#Roxbury International Film Festival
carmenvicinanza · 13 days
Rebecca Miller
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Rebecca Miller, regista e scrittrice statunitense, indaga le relazioni umane alternando cinema e letteratura.
Sostenitrice delle donne nell’industria cinematografica, le sue storie hanno sempre protagoniste femminili e anche i cast tecnici sono costituiti in gran parte di donne. Per il suo impegno, nel 2003, è apparsa nel documentario In The Company of Women.
Tra i suoi film, che ha scritto e diretto, spiccano Angela, che ha ricevuto il Gotham Independent Film Award, Personal Velocity: Three Portraits, che ha vinto il Sundance Film Festival, The Ballad of Jack and Rose, The Private Lives of Pippa Lee, Maggie’s Plan e She came to me.
Ha scritto i romanzi The Private Lives of Pippa Lee e Jacob’s Folly, il libro che ha anche illustrato A Woman Who e la raccolta di racconti Personal Velocity premiata come miglior libro del 2001 dal Washington Post.
È nata a Roxbury, Connecticut, il 15 settembre 1962, da due celebrità, Inge Morath, fotografa della Magnum e il drammaturgo Arthur Miller. Cresciuta in un ambiente culturale molto stimolante, ha studiato arte a Yale e si è specializzata a Monaco di Baviera, in Germania.
Stabilitasi a New York, nel 1987, ha iniziato la sua carriera come pittrice e scultrice, esponendo in diverse gallerie.
Dopo gli studi di cinema alla New School, ha iniziato a realizzare film muti che esponeva insieme alle sue opere d’arte.
A teatro, si ricorda il suo ruolo di Anya ne Il giardino dei ciliegi di Anton Čechov diretta da Peter Brook, nel 1988.
Ha lavorato come attrice cinematografica e televisiva in film come A proposito di Henry (1991), Wind – Più forte del vento (1994) e Mrs. Parker e il circolo vizioso (1994).
Ha anche diretto un’opera teatrale.
Da regista e sceneggiatrice, il suo primo lungometraggio è stato Angela, presentato in anteprima al Philadelphia Festival of World Cinema e poi al Sundance Film Festival, che le è valso l’Open Palm Award dell’Independent Feature Project e il Sundance Film Festival Filmmaker Trophy oltre a altri importanti premi per la fotografia.
Dopo il matrimonio con l’attore Daniel Day-Lewis, da cui ha avuto due figli, si era trasferita a Dublino dove ha prestato servizio di volontariato in case rifugio per donne vittime di violenza, impegno che le ha ispirato la raccolta di racconti Personal Velocity che poi è diventata un pluripremiato film in tre episodi che esplora la trasformazione personale in risposta a circostanze che cambiano la vita.
La pellicola, proiettata al Tribeca Film Festival e all’High Falls Film Festival,  ha ricevuto importanti riconoscimenti e fa parte della collezione permanente del MoMA di New York. 
Nel 2005 ha scritto la sceneggiatura per l’adattamento cinematografico dell’opera teatrale Proof di David Auburn, vincitrice del premio Pulitzer che ha visto come protagonisti Gwyneth Paltrow e Anthony Hopkins e ha diretto The Ballad of Jack and Rose, proiettato al Woodstock Film Festival e all’IFC Center di New York. Il film le ha procurato una menzione d’onore da MTV nel 2010 per le migliori registe che avrebbero dovuto vincere un Oscar. 
Nel 2009 ha girato il suo quarto film, The Private Lives of Pippa Lee, un adattamento del suo romanzo del 2002 con un cast stellare composto da Robin Wright, Keanu Reeves, Winona Ryder e Julianne Moore.
Del 2015 è Maggie’s Plan, girato principalmente nel Greenwich Village e presentato in anteprima al Toronto International Film Festival che è stato proiettato in importanti festival internazionali.
La sua ultima fatica risale al 2023, She Came to Me presentato in anteprima mondiale al 73º Festival internazionale del cinema di Berlino, interpretato da Anne Hathaway, Marisa Tomei e Peter Dinklage.
Le sue narrazioni sono pregne di ironia, delicatezza e profondità.
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doculicious · 3 months
I saw this amazing documentary about Luther Vandross at the 26th annual Roxbury International Film Festival in Boston. Check it out on streaming. I learned a lot about the full spectrum of Luther Vandross's music career.
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ajepyx · 1 year
DISMISSAL TIME Q&A Talkback at RoxFilm
DISMISSAL TIME Q&A Talkback @RoxFilm
For those of you who could not attend the Roxbury International Film Festival last month, you can now watch the full Q&A talkback with writer/director André Joseph discussing Dismissal Time!
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popcornnroses · 5 years
FETHIVAL FLASH: Roxbury Int'l Film Festival, Day One
FETHIVAL FLASH: Roxbury Int'l Film Festival, Day One #FethivalFlash #RoxburyIntlFilmFestival @RoxFilm #eCinemaBoston #PNRNetworks
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Welcome to eCinemaBoston’s daily coverage of the 2019 Roxbury International Film Festival!  The RIFF officially runs from June 20-29, and will be screening films at a variety of locations throughout the Hub, you can check each day’s listings for films, locations, and ticket info.
After last night’s Juneteenth kickoff pre-show, the festival has it’s official opening night this evening with two…
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hotfps · 4 years
www.anAEfilm.com A Loss and prevention officer have a sense of real regret after facing a moral decision. Messages tend to resonate more when they’re more subtle, subversive, and provoke thought. Winner: "Carl Lerner Award for Social Significance" at NYU First Run Film Festival CAST: Drew Morris ... Maximus Lucano Atitola ... Marvin Tinuke Adetunji ... Officer Wood Angela Bey ... Brenda Joe Cumming ... Officer Smith Spice Greene ... Officer Williams (as Kevin K. Greene) Jeff Jackter ... Manager Alex Jones ... Officer Hernandez Melvin Mogoli ... Calvin Bandon Morrison ... Young Maximus Rahmell Peebles ... Jordan Kyle Seales ... Undercover Stephon O'Neal Pettway ... Bad Guy CREW: Producer: Alex Wiske & AE Cinematographer: Daniel Patterson Production Design: Christelle Matou Associate Producer: Abbesi Akhamie Casting Director: Chastity Thomas Sound Mixer: Anastasia Fetisov ADR Engineer: Avani Galande Script Supervisor Farida Zahran Boom Operator: Tukei Muhumuza Music Score by: Christopher North Assistant Production Designer: Ana Novacic Additional Sound: Aaron Zick, Kelly Steinmetz Assistant Camera: Rashad Frett, Michelle Clementine Assistant Director: Anita Braithwaite, Pierre M. Coleman Sound Designer / Sound Engineering: Kevin Pineda Gould Still Photographer: Lorenzo Gayle, Lord Gem, Mark Nunez Supervising Editor: Juhui Kwon & Prashanth Kamalakanthan G&E: Ninna Pálma, Ramzi Bashour, Justyn T. Davis, Amrita Singh Additional Post Production: Noel Rayo Diz, Niv Klainer, Jeff Pinilla Production Assistant: Christian Osagiede, Tylie Shider, Rick Cineus Additional DP: Robbin Feng, Rashad Frett Colorist: Nicholas Levanti Gaffer: Nicholas Ellison WRITTEN, DIRECTED & EDITED by Alexander Etseyatse Woodstock Film Festival *Nominated for Best Student Short* woodstockfilmfestival.com/festival2019/details.php?id=42111#director NYU' First Run Film Festival "Carl Lerner Award for Social Significance" tisch.nyu.edu/first-run-film-festival/archive/more-2019/lp HBO' New York Latino Film Festival nylatinofilmfestival.com/2019/movies/lp/ 28th Pan African Film Festival paff.org/films/#!/film/lp_loss_and_prevention Big Apple Film Festival 2019 bigapplefilmfestivalfall2019.eventive.org/films/lp-5dbf31a6e94d6a0029ef4970 Martha' Vineyard African American Film Festival mvaaff.com/events/event/5761/ Roxbury International Film Festival mfa.org/programs/film/shorts-2-what-were-you-expecting?event=25748 Coney Island Film Festival coneyisland.com/event/ciff19program4 BronzeLens Film Festival Nominated for Best Student Short bronzelens.com/movie/lp/ Afrikana Film Festival afrikanafilmfestival.org/copy-of-schedule 12ºN 61ºW Grenadian Film Festival www.1261filmfestival.com/ Harlem International Film Festival www.harlemfilmfestival.org/
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whileiamdying · 4 years
www.anAEfilm.com A Loss and prevention officer have a sense of real regret after facing a moral decision. Messages tend to resonate more when they’re more subtle, subversive, and provoke thought. Winner: "Carl Lerner Award for Social Significance" at NYU First Run Film Festival CAST: Drew Morris ... Maximus Lucano Atitola ... Marvin Tinuke Adetunji ... Officer Wood Angela Bey ... Brenda Joe Cumming ... Officer Smith Spice Greene ... Officer Williams (as Kevin K. Greene) Jeff Jackter ... Manager Alex Jones ... Officer Hernandez Melvin Mogoli ... Calvin Bandon Morrison ... Young Maximus Rahmell Peebles ... Jordan Kyle Seales ... Undercover Stephon O'Neal Pettway ... Bad Guy CREW: Producer: Alex Wiske & AE Cinematographer: Daniel Patterson Production Design: Christelle Matou Associate Producer: Abbesi Akhamie Casting Director: Chastity Thomas Sound Mixer: Anastasia Fetisov ADR Engineer: Avani Galande Script Supervisor Farida Zahran Boom Operator: Tukei Muhumuza Music Score by: Christopher North Assistant Production Designer: Ana Novacic Additional Sound: Aaron Zick, Kelly Steinmetz Assistant Camera: Rashad Frett, Michelle Clementine Assistant Director: Anita Braithwaite, Pierre M. Coleman Sound Designer / Sound Engineering: Kevin Pineda Gould Still Photographer: Lorenzo Gayle, Lord Gem, Mark Nunez Supervising Editor: Juhui Kwon & Prashanth Kamalakanthan G&E: Ninna Pálma, Ramzi Bashour, Justyn T. Davis, Amrita Singh Additional Post Production: Noel Rayo Diz, Niv Klainer, Jeff Pinilla Production Assistant: Christian Osagiede, Tylie Shider, Rick Cineus Additional DP: Robbin Feng, Rashad Frett Colorist: Nicholas Levanti Gaffer: Nicholas Ellison WRITTEN, DIRECTED & EDITED by Alexander Etseyatse Woodstock Film Festival *Nominated for Best Student Short* woodstockfilmfestival.com/festival2019/details.php?id=42111#director NYU' First Run Film Festival "Carl Lerner Award for Social Significance" tisch.nyu.edu/first-run-film-festival/archive/more-2019/lp HBO' New York Latino Film Festival nylatinofilmfestival.com/2019/movies/lp/ 28th Pan African Film Festival paff.org/films/#!/film/lp_loss_and_prevention Big Apple Film Festival 2019 bigapplefilmfestivalfall2019.eventive.org/films/lp-5dbf31a6e94d6a0029ef4970 Martha' Vineyard African American Film Festival mvaaff.com/events/event/5761/ Roxbury International Film Festival mfa.org/programs/film/shorts-2-what-were-you-expecting?event=25748 Coney Island Film Festival coneyisland.com/event/ciff19program4 BronzeLens Film Festival Nominated for Best Student Short bronzelens.com/movie/lp/ Afrikana Film Festival afrikanafilmfestival.org/copy-of-schedule 12ºN 61ºW Grenadian Film Festival www.1261filmfestival.com/ Harlem International Film Festival www.harlemfilmfestival.org/
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artwalktv · 4 years
https://bit.ly/310mFSh A Loss and prevention officer have a sense of real regret after facing a moral decision. Messages tend to resonate more when they’re more subtle, subversive, and provoke thought. Winner: "Carl Lerner Award for Social Significance" at NYU First Run Film Festival CAST: Drew Morris ... Maximus Lucano Atitola ... Marvin Tinuke Adetunji ... Officer Wood Angela Bey ... Brenda Joe Cumming ... Officer Smith Spice Greene ... Officer Williams (as Kevin K. Greene) Jeff Jackter ... Manager Alex Jones ... Officer Hernandez Melvin Mogoli ... Calvin Bandon Morrison ... Young Maximus Rahmell Peebles ... Jordan Kyle Seales ... Undercover Stephon O'Neal Pettway ... Bad Guy CREW: Producer: Alex Wiske & AE Cinematographer: Daniel Patterson Production Design: Christelle Matou Associate Producer: Abbesi Akhamie Casting Director: Chastity Thomas Sound Mixer: Anastasia Fetisov ADR Engineer: Avani Galande Script Supervisor Farida Zahran Boom Operator: Tukei Muhumuza Music Score by: Christopher North Assistant Production Designer: Ana Novacic Additional Sound: Aaron Zick, Kelly Steinmetz Assistant Camera: Rashad Frett, Michelle Clementine Assistant Director: Anita Braithwaite, Pierre M. Coleman Sound Designer / Sound Engineering: Kevin Pineda Gould Still Photographer: Lorenzo Gayle, Lord Gem, Mark Nunez Supervising Editor: Juhui Kwon & Prashanth Kamalakanthan G&E: Ninna Pálma, Ramzi Bashour, Justyn T. Davis, Amrita Singh Additional Post Production: Noel Rayo Diz, Niv Klainer, Jeff Pinilla Production Assistant: Christian Osagiede, Tylie Shider, Rick Cineus Additional DP: Robbin Feng, Rashad Frett Colorist: Nicholas Levanti Gaffer: Nicholas Ellison WRITTEN, DIRECTED & EDITED by Alexander Etseyatse Woodstock Film Festival *Nominated for Best Student Short* woodstockfilmfestival.com/festival2019/details.php?id=42111#director NYU' First Run Film Festival "Carl Lerner Award for Social Significance" tisch.nyu.edu/first-run-film-festival/archive/more-2019/lp HBO' New York Latino Film Festival nylatinofilmfestival.com/2019/movies/lp/ 28th Pan African Film Festival paff.org/films/#!/film/lp_loss_and_prevention Big Apple Film Festival 2019 bigapplefilmfestivalfall2019.eventive.org/films/lp-5dbf31a6e94d6a0029ef4970 Martha' Vineyard African American Film Festival mvaaff.com/events/event/5761/ Roxbury International Film Festival mfa.org/programs/film/shorts-2-what-were-you-expecting?event=25748 Coney Island Film Festival coneyisland.com/event/ciff19program4 BronzeLens Film Festival Nominated for Best Student Short bronzelens.com/movie/lp/ Afrikana Film Festival afrikanafilmfestival.org/copy-of-schedule 12ºN 61ºW Grenadian Film Festival https://bit.ly/2PfRMnj Harlem International Film Festival https://bit.ly/3hQ3elZ
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dtou · 2 years
THIEF from Julian Higgins on Vimeo.
An Iraqi man's childhood memories return to haunt him when a mysterious stranger arrives at his isolated hut.
AWARDS 38th Student Academy Awards – Gold Medal (Narrative) 32nd College Television Awards – Best Director & Best Drama Heartland Film Festival – Grand Prize Vision Award for Short Film & Jimmy Stewart Memorial Crystal Heart Award Nantucket Film Festival – Audience Award Traverse City Film Festival – Best Fiction Short Film Sedona International Film Festival – Director's Choice Award for Best Student Short Ivy Film Festival – Grand Jury Prize & Best Graduate Short Angelus Student Film Festival – Triumph of the Spirit Award Woods Hole Film Festival – Best Dramatic Short & Short Film Audience Award Big Bear Lake International Film Festival – Best Cinematography & Best Student Film Guam International Film Festival – Grand Jury Award for Best Narrative Short Dances With Films – Audience Award CineGear Expo – Student Filmmaker Prize Skena Up Festival (Kosovo) – Best Cinematography Jacksonville Film Festival – Best Short Tacoma Film Festival – Best Short Las Vegas Film Festival – Special Jury Prize Breckenridge Festival of Film – Best Student Film Big Island Film Festival – Best Student Short Ojai Film Festival – Student Film Honorable Mention HollyShorts – Audience Choice Award
OFFICIAL SELECTIONS AFI Fest Camerimage (Poland) Cleveland International Film Festival Palm Springs Shorts Fest Santa Barbara International Film Festival Cannes American Pavilion Emerging Filmmakers Showcase (France) Bahamas International Film Festival Waterfront Film Festival LA Shorts Fest Sarasota Film Festival BendFilm Festival AFI Spotlight Showcase Newport Beach Film Festival Sesüchte International Film Festival (Germany) White River Indie Films Topanga Film Festival Roxbury International Film Festival Rhode Island International Film Festival Salt Lake City Film Festival Rome International Film Festival Cinematik International Film Festival (Poland) Somewhat North of Boston Film Festival International Short Film Festival in Drama (Greece) Fieri International Film Festival (Italy) REC International Student Film Festival (Germany) Lucerne Film Festival (Switzerland) Tallgrass Film Festival Windrider Film Forum - Sundance Windrider Film Forum - Bay Area Gulf Film Festival (Dubai) Tiburon International Film Festival Warsaw Short Film Festival (Poland) Laughlin Film Festival
More information at julianh.com. © 2010 All rights reserved.
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badlands75 · 4 years
Badlands75RT @EricHaywood: My short film #TheLastStarship will be screening at the Roxbury International Film Festival in Boston this June! Keep your eye on @RoxFilm for details! https://t.co/EvwGG4nM14
My short film #TheLastStarship will be screening at the Roxbury International Film Festival in Boston this June! Keep your eye on @RoxFilm for details! https://t.co/EvwGG4nM14
— Eric Haywood (@EricHaywood) March 31, 2021
from Twitter https://twitter.com/Badlands75 March 31, 2021 at 03:59PM via IFTTT
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jblakepalmer · 4 years
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Some upbeat shareworthy news.💥🎤🎬 Our music video collab OUTSIDE is an Official Selection at several upcoming film festivals 🙌🏼🙌🏾 including The Roxbury International Film Festival in Roxbury, Massachusetts @roxfilm❗️Also got word we’re a Semi Finalist at the @flightdeckfilmfestival ✈️ which announces winners at the end of the month. We’re glad this project is reaching more audiences out there. The @goldensneakers_official is based in Hamburg, Germany and the @splicefilmfest is down in New York! #endgunviolence #musicvideo #filmmaking @hiphop4justice #blacklivesmatter #hiphop #rap #boston #roxbury #black #ptsd (at Cranston, Rhode Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBEGc3tHLPM/?igshid=14uwf28macakv
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aronsonfilm · 5 years
Dear, Dreamer from Kristian Melom on Vimeo.
Short of the Week Review: shortoftheweek.com/2019/05/28/dear-dreamer/
Official Selection - 2019 Atlanta Film Festival Official Selection - 2019 Roxbury International Film Festival Official Selection - 2019 Indy Shorts International Film Festival Official Selection - 2019 Los Angeles Diversity Film Festival Official Selection - 2019 Monmouth Film Festival
“Dear, Dreamer” is a lyrical portrait of the life and work of rising literary star Jason Reynolds. Best known as a New York Times Best-Selling author and mentor to young adults, this short documentary finds Jason in the writer’s room preparing for the release of his next book. Here we catch a rare glimpse of a singular artist and thinker as he traverses the schools and landscapes of modern-day America. “Dear, Dreamer” is a testament to our shared experiences and the power of seeing yourself in books. It was produced in collaboration with the hardworking students, educators and dreamers of Atlanta who are dedicated to the written word.
Directors Notes x Interview directorsnotes.com/2019/05/28/kristian-melom-dear-dreamer/
BOOOOOOOM TV x Feature tv.booooooom.com/2019/05/28/dear-dreamer-kristian-melom/
Director, Cinematographer, Editor - Kristian Melom Produced By - AIR Serenbe Executive Producer - J. Brandon Hinman Camera Operators - Justin Newton, Lynsey Weatherspoon, Chris Anthony Hamilton Music By - Nelson Patton, Public Speaking Color By - Rodney Johnson, Moonshine Post Sound Design - Blake Aaron Henderson
Special thanks to the many artists and educators who made this film possible :
Page Turners Make Great Learners Lithonia High School Dekalb Early College Academy
ICU Fund : Community Foundation Of Greater Atlanta Edgar Allan Teresa Dau Amanda Mcmillan Diane Capriola Angela Diterlizzi
Helen Simrill Fefe Handy Anja Tigges Priscilla Fletcher Tammy Horton-rowe Candace Greene Mcmanus Michael Bettis Ryan Peoples Alexander Wright
Madysen Vault Kareem Fofana Jaida Williams Tamaradoye Oki Anika Gouhl
Assia Ali Jesus Hernandez Tramelle Jackson Christianah Babalola Leilani Yates
Kristopher Mcdaniel Xavier Cottrell Darrick Mccray Dr. Felicia Rhone Michael Lloyd
jasonwritesbooks.com airserenbe.com kristianmelom.com
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celestinecrews · 5 years
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There was a great turnout for the Roxbury Festival for our film Vacant! (at Roxbury International Film Festival) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzeOb_aBGKj/?igshid=1wvaa2r2rpibk
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ajepyx · 1 year
DISMISSAL TIME Boston Premiere Pics
DISMISSAL TIME Boston Premiere Pics @roxfilm #dontdismissme #boston #premiere #filmfestival #shortfilm #drama
We thank everyone who came out and supported Dismissal Time this weekend at the Roxbury International Film Festival! Having a movie screened 20 mins from where I used to go to college was such an overwhelming experience. The reactions and compliments this movie received afterwards was something that I’m very grateful to have. We intend to keep spreading the word about our story as much as…
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popcornnroses · 5 years
FETHIVAL FLASH: Roxbury Int'l Film Festival, Day "T Minus One"
FETHIVAL FLASH: Roxbury Int'l Film Festival, Day "T Minus One" #eCinemaOne #FethivalFlash @RoxFilm #PNRNetworks #RoxburyInternationalFIlmFestival
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Welcome to eCinemaBoston’s daily coverage of the 2019 Roxbury International Film Festival!  The RIFF officially runs from June 20-29, and will be screening films at a variety of locations throughout the Hub, you can check each day’s listings for films, locations, and ticket info.
We’re calling tonight a “minus One” day because “official” opening day is Thursday, but RIFF is kicking things off at…
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sanago · 7 years
In This World from Kelly Creedon on Vimeo.
15-year-old Courvosier Cox knows he is destined to be a star. Struggling to find his place in the complex landscape of adolescence in the urban South, he undertakes a relentless quest to escape into the spotlight.
Update: In 2016, Courvosier Cox, 16, was arrested for over three dozen theft-related charges. In May 2017, he pled guilty to three felony charges and received a term of supervised probation + restitution.
Trailer: vimeo.com/120656735
Director/Cinematographer/Editor: Kelly Creedon Original Score: Sam Beebe Additional Camera: Gabriela Arp, Carter McCall + Callaghan O'Hare Color + Sound Mix: Gary Kirk Project Advisors: Chad Stevens, Laura Ruel + Ross Taylor
Awards: 2nd place, Documentary Journalism, Pictures of the Year International Award of Excellence, Alexia Foundation
Festival Screenings: Indie Grits Film Festival 2016 Independent Film Festival Boston 2016 Roxbury International Film Festival 2016 Atlanta Shortsfest 2016 // Best Documentary Short BlackStar Film Festival 2016 Skyline Indie Film Festival 2016 Greater Cleveland Urban Film Festival 2016 Atlanta DocuFest 2016 // Best Dramatic Documentary Short Baltimore International Black Film Festival 2016 BendFilm Festival 2016 15 Short Film Festival 2016 // Jury Pick for Best of Show and Best Documentary Louisville International Festival of Film 2016 New Orleans Film Festival 2016 Indie Memphis Film Festival 2016 // Special Jury Award for Documentary Short Citizen Jane Film Festival 2016 Fairhope Film Festival 2016 Southern Screen Film Festival 2016 Carrboro Film Festival 2016 Big Sky Documentary Film Festival 2017 Longleaf Film Festival 2017 // Made-in-NC Winner
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robertdowneyjjr · 8 years
Hockey Is For Everyone + ‘Soul On Ice: Past, Present & Future’
Hey everyone.
About a year and a half ago, I had the pleasure of working on a publicity campaign for a hockey documentary titled Soul On Ice: Past, Present & Future.
Written an directed by Kwame Damon Mason, the documentary focuses on the history of black athletes playing in professional hockey leagues, and how they’re starting to make a name for themselves in such a white-dominated field in the last several decades. It follows Jaden Lindo as he enters the 2014 NHL Draft and includes interviews with a bunch of hockey legends and current players, such as Willie O’Ree, Grant Fuhr, Wayne Simmonds, and Trevor Daley, just to name a few.
The film premiered at the Edmonton International Film Festival in 2015 and went on to win the award for Best Documentary Feature at the festival.
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After a really successful PR campaign in Edmonton and Toronto, we were hoping the documentary would get picked up by a distributor and eventually screened in cinemas in North America. Unfortunately, despite all the interest and even a screening hosted by the Washington Capitals in DC, the documentary never got picked up for public distribution. Which is really a shame, because it’s a great film, and I’m speaking as someone who had absolutely zero interest in hockey when I worked on this publicity campaign.
I’m happy to say, though, that now the documentary is getting more traction again. In light of Hockey is for Everyone month, various NHL teams are hosting screenings of SOI throughout the month.
The Devils just hosted their screening on February 12th. The Canucks are hosting theirs on the 27th.
Soul on Ice has also been steadily making its way around the film festival circuits. So far it’s been in EIFF, TIFF, TBFF, Roxbury, etc. and it’s also been screened at some schools.
If you’re interested in knowing when there will be a screening near you, you can check out Soul On Ice’s Facebook page and its website.
Also, if there aren’t any screenings near you, I know for a fact that Kwame is always open to travelling to various cities to screen his film. If you know your school or organization would be interested in having a documentary like this screened for educational or cultural value, you should definitely talk to whoever could make that happen, and ask them to send Kwame a message about it. Kwame manages the SOI Facebook page and is very responsive to the messages he gets (as long as they’re respectful, obviously!), and there’s also an email address available on the film’s website.
Anyway, this has essentially been a PSA for a film project that I really believe in. I’m not involved in the PR for this anymore, but it was one of those rare campaigns where I thought my client was genuine and passionate about their project, and not just doing it for fame and money.
And Kwame is so passionate about this. He quit his job and put all his savings into making this film. The more people know about this movie, and learn about the history of hockey, the more the sacrifices that Kwame made for this project would be worth it, you know? I really think that Kwame deserves the recognition. The film deserves the recognition. And all the black hockey players - past, present, and future - deserve the recognition.
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