, S.H., S.I.K., pimpin Konferensi Pers Tindak Pidana Narkotika. Rabu (12/01/2022). Didampingi Kasat Resnarkoba Polres Tanjungpinang AKP Ronny B, SH, Kasi Humas Polres Tanjungpinang AKP SUPRIHADI HANTONO, Kapolres menjelaskan adapun kronologis kejadian bahwa pada hari Selasa, 04 januari 2022 Sat Resnarkoba Polres Tanjungpinang…
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madakipuranews · 4 years ago
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DANYONMARHANLAN IV TERIMA KUNJUNGAN DANDIM 0316, DANYONIF 136 TUAH SAKTI DAN KAPOLRES TANJUNGPINANG Komandan Batalyon Marinir Pertahanan Pangkalan (Danyonmarhanlan) IV Tanjungpinang Letkol Marinir Kemal Mahdar, S.H., M.Tr.Opsla., menerima kunjungan Komandan Kodim 0316 Batam Letkol Kav Sigit Dharma Wiryawan, Komandan Batalyon Infanteri 136 Tuah Sakti Batam Letkol Inf Dodiek Wardoyo, S.A.P., M.I.Pol., dan Kapolres Kota Tanjungpinang AKBP Fernando, S.H., S.I.K., bertempat di Mako Yonamarhanlan IV Jl. Hangtuah No. 03 Kec. Tanjungpinang Barat, Kota Tanjungpinang, Kepri, Selasa (18/05/2021). Pada kunjungan ini para Komandan satuan tersebut membahas persiapan Kunjungan Kerja Presiden RI Bapak Ir. Joko Widodo di Wilayah kota Tanjungpinang yang akan dilaksanakan pada 19 Mei 2021. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk mengkoordinasikan dan mensinergikan tugas-tugas dan personel yang akan dilibatkan, serta segala sesuatu yang dibutuhkan untuk mendukung pelaksanaan kegiatan Presiden dan rombongan di wilayah Kota Tanjungpinang dapat terlaksana dengan aman dan lancar. Pada kesempatan tersebut, Danyonmarhanlan IV menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih kepada Dandim 0316, Danyonif 136 Batam dan Kapolres Kota Tanjungpinang karena telah berkenan mengunjungi Mako Yonamarhanlan IV unruk berkoordinasi terkait pengamanan Kunjungan Kerja Presiden Joko Widodo. Danyonmarhanlan IV juga menambahkan bahwa pihaknya telah siap kapan saja dalam persiapan kunjungan Bapak Presiden RI ke wilayah Kota Tanjungpinang, baik dalam pengamanan terbuka maupun tertutup sebagai penanggung jawab rute kunker (Dansat Rute) kunjungan RI 1. https://www.instagram.com/p/CPD0OGjNS7z/?utm_medium=tumblr
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fmhiphop · 2 years ago
MF DOOM's Wife Celebrates The Late Rapper's 51st Birthday
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Not long ago, Hip-Hop lost one of the genre's most talented & historic rappers. MF DOOM would've turned 51 years old yesterday (July 13th) & his wife dedicated a tribute to the late MC with a sentimental Instagram post. The image shows a birthday cake & features the caption "'Never forget alwayz remember' Old Dad. Best day ever 13th. -Lovingly Jasmine." There's also a video attached to the post that shows DOOM being celebrated with a display of fireworks as well. Take a look for yourself down below:   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by MF DOOM. ALL CAPS. (@mfdoom) The Death Of A Hip-Hop Legend It's been over a year since the death of MF DOOM was announced on New Year's Eve in 2020. The news came weeks after he initially passed away, but out of respect, his family delayed sharing the information. He's influenced many artists in his lifetime, including Lupe Fiasco, Earl Sweatshirt, Tyler the Creator, Trippie Redd & many more. His style was one of the most unique to ever exist in Rap & not always easily accessible. It's hard to deny his lyrical genius & endless amount of creativity when hearing his songwriting. Despite not being a common mainstream name, his legacy will always carry on & propel him into the memories of everyone his music touched globally.   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by MF DOOM. ALL CAPS. (@mfdoom)   How DOOM's Legacy Is Still Continuing? MF DOOM built a huge brand name for himself while alive & can be recognized globally. The New York icon's family is doing a great at preserving his image & continuing his legacy. It's been reported that an official biography is being worked on & written by S.H. Fernando Jr. for MF DOOM. As of now, it's set to be released sometime in 2024 hopefully. Additionally, DOOM got a street named after him in Long Beach, NY around the time of his 50th birthday last year. With all that said, what does MF DOOM & his career mean to you? Read more of FM Hip-Hop’s featured articles today.   Written by: Oryah Brown | Instagram: @oryah.wav Read the full article
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