#Rui Prager
bwp-123 · 2 years
Setting the Record Straight: State-Sanctioned Child Abduction Under American and Japanese Auspices
Setting the Record Straight: State-Sanctioned Child Abduction Under American and Japanese Auspices
Fighting misinformation on the terrain of news reporting is a never-ending and seemingly petty struggle that brings little to no satisfaction. The gross injustice of Japanese state-sanctioned child abduction with full U.S. State Department support remains unchanged since I first became aware of the issue in 2010, the year that my 4 1/2 -year-old son Rui was abducted to Japan by his mother,…
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bwp-123 · 2 years
Persistence Without Sovereignty
Wednesday, November 16th 2022, Rui turns 17 years old First, a story about a famous rebel. Cassandra is the daughter of the founders of Troy. She became a priestess in Apollo’s temple, where seeing her youth and beauty, Apollo bestows a divine blessing upon her to try to win her favor: the divine gift of prophecy. Thinking that for this, she must be his, Apollo tries to have her and is shocked…
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bwp-123 · 2 years
February 2018 Children's Human Rights Committee "Children's Speech"
February 2018 Children’s Human Rights Committee “Children’s Speech”
This is a reposting of a text, with English translation below, from the following source: https://con-rights-child9.localinfo.jp/posts/7136647/ 2019.10.16…
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bwp-123 · 2 years
30 Million Children in 20 Years. For Japan, Custody By Kidnapping Continues Unabated.
"In Japan, family abductions have given birth to a lucrative business with the collusion of the system"
“Japan, family abductions have given birth to a lucrative business with the collusion of the system” August 26, 2022 The text and images here appeared with a current dateline on various websites this week. The following is taken directly from site billed as La Prensa Latina, and appears to be published in Tennessee. There are many other links to this story to be found with photos and headlines…
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bwp-123 · 3 years
Japanese Press Touches the Untouchable 仏・日本人妻に逮捕状「子供連れ去った疑い」 Arrest warrant for Japanese wife in France: "Suspected of taking children"
Japanese Press Touches the Untouchable 仏・日本人妻に逮捕状「子供連れ去った疑い」 Arrest warrant for Japanese wife in France: “Suspected of taking children”
Vincent Fichot, whose hunger strike in the summer of 2021 brought visibility and media coverage to the resistant Japanese Since the summer of 2021, a slight uptick has been seen in media attention to child abduction and termination of parental rights in Japan. This was due to the hunger strike held outside of the principal entrance to the Olympic village, built in Tokyo for the delayed 2020…
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bwp-123 · 3 years
'Anerkennen' & Call Me!
‘Anerkennen’ & Call Me!
November has a way of coming around again; the light gets colder and the air gets darker. Even amidst the planetary crises that weigh so heavily on the minds of everyone I meet, the rhythm of season change beats on, but is experienced again and again here in these times as broken and lacking in the comforts of fulfilled expectations and reassuring cycles. We seek in vain for the crowd; we cannot…
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bwp-123 · 4 years
Wandering Boy
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Rui (at 4 years old) – 15 today –
I long to tell you That I’m always thinking of you But my words just blow away
In hopes that I might find you:
When I was fifteen, as you are,I got stuck on this song just as this singer (and…
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bwp-123 · 5 years
On Bastille Day, July 14 2019
On Bastille Day, July 14 2019
On Bastille Day, 2019
There is more than one way to cage a child.
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There is more than one way to cage a child
It is tempting sometimes to say that the society we live in today can be straightforwardly deduced from the self-development of the logic of its institutions. That the drastic conditions we witness today are prefigured in the exclusions devised for a legal order somehow conceived in the…
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bwp-123 · 5 years
December 31, 2019
After spending a few short days together for the holidays this week, our family received this note today from my Dad, Rui’s grandfather, now 92 years of age.
Tuesday, December 31, 2019 So good to know all arrived home safely.
When we were together, I talked about being aware of one’s blessings. I was indeed keenly aware of what those few days brought me. They reminded me AGAIN of how proud I am…
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bwp-123 · 6 years
Japanese International Child Abduction Gets Brief Mention at Senate Confirmation Hearing of Ambassador Caroline Kennedy
Japanese International Child Abduction Gets Brief Mention at Senate Confirmation Hearing of Ambassador Caroline Kennedy
This is a note I sent to Maryland Senator Ben Cardin (Democrat) today,
Although I am a resident of New York State, not Maryland, I would like to write you today to express my deeply felt and sincere thanks to you for your having asked the new ambassador to Japan, Caroline Kennedy, if she is willing to use her office’s power and influence to obtain the return of an enormous number of American…
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bwp-123 · 6 years
A Talking Book That Said Your Name (November 16, 2013 - Rui is 8 Years Old)
A Talking Book That Said Your Name (November 16, 2013 – Rui is 8 Years Old)
These three songs are all I can reach out to you with from this helpless place here in New York. Rui, you’re in every dream.  I haven’t forgotten a thing.
This is, for me, a memory of when you were small and we slept side by side.
Graham Nash – Sleep Song
When you were asleep I was kissing your forehead You gave a frown So I kissed you again You started waking And put your arms round my waist Just…
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bwp-123 · 6 years
Remember, Remember, Remember
“Freud is inviting us to distinguish between something he calls remembering, which is presumably veracious and potentially transformative, and something called an action, a repeated action in which the so-called patient – like an actor with a script, or a figure in a dream – unwittingly performs something from his past. That he knows he is repeating something, but that he doesn’t know he is…
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bwp-123 · 2 years
ルイボーイの場合 「あなたは花が貴重な香りを発していることに気づきます。そして、どうしてこんなに小さな中心部からそのような甘いものが出てくるのか、誰もわかりません」 Wm. ブレイク 家約2010 年 6 月、RUI は日本に誘拐されました。日本では、国が後援する子供の誘拐が蔓延しています。ここをクリックして入力してください。 父親の抹殺:強制的慣行、日本の国際親による子の誘拐における腐食効果 ポストする2016 年 3 月 5 日ブライアン・プラガー2 票 ERASURE OF THE FATHER強制的慣行、日本の国際親による子供の誘拐における腐食効果 BRIAN W. PRAGER アブストラクト父親の抹殺、つまり、世話をしている実の親が幼い子供たちの生活から追放されることは、今日の日本で流行している。現在、日本では約 300…
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bwp-123 · 6 years
Persistence of the Old Regime: For Parents, Japanese State-Sanctioned International Child Abduction Goes On
Persistence of the Old Regime: For Parents, Japanese State-Sanctioned International Child Abduction Goes On
Parents of Japanese Child Abduction March  to the State Department Washington D.C. – March 31, 2014. These are not optimistic times, not here or anywhere.
The historian, Arno Mayer, once wrote words to the effect that it is difficult if not impossible to compose reasoned, ordered analysis of a conflict (a military and civil conflict) when the stakes are a fight to the death over a “Holy of…
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