#Ruth Bekele
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Boygenius, Clairo, Dijon & Bartees Strange – Re:SET – Forest Hills Stadium – New York, NY – June 17, 2023
Photos by Ruth Bekele © 2023
#boygenius#clairo#dijon#bartees strange#2023#Re:SET#Concert Photos#Forest Hills Stadium#New York#Ruth Bekele
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Yoshiki – Carnegie Hall – New York, NY – October 28, 2023
Yoshiki is a Japanese musician and composer. As the drummer, pianist, and founding member of the rock band, X Japan, he is no stranger to playing iconic stages around the world like Wembley Arena, Madison Square Garden and Coachella – just to name a few. Fresh off of the stage at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles, Royal Albert Hall in London and the Garden Theater in Tokyo, Yoshiki’s Classical “REQUIEM” tour made its final stop at Carnegie Hall in New York City.
The audience filed in one by one, some in costume as it was Halloween weekend and some in their finest attire. Soon enough the room was full, the lights were dimmed, the ushers let in some final stragglers and the performance began.

The show started with the orchestra alone playing a piece composed by Yoshiki before he took the stage. A short video was played after the first piece to give the audience a glimpse into Yoshiki’s life. It talked about how music had been a part of his life since he was a kid, what his relationship with his parents was like and what being the first Japanese artist to have his handprints and footprints in cement at the TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood meant to him.
He reflected on moments in his career when doctors told him he wouldn’t be able to play the drums again after getting surgery for severe damage done to his neck over the years and how he was able to overcome this and get back to drumming once again.

With a smile on his face, Yoshiki then took the stage, and the audience welcomed him with open arms. The performance consisted mostly of pieces composed by Yoshiki where he was accompanied by individual vocalists and a full orchestra behind him. He also performed songs from X Japan’s discography, Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake where he was joined by a ballet dancer on stage, and even a drum solo.
Every person listened attentively and with great appreciation, you could feel the excitement buzzing in the room before he even took the stage and it only felt stronger when he began to play. It was a beautiful night that felt like a true celebration of music and Yoshiki’s career to this point.
Ruth Bekele
Copyright ©2023 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: October 30, 2023.
Photos by Ruth Bekele © 2023. All rights reserved.
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Récord sudamericano de Silvia Ortiz y notable nivel en el maratón de Valencia
Mientras el maratón de Valencia-Trinidad Alfonso se ha confirmado como uno de los principales del mundo, con su excepcional nivel de elite y sus 33 mil participantes en la línea de salida, este domingo 3 de diciembre, varios atletas sudamericanos cumplieron un excelente papel. Cayó el récord sudamericano femenino, por segunda vez en menos de tres meses, y también se mejoraron marcas nacionales. El etíope Sisay Lemma encabezó la clasificación masculina con 2:01:48, constituyéndose así en el cuarto corredor en la historia que baja de las 2:02. En varios momentos pareció que iba a aproximarse al récord mundial, aunque declinó levemente en los últimos tramos. De todos modos, estableció el nuevo récord del circuito, mejorando por cinco segundos el que había fijado el año pasado el keniata Kelvim Kiptum, quien justamente en Chicago, hace pocas semanas, se apoderó del récord mundial con otro registro “estratosférico”. En total, 40 hombres corrieron por debajo de 2:10, lo que indica el nivel “super” de esta prueba. El mejor sudamericano fue el brasileño Daniel Ferreira do Nascimento, 33° con 2:08.40, aunque no pudo acercarse a su plusmarca (2:04:51) ni la mínima olímpica para París (2:08.10). El ecuatoriano Segundo Oswaldo Jami concretó una gran actuación con su 38° puesto en 2:09:05, estableciendo el nuevo récord para su país y convirtiéndose en el 18° corredor sudamericano en bajar de 2:10. Su registro lo ubica noveno en la tabla sudamericana permanente y mejora el tope nacional que Silvio Guerra había fijado en Chicago (19-10-97) con 2:09:49. Poco después llegó el recordman argentino Joaquín Arbe (41° con 2:10:03) y los otros sudamericanos en el top 100 fueron el peruano Ferdinand Cereceda (52° con 2:12:19), su compatriota Nelson Ito (69° con 2:15:41) y el brasileño Vagner da Silva Noronha (75° con 2:16:30). En damas, la etíope Workesh Degefa consiguió desborar a su compatriota y favorita Almaz Ayana para ganar en 2:15:51. Y la ecuatoriana Silvia Patricia Ortiz brilló con su marca de 2:24:50, que no solo representa el nuevo récord sudamericano, sino que también la clasifica por dos minutos (la mínima es 2:26:50) para los Juegos de París. El anterior récord sudamericano era de la colombiana Angie Orjuela con 2:25.35, logrado el pasado 24 de septiembre en Berlin. Ortiz había fijado el récod de su país en el maratón de Sevilla, en febrero, con 2:27.36, pero luego fue superado por su veterana compatriota Rosa Alva Chacha en Hamburgo (2:26:34). Ortiz –quien cuenta entre sus antecedentes con el título sudamericano de maratón 2021 en Asunción- participó en el reciente Mundial de Budapest, donde fue la mejor sudamericana del maratón (29ª. con 2:35:09). Ahora, en Valencia, 45 mujeres corrieron por debajo de 2:30, otro ejemplo de la calidad de la competición. La ecuatoriana Mary Zeneida Granja extendió la gran performance de los atletas de su país al bajar por primera vez de aquel registro (fue 45ª con 2:29:30). Y luego se ubicaron: 48ª. Magaly Josefina García (Venezuela) 2:31:45, 51ª. Katherine Ruth Tisalema (Ecuador) 2:32:50, 55ª. Marcela Cristina Gómez (Argentina) 2:34:03, 60 Carmen Patricia Martínez (Paraguay) 2:36:44, 72ª. la debutante Graziella Zarri (Brasil) 2:42:48 y 77ª. Tania Chávez-Moser (Bolivia) 2:44:46. La marca de Magaly García constituye el nuevo récord de Venezuela, mejorando las 2:36:07 que había logrado el 19 de marzo en Caracas. La prueba masculina Dentro del elevado nivel, había expectativa por el debut del astro de las pistas, el ugandés Joshua Cheptegei, recordman mundial de 5.000 y 10 mil metros llanos, tricampeón mundial y campeón olímpico. Sólo pudo mantener el ritmo de los líderes hasta promediar la prueba, ya que luego declinó y terminó 37° con 2:08:59. Otro de los astros mundiales con presencia en Valencia fue esa leyenda etíope llamada Kenenisa Bekele quien, a sus 41 años, produjo notables 2:04:19 para obtener el cuarto puesto. Los nombres dominantes fueron sus compatriota Sisay Lemma y Dawit Wolde, y el keniata Kibiwott Kandie. Iban al frente hasta el km. 30 cuando Lemma consiguió desprenderse para recorrer en solitario –y pujando por los récords- en los últimos tramos. Se había largado con un clima ideal, de 6°C en la salida (subió hasta 9°C en la meta), humedad del 60% y vientos leves. Los parciales del grupo líder fueron 14:28 para los 5k, 28:55 para los 10, 43:03 para los 15 y 57:25 para los 20. El paso de ese grupo, con dos “pacemakers” y seis hombres en punta, fue de 1.00:35 en el medio maratón, lo que significaba 13 segundos por debajo del parcial de Kiptum en su récord mundial, aunque se sabe que el keniata tiene su fuerte en el segundo tramo. “Ya en el kil��metro 25 me di cuenta que el récord mundial sería muy difícil, por lo que me propuse ganar y mejorar la marca de Valencia” dijo Lemma. Recibió 75 mil euros de premio por su victoria y 30 mil euros de bonus por el récord de la prueba (también estaba previsto un super bonus de 250 mil euros por récord mundial). Lemma, quien cumplirá 33 años el próximo 12 de diciembre, tenía como mejor marca 2:03:36 desde Berlin 2019, cuando llegó tercero en la carrera ganada por Bekele con 2:01:41. Entre los principales antecedentes de Lemma también se cuenta cono su victoria en una “major” (Londres 2021 con 2:04:01) y terceros puestos en esa misma ciudad (2020 con 2:05:45) y Tokio (2020 con 2:04:51). España celebró el nuevo récord nacional de Tariku Novales, quien marcó 2:05:48 y ocupó el 11° puesto. Tariku nació en Etiopía, pero llegó a los seis años a España, donde fue adoptado por una familia (igualmente, ya como profesional y a sus 25 años, entrena regularmente en las altiplanicies etíopes). Ahora dejó atrás la plusmarca española que Ayad Lamdassem mantenía con 2:06:25. El top 10 masculino 1 Sisay Lemma (Etiopía) 2:01:48 2 Alexander Mutiso (Kenia) 2:03:11 3 Dawit Wolde (Etiopía) 2:03:48 4 Kenenisa Bekele (Etopía) 2:04:19 5 Gabriel Geay (Tanzania) 2:04:33 6 Kibiwott Kandie (Kenia) 2:04:48 7 Chalu Deso (Etopía) 2:05:14 8 Mohamed Esa Huseydin (K) 2:05:40 9 Medhi Frere (Francia) 2:05:43 10 Gasha Ayale (Israel) 2:05:46 La prueba femenina Las damas completaron una fiesta total para Etiopía ya que se concentró el duelo esperado entre Ayana (campeona olímpica de 10 mil metros en Rio 2016) y Degefa, con Gebrekidan manteniéndose entre ellas junto al km. 10 que pasaron en 32:02 y el medio maratón en 1:07.29, con un minuto de ventaja sobre la keniata Chepchirchir. Ayana trató de despegarse, pero Degefa –quien volvía a correr maratón después de cuatro años- no le perdió pisada. Y a los 33 km. Degefa se adelantó por primera vez, tomando una ventaja de cuatro segundos al paso de los 35 km (1:52:4). Allí Gebrekidan se había atrasado unos 50s. Degefa amplió su ventaja en los siguientes kilómetros y se convirtió en virtual ganadora por 40 kilómetros, ya que su margen había aumentado a 21 segundos. Cruzó la línea de meta muy por dentro de la barrera de los 2:16 gracias a una actuación de 2:15:51 que mejoró su mejor marca anterior de su carrera de 2:17:41 de 2019 y la llevó al séptimo lugar en la lista mundial femenina de todos los tiempos. Ayana también hizo su marca personal de 2:16:22, mientras que Gebrekidan completó el podio etíope en 2:17:59, 1:11 más rápido que su mejor marca anterior. El récord del circuito es 2:14:57, logrado el año pasado por otra etíope, Amane Beriso. Al igual que entre los hombres, España contó aquí con un nuevo récord nacional, correspondiente a Maayoufi con su quinto puesto en 2:21:27. Es marroquí, pero el último año adoptó la nacionalidad española. Y batió el récord de 2:26:14 que tenía Marta Galimanyi. El top 10 femenino 1 Worknesh Degefa (Etiopía) 2:15:51 2 Almaz Ayana (Etopía) 2:16:22 3 Hinot Gebrekidan (Etiopía) 2:17:59 4 Celestine Chepchirichir (K) 2:20:46 5 Majida Maayouf (España) 2:21:27 6 Sultan Haydar (Turquía) 2:21:27 7 Sesi Mokonin (Bahrein) 2:22:29 8 Genevieve Gregson (Australia)2:23:08 9 Sofia Yaremchuk (Italia) 2:23:16 10 Isobel Batt-Doyle (Australia) 2:23:27 Read the full article
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April 22
Moleskine Detour Arles 22 april - 14 may 2023 Opening Exhibition of notebooks from the Moleskine Foundation Collection Artists: Erdem Akan, Yasser Alhasan, Tamadher Ali Alfahal, Batool A. Aziz AlShaikh, Joël Andrianomearisoa, Yuval Avital, Leilah Babyrie, Ruth Bekele, Quentin Bidaud, Mirko Borsche, Jason Brooks, Simonetta Capecchi, Giancarlo Carnevale, Joel Chu, Kellyn Lisbeth Córdoba, Julien D’Ys, Paul Dewis, Jean-Claude Ellena, Robert Gligorov, Michael Graves, Steven Guarnaccia, Martha Kazungu, William Kentrige, Diobédo Francis Kéré, Toshiyuki Kita, Libri finti clandestini, Carl Liu, Giorgia Lupi, Hans Maier-Aichen, Rachel Marks, Davide Masi, Reg Mombassa, Alioum Moussa, Daniel Müller, Aida Muluneh, Tatiana Musi, Stéphanie Nava, Ou Ning, Roberto Paci Dalò, Maurice Pefura, Pi Piquer, Julie Polidoro, Oki Sato, Paula Scher, Julian Semiao, Cheikh Yakhouba Sidibe, Carlo Stanga, Mark Todd, Siren Elise Wilhelmsen, Amina Zoubir Festival du Dessin Eglise de Saint Blaise, 33 rue Vauban Arles, France
0 notes
In celebration of Black History Month, here’s a masterlist below compiled of over 320+ Ethiopian faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever character or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK - examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Tamara Ustinov (1945) Ethiopian, Polish Jewish, Italian, Russian, French, German / Irish, Scottish, Welsh, English - actress.
Aster Aweke (1959) Ethiopian - singer.
Dennenesch Zoudé (1966) Ethiopian - actress.
Senait Ashenafi (1966) Ethiopian - actress, singer, model, and dancer.
Meskie Shibru-Sivan (1967) Ethiopian Jewish - actress and singer.
Julie Mehretu (1970) Ethiopian / Unknown - artist.
Marika Carlsson (1973) Ethiopian - tv personality and comedian.
Katarina Sandström (1974) Ethiopian - tv presenter and journalist.
Maaza Mengiste (1974) Ethiopian - writer.
Gigi / Ejigayehu Shibabaw (1974) Ethiopian - singer.
Kadra Ahmed-Omar (1975) Ethiopian, Somali - model.
Carla Harvey (1976) Ethiopian, Italian, Irish, Finnish - actress, singer, and writer.
Liya Kebede (1978) Ethiopian - actress, model, and clothing designer.
Ayala Ingedashet (1978) Ethiopian Jewish - singer.
Emilia / Emilia Mitiku / Emilia Rydberg (1978) Ethiopian / Swedish - singer.
Dege Feder (1978) Ethiopian Jewish - dancer.
Wanda Scott / Saaphyri Windsor (1979) Ethiopian - actress, model, reality tv contestant, hairstylist, and entrepreneur.
Helen Lasichanh (1980) Ethiopian / Lao - model.
Cabra Casay (1982) Ethiopian Jewish - singer.
Hayat Ahmed (1982) Ethiopian - model and Miss World Ethiopia 2003.
Kelela / Kelela Mizanekristos (1983) Ethiopian - singer-songwriter.
Esti Mamo (1983) Ethiopian Jewish - model and actress.
Zeritu / Zeritu Kebede (1984) Ethiopian - actress, singer-songwriter, producer, and screenwriter.
Kidan Tesfahun (1984) Ethiopian - model and Miss Earth Ethiopia 2008.
Ilfenesh Hadera (1985) Ethiopian / Unspecified European - actress.
Yodit Getahun (1985) Ethiopian - model and Miss Earth Ethiopia 2003.
Jade Eshete (1985) Ethiopian / Guyanese - actress.
Ester Rada (1985) Ethiopian Jewish - singer and actress.
Fatima Siad (1986) Ethiopian / Somali - model.
Andrea Brooks (1986) Ethiopian, Puerto Rican, Swedish - YouTuber (AndreasChoice).
Gelila Bekele (1986) Ethiopian - model and filmmaker.
LoLa Monroe / Angel Melaku / Fershgenet Melaku (1986) Ethiopian - actress, rapper, and model.
Mahder Assefa (1987) Ethiopian - actress.
Semra Kebede (1987) Ethiopian - actress, model, and Miss Ethiopia USA 2006.
Desirèe Noferini (1987) Ethiopian - actress.
Mirel Wagner (1987) Ethiopian - singer-songwriter.
Tahounia Rubel (1988) Ethiopian Jewish - model and tv personality.
Israela Avtau (1988) Ethiopian Jewish - model.
Sara Nuru (1989) Ethiopian - model.
Hagit Yaso (1989) Ethiopian Jewish - singer.
Alicia Monet Caldwell (1989) Ethiopian, Mohawk / African-American - actress.
Helen Getachew (1990) Ethiopian - model and Miss Universe Ethiopia 2012.
Hibret Fekadu (1990) Ethiopian - model and Miss World Ethiopia 2008.
Yirgalem Hadish (1990 or 1991) Ethiopian - model and Miss World Ethiopia 2014.
Fryat Yemane (1991) Ethiopian - actress, model, and tv host.
Tarik Chernet (1991) Ethiopian - actress.
Afomia Hailemeskel (1991) Ethiopian - actress.
Yityish Titi Aynaw (1991) Ethiopian Jewish - model and Miss Israel 2013.
Genet Tsegay (1991) Ethiopian - Miss World Ethiopia 2013.
Heben Nigatu (1991) Ethiopian - buzzfeed employee, comedian, podcaster, and writer.
Tensaye Yosef (1992) Ethiopian - actress.
Berta Vázquez (1992) Ethiopian / Ukrainian - actress, model, and singer.
Mhadere Tigabe (1992) Ethiopian - model and Miss Universe Ethiopia 2013.
Chinutay (1992) Ethiopian - YouTuber.
Selam Tesfaye (1993) Ethiopian - actress.
Kisanet Teklehaimanot (1993 or 1994) Ethiopian - Miss World Ethiopia 2015.
Hanan Tarq (1994) Ethiopian / Yemeni - actress.
Izzy Bizu / Isobel Beardshaw (1994) Ethiopian / English - singer-songwriter.
Kisanet Molla / Kisanet Gbereslasie (1994 or 1995) Ethiopian - Miss World Ethiopia 2017.
Soliyana Assefa (1994 or 1995) Ethiopian - Miss World Ethiopia 2016.
Ruth B / Ruth Berhe (1995) Habesha Ethiopian - singer-songwriter and pianist.
Aysha Abdul / Aysha Harun (1995) Harari Ethiopian, Yemeni, Turkish - youtuber.
Naomi Berhane (1996) Ethiopian - actress.
Addisalem Getaneh (1996) Ethiopian - actress.
Meklit / Meklit Hadero (?) Ethiopian - singer-songwriter.
Amleset Muchie (?) Ethiopian - actress, model, and filmmaker.
Malka Ingedashet (?) Ethiopian Jewish - singer.
Abby Lakew (?) Ethiopian - actress and singer.
Wayna / Woyneab Miraf Wondwossen (?) Ethiopian - singer-songwriter.
Munit Mesfin (?) Ethiopian - singer-songwriter.
Candee Zarah Rue (?) Ethiopian, Nigerian, Senegalese, Onondaga, Cherokee, Sephardi Jewish - youtuber.
Meron Getnet (?) Ethiopian - actress.
Yoadan Ephrem (?) Ethiopian - actress.
Blen Mamo (?) Ethiopian - actress.
Esti Elias (?) Ethiopian Jewish - model.
Dina Fekadu (?) Ethiopian - model, tv host, and Miss Universe Ethiopia 2006.
Fanta Prada (?) Ethiopian Jewish - model.
Kuku Sebsebe / Kuku Sebsibe (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Shani Mashsha (?) Ethiopian Jewish - model.
Kalkidan Tibebu (?) Ethiopian - actress.
Meseret Mebrate (?) Ethiopian - actress.
Yvette Parish (?) Ethiopian, Unspecified Native American - actress and model.
Tigist Helen Schmidt (?) Ethiopian / Swedish - actress.
Nadia Bellete (?) Ethiopian - actress.
Tesfaye Adugna (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Yodit Mengistu (?) Ethiopian - actress.
Marta Goytome (?) Ethiopian - actress.
Miriam Ibrahim (?) Ethiopian / German - actress, director and producer.
Phoenix Skye (?) Ethiopian, German - Instagrammer and gamer (Instagram:itsphoenixskye)
Selamawit Shiferaw (?) Ethiopian - Instagrammer: _selam)
Bethlehem Daniel (?) Ethiopian - model (Instagram: bedy_d)
Foziya Awel (?) Ethiopian - Instagrammer (foooziya)
Magdelin Embaye Haile (?) Ethiopian - Instagrammer (magdelinembaye)
Sapphira New (?) Ethiopian - model (Instagram: enly10me)
Lucy Ricardo (?) Ethiopian - Instagrammer (lucyricardo_)
Mazal Ayano (?) Ethiopian - Instagrammer (mazal_ayano)
Wintana Mathios (?) Ethiopian - Instagrammer (wintanamathios)
Tutu Demele (?) Ethiopian - Instagrammer (Instagram: 1beautiful_t)
Miss Mary / Mary Telahun - Instagrammer (Instagram: marytelahun)
Rekik (?) Ethiopian - YouTuber (Instagram: dopeethiopian)
Akela (?) Ethiopian - YouTuber (Instagram: akela.y)
Tizita Balemlay (?) Ethiopian - CEO of Plugged (Instagram: theplugsdaughterr)
Blenbeauty_ (?) Ethiopian - Owner of Keep Me Pretty (Instagram: blenbeauty_)
Callherhelen (?) Ethiopian - Instagrammer (callherhelen)
Msrtaye (?) Ethiopian - Instagrammer (Instagram: msrtaye)
Shyjerri (?) Ethiopian - Instagrammer (Instagram: shyjerri)
Senait / Senait Ghebrehiwet Mehari (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Marzel (?) Ethiopian - Instagrammer: Touch By Marzel)
Weeha (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Sityana Teni (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Betty G (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Rahel Getu (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Lemlem Haile Michael (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Zebiba Girma (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Rekik Teshome (?) Ethiopian - actress.
Mekdes Tsegaye (?) Ethiopian - actress and director.
Minyeshu / Minyeshu Kifle Tedla (?) Ethiopian - singer and dancer.
Jote Deresu (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Tsigereda Legesse (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Yeneta Abebe (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Lense Lemessa (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Wengelawit Fiseha (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Mekdes Hailu (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Mahi (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Asrebeb Tadege (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Soliyana Abayneh (?) Ethiopian - Miss World Ethiopia 2018.
Rodas Tamiru (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Sara T (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Zinash Tsegaye (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Lidya Mekuanent (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Teref Kassahun (?) Ethiopian - musician.
Eyerusalem Kelemework (?) Ethiopian - musician.
Weyni Hailemariam (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Selamawit Yohannes (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Fetilework Tesfaye (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Maritu Tamalew (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Zantana (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Loza Wendimhun (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Yenenesh Belete (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Didi Gaga (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Rahel Gemechu (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Menbere T/Silassie (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Betelhem Abebe (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Znar Zema (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Eyerus Anteneh (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Alemtsehay Asrat (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Mahder Getahun (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Sara Desta (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Christina Melkamu (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Eden Gebreselassie (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Kalkidan Hulunayehu (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Luci (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Tsedi (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Samrawit Belete (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Neima Ahmed (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Heran Gediyon (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Amarech Alemu (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Etsegenet Hailemariam (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Hiwot Shiko (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Adnew Bekele (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Abenet Demissie (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Roza Yitbarek (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Eskedar Wedaje (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Argaw Bedaso (1934) Gurage Ethiopian - singer.
Duke / Abdul Fakir (1935) Ethiopian / Bangladeshi - singer.
Mahmoud Ahmed (1941) Gurage Ethiopian - singer.
Alemayehu Eshete / Alèmayèhu Eshèté (1941) Ethiopian - singer.
Jorge Ben / Jorge Ben Jor / Jorge Duilio Lima Menezes (1942) Brazilian [Ethiopian / Unspecified] - singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Mulatu Astatke / Mulatu Astatqé (1943) Ethiopian - musician, composer, and arranger.
Shantam Shubissa / Mohamed Ibrahim Waday (1944) Oromo Ethiopian - singer, composer, and poet.
Ali Birra / Ali Mahammed (1947) Oromo Ethiopian - singer, composer, and poet.
Alemu Aga (1950) Ethiopian - singer and begena player.
Dawit Yifru (1952) Ethiopian - keyboardist and arranger.
Muluken Melesse (1954) Ethiopian - singer and drummer.
Shabba-Doo / Shabba Doo / Adolfo Gordon Quiñones / Adolfo Gutierrez Quiñones (1955) Ethiopian / Puerto Rican - actor, dancer, and choreographer.
Abatte Barihun (1967) Ethiopian Jewish - musician.
Lemn Sissay (1967) Ethiopian - author and broadcaster.
Theodros Teshome / Theodros Teshome Kebede / Tewodros Teshome (1970) Ethiopian - actor, director, producer, and writer.
Tommy T / Thomas Gobena (1974) Ethiopian - bassist.
Shmuel Beru (1975) Ethiopian Jewish - actor, comedian, and director.
Shai Fredo (1975) Ethiopian Jewish - actor.
Raptile / Addis / Addis Mussa (1976) Ethiopian - rapper-songwriter and producer.
Teddy Afro / Tewodros Kassahun (1976) Ethiopian - singer.
Abdu Kiar (1976) Ethiopian - singer.
Gonjasufi / Sumach Ecks (1978) Ethiopian, Possibly Other / Mexican - actor, singer, guitarist, DJ, producer, and yoga teacher.
Y-Love / Yitz Jordan (1978) Ethiopian / Puerto Rican - rapper.
Kenna / Kenna Zemedkun (1978) Ethiopian - singer-songwriter, keyboardist, and producer.
Yosef Wolde-Mariam (1978) Ethiopian / Eritrean - rapper and tv presenter.
Dinaw Mengestu (1978) Ethiopian - novelist and writer.
Sirak M. Sabahat (1981) Ethiopian Jewish - actor.
Gabriel Teodros (1981) Ethiopian / Unspecified Native American, Irish, Scottish - rapper.
Honey Mahogany / Alpha Mulugeta (1983) Ethiopian - singer, tv personality, drag queen, and entertainer.
Boonaa Mohammed (1987) Oromo Ethiopian - poet.
Prinssi Jusuf (1990) Ethiopian - rapper.
Sky Lakota-Lynch (1991) Haliwa-Saponi / Ethiopian, English - actor and comedian.
Aminé / Adam Aminé Daniel (1994) Ethiopian / Eritrean - rapper-songwriter, singer, and director.
Nathan Zed (1997) Ethiopian - youtuber (The Third Pew).
dBlackLion / Imanuel Yerday (?) Ethiopian Jewish - singer-songwriter.
Uri Elman (?) Ethiopian Jewish - rapper (Strong Black Coffee).
Ilek Sahalu (?) Ethiopian Jewish - rapper (Strong Black Coffee).
Jeremy Cool Habash (?) Ethiopian Jewish - rapper.
Mikael Ayele (?) Ethiopian, Swedish - actor and filmmaker.
Bineyam Girma (?) Ethiopian - actor.
Lidetu Berhanu (?) Ethiopian - model (Instagram: lidetu.berhanu)
Robitey Kahsay (?) Ethiopian - model (Instagram: robitey_kahsay_)
Degife Romari (?) Ethiopian - model. (Instagram: degife_romari_official)
Sam G (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Jacky Gosee (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Nhatty Man (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Bonitua (?) Ethiopian - rapper.
Biruk Dejene (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Muas Baba (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Ashenafi Geremew (?) Ethiopian - singer.
MIky Yo (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Yabu Mo (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Papio Belete (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Deme Lula (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Bereket Elias (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Dinberu Tadesse (?) Ethiopian - singer.
EEKAA (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Samuel Seneshaw (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Habtamu G /Tsadik (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Stif Lion (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Jino (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Destaw Teshager (?) Ethiopian - singer.
John Haftu (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Yared Negu (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Micky Gonderegna (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Wendesen Biru (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Bini Goytom (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Lion Sunday (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Hirphaa Gaanfuree (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Armah Abila (?) Ethiopian - singer.
King Teddy (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Asmelash Tamirayehu (?) Ethiopian - singer.
T - Man (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Abebaw Kesete (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Gildo Kassa (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Demere Legesse (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Minyibel Biweta (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Tamene Kapite (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Genet Bekele (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Temesgen Kassa (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Dagi D (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Ezzy Esayas (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Kaleab Abraham (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Eshetu Mersha (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Bahta Kiros (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Yohannes Gebregziabher (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Tade Gidyelew (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Mule Tattoo (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Rediet Tolosa (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Solomon Habte (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Assefa Teshale (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Berhanu Teka (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Shimeles Debash (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Guanche Berhe (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Sol Romeyo (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Habtu Ashagre (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Cha Cha Sami (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Esubalew Yetayew (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Mikiyas Nigussie (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Girmaw Admasu (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Mulusew Addis (?) Ethiopian - singer.
LTD BulBul (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Leencoo Gammachuu (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Getale Alemayehu (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Temesgen Gebregziabher (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Andy Amare (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Mesfin Hailemariam (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Yeheyes Ayele (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Heny One (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Woldemariam Getahun (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Asegid Eshetu (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Semahegn Eshetu (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Alemayehu Edmealem (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Tekalign Abebe (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Yohannes Werku (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Ambachew Berhan (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Ras Jany (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Zemas (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Yitbarek Abebe T (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Gawlaro Menda (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Ashenafi Zeberga (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Tesfaye Kebede (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Abraham Ante (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Wende Tone (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Israel Kidanu (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Mulugeta Alemu (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Wendimu Jira (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Sami Beyene (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Debe Alemseged (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Addis Mulat (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Markon (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Menibel Biweta (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Ameha Sinku (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Tefera Werku (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Tesfalidet Tadesse (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Mule Rootz (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Kaleab Getaneh (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Abebe Alemu (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Yoosaan Geetahun (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Abenet Teshome (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Michael Seleshi (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Fikadu Tizazu (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Endish Endish (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Tesfamariam Gebremeskel (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Mihret Teshome (?) Ethiopian - singer.
G Mesay Kebede (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Getachew Melese (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Debas Zerabruk (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Tewodros Getachew (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Ashenafi Kahsay (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Desalegn Reta (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Mukur Weldu (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Mikiyas Mohammed (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Znabu Kiros (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Henok Getachew (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Solomon Teklya (?) Ethiopian - singer.
Ittiiqaa Tafarii (?) Oromo Ethiopian - singer.
Tiffany Haddish (1979) Eritrean Jewish, Ethiopian Jewish / African American - actress and comedian. - Has stated she’d happily work with Bill Cosby to this day despite his sexual assault allegations and implied that rape isn’t against her morals whilst diminishing rape survivors’ experiences.
Shyne / Moses Michael Levi Barrow / Jamal Michael Barrow (1979) Belizean [Ethiopian Jewish, possibly other] - rapper - Convicted of attempted murder.
Ruth Negga (1982) Ethiopian / Irish - actress. - Played a Rappahannock character in Loving when she is not Native American, let alone Rappahannock.
The Weeknd / Abel Tesfaye (1990) Ethiopian - singer - homophobic lyrics.
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Ethiopia's Kitata sprints to London Marathon win as Kipchoge suffers rare defeat | More sports News
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Ethiopia's Kitata sprints to London Marathon win as Kipchoge suffers rare defeat | More sports News
LONDON: Ethiopian Shura Kitata outsprinted Kenya’s Vincent Kipchumba to win a thrilling London Marathon on Sunday as a stunned world record holder Eliud Kipchoge faded late in the race to suffer his first defeat since 2013. In cold, wet conditions, 24-year-old Kitata edged clear in the final metres to win by one second over Kipchumba in a relatively slow two hours, 05.41 minutes. Sisay Lemma of Ethiopia was third in 2:5.35, with Kipchoge, the hot favourite, who in his last race a year ago became the only man to break the two hour mark for the distance, eighth in 2:06.49 having suffered cramp and a blocked ear. In the absence of injured Kenenisa Bekele, Kipchoge was widely expected to lift a fifth London crown but was never able to impose his usual speed in the relentless cold rain. He was in a pack who went through halfway in just under 63 minutes – very pedestrian in relation to his recent races, not least his official world record of 2:01.39 set in Berlin two years ago. Ethiopians Lemma and Tamirat Tola, both sporting woollen hats to stave off the cold, took up the running as the field began to realize that, perhaps, Kipchoge was struggling. They were right. The favourite, whose face never usually gives any indication of suffering, was showing the occasional grimace and he lacked his usual smoothness. At one point the leaders clocked a five minute mile, a virtual jog at elite level. Then, as never previously seen during his all-conquering career, Kipchoge, 35, broke, dropping back from a pack of six with just over three miles to go. As the pace eventually picked up it was down to three, shoulder to shoulder, as they entered The Mall in a finish more like an 800m race than a marathon. The tall Kipchumba looked as if he would do it as he edged ahead, but Kitata fought back magnificently to take the tape. Kitata, who finished second in London in 2018, thanked his missing compatriot for his victory. “Kenenisa Bekele was helping me for this race and he advised me how to run,” he said. “I trained for the same course, I am very happy to win.” Kipchoge had won 12 of his 13 previous marathons – the blip being a second place behind a then-world record in his second outing over the distance in Berlin in 2013. “I’m really disappointed, I had a problem with my right ear after it blocked, and then I really cramped and had problems with my hip from about the last 15 km,” he said. “It’s really cold but I don’t blame the conditions and I’m still there to come back again.” Earlier, Kenyan world record holder Brigid Kosgei was a comfortable winner of the women’s race in 2:18.58 as American Sara Hall produced a great finish to snatch second from Ruth Chepngetich. The races, originally postponed from April because of the COVID-19 pandemic, were run over almost 20 laps of a fenced-off course in a “controlled secure biosphere” around St James’s Park. Although there was no mass field this year, around 40,000 people are running the distance at venues of their choice through the day. They will receive official finisher’s medals and raise millions of pounds for charities hard hit by the cancellation of the April race.
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Celebs Shower Tyler Perry With Love After His Studios’ Historic Grand Opening Weekend
Tyler Perry Studios held its grand opening over the weekend and celebs are showering him with love and praise for the big feat. Peep their reactions inside…
Tyler Perry unveiled his state-of-the-art Tyler Perry Studios in Atlanta, which sit on 330-acres, inviting a slew of YBF celebs to share in the celebration over the weekend. And it’s a major deal. Tyler Perry Studios is considered one of the largest production studios in the country with 12 soundstages, 40 buildings on-site that are listed on the National Register of Historic Places and more than 200 acres of green space.
Not to mention, he’s the first African-American to own a studio without the backing of corporations or partners. Yeah, he did that. He’s providing a seat at the table like no other.
Welcome to my table!! pic.twitter.com/fzvP3lTQQX
— Tyler Perry (@tylerperry) October 7, 2019
A slew of A-listers were in the mix to celebrate Tyler’s huge accomplishment, including EGOT Whoopi Goldberg (who was honored during the gala), Spike Lee, Beyonce, Jay-Z, Taraji P. Henson, Viola Davis, Cecily Tyson, Halle Berry, Debbie Allen, Samuel L. Jackson, Phylicia Rashad, Usher, Ava DuVernay and TONS more.
Following the epic night, Tyler tried to express his emotions in a tweet:
I’m a writer with no words for Saturday night. So if a picture is worth a thousand words then let them speak for me while I gather my emotions and try to process what happened on Saturday!! https://t.co/KAI2QGPmtz pic.twitter.com/SXBLEeqqV2
— Tyler Perry (@tylerperry) October 7, 2019
He dedicated one of those soundstages to legendary actress Diahann Carroll, who passed away last Friday following a long bout with cancer. Tyler hopped on Instagram to pay tribute to the “Julia” actress, sharing how he had previously planned to pay tribute to the iconic actress before her passing.
”In less than 24 hours I was scheduled to dedicate a sound stage at my new studio to Diahann Carroll,” he wrote. “As I sat reviewing her video tribute, I got a request to call her daughter when she told me of her Mother’s passing. I did what I could to try and comfort her in this difficult time, but I know no words could soothe, however I prayed that it would."
He said Stage 5 in Tyler Perry Studios will forever hold the legacy Diahann Carroll left behind.
We wanted Diahann to hear us in Heaven!!! pic.twitter.com/5iYiW320yY
— Tyler Perry (@tylerperry) October 7, 2019
EGOT Whoopi Goldberg was honored with a soundstage named after her:
What an honor to salute this EGOT legend! @WhoopiGoldberg pic.twitter.com/zn6SNgQNFP
— Tyler Perry (@tylerperry) October 7, 2019
And so did Hollywood titan Will Smith, who was accompanied by his wife Jada Pinkett Smith:
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Congrats to you @willsmith on your sound stage dedication at @tylerperrystudios. You are building such a beautiful legacy around a deeply impactful career in so many ways. I’m very proud of you. Continue to shine light on ... joy : @jas
A post shared by Jada Pinkett Smith (@jadapinkettsmith) on Oct 6, 2019 at 10:49am PDT
Before wrapping up the monumental weekend, Tyler held CHURCH outside on his studio lawn. His girlfriend Gelila Bekele and their 4-year-old son Aman were also in the mix.
Couldn’t close the weekend without Jesus meeting us on the lawn at the studio!! Having a full heart and a thankful soul to all that have prayed me all the way here. https://t.co/DbMSUNDaq1 pic.twitter.com/PFvHvQQsk9
— Tyler Perry (@tylerperry) October 7, 2019
Get into the gospel feels by SEEit Choir, led by Greg Kirkland Jr., below:
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#TylerPerry had his girlfriend #GelilaBekele and their 4-year-old son Aman right by his side as he wrapped up the #TylerPerryStudios soundstage dedication weekend this morning with a gospel choir led by #TashaPageLockhart, #Oprah #StedmanGraham #AvaDuvernay, #Diddy and more. Swipe for Ava’s explanation about just how epic and iconic this is for a black man to own - outright - Studios larger than any Studio in Hollywood, and bigger than Disney, Paramount, Warner, etc. combined. Congratulations isn’t a big enough word. #TylerPerry #YBFInspiration
A post shared by TheYBF (@theybf_daily) on Oct 6, 2019 at 3:24pm PDT
Bishop T. D. Jakes also delivered a word during the Sunday service. Several celebs were in attendance for the Sunday gospel service/brunch, including Oprah, former president Bill Clinton, former first lady Hillary Clinton, Jennifer Hudson, Bevy Smith, Tina Knowles Lawson, Nicole Ari Parker, Jenifer Lewis, Vanessa Williams, April Ryan, Anita Baker, Michelle Williams, Stacey Abrams, Kirk Franklin and more.
Peep flicks of celebs in attendance at Tyler's Sunday Brunch and their tributes below:
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@tylerperry you built the biggest studio in America, one that can fit all the other Hollywood studios combined and still have room to spare. You’ve also created a dream of hope and possibility for everyone to know that no matter who you are or where you come from, you can always do better when you’re aligned with the Divine. Thank you for the naming of the soundstages. I love mine. #GloryToGlory #ImagineThis
A post shared by Oprah (@oprah) on Oct 7, 2019 at 11:56am PDT
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Today’s sermon by @bishopjakes was titled A FRESH START. I truly believe he ignited the room this afternoon as we all celebrated @tylerperry and the opening of @tylerperrystudios! I am thankful for a fresh start! The past is OVER!! @tylerperry I am forever changed. I was sitting on the trolley as we were touring the grounds saying “wow, I’m here to witness this.” @tylerperrystudios sits on 330 acres, a former confederate army base. He bought it y’all!! Soundstages dedicated to #CicelyTyson, @whoopigoldberg, @willsmith, @officialspikelee, @oprah, @halleberry, @johnsingleton, @diahann_carroll, Ruby Dee and Ozzie Davis and #DenzelWashington. ——————————— Deets: Wearing @don_morphy Hat: @goorinbros Styled by @stylistjbolin Assisted by @_mekstyles_
A post shared by Michelle Williams (@michellewilliams) on Oct 6, 2019 at 4:55pm PDT
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On the plane back home still feeling the love and power of this weekend and saw this on the newstand in airport! Don’t hurt em Tyler !!! @tylerperry #thetylertakeover1
A post shared by Tina Knowles (@mstinalawson) on Oct 7, 2019 at 7:45am PDT
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I wish I could post pictures from inside this spectacular studio, but we’ve been asked to refrain. I got to experience the dedication ceremonies with my sister @teraduvernay and it was beyond. A black man owns a studio lot larger and more modern than any studio lot in Hollywood. Fun Fact: The studio lots of Disney, Warner Bros, Paramount, Fox and Sony could fit inside Tyler Perry’s studio lot at the same time - and there would still be 60 acres to spare. Jaw dropping. And all on a former Confederate Army base. Our ancestors rejoice. Twelve soundstages. A 200,000 square foot office complex. A whole neighborhood of historic homes and facades for film shooting. Perfectly manicured hedges all around. And beautiful black people working at all levels. A stunning achievement that will echo through the generations. Words can’t express the pride. And the joy. Bravo, @tylerperry. Stunning to witness. History made.
A post shared by Ava DuVernay (@ava) on Oct 6, 2019 at 8:25am PDT
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Ladies And Gentlemen,Boys And Girls-This Past Saturday Night My Brother TYLER PERRY Made History In Atlanta,Georgia With The Naming Of His Sound Stages. It Is With Honor And Humility That I Have A Stage Along With My Fellow Artists. Tyler,Da Whole Lee Family Thanks You. God Bless And Keep Keepin’ On Doin’ God’s Work. And Dat’s Da “BLACK MOGUL” Truth,Ruth.
A post shared by Spike Lee (@officialspikelee) on Oct 7, 2019 at 12:09pm PDT
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I’m so honored. I’m so proud. Thank you, thank you, thank you @tylerperry ! What you’ve done is astonishing and remarkable!
A post shared by WhoopiGoldberg (@whoopigoldberg) on Oct 7, 2019 at 2:31pm PDT
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Happy Sunday. Congratulations to Tyler Perry on the opening of his studios. I could feel our ancestors’ presence. Surrounded by my heroes, I watched Denzel, Queen Oprah, Spike, Whoopi, Sir Poitier, Will, Halle , Dame Cicely and our angels John Singleton and Diahann Carroll honored. The Armand de Brignac crashed against each soundstage as fireworks lit up the sky. Generations of blood, sweat and tears, success, excellence and brilliance. It makes me so proud, so full, I could not stop crying. Thank you my Virgo brother for so much love and passion put into every detail. My prayer today is that you will take it all in. You inspire me to dream even bigger.
A post shared by Beyoncé (@beyonce) on Oct 6, 2019 at 3:56pm PDT
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Last night was surreal - Overwhelmed with pride for @tylerperry, creator of the first black-owned major film studio in our HISTORY. To have shared in this moment in some small way, standing beside the most iconic talent in celebration of his accomplishment, was an absolute honor that I will never forget. Last night Tyler dared us to dream a bigger dream for ourselves, and today I dare each of you to do the same!
A post shared by Halle Berry (@halleberry) on Oct 6, 2019 at 11:03am PDT
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Such a glorious weekend celebrating @tylerperrystudios! Bravo @tylerperry! #tylerperrystudios
A post shared by Debbie Allen (@therealdebbieallen) on Oct 7, 2019 at 9:54am PDT
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Tyler Perry Studios’ grand opening was an amazing historical event. Very proud of you, Tyler!!! * * * #TylerPerry #TylerPerryStudios #Atlanta #JeniferLewis #TheMotherOfBlackHollywood #InTheseStreets
A post shared by Jenifer Lewis (@jeniferlewisforreal) on Oct 6, 2019 at 3:09pm PDT
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Here we are in the same room together. How much CUSSING, fun, and carrying on do you think went on??? * * * #TylerPerry #TylerPerryStudios #GrandOpening #SamuelLJackson #Atlanta #RedCarpet #JeniferLewis #TheMotherOfBlackHollywood #InTheseStreets
A post shared by Jenifer Lewis (@jeniferlewisforreal) on Oct 7, 2019 at 11:28am PDT
Bow x Bill Clinton pic.twitter.com/LgtcAkqXo6
— Bow Wow (@smoss) October 6, 2019
Dinner with the ceo of @ChickfilA pic.twitter.com/EbPMtaRzma
— Bow Wow (@smoss) October 7, 2019
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How could I forget to post my good sister @iamjhud who opened up #tylerperrystudios with the most soul stirring version of #ToDreamTheImpossibleDream which was essentially the theme song for the entire weekend! She also served major lewks each & every time! #ShesMyDreamGirl
A post shared by bevy smith (@bevysmith) on Oct 6, 2019 at 10:15pm PDT
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“You are so priceless to me & loving you has made me see with your love I can do most anything” - Priceless by the incomparable #AnitaBaker yes, I recited those lines to her & yes, I know I should have been embarrassed to do so but Miss.Baker was so gracious!!! I GAGGED when she said “Bev, I saw your feather (my @anthonymaxwell_ny hat has a very tall feather) throughout the service but I didn’t know it was you”! First off, in what universe would ANITA BAKER know who I am? I mean, come on son!!!! I had so many magical moments with ICONS this year, with them telling me they appreciate my work on my radio show & also telling it like it is on tv! The last quarter of this decade is dedicated to MOVING ON, climbing new heights, reaching, stretching! I’ve done the good work but God ain’t done with me yet, watch me work & yes, occasionally twerk! #Grateful #TylerPerryStudioOpening
A post shared by bevy smith (@bevysmith) on Oct 7, 2019 at 2:21am PDT
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Pucker Up....always a good time when I see @tarajiphenson @tylerperry had all the fab sepia dolls in ATL!
A post shared by bevy smith (@bevysmith) on Oct 7, 2019 at 11:50am PDT
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Pucker Up....always a good time when I see @tarajiphenson @tylerperry had all the fab sepia dolls in ATL!
A post shared by bevy smith (@bevysmith) on Oct 7, 2019 at 11:50am PDT
What a FABULOUS weekend! Major congrats to Tyler Perry!
Photo: Getty
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2019/10/07/celebs-shower-tyler-perry-with-love-after-his-studios%E2%80%99-historic-grand-opening-weekend
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Tori Kelly – Bowery Ballroom – New York, NY – September 11, 2023
Photos by Ruth Bekele © 2023
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Boygenius, Clairo, Dijon & Bartees Strange – Re:SET (Day 2) – Forest Hills Stadium – New York, NY – June 17, 2023
Re:SET made its debut this year as a three-day, 12-city traveling concert series with headliners each day’s headliners including boygenius, LCD Soundsystem and Steve Lacy.

Kicking off Day two of the festival was Bartees Strange. He opened his set with a full band, playing songs like “Mulholland Dr.,” “About Today” (a cover from the band The National), and ending his set with the ever-so-electric “Boomer.” It was the perfect way to start the day.

The second performer of the day was Dijon. His set included songs like “Big Mike’s” “Rodeo Clown” and “The Dress” (one of my personal favorites from his 2021 album Absolutely). A passionate performer from start to finish, Dijon captivated the crowd with his soulful voice.

Next up was Clairo who played songs ranging from her very first EP, “diary 001” to her sophomore album, Sling. The wind and rain started to pick up halfway through Clairo’s set, but who wouldn’t want to dance to “Softly” in the rain. She didn’t miss a beat and neither did the audience. Ending her set with a song that has proven itself to be timeless even 4 years after its release (and very fitting for the month of June) “Bags” rang through the stadium, the sun was back out, and if you weren’t singing along before this, you certainly were now.

Before boygenius took the stage, Tecumseh Ceaser, a member of the Matinecock Turkey clan, welcomed us onto Matinecock territory through a land acknowledgment and song.

The crowd was buzzing and soon enough “The Boys Are Back In Town” blared through the speakers, which meant it was time for supergroup boygenius to take the stage. Beginning their set backstage with a camera pointed at them, the audience watched through the big screen on stage as popular singers and songwriters Lucy Dacus, Phoebe Bridgers, and Julien Baker sang “Without You Without Them” in perfect harmony.

The trio made their way to the stage with the “$20” intro playing, fans were waving $20 bills in the air and the show was in full swing. Tears were shed, screams were loud and the fans that had waited hours and hours in line before the show did not hold back.

They played fan favorites from their self-titled debut EP such as “Ketchum, ID” and “Me & My Dog,” songs from their latest album the record, and even an unreleased song called “Boyfriends” which naturally they dedicated to all the boyfriends in the crowd. Each member played a song from their own popular discographies as solo artists with the help of their bandmates. Fans sang along to Phoebe’s “Graceland Too,” Julien’s “Favor,” and Lucy’s “Please Stay.”

There’s something about singing “always an angel, never a god” with thousands of other people that makes you feel like you’re on top of the world. Although Re:SET 2023 has come to an end, boygenius will be on the road in July and August and if they’re coming to a city near you, I would highly recommend checking them out this summer.
Here’s to hoping Re:SET makes a return in 2024!
Copyright ©2023 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: June 20, 2023.
Photos by Ruth Bekele © 2023. All rights reserved.
#Re:SET#boygenius#Clairo#Dijon#bartees strange#2023#Concert Reviews#Forest Hills Stadium#New York#Ruth Bekele
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Danh Sách VĐV Nam
Nội dung Thành tích Tên VĐV Quốc gia Thời gian Giải Tham Dự Nơi Thi 100 m 9.58 Usain Bolt Jamaica 16/08/2009 Athletics 2009 Đức 200 m 19.19 Usain Bolt Jamaica 20/08/2009 Athletics 2009 Đức 400 m 43.03 Wayde van Niekerk Nam Phi 14/08/2016 Olympic Rio 2016 Brazil 800 m 1:40.91 David Rudisha Kenya 09/08/2012 Olympic London 2012 Anh 1000 m 2:11.96 Noah Ngeny Kenya 05/09/1999 Rieti Meeting Ý 1500 m 3:26.00 Hicham El Guerrouj Maroc 14/07/1998 Golden Gala Ý 1.609 m 3:43.13 Hicham El Guerrouj Maroc 07/07/1999 Golden Gala Ý 2000 m 4:44.79 Hicham El Guerrouj Maroc 07/09/1999 Internationales Stadionfest Đức 3000 m 7:20.67 Daniel Komen Kenya 01/09/1996 Rieti Meeting Ý 5000 m 12:37.35 Kenenisa Bekele Ethiopia 31/05/2004 Fanny Blankers-Koen Games Hà Lan 10.000 m 26:17.53 Kenenisa Bekele Ethiopia 26/08/2005 Memorial Van Damme Bỉ 10 km 26:44 Leonard Patrick Komon Kenya 26/09/2010 Singelloop Hà Lan 15 km 41:13 Leonard Patrick Komon Kenya 21/11/2010 Zevenheuvelenloop Hà Lan 20 km 56:25 Haile Gebrselassie Ethiopia 27/06/2007 Golden Spike Ostrava CH Czech 20 km 55:21 Zersenay Tadese Eritrea 21/03/2010 Marathon Lisbon Bồ Đào Nha Bán marathon 58:23 Zersenay Tadese Eritrea 21/03/2010 Marathon Lisbon Bồ Đào Nha 21.285 m 6:00 Haile Gebrselassie Ethiopia 27/06/2007 Golden Spike Ostrava CH Czech 25.km 1:12 Moses Mosop Kenya 03/06/2011 Prefontaine Classic Mỹ 25 km 1:11:18 Dennis Kipruto Kimetto Kenya 06/05/2012 BIG 25 Đức 30 km 1:26:47 Moses Mosop Kenya 03/06/2011 Prefontaine Classic Mỹ 30 km 1:27:13 Stanley Biwott Kenya 24/04/2016 London Marathon Anh 1:27:13 Eliud Kipchoge Kenya 24/04/2016 London Marathon Anh Marathon Dennis Kipruto Kimetto Kenya 28/09/2014 Marathon Đức 100 km 6:13:33 Takahiro Sunada Nhật Bản 21/06/1998 Nhật Bản 3000 m chạy việt dã 7:53.63 Saif Saaeed Shaheen Qatar 03/09/2004 Memorial Van Damme Bỉ 110 m vượt rào 12.80 Aries Merritt Mỹ 07/09/2012 Memorial Van Damme Bỉ 400 m vượt rào 46.78 Kevin Young Mỹ 06/08/1992 Olympic Barcelona 1992 Tây Ban Nha Nhảy cao 2.45 m Javier Sotomayor Cuba 27/07/1993 Tây Ban Nha Nhảy sào 6.16 m Renaud Lavillenie Pháp 15/02/2014 Pole Vault Stars Ukraine Nhảy xa 8.95 m Mike Powell Mỹ 30/08/1991 Athletics 1991 Nhật Bản Nhảy ba bước 18.29 m Jonathan Edwards Anh 07/08/1995 Athletics 1995 Thụy Điển Đẩy tạ 23.12 m Randy Barnes Mỹ 20/05/1990 Jack in the Box Invitational Mỹ Ném đĩa 74.08 m Jürgen Schult Đông Đức 06/06/1986 Đông Đức Ném tạ xích 86.74 m Yuriy Sedykh Liên Xô 30/08/1986 Championships 1986 Tây Đức Ném lao 98.48 m Jan Železný Cộng hòa Séc 25/05/1996 Đức Mười môn phối hợp 9045 điểm Ashton Eaton Mỹ 29/08/2015 Athletics 2015 Trung Quốc Đi bộ 10.000 m 37:53.09 Paquillo Fernández Tây Ban Nha 27/07/2008 Spanish Championships Tây Ban Nha Đi bộ 10 km 37:11 Roman Rasskazov Nga 28/05/2000 Nga Đi bộ 20.000 m 1:17:25.6 Bernardo Segura México 07/05/1994 Na Uy Đi bộ 20 km 1:16:36 Yusuke Suzuki Nhật Bản 15/03/2015 Asian Race Walking Championships Nhật Bản Đi bộ 2 giờ 29.572 m Maurizio Damilano Ý 03/10/1992 Ý Đi bộ 30km 2:01:44 Maurizio Damilano Ý 03/10/1992 Ý Đi bộ 50km 3:35:27 Yohann Diniz Pháp 12/03/2011 Pháp Đi bộ 50 km 3:32:33 Yohann Diniz Pháp 15/08/2014 European Athletics Championships 2014 Thụy Sĩ Tiếp sức 4×100 m 36.84 Nesta Carter Michael Frater Yohan Blake Usain Bolt Jamaica 11/08/2012 Olympic London 2012 Anh Tiếp sức 4×200 m 1:18.63 Nickel Ashmeade Warren Weir Jermaine Brown Yohan Blake Jamaica 24/05/2014 IAAF World Relays 2014 Bahamas Tiếp sức 4×400 m 2:54.29 Andrew Valmon Quincy Watts Butch Reynolds Michael Johnson Mỹ 22/08/1993 Athletics 1993 Đức Tiếp sức 4×800 m 7:02.43 Joseph Mutua William Yiampoy Ismael Kombich Wilfred Bungei Kenya 25/08/2006 Memorial Van Damme Bỉ Tiếp sức hỗn hợp 9:15.50 Kyle Merber Brycen Spratling Brandon Johnson Ben Blankenship Mỹ 03/05/2015 IAAF World Relays 2015 Bahamas Tiếp sức 4×1500 m 14:22.22 Collins Cheboi Silas Kiplagat James Kiplagat Magut Asbel Kiprop Kenya 25/05/2014 IAAF World Relays 2014 Bahamas Tiếp sức marathon 1:57:06 Josephat Ndambiri Martin Mathathi Daniel Muchunu Mwangi Mekubo Mogusu Onesmus Nyerre John Kariuki Kenya 23/11/2005 Chiba Ekiden Nhật Bản
Bảng xếp hạng số lần vô địch của các vận động viên nam
Thứ Tự TTên VĐV TSố Lần Vô Địch 1 Hicham El Guerrouj 3 2 Usain Bolt 3 3 Haile Gebrselassie 2 3 Kenenisa Bekele 2 3 Leonard Patrick Komon 2 3 Moses Mosop 2 3 Dennis Kipruto Kimetto 2 3 Maurizio Damilano 2 3 Yohan Blake 2 3 Yohann Diniz 2 4 Stanley Biwott 1 4 David Rudisha 1 4 Noah Ngeny 1 4 Takahiro Sunada 1 4 Saif Saaeed Shaheen 1 4 Aries Merritt 1 4 Kevin Young 1 4 Javier Sotomayor 1 4 Renaud Lavillenie 1 4 Mike Powell 1 4 Jonathan Edwards 1 4 Randy Barnes 1 4 Jürgen Schult 1 4 Yuriy Sedykh 1 4 Jan Železný 1 4 Ashton Eaton 1 4 Paquillo Fernández 1 4 Roman Rasskazov 1 4 Bernardo Segura 1 4 Yusuke Suzuki 1 4 Eliud Kipchoge 1 4 Wayde van Niekerk 1 4 Nesta Carter 1 4 Michael Frater 1 4 Daniel Komen 1 4 Nickel Ashmeade 1 4 Warren Weir 1 4 Jermaine Brown 1 4 Andrew Valmon 1 4 Quincy Watts 1 4 Butch Reynolds 1 4 Michael Johnson 1 4 Joseph Mutua 1 4 William Yiampoy 1 4 Ismael Kombich 1 4 Wilfred Bungei 1 4 Kyle Merber 1 4 Brycen Spratling 1 4 Brandon Johnson 1 4 Ben Blankenship 1 4 Collins Cheboi 1 4 Silas Kiplagat 1 4 James Kiplagat 1 4 Magut 1 4 Asbel Kiprop 1 4 Josephat Ndambiri 1 4 Martin Mathathi 1 4 Daniel Muchunu 1 4 Mwangi 1 4 Mekubo Mogusu 1 4 Onesmus Nyerre 1 4 John Kariuki 1
Danh Sách VĐV Nữ
Nội dung Thành tích VĐV Quốc Gia Thời gian Giải Tham Dự Nơi Thi 100 m 10.49 Florence Griffith Joyner Mỹ 16/07/1988 US Olympic Trials Mỹ 200 m 21.34 Florence Griffith Joyner Mỹ 29/09/1988 Olympic Seoul 1988 Hàn Quốc 400 m 47.60 Marita Koch Đông Đức 06/10/1985 IAAF World Cup 1985 Australia 800 m 1:53.28 Jarmila Kratochvílová Tiệp Khắc 26/07/1983 Tây Đức 1000 m 2:28.98 Svetlana Masterkova Nga 23/08/1996 Memorial Van Damme Bỉ 1500m 3:50.07 Genzebe Dibaba Ethiopia 17/07/2015 Herculis Monaco 1.609m 4:12.56 Svetlana Masterkova Nga 14/08/1996 Weltklasse Zürich Thụy Sĩ 2000 m 5:25.36 Sonia O’Sullivan Ireland 08/07/1994 Anh 3000 m 8:06.11 Wang Junxia Trung Quốc 13/09/1993 Chinese National Games Trung Quốc 5000 m 14:11.15 Tirunesh Dibaba Ethiopia 06/06/2008 Bislett Games Na Uy 10 km 29:17.45 Almaz Ayana Ethiopia 12/08/2016 Olympic Rio 2016 Brasil 10 km 30:21 Paula Radcliffe Anh Quốc 23/02/2003 World’s Best 10K Puerto Rico 15 km 46:14 Florence Kiplagat Kenya 15/02/2015 Marathon Barcelona Tây Ban Nha 18.517 60:00 Dire Tune Ethiopia 12/06/2008 Golden Spike Ostrava CH Czech 20 km 1:05:26.6 Tegla Loroupe Kenya 03/09/2000 Đức 20 km 1:01:54 Florence Kiplagat Kenya 15/02/2015 Marathon Barcelona Tây Ban Nha Bán marathon 1:05:09 Florence Kiplagat Kenya 15/02/2015 Marathon Barcelona Tây Ban Nha 25 km 1:27:05.84 Tegla Loroupe Kenya 21/09/2002 Đức 25 km 1:19:53 Mary Keitany Kenya 09/05/2010 BIG 25 Đức 30 km 1:45:50.00 Tegla Loroupe Kenya 07/06/2003 Đức 30 km 1:38:23 Liliya Shobukhova Nga 09/10/2011 Chicago Marathon Mỹ 1:36:36 Paula Radcliffe Anh 13/04/2003 London Marathon Anh Marathon (cả nam lẫn nữ) Paula Radcliffe Anh 13/04/2003 London Marathon Anh Marathon (nữ) 2:17:42 Paula Radcliffe Anh 17/04/2005 London Marathon Anh 100 km 6:33:11 Tomoe Abe Nhật Bản 25/06/2000 Saroma Nhật Bản 3000 m chạy việt dã 8:52.78 Ruth Jebet Bahrain 27/08/2016 Meeting Areva Pháp 100 m vượt rào 12.20 Kendra Harrison Mỹ 22/07/2016 London Grand Prix Anh 400 m vượt rào 52.34 Yuliya Pechonkina Nga 08/08/2003 Nga Nhảy cao 2.09 m Stefka Kostadinova Bulgaria 30/08/1987 Athletics 1987 Ý Nhảy sào 5.06 m Yelena Isinbayeva Nga 28 8 2009 Weltklasse Zürich Thụy Sĩ Nhảy xa 7.52 m Galina Chistyakova Liên Xô 11/06/1988 Brothers Znamensky Memorial Nga Nhảy ba bước 15.50 m Inessa Kravets Ukraina 10/08/1995 Athletics 1995 Thụy Điển Đẩy tạ 22.63 m Natalya Lisovskaya Liên Xô 07/06/1987 Nga Ném đĩa 76.80 m Gabriele Reinsch Đông Đức 09/07/1988 Đông Đức Ném tạ xích 82.29 m Anita Włodarczyk Ba Lan 15/08/2016 Olympic Rio 2016 Brazil 82.98 m Anita Włodarczyk Ba Lan 28/08/2016 Skolimowska Memorial Ba Lan Ném lao 72.28 m Barbora Špotáková Cộng hòa Séc 13/09/2008 Athletics Final 2008 Đức Bảy môn phối hợp 7291 điểm Jackie Joyner-Kersee Mỹ 24/09/1988 Olympic Seoul 1988 Hàn Quốc Mười môn phối hợp 8358 điểm Austra Skujytė Litva 15/04/2005 Mỹ Đi bộ 10km 41:56.23 Nadezhda Ryashkina Liên Xô 24/07/1990 Mỹ 41:37.9 Gao Hongmiao Trung Quốc 07/04/1994 Trung Quốc Đi bộ 10 km 41:04 Yelena Nikolayeva Nga 20/04/1996 Nga Đi bộ 20km 1:26:52.3 Olimpiada Ivanova Nga 06/09/2001 Australia Đi bộ 20 km 1:24:38 Liu Hong Trung Quốc 06/06/2015 Gran Premio Cantones Tây Ban Nha Tiếp sức 4×100 m 40.82 Tianna Madison Allyson Felix Bianca Knight Carmelita Jeter Mỹ 10/08/2012 Olympic London 2012 Anh Tiếp sức 4×200 m 1:27.46 LaTasha Jenkins LaTasha Colander Richardson Nanceen Perry Marion Jones Mỹ 29/04/2000 Penn Relays Mỹ Tiếp sức 4×400 m 3:15.17 Tatyana Ledovskaya Olga Nazarova Mariya Pinigina Olga Bryzgina Liên Xô 01/10/1988 Olympic Seoul 1988 Hàn Quốc Tiếp sức 4×800 m 7:50.17 Nadezhda Olizarenko Lyubov Gurina Lyudmila Borisova Irina Podyalovskaya Liên Xô 05/08/1984 Nga Tiếp sức hỗn hợp 10:36.50 Treniere Moser Sanya Richards Ross Ajee’ Wilson Shannon Rowbury Mỹ 02/05/2015 IAAF World Relays 2015 Bahamas Tiếp sức 4×1500 m 16:33.58 Mercy Cherono Faith Chepngetich Kipyegon Irene Jelagat Hellen Onsando Obiri Kenya 24/05/2014 IAAF World Relays 2014 Bahamas Tiếp sức marathon 2:11:41 Jiang Bo Dong Yanmei Zhao Fengdi Ma Zaijie Lan Lixin Li Na Trung Quốc 28/02/1998 Trung Quốc
Bảng xếp hạng số lần vô địch của các vận động viên nữ
Thứ Tự Tên VĐV Số Lần Vô Địch 1 Paula Radcliffe 4 2 Florence Kiplagat 3 2 Tegla Loroupe 3 3 Svetlana Masterkova 2 3 Florence Griffith Joyner 2 3 Anita Włodarczyk 2 4 Wang Junxia 1 4 Tirunesh Dibaba 1 4 Almaz Ayana 1 4 Sonia O’Sullivan 1 4 Genzebe Dibaba 1 4 Dire Tune 1 4 Jarmila Kratochvílová 1 4 Mary Keitany 1 4 Liliya Shobukhova 1 4 Tomoe Abe 1 4 Ruth Jebet 1 4 Kendra Harrison 1 4 Yuliya Pechonkina 1 4 Stefka Kostadinova 1 Yelena Isinbayeva 1 4 Galina Chistyakova 1 4 Inessa Kravets 1 4 Natalya Lisovskaya 1 4 Gabriele Reinsch 1 4 Marita Koch 1 4 Barbora Špotáková 1 4 Jackie Joyner-Kersee 1 4 Austra Skujytė 1 4 Nadezhda Ryashkina 1 4 Gao Hongmiao 1 4 Yelena Nikolayeva 1 4 Olimpiada Ivanova 1 4 Liu Hong 1 4 Tianna Madison 1 4 Allyson Felix 1 4 Bianca Knight 1 4 Carmelita Jeter 1 4 LaTasha Jenkins 1 4 LaTasha Colander 1 4 Richardson 1 4 Nanceen Perry 1 4 Marion Jones 1 4 Tatyana Ledovskaya 1 4 Olga Nazarova 1 4 Mariya Pinigina 1 4 Olga Bryzgina 1 4 Nadezhda Olizarenko 1 4 Lyubov Gurina 1 4 Lyudmila Borisova 1 4 Irina Podyalovskaya 1 4 Treniere Moser 1 4 Sanya Richards Ross 1 4 Ajee’ Wilson Shannon 1 4 Rowbury 1 4 Mercy Cherono 1 4 Faith Chepngetich 1 4 Kipyegon 1 4 Irene Jelagat 1 4 Hellen Onsando Obiri 1 4 Jiang Bo 1 4 Dong Yanmei 1 4 Zhao Fengdi 1 4 Ma Zaijie 1 4 Lan Lixin 1 4 Li Na 1
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Maratón de Valencia, excepcional nivel y la presencia sudamericana

Varios atletas sudamericanos tomaron parte –y con buenas performances- de uno de los maratones que se han consolidado entre los más importantes del mundo: Valencia. Fue la 42ª. edición de la prueba española, este domingo 4 de diciembre y nuevamente con resultados asombrosos. En damas, la etíope Amane Beriso dio la sorpresa al superar a su compatriota (debutante en la distancia) Letesenteb Gidey, mientras que entre los hombres sí ganó alguien que hacía su aparición en la distancia, el keniata Kelvin Kiptum. Y lo hizo en 2h.01m.53s. que lo catapulta al tercer lugar del ránking mundial de la historia, solo precedido por esos colosos llamados Eliud Kipchoge (2h01m09s) y Kenenisa Bekele (2h01m41s). También Beriso fijó el tercer tiempo del historial femenino. Entre las damas, la peruana y recordwoman sudamericana Gladys Lucy Tejeda ocupó el 20° puesto y su marca de 2h.26m.26s. estuvo muy cerca de su registro (2h.25m.27s) logrado el pasado 20 de febrero en Sevilla. Otras atletas de nuestra región fueron la venezolana Egris Arias (54ª. con 2h.42m.39s) y la colombiana Diana Bejarano (154ª. con 2h.57m.47s.). En hombres, una nueva demostración de jerarquía del tres veces olímpico brasileño Paulo Roberto de Almeida Paula: a sus 43 años, todavía es capaz de correr en 2h.10m.20s (su marca personal es 2h09m51s, también conseguida a principios de temporada en Sevilla). Paulo ocupó el 26° puesto de la clasificación. Y su compatriota Samuel Souza do Nascimento terminó 44° con su mejor registro personal de 2h.14m.51s, mejorando en más de dos minutos el que había logrado cinco años atrás en el maratón de Buenos Aires (2h17m01s para el sexto lugar). La gran expectativa en esta carrera se concentraba en Gidey, campeona mundial de los 10 mil metros en Eugene y que trataba –en su debut- de unir la plusmarca mundial de maratón a las que ya había logrado en el medio maratón y, en pista, en los 5.000 y 10 mil metros llanos. Gidey arrancó con un ritmo tranquilo, pasando los 15 km. en 48m.03s. Sin embargo, al pasar el km. 30 ya estaba en “modo récord”, su parcial de 1h35m24s era cinco segundos mejor que el establecido por Kosgei en Chicago. La sorpresa fue que su compatriota Amane Beriso había resistido ese ritmo. Y poco antes del km. 35 consiguió despegarse de Gidey para marchar en solitario hacia la victoria femenina. Beriso, de 31 años, marcó 2h.14m.58s, siendo así la tercera dama del historial en bajar de 2h15m, precedida por las keniatas Brigit Kosgei (récord de 2h14m04s en Chicago 2019) y Ruth Chepngetich (2h14m18s, también en Chicago, el mes pasado). Beriso tenía como mejor antecedente una marca de 2h20m48s, seis años atrás en Dubai y desde entonces no había corrido por debajo de 2h22. Letesenbet Gidey terminó agotada para el 2° puesto en 2h.16m.49s. Su consuelo es que dicha marca constituye la quinta del historial femenino y la meojr para una debutante. Hasta ahora el debut más rápido correspondía a otra etíope, Almaz Ayana, quien en octubre marcó 2h17m20s en Amsterdam. El podio femenino se completó con otra debutante, la keniata Sheila Chepkirui, quien marcó 2h17m29s. Es la primera vez que un maratón femeino hay siete mujeres por debajo de 2h19m. Chepkirui, de 31 años, venía precedida por importantes antecedentes en esta temporada de medio maratón como su registro de 1h04m36s en Ras Al Khaimah y su victoria en Berlin con 1h05m02s. “No puedo creer lo que logré hoy. Todo fue fantástico: el circuito, el clima, la multitud. Estoy encantada”, dijo la ganadora, Beriso. Entre los hombres, a la altura del km. 30 se habían despegado Kiptum, el etíope Tamirat Tola –campeón mundial y ganador de esta prueba el año pasado- y el tanzano Gabriel Geay. La serie de ataques del debutante Kiptum sólo fueron resistidos por Geay, pero luego aquel se alejó. Kiptum, de 23 años, cubrió el segundo tramo de la carrera en excepcional registro de 1h00m11s. Geay fue su escolta, llevando el récord de su país a 2h03m00s, mientras que otro debutante, el keniata Mutiso, se adelantó a Tola en los tramos finales y terminó en 2h03m29s. Tanto Kiptum como Mutiso tenían antecedentes importantes en medio maratón. EN el caso de Mutiso –quien reside en Japón- 57m59s desde hacía dos años en esta misma ciudad de Valencia. Geay, por su parte ha colocado a Tanzania en el mapa de las potencias del maratón y llegaba con un antecedente de 2h04m55s (Milan 2021) además del 7° puesto en el Mundial de Eugene. Para el atletismo español también hubo muchos motivos de satisfacción, además de contar con una de las mejores carreras del circuito mundial. En damas, Marta Galimany registró 2h.26m.14s, batiendo el récord nacional que ostentaba Ana Alonso desde 1995 (2h26m51s). Y entre los hombres, el joven Tariku Novales logró el 13° puesto con 2h07m18s, que constituye el cuarto registro del historial de su país. Los top de Valencia 2022 Mujeres 1 Amane Beriso (ETH) 2:14:58 2 Letesenbet Gidey (ETH) 2:16:49 3 Sheila Chepkirui (KEN) 2:17:29 4 Tadu Teshome (ETH) 2:17:36 5 Fancy Chemutai (KEN) ) 2:18:11 6 Tiruye Mesfin (ETH) 2:18:47 7 Tigist Girma (ETH) 2:18:52 8 Etagegne Woldu (ETH) 2:20:03 9 Dolshi Tesfu (ETH) 2:20:40 10 Majida Maayouf (MAR) 2:21:01 Hombres 1 Kelvin Kiptum (KEN) 2:01:53 2 Gabriel Geay (TAN) 2:03:00 3 Alexander Mutiso (KEN) 2:03:29 4 Tamirat Tola (ETH) 2:03:40 5 Kaan Kigen Ozbilen ( TUR) 2:04:36 6 Chalu Deso (ETH) 2:04:56 7 Milkesa Mengesha (ETH) 2:05:29 8 Ronald Korir (KEN) 2:05:37 9 Philemon Kiplimo (KEN) 2:05: 44 10 Goitom Kifle (KEN) 2:06:09 Los ganadores del Maratón de Valencia en la última década Hombres - 2011 - Josgei Isaish Kipglat (KEN) - 2h07:59 - 2012 - Luka Kanda (KEN) - 2h08:14 - 2013 - Felix Kipemoi Keny (KEN) - 2h07:14 - 2014 - Jacob Kibet Kengador (KEN) - 2h08:39 - 2015 - John Nzau Mwangangi (KEN) - 2h06:13 - 2016 - Victor Kipchirchir (KEN) - 2h07:39 - 2017 - Sammy Kitwara (KEN) - 2h05:15 - 2018 - Leul Gebresilase (ETI) - 2h04:31 - 2019 - Kinde Atanaw Ayalew (ETI)- 2h03:51 - 2020 - Evans Chebet (KEN) - 2h03:00 - 2021 – Lawrence Cherono (KEN) – 2h.05:12 Mujeres - 2011 - Abo Jima (ETI) - 2h34:23 - 2012 - Birhane Dibaba Adegna (ETI) - 2h29:22 - 2013 - Azalech Masresha (ETI) - 2h27:01 - 2014 - Beata Naigambo (NAM) - 2h30:54 - 2015 - Beata Naigambo (NAM) - 2h26:57 - 2016 - Valary Jemeli Aiyabel (KEN) - 2h24:48 - 2017 - Aberu Zennebe (ETI) -2h26:17 - 2018 - Ashete Dido (ETI) - 2h21:14 - 2019 - Roza Dereje (ETI) - 2h18:30 - 2020 - Peres Jepchirchir (KEN) - 2h17:16 - 2021 – Nancy Jelagaat (KEN) 2h.19:31 Algunas de las cantidades más significativas de la prueba: 1.- Récord con 30.000 inscriptos. Agotados los dorsales desde hace seis meses, el 81 por ciento de los corredores son hombres y el resto, mujeres. 2.- Un 50 por ciento de extranjeros. Esta edición ha batido también el récord en corredores foráneos, con 124 países representados. Francia, con 4.025 participantes, es el país que más asistentes aporta, seguido por Italia (1.817) y Reino Unido (1.365). 3.- Los dos corredores más veteranos del Maratón Valencia tienen 83 años. El más joven tiene 18 años. Un total de 6.031 serán debutantes en la distancia y 10.996 correrán por primera vez en Valencia. 4.- Seis millones de euros de presupuesto, un millón y medio más que en 2021. El 37 por ciento del mismo se destina a pagar el caché y los premios de los atletas de Elite. La organización premiará con 250.000 euros al atleta que logre el récord del mundo. 5.- Las mejores marcas del Maratón Valencia: Evans Chebet (KEN) con 2:03:00 en 2020 en categoría masculina y Peres Jepchirchir (KEN) con 2:17:16, también en 2020, en categoría femenina. Ambas fueron batidas este domingo 6.- Avituallamientos gigantes. La organización repartió 331.000 botellas de agua, 80.000 piezas de fruta, 20.000 litros de bebida isotónica y 60.000 geles durante los 42 kilómetros y 195 metros. 7.- Multitudinario dispositivo médico. Dos hospitales de campaña, 31 ambulancias, 20 desfibriladores, 50 anestesistas e intensivistas, 180 voluntarios sanitarios o 12 médicos en carrera componen el protocolo sanitario. 8.- Valencia es la provincia española que más corredores presenta a la prueba con 6.772 atletas. El club de atletismo más numeroso es el Zurich Runners, con 282 deportistas. 9.- Más de 400 cadenas de televisión ofrecerán la carrera en directo y/o en diferido u ofrecerán resúmenes. Vuelve a ser el maratón más difundido del mundo, según la organización. 10.- Se necesitan 2.300 voluntarios, 11.000 metros lineales de vallas o productos similares para proteger el recorrido, con 500 váteres químicos. Read the full article
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Boygenius – Re:SET – Forest Hills Stadium – New York, NY – June 17, 2023
Photos by Ruth Bekele © 2023
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Bartees Strange – Re:SET – Forest Hills Stadium – New York, NY – June 17, 2023
Photos by Ruth Bekele © 2023
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Clairo – Re:SET – Forest Hills Stadium – New York, NY – June 17, 2023
Photos by Ruth Bekele © 2023
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Yoshiki – Carnegie Hall – New York, NY – October 28, 2023
Photos by Ruth Bekele © 2023
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Tori Kelly – Bowery Ballroom – New York, NY – September 11, 2023
Tori Kelly is back and better than ever! Following the release of her most recent project, tori, Kelly hit the road on an eight-city tour with New York City and The Bowery Ballroom as stop number two.

The room was filled to the brim with fans anxiously awaiting Kelly’s entrance. There were no support acts making this a true evening with Tori Kelly. Her setlist included songs from her latest project, original fan favorites like “Should’ve Been Us,” “Dear No One,” “Nobody Love” and many more. Kelly brought an amazing energy to the stage and the crowd was not disappointed as they knew every single word.

Kelly is a true talent with a voice that fills the room through power and control. I’m sure everyone in attendance was aware of just how incredible she is before the show, but even so, every single person in the room was in awe of her performance. Including one of Kelly’s most recent collaborators, Jon Bellion. Her live show is one that should not be missed. I’m so excited for what’s to come with Kelly as she explores the pop and R&B genres and continues to grace us with her art.
Ruth Bekele
Copyright ©2023 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: September 13, 2023.
Photos by Ruth Bekele © 2023. All rights reserved.
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