#RuPaul's Drag Race season1
ichinics-blog · 6 years
ル・ポールのドラァグ・レース(RuPaul's Drag Race) という番組にはまっています。
ル・ポールのドラァグ・レースとは 「ドラァグ・スーパースターの称号と賞金をかけて、クイーン達が過激に美しく真剣勝負。エミー賞に輝いた本作のホストは、ドラァグ界のゴッドマザー、ル・ポール。」
現在、netflixでシーズン1〜10まで配信されており、今年撮影されるseason11についても予告編があがっています。 現在season1から順番に見ているのですが、面白すぎて2週間でシーズン4まで視聴完了してしまいました。この勢いでどうにか11はリアルタイムで観たいなと思っています!
ここでは、備忘録ついでにネタバレなしの出演者紹介を書いてみたいと思います。 このドラァグレース、season1が放送されたのは約10年前ということもあり、ウィキペディアなどにもばっちり優勝者名が書いてあるんですよね。 なのでそのシーズンを見終わらないとそのシーズンの出演者などについて検索できない……というところで自分はちょっと困ったりしたので、「優勝者についてのネタばれは見たくないけど、出演者の一覧を見たい」というような方の役にたったらいいな〜と思ってます! (そのうち別のページにネタバレあり感想も書きたいです)
 ラスベガスで何年もショーを続けてきたベテラン。だからこそ自信もプライドもあって、審査員と衝突することもあるクイーン。物言いはきついこともあるけど筋の通ったプロフェッショナルだなと思います。「人は私をドラァグ界のバーブラ・ストライサンドと呼ぶ」とのこと。 https://www.instagram.com/theofficialshannel/
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ニナ・フラワーズ(Nina Flowers)/34歳、デンバー出身
 シーズン1の私の推しクィーンです。パンクスタイルの衣装など個性的なスタイルで印象を残すクィーン。けれどそれだけではなく、はっとするほど美しいフェミニンなスタイルを見せることもある。「女性のマネじゃなく中性に近づけたい」 https://www.instagram.com/djninaflowers/
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レベッカ・グラスコック(Rebecca Glasscock)/26歳、フロリダ出身
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 小柄なアジアンクィーン。スキンヘッドにヘッドドレスをつけるオンジャイナスタイルがとてもかわいい。明るくてメッセージも明確で大好きです。 https://www.instagram.com/ongina/
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ヴィクトリア・パーカー(Victoria Parker)/39歳、ラリー出身
 シーズン1唯一のビッグサイズクィーン。ステージネームは真ん中にポークチョップが入るとのこと。21年やってるベテラン。 https://www.instagram.com/porkchopla/
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シーズン1の暴れん坊(?)で後々ネタにされることもある。 https://www.instagram.com/akashiadrag/
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タミー・ブラウン(Tammie Brown)/28歳、LA出身
50年代とかその辺りが好きなのかな? 明確なスタイルがあるクィーン。おとなしいので他のクィーンにやりこめられてしまう場面も。序盤の水着のアレンジがとっても好きでした。 https://www.instagram.com/planettammie/
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ダンスが得意なクィーン。とてもシャイな性格で、股間の処理について言及されることを「女性でいるときにそういう話をされるのは恥ずかしい…」と言っていたのが印象的だった。素顔が真田広之に似てるな…と思っていました。「ジェイドは私の分身、私より勇気がある」 https://www.instagram.com/jadesotomayor/
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ビビ・ザハラ・ベネ(Bebe Zahara Benet)/29歳、ミネアポリス出身
故郷はカメルーンのクィーン。ランウェイでもアフリカを表現することが多く、語る言葉にも説得力がある。「でも私には国際的な感覚がある。この時点で優ってると思うわ」。 https://www.instagram.com/bebezahara/
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シーズン1は以上です! 現在シーズン5まで見てるので続きはまた改めて。
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BEBE: Think you can answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm?
ONGINA: If you can ask the questions without the typical level of stupid.
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thesassysausage · 3 years
Drag Race top contestant score board? Decided to try doing one to see who’d win each season if the finale contestants were judged based on a point system. I followed Wikipedia, because I dont feel like going through every season and marking down everything as I watched so my system goes like this with the award/taken points in brackets: Winner (2), High* (1), Safe (0), Low** (-1), bottom 2 (-2). Im also ignoring Lip sync for the crown, because that doesnt mesh with a point system, and not including All-stars because maybe later...also season 12 and 13 have a modification which ill note when I get there.
*High refers to getting positive critiques but not actually winning the challenge
**Low refers to getting poor critiques but not being chosen for elimination
So Season1: We see BeBe Zahara Bennet win over Nina Flowers, but because BeBe had to lip sync during the season she actually scores only 3 points to Nina’s 5. So the point based winner would have been Nina Flowers
Season 2: Tyra Sanchez wins the competition over Raven...and that also occurs in the point based system. Tyra would have earned a total of 8 points where as Raven only earned 3. Raven could always win all stars if Ru doesnt mind doing their own make up for a season.
Season 3: What’s interesting here...is that Manilla Luzon and Raja both score 7 points, which means by a point system season 3 would have had a double crowning.
Season 4: This season brought up a final 3 instead of having one queen eliminated on the episode of the crowning. Sharon Needles still wins the competition, despite how wonderful Chad may have been. Sharon earned 8 points to Chad’s 6, while Phi Phi becomes the bronze (no pun intented...but it works) medalist with 3 points.
Season 5: I honestly expected this season to have a different winner based on the point system, but I was mistaken. Jinkx Monsoon, even with having to Lip Sync for her life, managed to win with 8 points with Alaska placing 2nd with 6 points and Roxxxy Andrews gaining 4.
Season 6: Bianca won by a landslide, the bitch scored 10 points while the 2nd place contestant, Courtney Act managed 4 points, while Adore scored 2. Great Season all around
Season 7: Here’s a “fun” season, I actually checked out the last person eliminated to compare to the third place contestant and...Kennedy Davenport should not have been eliminated prior to the finale. Pearl received 0 points because of their up and down track record where as Kennedy, prior to being eliminated (which honestly is the last episode anyone could gain or lose points), had 5 points making her tie with second place contestant Ginger Minj. The winner, like in the actual series, was Violet Chachki who is so much more likable and funny off Drag Race.
Season 8: I’ll admit, I always though Kim Chi might have had a slightly better score card than Bob the Drag Queen but I was mistaken...They were even. Both Bob and Kim earned a total of 4 points which by points means a double crowning, with runner up, Naomi Smalls, earning 2 points. (it should be noted season 8 was the shortest season since season 2)
Season 9: Here we get into the Lip Sync for the crown and, again, I am ignoring those results. Points here (and for seasons 10, 11, and 12) are based on the competition prior to the finale (and the catch up with the Queens episode). I am sure it’s no surprise that Shea Coulee won the season by points, scoring a total of 9 points to Sasha Velour’s 8, Trinity’s 4, and Peppermint’s...well 0. Honestly though I am still gagging over the rose petals.
Season 10: As much as I enjoy Kameron Michaels and can’t wait for them to be on All Stars, they should not have been in the finale...Miz Cracker had 4 points before she lost the Lip Sync to Kameron...mind you Miz Cracker definitely lost to the Lip sync assassin of season 10...like Miz Cracker did great but Kameron is an insanely good performer to the point that I actually thought she might win the whole competition. Aquaria however did win, both in my make believe point setting, and in the actual show. She scored a total of 5 points, and showed they were also a lethal Lip Syncer. Following behind her was Eureka O’Hara with a score of 4 and then Asia O’Hara with 2.
Season 11: I’d like to state that I love Yvie, I think Yvie is great...but Yvie should not have been crowned. She is definitely runner up, but Yvie Oddly only scored 4 points (and I think did just slightly worse in the Lip Sync for the crown) which places her in Second. Tied for third is Silk Nutmeg Ganche (i feel like her name should be all caps to honour how loud she is) and A’keira Chanel Davenport with 3 points each. Our point based winner, and the Queen of the North, is Brooke Lynn Hytes with 6 points...but being a Canadian I am not surprised she lost since I’m sure Canada’s Drag Race was in preproduction with Brooke Lynn in talks to sit as a judge and no way is a season winner also going to sit as a judge on a new franchise.
Season 12: So this season had 2 debuts with the top queens Lip Syncing for the Win...I decided to count the top 2 as being winners but the one that won the Lip Sync gets an extra point for winning. I also switched out the queen who will not be named with Jackie Cox, which is what I hoped would happen...cuz then it would be a top 4 again and an easier Lip sync for the crown. However I then regretted my decision because Jackie was still in last places with -2 points...Sorry Jackie, can’t wait to see you win an All Stars season. In first place we see GiGi Goode over Jaida Essense Hall in the point system, score 9 points to Jaida’s 7...literally they would have been tied had Jaida not lip sank. The lovable Crystal Methyd comes in third with 3 points.
Season 13: I again used the same lip sync for the win points that I did for season 12, but I added a single point addition if a Queen won that episode 1 lip sync...no points removed because, unlike Tamisha, I knew it wasnt gunna be the end for those queens...they were all safe. We are not in the finale yet but currently the challenges are done so I’m using this more to predicts and give my opinion. By points Rose is leading the pack by a synthetic wig hair with 11 points, followed by Symone with 10. Personally I think the crown should be going to one of them and I would argue for Rose considering she has had a better track record...but I’d still be happy with Symone because she is just fantastic and a character. The next highest person is Gottmik, who could potentially win. Gottmik does not have a lot of Lip sync experience but did beat out the season assassin, Utica, in the first episode. Personally I’d love it if Gottmik won because it shows that trans people have a place in drag and may even open up the competition to other trans queens, including those (like myself) that identify as a trans woman and performs as a Drag Queen. So far, she has 8 points, and would be third place in my system but, I love Gottmik. Finally we have Kandy Muse...I love her, she’s loud and funny but also has levels so its not a headache watching her (looking at you, Silky). However Kandy has -1 points...but being a fierce Lip syncer she might still win the competition...but I wouldnt be happy even though it would then, FINALLY, be a plus size winner.
I did a point system for RuPaul’s Drag Race and figured out who would have won based on that system.
Season 1: Nina Flowers
Season 2: Tyra Sanchez
Season 3: Raja and Manilla Luzon double crowning
Season 4: Sharon Needles
Season 5: Jinkx Monsoon
Season 6: Bianca Del Rio
Season 7: Violet Chachki
Season 8: Bob the Drag Queen and Kim Chi double crowning
Season 9: Shea Coulee
Season 10: Aquaria
Season 11: Brooke Lynn Hytes
Season 12: GiGi Goode
Season 13: Rose but I also gave my opinions since the finale hasnt happened yet.
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danrifics · 5 years
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Divina De Campo’s runway looks;
RuPaul’s Drag Race UK Season1
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jadesotomyor-blog · 7 years
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Join us Saturday March.10th 2018! As Chicago's Own Rupauls Drag Race girls take over "Dinning with the divas! Join (Monica Beverly hillz Season5) myself (David Jade Sotomayor Season1) (DiDa RitzRitz Season4) as we Ru The house down every 2nd Saturday of the month. Shows are at 7:30pm &9:30pm. Make your Reservations at yelp.com or 773-784-6969 ( There is a $3 show fee and $10Min Purchase per person. Can't wait to see you all and very excited for this show it's gonna be lit!!!!! Get Your Reservations Now
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ichinics-blog · 6 years
ル・ポールのドラァグレース(RuPaul’s Drag Race) 、ネタバレなしの出場者まとめ、シーズン5編です。
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自信に満ちた、パフォーマンスに隙のないクィーン。どのランウェイもきれいだった。気が強い。「私は女王蜂、王冠は私のものよ」 https://www.instagram.com/theonlydetox/
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Roxxxy Andrews(ロキシー・アンドリュース)/28歳、オーランド出身
かつて太ってた~と話してたけどプリッとしていてスタイルがいいなと思います。デトックスとは「ドラァグを始めた仲」で、アラスカとデトックスと「ロレスカトックス」を結成する。 https://www.instagram.com/roxxxyandrews/
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Jade Jolie(ジェイド・ジョリー)/25歳、フロリダ州ゲインズビル出身
小柄で、高い声で、よく笑う。可愛らしいのに毒舌っていうギャップのあるキャラ。 https://www.instagram.com/missjadejolie/
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Serena ChaCha(セリーナ・チャチャ)/21歳、フロリダ州出身
芸術学校を卒業したばかりのクィーン。春休みテンションに周囲のクィーンをいらつかせてしまいます。「最高の成人式だわ」あと、メイクをすると泣いてるみたいに見える。 https://www.instagram.com/myron.morgan/
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Alyssa Edwards(アリッサ・エドワーズ)/32歳、テキサス州出身
ダンススタジオを経営しているダンスが得意なクィーン。メイクをするときの決めポーズとか色々大げさで見てて面白い。いつもおやつを食べている。背中の肉を指摘されて怒る。「ドラァグ界のヴァネッサ・ウィリアムズよ」 ※ミス・ゲイアメリカ」で王冠を剥奪された経緯にココと因縁があったらしい。ココとやりあう場面が何度かあるんだけど、2人がやりあっててもあまり険悪な感じがしない(気がする)。 https://www.instagram.com/alyssaedwards_1/
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Jinkx Monsoon(ジンクス・モンスーン)/24歳、シアトル出身
優しくて面白いお姉さん的なドラァグスタイル。season1のタミーの現代版(?)みたいな感じで、童話みたいな懐かしくて優しい雰囲気がある。ナルコレプシーでストレスがかかると眠くなってしまう。「ミュージカルスクールで歌を学んだの」 https://www.instagram.com/thejinkx/
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Penny Tration(ペニー・トレイション)/39歳、オハイオ州シンシナティ出身
視聴者によるオンライン投票で選ばれて出演したプラスサイズクィーン。「人々に望まれて出演したのよ」 https://www.instagram.com/misspennytration/
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Vivienne Pinay(ヴィヴィアン・ペネー)/26歳、NY出身
Season5唯一のアジア系クィーン。女子校のダンス部にいそうだな…と思っていた。 https://www.instagram.com/viviennepinay/
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Season4、シャロンの恋人ということでしばしばシャロンネタでいじられる。顔のパーツが小さく体が薄い。「ハイ~」 https://www.instagram.com/theonlyalaska5000/
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Honey Mahogany(ハニー・マホガニー)/28歳、サンフランシスコ出身
背が高くてスタイルが良い。後々何かとネタになっているけどなんでなのかよくわからない笑 https://www.instagram.com/honeymahogany/
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Ivy Winters(アイヴィー・ウィンターズ)/25歳、NY出身
サーカス出身のクィーン。眉の描き方が特徴的。優しくて品が良い人。「8年間ピエロをやってた」 https://www.instagram.com/ivy_winters/
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Monica Beverly Hillz(モニカ・ビバリーヒルズ)/27歳、ケンタッキー州出身
スラム街出身の、細くて表情の豊かなクィーン。ある秘密を抱えてレースに参加した。 https://www.instagram.com/monicabhillz/
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Lineysha Sparx(ラネイシャ・スパークス)/24歳、プエルトリコ出身
美人で衣装作りもうまい。これまでのプエルトリコ出身クィーン同様、かなり発音に苦労する。 https://www.instagram.com/lineyshasparx/
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Coco Montrese(ココ・モントリース)/37歳、ラスヴェガス出身
かつては友人、いまは宿敵(?)のアリッサとの再会によって気が立っているのもあって気性が激しい。アリッサのことばかり気にしてしまう…。 https://www.instagram.com/theonlycocomontrese/
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シーズン5は以上です! シーズン7まで見終わったので続きも近いうちに!
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