#Rules Of The Game
Breaking the Rules- Complete Chapter Index
Current work in progress on this story. This is a SEQUEL to my previous work, The Rules of the Game. The index of that story can be found here.
Minors DNI please- but everyone else- please enjoy!! ✨💜✨
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Chapter 1- Free Time
Chapter 2- The White Phone
Chapter 3- House Guest(s)
Chapter 4- The Quiet Game
Chapter 5- Into the Woods
Chapter 6- For One Night Only
Chapter 7- Naughty Boy
Chapter 8- Better Halves
Chapter 9- Demons
Chapter 10- The Empty House
Chapter 11- A Little Distraction
Chapter 12- Past Lives
Chapter 13- I Got You, Babe
Chapter 14- Lay It On The Line
Chapter 15- A Little (Self) Distraction
Chapter 16- 7741
Chapter 17- Temper Temper
Chapter 18- Secrets and Lies
Chapter 19- The Second Basement
Chapter 20- The Best Laid Plans
Chapter 21- The Depths
Chapter 22 Hang It Up
Epilogue 1 of 2 Dear Al and Scout
Epilogue 2 of 2 Would It Be a Sin?- coming soon!
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hathousehappenings · 1 year
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15. The Rules of the Game.
This episode was a real mixed bag. I feel like with some of these episodes I have a very short attention span with them, especially when the Hatter and Hare number falls so early.
I had a hard time deciding what to draw for this episode at first. I planned to draw something for Caterpillar's very odd paddleball number, but then he started pummeling Alice with woeballs and and I felt like the decision was made for me. (Also it was another reason to draw the Caterpillar, who I really struggle with.)
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“I think of when I was in high school in the 1940s: the white girls got their hair crinkled up by chemicals and heat so it would curl, and the black girls got their hair mashed flat by chemicals and heat so it wouldn’t curl. Home perms hadn’t been invented yet, and a lot of kids couldn’t afford these expensive treatments, so they were wretched because they couldn’t follow the rules, the rules of beauty.
“Beauty always has rules. It’s a game. I resent the beauty game when I see it controlled by people who grab fortunes from it and don’t care who they hurt. I hate it when I see it making people so self-dissatisfied that they starve and deform and poison themselves. Most of the time I just play the game myself in a very small way, buying a new lipstick, feeling happy about a pretty new silk shirt.
“One rule of the game, in most times and places, is that it’s the young who are beautiful. The beauty ideal is always a youthful one. This is partly simple realism. The young are beautiful. The whole lot of ’em. The older I get, the more clearly I see that and enjoy it.
“And yet I look at men and women my age and older, and their scalps and knuckles and spots and bulges, though various and interesting, don’t affect what I think of them. Some of these people I consider to be very beautiful, and others I don’t. For old people, beauty doesn’t come free with the hormones, the way it does for the young. It has to do with bones. It has to do with who the person is. More and more clearly it has to do with what shines through those gnarly faces and bodies.”
—Ursula K. Le Guin “The Wave of the Mind”
Via The Marginalian
[Follies Of God]
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archivist-dragonfly · 7 months
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Book 479
Rules of the Game: The Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of All the Major Sports of the World
Diagram Group
St. Martin’s Press 1990
This is a weird book, even for me, but it fits with my fondness for odd reference books. I’m convinced that one day it’ll be useful. Someday, I’m going to want to know what the hell shinty is, and how it’s played. Or bandy. Or korfball. Or the difference between rounders and softball. Or pool and English billiards. Apparently, Canadian 5-pin bowling is a thing. So is canoe polo. Or maybe I’m going to want to know how to tell a good synchronized swimming performance from a bad one. You never know. But I have the book for that day.
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zef-zef · 2 years
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Album Art for:
Illusion Of Safety - Rules of the Game (eM 13n, 1994)
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leatherpearlslace · 10 months
Rules of the Game - Spiders
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Zane Murphy from Road Rules is demisexual!
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balkanradfem · 1 year
Alright, nominations for the Favourite Fictional Women are still open for 2 hours, here are the rules of the tournament:
All fictional women from a category will be randomized, and put into polls
Whoever gets 50 votes automatically proceeds into the next round. There won't be only one winner for each poll!
We will do one category at the time. We'll start with books.
We'll decide on a winner of each category, and then whoever had the most votes, will proceed into the Final 10.
I'll calculate how many votes each woman got, so that at the end of the voting, you can see how many other women also adored your favourite ones :)
This also means that once you vote, if there's someone else you also want to see in the finals, you can reblog and let your followers know who already has enough votes, and who needs more in order to proceed. I'll also sometimes reblog polls announcing that a certain character has made the cut, and now others need your attention. We're trying to see which ones are loved and adored enough to actually get a lot of votes, even with competition. The voting starts at the end of nominations!
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maepolzine · 1 year
Looking Back at the Books I Read in March 2023
Looking back at everything I read in March 2023 and briefly sharing my thoughts on those books.
This past month started with a reading slump. I couldn’t concentrate on reading. Every time I tried, I got maybe one chapter in before getting bored or completely unfocused. Not to mention, I spent a lot of time writing and playing video games. With that being said, I did manage to read some books. Though not as many as I usually do. And most of those were read in the second half of March. So,…
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View On WordPress
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iamjaynaemarie · 2 years
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Instagram messed up real bad this morning. They are now on my s*t list with Facebook. A three-year project; they decided to mess up (and then had the audacity to block people for no reason today, I just learned). Some of these sites need a lesson they will never forget. But in the meantime, everything will return to Tumblr (who has blocking problems of their own, but not as bad as the other two).
Coming Soon to Tumblr: the highly-acclaimed comedy webisodic (from the creators of @thesecretofthehouseofbourbonbook and the writer of “Elena Post Comics” that started on Instagram until they decided to suspend it for some reason, “I à XIV: Life in My Court”.
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FAAFO. 😁 Hashtag: Rules of the Game. 
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axziom13 · 1 year
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greenflamethegf · 1 year
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TBH that might even thiner they avrage
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skyberia · 8 months
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workarounds to having a vampire as your partner in crime
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bestseoidea · 6 months
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ashes2caches · 2 months
chaser who keeps impatiently looking down at his wristwatch as he follows a cis guy with long hair through a fighting games convention
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meliarcu-seventy-too · 5 months
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