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artcalledwrap · 1 month ago
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Sparkle Markle
Today on YouTube I saw Trumps m fold of neck, that clever place leaders atop of him, pull down.
The biggest Trans in a World is Trump of America Donald J….Not Republic not Democracy, he’s thee most watched Trans on the Planet. In the Government of Genders Red Blue he must be White translucent but really on coke wheels Orange, sherbet is loved by some.
In the back Room, Netanyahu pulled that neck from an easily tied neck especially after yahoo lick his one finger down to help Trump understand he needs to suck on Gaza
Transit stuff in Gov’T
Not talking checks and balances of Musk.
I played the musky the day befor(e) yesterday
Out in public.
Did it help matters
Next thing you know
In the White House all afraid of Iran
JinPing & Putin visiting…why was public not told
Did he not announce he was flying over
Gangster just showed UP!
Not ten at all you
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artcallednaturalviews · 2 months ago
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No matter how hard I try, the ramblings of an old senile screaming “Oh Canada”, tells me his inner playboy is rumbling it’s an earthquake RumpT, mental capacity!
This playboy is decrepit in drawings and plans for(e) a take over.
Wrinkled time playboy.
Oh Canada Oh Panama Canal Oh Greenland Oh Mexico
The places up North & places down South
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artcalledgames · 6 months ago
Rumo T has it
After time
Looking at lines and shading details
Trump detests
But really
As a Gemini (is this you real birthdate)
. . . . Single spaced
Rump T Rumo t rumor
Had it at
. . . . . . . Fore
You don’t know!
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artcalledcinema · 2 months ago
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From Fandango previously VUDU
Have you seen pictured above
Or read my other blogs
Some have some haven’t
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artcalledwind · 2 months ago
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Not accurate signature
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inartinguidance · 5 months ago
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Add here hear hear
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artcalledpourbrush · 6 months ago
Obama Obama bailed out American factories Now you speak Where is Ford Chevrolet, GMC {in that country, Army National Guard, Rally} They (those companies) were amply pailed paired posse-ed & trident out, rather than Like Poseidon Obama like a ligature Trumped Not It’s still gathered in head! *RumpT* That too, won’t you listen? Can’t be bought As you speak in Army National Guard Rally With Charlie-Ettes Made it to way LT Colonel He Praised After your talks of P O W ‘s and the W o U N d ED, non civilian talk With 50 flags, behind you And that guy (interrupting with a lense) Same talks I speak about Spoke about four flags behind It corrupts your mindscape How to win back Military When I want a third gone Mixed Male Females And “Don’t Want” Well Fuck You Been since present Never rewarded Amply supplied You know G I Jane And G I Donald Marine J From Cars to Military I’m not contracted Speaking under First Amendment Walking to a curb After bus rides No need for crossed thumb It’s okay it plays up You know that one F T A A slogan From the Waters Obama Saved Don’t talk Unscripted Or Un fact-ed Un fact-ED check that AiD That Aid needs fired Fire thee AiD Why thee? And not the!!!!!!
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loudisfun · 2 months ago
It's DEFINITELY how it should! If it's good enough for Rumpt then it should be used by all! Right?
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artcalledwrap · 6 months ago
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Kama La
, Law
Harris & Walz
F, Rump T
Say it correctly
By now!
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artcallednaturalviews · 8 months ago
My Circulation
My see in circulation would be
Just to watch Olympian’s
Break Dancing
None of rumpt y chump friends
Rose up cause now it’s dangerous
No fucking ones
After Baldwin dismissal
Ear charge blew
Fall down quick
I see me standing
I felt it
Quicker than a bullet
Play out jams and pajamas
No ties for choking out
Or paying off still breathing
Shooter down, paid none like
Storm weather
My circumstances
My circumstantial
My feed us both
Human meat, he has deformed
Right ear, right here near
In the cochlea
Pressures causing me deaf
In cold & heat waves
Bling my eyesight
From the drone sights
Manufactured wood turned
Into splinters from vast west borderlands
So phat but fat in obnoxious
From to here through 2035
Medical problemas in mind making run towards flushing toilets, child educations, gun toting killers never brought in stage
Like bullet in a rust gun
The target hit
If I was an actor
The white faces should have made it
To overall control you
My see in circulation would be
Just to watch Olympian’s
Break Dancing
None of rumpt y chump friends
Rose up cause now it’s dangerous
No fucking ones
The LB existing
Nappy dirt Fred
My see in circulation would be
Just to watch Olympian’s
Break Dancing
None of rumpt y chump friends
Rose up cause now it’s dangerous
No fucking ones
El ignore yo circulation
Only English
Give your accents speak English
As I’m still understanding
I heard of blood orange
But prop blood falls quicker than
Too soon for Halloween
Your blood dries in likes of actors swiped in fake, that’s capsule blew before I knew
“He never kept surprise”
Video from front states!
Backers behind paid for up front in cameras
Not like punk ass Reagan
Sorry conglomerates seeking CEO higher pay
President doesn’t pay well
For dictator ship
But here’s to your come back, Trump
Ex former gunk
Your junk was ex outed by stormy weather
Wether you are rump trump T
Down on the grounds
When coach says falls after Pom Pom’s
Raise a fist
Coached and well rehearsed
From my circulations and sight seeing’s
After Covid country shutdowns
Who took advantage of?
Feel the suppressing heat
Become casualty
For it again again and after again
You voted,
Fuck youu, too!
In a circulation always spinning
Sit pleased
The pages black and white highlighted
Fuck youu, too!
In a circulation always spinning
Sit pleased
The pages black and white highlighted
Blood Orange colors
No rhymes
Sweet to taste movie
No copper additives in life likes
All of paid shooter dead
Ponzi pacifier pansy
In death
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artcalledgames · 2 months ago
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AR tee -ist
It’s a GolfClash
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artcalledtattoo · 7 months ago
Ifontthinkso I don’t think so In the everyday I font my think so Especially after watching a video I express about Giving my ego or natural common sense I font my think so I caress in eyes all I’m watching As playing games multiple screens easy And conversation in my head On game listening to and conversing in my mind adding to picture of Jupiter And near to right Up Uranus Who has head in the sand after midnight to to lighted morning There’s Jupiter & Uranus Summer late sky Or falling as beyond before will Winter be here or falling to the East springing past U.S. in the middle of ecological intelligent violence EIV Ecological intelligence vibrancy EIV Play it back and teeter totter where’s Amazon original He could help coffee In simple sorta of thee Olympics of money controlling the minds You need cream in this purchased drink Good Morning You infesting minds today Depends on Cause!!!!!!!….!!..!!!!!!!..!!!! I font my think so Awake The hopefuls In Demo-Blue In all for Democracy I font my feelings
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artcalledoddities · 2 months ago
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Ah O Prunt chump RumpT
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artcalledcinema · 6 months ago
When I When I am Czar of American words To be paid too, do During these crisis I chose my words carefully Say the mostest I I can write The Smallest And Mean The Mostest It’s an Antietam, battlefield On the land here on U S of A From here around a Globe It’s great big wide World I I I Think strategically Thee Colonel of American words II Began humble Lower steps of American words I Ran through experience When I Am labeled (smart code) I I can write The Smallest And Mean The Mostest Outsmarted I’m just WordsbyMM||MMysbsdrow A Future Title Civilian In Demo-Blue4Democracy Office of SMMS of American words Small & missed Paladian of American words I I can write The Smallest And Mean The Mostest How bout? Office of Poetic’s & Words of America Under thee title a small list of 18 personnel When I Get my demands Who know’s At @ the theater 3:00pm/1500 Be in line Grab your seat When I
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artcalledwind · 6 months ago
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My copied YouTube post!
And So What
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artcalledky · 5 months ago
What the Gimmick here? Back in the day! They want more filled prisons Giving the way Hope from Covid Door to door Looking for immigrant check We don’t fill it to capacity We just toss it That’s residential 25, not county sheriff problem, that street that T’s, that a highway, as in a trooper, not what you need What you need is a COP TV&MR’s want you enslaved (You slaved)(you slaved)(you slaved) Encapsulated Door to door an entourage Some may call it raid Naked in a bathroom for hours Hourly price And weekly visits (and monthly) What the gimmick here? Sale coin shoes cologne & cards And goldfish wall device National Secrets a price to be paid Walk through read, leave with Only mind maintained We don’t fill it to capacity We just toss it (Have your yacht; cabins and ocean linings) You didn’t know What the gimmick here! An hear dumb fumbled in business world’s the most of gargantuan mistakes and the words at Rallies just in a clear head and Watch (then get high, heard the same, but now I get laugh at my own Country) @$100,000 You make it again as last time, Stupid! Trumped Not I’m that Vet, same still, you Karen bitch I’ve know you since this Brunch I’m having Deviled Eggs and a Mimosa You had a View You like it with Three finger ohhhh I guess i understand Vaginal rather than Cesarean Clipped and tied Or left loosely Something to think about Ladies (Ohh not Karen, she is basic, left torn……) I only add periods as Former President Trump did In reading it’s all worth the while you’ve been reading and looking at my pictures then go back and read some more more words, I’m current and up to date, it’s a mess on this planet, I see you from all the seats. I was their in OIL oh I love hearing the burning’s it made for hurricane to go deeper inland, the historical was wiped out & never such Hurricanes also Tornados let alone man made wild forest fires, it’s what it is, if you have ever been paying attention, I’ll write in comment playing along in a video I’m watching on YouTube and spreading here on Tumblr, they my sources & I read from Phone as like a Newspaper! POW 💥 I gave for(e) warning POW Prisoners of War Channeling They are always guarded {[(Ya don’t speak of flags, I shut you up, Trump) [Vance minus after election] and the privilege space dumb as shit, including enemas of others transplanted fecal matter I read it helps i.b.s. } Damn no Pill Ya what I say ohh womanly your three fingered We’ll stab your eyes You don’t control your body It’s on TV & TV It’s on TV & TV It’s on TV & TVideoing Streams TV & Streamssssssssssssssss I scream Most men are only In normal You experienced greater than self Epstein Did He Trump Flyers Epstein Did He Trump Flyers E did RumpT in Rumors Trump Flyers And Non Disclosure Agreements aggressively aggravate I’ll cast you to the lower caste of our World I’m not small minded End for aborted We need those babies To perform as Soldiers As in Those other countries for Evil Live pay attention What’s the Gimmick Here?
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