#Rude and nosey architect
searsage · 2 years
Robin was momentarily startled when she felt the larger precursor's claw boldly press up firmly against her stomach and if not for the sheer shock of their guile the researcher would surely have left the room sporting a fractured hand, because his hulking size would not spare him from her ire.
It took her a second to slap away his intrusive touch, yet despite the strength she packed behind it  they did not flinch in pain, yet still they heeded her warning strike.
"Apologies, we are simply curious if you were receptive.." He clarified his intent behind the rude action, but they didn't sound apologetic at all, instead it's projected voice seethed with quiet intrigue.
They pulled away but not far, instead electing to hover close to her despite her obvious irritation, circling her curiously, the tablet they were once rhoving through long forgotten in lieu of Robin's presence.
"Look I don't know what that means, but we humans don't like people we aren't familiar with touching us without permission! It's intrusive! And considered rude!" Robin grit out glaring back defiantly at the large silver precursors, imposing or not this asshole wasn't about to grind her nerves, it was easy to recognize how her architect differed amongst the rest of his caste.
So far many were intrusive and rude.
She wished Al-an or Ryley were there with her, but realized easily it would not be wise to have either of her companions present when trying to negotiate, still it was intimidating dealing with the alien alone, the precursor before her was enigmatic past his obvious interest in her, it was also the odd hue he kept flaring every time she spoke that unnerved her..
"Do not fret fragile one I am simply curious..." 
"Your rude that's what you are! But that's beside the point.  I'm not here to talk about you, im here to talk about Al-an."
"To think such a feeble creature has triggered such controversy amongst us, he plans to defect, surely you are aware of this...?"
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vertigoed · 1 year
seasons | satoru gojo
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all your life, you’ve lied but satoru knew the truth.
summary: fem!reader x richboy!satoru, childhood bestfriends, satoru is an aspiring start up entrepreneur, reader is in established relationship with toji and in lawschool (reader aged 22, satoru 24)
your friendship with satoru was strictly platonic. this was what you'd swore to everyone throughout most of your life, like a mantra playing on a broken record. that the son of the famous architect was like your older brother and that you'd rather die than see him as a man.
when you first met him, you were only 8 and he had just turned 10. his parents had recently gotten divorced, resulting in a moody satoru moving in next door, with his mom who dressed fancy and smoked a lot.
you were an extroverted child, a bit nosey and always wanting to befriend every kid you encountered. satoru, however, was the opposite. he exuded an air of shyness and snobbishness, often wrinkling his pointed nose in disdain at the things he found unamusing.
you didn't let that bother you and always knocked at his door, asking his mother if the boy can come out and play.
initially, his mom would have to drag him out, but eventually he started to warm up to you. he started to share his candy without you having to plead and some days, he'd shyly knock at your door to ask you to play.
despite satoru being older, he'd often be seen shadowing your every move, akin to a lost puppy, listening to your childish demands and playing the games that you liked.
once his voice dropped, he stopped being so obedient and started to boss you around, which of course led to many childish arguments. when you started to wear padded bras, a noticeable change occurred in satoru's behavior. he became increasingly awkward, abruptly getting up and leaving if you'd touch him the wrong way or avoiding your eyes if you wore something a bit revealing.
high school was rough for the both of you. girls either hated your guts or befriended you to solely get close to satoru. while satoru had to deal with his class mates oggling at you in the hallways and constantly being asked if he's 'done it' yet.
you lifted your head from your arms, frowning in annoyance as you were just about to drift off to sleep. you tiredly watch sakura stroll over to you with a pink box in her hand.
"i was just about to sleep," you rolled your eyes, resting your chin on your hand with heavy lids.
you were barely surviving with just four hours of sleep as you stayed up all night cramming for an exam. you were in no mood to deal with sakura, already knowing what she wanted from you.
"can you give this to gojo senpai?" she hummed, placing the box on your desk, "and maybe invite him to my birthday party? of course, you need to come too-"
"do it yourself," you buried your face into the crook of your arms, hoping she'll take the hint to leave.
"please," she began to whine, crouching down next to you so she was at face level. you felt her gently shake your shoulder, "i'm too scared and you're like super close to him. just say it's from me-"
"ask shoko or suguru," you snapped.
you hated that all the girls in your grade expected you to be satoru's postman. it was almost a daily occurrence where you'd find chocolates and letters at your desk with his name labelled on it.
but one thing you hated more was when they would personally come up to you for a favour and beg until you gave in.
"but they're older and scaryyy.. please y/n."
"fine!" you groaned, cutting her off as you were unable to tolerate her pitched voice, "let me at least sleep until lunch is over."
"yay you're the best! love you!”
you could hear the girl get up and walk away, sliding the door shut behind her and finally leaving you alone in the classroom.
"she's such a rude bitch sometimes," sakura's loud voice echoed into the hallway.
"she thinks she's top shit just because she's friends with gojo senpai. but seriously, she's just his lackey don't you think so?" you heard another voice chime in and the girls all burst into laughter.
"yeah, she probably does his homework for him and wipe his ass or something because there's no way someone like gojo senpai would want to hang out..."
you felt your blood boil with anger, not necessarily at sakura, but more towards satoru. it was infuriating that people saw you as nothing more than just gojo satoru’s friend. you were sick of school feeling like his kingdom and you were some sort of side character who’s main purpose is to deliver gifts for the almighty gojo.
you look at the box wrapped in baby pink wrapping paper with a blue bow placed on top. "i'm his lackey?" you bitterly muttered to yourself, ripping the paper off.
it was a box of nama royce chocolate. you scoffed at sakura's stupidity of gifting food that was meant to be refrigerated. you scoffed down the chocolates, leaving the wrapping paper on your desk so sakura would notice.
coincidentally, you spot satoru's white hair walking past the room with shoko. you angrily sculled back some water to wash the chocolate down, before stomping out to chase your friend.
"satoru!” you take an airy breath before calling out to him.
he spun at the sound of your voice with a bright grin, his eyes trailing to the box in your hands .
"yo! another present for me?" he greeted you, blue eyes glistening with excitement, "are those nama chocolates? are they still cold-"
you stomped over and shoved the empty box into his hands, "they were cold," you lied (they were room temperature) "and really fucking delicious."
"you ate it?" he looked surprised, slowly opening the box to see it bare and looked back up with disappointment, "but they're not meant for you to eat..."
"from now on, i'm going to take a cut of your presents," you narrowed your eyes before turning to shoko who seemed to be entertained by the little scene, "hey shoko-"
"wait why are you mad at me?" satoru cuts you off and much to his annoyance, your eyes remained firmly on his friend and not him.
"it's annoying right?" shoko linked her arm with you, ignoring the taller boy, "i know exactly how you feel. before you joined this school, i had to put up with the same bullshit."
"people think i'm his lackey," you sulked, letting the older girl walk you down and leaving a confused satoru behind, "and they all think they can use me to get close to him, i'm so over it!"
"i know, we overheard those girls talk.... it's infuriating but don't let it get to you," shoko gave you a sympathetic smile, giving your arm a small squeeze in reassurance, "seriously, i don't know why people put that dumb ass on a pedestal. he's got a pretty head but it's just an accessory with nothing inside."
you laughed a little too hard at shoko's roast.
"i can hear you guys talk shit aboout me! and shoko can you tell y/n that i stood up for her to those-"
"don't worry, we'll be graduating soon so you won't have to deal with him any longer at school," shoko flashed you a grin.
following his high school graduation, satoru moved into one of his father's apartments in ginza as it was closer to his university.
despite him no longer being your neighbor, your friendship remained resolute. you would go over to his apartment almost daily after school, where you'd have a study session, then force him to buy you dinner. thanks to satoru's help, you graduated with grades good enough to get into law school.
things started to get rocky when you got into your first serious relationship at the age of 20.
the moment satoru somehow found out that your boyfriend was 37 with two kids, he lost his shit. he showed up to your door with an expression so dark, his voice so low and fraught with tension, that for the first time in your life, you felt a pang of fear within you.
"you just turning fucking 20 and you're whoring out for a guy who's almost double your fucking age?" he hissed, an unmistakable scent of alcohol lingered heavily on his breath.
"w-what? how did you find out?" you freeze at the door, slightly too frightened to move.
you purposely kept your relationship with toji fushiguro a secret as you were afraid of satoru judgement. you didn't expect him to be this upset though.
he pushed past you to let himself in. "does that matter?" satoru raised his voice. you couldn't tell if he was disappointed or disgusted. "are you with him for money? because you know i can take care of you, you just need to let me know!"
you shook your head, unable to find your voice as satoru was partially correct. money played a big part in your relationship with toji but he didn't have to know that. you bit your lip, sucking in your teeth, "money has nothing to do with this," you lied.
his brows knit into a tight scowl, "so you genuinely like that old fucker?"
"i-i," you tried to think of words to say. "you haven't even met him, he's really nice-"
"he's 16 years older than you!" his fist slams against the table, causing you to flinch in shock. his face softened, immediately regretting his outburst, "i'm sorry.”
"i'm not a kid," you spoke quietly, taking the seat next to him at the table, "i-i get why it may seem wrong but he cares for me and i'm sorry i didn't tell you. it's only been a couple months-"
"so you want to be a step mom at 20?" he said, letting out a humorless laugh, "you're in law school and you want to waste your time dating a old geezer who's got two fucking kids?"
you couldn't look at him in the eyes and kept your gaze firmly on your lap. having two kids was last of toji's issues. the man owned several clubs across roppongi and shibuya where he money laundered billions, as well as hosting highly illegal, drug infested parties for japan's top 1%.
toji getting caught was near impossible due to his connections with the law enforcement. but you were still afraid of the possible consequences of being a criminal's girlfriend and what it may do to your future career. you knew satoru had every right to be worried.
"stop being like this satoru," you let out a shaky sigh, "j-just stop caring so much."
"oh my god y/n," he groaned into his hands before tugging at his white strands in frustration, "you're fucking killing me here. how do you expect me to not care when it's you?"
"look i get it. i'm like your younger sister and obviously you'd be protective-"
your breath hitched as satoru moved at lightning speed, pressing his lips against yours. he was too quick for your mind to process what was going on as your eyes remained wide open.
it was a blur of dizzying heat, your stomach doing somersaults in a panicked, frenzy mode as your brain was screaming for you to do something- anything.
"are you okay?!" you pushed him off, your heart pounding violently against your chest and blood rush through you in a way it shouldn't.
you couldn't understand why your stomach was swarming with monstrous butterflies and your legs felt like custard. you should be repulsed, not nervous.
"no, just trying to make a point that you're not my sister," his mouth settled somewhere between a smile and a frown as his icy blue eyes bored into you.
he swiftly leaned into you again and cupped your cheek, his touch causing your breath to hitch. " you should be with me instead,” his voice barley above a whisper.
your eyes were almost bursting out your head as you stared back in disbelief, it had to be the alcohol talking.
and for the first time in your life, you felt yourself weak before his famous blue eyes that everyone seemed to swoon for. your heart fluttered and your eyes trail down to his soft lips. that kiss felt like a fever dream, you wanted to feel it again so badly...
wait, what the fuck is wrong with me?!
"you're wasted," you snapped out of the trance, breaking eye contact, “w-we should talk about this when you’re sober."
"what does he have that i don't?" he spoke calmly, his cold fingers digging into your cheek, ”besides fucking kids? was the kiss that awful?"
you pulled his hands off you, still feeling his blue orbs burning into you as you defensively cross your arms. objectively speaking, it wasn't like he was lacking in any way, if anything he was a perfect boyfriend candidate. but your friendship with him was also perfect- so perfect that you were terrified of ruining it.
your mouth opens and shuts, caught in the grip of uncertainty as your mind battled itself. you couldn't bring yourself to admit the unexpected allure of his lips- you just weren't prepared to acknowledge that truth yet.
“i'm with toji," you said softly, lowering your eyes, "i think you had too much to drink tonight, you need to leave."
his face dropped and it was like all the lights in his eyes went dim. with his shoulders slouched, he shoots you a fleeting look before leaving without another word. you found yourself tossing and turning all night, unable to close as your eyes as the hurt look he flashed upon you was etched into your memory,
the next morning, satoru acted like the kiss never happened so you followed suit and tried to forget it- after all, he was drunk so he probably blacked out.
the day you realised you loved satoru as more than just a friend, you were a few years too late.
"you're dating rumi yoshimoto?" the words escaped your lips louder than intended, causing a few heads to turn in the cafe. your face heats up in embarrassment and you try to relax your composure, "-is this why you asked to meet up?"
this was your first time seeing satoru in a couple months so when he asked to meet up at a cafe, you were bursting with excitement, even putting on some makeup before leaving the house. your shoulders deflate in disappointment and your stomach felt as if you've been punched in the guts.
"yeah," he nodded, looking up from his hot chocolate, "it only happened last week."
words failed you in that moment as a mixture of contradicting feelings wash over you. you should be happy for him, or at least be curious about the details. so why did you feel a sickening sense of jealousy?
it made sense for satoru and rumi to be together. they had been friends since college; she worked under him at his startup tech company and they were both attractive and available. on the other hand, you were already in a three-year-long relationship with no right to be salty.
"wow, this is the first time you've even spoken to me about another girl," you tried to sound nonchalant, but your stomach churned. you take a long sip of you drink to wash down the tightness of your throat, "i never even thought you'd be interested in rumi."
satoru's love life had been virtually non-existent- or so you thought- aside from a few casual one night stands in the past that he never bothered to discuss with you. you'd try to get him to talk about the few girls he hooked up with, but he'd scrunch his nose in disgust in response.
he had thousands of beautiful girls at his feet, yet he'd claim nobody was good enough for him. rumi was the last woman you thought would be good enough for gojo satoru.
"i guess i only started liking her a few weeks ago."
you shift uncomfortably at the thought of satoru and rumi dating. act normal. why are you being such a weirdo? you silently scold yourself,.
you take a small breath and force the corners of your mouth into a smile. "h-how did it start?" you kept your attention on your melon soda, stirring it with the straw, "who confessed to who first?"
"she asked me out then i told her to give me a couple weeks to think about it," he leaned back in his seat to stretch out his long arms as he yawned, clearly showing that this conversation was boring him. you couldn't help but admire the cords of muscle in his thick forearms bulge with each flex of movement, "but, anyway that's me. how's your life been?"
"huh?" you blinked, breaking your gaze away from his body and hastily divert your attention elsewhere. you prayed he didn't see you checking him out. "oh um, good. i finished my exams so i'm done for the year and uh... going on a trip in a few weeks."
"to where?"
"europe," you gulped, stirring the ice cream into the green drink.
satoru kept quiet. he didn't even have to ask who you were going with. toji fushiguro had become the forbidden topic between you two.
"rumi huh?" you take a tip out of your drink, hastily changing the subject to break the tension, "how long did she have feelings for you?"
you've only met rumi a handful of times but it was enough to get a slight feeling that she had a crush on satoru, as you noticed her lingering stares on him whenever you met her at one of his parties.
"she said since freshman year in college, so six years or so," he shrugged, "i don't know how i feel about dating someone who works under me though."
you wanted to tell him it's a horrible idea, that rumi could never match his energy and he should break it off. you bite your cheek. you should be supportive and play the best friend role like you're supposed to.
"love can grow over time," you gulped, fiddling with the hem of your sweater underneath the table, "just give it a chance."
you were burning with self hatred at that moment. you coulnd't understand why you were so bummed out by this, why it was so upsetting that-
“i wish you'd stop me."
a baby started screaming on top of their lungs simultaneously as he spoke. you furrowed your brows, leaning in, “huh?”
you weren't sure if you just misheard but did he just say? no, you must've misheard.
“nothing, i said let's go,” he looked away and got up, “i'll pay."
you follow the six foot four man outside, the cold winter air brushing against your skin, causing you to shiver and tighten the scarf around your neck. you watched how satoru walked with confidence, head held high and ignoring every head that turned to admire the model like man.
"let me drive you home," he turned to you, "i parked a few blocks down."
"okay," you nodded, quickening your pace to close the gap between you two, "so, how's the business going?"
"good," he answered, "i've got a meeting with an investor next week."
you get into his sleek black mclaren, buckling yourself as he started up the engine. "do you mind if we drop by the office on the way to yours? just need to grab my laptop," he said, resting his hand behind your head rest as he reversed out.
“i don’t mind,” you answered, playing with the rings on your finger as you looked out the tinted windows.
your mind drifts off to the night satoru kissed you. even three years later, you frequently thought about it. you always questioned if it was fueled by the alcohol or genuine feelings; wondering what would’ve happened happened if you kissed him back and what if you didn't push him away- would you have left toji and be his girlfriend instead of rumi?
truth be told, you weren't even certain how you felt towards satoru at this stage. the thought of being in a relationship with him terrified you. you were never a believer in true love and rather believed in statistics that proved 70% of relationships fail in the first year.
you simply loved him too much so you didn’t want to risk possibly losing your friendship over a relationship that was bound to fail.
satoru pulls into the parking lot of his office that was tucked in between a diner and a vintage records shop. satoru’s office was location on the top floor of the 50 storey building that his father owned and the rest of the building was shared with other businesses.
you raised a brow when you saw rumi's car was also parked. you casually announced that you'll follow him in.
"i’ll try to be quick, ten minutes max," satoru turned to you in the elevator as you smoothed down your hair.
"yeah, that's fine," you shrugged, checking your reflection in the mirror.
satoru's stare lingers on you, breaking off when the elevator door opens, revealing the woman you were hoping to see. your eyes trail down to her outfit, a tight midi skirt and cream colored turtleneck.
"h-hey guys!" rumi's voice was pitched, clearly surprised to see you, "what are you doing here?"
her usual black hair was curled into loose waves and she wasn't wearing her thick rimmed glasses that hid her features. she looked pretty and you hated that.
"hey, i'm just getting my laptop," the arctic haired man greets the girl, oblivious to her stunned reaction.
you knew rumi never liked you- or at least, was uncomfortable around you- but, you didn't mind that, especially in times like this, watching her squirm bought you satisfaction.
"hey rumi, congrats on the new relationship!" you chirped brightly at the taller woman, a wide smile plastered on your face, "i'm guessing that's why you're all dressed up?"
satoru shoots rumi a cursory glance without much expression.
"oh... s-satoru already told you," she stuttered, looking at her new boyfriend, who was oblivious to her tone with her lips pressed into a tight smile.
"well, i'm going to be in the office, text me when you get home," the tall man gives his girlfriend another fleeting look before leaving his defenseless girlfriend to your antics.
the dark haired woman wrapped her arms around herself, shifting uncomfortably in her boots, "s-so what are you guys doing after?"
"oh us?" your tone was causal and light, "we're probably going to chill at mine."
rumi's face goes pale and you notice her jaw clench ever so slightly. you laugh and give her a light slap on the shoulder, "what's with the face! don't worry, it's nothing like that," you giggled.
poor rumi start to laugh with you, although she didn't know what was so funny. rumi swallowed her discomfort. after all, you're satoru's childhood friend, practically family and she'd only started dating him a week ago.
"i'm not worried," rumi plastered a smile, meeting your eyes.
well you should be, you think to yourself but instead, you smile back at her. "oh by the way," you lowered your voice, "you got like food stuck in your teeth, must've been from lunch."
you gesture at the left side of your mouth, your lips curled into a faint smirk. rumi turns her head down to the floor and pressed the elevator button to go down, muttering a goodbye to you.
did you feel like immature? yes but what could you do when all you could see is green?
you give the door a quick knock before stepping into the office. satoru was busily typing away at his laptop, not even bothering to acknowledge you.
you walked over to his chair to peek over his shoulder, scrunching your nose at all the complicated coding stuff. you sat yourself on the massive couch facing the french windows.
one prominent feature of the's office was the wall made entirely of glass stretching from floor to ceiling, showing a panoramic view of lively shinjuku below. the sun was setting, casting a gorgeous hue of purple and red over the cityscape of towering buildings with glistening lights and billboards. no matter how many times you've visited his work place, you couldn't get over this sight.
you then tried to focus on your phone, mindlessly scrolling in between apps. a fan edit of satoru's high school photos showed up on your tiktok feed, your lips twitch into a wistful smile as you reminisce on your youth.
back then, people expected him to become an athlete or a professional mma fighter due to his innate atheletic talents. nobody expected him to enroll in computer science and all thought he was wasting his gift.
little did they know satoru also happened to be a coding genius. at the age of 20, he was making headlines in the tech industry, labelled as the gen z mark zukerberg. tiktok and twitter soon found out about gojo satoru, which led to him becoming an online sensation with millions of fans thirsting over him.
your eyes float over to your friend. you were still in disbelief that satoru was finally in his first relationship at the age of 24. as stupid as this may sound, but you never thought this day would come- well not this quick anyway.
"i can feel you staring at me," he broke off your chain of thoughts, catching you off guard. your face heats up in embarrassment and you hastily avert your gaze away. he stood from his seat as he packed his laptop into his bag, "what did i do?"
"nothing," you shook your head as you got up from the couch.
suddenly, you heard satoru's stomach grumble. "i cooked pasta for lunch, do you want some?" you asked as you wait for the elevator.
you bit your lip, watching the flicker of surprise crosses his eyes as he hesitate to answer.
"yeah alright." satoru brushed off the slight prick in his moral compass, telling himself there was no harm in just going over to a friend's apartment for dinner.
so when rumi texted him asking him what he was doing later that night, he lied and replied saying he was at suguru's apartment. when in reality, he was sitting on your couch, lighting up a blunt, with you sitting comfortably close.
he tried to ignore his conscientious side nagging him that this was wrong. not because you're a woman.
but, because it was you. the one who made his heart race whenever your skin brushed against his. only you could turn him on just by your scent or the way you looked up at him with glistening eyes. only you could get him hard by innocently bending over to pick up the fallen remote.
it was you that he was alone with while he's in a committed relationship, which was why he had to leave.
"i have to go," he took an airy breath, standing up from the sofa without a glance.
he never thought of himself as a good guy. in fact he’s done plenty of morally questionable things in the past. but he knew he wasn't going to let himself become a cheater like his father.
"what, why?" you get up as well, following him to the door as he hurriedly shrugged his jacket on.
you grabbed his wrist so he'd face you but his 6'4 frame wouldn't budge.
"i-i shouldn't be doing this," he said with a stoic expression.
"why? we're just watching a movie," you were beyond confused as he was laughing at the movie ten minutes ago. you racked you brain, trying to think what you did wrong that could've upset him so much.
satoru pulled out of your grip and seemed to hesitate to say something before shaking his head and letting out an exasperated sigh, "i'll text you," he murmured, before closing the door behind him.
you don't notice the tears pooling down your eyes, lips quivering as your knees dropped you to the floor. you were only watching a movie with him, something you've done a million times with him. it hurt to know things were going to change from now. you felt pathetic, wallowing like this in self pity and regret.
you wished you didn't care so much and that you could be happy for them. it wasn't like you could rewind the time and change the past, but still, you desperately wished you could take back those words you said.
you thought back to all the times satoru had cared for you, in a way nobody had before. he was never the type of person to verbally express his love, instead showed it everyday with abundance.
satoru was the type to remember you complaining about your headphones being uncomfortable and casually get you a new pair the next day, under the guise that he accidentally bought himself two sets.
there was a phase in high school when you and satoru would often have petty arguments and you'd act like a total brat to him, your teenage hormones fueling your emotions to hurl hurtful insults. surprisingly though, satoru would still drive you to school the next day, albeit, it was always a silent car ride as he still held a grudge against you.
he knew every detail about you and sometimes you felt like he knew you better than yourself. he kept you grounded, always pushing you to be better. even when he was drowning in college exams, he'd still make time to tutor you and helped you keep in track with your studies, knowing you lacked self discipline and would procrastinate if he didn't do so.
when your grandmother passed away, he wasn't sure what to say to comfort you- instead, he cried with you and stayed until you were okay. with satoru by your side, you never once felt alone. it was no secret that you loved satoru but it was daunting to finally realise how deep it was.
was this how satoru felt when he found out about toji?
i didnt proof read this but yay thank u if u read this far.
(reader is so messy ik )
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mysweetestcreature · 6 years
Wish Upon A Star (StepBro!Harry) Extras: Reunion
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Request: I need a little blurb of both of them attending one of those school reunion/parties with all their old schoolmates and when they are married and shes pregnant and hot. Everyone probably already know about then because instagrM and gossip but they are still the talk of the party and harry is all smug bc his love look gorgeous carrying his bub and they don’t care for the looks. I don’t know i just love mess and drama lol
A/N: I had to change it up just a bit to match the timeline xx
To say they’re a bit anxious to be attending this milestone event would be an understatement. It’s still hard to wrap their minds around having completed their sixth-form, and yet so much has happened since then. They’re married, have real-world jobs, and have two perfect little boys.
“You two look so adorable!” Y/n claps her hands together as she gazes happily at them dressed in matching suspenders and bowties. “Look, Daddy!” she picks up a one-year-old Declan off the bed and waves his arm out to her husband. The baby squeals and excitedly calls for Harry.
Harry looks up from adjusting his sleeves and dramatically gasps and reaches for his son. “Take after me, don’t you, bub?” he coos and tickles his tummy. Giggles bounce off the walls, and Declan can’t help but squirm in glee as the tips of his daddy’s fingers scurry across his plump body. Harry gives him a big kiss to his head, then turns back to his missus. She’s wearing a dark blue satin dress she’d bought for the occasion, that accentuates all the right parts of her figure. If the kids weren’t here with them, he’d be more enticed to see it in a pool around her feet. “Baby, we ready to go?” She holds up her pointer while she tucks Luca’s shirt back into his pants––he’s already getting fussy, a true sign that he’s Harry’s son. 
“It’s only a few hours, alright, my love?” she tells him when he starts pouting. Luca holds his arms up, standing on his tippy toes, in desperate need for his mumma to carry him. With her eldest balanced on her hip, she surveys their hotel room to make sure everything’s in order. “Oh!” she spots the invitation on the nightstand and quickly drops it in her purse. 
The banner is big and bold as it hangs on top of the main entrance. There are a few groups of ex-students spread across the pavement. Y/n recognizes some of them as cheerleaders that used to ask¬¬––beg––her to set them up with her “brother.” One of them spot the family, and it’s all hushed whispers being exchanged, with not-so-sneaky glances their way. 
“Don’t you know it’s rude to stare? Or were you all too busy toying with your hair to learn proper etiquette?” Y/n instantly smiles when she hears the familiar voice. Carrie glares at the group of nosey women, her hands firmly at her hips as she barks another insult their way. When they all disperse in different directions, she turns to her best friend, demeanor having taken a complete 360. “I’m so glad you guys are here!” she squeals, and wraps her arms around Y/n. It’s been a while since they’ve seen each other. Unlike Y/n and Harry, she’d opted to remain in Manchester and runs a cute little boutique in town. 
A slight huff erupts from in between them, and Carrie coos at her cranky godson. “Say hi to Auntie Carrie, bub,” Y/n nudges her youngest. Declan had fallen asleep in the car and has yet to adjust to the new surroundings. He shyly lifts his hand up to wave, before he’s snuggling back into his mumma’s neck.  
“Lemme take him, love,” Harry reaches for Declan, “It’s good to see you, Carrie. Where’s Jameson?” He had been all too amused to learn that the two had gotten together a few years ago. In fact, if he can recall correctly, that particular day had been his and Y/n’s wedding. Carrie blushes and tells them that her fiancé will be arriving a little later. 
The lot walk inside, Y/n holding on to Luca’s hand as they enter the gymnasium that’s been completely transformed into a proper party space. Although, it does sort of give off prom vibes––not that she would know because her and Harry hadn’t even attended––but it’s still a cute attempt. Luca gets excited when he sees a few balloons on the floor, picking one up and showing it to his brother. “Daddy can we take this home with us?” And then he’s gathering as many of them in his small arms as possible, which is only three, but he won’t rain on his son’s parade. 
It’s when Harry is getting his missus a refill of her beverage when he feels someone tap lightly on his shoulder. He hands Luca some juice that he had poured a few moments prior before he turns around. Hopefully he isn’t as transparent to the rest of the world as he is to his wife because then the person in front of him would see how he’s just internally groaned. 
“Harry! It’s been too long!” the woman’s shrill voice hurts his ears, and she throws herself onto him. 
He awkwardly pats her shoulder, “Erm…hi, Georgina.” She pulls away and plays with break lines of his jacket. Her fingers fiddle with one the buttons as she smiles up at him, her bottom lip caught between her teeth. 
“You look so good. I heard you’re some hotshot architect in London. Hmm, I always knew you’d do great things,” she says dreamily. Harry tries to politely swat her hand away from him, appearing to be simply dusting off his jacket. He looks down to his son, who’s just gulped up the last bit of his apple juice.
“Want more, bub?”
“Yes, please, Daddy,” Luca holds up his cup, giving Harry a sweet grin. The young boy then stares at the lady who had been touching his daddy. “Who are you?” his voice suspicious. She reminds him a lot of the redhead that’s always annoying Naomi. And he knows very well that the redhead doesn’t like his mumma, and he doesn’t like that. 
“So, the rumors are true then? You married your sis-” she eyes the spawn, but Harry’s taking Luca’s hand in his and gestures over to where his wife and other son sit with Jameson and Carrie.
“C’mon, Mumma’s been waiting for her drink, yeah?” And he’s leading them away. He looks over his shoulder. “Nice talking to you.” They nearly make it safely back to their table when the pang of her voice accompanied by the tapping of her heels has Harry visibly flinching.
Thankfully he’s just caught Y/n’s attention. She gets up, Declan clinging to her like a koala and cocks an eyebrow at her husband. Luca runs over to her, hugging her leg as he whispers something about the Wicked Witch’s sister trailing behind them. Y/n lifts her gaze from her son and her lips purse into a straight line when she sees her. Even ten years after they’ve left this place, and the sight of Georgina Rupert still makes her blood boil. 
“Georgina,” she tightly greets when she comes within close radius of the family. “How lovely to see you.” The last time they’d seen her was when she had tried to convince Harry to take her to prom. Oh, how Y/n would have loved to tell her off then.
“Don’t know if I can say the same,” Georgina says though gritted teeth. “You two have got some nerve, showing up tonight. Caused quite the ruckus when the news erupted because who would have thought that everyone’s favorite siblings have been banging each other all this time. And it seems you’ve brought along the devil spawns.” Her eyes dart between the two boys. Harry’s hand tenses from where it rests on her waist. No one talks about his family like that, it has his insides churching with animosity. But when he looks at his wife, she remains cool and level-headed.
“And it seems that you’re still single,” Y/n replies bluntly. Harry covers his mouth with his wife’s shoulder, but the vibrations erupting from his chest are obvious. He loves it when she drops her filter, there’s something so satisfying about it. “I heard you were engaged. So sad to hear that he cheated on you, and with your own sister? That’s just rotten luck.”
When it comes time to chat with his former football mates, he has Y/n snug at his side, as they all catch up. While a few of them have known about the relationship for some time––they’d been the ones invited to the wedding––many of the others shift wearily in place. It’s just a bit awkward, as some of them had had a thing for Y/n in their teenage years and didn’t think anything of it because she was their mate’s sister. If he’s being honest, he quite likes that he’s able to show her off to the rest of them, like he wishes he could have done when they were still in school.
From time to time, he’ll just look down to meet her eyes, and then his lips would be on hers for a quick (or not-so-quick) kiss. 
“You know, just because you guys are married doesn’t make the PDA any less weird,” Jameson jokes, but Carrie swats his arm.
“They’re cute and in love, let them be,” she counters. “Maybe you should pay attention and learn a few things from Harry.” She chuckles as Jameson rolls his eyes and pulls her closer to his chest. Harry does the same, kissing her temples as he watches his sons play with some faltered balloons off by the DJ table. 
Luca and Declan had become quite the hit at the party. Everything thought they were the cutest little boys ever. (Their father had so willingly taken credit to their undeniably good looks. If Declan hadn’t shared some of his mum’s features, he would’ve said that he birthed them himself.) He doesn’t even pretend to not to see the jealous looks they’re getting because his life is pretty great. In ten years, he’s got a job that he loves, two kids that he absolutely adores, and a wife that he’s so in love with. 
Who wouldn’t be jealous?
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victordeluna · 3 years
Color walk
I stepped outside at 6:04 P.M. The questions lingered in my mind, so everything seemed to jot out at me all at once. There were so many things to write about that it almost seemed like the options before me would hold no real weight because if everything stood out, nothing did as funny as that sounds. I decided to walk outside my apartment unit’s porch and took in the scenery. I saw birds preparing a nest on the nearest tree, it looked like they were almost done with it which surprised me because I pass by the tree every single day and yet, it was something I had never noticed before. The birds looked like some sort of sparrow; dark brown with bright yellow beaks.
My apartment complex has bland colors in comparison to some of the ones downtown, but I did notice that some of the walls, maybe a fourth of them were colored a pale green as opposed to the generic grey that dominated the buildings. Having lived here for two years, I had seen the green walls before but somehow it felt like I had never really “seen” them. Someone made the choice to color some of the walls green. Was it the landlord? The architect maybe? What if it was the landlords wife? Was it planned from the get-go, or was it a split decision much like most things in life seem to be?
It’s 6:08 P.M. A red Mini Cooper pulled up near the drive way and not trying to stare for too long, took in the sight before I forced myself to stop observing as to not be rude or nosey. I never had a recollection of ever seeing a red mimi Cooper before. I remember seeing white, black, blue, and even a green but never a red surprisingly enough though I was probably not as attentive as I was now. Needless to say, a red Mini Cooper looks quite clean, red is a passionate color but it frames the small scale of a Mini Cooper pretty well.
It is 7:26 A.M on the next day. I rose up early today to get to class and the birds in the nest are gone, so is the Mini Cooper. The green walls pale in comparison to the almost candy-like green that the grass dominates. The way the rays of sunshine hit every single blade of grass makes it seem like this is the ideal version of grass that we’re always have meant to see.
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