art-now-italy · 3 years
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And of a beer, I savour the bitterness, Rossano Liberatore
The artwork is inspired by the poem "AFTER SADNESS" (Umberto Saba) This bread tastes of a memory, chewed in this poor tavern where the harbor is most littered and deserted. And I savor the beer’s bitterness, seated, on the way back home, facing the cloud-topped mountains and the lighthouse. My spirit, having vanquished one of its torments, observes with new eyes in the ancient evening a pilot with his pregnant wife, and a ship, its seasoned wood glistening in the sunset, its smokestack, as tall as the two masts, making a childish design that I made myself twenty years ago. Who could have told me then that my life would be so beautiful, with so many sweet concerns, and so much solitary bliss!
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art-now-italy · 3 years
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Vase painting (early sound), Rossano Liberatore
The artwork is shaped by the place it originates from. In southern Italy you feel an early sound: everything, every landscape reveals unforgotten visions and universal objects.
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art-now-italy · 3 years
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interior, Rossano Liberatore
outside the window I can see a sky, as a state of mind
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art-now-italy · 4 years
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STRIP OF SUN, Rossano Liberatore
Strip of Sun comes from nature; the touch of a vernal sunbeam calls greenery to Life. This painting was created 'en plain air' in 2018 spring (April) Striscia di Sole si ispira alla natura, il tocco di una striscia di sole primaverile desta la vegetazione in un fiorire che richiama alla Vita. Questo dipinto è stato realizzato 'en plain air' nella primavera del 2018
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art-now-italy · 3 years
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N033, Rossano Liberatore
structure - iron oxides. Detail around around the streets of southern Italy
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art-now-italy · 4 years
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In the hanging garden (no one sleeps), Rossano Liberatore
The artwork tells about of a human condition on hold, like a hanging garden at night. Best enjoyed when listening to The Cure
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art-now-italy · 4 years
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Sunday morning, Rossano Liberatore
The artwork is inspired by the deserted surroundings of a sunday morning. Best enjoyed when listening to Velvet underground.
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art-now-italy · 5 years
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NOTTURNO, Rossano Liberatore
The artwork is inspired by a night fishing in October where sea and sky were silent and flat
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art-now-italy · 5 years
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N02 (June), Rossano Liberatore
a wall a sky a roof seen going around in the mounth of June
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art-now-italy · 6 years
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SALTWATER, Rossano Liberatore
Saltwater is of a set called 'work in progress' (including, Seawards, On the bow, Construction and Under Construction). It is inspired by typical operation and atnosphere within a harbour area: cables, hints of sea, dazzling and intense lights. The painting's style generates from the intent to walk the border between abstraction and visual art.
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art-now-italy · 3 years
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WAKE UP (coffee), Rossano Liberatore
when waking up in the morning we just need the essential: a peaceful, silence and a black coffee.
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art-now-italy · 3 years
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City (traffic lights), Rossano Liberatore
Signs on the road, geometries going around or going back home
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art-now-italy · 3 years
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N01, Rossano Liberatore
by a door an almost mysterious light. human traces going around
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art-now-italy · 4 years
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TIDAL WAVE (K.H.Hommage), Rossano Liberatore
Tidal Wave (ondanomala) -homage to Hokusai- Tidal Wave (Waves series) is a abstract work that draws inspiration from natural phenomena, the graphic art is somehow carried over by the great, imminent wave, but it can also be seen as part of the wave itself. Ondanomala è un’opera di matrice astratta che trae ispirazione da fenomeni naturali, gli elementi grafici sono come trasportati dalla grande onda che incombe, ma possono essere letti anche come parte dell’onda stessa configurando un riferimento al grande Maestro giapponese Hokusai
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art-now-italy · 4 years
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LEVANTER, Rossano Liberatore
Levanter is named after East, the cardinal point it blows from. During middle seasons and summer, east winds may seep fresh air in at a height. And when that happens, weather gets variable. Il levante prende il nome dal punto cardinale da dove spira, est. Durante le stagioni intermedie e in estate, le correnti da est possono arrivare come infiltrazioni di aria fresca in quota. Quando ciò si verifica il tempo diventa instabile.
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art-now-italy · 4 years
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N026, Rossano Liberatore
external curtain
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