#Rotary Centre of the Arts
kapten425 · 1 year
Chapter 2 Part 1 "A Glimpse of Hope"
The golden light of the setting sky bathed the city of Nokstela. The bright sun of the Lands Between slowly gave it's place to the glimmering stars above. Their brilliance only second to the divine light of the Erdtree. Inside Master Enouch's workshop a young man was trying to put together a glintstone powered core, under the watchfull eye of his teacher. Master Enouch stroke his beard as he observed his student's work. While the young man was very talented in the use of glintstone magic, when it came to glidstone mechanism he was out of his field. A simple core was a task of 1 hour, 2 if he was an amateur. He was struggling to make it work for 5 hours, with no signs of success. The young man tried to put the core into motion. The core's outside rings started spinning, showing signs progress. The young man was about to take a deep breath when suddenly the core's operation stopped. The young man smashed his fists on the table in a feat of anger.
"Cursed pile of metal scraps."
Master Enouch placed his hand on the young man's shoulder.
"Patience young one. Glintstone Mechanisms take time to figure out."
"It's completely useless for me to learn this kind of crap. I could be practicing my glidstone phalanx spells right now instead of......"
Before he could finish his sentence an old man in blue robe, decorated with small glintstone peddles entered the workshop. He was visually agitated, indicating that he had heard the young one's insults to Master Enouch.
"Seluvis, the art of glintstone mechanisms is a sacred one. Respect is mandatory. Especially to Master Enouch, who is the best glintstone engineer in Nokstela. And a personal friend of mine."
Young Seluvis lowered his head after the man spoke. Master Enouch smiled towards his unexpected visitor.
"Lusat, you are here earlier than expected."
"I just happened to finish my duties faster than anticipated. So I came to see how my poor mannered pupil was holding up. Only to be embarrassed by his words. I apologize my friend."
He said and bowed to Enouch. Enouch smiled towards Lusat.
"No need old pal. I'm sure mister Seluvis feels very sorry about this little slip of tongue ."
Lusat gave a confused look. Before Seluvis could ask what he meant Master Enouch continued.
"Which is why he would return here tomorrow morning to finish this glintstone core."
Master Enouch turned to the clearly angry Seluvis, saying.
"No matter how much time it takes him to make it operational."
Seluvis tried to protest, but he was cut short by Master Lusat.
"I'm sure he will. Right Seluvis."
Seluvis gave a defeated look at Maste Enouch. As a confirmation he replied.
"Very well master Enouch. I'll be here tomorrow morning."
He turned to leave the workshop. As he reached for the handle he faced the masters once again.
"But heed this. The project that master Enouch wants me to do is impossible to perform. No one can make this core of garbage work."
With that final act of defiance he exited the workshop. Lusat sighted. His student's pride was going to be a problem for him in the future. He turned to his friend who was more focused on Seluvis's work on the core.
"Once again my friend, I sincerely apologize for Seluvis's reaction. I should have taught him better."
Master Enouch, still focused on the core replied.
"No need to worry. Compared to other pupils I had in the past, he was rather mild. If he ever steps out of line, I will run his ass to the ground. Protégé or not."
Lusat came closer to observe the mechanism. Despite Seluvis's crude language he had a point. The mechanism in front of him was rather complex. Normally glintstone cores were utilising the natural rotary movement of the glintstone crystal in the centre to commence it's operation. As the natural rotation takes place the surrounding rings are adjusted to create 3 layers around the crystal that rotate counter wise. That slight interaction creates a type of energy that can be utilised for powering up a larger mechanism like a marionette, like a perpetual clockwork device. This mechanism was trying to utilize the friction between the core and the mechanism by making the rings go diagonal, passing through the other rings way, colliding with each other. It looked impossible indeed. Lusat looked at Enouch. His gaze was wandering around the mechanism.
"Enouch, my friend, I don't want to judge your work....."
Enouch turned to Lusat with a questioning look on his face. Lusat continued.
"But don't you think this mechanism is a little bit advanced for my pupil?"
Enouch smiled at his friend's comment.
"Well Lusat. You see......"
Before he could finish the inside curtain of his workshop opened and a young Elias entered the room. He was wearing a blacksmith's apron with oil stains on it. His pockets were full of tools while his hands, full of stains, were holding something wrapped in a linel cloth. He had signs of oil and dust on his face with only his greenish blue eyes and his black hair being somewhat clean. He approached master Enouch with a steady pace.
"Master Enouch I finished the rounding and polishing of the crystal you gave me. I am sure now it will fit inside the core much easier."
Master Enouch became serious as Elias handed him the modified glintstone crystal. He took it from the cloth and brought it close to his eyes. The crystal was perfectly spherical. Any imperfections that it had before were gone, and with the polishing the crystal looked more like a gem than a glintstone crystal. Lusat came closer to observe the small ord as well, with similar reactions. After the inspection master Enouch smiled towards Elias and gave him the crystal.
"Perfect work as always Elias. And in half the time I expected."
Elias smiled widely after hearing those words.
"I was just doing my job master. Nothing more."
Elias now noticed Lusat looking at him with an impressed look. Lusat decided to talk.
"Indeed impressive work my boy."
Elias realised that he hadn't paid his respects to his master's visitor.
"Oh .... I apologize for my poor manners. My name is Elias, a humble apprentice of Master Enouch. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
Elias then bowed with a small movement to Master Lusat. When Lusat saw Elias's act of respect he started laughing. Not in a insulting way, but with a satisfying one.
"Hahahaha truly Seluvis can learn a thing or two from you dear boy."
Enouch seeing the happy atmosphere he grabbed Lusat by the shoulder.
"Elias let me introduce you to my old friend and one of the grand masters of the Raya Lucaria Academy, Master Lusat."
Lusat with a playful sight he stretched out his hand.
"An honour, young Elias. It's refreshing to see someone with true manners."
Elias flinched at the sound of Lusat's profession. And seeing that he stretched out his hand he offered his accordingly. By this point he had figured out why he was here.
"Then you must Seluvis's master. I presume."
"Indeed. Even though he is an excellent mage, he still has a lot to learn. And judging from Enouch's respect towards you. You must be very talented to have chosen you as his apprentice."
Elias smiled for the praise he was given by Lusat.
"I'm just doing what I know is right, under the tutelage of master Enouch. I own him a lot."
Lusat looked at Elias with a questionable look. But before he could ask what he meant, Enouch already had Elias's focus on Seluvis's project.
"Elias I need your help over here. I'm sure you are familiar with this glintstone core design."
Elias looked at the Seluvis's core. After a few seconds he sighted moving his hands to his sides.
"He didn't succeed. Didn't he."
"Correct my boy."
Elias placed one of his hands on his forehead, clearly disappointed.
"I told him, he cannot simply replicate the design and make it work. He needs to understand the reason why....."
Enouch stopped Elias from continuing by grabbing his shoulder. He then nodded his head, confirming what Elias was trying to say.
"I know my boy. But this is not why I show you this. Tell me. How much time do you need to make it work."
Elias tilted his head to the side in order to get a different view of the core. After a moment he replied.
"About 15-20 minutes tops. Do you want me to write down my steps."
Enouch smiled at Elias. Efficient as ever.
"Yes please. In the meantime me and Lusat will go a little bit outside. I need some fresh air. Call us when you finish."
Elias sat on the chair and grabbed the tools from his apron. His eyes focused on his new task.
"Right away master. Take your time."
And with that Enouch and Lusat exited the workshop. The night had already fallen on top the city. Master Enouch closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Lusat looked at his with a puzzled look as he started to talk
"Enouch, you are hiding things from me. Why you never told me you had an apprentice."
Enouch reached to his pocket and took out a small smoking pipe. After putting a few dried leaves, he lighted it up with the use of a small matchstick and started smoking.
"To tell you the truth, I never thought I would ever accept one. Elias, although, is special."
"Care to explain this."
Enouch smiled.
"Elias is an orphan, Lusat. An orphan that was wondering the city 5 years ago. I saw his potential and decided to take him under my protection."
Lusat looked at his friend with a saddened look.
"Oh I'm sorry, if I knew..."
"That's why I brought you outside. I knew you would ask what he meant. He is a good kid and I wish to help him as much as I can. After all I own this to his parents."
"Did you knew them?"
"No, and neither he. But his foster parents were albinaurics. They found him bundled up in a linel clothing off the western sea coast of Liurnia as a baby. They raised him to the albinauric village south of here. But after their deaths, Elias was left all alone. I'm sure you can understand how they died."
Lusat continued with a sad movement.
"The albinauric curse I presume."
Enouch nodded. He continued while he was smoking his small pipe.
" After a while he came to Nokstela and I stumbled across him. He showed me his potential for machineries and I decided to take him in. I taught him everything I know about my art, and he accepted them without a moment's hesitation. Then I saw it. His spark for creation. He worked on my workshop day and night. Never complaining, never stopping. And most importantly he elevated even my own knowledge upon glintstone motors. You already saw his work."
Enouch pointed at his back.
"The motor Seluvis was trying to make it work, was Elias's design."
Lusat looked bewildered. Enouch was talking about Elias, as he was talking about a grand master. He tried to clear his throat.
"Come on now Enouch. He can't be that good."
Enouch chuckled at his friend's comment.
"You know me too well, Lusat. I would never joke about this kind of things."
He then looked at the night sky of Nokstela. His eyes fixed on the constellations above.
"I tell you, Lusat. No matter how difficult a task is Elias would bring it to fruition. When it comes down to his capabilities. Elias, at one point, he will be able to bring anything back to life, mechanical or not."
Lusat looked at Enouch.
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lancastervisualart · 2 years
40 Chains Gallery Walk Thru Complete.mp4 from Sydney Lancaster on Vimeo.
A quick video walk-through of my MFA Exhibition at the Rotary Centre of the Arts in Corner Brook NL. With enduring thanks to Kellyann Henderson, Erienne Rennick, And Sam Osmond for the installation support!
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qnewsau · 27 days
Queensland queer bars give back to charity
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/queensland-queer-bars-give-back-to-charity/
Queensland queer bars give back to charity
Two of Queensland’s much-loved LGBTQIA+ bars hosted events last month to support those in need. 
The Sportsman Hotel in Brisbane and Hairy Mary’s on the Gold Coast both have community at the heart of what they do.
This is evident in the events they host to give back to local charities with the support of their patrons.
Sporties’ Bake-Off
This year, the Sportsman Hotel (Sporties) in Brisbane held its Annual Charity Bake-Off. It’s an event that has been running since the mid 90s. 
Sporties Manager Chris White told QNews that the event is important for the venue and community. 
“The Sporties Bake-Off has a special place in the history of the pub, it’s definitely a unique event that is looked forward to by our patrons every year,” he said.
“We have a loyal group of regular contributors to the Bake-Off that take the judging and the results of the day very seriously!”
Patrons produce an assortment of baked goods for judging. These are across categories such as death by chocolate, desserts rich and famous, pickles and preserves and even arts and crafts. 
Chris White said there were around 100 individual entries and it was a great turnout on the day. 
“We had a packed room from early afternoon all the way to the end of the charity auction, with a visit from Cr Vicki Howard in person as she does every year,” he said. 
“We also had prizes donated by all levels of government including Grace Grace MP and Stephen Bates MP.”
  View this post on Instagram
  A post shared by Cr Vicki Howard (@crvickihoward)
But it wasn’t just about prize-winning entries, the underlying purpose was fundraising for charity. 
The venue raised $2,500 for Briz Pride Rotary Club. It is the first LGBTIQA+ Rotary Club of its kind in the southern hemisphere. 
Chris explains that the Rotary Club mainly donates to Open Doors Youth Service. Open Doors supports young people with diverse gender identities, bodies and sexualities.
It’s part of a running relationship between the venue and charity which sees Briz Pride Rotary Club raffles at regular Sportsman Hotel events. 
Hairy Mary’s supports the homeless
Since the new queer bar opened this year, it’s found many ways to connect and help the community. 
During July, the bar decided to help local charity St John’s Crisis Centre. 
St John’s is a non-denominational charity that supports homeless people and those going through a hard time on the Gold Coast. 
Owner Steven Fahd said it was an important charity for the bar to support. 
“They don’t discriminate and they support LGBTQIA+ people going through tough times,” he said. 
“We’ve had a staff member access their services to get on their feet and now they are thriving and working with us.”
  View this post on Instagram
  A post shared by Hairy Mary’s (@hairymarysgc)
In July, a Christmas tree was put in the bar with tags of gifts that patrons could buy. 
The gifts were things like a sleeping bag, underwear and other items of need. 
“We wanted the gifts to be practical so that people could actually use them,” Steven said. 
“We had around 70 people buy the gifts and bring them back to us.”
The month-long campaign, which was supported by QNews, culminated in a special event in August. 
All the gifts were presented to St John’s Crisis Centre on stage at Hairy Mary’s. 
Steven said that he was proud of the achievement. 
“It is absolutely beautiful to see what our community was able to do for those who are less fortunate than us and who are homeless,” he said. 
“Your gifts will go a long way to making someone’s life just that little bit easier. The LGBTQIA+ community here on the Gold Coast should be so proud of themselves for all that they have done to support those in need.”
Giving back
Both Chris and Steven both believe LGBTQIA_ have a responsibility to give back.
“Connection with community is everything to Sporties, which in turn provides us with a very loyal customer base who have stuck with us through thick and thin,” Chris said.  
“It is vital for queer venues to engage their patronage in these ways to continue the work of generations past in the never-ending pursuit of true equality.”
While the event for St John’s Crisis Centre is part of Steven’s vision of Hairy Mary’s being a venue to give back to the community.
The bar hosts BBQs for community groups and other events to help fundraise and show support. 
You can follow Hairy Mary’s @hairymarysgc on Facebook and Instagram. You can find Sportsman Hotel @sportiesBNE on Facebook and @sportiesqld on Instagram.
Read next:
Meet Steven Fahd: The man behind Gold Coast’s new queer venue
Get to know Chris White from Brisbane’s Sportsman Hotel
Sporties’ Neil McLucas honoured for hosting decades of drag
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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Root Canal Symptoms, Causes, Treatment | Smile Dental and Implant Centre
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Are you suffering from persistent tooth pain that won't go away? Do you wince every time you sip a cold drink or take a bite of something hot? Have you noticed a darkening or discoloration of one of your teeth? Is there swelling in your gums around a particular tooth? If any of these symptoms sound familiar, you may need a root canal. But don't worry - we're here to help!
At Smile Dental and Implant Centre, we understand how tooth pain can disrupt your busy life and leave you feeling miserable. Our team of experienced, caring dental professionals is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality endodontic care in a comfortable, state-of-the-art setting. We know that the thought of a root canal may seem intimidating or scary. That's why we go above and beyond to ensure your experience is as painless and stress-free as possible. 
So what exactly is a root canal? It's a very common procedure designed to repair and save a badly infected tooth. Beneath your tooth's outer enamel and within the dentin is an area of soft tissue called the pulp, which contains the tooth's nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. When the pulp becomes inflamed or infected due to deep decay, repeated dental procedures, or a crack or chip in the tooth, it can cause a lot of pain. If left untreated, it can lead to an abscess or even tooth loss.
During a root canal, the damaged pulp is removed from inside the tooth and the root canal system is thoroughly cleaned, disinfected, and sealed to protect it from further damage. Contrary to popular belief, modern root canal treatment is usually no more uncomfortable than having a cavity filled, thanks to advanced techniques and effective anesthesia. Most patients report that they feel significant relief from their tooth pain almost immediately after the procedure.
As a leading Dental clinic in AS Rao Nagar, Ecil, Kapra, we use the latest technology and equipment to perform root canals efficiently and effectively, including:
- Digital X-rays and 3D imaging for precise diagnosis and treatment planning 
- Electronic apex locators to accurately determine the length of the root canal
- Nickel-titanium rotary files for faster, more thorough cleaning and shaping of the canal
- Surgical operating microscopes that provide superior magnification and illumination 
- Ultrasonic instruments that allow for conservative, controlled removal of tooth structure
- Specialized heating devices to create a dense, durable filling of the canal space
Best of all, we make the root canal process as convenient and accessible as possible by offering extended weekday hours and Saturday appointments to fit your busy schedule. We provide a range of flexible payment options, and EMI facilities, to help make your treatment more affordable.
Don't let tooth pain hold you back any longer. If you are experiencing any of the signs or symptoms of an infected tooth, such as persistent pain, prolonged sensitivity to heat or cold, tenderness to touch and chewing, swelling of the gums, or tooth discoloration, call Smile Dental and Implant Centre today at +91- 7396529265 to schedule a consultation. You can also request an appointment online at www.smiledentalandimplantcentre.com.
Our friendly, knowledgeable team will be happy to answer any questions you may have and help you take the first step toward restoring your oral health and getting back to living your life to the fullest. Remember, the sooner you seek treatment for an infected tooth, the better your chances of saving your natural tooth and preventing more serious complications down the road. Trust your smile to the root canal experts at Smile Dental and Implant Centre. We'll give you something to smile about!
Get more details visit: https://smiledentalandimplantcentre.com/root-canal-treatment/
Check Dental Hospital Near me: https://dentalhospitalnearme.in/
Dentist and Dental Clinic in AS Rao Nagar: https://asraonagardental.in/
Check dentist near me: https://dentistnearme.org.in/
Get Google Reviews and Directions: https://g.co/kgs/fpQ8Drz
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alisondentaldesign · 7 months
Saving Smiles: Exploring Root Canal Treatment at Chepstow Dental Care in Chepstow
Nestled in the charming town of Chepstow, Chepstow Dental Care stands as a beacon of comprehensive dental care, offering transformative solutions for patients facing the challenges of tooth decay and infection. Among their array of services, root canal treatment shines as a vital procedure for preserving natural teeth and restoring oral health. Let's delve into why Chepstow Dental Care is the trusted destination for root canal treatment in Chepstow and how their expertise is safeguarding smiles one patient at a time.
Understanding Root Canal Treatment:
Root canal treatment, often referred to as endodontic therapy, is a dental procedure designed to address infection or damage within the pulp of a tooth. When tooth decay or trauma reaches the innermost layer of the tooth, bacteria can infiltrate the pulp, leading to infection, pain, and potential tooth loss. Root canal treatment involves removing the infected pulp, cleaning and disinfecting the root canal system, and sealing it to prevent further infection, thus saving the tooth from extraction.
Why Chepstow Dental Care?
Chepstow Dental Care distinguishes itself as a premier destination for root canal treatment in Chepstow, thanks to its unwavering commitment to excellence, patient-centric approach, and state-of-the-art facilities.
Expertise and Experience:
At Chepstow Dental Care, patients benefit from the expertise of a highly skilled team of dental professionals with extensive experience in endodontics. Their clinicians possess the knowledge, precision, and compassion required to perform root canal treatment with exceptional skill and efficacy, ensuring optimal outcomes and patient comfort throughout the process.
Comprehensive Consultation and Treatment Planning:
Chepstow Dental Care takes a personalized approach to root canal treatment, beginning with a comprehensive consultation to assess the patient's oral health, symptoms, and treatment goals. Through thorough examination and advanced imaging techniques, they develop tailored treatment plans that address the root cause of the problem while prioritizing the preservation of natural tooth structure.
Cutting-Edge Technology:
Equipped with state-of-the-art technology and modern amenities, Chepstow Dental Care offers a comfortable and seamless root canal experience for patients. From digital imaging for precise diagnosis to rotary endodontic instruments for efficient treatment, they leverage the latest advancements in endodontic technology to ensure superior results and minimal discomfort.
Patient-centred Care:
What sets Chepstow Dental Care apart is its unwavering dedication to patient satisfaction and comfort. From the initial consultation to post-treatment follow-up, patients are treated with empathy, respect, and understanding, fostering a supportive environment conducive to healing and recovery.
Transformative Results:
Root canal treatment at Chepstow Dental Care isn't just about saving teeth; it's about preserving smiles, alleviating pain, and restoring oral health and function. By addressing infection at its source and preserving natural tooth structure, they empower patients to enjoy lasting dental wellness and confidence in their smiles.
In Chepstow, Chepstow Dental Care stands as a trusted ally for those in need of root canal treatment. With a team of dedicated professionals, cutting-edge technology, and a commitment to excellence, they're redefining standards in endodontic care. If you're experiencing tooth pain or suspect you may need root canal treatment, Chepstow Dental Care welcomes you to experience compassionate, comprehensive, and transformative dental care. Your journey to a healthier, happier smile begins here.
Chepstow Dental Care – dentist in Chepstow
Welsh Street
NP16 5LR
Tel: 01291 622 450
Email: [email protected] Web: https://chepstowdental.co.uk/
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barriesgardencentre · 9 months
Barrie's Garden Centre
Barrie’s Garden Centre is small enough to care but large enough to satisfy. We build our business one customer at a time. Our goal is to have complete customer satisfaction.
We pride ourselves on bringing in an ever changing variety of plants, trees, home and garden décor and water pond features that will make you the pride of the neighbourhood. We keep up with the latest gardening trends to bring you a visual feast of the latest products, which are hand picked by our gardening experts. We are so VERY proud of our team of experts and they are dedicated to helping you love everything about your garden.
Barrie’s Garden Centre 15th year anniversary
At Barrie Garden Centre we believe quality is the root to successful gardening. We want our ustomers to be successful gardeners and have gardens they can be proud of. We will only be as successful as our customers.
So often we receive comments from customers that reinforce our position of offering the highest quality.
I’ve never had annuals that have grown so well.
It’s September and the flowers I bought from you in May still look beautiful.
Buying plants is much like buying food. Buy the healthiest, freshest looking plant – even if this cost a few extra pennies. You won’t be throwing your money out in the composter latter on.
It’s only that we believe in our quality that we offer an industry leading 5-year warranty.
Variety & Selection
Gardeners from across Ontario come to Barrie Garden Centre to find plant material that is unique and usual. Our specialty is hard to find and rare perennials. Whether you’re a collector or a novice gardener we are sure to amaze you with our selection and variety. With over 1000 varieties of perennials, 100’s of varieties of annuals, and 150 varieties of clematis if we don’t have it we’ll get it for you.
Here is a sample of the more unusual and hard to find plants you will find at Barrie Garden Centre.
Gardening Knowledge
We are the “Gardening Specialists”. It does not matter whether you’re a novice gardener or seasoned gardener we’re here to help. With certified horticulturist on staff and combined 75 years of experience we are confident we will have the answer to your gardening question.
We pride ourselves with having specialists in every area of gardening:
Perennials & Annuals
Pond/Water Gardening
Plant Health
Garden Design & Installation
Container Gardening
We also have leading edge technology we can refer to, to identify and solve the most troublesome and persistent pest and fungi problems.
Each year every Barrie Garden Centre key staff spends 25 hours in training enhancing their product and plant knowledge. It is because of our commitment to having the best staff we frequently receive comments from customers.
Support Your Community
The Barrie Garden Centre philosophy is Support your Community and the community will support you.
Barrie Garden Centre is a proud sponsor and supporter for a number of community initiatives.
Communities in Bloom – Barrie
Barrie Garden Club
Master Gardeners
Horticultural Societies (Elmvale, Midland, Oro, Painswick)
McLaren Art Centre
Theatre By the Bay
Humane Society
Lung Association
Rotary Club of Barrie
Royal Victoria Hospital
Local Schools
Boy Scout Clubs
Business Name: Barrie's Garden Centre
Address: 375 Bayview Dr, Barrie, ON L4N 8Y2
Phone: +17057301113
Owner Name: Beth Leonienco-Burke
Website: https://barriegardencentre.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BarriesGardenCentre/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Barries_GC
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/barries-garden-centre/
Google Maps: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=620982841668599948
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prwizard · 1 year
Dr Padmakar Nandekar Received Mahatma Gandhi Rathtriya Abhiman Puraskar 2023 By Hon Minister Darekar & By Bollywood Actress Aditi Govitrikar
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On August 9th, 2023, at YB Chavan Centre in Mumbai, the honorable minister , Shri Darekar & Bollywood Actress Aditi Govitrikar, gave Mahatma Gandhi Rathtriya Abhiman Puraskar 2023 to Dr. Padmakar Nandekar, a well-known social worker from Cuffe Parade. Dr. Nandekar is the head of Universal Communications Ltd., an advertising agency that deals with the rights of TV channels, the sales promotion of blockbuster movies, and the sponsorship of events and films. He was one of the first people in India to start successful TV channels like DD Metro, Zee Cinema, and regional channels.
Dr. Nandekar has made TV programs for more than twenty thousand hours. He first got a job when he was hired as a dairy supervisor by the Ministry of Dairy Development Dept., Maharashtra. He has degrees in dairy technology and a Master of Philosophy in marketing and production. Later, in 1991, he worked as a distribution officer and zone manager in the National Centre of Films for Children and Young People for the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. Because he was professional and worked hard, the National Film Development Corporation (NFDC) gave him the job of Manager (Marketing) in 1994. Dr. Nandekar went on to work as a regional marketing manager for ZEE Cinema.
He started his business, Universal Communications Ltd., in 1995 with the goal of making, distributing, promoting, and funding high-quality TV shows, serials, video films, and other software. At the moment, the agency is considered the best of all. Universal Communications Ltd. is also in the business of sponsoring TV and radio shows for producers, clients, and other groups.
 Dr. Nandekar is not only a great head of marketing, but he is also a multifaceted person who has learned spiritual and healing techniques from the Oneness University of Amma Bhagwan, such as Vipassana, Silva, Reki, Melkizerik, Isha Yoga, the Art of Living, Breakthrough, and Diksha. He is a part of these forums so that he can learn about new technologies and other changes in the business world.
Dr. Nandekar is also a philanthropist who works with non-government organizations (NGOs), especially Rotary International. Since 2004, he has been a past president of the Rotary Club of Bombay Queen City and a rising leader in the club. During his time as Club President in 2010-2011, his club won the highest Rotary award, the "Presidential Citation with Distinction," and 41 District Appreciation Awards with a gold medal. He is proud to have won both the "Rotary Foundation District Service Award" and the "Avenue of Service Citation" for his great work. His family shares Dr. Nandekar's interest in things that help people. His parents, his wife, Parul Padmakar Nandekar, and his children, Khushal Padmakar Nandekar and Mehal Padmakar Nandekar, are all Paul Harris Fellows with Rotary International. Aside from being a Paul Harris Fellow, he is also a member of the Major Donors Society and has given more than 1 crore of rupees. He and his family have been to more than 50 international clubs and 11 Rotary International Conventions in different parts of the world.
Dr. Nandekar is also a former secretary general of the Cuffe Parade Resident Association (i.e., SOBO Chief). He was in charge of making Bay View Marina Garden (BVM), a beautiful garden that covers 2.7 lakh square feet. He is also in charge of taking care of the Cuffe Parade CPRA Greens Garden.
Dr. Padmakar Nandekar has done a lot of great things, and he has also helped to improve Cuffe Parade, where he lives. He was the Secretary General of the Cuffe Parade Resident Association (CPRA) and was in charge of building the beautiful Bay View Marina Garden (BVM) on a 2.7-lakh-square-foot area. He also helped keep the CPRA Greens Garden in Cuffe Parade in good shape. Also, the Rotary Club of Bombay Queen City made the first rose garden in Cuffe Parade with his help. Dr. Nandekar has planted 16,000 trees, including 100 mango trees and 300 coconut trees in Coconut Bay. This shows how committed he is to protecting the environment and keeping it healthy.
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nevatiavinaykumar · 1 year
Know More About Vinay Kumar Nevatia
Vinay Kumar Nevatia, director with VISAKAM ESTATES PVT LTD, is registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), bearing DIN 00111285. He is an Indian staying in Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
Vinay Kumar Nevatia is currently associated with 9 Companies and is director with Vanshiba Trading Co Pvt Ltd, Vibrant Motors Private Limited, Country Motors PvtLtd, Visakam Motors Private Limited, Auto Centre Pvt Ltd, Lexus Motors Ltd, Autotech Services Ltd, Visakam Developers Pvt Ltd, Visakam Estates Pvt Ltd.
The total paid-up capital of all companies where Vinay Kumar Nevatia holds active positions is ₹172,310,700.00.
Vinay Kumar Nevatia was previously associated with 4 companies, Swaika Vanaspati Products Ltd, Shree Automobiles Pvt Ltd, Vedant Automotives Pvt Ltd, Federation Of Automobile Dealers Associations From Mumbai To Delhi.
Vinay Kumar Nevatia is a Kolkata-based business magnate and entrepreneur. He is currently associated with nine companies in various roles, including director, managing director, and chairman. With over three decades of experience in the industry, Mr. Nevatia has become a prominent figure in the Indian business community.
Mr. Nevatia's business ventures are spread across various sectors, including real estate, finance, and healthcare. He is the founder and managing director of Ambuja Neotia, a leading real estate company that has developed several iconic properties in Kolkata and other parts of India. Under his leadership, Ambuja Neotia has won several awards for its innovative and sustainable projects.
Apart from Ambuja Neotia, Mr. Nevatia is also associated with several other companies, such as Neotia Healthcare Initiative Limited, Ambuja Realty Development Limited, and Bengal Ambuja Housing Development Limited. He is the chairman of the latter two companies, which are also involved in the real estate sector.
Mr. Nevatia's contributions to the healthcare industry in India are also noteworthy. He is the founder and chairman of the Neotia Institute of Technology, Management and Science (NITMAS), a leading educational institution that offers courses in engineering, management, and pharmacy. He is also the chairman of the Rotary Narayana Multispecialty Hospital, a state-of-the-art healthcare facility in Kolkata.
In addition to his business and philanthropic activities, Mr. Nevatia is also actively involved in several professional organizations. He is a member of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI). He has also served as the president of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Mr. Nevatia's achievements have not gone unnoticed, and he has been honored with several awards and recognitions. He was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Indian Chamber of Commerce in 2013 and the Business Today Best CEO Award in the Real Estate and Construction category in 2015.
In conclusion, Vinay Kumar Nevatia is a prominent figure in the Indian business community with a diverse range of interests and accomplishments. His contributions to the real estate, healthcare, and education sectors have been significant, and his leadership and vision continue to inspire others in the industry.
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nichromepackaging · 2 years
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Globally, and across industries, pouch filling machines are a popular choice for viscous condiments packing and viscous ready to eat foods like tomato ketchup. Tomato ketchup packing is usually done in two ways—in tear away or standee pouches, or in High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) bottles.
In either case, the tomato ketchup packaging needs to be robust and leak-proof. Hence the need for superior quality packing machinery. Pouches are flexible, lightweight bags that offer many advantages over traditional packaging such as metal cans or glass bottle packing.
Types of Ketchup Packing
There are two major types of liquid pouch filling machines: vertical form fill seal (VFFS) and horizontal form fill seal (HFFS) packing machines. The filled and sealed bag is cut away. As is evident in many tomato sauce/ketchup brands, the top seal on the first bag becomes the bottom of the next bag, and the process repeats. The cut pouch falls to a collection system, typically a belt conveyor that brings the pouch to the next packaging step.
Ketchup packing is generally referred to as ‘flexible packaging’ or ‘sachet packing’ as opposed to ‘bottle and jar packing’ which is rigid.
Flexible packaging offers several advantages: it uses less material, needs less energy during formation, and produces less greenhouse gases during manufacturing. Being lightweight & unbreakable, it is economical to pack, store, and transport.
Nichrome Ketchup Packaging
There are many pouch filling machine manufacturers offering multiple packaging machines for diverse applications. If you are looking for a ketchup pouch packing machine manufacturer--Nichrome is your best bet.
Four decades of experience worldwide, intensive inhouse R&D, state-of-art manufacturing, technology tie-ups with global majors, thousands of successful installations, strong nation-wide service network – few pouch filling machine manufacturers can match the knowhow, capabilities, and record of accomplishment of Nichrome.
HFFS for Ketchup Packing
Whether your ask is for HFFS or multitrack packing machine (for 4 side seal pouches up to 100 gm); pick fill seal machines; bottling line or standee pouch/ DOYPACK pouch packing-- explore Nichrome's offerings for packing tomato paste/ketchup. Nichrome offers special sealing technology for viscous liquids on its multitrack machines.
Nichrome is dedicated to offering the most advanced packaging technology for food, pharma, and other relevant industries. Nichrome can deliver top quality at competitive prices with its own R&D centre, manufacturing, and testing facilities.
High ROI
Nichrome proactively supports customers from consultation and customized packaging machine development to the production of the packaging machine, backing it up with extensive after-sales service. Some hallmarks of Nichrome’s packaging solutions are high production rates, optimum accuracy, and consistent pouch quality as per the client’s requirements.
In its T-110 ketchup packaging machine, Nichrome offers an efficient integrated system for ketchup filling and packaging that covers a turntable, UV sterilisation chamber, automatic liquid filling machine, cap feeding elevator, rotary capping machine, induction sealer, labelling machine, date & batch coding system, and packing table. SKUs range from 100 ml to 20 litres. Applications include a wide range of packing solutions for food & liquids such as ketchup.
Nichrome's HFFS packaging machines bring you next generation, linear technology from Europe. The series is versatile and can be used for packing a wide range of powders, grains, snacks, liquids, and viscous products like ketchup using different fillers. The series also offers a range of pouch formats with superior pouch aesthetics.
Nichrome’s HFFS packaging machines, especially the T-170 are PLC based with touch screen interface. The compact and versatile design offers both single and perforated chain of pouches with quick and easy changeover. Well-designed duplex modules are available for higher outputs.
Nichrome is a leading manufacturer of form-fill-seal packaging machines in India. A pioneer of flexible packaging in India, Nichrome brings four decades of experience and innovation to the table.
Nichrome’s offerings include a wide range of VFFS and HFFS packaging machines. Horizontal form fill seal machines are traditionally more flexible and versatile than vertical form fill seal ones, although the latest VFFS packaging systems are more adaptable to different products, pouch types & sizes, film types than earlier versions.
Pick and Fill Seal
Nichrome’s Pick-Fill-Seal machine provides the combined benefits of variety, productivity, and specialty packaging for ready-to-eat foods. Using versatile rotary technology, the horizontal packaging machine conveniently packs a wide variety of ready-to-eat foods in eye-catching innovative shapes while maintaining freshness of the products.
The machine is sturdy and compact, easy to clean and maintain. An advanced variant of packaging technology innovated by Nichrome enables two or three different fillers to dispense multiple types of ingredients in the same pouch.
Bottle Filling Machine
Nichrome’s Automatic Bottle Filling system is designed to handle many different types of products, from water to tomato ketchup. From products with thin watery consistency to highly viscous products like ketchup, Nichrome’s liquid food packaging system can handle them all.
Nichrome’s liquid filling machine also handles a versatile SKU range with fast changeover and no change of parts. It is equally efficient packing in glass, HDPE and PP bottles or metal tins.
It could be a small variation in a pouch format or customization of an existing machine; a pro-actively developed filling system or consultancy & system design for a complete packaging plant - -Nichrome has the expertise, capabilities and innovation to transform productivity and enrich customer relationships in endless ways. Call Nichrome to discuss your unique requirements and let us amaze you with our products and services.
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movertoronto · 2 years
What to Expect When Moving to Mississauga
The Greater Toronto Area is incredibly popular and draws people from all over the world. One of the most popular places for people to settle is Mississauga. For new residents, especially those who haven’t spent much time in the area, you may be wondering what to expect when moving to Mississauga. Let’s take a look at the ins and outs of this community.
Mississauga has a population of over 720,000, making it the sixth most populous area in Canada and third most populous in Ontario. Located a short drive from downtown Toronto, Mississauga is a thriving suburb located on the lake.
It is also home to an extensive business presence. As the home of Toronto’s international airport, it is no surprise that Mississauga houses Honeywell Aerospace and Magellan Aerospace. However, it also is home to more than 60 Canadian offices for Fortune 500 companies including Walmart and Hewlett Packard.
Housing Market
Everyone knows about the expensive housing market in Toronto. Mississauga’s housing market is also quite popular; however, you’ll find much more affordable prices in this city. The median home price is currently $1,490,000, which represents a 27% increase over the prior year. If you would prefer to opt for a condo instead, you’ll pay a median of $595,000, which has increased 18% over the prior year.
If you are looking to rent, you’ll find the average one-bedroom apartment to be $1,800, which has stayed relatively stable over the prior year. While this may seem steep, it is 13% cheaper than living in Toronto. There are also areas where you’ll find cheaper options depending upon your flexibility with location.
For families with children, an important consideration is schools. While the typical notion is that the more expensive areas have the better schools, this is not necessarily true in Mississauga. In fact, there are areas in Mississauga at virtually every price point that have very good schools, making it a great place to live with a family.
Culture & Recreation
Mississauga is very popular for young professionals and young families. One of the reasons for this is because the city has many things to do. The city is filled with green spaces with one of the most preeminent ones being Celebration Square. This area if ground zero for a variety of community events.
Meanwhile, Mississauga is great for the nature lover. One of the most popular areas is Rattray Marsh Conservation Area, which is home to gorgeous scenic waterfront trails. This area is popular for bird watching and hosts local farmer’s markets.
The city is also rich in museums, sporting facilities, and other attractions. You can find many shopping areas from trendy small businesses to large shopping centres. The area also has a wide array of restaurants from upscale to dive bars. Here, you’ll find cuisine from around the world as well including restaurants featuring food from China, Malaysia, Trinidad, and many other places.
For the arts lover, the Mississauga Arts Council is definitely worth checking out. They sponsor a wide variety of events throughout the year including the annual MARTY awards that celebrates local artists. The city also hosts many annual festivals including a Canada Day Celebration, Tree Lighting Ceremony, Rotary Ribfest, and an annual festival of cultures that occurs in May.
Things to Do
In addition to festivals and other fun, there are many interesting sights to see when you move to Mississauga. Here are some of our favourites.
Art Gallery of Mississauga. This museum first opened in 1987 and features four major gallery areas. In addition to a permanent collection of roughly 500 works, it features rotating displays that tend to highlight regional artists. Additionally, the museum hosts many events such as workshops and children’s art classes.
Playdium. If you enjoy arcade games, you’ll love Playdium. With over 12,000 square meters of games and rides, there is something for the whole family. A visit to this attraction can include playing modern and classic arcade games, miniature golf, batting cages, or racing on one of Canada’s largest go kart tracks.
Alpine Indoor Ski. Why wait for winter to hit the slopes when you can ski anytime at Canada’s only indoor ski center. This is a great and affordable place to learn to ski or snowboard and is also perfect for those wanting to get in some off-season practice.
Wahoosh Falls. If you are a nature lover, be sure to head to the ravine behind the University of Toronto’s Mississauga campus. Here you’ll find a nice place for a stroll that leads to the waterfalls. While not massive, they present a relaxing place to be surrounded by nature. The falls empty into the Credit River, which is popular for canoeing.
Lakeview Village Complex. Art lovers will enjoy a visit to Lakeview Village where you’ll find the walls covered in various murals. Artscape Atelier works to organize these exhibits which focus on local heritage and building community. It is definitely a colourful place to visit.
Final Thoughts
While you may be wondering what to expect when moving to Mississauga, you can rest assured that you will find a vibrant, welcoming community with plenty to do. There are plenty of reasons why Mississauga is a popular place. Join the many others who have decided to call this community their home. Whether you prefer to explore Streetsville, Port Credit, or anywhere in between, you’ll be happy you decided to move to Mississauga.
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trusttank · 2 years
Bald archy exhibition
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#Bald archy exhibition professional
Swanpool & District Memorial Hall was resplendent, transformed into a gallery to exhibit the 45 irreverent portraits of well-known Australians. The exhibition will run from 9 March - 8 April, is open week days from 9am- 5pm and weekends from 10am - 4pm at the ABC's Ultimo Centre, 700 Harris Street, Ultimo. Over 100 people celebrated the launch of the 2016 Swanpool Bald Archy exhibition recently, while raising funds for Benalla’s Tomorrow Today Foundation.
#Bald archy exhibition professional
This year entries include daring and bold portraits of Australian characters such as Bill Henson, Julia Gillard, Andrew Denton, Morris Iemma, Nicole Kidman and many more painted by amateur and professional artists.īald Archy founder, Peter Batey OAM describes the exhibition as "Irreverent, irrepressible, hilarious, satirical - the exhibition the man-in-the-street loves (and the arts snobs hate) - and the only exhibition in the world judged by a sulphur-crested cockatoo name Maude!" The Bald Archy Prize is known for attracting often controversial and humorous entries from around the country. In 2008, his satirical portrait of the Danish royal family in their underwear won the competition. James Brennan was thrilled to win for the second year in a row. The winning entry, and the other 46 finalists are on exhibition in the ABC Ultimo foyer. His portrait of racing identity Bart Cummings, called Old Owl Eyes Is backwas judged the winner of this year's competition.ħ02 ABC Sydney is hosting the 16th annual Bald Archy Prize exhibition, which opened today. After a 20 year absence, Australias most popular comic portrait competition, Bald Archy Exhibition is returning to Melbourne. In the words of National Wool Museum Director, Padraic Fisher, “Self-reflection and social commentary through satire and humour… What could be more Australian?,” so as he suggests, “Go see that ‘other prize’, then meander down towards the waterfront to our bluestone jewel box for a slice of Aussie larrikinism.Maitland based artist James Brennan has won the Bald Archy prize two years in a row. Titled An Evening of Absurdity in Portraiture, the special event will take place at the National Wool Museum on 25 October, where attendees will be able to create their very own comedic portrait. It will feature 45 finalists, including that of politicians, athletes, entertainers and media representatives, just to name a few, who will be announced by The national Wool Museum and co-presenter, Rotary Club of Geelong, in conjunction with the event’s Founder/Director, Peter Batey OAM.Īs part of the exhibition, The Bald Archy Prize finalist and local Geelong artist, Kristen Wiadrowski, will also demonstrate the process involved in crafting an entry to The Bald Archy Prize. And speaking of firsts, the Geelong installation will also mark the first time The Bald Archy Prize and the Archibald Prize will be on display in the same city at the same time. The competition – a spoof of the more serious Archibald prize – is now in its 24th year and is coming to Geelong for the first time ever, featuring at The National Wool Museum from 14 October to 11 November. And, we are told that it is the only competition in the world to be judged by a sulphur-crested cockatoo named Maude. The Bald Archy Prize brings the two together – art and laughs – for what is Australia’s most popular and eccentric art competition for comic and satiric portraits. After a 20 year absence, Australia's most popular comic portrait competition, Bald Archy Exhibition is returning to Melbourne. If you’re a fan of art, as well as a fan of a laugh, The Bald Archy Prize is likely to tickle your fancy.
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lancastervisualart · 2 years
Just trying to get level ...
Just trying to get level …
The saying goes ‘the devil is in the details’ … nothing truer than in the last bitty things that go into making an exhibition happen. We got there, though! peeling … nothing more than peeling … My thanks to the Rotary Arts Centre for hosting this work and for treating me so well … more on that very soon when I catch up on a little rest …
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itcars · 3 years
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Rolls-Royce Phantom Oribe: A Bespoke Hermès Collaboration
Rolls-Royce has co-created a Bespoke Phantom in collaboration with Hermès. Designed and handcrafted by a combined team of Bespoke specialists at the Home of Rolls-Royce at Goodwood, West Sussex, and Hermès in Paris, Phantom Oribe reflects the personality and passions of its owner, Japanese entrepreneur Yusaku Maezawa. The client envisioned the car as a 'land jet', bringing the serene exclusivity of private air travel to the road.
The car's striking two-tone exterior matches the characteristic green and cream glazes of antique Japanese Oribe ware, of which Maezawa-san is a prominent collector. The upper part is finished in Oribe Green, a fully Bespoke color created exclusively for the client; in an unusual move, Rolls-Royce has made the paint available for use on the client’s private jet the Phantom will be paired with. Developed over many months by specialists in the Surface Finish Centre at Goodwood, it perfectly captures the lustrous, deep-green glaze that characterizes these 16th century ceramics. The effect is beautifully completed by the cream-white lower section.
The Oribe ware-inspired colorway harmoniously continues through the interior, created and realized through a true meeting of minds between Hermès designers and craftspeople in Paris, and the Rolls-Royce Bespoke Collective of designers, engineers and craftspeople at Goodwood in West Sussex. Together, they applied their shared expertise and ingenuity to ensure every individual component embodies the finest traditions of both houses.
The interior is finished predominantly in Hermès Enea Green leather, extending to details that include the immediate touch-points of the client; for example, the steering wheel, duchess handles, gear selector and the rotary controls for the motor car’s climate settings.
The Hermès leather flows around the upper instrument panel, interior pillars and parcel shelf. It also enrobes less visible surfaces including the glove compartment and luggage compartment lining, center console, decanter stowage compartment and Champagne cooler. In a sign of the project's truly collaborative nature, and the two makers' mutual esteem, the glove compartment lid is embossed with the signature Habillé par Hermès Paris.
Delicate Hermès piping adorns the headrest cushions and calf supports of the rear seats, while soft Seashell White accents and matching lambswool floor mats create a sense of light and space throughout.
The interior is also replete with examples of Rolls-Royce Bespoke design and handcraftsmanship. Wooden speaker frets, for example, are formed by meticulously perforating the Open Pore Royal Walnut veneer applied to the doors, creating a seamless, textured aesthetic and delicate haptics. Open Pore Royal Walnut is additionally applied to the center and rear consoles and picnic table backs; in another first for Rolls-Royce, the interior features Hermès ‘Toile H’ canvas on the door armrests, center and rear consoles and, most notably, the signature headliner.
Hermès brings its distinctive equestrian heritage and innovative craftsmanship know-how to the car, with the leather upholstery created using stitching and edge-painting techniques originally employed by master saddlers. For Phantom’s Gallery, a feature unique to Rolls-Royce, that runs the length of the motor car’s fascia, Hermès commissioned an artwork based on a design by the celebrated French artist and illustrator Pierre Péron (1905–1988) who created many of the House's iconic scarves. The work, inspired by the famous Hermès horse motif, is hand-painted on Open Pore Royal Walnut and is presented as though staged in an art gallery, behind glass.
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allisoncrowe · 7 years
In league now, Allison Crowe, Céline Sawchuk and Dave Baird unite soon with Sarah White (mandolin, ukulele, bouzouki, vocals) & Keelan Purchase (accordion, 12-string guitar, bodhran, harmonica). "Soulful. Alive. Joyous. Grievous. Real, true, music is what I want to make," says bandleader Allison. And that’s just what happens.
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evabellasworld · 3 years
Storm of the Republic
Chapter 16
AO3 Link | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16
Summary:  When Tup murdered General Tiplar during a battle, Anakin Skywalker and Captain Rex dispatched Ahsoka, Fives, and Yara to solve the mystery that was plaguing the Clone Army. Meanwhile, Senator Padme Amidala contacted Commander Fox, Commander Tori, Riyo Chuchi, and Dipper to help her continue investigating the death of Palpatine, suspecting that Dooku was behind the evil plot. But when Dooku send an ISB agent to stop them, the team had to race against time to search for the truth, which could alter the course of the galaxy.
“How the fuck did they find us?” Odd Eye shouted through her helmet, as she blasted at the battle droids with her twin pistols, along with Mina and Tarot, who were by her side.
“I don’t know,” Mina answered, her eyes fixed on the enemies in front of her. “Our intel was secure. How was it possible that they figured out our location?”
“Maybe they had a spy,” Tarot guessed. “I mean, how else would they know we were here on this part of the island?”
The ARC Trooper made a good point. The 212th and the Coruscant Guard were supposed to be the diversion while they could land peacefully, but the plans seemed to fall through, as usual. Odd Eye wouldn’t be shocked, as this wasn’t the first time for their well-formulated strategy.
They were on their way to the rendezvous point until the droids caught them off-guard. Luckily, both the 666th and 197th Battalions were prepared for battle, otherwise, they would be dead by now. I guess there’s every reason General Almarez-Guttierez is always cautious.
“Hey Raul,” Erina yelled for his name, as she shot a Super Battle Droid by the centre. “Are you doing okay back there?”
“Today is a very interesting day, Eri,” Raul snickered. “We were supposed to get to the rendezvous point of time, but we ended up joining the party.”
“I didn’t really ask how your day is, but thanks for the update anyway,” she rolled her eyes as she blasted another droid from her left.
“You’re very much welcome, dear,” Raul gave a wink, as he punched a B1 unit with his enormous arms.
“I’m being sarcastic, in case you can’t tell.”
“Really? You don’t sound sarcastic at all.”
Erina slapped her forehead. “We have been together for more than a decade, and you still can’t tell whether I’m being sarcastic?”
“Well, you were screaming in this cross-fire that it’s pretty hard to tell,” he shrugged, grinning from ear-to-ear.
“Fair point,” she acknowledged her partner, as they both continued to focus their fire on the Imperials in their surroundings, hoping to end this as soon as possible.
With a droid popper in his hand, clone trooper Nygma of the 197th tossed one towards them, deactivating them. Avoiding the blasts, he crawled on the ground as his comrades were shielding themselves behind the trees.
“We’re almost there,” Mina barked, as she threw a bomb 6 feet apart from her current position. “We can win this one.”
“Yes, commander,” Bouncy replied, before jumping from his hiding spot and fired multiple times with a rotary blaster, screaming with glory. “Eat lasers, you clankers.”
Odd Eye covered her ears as she dashed through the enemies, tackling them with Tarot and Draco. Despite feeling a slight pain in her pack, she continued with her duty and responsibility as a clone trooper.
With the Imperial droid army calling for reinforcement, her head was spinning on the battlefield as one of her best troops, Draco, was shot in the shoulders. “Are you okay?” she asked, kneeling by his side.
“I’m alright, commander,” he bobbed his head. “It’s just a flesh wound, that’s all.”
Her eyes scanned for their medic, Sabrina, who was treating the clone from Mina’s battalion, Brake. Their medic, Rosie, was a civilian who volunteered for the war effort and joined them after the death of Hana on Coruscant. She was currently busy treating another clone, who couldn’t move his leg at all.
This is madness, she whispered underneath her ears, as she crawled on her elbows and knees and spotted General Almarez-Guttierez from afar, who was occupied with another batch of droids with General Gomez. I need to warn them.
“General,” Odd Eye reached them. “We need to retreat right now. We need our troops to take over the city of Mendes and we can’t lose them right now.”
“She’s right,” Raul agreed with her plan, helping her up on her feet. “Our mission on Mendes is more important if we’re going to win against the Empire. What do you say, Eri?”
She let out a small groan, nodding her head. “Alright then, commander. We’ll do what you suggested. Besides, the others are waiting for us at the rendezvous point, anyway.”
“Thank you, General,” said Odd Eye, as she ran back towards her troops, who were still engaged with the opposing side. “Guys, we have to retreat right now. Come on.”
“Right behind you, commander,” Mina saluted, as she got up and gestured to the others to follow them. “Hurry, we have to get out of this hellhole.”
As they turned around and marched together, the Republic remnants’ army avoided getting hit by their blasts, despite not having a lightsaber. ARC Trooper Tarot, who was all the way behind, defended his brothers and sisters along with the other Mina.
“So, did your predictions come true?” she raised her questions towards him. “Was your tarot reading accurate?’
“Yes, it happened,” Tarot admitted. “The Temperance card upright represents patience, and this situation is perfect for our generals and commanders to remain calm, even when the situation is stressful.”
“Well, looks like the commander made a wise decision after all,” she dragged her lips downwards. “It really came true.”
“What can I say? Tarot readings never lie, unless you’re incompetent in the arts.”
“I have a question though,” the other Mina raised her finger. “Will we stay alive after this?”
Before the former could take out his cards from his utility belt, Commander Mina cleared her throat, showing that they need to stay focused on their current goals, which is to stay alive. He couldn’t argue, since she made a good point and also, he doesn’t want to end up like his best friend, Fortune.
“I’ll answer your questions once things have settled down, so be patient.”
Meanwhile, Erina and Raul were holding each other’s hands as they checked on their troops behind them every few seconds, making sure that no one was missing. The medics, Sabrina, and Rosie were carrying their patients on their back, making sure they weren’t left behind.
The injured clone cried in pain as his body was quivering, making Rosie push herself to run faster. “It’s alright, Wren,” she soothed him with a hushed tone. “I know you can make it. Just hang in there, alright?”
“How long till we reached our destination?” Odd Eye asked, looking at Rosie’s struggles with her patient.
“We’re almost there,” Erina informed her, opening her holomap. “Just try to be patient.”
If you say so, the commander forced herself to agree, not wanting to blow up in her face. The sound of droids shooting in their direction was intense for her ears, and it was not a good time to fight with her superior officer. Just like what Tarot said, just be patient and things will go smoothly.
They continued their journey on foot for a while underneath the dark sky. The rain stopped pouring from the sky, leaving the forest floor full of puddles and mud that stained their armour. The surrounding air grew colder, which was a stark contrast to the humidity during the day. Gunfires had waned in the distance, leaving a tranquil surrounding for the soldiers.
But Commander Mina felt her gut was twisting inside. With sweat pouring underneath her helmet, she slowed down her pace, sharpening her eyes on her surroundings. Odd Eye noticed her odd behaviour, prompting her to question her comrade. “Are you alright?”
“I have a feeling something terrible will happen once we reach our rendezvous point.”
Odd Eye hummed to herself as she pondered on her thoughts for a while. She has a point. I feel odd too.
Before she could ask her best men, Tarot, the cavalry had arrived at their destination, only to find Boil, Faven, and Hyewon underneath a tree, their hands tied behind them. Mina recognised them as they were part of the 212th and Coruscant Guards, making her take off her helmet. “Are you guys okay?”
“Where’s your commander?” Odd Eye demanded, looking at a deserted spot. “Why are you guys the only ones here?”
“Well…” Boil dragged his words, when the Imperials revealed themselves with their blasters pointed towards them, leaving their jaws hanging. “We were caught by the Imps.”
“Surrender, Republic dogs,” the droid commander ordered, catching both the 666th and the 197th off-guard.
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Electric Motor Balance – Making Balance Motor
Balancing electric motors is essential for extending electric motors' lives in a wide range of commercial and industrial applications. Unbalanced motors carry the risk of damaging or destroying motor shafts and bearings, causing additional system costs and downtime, impacting operations and production.
Balance adjustment of the electric motor in electric motor balancing is performed by attaching the entire motor to the balance adjustment device. The motor shaft is rotated by an external motor, making sure that the only contribution to the vibration data is the dynamic imbalance of the motor, not the operating noise.
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The balancer of the electric motor is equipped with an accelerometer that detects the vibration of the rotary motor. The ability to balance the electric motor directly allows the motor to be connected to a rotating component operated by the user of the electric motor to measure imbalances across the unit, motor, and component.
This electric motor sales Denver process ensures that the electric motor operator rebalances the components when the unit returns to the application. The electric motor itself often does not need to balance the electric motor.
In many cases, you can more quickly diagnose and correct rotating components connected to a motor by connecting the components to the motor and measuring the imbalance between the accessories connected to the motor and the entire unit. Accurately and reliably, balancing your electric motors eliminates imbalances that cause the assembly to wear faster than normal, allowing you to run your electric motors for years instead of months. ..
If you have an electric motor that is malfunctioning and has poor performance, you will probably need to readjust it. Here at HI-TEK Balancing, our electric motor balancing specialists can quickly and accurately diagnose problems, perform electric motor balancing and get your electric motors to operate at their best performance again.
Motor Balancing is the ability to maintain balance when a rotating machine is moving or repositioning. This is primarily the effect of external forces affecting moving mechanical objects.
Dynamic imbalances occur when the centre of gravity of a rotating object is not aligned according to its centre of rotation. Centrifugal force is generated when rotating parts rotate if the sum of these centrifugal forces is equal to zero.
Benefits of dynamic balance
 Ideally, the equipment should work without vibration. But in reality, all rotating machines vibrate to some extent. However, problems arise when vibration exceeds the permissible threshold. Fortunately, the solution is very simple.
Vibration and noise reduction
A well-balanced engine and turbine reduce vibration and noise.
Longer bearing life
Properly balanced electric motors and turbines reduce vibration, reduce bearing stress and extend service life.
Reduction of operating costs
Well-balanced electric motors and turbines with less vibration, less bearing wear, and reduced downtime and operating costs.
State-of-the-art equipment
Industrial equipment cannot be expected to operate without vibration, but certain types of vibration require immediate attention. We have computerized soft bearing machines that read in any vibration unit, including inch seconds, ounce inches, ounce grams, grams inches, 1/1000 inches, or the metric system. Balance API, Mil-STD, NEMA, EASA, G 0.4, G 1.0, G 2.5, G 6.3, or G 16 ISO tolerance standards. We support dynamic balance in the following areas:
• armour
• Blower
• Coupling
• fan
• pulley
• Pump impeller
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